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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 12, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 12, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IlL. ]]~111| L JI lliilllllqlllli~L!lllPIIIIFqllllllllllql'lll'~luilu~~'qr'~'r~r''l'~'r''v United way seeks day of caring proposals Calling for Volunteer Teams. to volunteer for a day-project cies, schools and governments United Way of Mason County benefiting health and human describe the planned project. will host a second annual Day services in our area. Non-profit Upon submission to United of Caring on Tuesday, June agencies, schools and city and Way, the committee will match 21. On behalf of the United county governments host the the volunteer project with a Way Board Directors, please projects. Your volunteer time volunteer team from a work- consider submitting a daylong allows these organizationsplace or civic group. project suited for business or more resources to further their Please consider submit- civic group volunteers. This mission. Examples of Day of ting a volunteer-driven project unique event celebrates giving, Caring projects are: building for the Tuesday, June 21 Day caring and making a difference wheelchair ramps, sorting chil- of Caring event. This unique - to benefit the whole commu- dren's books, gardening, clean- event celebrates giving, caring nity by advancing the common ing a neighborhood or prepar- and making a difference - TO good. ing a mailing, benefit your mission and the A Day of Caring is a corn- The United Way of Mason whole community. To request munity-wide event with an op- County 2011 Day of Caring an application please contact portunity for business' employ- Committee has prepared a one- United Way of Mason County ees and civic group members page application where agen- at or426-4999. Volunteers honored at senior center Nearly 100 people at- tended the Mason Coun- ty Senior Activities As- sociation and Center's 2011 Volunteer Recogni- tion Luncheon on Friday, April 29. The event was part of the organization's 30th Anniversary Cel- ebration month. Shel- ton Mayor John Tarrant welcomed the volunteers. Center Executive Direc- Maxine tor Terri Shaw, spotlight- ed some of the current and former volunteers serving at the Center and their Nifty Thrifty Store, which is a major funding source for the Center. Volunteers from the Senior Nutrition Program operated by Se- nior Services for South Sound were also saluted. Special recognition went to Maxine Rhoades for her volunteer service at the center since 1981. The guest speaker was noted volunteer manage- ment expert Susan Lam- oreaux. In addition to awards, Rhoades the volunteers enjoyed a wonderful lunch of lemon chicken and rice pilaf prepared by lo- cal chef Treacy Kreger, who donated his time to honor the volunteers. The event was sponsored by Maple Glen, Fred Meyer and West Coast Bank. .... ; FOR HOME City of Shelton animal shelter Adoptions cost $75, which includes vaccine, wormier, spay/neuter plus $10 city license• New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street• Dogs may be viewed at: shel- finder.corn.The hours are Monday thru Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter is closed Saturday and Sunday. Current listings: Labrador retriever mix, male, two year sold. Shepherd mix female two years old. Pit bull mix, male three years old. Rodda is a loving boy Meet Scout. He is one who belonged to a family and a half year-old Aus- that was accepted into a tralian Shepherd and is a shelter. They refused to go very sweet boy. He is good if they could not find a safe with other dogs, walks shelter for their blue eyed, well on a leash and will siamese/tabby mix. Formake a wonderful corn- more information Roddapanion to some lucky farn- and other friendly indoor ily. To meet Scout please only kitties, call 584-0594 call Adopt-A-Pet at 432- or leave a message at 426- 3091 or visit our website 2455. Panhandle Lake 4-H camp cooperative What is your favorite out- of the place that was home to We do everything we can to doors memory growing up, them for that time. keep Panhandle clean, beauti- beating, swimming, horse- Panhandle 4-H Camp in- ful- and affordable to youth back riding and archery? spires that kind of devotion, and community groups in our Maybe it's fishing, hiking, vol- From its inception in 1948, it area. That is why we are ask- leyball, basketball or camp- has been a home away from ing for your help. fire time. You probably also home for many thousands of Please Consider supporting remember (and maybe still people. It is the host to 4-H the important work done at know) the friends you made camps, school programs, and this very special place. It is a while doing these activities, retreats for all kinds of non- center for education, leamirig If these sound like some of profit groups. The original about ourselves, and learning your favorite memories, you property was a gift to the 4-H about the world all around us. share something special with programs of Mason and Grays We have had to replace water the thousands of young people Harbor, and is overseen by a pumps, repair beats, re-roof who have come TO Panhandle beard made up of volunteers cabins, replace swimming 4-H Camp since 1948. of both those 4-H councils, docks and other equipment. Panhandle Lake Camp in All of the original cabins were A donation of $50 will co- Shelton provides 450 acres built with volunteer labor by sponsor a child for a one-week for the youth. This is a coop- the 4-H clubs. In those early camp; $75 represents two life erative for Grays Harbor and years, whole families would jackets for safe canoeing;, a Mason County 4-H clubs, come to/~he camp for their an- donation of $100 will allow us Young people learn valu- nual camp experience - par- to purchase a new set of oars. able skills through outdoor ents would cook and clean and Larger donations are certain- programs like independence, teach and chaperone, ly welcome and would help team work, respect for others, Though times have purchase a new water pump, decision-making, healthy life- changed, Panhandle still lives make major repairs, or keep style choices and a deep love with this tradition of service, our kitchen certified. STEPS ThUrsdays Noon and 5:30 p.m., Alco- hOli¢~ ~onymous~ 125 West Cota Street. 5:30 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous, Mason General Hospital, Washington Room. 5 p.m., New Community Church of Union office, 310 Dalby Read, SUIte 3. 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth Anonymous, The Right Path, North 80 Tribal Center Read. 7 p.m., AA, Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7 p.m., Friends of Bill W. ~ Chapter at Hood Canal Com- munity Church, 81 Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. p.m., Narco~cs Anony- mous, Mountain View Al- liance Church, 314 East J Street. Fridays 11 a.m., NA, United Meth- odist Church 1900 King Street. Noon, A1-Anon family group, Saint David's Episco- pal Church. Call 427-6831. Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, Recovery, New Horizens Tuesdays Noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., 125 West Cota Street. Church, 307 East F Street. . 6:30 p.m., AA open meet- AA, 125 West Cota Street. 7 p.m•, Narcotics: .~'lo~y~ 4 - 6 p.m., Gateway to re- ing, Ho0dsport Library .... 6:30 p.m., Celebrate Re- mous, Ellinor R~in' at~I~/-;~ cover)~at~hL2~#ajkChriStian '10 a.m, Al-Anon Step~ covery, 419 Railroad Avenue. son General Hospital, ' 901 Fell~)wship, 405 S. 7th St~reet, "' Study AFG meets 'at 'StI'Da-" Childcare provided. Call 426- Mountain View Drive. 4:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport vid's Episcopal Church, 324 10 p.m., Point In, 7:30 p.m., AA, HoodspertEasy Does It, 125 West Cota Library. Street. 8 p.m., NA, Ellinor Room, Mason General Hospital, 901 Sundays Mountain View Drive. 8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., AA, 125 West Cota Mondays Saturdays Street. 9:30 a.m., NA, PUD Hall, Third and Cota streets. 3 - 5 p.m., Freedom in 10 a.m., Overeate~ Anonymous, Saint Davids Church. Library for w0m0n 0nly.W. Cedar St. 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth7:15 p.m., Narcotics Anon- Anonymous, Spinners Gone ymous, Mountain View Alli- Straight, St. David's Episco- ance Church, 314 East J St. pal Church, 324 West Cedar 7 p.m., Depressed Anony- Street. Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 West Cota Street. 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth incus, the at Mason Gen- eral Hospital, 901 Mountain View Drive. Wednesdays 9:30 a.m., Al-Anon faro- Anonymous, Belfair's ily group, Skokomish Indian New Hope, Belfair Baptist Assembly ofGed, 1925High- Lake Limerick Country Club Church wa- 101 • . ° , ~Y • 7 p.m., AA, Saint Davids 11 a.m., Narcotics Anon- New 2011 Golf Membership Special! Episcopal Church, Third and ymous, United Methodist J~÷tax Cedar streets. Church 1900 King Street. 7 p.m. Narcotics Anony-6"30 n m Crystal Meth Join now and receive a $100 gift certificate! mous, Mountain View A]- Anonvmor "Sn: ners Gone liance Church, 314 East J Strai~l~t St' David's Enisco- Lake Limerick Country Club ~ Street. pal'C~h,'324 West C~ar ~ 790 E. St. Andrews Dr. ~ 7p.m.AA, Fir Lane Health Street !~1~ Shelton, WA 98584 g and Rehabilitation Center, ~ ~'m NA at Mountain ~~ (360) 426-6290 • Ru$$Denney " " I 2430 North13th Street. View~'/~l~anco Church, 314 ~ ~ °' PANTORI UM '1 East J St. , LM SERIES WHAT THE SERIES IS ALL ABOUT CilU & TAILORS Mo~30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. I Roll right along with an ergonomically designed ~d _ "00 G.m. -2.'00 p.m. ~1 handlebar that reduces wrist and hand fatigue...use the adjustment brackets to dial in one of six cutting S~heltonand 21R South Second ~1 heights..21" cutting width...includes mulch plug, Forest Fest Moson Coun~/ for 84 years 42~3"J'1 =1 side discharge cover and bagger...high-lift blades to maximize bagging's all right dependably cut all your grass out there. June 2nd- June 5th Carnival, Vendors, Good Timber- Music and Tales, Fun Run, Bicycle Run, Logging Show, 94.5 ROXY Family Fun, Fireworks, Car Show-off, Kiwanis Duck float. Don't forget to buy a Forest Festival button These buttons are not only an We'll come attractive souvenir, they provide revenue enabling Forest Festival to continue. Please buy a button and support Forest Festival TtlRJF]" STORES I • ..... .. 305 8¢ 317 W. Railroad Ave, Downtown Shelton I Mark the dates on your calendar. I I ] For additional information see z7,38.. 4:32.2e,1 Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 12, 2011 ARCADIA Sit ENGINE REPMR MOWERS • T~LLERS * GENERATORS * OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT l" REPAIRS & SERVICE " ALL MAKES --~ m 1305 SE ARCADIA ROAD * SHELTON [ V I, (360) 427-65118 I~EMSz~no 200g Ahem Comp¢~. e Re~'t~ed ~k of Ariem Comp¢~. ~chm~ fe=uce a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ D New Smile ENTURE CLINIk. 114 W. Alder St, Shelton, Wa 360-426-8800 Services: - Full Dentures - Partial Dentures - Denture Relines Alex Garhmd Ill - Denture Repairs Licensed Denturiat Ill - Premium Quality Teeth and Materials Ill - FREE Exams, Evaluations & Adjustments III - 10% Everyday Discount for Seniors 62+ I II - Denture Reli e $285.00 lll I!/ Acry!!c Iii