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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 9, 2019     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 9, 2019
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page B-20 : Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 9, 2019 1 l ~.;s ~ RETREATS ROOF HG SERV CB o- THIRD ANNUAL South License: ASCENRC896MA. machinist. Repairs, Group Yoga Retreat 4:00Call your freeMonday-Saturday, 9am- pm; Friday May 31 to estimate. (360) 868-2730 or 6pm. Shelton, WA. (360) Sunday, June 2nd 1:00 pm, Fax: (360) 868-2625. 1800 481-0767. (B tfn) at the Shelton Yacht Club Olympic HwyS, Shelton WA (accommodation available 98584 (A fin) ZJ LANDSCAPING, Construction& Tree for out~of-town participant@. Service LLC, Resideritial, This year the retreat is -.~.V~.E~ commercial, free estimates. called, "Eat, Move and be Brush cleaning, edging, Healthy" and it promises to thatching, hauling, lawn be informative and a lot of QUALITY AUTO Detailing mowing, drainage, fun! Fee $200. Please visit is back in Shelton! Call for weeding, brick laying, for more details. The Finish Line moss removal, painting, information and to sign up Auto Detail (360) 868-7071. bank clearing, gutters, (B 4/25-5/30) (F4/25-5/30) roof clearing, . pressure ~@~,~ ~ ~ washing, floor cleaning, concrete pouring, irrigation, Free estimates! Loggingconstruction, siding, ~'~ & Excavation. Confined rock and retalning walls, FIKE'S ROOFING & spaces to large parcels,remodeling, excavating. Site prep. Demolition. Land Licensed, bonded, insured. Construction. Call us at clearing. Stump grinding. General contractor 360-490-0013 for a free estimate. or find us on Facebook! FIKESRC863LK (F tfn) YOUR NEW roof for as low as $50 per month O.A.C The Roof Doctor, "We make house calls." (360) 427- 8611 1131 W. Kamilche Lane, just off Highway 101. ROOFDI*168N8 (R tfn) Stump & brush hauling. Cash or percentage. Log documentation. Licensed Bonded Insured: JIMTOTT907MT.Tobin Bros. We love small lots! Call us today! (360) 239-0510. (T tfn) . SAFE STRIDE LLC Surface & Floor Maintenance, Nicholas Stone, (360) 292- ASCEND ROOFING 2939 Licensed, Bonded & Company LLC. ResidentialInsured (Stfn) and Commercial FLORE'SLANDSCAPING & #ZJLADLK848DC Find us on Facebook and Google +. Free estimates, call or text, references .available. Zacharias (360) 463-4834. zj.yardmaintenance@gmail. com (Z tfn) SEWinG SEWING ALTERATIONS - Sewing needs? Just ask me! "Sew Now Studio", we THE JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION SPECIAL[ 20 Weeks Delivered for only S 1 HURRY[ Offer ends soon! [ ] SIGN ME UP! My check is enclosed! [ ] GETME STARTED! But bill me later . roofing specialis~ New Tree Services LLC, General help you make it your L;onstructlor] I-re-l-toots Contractor. Commercial and own. 321 South First Street, e, ,~ and Repairs. L;ontractor Residential 360-481-6787. Downtown Shelton Tues-Fri," | Licensed, Bonded & Insured 11-5 Sat. 12-3. Text or call: iI I~l,m | i - ~ (F (360) 790.3976 (Stfn) : !~um~" ~- I , I:~00=-- | | ICily: Zip. I PUBLIC NOTICE the Board of Trustees of Gabriel, a Washington REAL PROPERTY Case No.: 16 2 549 1 -IN 17, 2019 Place: Main Entrance of Mason County SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION irrevocable trust, Defendants. The State of Wash- THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF Courthouse, 419 N Fourth Street The judgment No. 19-2-00178-23 mgton to the said Defendants: You are hereby WASHINGTON FORTHE COUNTYOF MASON debtor can avoidthe sale by paying the judgment IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE.STATE summoned to appear within sixty days after the KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, its suc- amount of $113,606.93, together with interest, OF WASHiNGTON.IN AND FOR THE COUNTY date of the first publication of this summons, to cessors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff, vs. costs, and fees, before the sale date. For the OF MASON ROBERT MICHAEL SCHULTZ, a wit, within sixty days after the 4th day of April, TERESA A. ROCHE, AS PERSONAL REPRE- exact amount, contact the sheriff at the address married man, and Robert Michael Schultz as Per- 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the SENTATIVE FOR THE ESTATE OF GEORGE stated below: SHERIFF CASEY SALISBURY sonal Representative of the ESTATE OF GER- above entitled court, and answer the complaint W. WOODHEAD; DANIEL T. WOODHEAD; MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By:Angel Ev- TRUDE E. SCHULTZ, Plaintiffs, vs. CHURCH OF of the Plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer BEARD'S COVE COMMUNITY ORGANIZA- ans, Authorized Deputy PC Box 1037, Shelton, THE BODY OF CHRIST, a Washington private upon the undersigned attorneys for Plaintiffs at TION; STATE OF WASHINGTON:OCCUPANTS Washington 98584 (360)427=9670 nonoperating non-distributing foundation, also in their office below stated; and in case of your fail- OF THE PREMISES Defendant. TO: THE ES- 1904 April 18, 25, May 2, 9 4t its capacity as First Trustee of BlueSky, aWash- ure to so to do, judgment wil/ be rendered against TATE OF GEORGE W WOODHEAD; DANIEL ington irrevocable trust, and in its capacity as you according to the demand of the complaint, T WOODHEAD-IN REM The Superior Court of PUBLIC NOTICE First Trustee of Gabriel, a Washington irrevocable which has been filed with the clerk of said court. Mason County has directed the undersigned NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING trust; K. ELDON ANDERSON, individually, and in The object of the action is to quiet title certain Sheriff of Mason County to sell the property de- In the regular meeting of the North Mason his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Trust- real property in Mason County, Washington as scribed below to satisfy a judgment in the above- School District Board of Directors at 6:30 p.m. on ees of Church of the Body of Christ, also in his described in Plaintiffs' complaint. DATED this entitled action. If developed, the property ad- May 16, 2019 in the School District Office Board- capacity as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of 28th day of March, 2019. HENDERSON LAW dress is: LOT TWENTY-SEVEN (27) BEARD'S room, the Board will recess to a public hearing to Blue Sky, a Washington irrevocable trust, and in GROUP. PLLC By:/s/Stephen J. Henderson Ste- COVE NO. 5 VOLUME 8 OF PLATS PAGES consider adopting a resolution for the transporta- his capaci;ty as Chairman of the Board of Trust- phen J. Henderson, WSBA #5998 Simon Stock- 113 TO 116 BOTH INCLUSIVE RECORDS OF tion vehicle fund budget extension for the 2018- ees of Gabriel, a Washington irrevocable trust; er, WSBA # 28748 Attorneys for Plaintiffs MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON. PARCEL 2019 fiscal year. Members of the public are invit- - and FREDDIE I. ANDERSON, individually, and in 1865 April 4, 11, 18; 25, May 2, 9 61 NO: 12330-52-00027 COMMONLY KNOWN AS:. ed to speak for or against the budget extension. her capacity as Vice Chairman of the Board of 200 NE SCHOONER LP, BELFAIR WA 98528 1946 May 9, 16 2t Trustees of Blue Sky, a Washington irrevocable PUBLIC NOTICE The sale of the above-described property is to trust, and in her capacity as Vice Chairmari of SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OFtake place: Time: 10:00 am Date: Friday, May +