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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 9, 2024     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 9, 2024
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Thursday, May 9, 2024 — Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33 New Hope Assembly Bay [Jitheran 9f199dcburch 1 Community Church ‘ $9???¥Wti§”fi.§°,§,¥§§fi,, COME To DELIEVE COME TO buonc (360) 275-3390 www.nor? I ' Alyn, WA 98524 Sunday Service 10:00am Welcome Home! Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) Rev. Doug Peterson Rev. Brenda Satrum Join us on Facebook for a livesuohm or all at our “em sewrces. www.mcebook comllulthlurhemmhelton fife Sunday Worship 10:45 am. .5 fl Check out’ou, Streaming Sermon 11:15 am. ‘ Sunday morning Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 pm. sef‘nce °" FaCEbook! Youth Group 6:30 pm. @newhopeshelton 1521 Monroe Street o Shelton - 360.426.6402 27 (360) 426-8611 1212 Connection Street, Shelton wwwfaithsheltonorg -» as. li‘finll'rfilwlgilq ‘ I Che our Website for Update! ‘ 'f u Gethsemane Ana :1}: '3 "TheRock", L ’Sunday Schoolvoufu am. , our'nonpmfit . . (nmidenominational) thrift store. Pastor COO er Jensen Sunday SerVIce — 10:30 am. 360-898-2752 mated“ Sunday Services 8:30 am. a 10:30 am. “J P960” 3”“ 0””“9 at WWfl’m—fime—DMQW 1209 Olympic ‘ at Harvest Foursquare Church COME As YOU ARE! - ALL WELCOME! Hwy. 5. 910 Dearborn Avenue in Shelton DAR ON WA 9858 . WWW SDOW ORG 360-868-2463 360-426-3305 Live Contemporary Worship Meets 7pm Saturda s 0 6pm Sunda 2320 Washington St 0 Shelton .4 ioin us on Saturdays for live :1 Bible study and Worship Service! 423 W.Cota St. Mount Olive Shelton WA 98584 CHuficH (360)42§-3451 Lutheran Church ;, w ‘ a. , _ a? 9:45 11.11:. Group Bible study I A with discussion. ‘4: ” ” ’ "' " . ll:00a.m. WorshipScrvicc BBQ—Contemporary Service—Eucharist lst and 3rd Sundays ‘ A ‘ I” _~.' ‘ L ‘ ll( ' L’Vi’r‘i'_ IFS Lilli lift Sunday Serwces am. loim-B'ble StUdV “me—A" Ages _ y: ‘ ’V Sumrtltiyfllllowing service! ‘_ 11:00—Traditional Service—Eucharist 2nd and 41h Sundays ‘ . . , Visit our website or find us on Facehook Fifth sundayn‘one sen/Ice at 10100—4“) COJnmumon @SllellonVallcyAdrentilehristiuns 7" 210 w. Shelton Valley Rd. 360.426.2776 Latino Service 5 pm. Leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus. : .-. iv". ram any w. ....1. t V , A, -" r r‘Jitli, vi:er saint 631‘: '0‘“ (111,? 1 Rev. Bill Baker-Pastor Other: Email 206 E Wyandotte Ave. Shelton, WA 98584 - An LCMS Cpngregan‘on y Office 360.426.6353 Daycare/Preschool360.427.3165 1 To all the moms, thanks; for all you do? giappyt theresa@masoncounlycom ible Triyia “Honor your father and your mother, that mother, so I really treasure the relationship my 1. [s the of3 Kings (KJV) in the Old or New your days may be long upon the land which the daughter and I have. I made myself into the Testament or neither? Lord your God is giving you.” — Exodus mother I WISH I had had. She is a grown woman now. and her job is a 2. Who said, “Indeed baptized with water, but This Sunday is Mother’s Day! child advocate, so I am very proud of her. She ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost”? We get to celebrate our mothers, and those works to make sure children have healthy Matthew, Mark, John the Baptist, Luke who are like mothers to us! parents. ‘ Did you know it was our President, Woodrow Jesus had a mother. It was Mary! 3. From Leviticus 14, how long was a “clean” ‘ Wilson, who proclaimed Mother‘s day a national There was no Mother’s Day back then. I bet He person required to remain outside his tent? holiday in 1914? honored His mother every day! I bet He enjoyed night, 2 nights, days, days ’lhat was 110 years ago!! helping her, and I bet He never talked back,,or Well, Jesus said honoring our mother was so was disobedient! 4. What town or city was Saul of Tarsus near important He added it asthefifth commandment, Even on the cross, as He was dying, He saw when he converted to Christianity? Damascus, along with honoring our father. His mother standing by His disciple, John, and Assos, Corinth, Gaza How do we honor our mother? He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your Traditions of flowers and cards, making her son!” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your 5. Which apostle’s mother-in-law is referred to in breakfast, and doing all of the housework for her, mother!” And from that hour that disciple took the Bible but not by name? Peter, Judas, James, are popular ways but every family is different. her to his own home. That is in John 19:26 Andrew rlhere is one way that is the best way to honor He thought of her even as He was dying, and our mother. We should honor our mother every wanted to make sure she was taken care of. 6. Jesus says that you have to do what to see day, right? Not just once a year! the kingdom of God? Love one another, Be born Mothers do a lot for us, that we sometimes just So what are your plans this Sunday? again, Do what's right, Tithe take for granted, and forget to say thank you for. Don’t forget to wish your mother a Happy I do not have a mother, and I never had a loving Mother’s Day! Answers on page CALL (360) 426-4412 To LIST YOUR CHURCH