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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 13, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 13, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Peroy N 60].7 8.E, 86th AVe $ Approved By I 19 13, 1965 IA AHL n~ember of ,s of the Years, he tan of the tt he had help from especially member of nPatW, who orked With of the Ch tm- .' is ill char/4e gram for the 1945, Oltman the Superin- 'he same ye~ was held. raOVed out of- ,~e' became i! Lection ~ ith wffShington i Was Presi- After thai;, trd of Trus- of the and Ki- "rman of I-Ie WaS from 19- of Will be anlliver- MAY 1965 Charles S. Cowan a fire preven- tion leader in the SLate of \¥ash- ington for nearly four decades, will be tile featm'cd speaker at the Queen's Banquet, lVIay 20. opening event of the 21st annual Mason County Forest Festival The public dinner honoring Queen Patsy Bixenmaml and her court will begin at 7 p.m. m the multipurpose room of the Moun- tain View School. according to George Hermes, general chairman. The Shelton-Mason County Cham- ber of Commerce is agam sponsor ing the event. QUEEN PATSY will be crown- ed by her immediate predecessor, Liz Somers. Cowan, who retired from the Washington Forest Protection As- sociation in 1958, came here ill 1927 from British Columbia. Dur- ing his career he led in tim de- velopment of new equipment and methods in detecting and combat- Ling forest fires. He has been ac- tive in many associations and is a past presi(ient of Keel) VCashing- to Green. Hermes sai(I banquet tickets, costing $2.50 each, are on sale at several locations in town. CHARLES COWAN Bacon, who last spoke ill Shcl- ton in 1962, has 'been a:;sociated with Shelton for over two decades, first with the Lumbermeh's Mer- cantile Company, then with Simp- son. He is a former resident of Shelton and now lives in Seattle. Although Bacon's spee.c.h is key- ed to the Company's 75th anni- versary, he is expecLed to empha- size SimpsoWs futm'e, including possible expansion Tn Shelton. Ulle, left, and Paul Kamin, children of rain, Shelton, hold the trophies and to winners in the Paul Bunyan Festival May 22. Julie is dressed and Paul a logger. Simpson Timber to the best pioneer woman and best Will ~resent trophies to the best es will be given as prizes will assemble on the old Lincoln before 9:30 a•m. for the parade Unyan Parade. IIOME OWNED bank the . RATIONAL BAHg MASOH GOUHTY ~IT~ ARE BUILDING MASON COUNTY" r YOUr added oonvenience 10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P. L F.D.I.C. Published in "C.hristmastown, U.S.A ". Shelton Washin=ton ., j , ~ v Enter,,t! as ~(!(',~,l](l ClaSS maLLet' at the Po.stofflce at Shelton, Washington, 98584 una(,r ACt of Marco 8 1879. ~'um,sne(t "a,eekly at 227 Wast Cots. OSCAR LEVIN BY PAULA STORMO Oscar Levin, a Shclton resident since 1944, worked as staff forestm for Simpsou until two years ago. He has been an active participant in the Forest Festival for nearly as hmg. For he was one of the original group which organized the Fe,~tiv'd in 1945. Timre were three other cmurnittee chairman at that time. 'They were Harry Clark, Reg- inald Sykes and M. H. Needham. Levin has done a great dcal of work for i.he Festival over the years. He originated the poster contest, and scrvc,l as iLs commit- Lee chairman from 1945 to 1959• Ten years apo Lhe Western For- ~stry and Conservation Association began sponsoring a poster contest in 11 Western slates following the stone pattern used here. 'Thin also spread to the Midwest, the East and the Southwest with the Ke~p Green Programs. Levin ha~ served ~IS one Of the Logging Show judges, an.d as all advisor to those who enter para.dc floats, among many ()their things. He is now a member of the Forest Festival executive conlmittee as he has been for the past 20 years. He has been active with the Boy Scouts tile 4-I-1 Camp, and tll'e Tree-I;arm movement. :i' :it :i: OTtlER SIMPSON executives from Seattle who will attend the luncheon, nearly all former Shel- tonites, include \,ice Plesidents R. 13. Hutchinson, G. L. Oswald, and Starr Reed, and C. E. Runaeres, Jr., director of corporate planning; Mel Munson, director of industrial relations and Dave James, direct- or of public affairs. Other special guests will be C. H. Kreienbaum, long associated with the Company's development in Shelton mltil his retirement m 1960 and W. G. Reed, Jr. great- grandson of Founder Sol G. SimP- son. Musical e~ltert, ainment will be provided by Bea Larson and Van Helnmer. Rocky Hembr?ff of Kiwanis aud Bud Lyt n of Ro,.ary are co-chair" manning preparauons for tlm lun- cheon. Lois Magelssen, daughter of iV[r. and Mrs. H. O. Rowe, Simlton, placed third ill the State Keep Washington Green contest ~hich was judged recently. Posters suhmitted in the Ma~ son County Forest FeStival poster contest :]re submitted ill the state cam etition. The top. two place win~,rs ill each division are sent to the state contest.. see(rod in tbe senior dlvlS l~{ason Cmmty voters Tuesday approved a $1,100,000 bond issue i!or the eonstruction of a new has- contest here. Les Shelver a trustee of keep Washington Green was notifieo or Miss" Magelsse,;'~' .plac:::gtui,~, ~? state contest and, l~e 18 Pages 3 Sections 10 Cents per Copy Second tiffed her. PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, 010 Simpson Tinl- l)el CompanY was founded in Ms- '" • . ...... ars ago; and the son COlUlty ~o ,~ ~, ,.~...¢;,,,,I ^~ Co;i~;;'anY forits contrbution to the and conselvation at d"vel0p):lente ' ' ' our forests, and " S the 21st nnnual WHEREA~ ' , ' • ' 'ul • ay $11( Ill I " ' ' ' -,-"MAY 22nd and 20th tlu'0ug" ' ' . "--EAS, the wearmg ()f a WHP-n RED HAT symbolizes our con- t mt vigil for" the preserwttion of S .I: otn' foreStS: • W, THEREFORE, I, FRANK NO . ~'VlS, Mnvor of ltm City of " -Wasiii, gton, do he;'cby Shei!:o! ,.uc Week of May 22nd as Ilroc|alln ~,)* ', .'Fo)'e:~i Festival Week. IN wITNESS THEREOF, I • ~ l~creunto set my hand and '~;;%d tho sea, o.~ :~e Cit.,~ o~ Shol- ton to be affixeu tnis 10th day of ~(,,r 1965. /s/ FRANK A TRAVIS Mayor Continued on Page ine ......... i :.i ....... : FAIR ROYALTY--Kathy Mell, center, was elected are, Carolyn Brewer, left, daughter of Mr• and Mrs. Mason County Fair Queen by the county's 4-H Ralph Brewer, Shelton, a member of the Kamilche members last week. She is the daughter of Mr. Kids• and Bette Cowan, right, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mell, Shelton, and is a member of and Mrs. Edward Metzlcr, Union, a member of the the Agate Tip Top 4-H Club. She has been in 4-H 4-H Builders. The three girls will reign over the _work f,_~l" eight years_. Membe ~_ of the royal court Mason County Fail" In .August. Guard Unit Won't J, ~= )~= = " " Be In Festival Corn|he I ~l_ ~ |~__ Two eight-page sections of th.c ~largest in this newspaper's 78-year ~~][~ IFJI$ fear Journa.l's ~:pecial edition dedicated life. ~o• (Snpps(}n Tu}lb..ev Companys] Be sure you•geL as many copies (Din linD, l\ orsar~ na,v/2,colne ()If • The Sll~lton National Guard ill( less , -., . . . as you need ' " " '" '- 1 ' ~ p '"L' an(l a tnll*(l SQCI1OI1 T;() ' . . Unit will n.ot pku'tmlpate, m tl c eomplcie the edition wi,1 be ,n',nt- Becanse of the early pubhcahon Forest l,'cshval Parade tins year ed l lte ~h s ~e,,~ ÷'(,, ~,,eu,'/',~ -~ date next week, dea,dlines for The g,lal'd ,nembe,'s wm be at- ,,;';',,4i' rand adve,:Usi,,g win be a Lending a 41st Dlvm~en trauung est Festival edition of this news-I -la5 earher thall nsual, maneuvers at Ft. Lewis the week- paper .... I The deadline for r~tral cm'res-