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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 13, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 13, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2 fiI .,LTON-- 'TASON C0UN'T ffOURNAT]--rl lbli. hed in #Chr.L trna, fown U.S.A.", h'elton, Washington I Illl I I I II I II I II I I l 'k Clean engines are economical, smooth, lively and last longer. And that's the way the detergent-action in RPM Motor Oils keeps engines.., clean~ Iree of sludqe and deposits. Regular 60 day oil changes with detergent- action "RPM" are your best protection against enqine wear. With that caze, your engine can outlast your car. We have a com- plete line of the finest, most economical lubri- vantg and |uels. Call us |or p:ompt delivery. G. G. GOLE & SONS 118 South Third St. Shelton Phone 426-4411 ,3 DIIITRIBUTOR, STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS ,,,,=~..,,.,~,,.,s.....,,,~e II LJ . I JUNIOR HIGH PRINCESS--- Donna Winn, a student at Shel- ton Junior High School, was se- lected last week as Lion's Club Princess from the Junior High for the Forest Festival. She will ride on the Lion's Club float in the PUl Bunyan Pa,,'ade: LOGGERS 8HOW Logger_ehampions led by High- climber Hap Johnson and Log Roller Russ Ellison will strut their stuff Saturday, May 22 in Shel- ton at the Loggers" Sports Show of the 21~t annual Mason County t~orest lVestlval. The Loggers Sports show wiu begin at ~ p.m. at Loop Field. Ad- mission is by Forest Festival mem- bership button--$1for adults, 25¢ for chihlren. Johnson, from Forks, is probably the best known highclimber in the business, having performed his specialty before thousands of peo- ple all over the U. S., including the New York World's Fair last year. He will be joined by his' brother, Stan, in exhibitions of am Caravan Club, internationM association of trailer-home trav- elers which is holding one of its re~:ular "rendez-vous" here next week, are expected to reach Shel- ton next Monday and set up head- quarters at the Mason County fairgrounds. Within a day or so thereafter an estimated 75 Lo 100 caravaners are expected to gather here for their Forest Festival rendez-vous for a week of activities which will include tours of Simpson plants, Camp Grisdale, an Indian salmon bake, and a SatUrday night s~uare dance with the Shelton Salty Sash- ayers. Another activity in Which the Dub]ic Is invited tO join the car- avar~ers will be a showing of a film', of the African caravan in the junior high auditorium Wednes. day evening at 7:30, The African film about an hour and 15 mtn= utes long and With another short- er film on caravaning will com- prise about a two-hour program to which admission Will be by for- est fei~tival button. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Condon of Shelton members of the Caravan Club, have made arrangements for the Caravaners rendez=vous here. ) Fisherman ( ) Keep Washington Green ( ) PARADE ENTRY FORM 1965 JUNIOR PAUL BUNYAN PARADE MASON COUNTY FOREST FESTIVAL SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1965 --- 9:30 A.M. Please check which classification you are entering: Animals ( ( Bikes ( ) Trikes ( ) Costumes & Clowns ( ) Floats ( ) Groups ( Impersonations: Pioneer Woman ( ) Logger ( ) Hunter ( ) For only a few cents a night you can light up your front yard and driveway, YOu can install a modern efficient light near your house or garage, you can banish the darknesa around your Patio or recreattorial area. VisualiZe 'yoUR home With One or mor~. of these modern, efficient lights. Thinko~ the many advantages you Will enjoy an¢ the peace of mind you realize If yore property Is effectively illumirtated after dark. Here's * An efficient an nalre designed * A built-In on the light as turns it off * All brackets and complete i) * All electrlo power ation of the light. * Free maintenance burned out bulbS. The LoW Cost Will Surprise You Get Details Your Name ........................................................................................... ! ........ Your Address .............................................................................................. Parents' Signature ............................................................................ Please fill in this form as ~oon as you know you will be entering thils parade, and mail it to P'. O. Box 365, Shelton, Wash. It should be received by May 18, 1965. The parade will form at the old Llncoln School Playground at 5th $,nd Cota ~t 9:30 a.m. and to judged all entries shotlld be there at thI~ time, • in i~ IN JACK cOLE TOM WEBB ED TAYLOR Presidcnt Vice President Secretary LIVE BETTER ELEGTRIGALLY !f ]L