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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 9, 2024     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 9, 2024
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ESTATE SALES SATURDAY MARCH 11TH only 9:00 4:00 pm. @ 1828 Adams St. Sewing and crocheting supplies; Bernina and Singer sewing machines with cabinets; sewing patterns; books— crocheting, history, cook- books; furniture; house— wares; miscellaneous. Cash only. No large bills. (A 5/9) EVENTS ALDERBROOK GOLF & Yacht Club Spring Gift Fair Saturday, May 11th, 10:00 am. 3:00 pm, 330 E. Country Club Drive E. Union, WA (A 5/9) MATLOCK GRANGE Events, AA meetings every Thursday 7:00 pm. Call Matt 425—681—1004. For Hall Rental call Bernie 206- 240-7532. Check our Call the Experts ad for extra events. 61 W. Beeville Rd. Matlock, Wa. (tfn) FOR RENT ROOM FOR rent, $600/mo. Includes all utilities. Non Smoking room, must have car and job and can have one small pet. Call (360) 229—2893 for more details. (T 5/9—5/16) RV RENTAL sites at Rest- A—While RV Park monthly rentals now! Stunning wa- terfront parkside RV sites.‘ $700 up w/ Full Hook—ups including power, Wi-Fi, gar— bage, recycling & showers/ laundry too. If your RV year under 2010, we'll need pho- tos. Come stay play with us! Look forward to hearing from you! Kindly call 360— 877—9474. (R 5/2-5/23) DOWNTOWN MINI Storage available units from $40 — $125 monthly. Safe and se- cure. 122 8. 3rd St, Shelton (360) 426-6061 (B tfn) FOR SALE MOTORIZED SKOOTER vehicle (brand new) still in box $500. OBO Questions, call. (360) 898-0121 or (360) 229-6452. (A 5/9) I bIIELTON VMASDN COUNTY I PHOTO LOGO Classi— fied Special: $15 extra for a photo or logo above your ad when you buy 4 weeks. Call (360) 426—441 2 today to get your ad noticed by thou— sands of readers! Deadline: 5:00 pm. Monday. (J tfn) FREE ADOPT—A-PET Plant sale at the Our Community Credit Union parking lot, Saturday May 11th from 9:00 am. to 3:00 pm. Come support our non—profit organization. (A 5/9) KITTENS & MORE...we have cats of all ages and color combinations. We desperately need to find homes for them. The shel— ters are full...they are men— Ioving, socialized and need good homes! 360—898—01 21 or 360-229—6452. (A 5/9) FREE PUPPIES; 1 male, 2 females, mixed breed, 6 months old — males will be 60—65 lbs full grown, females are smaller. For photo’s see home—home. org — search 98584. (360) 427—0977. (w 5/9) GARAGE SALES ESTATE SALE. This Sat— urday ONLY 9-4 1828 Ad— ams. Sewing and crochet— ing supplies; Bernina and Singer sewing machines with cabinets; sewing pat- terns; books— Crocheting, history, cookbooks; furni- ture; housewares; miscella— neous. Cash only. No large bills. (A 5/9) ALDERBROOK GOLF Yacht Club Spring Gift Fair Saturday, May 11th, 10:00 am. 3:00 pm, 330 E. Country Club Drive E. Union, WA (A 5/9) COLLECTABLES, FURNI— TURE, toys, washer & dryer, lots of misc. Saturday 11th Sunday 12th from 8:00 am. to 5:00 pm. @ 21 E. Majesty’s Ct., Shelton. (L 5/9) YARD SALE: Vendors need— ed for August 3rd Flea Mar— ket on 3rd Street. $25.00 for 10’x10’ space — two city blocks! Questions call (360) 462—1888. Pick up an appli— cation at T’s Cafe Espres— so. (T4/11-5/16) ATTENTION! YARD sales at 700 E. Hiawatha Blvd, last summer raised money for a mission trip to Belize. Come hear about the trip Sat. May 11th at 10:45 am. Sev— enth—Day Adventist Church, 210 W. Shelton Valley Rd. (T 5/2—5/9) KITTEN RESCUE Mother’s Day garage sale, 420 SE State Route 3, Shelton, Sat- urday May 11th — 8:00 to 5:00. (K 5/2-5/9) ADVERTISE YOUR garage sale here. Include location, hours, and highlights. 20 words $15, 35 cents per extra word. Call (360) 426- 4412 or visit www.mason- countycom. (J tfn) HEALTH WELLNESS SHELTON FACIAL Esthet— ics, Dr. Craig Anderson. Cosmetic injections, Chron— ic headache relief, Free con— sultations. SheltonFacial— Estheticscom Call or Text (360) 888—6025 (8 tfn) LANDSCAPING GROWING LANDSCAP— ING for Lawn Maintenance, Brush Clearing, Hauling, Bark, Tree Services, Retain— ing Walls, Roof Gutter Cleaning, Moss Removal, Decks Fences. Domingo (360) 402-9474 (G tfn) ZJ’s LANDSCAPING, Con— struction Tree Service LLC, Residential, commer— cial, free estimates. Brush clearing, edging, thatch— ing, hauling, lawn mowing, drainage, weeding, brick laying, moss removal, paint- ing, firewood, gutters roof cleaning, pressure wash— ing, fencing, snow removal, concrete pouring, sprinkler systems, construction, re- taining walls, land clear— ing, remodeling, excavat— ing. Licensed, bonded, insured. General contrac- tor #ZJLADLK848DC Find us on Fac'ebook and Google+ free estimates, call or text, references avail— able. Zacharias (360) 468— 4834. zj.yardmaintenance@ also, check out website:https://www.zjlser— vicescom/ (Z tfn) LOST FOUND LOST IT? Found it? Call (360) 426—4412 for an at— fordable listing here. Did you know the Journal will run ‘found’ pet listings for free? It's true! (J tfn) MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISE STATEWIDE with a $325 classified listing or $1,600 for a display ad. Call this newspaper at (360) 426—441 2 or WNPA at (860) 344-2938 for details. (W tfn) DONATE YOUR car, truck, boat, RV and more to sup- port our veterans! Sched— ule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877—225— 8568 today! (W tfn) ELIMINATE GU‘ITER clean— ing forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris— blocking gutter protection. Schedule a Free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off En- tire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1 -888-360—1582. (W tfn) STOP OVERPAYING for health insurance! A recent study shows that a major- ity of people struggle to pay for health coverage. Let us show you how much you can save. Call Now for a no—obligation quote: 1-877— 765-1117. You will need to have your zip code to con— Thursday, May 9, 2024 Shelton-Mason County Journal — Page 29 nect to the right provider. (W tfn) PREPARE FOR power out— ages today with a Generac home standby generator. Act now to receive a FREE 7—Year warranty with quali— fying purchase. Call 1—888— 674—7053 today to sched— ule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. (W tfn) MUSIC LIVE CELLO solos make your event special. From Bach to the Beatles. Ideal for weddings, receptions, celebrations of life, holiday parties etc. Reasonable rates, call Dave (360) 490— 4695. (P tfn) ORGANIZATIONS COMMUNITY FISH Fry 3rd Friday from 4 pm. $15/ meal until sold out. Ma- sons, guests: Union City Lodge #27 F. A.M. meets across the street from the Lucky Dog Casino, North of Shelton at 19331 US HWy. 101, on the 2nd Thurs- day of each month. Dinner 6:30, Lodge 7:30. (June, 1st Thursday.) Sojourners wel— come! Email unioncity27@ (U tfn) PET SERVICES PYR HOPE Farm dog day— care, lodging park. Invest in your pets’ health and wellness. Dog daycare, dog lodging, dog park. (360) 482—3225, pyrhopefarm. com, 440 W. Bulb Farm Rd., Shelton (P tfn) SYLVAN PET Lodge has created a low—stress, healthy environment with soft lighting, music, a regu— lar exercise program, and frequent, individualized at— tention. We treat every pet with affection, respect and kindness. Now also offer— ing pet grooming! Call (360) 426-3052. 270 SE Spring Place, Shelton, WA 98584 E-mail: (S tfn) KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Our adoption prices have been lowered. . .Cats and kittens are available to indoor only homes. Website kittenresqnet, contact (360) 427—3167. (K 5/23 tfn) REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE at Lake Cushman. Come explore up to 10 homes for sale! This Saturday, May 11th Sun— day, May 12th, hosted by El— len Holmes. (360) 870-1737. www.e|lenho| Multiple Keller Williams Real Estate agents. Please check online sources for specific times and locations. (A 5/9) ROOFING ASCEND ROOFING Com- pany. Residential and Commercial roofing spe— cialists. New Construction, Re-Roofs and Repairs. Contractor License: AS— CENRC780DP. Financing options available. Call our office for your free estimate. (360) 868—2730 or Fax: (360) 868—2625. 1800 Olympic Hwy S, Shelton WA 98584 (Atfn) FIKES ROOFING Con- struction. Call us at (360) 490—0013 for a free esti— mate. Fikesroofingcom or find us on Facebook! F IKESRC863LK (F tfn) RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RV RENTAL sites at Rest— A-While RV Park monthly rentals now! Stunning wa- terfront parkside RV sites. $700 up w/ Full Hook—ups including power, Wi—Fi, gar— bage, recycling showers/ laundry too. If your RV year under 2010, we’ll need pho— tos. Come stay play with us! Look forward to hearing from you! Kindly call 360— 877-9474. (R 5/2-5/23) SERVICES WHACK-A—MOLE, LLC Hu— mane Mole Removal web— site: whack-a—moIe—llccom 425—466-9885 Keep moles from ruining your yard! (L 5/9—5/30) HANDYMAN FOR Hire — Minimal Wait Time! Fast Turnaround! Reason- able Rates! Call or Text Brian (360)-490-0061 Visit http://wwwHandy— manExpressServices. com for more info. CC # HANDYES772PW. (P 5/9- 5/30) GENERAL CONTRACTOR specializing in exterior res- toration; Siding replace ment, exterior painting. Ex— (360) 463.0911. (C 4/25—5/16) AVEM ELECTRIC, LLC, for all of your electrical needs. Lic #AVEMEEL794D6 Call Jason. (360) 789-9460. (A 2/29 tfn) SOUTH SOUND Appli- ance And don’t forget... We Service What We Sell! Service, Sales, Parts, Instal- lation. 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. #102, Shelton (360) 427— 1202 (s tfn) ALLCOASTRenovationsLLC Concrete and so much more! GC# ALLCOC07830M, Bond# 46-CF806276 lns# C698335231 0 www.A|l—, Travis Pierce, Lead Foreman, 360- 810—1323 travis@allcoast— assifieds concretecom (A tfn) EVERGREEN STATE Roof- ing Lic.#EVERGSR8188G (360) 462-0800, www.esr— Serving Shelton and all of Mason County. (E tfn) ZJ’s LANDSCAPING. Con— struction Tree Service LLC, Residential Commercial, free estimates. Brush clear- ing, edging, thatching, haul— ing, lawn mowing, drainage, weeding, brick laying, moss removal, painting, firewood, gutters roof cleaning, pres— sure washing, fencing, snow removal, concrete pouring, sprinkler systems, construc~ tion, retaining walls, land clearing, remodeling ex— cavating. We’re licensed, bonded, and insured. Gen— eral contractor #ZJLADLK— 848DC Find us on Face— book and Google+ free estimates, call or text, ref— erences available. Contact Zacharias at (360) 463-4834. Or, zj.yardmaintenance@ also, check out website: ‘https://www.zjlser- vicescoml (Z tfn) BRADLEY AIR Company, HVAC, 30+ years experi—. ence. Licensed, bonded and insured. Residential/ commercial. Emergency service 24/7. Heating, ven— tilation, food service equip— ment maintenance and re— pair. (860) 426-1284, info@ bradleyaircompanycom. (B tfn) CHEHALIS SHEET Metal, CSM Heating Cooling, Roofing. “Dedicated to your comfort.“ Serving you for over 55 years! We’re here to stay. Our quality work— manship is second to none! Independent Trane dealer — it’s hard to stop a Trane. Call today for your Free Es— timate: (860) 352—1996 or 855-OLY—HEAT, ' csmheat- ingandcoolingcom #CHE— HASM252MH (C tfn) UNITED LANDSCAPING LLC Rock walls, tree trim— ming, decks fences, gen— eral clean—up, lawn main- tenance, snow removal, hauling: bark gravel. Li— censed #UNITELL827DG, bonded, insured. Email unitedlandscaping2013@, Free estimates (360) 490-7089. (U tfn) WORK WANTED WANTED DEAD or alive! Trees still standing or fallen that are suitable for fire- wood; storm clean—up removal. (406) 309-0638 (R 5/9-30) HANDY—MAN work of all types, carpentry, landscap- ing, clean-up; no job too big, I will get it done! $25 per hr, Reliable. Call Matt (360) 463—0593. (M 5/9-5/30) Ca the ourna today to subscribe! 360 426-4412 or subscribe online at