May 12, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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The Boxcars: Adam Steffey, Ron
and Harold Nixon make up what
liners in bluegrass and beyond.
Courtesy photo
Stewart, John R. Bowman, Keith Garrett
will surely soon be one of the top head-
Bluegrass from the Forest the year you found a newone show or for the weekend,
comes to Shelton Perform- favorite event. The head- you'll be glad you did. Shelton
ing Arts Center and highliner, The Boxcars, are from and Mason County will be in
school campus this weekend the Nashville area and of for some of the best musi-
beginning at 7 p.m. Friday Allison Krause and Unioncal entertainment to be had
through 3 p.m. Sunday- four Station fame have played in starting this Friday. Go to
big shows plus a weekend of that band or others of simi-
camping, jamming, contests, lar finesse. The other bands for all the details. Tickets are
workshops, vendors and the are some top regional bands available online or at Pro-
youth bluegrass program. If - Runaway Train is from this Build, Tupper Floors, Sage
you've attended in past years area and hosts the festival Book Store, Mitchell Lure-
then you know what to ex- each year. ber in Belfair, Music 6000 in
pect. If not then make this Whether you attend for Olympia or at the door.
Courtesy photo
Harstine Island Community Choir
performs their spring concerts
Harstine Island Community Choir is Beats," featuring love songs of all kinds.
Mason County's flagship choir. Mere- Delight in Disney's Kiss the Girl. Enjoy
bers have varying levels of experience, Some Enchanted Evening and Sum-
from beginners through to those who mertime from famous musicals. Mourn
have performed professionally. Singers' through Danny Boy and Barb'ry Ellen.
ages range from 13 and above. All are Songs range from works like Brahms'
proud to represent their various commu- melodious love songs to today's pre-
nities throughout Mason County in the eminent choral composer's works like
pursuit of enhancing musical apprecia- Z. Randall Stroope's powerful Omnia
tion. Their concerts are free, although sol and Morten Lauridsen's haunt-
donations are appreciated. Their goal is ing Dirait-on.
to learn and perform choral works and Mark your calendars now to attend
to promote the opportunity to experi- one of their spring concerts beginning
ence the enjoyment of such works in the at 7 p.m. Friday, May 20 at the United
Western Washington region. They dedi- Methodist Church in Shelton; 3 p.m.
cate all assets to this purpose of public Saturday May 21, at St. Hugh Episco-
music education and enjoyment, pal Church in Allyn and 3 p.m. Sunday,
Artistic director Elizabeth Berndt May 22, at Harstine Island Community
conducts their May concerts, "Heart Hall.
9 a.m., Mason County berland Library presents
Thursday Rodeo Association's gam- computer classes: Surfing for
6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Shelton ing showing at the Port of adults. Learn to use subject
Timberland Library pres- Shelton fairgrounds, five age directories and search en-
ents Express Yourself with a groups, adult, senior, Int., gines to search the Internet
new Hobby: Duct Tape Cre- junior and buckaroo, this is more easily and effectively.
ations for adults and teens, an annual fund raiser. Come Computer Comfort is strong-
The library will provide the support Mason County Ro- ly recommended before tak-
supplies. For more informa- deo. For more info please ing this class if you are new
tion call 426-1362. contact Julie Gray at 432- to computers. This program
.......... ..... 0145. IJegins before the library is
Frid=iy .... 11 a.m., Panhandie's are- open. Those registered will
9 aan. - 2:30 pan., The na trail horse competition be admitted to the library for
Skokomlsh Watershed Ac- at Panhandlg 4I.I Camp in the class. For m0ro informa-
tion Team (SWAT) will hold the horse arena, 370 West tion call 426-1362.
its semi-annuM meeting at Panhandle Lake Road, Shel- 11:30 aan., Irene S. Reed
the Skokomish Grange in ton, 10 obstacles - timed and High School Class of 1952
Mason County. Members of judged $500 added jack-lunch and meeting will be at
the public interested in the pot. Open to all riders eight Taylor Station Restaurant
Skokomish watershed are years and up. Practice runs and lounge, 62 Lynch Rd.
invited to attend. $5 jackpot runs $20. SE., Shelton.
1:30 pan., retired scien- 1 - 4 p.m., The art of 1-3p.m.,SupportGroup
tists meeting will be held at wine tasting class offered at for Chronic Pain and Other
Shelton Timberland Library. Olympic College in Shelton. Invisible disabilities please
The public is invited. Wally $29 for the class. Discussion call from meeting schedule
Ewart will discuss the regu- will include classification, and further information at
lations for pesticides in the evaluation, tips on buying 426-0900. We offer some-
food you eat. Lunch bunch and storing. You will taste thing every week, alternat-
will meet at Grove Street six different wines. Must be ing weeks we have regular
Brew House at noon. at least 21 years of age. To meetings at the hospital
9 a.m., A two-day pistol
course will begin. This basic
pistol course is presented by
Mason County Sportsman's
Association at 521 Business
Park Rd. Call Jennie at 253-
884-4117 for additional in-
9 a.m., The American
Competitive Trail Horse As-
soc. trail competition will be
having one of Western Wash-
ington's most scenic trail
competitions at Panhandle
Lake. If you haven't yet, sign
up online at / pan-
handle laketrail ride.
register call 432-5400. or local coffee get together
1-4:30p.m., Golf carni- on opposite weeks every
val at Steamboat Golf Driv- Wednesday.
ing range, 3605 Steamboat 3 - 5 p.m., Shelton Tim-
Island Rd. NW Olympia just berland Library presents
offHwy 101. $10 entry, corn- Wii Rock Wii-nesdays for
munity event sponsored by teens. Play Wii and other
Steamboat Island Coopera- games, watch movies, and
rive preschool, have refreshments with
friends. Snacks and supplies
Monday are provided by the Friends
6 p.m., City of Shelton- of the Shelton Timberland
Monday at the Shelton Civic Library. For more informa-
Center at the beginning of tion call 426-1362.
their regularly scheduled
commission meeting.
9 - 11 a.m., Shelton Tim-
Benefit for Dave Anderson \
Spaghetti Dinner * Silent/Live Auction
Saturday May 21't
Shelton Civic Center • 526 W Cota Street
Doors open at 3 p.m./Dinner at 4 p.m.
Adult: 10 ea. • Children 12 & under s500
Buy r/cke/~ at:.
Dr, Downing'$ office • Blanton Message
Coffee Creek Espresso • Joseph's Flower Shop
Tickets will also be available at the door
For Auction Donations Call: Lori Lufkin 491-~80 • Angie Lund 427-7242 • Monica Deemer 490-5958
427-8709 • for Supper Tuesday-Saturday
Downtown Shelton Corner of 3rd and West Railroad ~'
May 19 is Small ;iness
Every year since 1963, the President Mason County and The Port of Shelton
of the United States has proclaimed Na- Commissions will also proclaim the week
tional Small Business Week to recognize as Small Business Week. In addition
the contributions of small businesses to they will proclaim Thursday, May 19,
the economic well being of America. 2011 Small Business Day in recognition
For the first time, the City of Shelton, of the Chamber's Business Expo.
# 4
9 - ii a.m., intermediate/
Unless otherwise noted, Friday advanced line dancing.
all events take place at the 8and8:30a.m.,taichi. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., sewing
Mason County Senior Ac- 9 - 11 a.m., open line11 a.m., Sand/. Leertcher
tivities Center at 826 W. dance, from Mason Count Dept of
Railroad Ave. The Shelton 9 a.m., - 1 p.m., sewing Emergency Management
senior center hours are circle. 12 p.m., lunch: chili with
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon- 12 p.m., lunch: sponsord ground turkey
day through Thursday by MCSAA: sandwich and12:30 p.m., bridge signup
and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Keiko's potato soup day before.
on Friday. The center's 1 p.m., MCSAA goes to the
telephone desk (426-7374) movies Wednesday
is closed for lunch from
noon till 12:30 p.m. Foot care by appointment
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
Thursday 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9 a.m., creative beading
8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- two
ativeyoga. 9 a.m., beginning line
9 - 11 a.m., intermediate/ dance.
advanced line dancing. 10 - 11 a.m., intermedi-
9 - 12 a.m., EZ Crafters. ate/advanced line dancing.
10:30 - 11:30 a.m., blood 12 p.m., lunch: ham
pressure checks i p.m., game day.
11 a.m., music Buttons 1p.m.,watercolor class.
and Bows 1 p.m., pinochle.
12 p.m., lunch: pot roast 2 p.m., treats from Capi-
12:30 p.m., bridge - signup tal place
the day before.
1 p.m.,bingo. Tuesday
2 p.m., treats from Lean 8:05 a.m., gentle, restor-
on Me at home care ative yoga.
9 a.m., beginning line
9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Joy of
painting landscape class
10 a.m., intermediate/ad-
vanced line dancing.
12 p.m., lunch: chicken
vegetable pot pie
1 p.m., game day.
1 p.m., pinochle
Conm See Our 1st-Run
Cenw of 51h & Franidln
Thanks The Following Local Businesses
For Their Generous Support of the
2011 Spencer Lake Fishing Derby!
AAA Septic, Anytime Fitness, Back 40 Tree Farm, Bayshore Texaco, Bayshore
Golf Course, Bella Vista, Blondie's, Blooms by the Park, Bowers Dentistry,
Brady's Trucking, Brittany Micheals Spa, Cary's Tires, Christine Alexander Inc.,
Claws & Paws, Curves, Cut Rate Auto Parts, D&L Automotive, Deer Creek
Store, Delilah Zaniewski, Denny's Automotive, Diluae designs, Dirt Cheap
Cycle, Dominoes Pizza, El Sarape, Ferguson Flowers, Food Service America,
Gasperettis Dist. Glasier Oyster, Graham Hay, Grove Street Brewery, Hood
Canal Cable, Hoodsport Winerty, Jerry's Drive-In, Lady of the Lake, Lanace, Les
Schwab Tire, Little Creek Casino, Lynch Creek Floral, Marine View Bev., Mason
Co. Garbage, Mason Marine Repair, Nails R Us, NW Power Sports, Olsen's
Furniture, Peninsula Credit Union, Pickering Marina, The Ritz, Safari Tan, Salish
Seafood, Sandy' Bookkeeping, Second Street Design, Skookum Automotive,
Shelton Athletic Club, Shelton Cinemas, Shelton Shop & Hop, Shelton Vet.
Clinic, SJG Produce, Steph's Espresso, The Strip, Lee Strohm, Sugar Cakes,
Suzan's Grill, taylor Shellfish, Paul Thomas, TJ Hair, Troy Sanford, Town Pub,
Urraco Coffee, Verl's, Walmart, Wake Up Espresso, Western Wa. Audio.
Uncotn Lawyer
Dally 7:00pro
Additional Shows
] Fri-Sat 9:15pm
Fm.5/13 - SuN. 5/15
Rk) ~ T0ol
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 12,2011 - Page B-3