May 13, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 13, 1965 |
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L Friday
nds of the
flday ill the
e First Meth-
).m. luncheon
Were giv-
Mounts and
Turner con-
"What the
led by
Bell, Olive
Miss John-
the meet-
be held in
Order of
Ut our
than now?
us send an
at a time
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Chrisflnastown,u. Tr g...,..A ,,, Shelton Washington
O0 In
National Music Week
Gratifying To Sponsors
$ i !"
Soc,ety Ed,tor • Ma,'j Jacobson • Phone 426-4412 ( :'
Society Editor', M; . _ (
• • • • f •
Parh©mpahon During Shel- roa Guild
President Names
Committee Heads
National Music Weet( drew to a
close Sunday with reports of ex-
cellent commuuity cooperation
from chairman Mrs. Bernicp Ste-
wart. Mrs. Stewart has exfended
her thanl~s on behalf of herself
and the Shelton Music Club, spon-
sors of the event locally, to every-
one who helped make it such a
Local churches report good at-
teudance May 2 when hymns an(~
anthems were dedicated to a spe-
cial day of sacred nlusic. Special
enjoyment was available to music
lovers both Sundays when Dr. A~l-
drew Beelik presented a local con-
cert hour dedicated to Music
Week fro nlthe local radio station.
A most successful feature of the
special week was the recital of 14
members of Ah's. Bernhard Vfiuiec-
ki's piano class held in her home
May 4 and dedicated to young
musiciaus. Students ranging in age
from 7 to 16 years gave an ex-
cellent performance for relatives,
friends and several members of the
Shelton Music Club.
Mrs. Stewart spoke of tile pur-
pose of Music Week good will
and community participation as a
listener, beginner or advanced
HER RECIPE FOR Lemon Refrigerator Cookies is the one Joane :musician, briefly outlining events
Hart chose to donate to the Journal file. With her in the above of the week•
Journal photo is her son Jon• The week's highlight was the
* * * * Silve:" Tea held Saturday ill the
Lenlon Refrigerator Cookies is lion secretaL'Y of her church cir- home of Mrs. Charles I~. Lewis.
Joane Hart's contribution to our cle. During bowling season sheMrs. Lewis introduced a. brilliant
-lo v ....... R " bowls in the Rayonier League, a young pianist, Paul Grotjahn, 16,
~,• \ lll~ ille oI recipes, ell'igor- )nat' slle hds'en:o--~ "- " "
........ 1 , lme • ": j yea u~e Jas~. of Seattle, who was spousored by
ator cool¢les arc a iavorttc wire five years the Shclton Music Club. Young
many because of their conven- ~ ~ " * * * Grotjahn's rare musical ability and
ience and ..tile/act ).hey freeze Lemon Refrigerator Cooldes freshness made a memorable occa-
equauy veell Dezore or after they1 cup white sugar
are baked. 1 cilp brown sl)gar siOnent, fin" the many who were pres.
.Joane is the wife of Gerry Hart 11/..'., cups shortening Throughout the afternoon Mrs.
wno is associated with Shelton 3 eggs, beaten Bruce Kreger and Mrs. Bernhard
Sheet Metal Works. They have 5 cups flour (or more) Winiecld, accompanied by Mrs.
one son, Jon, just a year old. 1 tap. salt Lewis at the piano, presented sew
Before her marriage she work- I tsp. soda eral duets. Pouring for the occas-
ed at Rayonier, Inc. and enjoys A little cold water ion were Shelton Music Club pres-
filling in there part-time now.
However, most of hor time is spent
being a homemaker. She enjoys
reading, something she had little
time for when she worked. She
has recently taken up knitting
and is practicing on a sweater for
Since she became a mother Jo-
ane Ms given up most of the or-
ganizations she belonged to but
is still active in tile Faith Luth-
eran ehllrch where she is educa-
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup dates
1 tap. lemon flavor
1 tap. vanilla flavor
Cream shortening. Add sugar,
cream again. Add eggs, flour,
.,,oda, salt, flavoring, water, fruit
and nuts. Mix well and shape in
rolls. Refrigerate to chill. Slice
thin and bake at yore" convenience
10 Lo 15 minuies•in a 350 degree
oven• Makes al)out six dozen.
The St. Edward's Youth Club
will hold a potluck dinner meeting
at 6 p.m. this Friday ill the church
basement. Milk will be furnished.
Final plans will be made for
the annual picnic and elections for
the coming year will take place.
Only 8th grade students arc eli-
gible to be nominated for office.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Matye will
hold all ol)en house from 1 - 6 p.m.
this Sullday in their new Hoods-
port home.
The Maiye residence, which was
recently completed, replaces a new
one the fanfily lost by fire De-
cember 3 of last year.
rrhe regular monthly dinner
meeting of Shelton-Mason County
Zonta Club will bc held at 6:30
p.m. tonight at Hei]lie's Broiler.
This is Fellowship month and
a.ll members are urged Lo attend.
Hoslesses for this month are Eliz-
abeth Simpson, Min Wivell and
Wanda Nilson.
< l"cludes ALL Service,
Parts and Labor
e Only At
own & C0untn/PUMPS STRIKE
from $5.95
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iShbone $12.99
• VV'hite Patent
idcnt Mrs. James Barrom, Mrs.
R. W. Norvold and Mrs. Ralph
Wagner. M~'s. Ralph Horton was
chairman of the tea assisted by
Mrs. Ralph Hofflnan and members
of the club.
Other notes of interest included
displays in the local schools, store
windows and the public library in-
dicating interest of all ages in
Music Week.
A report was received from the
\¥ashington Corrections Center
with regard to participation of res-
idents and inmates through the
week and good attendance for the
Sunday religious services.
Patients at the Shelton Manor
nursing home were entertained
Thursday afternoon with songs by
the members of the Pizzicato Jun-
ior Music Chlb accompanied by
their counselor Mrs. R. W. Nor-
The Bremerton Peninsula Music
Club Wonlan's Cht)ra] Society was
host for the inter-club dinner serv-
ed Friday ill the Silverdale Metho-
(list ehnreh. Fourteen member~ of
the Shelton Music Club were in
attendance. Each group represent-
ed presented numbers fl'om its own
club dedicated to National Music
National Music Week is spon-
sored by the National Federation
of Music Chlbs with which Shelton
Music Club is affiiliated.
Girl Scout Troop 33 went for
a hike to Walker Park leaving
from the Thriftway store at 9
a.m. and returning at 5 p.m. Sat-
Whe[~ we got there we gathered
wood Jor our fire then put up a
Girl ~COuL tent. After that we
went down to the beach. When we
came back up we put our', food
ou to Cook. We had foil stew.
• After we ate wc took down the
tent. Just as we were ready to
~eave three (iris canle uo from
tile beach ~vit~ v~to,'~ Wo- nl.~c]
a .... o., .,L..r ..... eo.-.~_
' na ate them then clemled up and
~.arb Dunbar, troop seribo
Barb Rogerson, ineolning presi-
dent of the Shel-Toa Orthopedic
Guild, named her committees for
the coming year at a dinner meet-
ing held iu the banquet room of
the Shelton hotel last Thursday.
Memorial chairman is Chloe
Scholes, 426-8567 ; mart, June
Christiansen ; Christmas cards,
Carolyn Ragan; project, Nancy
Cunningham, Sandy Wood and
Donya Sauford; gift, Phyllis Tem-
breull; serapbool¢, Rose l)ougher-
ty and h)is Tibbitts; telephone,
Shirley Chamberlin, and Mary
Ann Winn; publicity, Nadia Ho-
viud; and area council represen-
tative, Rose Nye.
Outgoing president Nadia Ho-
viud was presented x~qth an en-
graved sih, er dish.
Final arrangements for the fer-
est festival booth were made. Pop,
coffee and doughnuts will be s01d
with all proceeds going to the
Mary Bridges Children's hospital
ill Tacoma.
Dr. Kelvin Hamilton, president
of tile local ARS chapter, and
Dr. Ben Briggs, chairman of the
show this year, extend their hearty
welcome to this year's guests•
They have prepared a h'ee pamph-
let on home culture of rhododen-
drons ineh lding a list of varieties
that are known to do well in the
i Shelton area. A display of books
and journals on rhododendrons will
also be on hand.
Shares will be sold on "t fine
plant of the beautiful red rhodo-
dendron, "Mars", donated by Lt.
Comdr. aud Mrs. Hornet" of Sea-
beck. Proceeds will be used to
pu.rchase additional plants' for the
Rhododendron Test Garden in Cal-
lanan Park.
Spotlight *
/~i/ :-i •i ,
Operated and Managed by
MOLLY TAYLOR will study pre-veterinary medicine at Michigan
State University beginning in the fall. She became interested in
the subject through helping her family raise horses. A member
of Honor Society at Shelton High School, she has been active
in community organizations as well as school groups•
Journal Want Ads hy
They Necessities
Next time you visit our store,
look arouud you. What you see
ill row llpoi1 row oi' shelves and
Collnters lu41y seelll like a lot
of products. But what you act-
ually sec is only part of our
stock-- like tilat part of an ice-
berg you see al)ovc water•
Out of sight are thousands of
other products. These are care-
fully stored away in special
e;~binets, in medicine refriger.
ators, and in various other st, or2
lessly cleau reeeptaeles lllallfi
under lock and key.
In('h for iuch, l~o other store
in the world carries as lnaILv
separate and di;~tinct items as
the inodern inleriesn i)barnltl-
ey. It really does add lip to tolr,~
of tiny but vital needs. All this
stock is a weighty responsibili-
ty for us. ~¥hy ? Because every
ounce must be precisely labeled.
exactly weighed kept fresh and
pure at all limes--ready for
Annual Rhododendron
Show To Be Held Here ,,, ,,, ,, ,,
A family interest in horses has with raising horses,any emergency.
Sahrday And Sunday been instrumental in helping :Mof / Her senior subj()ci.s have been
The Fifth Annual Rhododend- ly Taylor, Shelton ttigh School [civics, trigonomctr3, English, dra- The world behind the counter
of a drug store is a fascinating
ron Show of the Shelton Chapter senior, make the decision about [matics and physics, one. But awesome, too, in its
of tile Al~]eriean. Rhododendron her future career. A Merit Schol-[ The daughter of Mr and Mrs
degree of responsibility. We
Society will be hold fi'om 10 a.m. , • ' .... " ....
to6 p.m. both Saturday and Sul,-~rshzPo ":~[ezndak~leltuP~)S:~b~,, ~o~ [,lames Tayh)r of Agate, Molly was never forget this.
day in the Sinlpson office build- ' :, " . : , a 1)n)'n March 12, 19,17 in Pasade is,
,,,, c,,o,,e ' Hell s Pharmacy
ing. Admission is free. and every- ~ ' " ,Calif. an t moved to Mason court-
one is welcorae to attend. ., Molly will e~]ter Michig:u~. State [ ty when. she was 13 years old. She
u~,ve, rslty m tne tall I.o stuoy pre-[ha,a two brothers, Jay an SHS
FJtododendrons and azaleas wlllveternlary meaicine, l-let interest)graduate and C~rl J0"
be displayed in profusion as whole in animal ...... welfare in, .'] .re"ult:". . of I - >~ ~ orunel" ' ~',r( ~'louv~" ~' "is ,)',f~ r. .... uu[ Fifth & Franklin St. 426-3327
plants and as flower tresses by~aT~l~gai~.~ns~::r~,;s i~ll~C~d mien!and has hazel eyes.'Iu addition to Open Daily 9"30 ~o 7;30
members, frienas and dealers. • :. : .... . .~. "' . ~.. horses her hobby lis includes read-Saturdays --- 9:30 - 6:30
Many hybrids will be shown, both omy tne pleasure o~ rlomg, but u~el , -" ,--. ;.~,-,,0
old favorites and tile latest, va- • .... ~ in " ann \~ ..... ' s ...... ".
responsblhty of feeding and e'trl]lg ~
rieties along with a wide ~elec- for them and the satisfaction of - .....................
tion of species, showing them.
Loosen Up . . . Word's Out . , . "Ahead Of 'EM All"
featuring in pcrson now
with w rsatile LANNY SLATER and his TRIUMPHS
"That's Right .... Your Heard IL" .- The Lanny Slater Quartet
Is Now Playing At The Lampost in Shelton
Don't Miss This -- It Is A Must ---0--- Musio for Young and Old
A nlember of Honor Socieiy,
Molly also belongs to Girls Ath-
letic Association and Scarlet "S".
She is secretary for Thespians and
has been ill school plays all three
of her high school years. She is
a public speaker for the Americau
Field Service.
Outside of school she pal'tit'i-
in several orgallizat:ions.
She is a Rainbow Girl and at pres-
ent is drill leader. She is a mem-
ber of a Junior Orthopcdic Gldld,
MasoD. Cnlmty Bell Riders and
several area organizations tied in
Washington State Conference
Chairman of the Women's Repub-
licm~ Clubs, Mrs. Helen M. Nel-
son of Aberdeen, will be the speak-
er at the Mason County Women's medet m~Y
Republic Club meeting, to be held
next Wednesday ill the Memorial • Sharp, clear Dayl;ght Blue picture
hall. • Big, up-fron~ speaker
Mrs. Nelson attended thc con- • Fold.awoy luggage handle ,
fcrence held in Washington D. C,
and will tell about the highlights. • UpJront controls ',
Tl!e study club will meet at 1 @ Life+Jr circuit board guoron~ee
atP'nl'1:30withp,m,reguar meeting starting $! ~95
Ph. 352-8525
Sales & Service
"Since 1935"
616 Legion Way
Model M 111 A
• VHF.UHF reeep.
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Many Other Models
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