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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 11, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 11, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ON THE TRAIL Thursday, June 11, 2020 — Shelton-Mason County Journal Page A-37 The manhunt, the mountain, the mushroom, the muse in- Hoodsport, you can be sipping coffee by 8:30 a.m. in sunny down- town Cle Elum, the unofficial gateway to Central Washington’s “morel coun- try,” the Cascade Mountain slopes where the wild fungus is found abun- dantly (when moist spring weather lends a hand). Morels, even when abundant, are difficult to find, delicious to eat, and require an Everest- -like assault in terms of hiking gear, tents, sleeping bags, camp kitchen and all the rest if you plan on living in the woods to hunt and eat If you leave your house by 5- a.m. them over the long I ' Memorial Day week- By MARK end — usually the WOYTCWICH climax of the season.- However, this ‘ ' past Memorial ’ Day provided a climax of a distinctly different Sort. My good friend and mushroom hunting partner, Chuck, foreshadowed this by mentioning‘tlfat ’ he’d seen a recent Facebook post from a local mushroom club recountingthé " brash, daylight theft of a hunter’s tent and other camping gear. “That’s not normal,” I said. “People don’t mess with other people’s camp- sites.” I “Well, in this case, they did,” Chuck said. “Where did it happen?” I asked. “Right at Mineral Springs, Where we hunted last week.” Totally wrong, I thought, about inVasions of privacy. I’d been camping in the wilds for 40 yearsand I’d never come close to anyone messing with my stuff. ' We finished our conversation, our coffee, and drove out of Cle Elum, Chuck in his car following me and my wife, Linda. We took US. Highway ' 97 and slowly climbed toward Blewett Pass. ‘ THE MANHUNT “What the heck is that?” Linda said, sitting straight in her seat. ' Foreshadow No. 2: the flashing highway. sign, 6 miles south of Min- eral Springs, which last week had wished “Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy W ,” now flashed an ominous "‘Do Not Pick Up Hitch- hikers,” followed by “Armed Suspect in Area.” ’ . Within minutes we were flagged to a halt, long lines of trafficin both directions being squeezed through a gauntlet of parked police cars, orange road signs, orange cones and men in orange vests. A highway patrolman with a flashlight looked into our car, then waved us through. By the time we slowly motored to the old resort at Mineral Springs, we had counted two dozen police cars parked along the highway shoulder. At least 30 more waited in the park- ing lot at the springs, along with a SWAT armored vehicle, four or five German shepherds tugging at their leashes, a helicopter hovering over the nearest ridge, and men with clipboards, walkie-talkies and “FBI” blazoned in White on the back of their bulletproof vests. The place looked like a war Zone. . “This is slightly bigger than a campsite robbery,” I said. The most striking image was yet to come. At the turnoffs to every for— est road the very roads we had V planned on taking to our camp, as well as our mushroom patches ~ now however, each road was blocked by a the king bolete, left, and the black morel. Journal photo by Mark Woytowich sheriff’s car and another pair of pick- Up trucks, with armed men standing beside them. ' “Wow, they’re cordoning Off the area,” I said. ’ Linda managed to pull something off the internet after typing “Police, FBI, manhunt, Mineral Springs” into her phone. “Turkey hunter missing near Lib- erty (about 4 miles away), and then turkey hunter’s truck seen later, be- ing driven by another man,” she read. “That’s not good,” I said. Man goes into woods, never comes out. Another man seen later, using his stuff. How many Western movies needed only that for a premise? Roadblbcks kept us to the highway all the way to Swauk Campground, just short of Blewett Pass. At the pass, we pulled into the Discovery Trail parking lot and cooled our en- gines while we formulated Plan B with Chuck. ' “Must be a hundred Iawmen and volunteers,” he said. We can’t go back down. We’re going to have to camp in the high country,” he said. “It’ll be fine,” I replied. “Besides, this is where we’re supposed to meet Becky.” THE MOUNTAIN Becky, 39, was a new addition to our extended family, a great hiker, camper and all-around lover of the outdoors. Freshly returned to America after living in Bolivia for many years, she is the kind of feisty, independent, outspoken woman that both my wife and I admire. We got to hunting right away, ex- ploring a moist, shady pocket known for nurturing late-season morels. We had three hours before our rendez— vous with Becky and we made the most of it, scoring a few dozen meaty mushrooms, Linda clipping the larg— est. Becky. and her 1-year-old daugh- ter arrived right on time and, after a few nervous minutes of mocking the “armed suspect” situation, we decided our immediate priority was finding a good campsite. V “Hopefully no midnight visit-from Mr. Armed and Dangerous,” Becky said. Becky Hollender holds two prized 'mushrooms found on the eastern sl I took the lead up the mountain 'road from the pass, three cars new climbing toward Haney Meadow, a long way off. The massive flat-topped peak northeast of Blewett Pass, some 6,000 feet high, still clung to a few stripes of snow, and with each turn opes of the Cascade Mountains in spring: of the snaking road, {I could see we were gaining in height, almost pulling even. I became concerned for the welfare of our group, in particular Becky and see TRAIL,- page A-39 ALLYN {Case lnlet WE HIGH (FEED 1 an SHELTON [Oakland Bay on ’ HIGH (rm) hid “ i) M "J '7, .mm UNION I Hood Canal um HlBH (FEED AM FM l? 13 Tide tables have been transcribed and may (onluin ends, Noi intended for nuvigulionaluse. Tidal Information (ouIKesy US Haibnixcom " sea we AM $3M “ In wmumunununmma mammmmmmmmmmn “mmwmmmmmmmmn mmmmmmmmmmmn wmwmmmmmmmmmn memmmmmmnmwm mmmmnnumnunu wmmmmmmmmmmmn “mummmmmwmmmm wmmmmmmmmmmm; mammmmmmmmmmi mmmmmmmn C lERLE'S voiiriocai Titles Forthe week of JUNE ll through JUNE 17.2020 [OW (FEET) SUN MOON mm; lDW (FEED .z'l a". P M SUN MOON lOW (FEEI) SUN MOON mecm ammdon Stun SING ma