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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 12, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 12, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'Know your community' GARDENER In May 2010, the League of Women Voters Mason County formed a study group to gather information about the various citizen advisory committees in Ma- son County, an extension of our "Know Your County" program. The volunteers have spent the past several months becoming acquainted with the statutory au- thority for these committees, observing meetings, in- terviewing citizen participants and the Mason County staff who support the groups. We sincerely thank the county staff who gave so generously of their time to help us find answers for our questions and patiently ex- plained the various intricacies of the committees. The study group will share the information they have gathered and their suggestions and recommenda- tions for the ongoing functioning and effectiveness of the advisory committees. They will present at our reg- ular meeting on Tuesday, May 17, at noon in the Wes Johnson Library at Olympic College. Our meetings are open to the public and we invite you to attend this infor- mative presentation. Expense fund garage/bake sale A garage/bake sale will be held at Belfair Dollar next to Mitchell Lumber to support the Doug Stevens cancer medical expense fund. The need is urgent and will be greatly appreciated. Donations can be given at Olympia Federal Sav- ings in Belfair (at the old NAPA location) under the Stevens Family Fund and at the Belfair Dollar Store. For further information and garage sale donations, please call the Bel-fair Dollar at 206-259-6409 or Mike Buckley's cell 801-6382. By 1~ Jeanne Rehwaldt Last week we received the news that WSU Extension in Mason County has been awarded two Individual Place- ment AmeriCorps members. What does that mean? It means that we will be able to hire two people through Washington Service Corps to work for 10 and a half months (September 16 - July 31)in different program areas that WSU Extension provides to the community. One position works directly with the Catalyst Park Com- munity Garden as well as performing other tasks such as working with the 4-H Af- ter School program and Food Sense nutrition. It is a great way for young people to gain experience in the fields that they are interested in, ei- ther before, during, or aRer college, although a college education is not a require- ment of the position. I asked our current member - Katie Wolt, to share some thoughts about what she has accomplished and learned since last September. Here is what she wrote: Working as an AmeriCorps member with the Mason County WSU Exten- sion Office has been a joy. I've been able to cultivate connections with the Mason County community and plug into meaningful projects to help im- prove life for the folks that live here. rm extremely grateful for the par- ,ticipation and encouragement that I have received from the diverse set of volunteers connected with these proj- ects. Whether I've needed them to dig trenches in the rain, harvest veg- etables beneath six inches of snow, or think creatively about fundraising, they've jumped in with enthusiasm, skill, and a positive attitude. While I've worked with various pro- grams, including the 4-H Afterschool program and as a Food Sense Nutri- tion educator, my work to develop the Catalyst Park food bank garden has been particularly exciting. Continu- ing in the tradition of past AmeriCorps volunteers who worked to build, plant, tend, and harvest food for the Saints' Pantry Food Bank, I have worked closely with a dedicated group of vol- unteers to improve infrastructure and install new features at Catalyst Park (a partnership between the City of Shelten and the Mason County WSU Master Gardeners). Catalyst Park is located in the Angleside neighborhood and serves as both a space for educa- tion and food production. Our.accom- Harst/ne Is/and Co nune Choir presents plishments have included installing a 12-plot community garden, planting a community orchard and edible food forest, and maximizing the amount of vegetables that are grown for the food bank. In the coming year, we hope to produce over 2000 pounds of food and grow for 9 to 12 months out of the year. Overall, our greatest success has been empowering individuals in the area to share their talents, skills, .and passions within Catalyst in order to improve their neighborhood and the health of their neighbors. Becoming an AmeriCorps volunteer is a fantastic oppor- tunity to do meaningful work with enthusiastic people. My personal experience as an AmeriCorps member has so- lidified my desire to continue working for improved access to food and health resources in Western Washington; rm truly thankful for all the sup- pert I've been given and the welcome that I've received in the Shelton community. See you in the garden. We will be advertising for two people, one to replace Katie, and the other working with the 4-H After School Program as well as other programs. The positions pay a monthly stipend for the 10.5 months of full time work and then an education award is received after com- pleting the term of service. The award can be used to pay student loans or tu- .ition. The applicants must be between the ages of 18 to 25 years old as of Sep- tember 16, 2011. For further informa- tion contact R. Jeanne Rehwaldt, Pro- gram Coordinator, 427-9670 Ext. 688 or Shadow of the Forest _May 22rid, Sunday, 3.'00. H rstine Commun Hall FREE On Sunday, May 15 the Mason County Historical Society will show Shadow of the Forest, a 30-minute documentary filmed in 1986 by Burke Long, formerly of Shelton. It was filmed at a time when Shelton and Mason County were experi- encing a recession and jobs The film also takes us to the closing of Camp Grisdale, the family of Warren Turner and the sale of Simpson log- ging equipment by Richey Brothers, auctioneers. Included on the agenda is the introduction of the For- est Festival Court for 2011. They will tell a little about were hard to come by, the. themselves and what the logging in the high country ceased and some of the mills were temporarily shut down. Camp Grisdale, the last of the live-in log camps also closed. Burke Long talks about the documentary and why he chose to make it. The film shows interviews of Mason County individuals includ- ing then county commission- er Annette McGee.and Local 3-38 Um' n President, Gib Johnston, unemployed log- gers and communi leaders. Forest Festival means to them and will have festival buttons to sell, cost is $2, " - The program will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. on May 15 at the Shelton Civic Center, located 525 West Cota Street. All Mason County Historical Society progranm are open to the public with- out charge, however dona- tions are gratefidly accepted. For further information call the Museum at 426-1020 weekday or Saturday aRer- noorm. Mt. Olive Lutherma Church Missouri Synod 206 East Wyemdotte Avenue *Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 itrn. Christian Education ................. 9:45 a.m. "h'adltlor~l Worship ............... II:00 a.m. Ofl~ce 420-6353 Co~mi~int Service Tnglltion~l liecvice .,~:,, A more ~ontemporary ~ervlce ~lL t hat brans at ~ AM that begins d! ....... Praise Baod . PratseTeam 100=4~ ~M • Contemporary Message Choir CIbll~.@n mid ll~lR I~lmdlly ~ g IM • Chlldcare both services Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 12,2011 Christ Lutheran Church 3701 NE Northshore Road * Belfair, WA 98528-9434 (360) 275-3354 Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Childcare: 360-275-0499 St. David's of Wales EPISCOPAL CHURCH A place where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St. * Shclton SUNDAY SERVICES 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. New Commum'ty Church of Union ~ Sunday Gatherings (All are welcome!) WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall website: office phone: 426-8472 so E. Seattle St., Union 98592 360-898-7855 ISHELTONFIRS BAPT"ISTI web site:] I - I o42 8461 |Faith Lutheran Chureh 1, I m orGro. I I I I ~u~. t I I I I • oom~n~o~k~umspm ~ I I[[r~:~nt " i It- *'~ ;I YCe h Chu h AWANA - | [ 438-8531 ~J i . j__. pm E,O,,,~ = ~,Lffii:,,.~...,."- "~_= I l* e'i'' w'~i"b'~" --FLC~ o C'mCe"t~(M+') i st, qm '0 @ l~e Ov~mm li~ (H,,~ II-~ r. o. lka 222, Hoo&p~ w~ ~4s 3~W7.~9 Come ~s you are[ All are wekomd 1/2 Mi. up Rt. ! 19 mt of Hoedsport Sun(by Worship- 10:00~n Simlton United IVlethodist Church V