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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 13, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 13, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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" Shelton Junior High Sd ed News r 4-H Members Tq&R~TT?ql~,- New, r ~, dull rno- spent last weekend in Seattle via- I to nrenare them I moth bMls down the nines. ment on Sal'stine! Last week weiting relatives, ¢isi~ed with the Mad~es in their Mr. and Mrs. sn Arata and chn-Girls League Representatives Attend uonference reported that Steer hunting was Tuesday the Harstine Island ........ ~" J dren of Wroutdale, Ore.., spent the By Linda lRathaway I seeond dose of the oral polio vac- ~' . ".': ' " the pass time of at least half the school children attended the Track ~VolS [Mothers Day weekend wire 24re. BELF2:y !~!ttY, u~r~e ribbons i ~J~" laeP~e Islanders Tile John Budds animal meet on Loop Field in Shelton. • t g bz'~ D "-]Arata's mother and father, Mr. slid Linda Creasey [(:i~]e last Tuesday.. ...... al J ~ruce ~cnwarcK Sam~ princi- and nine red ribbtms were won lot visitors had been in its field but a fewRural Schools in Mason County en~.m them came .to ~n.c i eeaers and Mrs. Gordon Simmons. Sim- The SJHS trackmen who qu" i- . ' .'- ,' Satur- ' '. hours, when it broke the fence and participated, w.nne mey were oelng nueo. AlSO J mons' mother, Mrs. Jessie Ruther-fled last week in the subdistricL ]~n, ~'O~e~X(V~)cp~,zg?)lf tou~aYn~21~l~- during Demonstrations Day by the parks. members of the Chuck Wagon Rat- outside TO: • ." -- _ .......... l wild canaries were about Those fold of Montesano spent several meet will compete in the district ..g .' ' ~ ' " k l " ~-" "ders 4-H group, Kathy Riedle, ling with: u)EKve°~ne was alerted and were ,.~ae ~unaay ~?s. t~olaz,l~ ~ ]miserable pin tail martins were up i days last week with the Simmons ~ ............. ,ane tournament tom p ace aL t~ay- -Y " V~flO lives nex~ (loot LO Lize D ~ *O "h"~l llS --I *"" '- ~ . . ._ , , --... ,. meet toaay, tne nnal meet m the . . " Dollg Raines, Sharon Dnli~ and t~ying ou - ' - ........ he-e ., " ............ It ~ el" Ua ~rlC~ O~ tl.'ymg LoI The Harstlne Island women s season. The meet is being held in snore. phoning 'aronna to repor~ w r Barnetts at tne ~outn eno oz tae b" qd n--t- in "'-- =a" an5 - n-'-r . ' . . - 2 the steer .was grazing. By the Island, arranged a surprise pot- ,.m e~tu um~ n~ u u ue ]Club usually nold emcuon o[ or- Homfiam this afternoon 1 The junior high's teachers whoSandra Johnson won the blues and I "While vC ......... hels a'rlived ' . .......... 2 i me porcn eaves. 2are. ~ange was J ficers when they do the annual " . . ' , enjoy bowling are extremely hap- went to the County Demonstra- ] inlz the tel tune the ~u(ms arm ot .'~ " luc~ cemoratmn for tne ~arne~s, ~ s ....... n- -on'ai-er- to-" moth . . .. ......... SJHS Girls' ~eague, an organ- I .L ~ ..... ~ k'~,.~ Bruce Sch,--,.~ Lions. The later part of April the ] other groUl with equipment to capture the whose 20th wedding anniversary .~k.y m~l g c ~.n s z . [house meaning at tne r~an. Tins ..... h e.~ ........................... zzatmn for all of the jumor hzg ' - .... Lea u - club went to Mt. Rainier for a day I work on tl beast it would', gallop off into the it was.. Forty neighbors on the Is-I~ff__o o~. w~re coa~,,nange~so.c~,,, . ,.,.~,, ,,,,o an~ ]year~,~ on May6 only llne secretarmembers seh:o~ gi]:ss, tse~teabO~lts, ?crePe [ W°nnl~;tr~ceai~;rSwhile ~e~ ~n:e~li]n of fun on the mountain and had ..... brush swift as & deer ~ were present and t . y a good time, returning With red sz~m;ill~.~; -- .. • .. .. . !and, and friends.from ~.eattle,at-.[helpfu1 in turning the Martins was not able to attend Therefore re~ . ta . . "." . :.~. [won -x trophy for most improved "rrac~s .proved the steer spent tenses, "me couple receives many awa- , • '. wonzerence ill ~-looosport Aprn ~t. ).... m:.~. ~.. ~L~ h,nlor di~,i~ ..~ Thursday 'a.d Friday nights at beautiful gifts, money, china--the ] _Y." ...... ,election was postponed until the One of tile purposes of this con-J::'~'~s 2" ~':~ I~'e:ague Sch'w;'u:(l'. f"'e;lSe S~Zlnbuz;nedl:2zatgs'a lrip to la.b°]sebnei~gu lz tne moles are cornering you, septemoer meeung terence was e e 't offmers ' . .................. the Lipizan famn in Snohomish n~ng'~n ~ The Maples inihe carport eating20th anniversary being the china[ ' . • to I c ' fol ~,,c raternm . ~. ~ "~" the burros' hay. So silent was the year. [ -- ne.xt s c2nfe;e~ice.. m~az~y2 I ~ch~eck ff2~heP~;~;:;Pn~ g~rV:~Ici~: sometime in June. May 1. they at- ] ~:~ an'~"~)~ animal even .tile dog did not hear iV[rs Ethel Dougdale of Seattle]~ | d~ ~| ~| - |- ~[~ • __ UKano, (rmb.nt " '" ~ "'" ' ' ' New members recently welcomed ~.m, ~'To~ and bark! ~b0ut noon last Satur- is now at home for the summer]~_yT ~1~ ~ ~_ ~,nrl_¢ufin .~eip_nne Minoru Ok~no, an eighth grader, ]~:°~eh;andiJ~#d~adTh~21e~liAsbe~i~ tended a Quarter Horse judging. ~ ...... day the steer was captured at The on the south end. JlV~L ~s I~|,~ ~i|||,l~au|s ~|vn~-- was elected to the office of con- ..~ac "hs h2ol newsDa-ex are Ben Lewis and Susie Reynolds. (~e~:sen, r~ ..... I a(1v1ses t e SC " P P ", Maples and is now a bunch of Good news on the Island is that]_ --~ -z ..... zerence wce-presment. [ Both PTA groups meet tonight reu, ~uss. hamburger, steaks and roasts in I the Hilton Oyster Cannery in Se-] | A#a~..M. ~.|....u.#~ U.a~ ~...#~A., Each of the schools represented, . . ~-----~ . ---- for the last meeting of the year. I D?4iS;,s,C~ .... h "ton's i LaKe Nallwalzel a 1jo:ker. ' , . . the attle ll. $oO[ r2n k .; ,lg1/LCUtUll Ut~llVl$1Ug nulu OugudI at the conferenee put on a skit New ,,ffieers for tile yea," will be ,' ~--,el u. t after th's san capture] Most (t t~ y p ,[. . . ,, with a g]'vgen t eme. She! t .... J installed at both meetings and re- ] (.ers, ~-~^~ b " " [ports on the recent State PTA] .... ~., A.llisons discovered they were the island go to Hilton. ] A man's i~wareness of what isfor healing--for "spiritual ~ense, theme, on history, was written y .~IM~ ~1~1~ ~'|~h|no' ' " mussing, ~,' [ Conventmn ~ 1 be card. J "~- ' ~"undi ~:prgud of.20 mallard duck- ] AFT~'II, SCIt00L closes June 8[really goi~g~ on around llim de- and"the prayer of u~selfed, lq~d'~'! eigl~th g}'~def" Linda,Williams. AI, ]~v~v~. ~.,~ "'~"',"O " ,'l h sen t~m ~e~ North Mason 13and, Drill Team, ] Philin smith ~li¢,g.~! Hens, m'a~e and ducmings ].our Harstino School teacher, Mrs.]pends upon the element of "spirit-[--is in the broad ffeld o~ hurri'&n' tsdPtirttdi~Jaltilagd~et~e Je~mfie ~)s~ ] ~i~l~L~'{::W~i~almiI . ~r.eve w ,$~uaclv,q ...... ! ::q)ivs. L. 1,'. C,.;I~, cf M(mtesano, in the Vorest Fe:~iivgtl Paraxtc, a!-j ~.I~ 5' . ' .' .s ........... ;, ,~ " m r mailm ]n was lhc most put out / a tee( imiz'd nr'mlilioner of Chr s- '~a_ort= ~ ' ". .... :':' ." . ~'. "?" :~ ;:,, Al.(,ng with Queen Patsy Bix- ~]~] ( ' :} ''' ]' ~} [ [ J ' (' ' (] [ :' ] '] ( '] " { [ I' .... ' " ' J " " ' " 'l'J'' J " " ~ ] " " ( )'1 ' ' ' ~ J ...... ]" I[ ' :'"'' [ (' J' [I'"' ] [ J'' J' : )''' ) : ' ] T [ [ '"' r' ; ' F.unrkty,,,, ,', ,,..,",,,t ,,,, .,.] .,,,th sh,,,,ld beI i~ll . ..... if) Lh,* Is, the 1 r]e ht I(llzns]tlan Sclene(_ in 1.ouM)n Texas,]-ellc ...... , ,:! ",~,,; ,,,, i),. l~hu~ ,f ;l:. , "' ',.':,lul'day cvcllin,4. c.ilvu' ~ "~ :,,* u rt t r~rn l pv )pert ~cl I , ' • , ......