May 13, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 13, 1965 |
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5 Mr. and
Welcomed to
pOUnd two
named Chad
ors and
and Mrs.
and Mr.
of Ev-
in the home
Vere Rachel
low went
Ph Killough,
held by Ta-
Il-s,in. This
until fall.
4 with
hostess for
Brown home
Mr. and
Neal Ma-
r of Mrs.
Baze and
the home
Tobin and
J. Tobin
Gathering to dine on Motiiers'
Day in the home of Mrs. A. E.
Lemke were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
McLain and family of Kent, Mr.
and ,Mrs" Kenneth Wolden and
Gar3, and Marge and Jeanie Hart-
Icy of Shelton.
Dave Rayson visited Sunday in
Lacey with his dad, J. W. Rayson.
Joining him there was his mother
and his sister, Mrs. Clyde Barton
of Tacoma.
MOTHERS' DAY dinner guests
of Mr. and M:rs. Warren Williams
were Mrs. Esther Kidd and Mr.
and Mrs. Mel Cuzick and daugh-
tel'. Drop-in callers were Mr. and
Mrs. James Evans of Shelton, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Kidd and boys,
Bill Kidd and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Sunday visitors calling on the
James Dougherty family were Mr.
and Mrs. Justin Thomason and
children, Shelton.
Visiting Mothers' Day with Mr.
and Mrs. Dell Adams were Mr. an0
Mrs. Lester Adams and childrerg
Tacoma, Mrs. Glenn Riekards and
children, Chehalis and Mr. ~md
Mrs. Francis Troup and family,
Betty Combs visited Monday
with her grand-mother-in-law,
Mrs. Seab Combs.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. O.
Schuffenhauer Wednesday were
Mrs. Carol-Johnson, Mrs. Mtnnie
Canfield and Mrs. Ila Randall of
Centralia. Mns. Randall is spend°
ing a few weeks with the Sehuf-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirk motored
~ealled on Mr. and ~Irs. Paul Ross-
• , ]
Mrs. ~erbert Brehmeyer Sr.,
and Mrs. Edward Valley werl~
luncheon guests of Mrs. Paul John.
and Mrs. ston of Elma Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGar-
met last vie were Mothers' Day dimaer
Mrs. Ed- guests of Mr. and Mrs.. John Mc-
vin Hear-Garvie.
The Misses Nancy and Marg-
aret McGal,¢ie attended the horse
oyable a.f- show Saturday at Woodinville and
attended one at Silverdale Sunday.
Men- Nancy took first pzize on her
R. E. horse Sunday.
Sharp and and ehildren were weekend guests
Sharp at the Ron Moore home. SundRy
dinner the Ron Moore family enjoyed
Mr. and dinner at the Misner home in Pu-
yallup. They also visited Mr. and
~ell and Mrs. Ralph JenRins of Tacoma
Jerry and Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rickert of
Hoquiam and Mr. L. F. Cook of
Montesano were Sunday dinner
guests guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
tderson Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent
the weekend in Tacoma with rel-
atives. Sunday they went to Auo
~tll~ and took their folks Mr. and
James Mrs. O. W. Walker out to dinner.
billS. AUGUSTA Portman and
family spent Carl Portman spent Sunday with
Andrew Mc- Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of
C ~: '~
' lift
Mrs. Dave Haddock and daugh-
ter Kathy and Mrs. Herbert Breh-
meyer Sr., we,~e luncheon guests
Tuesday of Mrs. Ernest Booth of
Shelton. Wednesday evening. The
Ernest Booth's were supper guests
of the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr.
James and Daryl Kimmerly
spent Saturday evening with their
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Hei-b-
eft Brehmeyer St. Mothm~' Day
guests at the LierbeVt
St. home were the
Kimmerly family of Shelton
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston
and children of Elma.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brown and
family spent Sunday with their
folks in Auburn. Gene also visited
his father at Virginia Masotl Hos-
pital in Seattle.
A Mothers' Day family din!ler
at the home of Mr. and MrS. Bob
Dawson was enjoyed by Mr. and
l~Irs. Robei't Stine and famil~. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred LaMarsh and child-
ren all of Seattle and Mr. and
Mrs..4,1 Dawson and children and
Robert C. Dawson of Shelton,
s fishing
I e:dh~d on Mrs. Los li:~iMmp of Ka- SchlflTenlmuer while their l)nrents,
mihqlt,. Als. there wcre Mr. nnd
Mrs. l(eilh Sattcrlhwniie ()1' Quil-
to Taconla Sunday evening to vi.~fitl, akes, Ill., v.,ht, rc he is slnliOlh,(I Mr. /ill(1 MI'S. L. A. Todd dined
his mother, Mrs. T. G. Richardson, for lraining. He has been cho:;en at Millo's in Hoodsl).rl Mothers'
and also called oil Mr. and Mrs. as a drmnnler in li~o drum and l)nv and lai('r in [hc nftorn(mn
Garfield Robbins and family. P-ugh: Corps.
Gathering in the Hans Lund MI{. AND MILS. Clmrlcs \Villis wore ghosts in till' h(nue of Mr
home Sunday for dinner were Mr. axe now llHtliil/g' lhl'ir )lOllh illqnd Mrs, Lowell llar(tie :lloll~"
and Mrs, Ma.lwln blind find child.. Cot.LaKe Grove, tore. with [hi, Phil Htlrdies lo 11el1) col-
Mr. aim Mr:< M:w.