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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 13, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 13, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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® • ~ m. • Resignation of Jim Doherty as ~ - IN MASON COUNTY tennis/earns I'llld Highe:imber bask .tban coach ne - | -- --- u ---. essgates the third major-sport ii "" "-'-" "--- Rough 6oin With coaching ehange at Shelton iligh I{rlqTAI{DEI) CHILD TROUT H.F. Rishel and Joe McKeil were O ID school for the 1965-66 school .term. ~;: : DERBY 'illiS SUNDAY others meeting mmcess. NAF|~ TknnnJ~|Ant ~A~ Earlier, Bob Smld'S resignation ::~ : HVlIillU /llgUO|UII IU~ o ened u the football and track Shelton Nimrod Club members: From other reporting sources p~ . p . . Will 9lay host to Rogers sehool iHarstine Island and Steamboat North Thurston defeated ~ coaching positions since filled res- ,%ut~el,~ and any other retardedIsland showed up as active spots. Highclimber boys 'tennis team pectively by Jerry Mills of Ton- " ~ children; ,of~ Mason County,,, who Ot~r Moran took a 10-pounder oftwhich was minus some of its reg-asker and Jerry t~lowman of the -""', , ,, rtiainate in the. annual Harstine, Arn Schreiber a 3- ulars, 4-3 last week on the Shel- University of "Washington. trout derby the club sponsors atpounder. A1 Stewart had a pair of ton courts. Doherty who has held the High- i i~ Tupper's pool at Lake Nahwatzel 5-pounders at Steamboat. Because of its non league na climber iaoop helm for three years, :: : il ::::' : next Sunday. Renny Mas°n' skindiving in uP"ii~ile~i~trege£tl/~i)kyg~i ~[~!!c~pt°!i!Vii[°i~ii~P~i!i! !. ]. .......... I high schools in the district. There ~ ~ ~ Activity starts at noon and all per Hood Canal, speared a 35-1b fish .... caught will be. barbecued anling cod. to g'ct his fish in a lit-' the spot for the chddren to enj~w tle different manner. • ~i after they have been tanght how '-'n t~-- ~-~s" -r-- - ' ' ~ " t~e~termen ~)ave wnm ano ~,u~e .... ~. ..... ,,.,.., ~.~.,schools in i~ : ~a~ .... " __ ' kJ I/l~ ).CU "n V~ aUt'.t- lake lr0nL , ,1•,:. t.aal ~. o~aaa~x a.~. . .f to_:clean. . and; prepare:,. ~ lnem, .. _ Trask' • can ...... ~rmes laces were" es.' McNeil scored the three Shelton ..... i ...... !~ ~ i~ l'ne (|C]'])Y VVIII De [aped an(1 r~~ _.....~_ ....... , . . . llle tl ~t.I'lCL. :. , ~ " "~ .... ~. , .~ . ~ pecially go..a w~m many nmns points, winning the No. 1 and No. j ~. ................. a ...... ~ ~ ~| : 2 singles and the No. 1 doubles. ...... ~, ~ ~Yit~| • . ~ p '.a ana ~a~e Cusnman ls . - • els t ....... lion ..... next ~/ednes(lay. evemng. . . B b ,ielomg ..... generoumy ot its cm. ~7inn defeated Gary Rothwell, 7-5, !he move. .~ecause .ne Ord is~. general.2., chairman. . for the :nr" (lat angel rainbow populauon~" "' ' 6-1; McNeil whipped Mick Schlin-: ,arger a~strlc~ o~ers more .oppor. JIM DOHERT~ N imroa ~m.m . ..... • ,~'ith a smattering of silvers begin, ker ill love sets, 6-0 ;6.-0 andi tile turn(y: (or aavanccmen.t }ni :~a~ ; ~ HOop ~lenior Moving , l=lellevue location 'd, lll p ,llOI,bl I R ANSIVI'gItltEI) , ~ • ~ • - well and Schlinker in the doubles , " ~ . .. .. , • J ~-~-~ ~|~ ,~ ~ L:u~nmen is no longer the early • Fred H(,bn, fish biologist in the ...... " ' ~ "6,1 4-6 6 3 ,:o more easily furtner ms umver- ~|~[-[ll~,~ u~a-~ State.,(. G inle l)c,)al tmimt's, .. ...., 10121. ,r offeredSe ~son dlldnothmgit, nsedbuttOsllversbe, whenTl,ett On tile losing side for the Climb-' ' "' ' .~itYinE foreducati°n'll \,earsHe has been coach- IHl~H,~Tnlat [:tag dlsJlct (Mason, Giltb S I-Tat b( , ' , • •.. . ~. '' '~ es -'l b rans growing clt~roat: and rainbow ~rs were Dave Bayley to Ralph ~ • --~ ' - Hi-'- ] ............... I, } a,.lflc ( aintl=. ). ~wll " 1 e t, ord'- colonies' are changing th'tt Pate, 1-6, 2-6; Joe Grl{ver to John cli~lnlt 211s ~}?~ttlet£~ae~lS°2Sa:~ Dog~" Nobody did nnlch bragging Ierred to Omak n(xt fa 1, ace ............ Libby .1-6 0-6 Larry Lutz to • "~ ' "~ ....... ~.| nlnv" ":bout lit;; ~eo,'e aftra the Indust- ing to a notice he lLeceived from * * * Denlai's Sch'inke~ 2 6 'l 6 Ray erry's t.eam nra~e tne ols~rt ..... ~- : .... , • , . . ttlIrl~Rl(, '~tNF" ]tI~)Gl," ' ' ' .... ' " , '- ' ~; .... md fo ria.i ~eague season championship hl.~laie snpel'mlSlast Week m the dcpartment ROAD ......... OPEN DAILY Barrington and Dave Roller in o~is .}:ne lifo ):e!t~'2r,,won ar roll-off last week ¢ Pat tile ilrs( Llnlc Ill nlst "3 ' " " ..2 . " . . _ Heart ()' Tbe Hills road tl, Hnr- :loubles to e and Ltbby, 0-6 ) * a I-Ie came 20th Cntn¢ ly qhldLwa .... fnst t~onn has mrme ms home m . " : . . ,~ ~ . 'Flayoff game this scasm. ~ ". ' ' y, 's ~. .~ . )....~. . ..... -(lane RMge m Olympm N~tion- ~-v. h-1:2 from ¢c-uim half winner copped the full-season ~neli:on ai 202:,) ]k(l[ l]li~ S feet IO ~ " " M , • w e ~ t1 . , ' (* ., ' , L. ., ; . ~ ~,. 'I Park is now ot)en daily through- The Chml ~rs host Port Angele~ • title by knocidn~ off Morgan l;l~e pas J.q: yeHrs /,e II; ,q ~,3~,. * r" " ' ' "/" "" *'~ '. "),'*~,"t~ .... " fo,16 ~ut tile ;~prlng and summer sea- aext Monday At Bellevue he also wall have.~ , .'~ ....~, ~.. . ~.. ' " " .... r ~4 ' t n~ "~" i'rallsIer Zloo tO 2aSs in [:ne V¢ll,n tnc (';Itnlt? a, evf~Ft J~e.,~ i' . ,f a ~ * * * a tra,cK coacnln~ asslgTnnl-~ L.tie . ~2 ; ....... ' . . years gl'adnating' from tile sins. • , . 2. . tl playoit DUE Lop mmvmual setues ~lRke LOSE TOO was asmstant H~ghchmber "ack ... ........ ". L~niversiLv (if ~.rashillgt(m school On their way llp to the Ridge '-~ " ' ~ ..... -.. - oI tile acElon was k;lanoo L;OOK S North Tllurstonalso won the coachto bllnll While nere. ,5._ " .... ' "' ' of fishe-i'(,s ill 195q His firsl as- visitms encouraged to stop at ' - ,:,~¢ seines ior tne winners. His he Plomei Memollal Museum on sign~a~en~ts"~ were' ~t tl~e depa]'t.- : " ' :'.2" :~ ..., . girls t.ennis n-~akcla from the High- Doherty's successor has not been suunortin~" scores wer'e Rawlin rn'ent's Soli~ll Tacoma hatchery ~he outskirts of Port Angeles for climbers ti]:: same day at North chosen yet. Mclnelly at 51.% Gary Clark at ]aiest inff )nl ~hon on load md am, i in G~'ilys ttarbor before con{- .':., " )' L ' ': z . Thuraton, 4d. ............................... 5].6, Ev McCoy at 512 and Larry ing to Shclton. veather conditions and see the Melody Morgan and Pare Tuson T~ ~.~$~.~ Ziegler at 474. .... , ..... .xhibits on lhe Park and local ~nared Sllelt