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Sam goes to Boise, Idaho,-
for a couple of days. People do
not go out and look at each
cr’s flowers like that anymore.
People do not go
much anymore either. Espe-
Sunday, May 1, 1950
Today I cleaned the house
and left for Cleora’s before
Sam got out of bed. He was
so tired from the Called
on Alice Duckwiler and found
her not at all well. She must
have a nurse all the so I
stayed but a Then'
to Cleora’s and we had a lovely
lunch together. Saw her flow—
ers and she gave me some fall
anemone. Her house
is so lovely since she has had it
remodeled and she is enjoying
it thoroughly. Left Cleora’s and
went out to Maimee Hanberg’s.
Wrote names of petitioners in
my notebook. We talked of this
and that. Dashed home. Sam
cooked dinner of venison ham—
burger. It was delicious. Cher-
ry pie to go with it and it tast-
ed good. To Philathea Chapter
and was to take Edith Michels
but she got tied up with her
choir so couldn’t go. There
was a good crowd out and this
chapter room was decorated
with May baskets in pink.
There was much talk about
chapter business which went
on and on. I had heard of their
Jangles but this is the first
time I ever sat in on one. It
wasn’t good. But Hazel did real
well. She never lost her nerves
or got excited. So finally, it was
all over, we ate. I am thankful
we had our first meeting over.
Thankful for many things.
Monday, May 2, 1950
Was sleepy so did not get up
very early. To De Leo’s to gar—
den club where they had such
a tiresome meeting amend—
ing by—laws, but a good salad
for lunch after which we went
out on a hike up the canyon
behind Bonnie’s house. Met
Mrs. Yett, the fire chief s wife,
at Bremerton. She seems very
nice. When I got home Sam
was mowing the lawn and
there was so much grass in
some places it had to be raked.
So, I raked about 2 1/2 hours.
Then made dinner and after—
ward went to Starlight Club
with Maimee Gould. There
was a good crowd there and we
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Thursday, May 9, 2024 — Shelton-Mason County Journal Page 39
Mary gets 'broken in as secretary!’
enjoyed Mrs. Douglas, an old
teacher of Ann Rabbie's who
is a button collector and told
us a great deal about those
she brought to show us. They
served a beautiful birthday
cake which they presented
first to Mrs. Douglas so she
could blow out the candles. The
meeting was at Agnes Berg’s
home. The officers of the club
decided not to attend our offi-
cers club. Unless we called for
help on favors or something.
They practiced the Mother’s
Day addenda too.
Tuesday, May 3, 1950
Today Sam was dressed and
ready go to Seattle and Boi-
se, Idaho, before I got up. Was
weary as I never got to bed un-
til 12. After breakfast I went
to the store. Mailed my parcel
to Kurth’s, made some calls
at Mae Housen’s, then home
and finished ironing. As soon
as that was done, I raked the
lawn and now it is all clean of
grass cuttings, but what ajobl
Planted some baby blue eyes
between the steppingstones
under the new arbor and raked
under the bamboo tree so
cleaned up a lot of places. Have
scrapbook up to date. Vacu-
umed rug of grass cuttings so
tomorrow can dust. To Belfair
Chapter and sat in the East
with Alice Pope. All the officers
did very well, and Zeola had
a most wonderful writeup of
the installation for the chapter
records. I feel after watching
Cordelia that she will make a
splendid officer and Alice won’t
need worry about her. The
May baskets on the refresh-
ment table downstairs were so
clever and Addie gave me one
to take home. To bed late.
Wednesday, May 4, 1950
Tried to sleep but gave it
up. Ate a late breakfast. John
The Theler’s second store. Courtesy photo
Stuyts came just as I was
cleaning the refrigerator. He
stayed over an hour. Cleaned
all cabin shelves and I am .
glad that is done. To Gorst
and had my hair recombed. To
Ruth Small’s and made some
calls, then home. It is rain-
ing and cold out. Rec’d a nice
letter from Floyd Gordon. To
Reliance Chapter with Ruth
Small and Mae Housen. They
had a fine Mother’s Day pro-
gram and a splendid initiation.
We enjoyed it all. Although I
still think our choir is by far
the best. Saw many I knew
and talked. Home late and to
bed. Very cold out. A note was
handed me that I’m to meet
the Rainbow Girls at the Tem-
ple at 8:30 Saturday.
Thursday, May 5, 1950
Caught the 8230 boat and
Alice Pope was on it also. So
was Mrs. Miles Howell, who
we never saw until ready to
get off. We all walked uptown
together. To our meeting and
did I get broken in as secre-
tary! They so moved this and
that. Finally, all done about
1:40 so I hurried with my
shopping and caught the 3:30
boat home. Alice Pope and
Cleora both on it. Saw Ha-
zel Kaufman and had quite a I
chat. Then to Cleora’s where I
I I ‘
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picked up monthly by
cleaned up and ate dinner. It
certainly was nice of her to ask
me. Took Maimee Gould to Of-
ficer’s Club and we started at
7:30 and were all through by
9:30. Ate and had so much fun.
No one wanted to go home. We
talked about our last meeting
and made our favors for Moth—
er's Day. They are lovely and
I think it will turn out very
well. Herman will try to get a
date for the ball in March. We
did a lot of laughing. Guess we
all felt good. Hope I can take
Eunice Higgins to Grand Ada’s
reception at Toledo May 20. To
bed late again. Tired.
Friday, May 6, 1950
Today both my alarm
clocks went off although I
was awake. To the Masonic
Temple where I got Patty Hig-
gins, Margaret Dingman and
another girl as my passen-
gers. We ate our lunch in the
rumpus room. A Mr. Dow took
us on a tour of the home. We
called on Mrs. Lambert and
several others. They were all
so glad to see us. We bought
hot pads from one lady. They
have a beautiful dining room
and such a lovely kitchen. A
group of young people from a
Lutheran Academy at Puyal~
lup came and sang hymns. It
was lovely. We all sang with
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them. Home again and ate at
the Towers. Got my mail and
home. Very lovely all day but
so windy. Quiet night.
Saturday, May 7, 1950
Today I slept late and ate
, a leisurely breakfast. Then
I cleaned house, and the
Housens came down to see my
installation gifts. We walked
around and saw the flowers.
After Mae left with some more
material to sew up for me. I
got at my-book work so now
I’m pretty well caught up on
that. Sat out int the sun and
wrote letters and now am all
done. Very nice out. Worked
on my scrapbook so it is up
to date also. Checked my cal-
endars so they all match. To
Betty Fischler’s and had a nice
visit. She is going to type some
cards for me. When I came
home Sam was here. Said he
had a good time, but never
says much about any trip he
takes. To bed early.
I Clydene Hostetler was a
longtime Belfair resident and
historian. She now resides on
a classic wooden boat on the
Columbia River. She has been
researching Mary Theler’s life
for the past 17 years. She can
be emailed at clydcnch53@
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