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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 13, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 13, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 , SI'IELTON--MAg0N C0UN'I " JOURNAL-- b|i hed tn uChri, fma. fown, U.S.AY, elton, Wa hin ou Tho major cause of accidents is carelessness, says the Stato Safe- ty Council. JL i ill ,i i i MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ..................... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Alex C. Motes, Pastor Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn Sunday School ........ 9:45 a.rm Morning Worship al:00 a.m. C. Y.'s & Cadets ...... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 3/11 tfn CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RADIO SERI'ES Sunday, May 16 "Why Be Afraid of Exams?" 9:15 a.m. --- 1400 KC KTNT Radl,o, Tacoma li , i i li ii ill li i ii .......... Census To Seek Informalion On 'Moonlighting' Information on the extent to which workers in the United States hold more than one job wilt be obtained in the Bm'eau of the Census Current Population Snr- vey in May, according to John E. Tharaldson, Director of the Bn- reau's regional office in Seattle. The Bureau wiil also ask ques- tions about overtime pay in the survey which is taken once each j month to develop information on1 employment andl unemployment I for tim U S Bureau of Labor/ Statistic:< Tl~e quesi]ons on dual l jobholding and premium pay will] be asked in addition to the regular monthly inquiry on employment a nd unemployment. The data will be collected during the week of May 16 from selected households in this area as well as olher sample areas throughout the U.S. ExAmples of the questions to be asked are: Did this person work for more than one employer last' week ? In addition to working for wages or salary did this person operate his own farm, business ,or profession last week? What was this person's second job last week ? How many horn's did he work at his second job last week? Did this persoa get a higher rate of pay, like time and a half or double time, for the hours he worked over 40 ? Does this person usually work more than 40 hours a week? Census Bureau mterviewer who will visit families tn this area in May are Mrs. Polly A. Swayze, Shelton. P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd and Cota SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1965 9:15 a.m.--Coffee Time. 9:30 a.m.--Guest Speaker:BOB SUND "PLANNING TRACK TEAMS" 10:00 a.m.--"CAUSE OF DECAY" Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cots Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1965 Morning Worship 9:30 a.m.---Sunday School. Broadcast over 8:15 & 11:00 a.m.-- "LIFE'S GREATEST PURPOSE" 6:00 p.m.--Youth Groups. 7:00 p.m.---Rev. Alfred Sandoval 1280 - 11:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m.---Bible Study Fellowship & Prayer You Are Welcome At The SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street ' Mason Younghmd, pastor Sunday School - for the family .................................... 9:45 A.M. MorninK Worship ................................................................ 11:00 A.M. Christ's Ambassadors .......................................................... 6:00 P.M. Revival Service ................................................................... 7:00 P.M. Family Night - Wednesday ............................................ 7:00 P.M. iii i i i i i ii i ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Hey. Clarence A. Lody, .Priest 7:30 a.m.--Holy Communion 9:30 a.m.--Church School & Adult Bible Class 11:00 a.m.---Divine Worship The Church is always open for meditation and prayer. I II II I I I I II III I I II I , i , = O SON OF BEING! My love is My stronghold; he that enter- eth therein is safe and secure and he that turneth away shall surely stray and per- ish. BAHA'U'LLAH (Glory of God) BAHA'IS OF SHELTON For Information Phone 426-6473 or Write Rt. I, Box 619 I II II I I I II I] I IIII J i/lllllll I n III I I IIIIII I I III IIl|lnllm IIIn II i 712~ and ~'Yanklin Family Worship Servloet 8:30 a.m. Classes: 8unda~ Scheol & Adtdt 9::$0 a.m. 2~d Worship Service 11:00 a~lt. ~hristian Worship, Eduoatlon, Fellowship, Service C~arl J. Carlsen, Pastor Phone 4~-~II I i ill I I I I ! I i |,1 IIt ..... I H II ~ ......... MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olymp4o Hwy, 80. Ca~ade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, ,PaM~ Sunday SchOOl ............................................................... 9:4B Lm. Adult Bible ....................................................... 9"A6 Mo"~ Worship ......................................... 8:30 aan. & 11:90 a.ltt. 1,1|, ,iI ii i, II i I i ,I Iii II l il~ i tim= , ,, l~r ii i~ i iiii ~I ii I I I iI I I il II n METHODIST OHUROH North 4th and Pine tt~et= REV. HORACE H. MOUNT|, MINISTER 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages - 6:80 p.m. Youth Fellowldhp II , ji III i i i I I i I I I RRST OHUROH OF OHRlST, SOIENTIST, , 302 Alder St,, $1~elton, Wash, Sunday School 11:00 a.m. ~ Chur?~ 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 pJm. Reading ~oom located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. M~n. & FrL Wed. evening 6.46 to 7:45. i iI ii I ill 111 I i I iii ii i ~ IIiiii II i iii iii Ii iiiii IIiii m i i i iii l FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Juroadia and :Lake Boulevard Charles 0. Wlgton Bible School ..... 9:45 a.m. Youth M#etingo 5:30 p.m Worship .~ ........ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:~ p.m Wedffesday -- Bible Sttgly a/td Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. ehild Care Service Avalldble at 11.00 Service . ~ . ill I u IlllllU I I ii III I 't i i i ~. NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH East E St. Seventh-Day Adventist Sehl~n! 9!flldtng Small Enough 61JMday School ............ 9:45 a.m. To Need You, Big Worship ........................ 11:00..a.m. Enough To Serve Y,ou iiiiii i I i I I I PUD Getting Up The Worm ~FT)T] i :i~!~ ~ ; A LONG STRETCH--This picture, with the arm of PUD 3's new lift trucks stretched across Rail- noad Avenue, glyes some idea of the length of,the arm. The new trucks arrived last week, with one to be in Shelton and the other at the Belfair substation. VIEW FROM ABOVE---This picture was taken looking down from the full extended length of the arm on the new PUD 3 lift truck at the truck itself below. The photographer was stand- ing In one of the two fiberglass buckets at the end of the arm. The trucks cost about $20,000 each. Local Dogs Win Honors A! Olympia Show Sun, Local dogs entered in the Olym- pta Dog Fanciers Association Dog Show and Obedience Trial Sunday came home with their share of ribbons. Dori of Alderwood, owned by Mr. ;and Mrs. Harold Ahlskog, Shelf.on, was selected as winners, female, and best of opposite sex to best of breed among the Dober- man Pinschers. Drago of Alderwood, a Dober, man Pinschers, also shown by Mr. and Mrs. Ahlskog, was aeleeted aS best male and best of wimlers. TEANN'S RED DAWN, an Aus- tralian Terrier shown by Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ford, was Jtldged win- ners, female and best of opposite sex to :best of breed. Australian and canadian Cham- pi0n Wo~ge Whron Well Wisher, a~ Australian Terrier, owned by iv~r. and: Mrs. Ford, and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Lund, Beltingham, plac- ed'second in his cl~s., 'Kiss Me Wate .of .l~ferylyn, an Australian Terrier, .shown by Mr. and Mrs. Ford, placed first in her class. ,. ,' ,, Quinault Tribal Vole ISTPJ ? nwnGde M aYc22m eetin of tlle Quinault Tribal Council at 10 a.m., May 22, at the school in Tahola. A vote will be taken to amend the Bylaws to say who shall be a member of the Quinault Tribe, who can vote, and other related • matters. All persons who claim membership in the Quinault Tribe, and any other interested •persons, are invited to be present. It is proposed to let anyone be a member who meets the follow- ing requirements: BLOOD MEMBER -- Any per- son of at east one-quarter Quin- ault (including Queets) blood. : AFFILIATED MEMBER--Any person of at least one-quarter Quileute, I-Ioh, Chehalis, Chinook or Cowlitz blood, who owns (or whose father or mother owns) a trust interest in an allotment on the.Quinault Resetwation, and who resides on the Quinault Reserva- I/ion, or in Jefferson County with- :in ten miles of the Reservation, or in Grays Harbor County. Those persons who have tradi- tionally been recognized as eligible to vote in the Tribal Council will be eligible to vote. STRAIGHT UP --- When the arm on the new PUD truck is extended to its full length, the men in the buckets are some 55 feet above the ground. The lift is operated from the bucket. Stationary legs extend from the truck bed to give added support when the arm is in operation. High Low Precip. May 6 .............. 53 30 .06 May 7 .............. 62 34 -- May 8 .............. 67 35 -- May 9 .............. 69 35 May I0 .............. 74 43 -- May 11 .............. 74 47 -- May 12 .............. 77 50 Readings are for a 24-hour per- iod ending 8 a.m. i III I II i SEE YOUR OREDIT UNION FOR LOW COST LOANS AND SAVINGS WITH HIGH RETURNS What Makes Your Credit Union Work? We help each other. As members, we ,own our own credit union, and invest in our own business. Only those in our field of membership may join. Only members may take advantage of our services. Costs are low (officers serve without pay), and there are many safeguards to protect our funds in the credit union. Future Heme of Your Crodit Un on at Feurth. & Cedar MASON COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION SERVING ALL RESIDENTS OF MASON COUNTY EXCEPT SIMPSON EMPLOYES Methodists To Honor Women, Girls At Dinner All umtlle}'s and daughters and ~'l'ilndll]()(Jlel'H ~llld gl';lll(id~lll~lltt!l'~ \vh(~ arc rolated ill any way to lhc l,'ilst Methodist CIm~ch (ff Shcll(m :1)'o inviled Io attend a I);,|lt]ll('l S;lllll'd:ty evening at G ).D]. The ));lll(llle( will b(' 1)r(,pa),ed hy In('ll fl'()Yll the Men'.~; Club and :i(q'vcd ~)y y()llll~ nli~a fl'Olll the S(mi,)l' lind Intermediate MYb' ~l',Hi1)s. l{:cnllelh l~'l'a.ll]{ is ill charge of cooking the (linllel. The v,'Olllell |1'()111 variotts circles will be ill :,,harKs of decorations, I;~l)le set- inK, programs and name lags, and '.Jle ples(mlati(m of tile CVelling 311 [el'~At illnlent. Dining the dinncr George Luf- kill will finnish dinner music on the piano. Ve:ltm'ed (m lhe pro. gram of the evening will be Mrs. James Dollivcv of Olympia. Mrs. Dolliver is both an author and speaker in her own right. She is mthov of the book, "The Intelli- gent Woman's Guide h) Sucessful Organization and Cltlb ~,¥o}'k". Sbe has been an active member (if the Woman's Society of Christ. ian Service and says that this is where she got the inspiration for her book. Mrs. Dolliver has also completed the lay speakers course which is offered by the Methodist church for the purpose of prepar- Ing laymen to fill pulpits whenever asked. Her husband has recently been appointed by Gov. Dan Evans as his Administratiw~ Assistant. The Men's Club of the First Methodist Chm'eh will have its monthly meeting in Fellowship Hall May 17. The meeting begins with a dinner at 6:30 p.m. whicb will be prepared and served by members of the Wesley Circle. Rev. Horace Mounts is in charge )f the p]'ogram and tile installa- tion of the new officers of tile Club. Mrs. Gordon Bennett and Mrs. Hal McClary are attending the Woman's Society of Christian Ser- vice annual meeting in Seattle this week. Featured on their program will be an address by Mrs. MarK- aret Bender who is a foreign af- fairs and United Nations expert with the Woman's Division and the Board of Missions. FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you withc, ut a do(!l.or's t)r,,s(tT'itdloIl. OUl" J)l'odllel. sailed Odri- flex. Yotl must lc,se ugly fat or your' l]lolley back. Odrinox i~ ,'t tiny tabh~t and easily swallowed. ~tet rid of excess fat and live longer. Odrinex costs $3.0~ and is sold on this guarantee: If not satisfiod for any reason, just reluvn the package h) yOtll" druggist nnd get y(UI" frill nloll()y back. No qlle.~lioIls askod. Odrinex is sold with lhis gum'- anlo.e by : EVI~:I{GREEN DRUG CI,;NTEI~ ToOLabTOoiaSsify .4- ciG, S7 =, MiLi S off. gl)~)d hind, level. Ytlle tr(!es, I)rusil |)IIF,{ I-1 F(!, TWO Itlilos to lPdW W. C. C,!ntev. Bhlcktol) highway. ~840.00 full ))r|c(L $15(I d(,wll. B/lll.illC(:' em~y terms. Dm)'l delny. Call d26- 854,1. Dev,!voux-Hul,b'r Roal Estale. 226 N. First, Shelton. 5/la REGISTERED AImrdeen Anglis Bulls, ,me to three years ,)ht. ~ood blood- lilleS. Reas,)ll~ll)ly pvi,~,'d. Call Ab- (q'd(*(!n LE 2-4638 after 6 l).lll. V 5/1.%20 F()I~ RENT -- Four room furnished beach c(,ttage. Agate Ill'e~l. Ial,'ase ,'all 426-6979 after 5 ll.m. 19 5/1a tfn oOR RENT -- Unfurnished house new- ly .,~d,!corated. Nice yard. Referenc(!s vequir,'d. Phone 426'-'2.t55 or inquire Rt. L Box 8. W 5/13 FOR SALE -- 1956 Chev. V-g engine, just (~verhauled, $150. Phone 426- 6317. C 5/13-27 '56 FORD WAGON ~ Clean, good rod- tol'. dohn Keyzers, Shelt(,ll Junl(. P 5/13 TRADE Owner wants to TRADE his Seattle DUPLEX in A-1 condi- tion FOR saltwater WATER- FRONT. Call West 2-0727 or write 5773 S.W. Orleans, Se- attle 16. N 5/13 KICK DLD 'NIG' SUNDAY If you really want to ldck the nicotine Evcrgreen school auditorium this Sunday There, at 7:30, the widely heralded 5-dayl by medical and milfi:sterial 1)lanners will be Mason County smokers and put into action. Th, is has 'met wilh immense thro?fflho d the count'ry and has been sm cessful with those who (live it a Althongh it is s!}onsored on a national by the Seventh Day Adventist church, the not religious in nature in any way. It is, highly worthwhile public service for which to be strongly complimented and aetively If you are a smoker who wishes he wasn'tl yourself a big favor and be one ofthose in the Evergreen school auditorium Sunday JOIN THE TMs is one yea; when the ForeS!t should have "sneaked up on you", as has seemed to in past. Everyone who reads this newspaper, one in Mason County does, cannot have volume of Forest Festival news and graced front and inside pages of the J weeks. This 1965 Forest Festival, arriving the ingredients for being better than any sors. Its dedication to Simpson Timber niversary is ideal for this "coming of age" tival birthday. It is fitting that community service leaders are sponsoring a Simpson Wednesday as the Forest Festival week hope you've bought your ticket by now, or day is over. We hope, too, you've bought your ticket banquet and coronation which follows next ning, as well as your Forest Festival To do so early is a great help to the try to anticipate how many meals to prepare' it is fun to attend these events. If you've never attended a he fore, try it sometime--we They're open to the public, always. So is elation luncheon Wednesday. ney 1963 FAIRLANE 500 V-8 -- Automatic -- New Tires -" New Brakes 1961 FORD GALAXIE HTP. New Tires --- P. Brakes -- P. steering Low Mileage 1959 RAMBLER AMERICAN Sta. Wagon 1956 PONTIAC WAGON 1948 DODGE CAB & CHASSIS Dual Wheels -- 4 Speed -- NeW Tiees Ideal for horses or cattle :{: KE E P They're Dependable 1116HII1GTOII PAULEY MOTORS Front & R.R. ,!, DON'T MIS A GREAT fit Kenmore FREE GOFFEE and o DOOR PRIZES! flZ " 18" washer ........................ SAVE $25.00 Kenmore Dryer ............................ SAVE $55.00 17 cu. ft. Freezer .......................... SAVE $50.00 21" TV ............................................ SAVE $50.00 14 eu. ft. Refrigerator ................ SAVE $40.00