May 13, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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LTO --bIAgON p. JOIYRI AL-- Published in "Ohr stcno town, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
' IVY'
I ft@o,
ACCEPTING CHECKS from Shelton High school
Tri-Drive chairman Lisa Goldschmid (center right)
and Girls' Club. president Sandi Lewis (center left)
are Richard Souliere, for the Cancer Fund, and
Mrs. Guy Beckwith for the Heart Fund. Not pic-
tured is Mrs. Vernon Davidson who late," accepted
a check for the Tuberculosis Association. In all,
the Tri-Drive raised $200 which was distributed
evenly between the three worthy causes. The money
was made by selling advertising for the programs
used at the recent invitational track meet. Stu-
dents in the office practice class did the actual
New Construction
Hot Roofing
618 Franklin 426.4617
Mrs. Crosby To Host
Garden Club Meeting
The home of Mrs. Maude Crosby
will be the scene of the Shelton
Garden Club meeting at 1:30 p.m.
next Monday when election of
officers for the coming year will
be held. Tea hostesses will be Mrs.
Eugene Dorman, Mrs. C. E. Run-
acres and Miss Dora Fredson.
Mrs. Russell Schroeder, assisted
by Mrs. Elroy Nelson, will give a
talk, "Our Friends the Birds" and
show slides,
... Make this "ZEBRA TEST" yourself!
Try it yourself
fight in our
See how one
coat covers.
WMte and ready.m|~d
colors. 1000 Maesfro
CoIott slightly higher.
• Dries in 30 minutes.
• Walls are easily washed.
ESA Recognizes
Founders Day With
Special Program
A Founders Day program was'
held by the Beta Zeta Chapter,
Epsilon Sigma Alpha May 5 in the
home of Bey Holland.
The special program was open-
ed with an invocation by Judy
Byrne. Dorothy Ridout delivered
a message to the group from Doris
Stafford, International president,
and the local chapter'S president,
Helengene Seibert, also spoke to
the group.
Newly elected president Joan
Sowers gave a talk on group init-
iative and Bev Holland spoke on
the meaning of ESA.
After the program Darlene Wil-
son made the presentation of the
chapter's "Girl of the Year" award
to Dorothy Ridout. She was pre-
sented with a bouquet of red roses
and an ESA bracelet.
A surprise bridal shower was
held for Shirley Holman. Refresh-
ments were served following the
opening of many beautiful gifts.
Oslo Lodge No. 35 Sons of Nor-
way Bremerton will celebrate Nor-
wegian Independence Day Sunday
at 3 p.m. in Norway hall, 1018 -
18th street, Bremerton.
There will be musical enter-
tainment. J. Harvey Leach will be
the speaker, Refreshments will be
, , -- •.- __--- ...-=-- This annual event is open to
U DrlJSll Of roller WnR WCmN worm.
• C[e¢m p • ~t.hc public. A 50 cent donation willI
be asked, i
1 q' On Hillcrest .................................. I J
l l~|| l Phone 426-4522 The largest known bug is the :
, , fish killer:
• . ,;
%:!i L
: .You see the red, white and blue "Chevron Dealer"
I fin [ a man who owns own business. That's why
takes you or your pa , Jnage for granted. You're
D ah emrs are career men. Thousands have sold
• %ll h ,M.0il s quality products, and benefited from Standard's
• I y ;lve business assistance, for 10 years or more-a good
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It's ia t" Y ' "
fu a_e American tradition: a Company creating opportuni-
..... at' men willing to build on their own initiative.
:, Ith(i ;: hy You find Chevron Dealers so friendly, dependable
'r ~1:: =~-- r0 please•
boards and other community activities.
Mrs. Racklund Chosen
PresJden! Of Hood
Canal Garden Club
Last Thursday Mrs. Mt, ttie
Backhmd was elected president of
the Hood CanaJ Garden Club to
serve until 1967, Others elected
were Mrs. George Moake, 1st vice
pres.; Mrs. Franl¢ Mclntrve, 2nd
vie(, pres.; Mrs. Edward "Jenner,
see:; and Mrs. Vern Hilt trea-
sllrer, Tile new officers take over
their duties in September.
President Mrs. D. H. Pierce con-
ducted the meeting. Reports of
officers and committee chairmen
were given. Mrs. Backlund, chair-
man of the Hood Canal Junior
High landscaping committee, re-
ported 38 rhododendrons planted
this spring, plhs six Mountain Ash,
a Cascara, a California Redwood
given by Mrs. Gray, and two flats
of petunias planted in the plant-
erbox. Emel Lauber gave stakes
to protect the flowering trees.
Mrs. Zoo Seers was hostess for
the 12:30 p.m. potluck hmcheon.
The afternoon program included
friendly criticism of arrangements
brought by members. Arrange-
ments are to be brought to the
regular meeting June 3 to be judg-
ed by Mrs. Carl Blank of Sequim.
The annual Rose Luncheon will
be held at 12:30 p.m. June 17 in
the clubhouse. Donation will be
$1.25 each. This is the only fund
raising project of the year by the
Garden Club. A musical program
is being arranged for the occas-
Mrs. Harold Nordeng will be
hostess in her home for the 12:30
p.m. hmcheon meeting of the Ra-
chel Knott Orthopedic Guild May
21. She will be assisted by Mrs,
Harold Nichols.
Members arc reminded to be
sure and pick up their penny en-
The public is invited to attend
the installation of officers of Shel-
ton Asserably No. 19 Intel~ational
Order of Rainbow for Girls at 8
p.m. FHday in the Ma.qonic tem-
Officers to be installed are:
Worthy advisor, Shayne Larson;
worthy associate advisor, Cathy
Luhm; charity, Candy Nutt; hope,
Here's What We Do...
ling; recorder, Karen Frederick-
son; treasm~er, Betsy Willa~xl; *' Clean and inspect wheel
chaplain, Karen Franklin. I cylinders
Drill leader, Sheryl Johnson;] * Inspect and refill master
love, Chris Fellst rein; religion,cylinder
Karolee Stevens; nature, Robin "k" Inspect shock absorbers
immortality, Debbie ROb, ~heok front end camber
Mason; fidelity, Jeanne Osborne; Check front end caster
patriotism, Tami Craig; setarice,
Joan Goodwin; confidential observ- :* Check toe in
velopes. Carolyn Batstone; faith, Kay Bol- er, Linda Tratalick; outer obsel'v-
................................................ L ................................................ er, Linda Barrington.
Musician, Vicky Valley; and
choir director, Sarah Kregar.
Sharon Caufield, Nancy Einarsson,
Karen Wentz, Barbara Dunbar,
Donalda Dennis~on and Karen
CUTTING THE CAKE following their April 23 wedding in the
First Methodist Church are Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Dub.heSne:
She is the former Bonnie Jean Burnett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Burnett, Shelton. He Is the son of Mrs. L. C. Duchesne,
Monroe, La.
Pink stock and daisies decorated
Courtesy officers to be installed
are Rita Grimes, Rita Nutt, Joyce
Fisher, Carol Beach, Cindy Rems-
berg, Jean Davis, Linda MaeRae,
Cheryl Scott, Karen Parr, Karel
Mann. Frantic Rice, Barb Hub-
bard and Chris Beseh.
Inshdling officers will be: Cindy
Willard, Barb Morrison and Mrs.
Dean Palmer, worthy advisors;
Liz Stoners, nmrshal; Teddi Tray-
is. chaplaiIl: P~tnl Boardulan, l'(~-
corder; az~d M:rs. Louis La~Pson.
There will be a reception follow-
A- In~pect and clean brake drums
* Clean and adjust brake shoes
for full contact
* Clean, inspect and repack front
wheel bearings
* Clean and inspeat grease scale
ik specifications
Adjust toe in to factory
• k Inspect muffler
• Inspect tail pipe
• Inspect steering linkage
125 E Grove
the Shelton First Methodist church
for the April 23 wedding of Miss
Bonnie 3can Burnett aa~d Edward
Chesney DucheSne. Rev. Hm~ce
Mounts pe~formed the dauble ring
ceremony for the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Burnett, Shelton,
and the son of Mrs. L. C. DucheS"
t 426-3333
ing the installation.
..... ~ I B[I II I
The physicians of Mason County are pleased
to announce their affiliation with the Kitsap
Physicians Service of Bremerton, Washington.
Mason County residents enrolled by Kitsap
Physicians Service will receive health care
services by presenting their membership iden-
tification cards.
The bride is a gradu'ate of Shel-
ton High school ap,d is presently
attending the University of Puget
Sound. Her husband graduat~ed
from Quilcene High School and tha
Naval Band school in "~Vashington,
D.C. He is with the 21st Army
Band at Fort Lewis. They will b'e
making their home in Tacoma.
Wayne B. Carte M.D.
Robert D. Cunningham, M.D.
George A. LeCompte, M,D. :
WiIliam H. Shumacher, M.D.
Boy N. Collier, M.D.
Harold L. Kennedy, M,D.
A. C. Linkletter, M.D.
B, B. Forman M.D.
ne, Monroe, La.
Lace trimmed the hem of the .......
white satin floor-length gow~ worn
bythe bride. Lace and seed pearls
accented the neckline. A three-tier
veil of bridal illusion was attached
a large white satin rose. She
carried a bouquet of daisies sur-
rounding yellow roses. Her father
gave her in marriage.
Miss Joan Ross, maid of honor,
wore a street-length pink satin
dress designed with SCalloped neck-
line and sleeves. Her headpiece
was a pink satin rose with net.
She carried a nosegay of white
daisies on pink net and ribbon.
The bride's sisters, Mrs. Donna
Johnson and Mrs. Carol Tafoya,
we~e her bridesmaids. T h eir The Kitsap Physicians Service is pleased to announce expansion
dresses were matching street of their Group and Individual P1 an enrollments to include the ca-
length pastel blue and yellow satin tire Mason County area. ,
~tyled like the maid of honor's. ''
l'htir nosegays were white daisies The affiliated Mason County Medical Service Bmeau and Wash-
on blue and yellow net and ribbon.
Shirley Ann Chumley of Quil- ington Physicians Service will continue service to their present
flowereene' nieeegirl.ofshethe bridegroOm,wore an orchidWaS members, until the opening of a Shelton office by Kitsap Physi-
satin party dress. , eians Service.
Daniel McNamara ~ as best man
for the bridegroom. Ushers ~ere All Mason County
Michaeler. Music Schoolerwas fm ished and Paulby Sading-Mrs. Physicians-- Service.Physicians World wide areservices directly are associated provided, withNot Kitsap lim-
Ha~wey Hillman. , ited to Kitsap-Mason counties.
Mrs. I3urnett ~ore a beige suit
with coral and white accessories.
Mrs. Ruth Chumley, sister of the
bridegroom, represented his moth- Further community announcements will follow in the near future
er in the reception line. She was
attired in a white wool suit with
pink flowers. K
Serving at the reception held in
the church following the ceremony
were Nina Duchesne, sister of the
bridegroom Becky Stewart, Mrs.
Oral Burnett and Mrs. Harry
Ross. Martha Ann Chumley, niece
of tlle bridegroom, passed the
groom's cake,
White bells topped the white
wedding cake which was decorated
with yellow roses and silver leaves
with small white bells.
(Kitsap Medical Bureau)
245 Fourth St. Bldg. ES. 7-5576 Bremerton, Wash.
Nation-wide Blue Shield Plan Affiliation