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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 12, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 12, 2011
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Robert (Bobby) Rudolph Carl, Jr. Robert (Bobby) Rudolph Carl, Jr., 59, died Tuesday, May 3, 2011 in Healdsburg, Calif. aRer a lengthy illness. He was a resident of Windsor, Calif. for three years. He was bern December 12, 1951 to Robert and Joyce (Walker) Carl in Healds- burg, Calif. He , graduated from Healdsburg High School, He served in the U.S. Navy for two years in the Viet- nam conflict. He was discharged at the rank of boats man mate. After a 16-day courtship, he mar- ried Kathy McCar- thy at the Healds- burg Federated Church in January of 1974 in Healdsburg, Ca- lif. The marriage ended in divorce in 1997. He married Ruth Thurman in 2003 in Olympia, the marriage end- ed in divorce in 2008. He worked at as an oak wine barrel maker and red- wood water tanks builder for Pacific Wood Products, in Healdsburg, Calif.; for Pacific Gas and Electric Company as a ground man in Santa Rosa, Calif.; for Simpson Timber Co. in Shel- ton, he worked on the chain at the south planer for three years and as superintendent of Shelten Memorial Park until his illness began in 1994. He worked part-time as a limousine driver for Capital Limousine Services in Olympia for a short time. He and his wife Kathy Robert (Bobby) Rudolph Carl, Jr. people he came across while working at Shelton Memo- rial Park. The Pizano Jack and Jill softball team he created was a legacy for the one-pitch tournament and teams that followed long after the one-pitch tradition he sot when the softball sea- son was over. He was given a second chanceat a new life when he was fortunate to receive a liver transplant in Novem- ber 1994. He was able to see his children get married and be in the vicinity of his grandchildren's births, His family states he was a very likeable, friendly and funny person. His favorite number was 45 and many of his friends adopted the same number as their fa- vorite as well. His family shared that he always said that when his time came that at his memo- rial he wanted humor, memories shared and hoped his closest friends would say something about good about him even if he owed them money. He is survived by his mother Joyce Carl; sisters Nancy Cordova (Stan) and Patty Curtis, all of Healds- burg, Calif.; daughter Sara Armfield; son Grant Carl (Jill); grandchildren Taylor, Adam and Alyssa Carl, Lau- ryn, Emilie and Mackenzie Armfield, all of Shelton and many nieces and nephews in California, Shelten and Oregon. He and his ex-wife Kathy Carl remained friends and shared the joy of their children and grandchildren. His father Robert R. Carl, St. preceded him in death. There will be a graveside gathering for everyone that wishes to join the family at 1 p.m. on May 21 at the Shel- Fred O. (Bud) McDowell Fred O. (Bud) McDowell, 90, died Friday, May 6, 2011 at home in Shelton. He was resident of Shelton most of his life. He was bern July 2, 1920 in Dayton, Texas to Fred O. and Hazel (Hardcastle) McDowell. He graduated from Irene S. Reed High School in 1938. He attended Washington State University gradu- ating in 1949 with a degree in Business Administration and enjoyed an affilia- tion with Theta Chi fraternity. He was in the Army as an Air Corp Cadet from 1944 to 1946. He married Barbara Wheatley in Artesia, N.M. on July 26, 1946. In 1949, he and Barbara built their home on Hood Canal where they raised their two children. In 1996, after living on Hoed Canal for 46 years, they moved to their current home in Shel- ton. He began his career as an employee of Simpson Timber Company in Shelton where he worked in the ac- counting department for 31 years until his retirement in 1980. He had many athletic pursuits including tennis, climbing, water and snow skiing. As a mountaineer, he climbed most of the ma- jor peaks in Washington and Oregon. He and his wife enjoyed traveling both in the U.S. and abroad. He attended the United Fred O. (Bud) McDowell 11 years. He also served for three years on the Mark E. Reed Scholarship Board and was on the Supervisory Committee of the Simp- son Credit Union for many years. During his younger years, he was an enthusi- astic member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Other affiliations include the University of Washing- ten Alumni Association, the American Le- gion and the Mason County Historical Society. His fam- ily shared that his greatest achieve- ments in life were being a wonderful father to his chil- dren and husband of Barbara for 64 years of marriage. He is survived by his wife Barbara McDowell of Shel- ton; son Michael McDowell (Kathy) of Shelton; daugh- ter Susan Dodds (Vince) of Denver, Colo.; grandchil- dren Amy McDowell, Sarah Rickert (Mark), Samantha Evans, Josh McDowell (Ash- lynn), Monica Dodds, and Parker Dedds; great-grand- children Moriah McDowell, Blake Rickert and Addyson Rickert. He is preceded in death by his parents, Hazel and Fred McDowell, and sister Virginia Winkler. A service will be held at 2 p.m. on May 15 at Unit- ed Methodist Church, 1900 King Street, Shelton. Mc- Comb Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. Memorial donations can be made to Habitat for Hu- manity of Mason County, PO Box 1549, Shelton, WA Methodist Church where to the family at mccombfh. he served as treasurer for com. Gilford Dean Palmer Jr. 98584 or charity of choice. For your convenience online Zone. condolences may be sent He joined the United States Navy in 1985 where he met his future bride. Gilford Dean Palmer Jr., 48, died Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at home in Vancou- ver, Wash. He had been a resident of Vancouver for six months. He lived in Shelton from 1994 to 2002. He was bern October 29, 1962 in Carlsbad, N.M. to G'dford Dean and Betty Jean (Blankenship) Palmer Sr. He graduated in 1981 from Balboa High School in the Republic of Pan- area known at that time as the Canal from Alabama Aviation and Technical School, Ozark, Ala. in 1987. The Palmers spent eight years in Southeast Ala- bama before returning to the Pacific Northwest were he continued to work in the aircraft industry until being downsized, which brought him to a lifelong interest in becoming a long-haul driver. He enjoyed working as a re- serve pelice officer, emergen- cy medical technician and volunteer firefighter for the city of Daleville, Ala., while he resided. He was an avid Harley rider and enjoyed sailing with his family in his spare time. He collected Marshall pottery, Wagner started their familyin Santa ton Memorial Park at the He married and Griswold cast Rosa, Calif. and in March anchor where his ashes will Brenda Smith in iron cookware, and 1980, while the childrenbe placed in a niche wall. served as Treasurer for the October of 1986 andGilford collecting antique wereyoung, they moved and A,cclebration of life will be Jeanne Valeville, Ala. in had recently begun settled in Shelton. heldat:theSheltonMemori- Vathl^^n ,:: Mason Cotmty Genealogical theyw0tildhaVe.ce[,i pocket watcheS, Society for a couple of years ebrated their 25th Palmer Jr He is survived He was a member of VFW al Hall immediately follow- back in the early 2000s. She Post1694, American L gion ingFacob kw sohave (Dornlng) enjoyed wa ng and used to wedding anniver- " by his wife Brenda sary, this year. Palmer of Vancouver; son Post 31, 40 et 8 veterans or- this information, walk three miles/day almost He was well travel as Paul Palmer of Vancouver; ganizationV135, WAShel- The immediate family has Walker everyday, rain or shine, an Army brat. Whenhewas daughters Kristy' Palmer ton chapter, made arrangements with She is survived by her in school he played footlm!!, Woodburn, Nikki He most enjoyed rais- assistance from the close Jeanne Kathleen (Dorn- sons Glenn Nelles Walker beth on the offense ndde- Palmer(L ah) of Vancouver ing his children, playing friends and the VFW. Memo- ing) Walker, 83, died (Brenda Carol) of Hood-fense. He was named Alland Heather Erwin of Bea- softball, his large groups of riai donations can be made Wednesday, May 4, 2011 in sport and Richard FloydIsmithenian (equivalent of verton, Ore.; parents Gil- close friends from his jobs, baseball, being active in his veterans clubs, visiting with his neighbors and all the to any veteran's organiza- tion. The family asked that f iends become organ donors on their driver's licensos. Franklin James McMahon Franklin James McMa- hon, 89, died Wednesday, May 4, 2011 in Lacey. He was a resident of Shelton, Harstine Island and Aber- deen since 1945. He was born October 14, 1921 in West AI- [is, Wis. to Michael James and Ester (Gleigh) McMahon. He graduated from West Milwau- kee High School in January 1940. He served in the United States Navy from 1940 to 1945. He married June R. Sleasman in Ho- quiam in 1944. McMahon worked as a sailor, cook, mill worker and a clerk for the United States Postal Service. Franklin James McMahan : He enjoyed family, read- ing, sports and hunting. He is survived by his son Frank McMahon (Nancy) of Olympia; daughters Patti Ostenson (Ron) of Elma, Kathleen Szalay of Naples, Fla., Peggy McMahon- Clemo of Shelton and Kath- erine Sugrue (Sean) of Roch- ester; nine grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren and two great-great- grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his par- ents, wife June, sis- ters Nellis and Pa- tricia and brother Dale. A' celebration of life will be held at 5:30 p.m. Sun- day, May 15 at Co- lumbia Hall, 6794 Martin Way East, Lacey. Contact son Frank at 459-5283 with questions. Funeral Alterna- tives in Lacey are handling internment. Affordable Funeral Services Funeral Alternatives proudly serves all faiths, venues, and cemeteries ........................... ~r~.~ ----2 ................... Locally-Owned, Affordable, Full-Service Funeral Provider Hoodspert from Alzheimer's disease. She was a resident of Hoedsport for 27 years. She was bern October 5, 1927 in Seattle to Floyd and Myrtle (Shore) Doming. The family be- lieves that she grad- uated from Garfield High School in 1946. She married Richard Raleigh Walker on July 18, 1953 in Seattle. She was employed as a bank teller and later worked in the loan department at People's National Bank. She enjoyed genealogy and traced her family tree back many generations. She Jeanne Kathleen (Doming) Walker Walker (Robin Luethy) of San Antonio, Texas; grand- daughter Kayla Paige Walker of Hoodspert and brothers Don, Ren and Ken Doming. She was pre- ceded in death by her parents and husband Richard Raleigh Walker ai d granddaughter Amber Lee Walker. A Memorial ser- vice is planned for 2 p.m. Satur- day, May 14 at the Hoodspert Community Church 81 N. Finch Creek Rd. Hoodsport. Pastor Jack Keith will officiate at the service. Arrangements are under the direction of Glenn Walker. All State in the U.S.) three years running, two in high school and one playing for Panama College. He returned to the United States in 1982. Palmer Jr. and his wife had four children, Kristy whom he adopted after their marriage, Paul, Leah, and Heather, who adopted the Palmers in 2003 and who presented them with a granddaughter, Angola. At the time of his death, he was in his 12th year work- ing for Schneider National Carriers, as a driver/trainer/ OSR. He joined the compa- ny in October of 1999, enjoy- ing touring the country driv- ing long haul, before accept- ing an in house position in 2004. Besides being a truck- er, he was a licensed aircraft mechanic, having graduated ford and Betty Palmer Sr. of Shelton', brother Patrick Palmer (Emma) of Navasota, Texas; granddaughter Ange- la Erwin of Beaverton, Ore. and niece Kathrine Palmer of Navasota, Texas. His grandparents preced- ed him in death. A service was held Wednesday, May 11 at the Shelton Christian Church. McComb Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. Memorial donations to can be made to Smokey Moun- tain Children's Home, P.O. Box 4391, Sevierville, TIN 37864-4391 or Penny Har- vest do Schneider National Carriers Inc. 3101 Packer Land Drive, Green Bay, WI 54306. For your convenience online condolences may be sent to the family at mc- Send obituaryinformation to: obits@masoncou Deadine is 2pro the tuesday before publication. ~Worthy of Your Trust Competitive Pricing • Pre-Arranged Planning A Reputation Built on Service ii iii iiiiii! i ii::iii!;i i:iiiii Shehon - (360) 427-8044 Olympia- 1360) 943-6363 (360) 426-4803 Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, May 12, 2011 - Page B-7