May 9, 2019 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday, May 9, 2019 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page B-17
eaRaea/ lpwaHTeD eLPWa TED aesT.
YA~ SAL~S F,~nn ~ Maintenance Company, 4/25-5/16) " Red./White fur, btue.eyes~
M-ainienance W0rk-e~' LAKE C,U~~3ext 12. (L MISSING SIBERIAN HuskY,
HOOD CANAL Kiwanis Group Yoga Retreat 4:00 Operator for a large Homeowner's Association -.~ Agate area; aroune ann
Plant & Yard Sale, located at pm, Friday May 31 to water system (1,900 + Golf Course and Water ~[~{~ ~ ~ between Agate Store and
Union City Masonic Temple, Sunday, June 2nd 1:00 pm, service connections) &Utility, is seeking 2 part- Timberlakes area. Went
19331 N. US Hwy. 101 - at the Shelton Yacht Club Homeowner's Association time Grounds/Facilities --- --------- missing evening of April
across the street from the (accommodation available in Hoodsport, Washington. Maintenance Technicians, ^,- 30th. Reason to think that
Lucky Dog. Friday May 10, for out-of-town participants). Water system and general responsible for assisting the ~,n~no~ IV~.~/-~L someone may. have him and
9am-6pm, Saturday, May This year the retreat is Public Works maintenance Recreational Operations ~'.'~i;~2 h ~;=~'u~'~'~3 plan on Keeping .nlm as me
11,9am-4pm. Food, Raffles. called, "Eat, Move and be experience required. Manaoer in the daily ~,- -u, ,~,=--u, .v,-t -, mBsmg" s~gns nave oeen
(H4/26-5/9) Healthy" and it promisesto Waterworks Operatormaintenance andoperation~s sew~ce equlpmen~,repa~, taken.down; PLEASE,help,
be informative and a lot of WDM1 required and Class of~, If the Lake Cushman rerr"~"'u'"gerat on':' ,~,-,U,~bU ZZU. 401US get5556our~Loog5/31nome!~ t;JbU)
fun! Fee $200. Please visit A CDL preferred. Medical/ ~o bourse ane ~arKs, .- - t )
z] ~ Llcenseo oonaea,
Ahead Sale is Friday, for moreDental plan and Simple IRA ncud ng grounds, fac t es . " ' '-'mr':q LOST IT9 Found ff9 Call
n" L'M"' i " " insurea.~-~/-x, r'
May 17th & Saturday May, information and to sign up. available. Must complete a o. u ~bs. prv,ate wa[~ Frvmastercertified NW (360)426-4412foran
18th from 8 am to 4 pm @ (B 4/25-5/30) background check, driving system vosmon une ~s ]b",',
affordable IBtm here D~d
SE 201 Harmony Lane, - ' - Ductless 'Master Installer,' g .
Shelton, W,A. Interior & ~ abstract review and nours per WK for me'~o~ '
,-. ,: = -r, : ', WA Contractor L~censeyou know the Journal will
drug test. Salary DOE vu,o~. ,-vo y % ~,u ARCHMMI902MN, www run found pet listings for
decor from "The Bend" on well-informed Mason County Applications available at the per WK. for. varKs; archmechanical com ~'A tfn~ free? It's true{ (J tfn)
Hood Canal. Hand and . residents read the Journal, Lake Cushman Maintenance ~om are seasonal, ~prH,
power tools, gun cleaning because knowledge is Company, 3740 N. Lake through Sept/Oct. $12 to ~ ~,~ ~@#
supplies, McCulloch gas power, especially when it Cushman Road, Hoodsport, $14 hr. DOE. Employment ~.~~ ~.~.E.
generator - model FG 6,000 comes to the best local news
ink, Bowflex, compressor, - including health news. Live WA 98548, on our website Requirements: Any :~=~::::~=;~; combination of education
wedding&catering supplies, longer, Subscribe today! or via email at jMcgrady@ and experience, equivalent PROBLEM TREES? IS THE care of an elder
antique "pink" glass, Jim Senior discounts for 55+ too.
Beam bottles, and lots more Call (360) 426-4412. (J tfn) Or to having obtained a high Free estimates! Loclqincl loved one leaving you
call 360-877-5233 ext 12. (L school diploma or GED & Excavation. Con~J'ned frazzled and keeping you
items (B5/9-5/16) ~o 5/2-5/9) and two to three years Of spaces to lar e parcels up at nightg Does the health
g . .
related, work experience. Site prep. Demolition.Land care system and finding
~ L ~ ~ Experenced n use of clearincl stump qrindinq solutions overwhelm you?
Tools, furniture, you name minimum 3 years'general landscaping Stump & brush hauling Dont know where to start.
it, we've got it. Everything experience, pay depending tools and equipment Cash or percentage. Alpine Way can help you
must go! Friday, May 10th
& Saturday, May 11th from RECORDS SPECIALIST on experience. Call 360- Valid WashingtonState Log documentation, sort out your options and
9am-4pm @ 1741 Lake - Mason County Sheriff's 229-1874 (M tfn) Driver's license. Must Licensed Bonded Insured: walk you through a solution
Blvd, Shelton, WA. (W 5/9) Office $3,849 - $4,176./ ~ successfully complete a JIMTOTT907MT.TobinBros. that fits your situation. No
mo. For complete job seeking a Maintenance drug test and background We love small lots! Call us hard sells, only answers to
announcement and Technician for its Shelton check. To request an today! 360-239-0510. (Ttfn) hard questions. CalITrudyor
with signs and price tag applicationinstructions, Campus. Part Time 32 application, contact Julie Cyndy at (360) 426-2600. A
labels with your ad here! please visit www.Co.mason, hours/week $32,726A. McGrady at jmcgrady@ (8/3-tfn)
Garage sale ads that give wa.usor Mason CountyCiql annually + Benefits! Please Or
lots of-details, including the. Service at 423 North 5th visit:https://www.schooljobs.
address, days and times Street, Shelton, WA 98584. com/careers/olympic (O 5/2-
of the sale do best. List Open until 5/28/2019. (M 5/9)
all your major items and 5/9-5/16
roadways or landmarks. LA B O R E R- WA T E R : Maintenance Company is
Plan ahead and run y0i3~ad ~ ~ PUblc~;~Utility Seeking part time/seasonal
for 2 weeks instead of one Dstrct Seasonal Laborer Security Officers. There are
to get even better results. Pay $12.74 - $16.73 DOE three positions available.
Call (360)426-4412 to place May - September Fill out 16 to 32 hrs/wk, including
your ad 8am-5pm Monday- an application at www.weekends and holidays. $12
Friday, visit the Journal office (360) 357- hr. Valid Washingt0n driver's
at 227 W. Cota St Shelton 8783 (P 5/9-5/16) license, atleast25yrs.ofage.
(at corner of 3rd St. 1 block H O US E K E E PE R S Must complete background
check and drug test. Contact
S. of Treasures Thrift Store WANTED: Thursdays and Julie McGrady jmcgrady@
on Railroad Ave.), or ema Fridays. Must be 16 years
classifieds@masoncounty, and older, have reliable or
com. Deadline is Monday by transportation, be able 360-877-5233 ext.12, for
5pm. (J tfn) to lift items necessary application. You may also
REMEMBER, TAKE Down for housekeeping. NO pick up .an application at
your garage sale signs after experience necessary, our office: Lake Cushman
your sale. Your neighbors $12.00 per hour. This is a Maintenance Company,
3740 N Lake Cushman
will thank you! (J tfn) great summer lob with a Road, Hoodsport, WA
friendly staff. Please apply 98548 Or call 360-877-5233
~~ ~ Monday-Thursday and
Saturday 9 am-5 pm / 6520 ext 12. (L 4/28-5/16)
~~SS East State Route 106 Union EFI IS now hiring entry level
(360) 898-3123 (S 5/9-5/30) in-home ' is
THIRD ANNLJAL South Maintenance Company more details please cal1360-
426-0077 (E 4/25-5/16)
Sound Yoga and .Wellness (LCMC) is looking for a
SheltonDivisiort ]
We are an (rOE) Equal Opportunity Employer, including
those with a disability and veterans.
If you are responsible, eager to learn, interested in a challenge and ready to
work then we invite you to GROIII/Itl/ITH US.
great opportunities for advancement including production, equipment
maintenance, and leadership. Must be at least 18 with one year recent,
verifiable work history. Tobacco and drug-free work environment. Excellent
benefit package including paid vacation, retirement contributions, and low
cost health benefits.
Sierra Pacific Industries
421 S, Front Street
Shelton, WA 98584
M0nday-Friday, 9AM-4PM
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