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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 10, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 10, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday Noon-1 p.m., The Rota- ry Club of Shelton will meet for a regular meeting at St. David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets, Shelton. 6 p.m., Team-EFI for Relay for Life presents an Ice Cream Social and Silent Auction on at 2009 W. Rail- road Ave. A $5 donation helps to cover the ice cream treat. All proceeds to ben- efit the American Cancer Association. 7 p.m., Mountain View Elementary School choir presents "Sing, Sing Into Spring," featuring students from second to fourth grade, at the Shelton Performing Arts Center. at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 W. Cota St., Shelton. Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m., WSU Ma- son County Master Garden- ers and the Rhododendron Society host an annual plant show and garden sale at Kneeland Park, 100 Turner Ave., Shelton. 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Shelton Farmer's Market will take place on Third Street, be- tween Cedar and Franklin streets 1 p.m.-4 p.m., The 24th Annual Pacific Northwest Harmonica Jamboree will take place at Mason Coun- ty Senior Activities Cen- ter, 826, W. Railroad Ave., Shelton. Call 426-7374 for more information. Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m., WSU Ma- Tuesday son County Master Garden- Noon, The League of ers and the Rhododendron Women Voters Mason Society host an annual County will meet at the plant show and garden Johnson Library on Shelton sale at Kneeland Park, 100 Olympic College Campus to Turner Ave., Shelton. discuss the results of two 6 p.m.-9 p.m., Sound study groups. Learning hosts a Spell-e- 4 p.m., The regular bration and silent auction meeting of the Mason County Transportation Au- thority Board is scheduled to be held at Mason Tran- sit's Business Office, 790 E. Johns Prairie Road. 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m., It's Your Community, an open meeting to discuss oppor- tunities for building the community will take place at the fairground's Grange Hall, 751 W. Fairgrounds Road, Shelton. Wednesday 7 p.m., Harstine Island Community Choir pres- ents their annual concert, "Touch of Fire," at United Methodist Church, 1900 King St., Shelton. 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., The Shelton Kiwanis Club hosts a weekly meeting at Xinh's, 221 W. Railroad Ave., Shel- ton. Thursday, May 20 3 p.m., Harstine Island Community Choir pres- ents their annual concert, "Touch of Fire," at Harstine Island Community Hall, 3371 E. Harstine Island Road. N, Shelton. Mason General opens walking trail Mason General Hospi- tal and Family of Clinics (MGH & FC) is paving the way to wellness with a new walking trail around the hospital campus. The trail is completely paved and accessible for wheelchairs, strollers and walkers alike. Open to all residents, hospital visitors, employ- ees, families and friends, it's a way to increase daily exercise for the whole com- munity, organizers said. Employees of MGH & FC recently took part in a contest to name the new trail, the winner of which will be announced at the official ribbon-cutting cer- emony at 9 a.m. on Friday. Following the ceremo- ny is an inaugural walk around the trail, commenc- ing outside the hospital's Wellness Garden. Everyone is invited along with their walk- ers, strollers, wheelchairs or wagons, all decorated if possible. For more in- formation contact Candy Mattson, Wellness Coordi- nator at 427-3432. Childhood development screenings offered The Hood Canal School District is offering childhood development screenings for children preparing to enter kindergarten. Members of the school district can call the school at 877-5463, ext. 112, to make an appointment for a free developmental screening for their children ages birth to 5 years old. This screening can take place anytime during the school year, but May 18 and May 25 have been set aside for the last screening dates this school year. The screening takes about 45 minutes and in- volves interactive games for the child, observation by early-childhood teachers and a developmental for the parents to fill out. Parents will receive infor- mation about their child's developmental level in com- munication, listening skills, large and small muscle skills, learned skills, social interaction and self-help ability. Parents with concerns about their infant, toddler or preschool age child can call preschool teachers, Daph- ne Patterson. and Tammy Singson at 877-5463, ext. 112, to schedule a screening appointment. -: .-_- . - :.-i . - Shelton resident celebrates her looth birthday Louise Paulson of Shel- ton celebrated her 100th birthday on April 28, 2012. She came to Shelton in 1937 from South Dakota. She was one of 15 children who grew up on a ranch, herding sheep. She is a member of St. Edward's Catholic Women where she is in charge of the annual plant sale and fu- neral luncheon. Hburger :SOUp :: aii anIie :hg, drained 3 cps beh Add hebS; :pepper ;:d:mUs0oms.. Add Plant Continued from page B-1 event. "Our low was $300 [one year] and our high was just over $2,000," she said. While many fundraisers at St. David's raise money for a specific program at the church, such as daily free dinners, free showers for the home- less or a winter cold weather shelter. Haskins said this money goes into the church's general fund. "The general fund includes the upkeep and maintenance on the building," she said. "This is one of two fundraisers we have every year that is strictly for the general fund." Without money in the general fund to keep up St. David's two historic buildings, the church would not be able to provide ministries like the dinners and homeless shelter, she said. Haskins is very knowledgable about the church's general fund because she served as the paid administrator for the church for 16 years, starting in 1992. "I've been volunteering since then," she said. "I've had many, many hats over the years." Haskins is also serving as the coordinator for this year's plant sale. In recent years, the plant sale was held in con- junction with the first day of the Shelton Farm- ers Market, which was May 5, but a scheduling conflict set the plant sale back to this Saturday. SKOOKUM CREE K TOBACCO 00't$3.89 W S3.99 = ..... "'°"'°" ::::::::::::::::::::::::: p Pe m i (.o,TT COMPLETE =2:2-=*2 STILL OFFERING FACTORY 2NDS SALE ON TRADITIONS ONLY! Sa/e offered on Traditions Additive-Free and High Air 100s , ¢00alish '.._00eafood I ..................... MONSTER ENERrGY I Come Try Our NEW DAILY Buy one 16 oz. can fo LUNCH SPECIALS "  $24 & get a 2 "d can FIE Sandwich, Chips, & 22 oz. Soda & .tb So.nd's Fresh Local Seafood Pro.dy picked, sb,cked &packed by band AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT KTP STORE LOCATIONS " OPEN LATE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! KTP - Intersection of HWY 101 & 108 • Open 6am daily KTP Express - 3850 Old Olympic HWY j SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By 1 Steamboat - 6233 Steamboat Island Rd. Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury Premature Birth And Low Birth Weglt, • Carton sales orgy, while supplies last ' Mother's ©ag "Breakfast" Brunch . Scrambled Eggs • Eggs Benedict • Bacon • Ham • Sausage • Chilled Fruit Medley ° Home Fries ° Biscuits & Gravy ° Cinnamon Roll French Toast ° Pastry & Dessert Station All your breakfast favorites plus more • Complimentary champagne 10 a.m.-2 p.m. ncludes beverage $10" $69s£££' Dinner Dinner ,..nJ * Salmon (S T I 0 N i ;| i[1 i'_lll ;l:l  II ill I[,ll I  It1 : 3 p.m. til closing / ,.o .................. :7  i She/ton,s femier RESERVATIONS ; ] evezy NOWd OPtN   :/ RECOMMENDED ,,Enterta,nement . ;, Regular Menu Every Thursday In Our Loun3e ___ Featuring John Lucas i{!" Service or Rocky Holbrook/--: plus -- ................................................ • Prime Rib 62 SE LYNCH ROAD " Shelton (Topped with bay shrimp 4€6.801 in a garlic cream sauce) (-. Bar & Grill 1180 E. Picketing Road ® 426.2505 MOTHER'S BRUNCH IBUFFET! 9am.lpm fertng a variety of meats, sea od; ! : salads,&desserts! i !i I R,oyalShangh.oi 427-0560 • 2517 Olympic Hwy. N Free Delivery! • 100% Vegetable Oil, No Peanut Oil • Large Meeting Room Available Open 7 days, 11am-gpm Lounge Open 11:30am to Closing Goldsborough Creek Apartments is accepting wait list applications for seniors ages 62 and better. HUD subsidized, controlled access, garden setting, minutes from downtown shopping. Non-Smoking Property. 23 1-Br. and one 2-Br. 303 S 7th St., (306) 426-3903 Printed in Shelton, WA, USA using US-made ink and US-made newsprint with the highest percentage of recycled content in the industry. Thank you for recyc/ing. Printed With SOY INK $tt[II{N {;IDI. www,sheltoncinemas,com 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 N :ii ,'.:: .... :::: The Avengers Daily 3:45, 6:30pro Additional Shows Fri-Sat 9:20pm Sat-Sun 1:00pm Dark Shadows Daily 4:30, 7:00pm Additional Shows Fri-Sat 9:25pm Sat-Sun 2:00pro Serving all organic, fair trade espresso drinks T 5 miles south of Shelton, Gates open at 8:0Ore, SHOW AT DUSK', 24-hour movie info 426-4707 Fm 5/1 1 • SUN 5113 '-;,  " "N ;1 .... 1 The Five o' /n,nK iN Year ,,' Like A ':  1:g?: @':I . I. Engage- i/i),,:v.-.i :, [,n I gl :,] al [] a ; [s Il:Tm F:Ri',/;t.#, i I@'4i P,l:tTr.-]ri iTi{{i:ii;,'. 7!il) 7i{iii: ::a";: !;iTii! :; :: ;iiiiiiiiaiiiiti Where's The Fun? In Our Dining & Entertainment Listings: To Advertise call 426-4412 Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, May 10, 2012 - Page B-3 ,£";  '4 r