May 12, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 12, 2011 |
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CALLS REPORTED At 7:08 p.m. on May 9 a Parkway Blvd. reported aof Dunoon Place reported a
TO SHELTON caller from the 2400 block disturbance, disturbance.
POLICE, MASON of 13th St.reported an At 5:30 p.m. on May At 8:45 p.m. on May 6 a
COUNTY SHERIFF'S assault. 4 a caller from the 100 caller from the 600 block
OFFICE AND TRIBAL block of 1st St. reported a of Arcadia Road reported a
AGENCIES INCLUDED: Sex crimes disturbance, disturbance.
At 6:41 p.m. on May At 1:22 a.m. on May
Burglaries At 1:47 p.m. on May 4 a 4 a caller from the 800 6 a caller from the 1100
caller from the 3700 block block of 8th St. reported a block of Cota St. reported a
At 12:17 p.m. on May of Shelton Springs Road disturbance, disturbance.
3 a caller from the 1600reported an attemted rape. At 10:12 p.m. on May 4 At 8:35 a.m. on May
block Mason St. reported a At 12:27 p.m. on May 6 a caller from the 100 block 7 a caller from the 2400
burglary, a Skokomish Reservation of Cascade Court reported a block of 13th St. reported a
At 2:15 p.m. on May 3 a caller reported a sex disturbance, disturbance.
caller from the 500 block offense. At 12:01 p.m. on May 5 At 12:47 p.m. on May 7
of Arcadia Ave. reported a At 9:09 p~m. on May 8 a a caller from the 500 block a caller from the 100 block
burglary, caller from the 100 block of of Cedar St. reported a of Juno Court reported a
At 6:14 p.m. on May 3 a Cypress Court reported adisturbance, disturbance.
caller from the 500 block sex offense. At 2:54 p.m. on May 5 a At 3:20 p.m. on May 7 a
of Arcadia Ave. reported a At 4:02 p.m. on May 9 caller from the 700 block of caller from the 2100 block
burglary, a Schoolhouse Hill Road Oak Park Way reported a of Olympic Highway North
At 9:52 a.m. on May 4 a caller reported an assault, disturbance, reported a disturbance.
caller from the 1100 block of At 11:53 p.m. on May 9 At 4:06 p.m. on May At 6:49 p.m. on May 7 a
Vine Maple Lane reported a a Skokomish Reservation 5 an Olympic Highway caller from the 100 block
burglary, caller reporteda sex South caller reported a of Fir Drive reported a
At 11:02 a.m. on May 5 aoffense, disturbance, disturbance.
caller from the 3600 block At 3:14 p.m. on May 5 a At 7:39 p.m. on May 7 a
of Dayton Airport Road caller from the 100 block caller from the 100 block
reported a burglary. Disturbances of Alpine Ave. reported a of Juno Court reported a
At 11:22 a.m. on May 5 disturbance, disturbance.
a caller from the 200 block At 12:43 a.m. on May 3 At 4:53 p.m. on May 5 a At 11:01 p.m. on May 7 a
of Balmoral Way reported a a caller from the 300 block caller from the 100 block of Thyme Ave. caller reported
burglary, of Road of Tralee reported a Park Loop Road reported a a disturbance.
At 5:32 p.m. on May 6 a disturbance, disturbance. At 12 a.m. on May 8
caller from the 500 block of At 8:44 a.m. on May At 10:28 p.m. on May 5 an Emerald Lake caller
Deegan Road West reported 3 a caller reported a a caller from the 100 block reported a disturbance.
a burglary, disturbance at the bus stop of Cypress Court reported a At 3:18 p.m. on May 8 a
At 2:09 a.m. on May 8 a at Tenth and Turner Ave.disturbance. Jensen Road caller reported
caller from the 23400 block At 6:14 p.m. on May 3 a At 11 p.m. on May 5 a a disturbance.
of Highway 101 reported a caller from the 100 block caller from the 900 block of At 4:48 p.m. on May 8 a
burglary, of Tyler Lane reported aDelight Park Road reported calelr from the 300 block
At 5:17 a.m. on May 9 a disturbance, a disturbance, of Budd Drive reported a
caller from the 200 block of At 8:25 p.m. on May 3 a At 11:25 p.m. on May 5 adisturbance.
Hillcrest Drive reported a caller from the 600 block of caller from the 3300 block of At 6:36 p.m. on May
burglary. Dearborn Ave. reported aMason Lake Drive reported 8 a caller from the 400
At 1:31 p.m. on May 9 a disturbance, a disturbance, block of 4th St. reported a
caller from the 2100 block At 10:35 p.m. on May 3 At 11:27 p.m. on May 5 adisturbance.
of Adams St. reported a a caller from the 100 block caller from the 500 block of At 2:04 a.m. on May 9 a
burglary, of Birch Place reported a Reservation Road reported caller from the 100 block
disturbance, a disturbance, of Yew Place reported a
Assaults 'At 7:01 a.m. on May 4 aAt 12:06 a.m. on May 6 adisturbance.
caller from the 600 block caller from the 100 block of At 10:20 p.m. on May 9 a
At 5:10 p.m. on May 5 a of Railroad Ave. reported a State Route 108 reported a caller from the 400 block of
caller from the 100 block of disturbance, disturbance. Hillcrest Drive reported a
2nd St. reported an assault. At 9:14 a.m. on May 4 a At 12:22 a.m. on May 6 adisturbance.
At 12:02 a.m. on May 7 acaller from the 500 block caller from the ll00 block of
caller from the 100 block of of Cota St. reported a Colony Surf Drive reported Domestic violence
1st St. reported an assault, disturbance, a disturbance.
At 8:08 p.m. on May 8 a At 11:33 a.m. on May 4 aAt 1:15 a.m. on May 6 a At 12:14 a.m. on May
caller from the 400 block of caller from the 900 block of caller from the 1700 block 3 a caller from the~ i700
4th St. reported an assault. Fairmount Ave. reported a of Olympic Highway Southblock of Olympic Highway
At 3:48 p.m. on May 9 a disturbance, reported a disturbance. South reported a domestic
Jensen Road caller reported At 3:56 p.m. on May 4 a At 3:16 a.m. on May 6 a dispute.
an assault, caller from the 100 block of caller from the 100 block At 7:08 p.m. on May 4 a
caller from the i100 block caller from the 100 block of
of Gallagher Road reported Beaumont Drive reported a
a domestic dispute, vehicle prowl.
At 7:45 p.m. on May 5 a At 10:20 a.m. on May 4 a
caller from the 200 block caller from the 400 block of
of Turner Ave. reported" a B St. reported the theft of a
domestic dispute, bicycle.
At 11:42 a.m. on May 7 At 1:14 p.m. on May 5 a
a caller from the 400 block caller from the 1800 block
of Kelly Road reported a of Laurel St. reported the
domestic dispute, theft of an iPod.
At 9:28 a.m. on May 8 a
Thefts caller from the 100 block
of Azalea Place reported a
At 3:56 p.m. on May 3 a vehicle prowl.
Journal photo by Gaylene Wiseman
Shelton downtown area with the Olympics
and rain clouds on the horizon.
High Low Precip
Fahrenheit (In.)
May 4 64 35 .00
May 5 55 44 .06
May 6 52 44 .16
May 7 53 43 .20
May 8 57 39 .09
May 9 6O 37 .00
May 10 63 46 .00
Measurements are recorded for the National Weather
Service at Sanderson Field.
Thursday there is a 30 percent chance of showers
ai~r 11 a.m. with high temperatures of 61. There
should be a low of 39.
Friday should be partly sunny with a high near
63, with a 30 percent chance of showers after 11 a.m.
Friday night will have a 50 percent chance of showers
and a low around 44.
Saturday should be mostly cloudy with a high near
63 and a 50 percent chance of showers.
Sunday night will a~ have showers with a low around
Monday and Tuesday will also have chances of
showers and highs in the low 50s.
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TO THE angel that savedYARD/ESTATE sale Saturday,
stranded boater off North- May 14, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun-
shore Road May 7. Please day, May 15, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
call so I can return your prop- 73 SE Collier Rd., off Arcadia
erty. Daniel, 425-691-7803. Rd. next to Southside School.
M5/12 Lots of clothes, books, knick-
knacks, etc. J5/12
info call 6-9 p.m., 360-791-
3360. V5/12
2-FAMILY YARD sale. House-
hold items, toys. Boys' shirts
50¢, pants $1. May 13-14,
9 a.m.-5 p.m., 1023 S. 7th.
Sheriff - Casey Salisbury
Date: May II 2011 Prepalx~by:
• D~eetlve William
Bulletin~: 11-18
The M&~)n County Sheriff's Office is rcle&~ing the tbllowlng information ptrsuam to RCW 4.24.5S0 ~ the Washington State Supreme
Courl decision in ~ which authorizes law enforconlenl agencies to inform the peblic of a sex offenders release when; in 0".e
diY~retion of the agel~cy, the release of intbrmatlon will enhance public safety and protection.
The individual who appears on this notification has been convicted of a sex offense thai requires registration with the Sheriff's Off'Ice in
the county of their residence. Further, ~heir previous criminal history places them in a cth~sification level which reflects the potenlial to re-
ofl~nd. This sex ofl~.nder has served the ~ntemce iml~Cti on him by the courts and has ach~sed the Muoe County Sheriff's Office that he
The Mason Cotmty SherilVs Office has no legal authority to direct vd~ere a sex offender may or may not live. Unless court ordcf~
rcsn~fions exist, this offender is constitutionally free to live wherever h~ chooses.
Sex offenders have always lived in our ,:ommuntiles, but it wasn't tmtil passage of the Community Protection Act of 1990 (which
mcmdatesscxo~]enderregistr.6on)thalth.~enforccmenteveaknewwheretheywerelivinB. lnrmmycase~,lawenibt,:~'nentisnowableto
share that inlbrmation with you. Citizen abuse of this inlbrmation to threaten, intimidate or henw regi~tred sex ofl~mders will ~ be
tolerated. Fu;thez, such abuse could potentially end law cn forcement's ability to do community notificati~. We helieve the only person
who "~ins if community notification ends is the se~ ofl%llder, since aex offcnd¢~ derive their poweT through secrecy.
I[ van have any inform.try= mardln~ current edmtnl activity of this er nv ather nlfmul~r_ ~ ~ qll.
For other sex offender information, • " /.
WHITE MALE - DOB: 08/09/90 - 6'-04"- 250 LBS.
Jason DENGLER has recently moved within Mason County
and is now registering as Transient/Homeless. DENGLER is
required to register as a sex offender due to pleading guilty on
04/03/2008 to two counts of Child Molestation I~ Degree.
Mason County Superior Court cause #08-8-00067-8. This
conviction stems from DENGLER at age 16, repeatedly raping
on multiple occasions, two little girls ages 6 and 9, for over a
period of a year. These two little girls were known to
DENGLER and during his interview, DENGLER stated that he
"had sex with each one several times".
DENGLER is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as
a level I sex offender, but due to his transient/homeless status,
he is now risked as a ~ This is the highest
level given to a Sex Offender. meaning that the subject is at a
HIGH RISK to re-offend.
DENC.I.I~R has eiven his status withia Masan County as:
Transient/Homeless within She|ton, WA
Mason General Hospital
Bid Package #MGH-5.A: Casework and Millwork
Bid Package #MGH-5.B: Tile
Bid Package #MGH-5.C: Resilient Flooring, Carpet Tile and Floor Mats
Bid Package #MGH-5.D: Resinous Flooring
Bid Package #MGH-5.E: Wall Protection
Bid Package #MGH-5.F: Acoustical Ceilings
Bid Package #MGH-5.G: Wood Wall and Ceiling Systems
PRE-BID MEETING: May 9, 2011 at 10:00am
BIDS DUE: May 24, 2011 at 12:00pro
Bid Phone: (206) 286-6697 -Fax: (206) 286-7523
1505 Westlake Ave N, Suite 500 - Seattle, WA 98109 - LIC # HOFFMCC164NC
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging smafl business enterprises.
Other Subcontractin9 Opportunities - Internet
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Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 12, 2011