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SheltomMason County Journal
Shelton falls to South Kitsap
Journa 3hoto by Era@ Hanson
helton senior Austin Schirato gets after the ball during the Highclimbers' home game against South Kitsap on
'riday. South Kitsap defeated the Highclimbers, 2-0. Prior to Friday's game, the Highclimbers tied Olympia 0-0 on
Hay 2 and on Monday, Central Kitsap defeated Shelton, 5-0.
S H S boys'
golf bests
egular season over,
Climbers prepare for
The Shelton boys' golf
;earn ended its regular sea-
on with a victory last week.
On May 3, the Highclimb-
.,rs defeated Central Kitsap
L49-139 at Kitsap Country
31ub in Bremerton.
"Central Kitsap is a good
:eam and beating them on
;heir home course was a
rice way to end the regular
eason," SHS head boys' golf
;oach Mark Jensen said.
Alec Martinson led the
.:Iighclimbers with a score of
71 for 36 points.
Prior to the victory over
3entral Kitsap, on May 1 the
:-Iighclimbers played at Fir-
.'rest Golf Course in Fircrest.
kt that match, Bellarmine
mtscored the Climbers 170-
"Bellarmine had good
/ounds so that was a tough
natch," Jensen said.
Martinson again led the
3limbers, this time with a
core of 79 for 28 points.
As of press time, the High-
;limbers had not yet golfed at
;he second day of the 4A Nar-
:ows League Tournament in
Sake Spanaway yesterday.
The team is scheduled to
,olfnext at the Duke Streeter
invitational at noon tomor-
row at the Peninsula Country
31ub in Port Angeles.
See Boys golf on page C-6
Journa photo by Emily Hanson
Catcher Taylor Diggle prepares to throw to first base during the McDonald's team's
home game at Mason County Recreation Area on Saturday.
Undrafted ball players doing well
McDonald's team's home
schedule now over for season
At the start of the Mason
County Youth Baseball Associa-
tion's season, a group of 13 14U
players went undrafted in the
Pony League.
These boys still wanted to
play and when Tim Diggle
agreed to coach the undrafted
players, the team -- sponsored
by McDonald's formed.
"A select team was picked
first and whoever was left came
to my team," Diggle said.
He said the start of the sea-
son was a little rough.
"I had some cruddy attitudes
at the beginning but myself and
the other coaches brought them
around to want to play some
baseball," Diggle said. "That's
the important thing."
Before last weekend's games,
the McDonald's team had a 9-3
Overall record and a 4-1 league
record. Two losses on Saturday
at Mason County Recreation
Area dropped the team to 9-5,
"We did alright on Saturday,"
Diggle said.
The McDonald's team lost
6-4 to the Cubs, a team from the
Tacoma area.
"We loaded the bases three
times and just couldn't score on
them," Diggle said.
In the team's second game on
Saturday, the Vikings from Ta-
coma defeated them 10-2.
"These Vikings could hit the
ball and hit far," Diggle said.
"We got hits but they went-right
to their defense."
Diggle said his team has
been improving every weekend
they hit the field this season.
When the team struggles in a
game, they keep their attitudes
positive, he added.
"I'm hoping they're showing
some of the other coaches that
they're capable," Diggle said.
"There's a lot of talent that
didn't get picked up (for the se-
lect team)."
Most of Diggle's players are
from the Shelton area. he said,
and nearly all are 14 or close to
that age.
Last weekend's double-
header ended the McDonald's
team's home schedule. With
five games left -- the team is
playing in Lacey next weekend
and Steilacoom the weekend
after that Diggle said he
thinks the team will continue
to play well.
Senior golfer
plans to
teach abroad
Shelton senior Caitlyn
Ernst has decided she wants
to combine two of her favor-
ite things into one career.
"I like working with kids
and I like to travel," Ernst
Enjoying these two ac-
tivities helped Ernst decide
that what she wants to do is
teach abroad.
"It doesn't really mat-
ter where
I go, but
it would
be nice to
be some-
she said.
first be-
Caitlyn gan work-
ing with
Ernst children a
few years
age when she taught Sun-
day school at First Baptist
Church. Though she no lon-
ger teaches Sunday school,
she is now involved in the
Approved Workers Are Not
Ashamed (AWANA) pro-
"AWANA teaches kids
the Bible and they get to
play games, too," Ernst said.
"It's for kids in kindergarten
through sixth grades."
Ernst said she really en-
joys being around children.
"They're fun to be around
and I like to watch them
grow," she said.
Ernst a varsity girls'
golfer and volleyball play-
er -- plans to attend New
Tribes Bible Institute in
Jackson, Mich., next year.
"I'll probably try to play
volleyball and golf in col-
lege," Ernst said. "It'll be
harder to play volleyball
because I'm not 6'-4". I don't
know if New Tribes has a
golf team, but I'll keep prac-
ticing and if I transfer, I'll
try for that team."
Ernsthas been playing
volleyball since she was in
fourth grade and began seri-
ously playing golf her sopho-
more year at SHS.
"I like the challenge to
get better in golf," she said.
"It's a game you play against
She said that ever since
she started playing volley-
ball, it has been her favorite
"I really enjoy it so I
never stopped playing," she
Outside of sports, Ernst
said she's not too involved in
Shelton High School, since
she spends her free time
helping with her church
and hanging out with her
The 3.2 grade point aver-
age student is also taking
fairly difficult courses this
year, including pre-calculus,
college prep and chemistry.
"I think it'll help prepare
me for college," she said.
Name: C-t!::ES
Grade:::S 0r:
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, May 10, 2012 - Page C-1
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