May 12, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 12, 2011 |
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The city of Shelton is planning
on continuing efforts to strength-
en its sewer system this summer
with sewer Basin- 5. On Monday,
the city commission reviewed a
proposal to award the bid for con-
struction on the project.
"This is a sewer line leak repair
project for lack of a better term,"
said city engineer Mike Michael.
Monday the city commission
considered awarding the bid for
the project to Buno Construction
out of Snohomish.
The Basin 5 project is specifi-
cally designed to prevent the pos-
sibility of raw sewage leaking into
homes, groundwater, other water
bodies, or the city water supply
and to prevent ground water get-
ting into sewer lines.
The project includes more than
39,000 feet of pipeline that will be
replaced over 14 months. Basin 5
is mainly in the Hillcrest neigh-
borhood. '
Although engineers originally
estimated the cost for the entire
Journal file photo
City Engineer Mike Michael gives a tour of the city's rebuilt Wastewater Treatment
Plant on Earth Day in April. The plant, one of the city's many new sewer projects, was
about 70 percent done at t he time.
project could range from $11.8 low end of the estimate, low bidder did have a mathemati-
million to $13.5 million, the five "After preliminary review and cal error and after correction, the
bids,the city received all came in math check of the low two bids as final bid range was $9.6 million to
considerably lower than even the we usually do, we found that the $10.5 million," Michael said.
Buno Construction LLC out of
Snohomish, the low bidder at $9.6
million, has applied for other city
projects in the past.
"This number is about $2.2 mil-
lion dollars before the bottom of
our engineer's estimate range,"
Michael said, "We have funding to
cover the full $13 million dollars
of the range between the various
funding sources that we have."
About five years ago, the city
embarked on its plan to revamp
the sewer system, including com-
pletely redoing the wastewater
treatment plant, adding a waste-
water reclamation plant, adding
or rebuilding several pump sta-
tions and sewer lines and address-
ing leaks in the various sewer ba-
sins within the city.
The various sewer projects un-
der this umbrella have received
funding from the United States
Department of Agriculture Rural
Development Fund (USDA/RD).
City staff advised the commis-
sion to approve the bid. The com-
mission should vote on the bid at a
later date.
an__ m n n N CO.
Olympic Gateway Shoppir~+C~gnter, Sllelton
Pioneer School District
The Pioneer School
District Board of Directors
unanimously voted to hire
a new superintendent
Tuesday following an
extensive search.
The board selected Martin
A. Brewer, the current
principal at: Lowi and
Clark Elementary School
in Richland, Washington,
to lead Pioneer. Brewer
also currently serves as the
Director of Gifted Programs
for grades 3-5 for the
Richland School District.
The school board
interviewed foux finalists for
the superintendent post on
April 29 and the candidates
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Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 12,2011
hire new super
In a special April 26 ele 10rn,
a $24.5million facilities
percent to 47.2 percent
the ballot for a econd ttrne, needed a
super majority in 0rderto pass.
also toured the districtoffice on July 1. Pioneer's
and met with students and current superintendent,
community members. Dan Winter, meanwhile, is
Out of those sessions, headed to Montesano where
Brewer emerged as a clear he will run the K-12 school
favorite. He is slated to take district.
Printed in Shelton, WA, USA
using US-made ink and US-made
newsprint with the highest
percentage of recycled content
in the industry.
Printed With
Thank you for recycling.
Brewer comes to the
district on the heels of
two unsuccessful bond
campaigns and will face
tough facilities and funding
Mason Count),/ Xpo/
When: May 19, 2011
Where: The Pavilion at Sentry Park
190 W. Sentry Drive, Shelton, WA 98584
Time: Noon to 7:00p.m.
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