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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 13, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 13, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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196B SIt'ELleN--MASON COUIWFY jOURNAL-- Published In "Oht4atrao toten, U.8.A.", Shelton, Washington . PAG 17 Legalr Pubhcatlons Legal_ Pubhcatmns. ... Legal Pubhcatlons. . , Legal Pubheations, " Legal Publications , Legal Publications, , ,, ,, , .... Legal Publications , ~83 ........... STATI~ O1' %VA,qIIIN('TON POll NO 8887 NO 885') " N(}, .... ;588 NOTICF, ,, el, ,S~tl, ,1',, OIP %'A 1,1TABLE the (qlnrles H. ' Vv'ivell Dalt.los Inc. ] NO. ;~593 kING FINAl, MASON C)ITNTY .¢~1'3131(}NN ItY I'I'III.I('ATION ett~aatt~R !$y p! IIlltamr~,., ~.,,xq=., ¢., ...... . ......... MA~IFIIIAI, ON N,pATt, i:~l~ "TITIo]~ I,'()i{ . , t , , . ) ,, r, ,-i ~,,,,. .......... ~1 t~.J)~ ~ktll'aq I~ tJi¢~ lll~tti~lll 17i.N2~Ij ' ., .~ oaseTnenl. "' ' I NOTI('I," O1" IIF~AIIIN(: le[NAL In 1llo~ail~,l" .d' tile ~l:lio ..f El)- IX 'l'lil,] .~t PFH,(H{ ('o(,i{F] I IIP, • , , t , • . ,, ", ] ~ ' '~ ' ~"" 'lION lV ~ { VI'RN N I 31{q'[ ~ W I , ,q"Vl'l' ( I ttr kHIIIN "F( N N IN TIlE SIJPERIO]¢. ( (It RT () ,~ 3'11 ,~ II.l',l I}lt'~. AN.'I) I I, Ill ION ]'lIB ST A;T,~, el0 W'ASITIN{,'I'ON DEPART Provided tbn|, on lbc ddy of, sale, I{I,:lqiN:l' AND I*l,:'l'l'rlON I,'IIR ' ' * : " ' " ..... • .... :" ~.-- ",'e--.n .... ~,lll ........ ' . I)IN'I'IIIIIIITION m.~mT O~ NATLRAI. RI]SO1HI('ER over nnt't nlm\,o ill,, iniflal d;;pn~if and I I)l,',,;'rl[lltl"rlON 00URT ()p TIIE 4,o:~,,( \N ) 1,"{ T ' ( (1 ~N I Y iP STA, rl .UV w I~, ~'~ TUN IN , I~' • ; i~ ) , " , ~ ~ .... fe~s, the pnvchas6r nmst pr0vkle flle l.[N THE ~I~PEHI¢)R COUHT Oh* Tltl,: ~~~ ...... , , , IN 'Ilh, St [ LRI(. R col R:P OF Tlt~. , 1 .t,l I, Co , Corot ~ si n~r of Publit Department of Natln,al Resouroe~ With ] STATIC GF" WASI{1Nt TON F'OI', (;t~/~l}d9 S. f:j~:ll~,w. F, xooulrtx o! .H.\St)N .......... %ND FOR THT, COl NTY OF' M~.- STkTl0 (.)t;' V¢&~Iil t(" ( M wOS:~l l.mdr smcl F]~une Ires ] (,t with ~,~ (' ilvl h )/el'l} M(H)],'I~,, J'JNIII[iLI orxxv " '~a;~¢2,'~.~ ~,ralx~q*(;' N ,P-) ...... ! " ' a tulghier's cheek in the amount "oil MASON COUNTY IN I'IU)t:;ATE hey filml r*,t,ovl :lad p,4ititm f.r di~- vs. ,~,u:.~ .~ ...... k .... ~.'-'~..'-- .. ...... ] Noiwe IS Itoroby given tlmt,on TileS. $880.00, !bayable in Chrlrles. ]:1, .Wtvell i Tn tlw Matter of th,, l,'~stat,~ of Iribulio1~, ~[:kih~ th(. Court |,, s,.lllo I;I,]I{N..\I{I) JOHICI~IT M't)ORI~. WAVNE STONE nnd VII%(:'.TNI~, r ~'P,D~°,~' -m n).t,'.~" .- -°}-- --t-t![~ ~:~tate Otlday' tlv, 25tb day of May, 1965. vent- ..' ' '" i i ' .' Charles tl. Wivell Dairies, Inf. ease- NO'PrC.I,? ]S ItI¢ttEllY }LIVEN that " ' may be exsmlned nt Sh~lton DIslriet]l|as filed in tIw offh.c of th, Ch,rk and office of Commissioner. of :Pnhlie] t~tiolt for Dlstvibuti.n. ~tsking the I.,ands, Olyntpi:L ]Court to settle said v('l:*t)l't, distvibuh' • To be sold at Shelton District [ th * 1)rt g ,vP,' It, t ,, l,('vs ,ns lh ~rt,t , aI~NTs FOR q uarters,.0n Tnosday, May 25 1965 at[cni tied ant "to dischargv flu, pt.litit,twr IUILDERS " ] ,%UT(¢ M WA('leNF'R i) th, ,tl ox .... ill't,( Collrt and anawt,r unkn )wi| ciainliag all3/ right till, ,~ .' .. ' • f "~ ,.A' .., . .. ., , Y l r,~.s~.. ~ r,. t. n.t _..'...7" '~ . 10 o'clock a,m, I as Executrix and that s:dd rol)ort altd Ch'rk ,,f ll'l,' St I',ori,,' Cot 'i Ih,, C,,mp i t ,,1" th,' phdniiff aud tale, lien "or interest ill the vc: I' e~- ~'t]~l~t,~{~]t~;e21~ti'~tlt]~'[~~' I Any sale wi,icb h~ be~n orfer d.I p qiti~n wm b,, h,.ard (,u tl,, 4tb ,It,," and for whieh no bids are received ] of June, 1.~15, .t 1O:~) o'¢qork in tl;,, OUSE lb.: Tt.t.kla Vcrt, tilli,,; .... rv. a (.pc f yam' :msw,,r t pal t ttc d,scrlbed in the Comphdnt. h,ro n .... ' • "J" .... u ua~, )t aprn, I :d,,~+ : . ,~ ; i+.., '~,h."-' ,=,~,, " ' .... " shall not b,, re,offered tlntil it ba~l | fro.(noon of said day ,'*r as s,.,n there. I)eplltl' (21cvl" Ih,, ,itt~,rm,vs~ f,u' tlw plaintiff 'it tlloir Deft,adonis " ' a.,m,. . ......... I .?,.',',;'~ "",. :;7"::"~¢..... ,:";- !~, ..'.o...- b,.en r~advprtised. If all sales cannot] ~aft,'," as lht, lnatt~,r' can I),, Iwar(t at 'for ' ' " ' ~ ' 'o" " ' " ' ' ' " '' ' " " " |U)"q.l~Li 1L n 1.*1 t I lg l.ass~tt ge ' z fl Ll~lt~lal U o : ' e ' : one the •advPrtlsed ¢.lMe, the sale ,qhsll [ l~otlrl, iF} I , C,,,us, in Sly Itch, E TRUE c.:ntinm on the lollowing day between | Mas.n t'ounly, ~Arasbin~it,n, at Whtt'h I~, 'ann is beyond 8hell.n. Washinglon ..,) ..... !h, ,;h,man~!¢ ~,t' t.I.•, t.i t~ .~!, ~'hi!'h (~0) days after ~.lle date ,if the first R()BEI¢.q' L. SN~;Di~R .f S,,eth,n 167' ToWn~ffip 1:; Norifi lne nours of tcn o'eh)ck a,m. and four / t i l, md play, any p ,['s n ntev ,stt,d ............. q/':3 i~/u-13 3L tm.stu,2'n I1o( WlIH, t~1, ~, [.!~. el tOP 1)ubliention o]' this SUnl|nOllS, to wit: At} raw at Litw Range 4 West W.M . ,ontatning 19C o'clock p.m .... ' [ ill ,qsid Estat , ~ ~," l)I)~' [' alld I'll',~ ~ °~oms," ele- a~,a~AA A.AA.AAA~.~ s:.. (,,uv,: t,m ............ :.'t.,n within sixty (60) days aHer t}m 221,(I ]"St~. b/,[tii 5th [al, res, 1,,o1',, (,I" less comprising ap- Said timber on said laud will be sold lobJecti.ns thor.l,," and c,,nt,,sl llw MV'~V'~"IP~'~'~D~.= .~ .=-~ lor dil'orc~.,~.. .,.,1--. ~)atrwD d t~' of Ap['i] 1965, , and .dcl°nd" tim .q"l~'lton" wnsh'n,.ton pr~x. [1 dels" 1 718, 000 bd ft of DoRIglas for not less thsn the appraised vahm, | ~amo a l carpeted, ex- , a=tl{ ~m~.., ......... above entitlcd acitan m too Supln,mr 4/29 5/6.13 3t ~hr; 117,000 bd. ft. of hemlock; 18,00(] UlU! air n~al qP~ , Alt,wm'.Vs ion ria~mu~ t:ourt afor(.sald and answer the c)m- __ ..... "'"'[_~" bd. ft. of ('(,dar and 216000 bd ft t-:ti kitchen half .......... t)lylupit|, wa~nn!gto).l ,~/~,sv.: copy of your" answer apon tile und(,r- NO. 3632 Minimum acceptable %it:' $3 ;,ns .001 tl nlmLIc ncnL/l :,)1 S,.t.urlt~: ]~llllOtllg ..... ,,~ plaint of thc pla ntiff's and serve a ,f alder or a toial of o 099 000 bd fL Islaiz,s, recreation ./~,,-2u-,. 6/3-t0-17 6t si~'ned a{tornev for the plaint]ff',~ atNOTICE TO CRI,'DI'rOR,~ Timber will bc sohl on a cs~h or el, Paneled guest SPIC AND SPAN --- -~- bi.~ office bel{~w slated; nnd in 't'ase IN TIIE SIJPI~RIOR C~)URT O'F THE instalhnent plan b'nsis. Ti~llber' must Rlity rOOnl, sexv- Don't ml ..... * , ..... . .t..: .... . of your failure, so to do, judgmcnt STATE OF' WASI{INOTON I~X)R be removed prior Io December 31 ~,, ,,u~. 0,,=p~,~ ~,,~ ~put- ~ ~$ ~ Ir will be renderad against you at'cord.. MASON COUNTY IN PRO'BA'~.~ 1967. ~rle eleared: Ev- ed living room, pleasing kitchen m g lw _ w~l] the.clerk.of .~al4 ~)t~rt: t . . NOTICE IS HERF, BY GIVEN that i1~m'{n deposit of $3 558.60 in the form g~ntleman }arm- I=r ......~._. _:-= , .......... ~[[~$ ~._~g~{~ .t~uP!nt|ij,:~ 3t.) Lu-. ,;~,att~. In al d ts qua. i' ed as the Exccutr x of ehe~'k. Slid deposit shall constitute • l UNITF, I) gTA'rER and large dininn. All th s on a LPA,~H ~#~A ..'yne.oojPct. ol. ti, ns,act! .... ~ oqtn,ot the nndersigned has been appointed of cash, money order or cart}fled ald it's a steal. ", u .... ~ ~,, a,~¢u ut ~uv ~,oUU "'~ lvlflsons .. uount~L W,'~.SlU!. gtr In, (l*\q "I'll)I'll the E.stat , (~f ELlS'ca( E. r[,.qy[ol., de- ~llt ol)¢'111nff bhl lit th, app 'at,Red price, " CArD "OF TIIANKS ] DEPABTM ENT OF TIlE INTERIOR w,th $1,900 down. You can as- ACREAGES "as" fOt'~IIO'W~S; ..... lock 1° of -- c(.aspd; that nil l~ct'st,ns |laving claims llpon awsrd t)f this sltle, the respective We wislt to 'eKpress |o our many] Bureau of Land Managemen! CIION sume the low interest loan at g6=i 9~'~ A~RWSt all ill tree~ ^t.... • l~ !.q Ju anti ]1 l.n p,>(.., ~.. o A.m- V.~'ai)lSt sill(| (lcct'a~cd are IloI't!by re- deposits shell be returned to the un: frlvnds" ahd nel~llb6~s our' thanks for / I,and Oflh,o les, lots of elosets,-----.rnanthht,, " - ~" nlncs--'"""~'~"-'~ lu ot o.,,~,w. .......... on.... AlCtQI t" .-x,,u~,u elmeUas I ((lilt uan!~ Co.rvoctoHal vo ume ..... ,~'°'o,"c"~'t2'na a'ta quh'od, , to so[wet the, same,l o dulYt, e vcri- sueCcslafull bidders.o Ca tim day of 9ale, LhPlr. really, kintt d6~ls and expr¢.ssiotl~ | 719 N.]I,: ltolladay ...... , .'~. " I '' '~! ' ~ '. fi ,d, )It lh" tmdws'g'n d .'x cutrix the pure m,q r must pay the balanc~ of sylnpathy. The. beautiful fh)ral of-/ Porthmd, Oregon 97232 i..trOOln or den, Road $5500. cash or terms ar- 12ag~,19' .. .......... r,. , or htr attorncy of record at the ad- between t}v, bid d[, osit and the full f~•rlngs w~re appreciated. ] (~,'-05196) • " ' ' Jn (It3 O/ ~ltclton .Pd,tmt~lt ~. unty " . ~ ~ • , , ~ ' ' ' u SeParate star- ............ ran-ed ... . ,. ., , , dt'ess bclow staU,d and f|lc tit} .amebltl pll(C plus a ,%,~)0 bill of sale fop A.J. Johnston ] Notice is hereby given thai the Stale ..r~'°.rn With fire- ~v,~- ~UBURBAN -- ~ • : wasmngton with the Clerk of the said cam't, to- ormay, if~ho purchaser so elPets at Mr. Brade easel ]of Washington has 'filed ttpplicaHon n fact a very laroe one with 4 _ _ ............. gcthm, with proof of sLICit servicc with- tlto time of .'ale, pay an additional am- ~'tll's. Lorraine Pagel 5/13 | for patent co;(Print tlm following-des- ~'PlIlg ares. and bedroom~ ThPro'¢'9 ~t,P+*¢ ,4..=t, 13 ACRES beyonQ ~elfair 600' agalns[ fu~lnl o| Ill( (lctcn(lan[s ill s X t6) |heaths after the date of eliot to bring the total amount of the ....... ] cribod land purm.lant to the Act oC z)r FZH.A.Ap. - ...............-,,,- . ' • ala any one (1 ulem .... )'t,~ • , r . c ..~ ....d, ...... Hlphwav frontage Level tl,ea ,,n~r ........ ;~.::.~; .... ltr.'~i publication t f th s n t ~[t|l(d ,po. lt, ex lu l~o of fees to equal 25 ~ ' NO..3590 | June 21, 1934 (48 Stat. 1185; 43 U,S.C. ,rOW. ~u we , t,rep ace, natura, cao- o ., " ' ......- ~)avlu J~ ~t~rt(J~a~, s ~ ~ ' ' ~OTIC~, OF ]IEARING FINAL | 871 la)): • ," , ' r, / • ' ~ . tw I b b~Ir d of tlt~ full 1)~d p}we tm~Pd on the ,nets and attached garage. $13,- ered. $11,500. will(,ollslder 1,)',:r ..... eAotto~'ney..f..or P!a!~fy~s "Date of first Ixubllentlon: May 6 cruise cslimate. This balane~ may be RtTOItT AND PETITION FOR | Willamette Meridian, l, Vashington ~b OR 750 with V.A. or F.H.A. terms tJ°~'vn" ~t(~l~r~sl~ti~:~4otl~ll~e~tu "' 19G5. _ ....... paid by }~erso~al (,hPck. Purchaser DISTRIBUTION ] T. 22 N., R. I W.. see 1{;, LOts l, 2. 3, ' ~'Y. .' .,..; . . '. t'IA'H~.ENCI'.~ W. TAYbOR mast also It I"11 It, within 30 days of IN TIII~YSUPERIt)R COURT OF Ttli£ | 4, NF~tg. I~D/_,SE!~. T. 23 N.. R. l W.. - ' UlyIllpla washington ,' ' • " 'e r. STATE O1~' WASttINGTON F()I~ | see.. 16, M1. s all large wood- 20 ACRES IN GRASS All clear- ' 1/.o 29 5/6-l'1-o0..o7 at .... ):':':e::ut~z~..... data of sale, n ,~tn..ty bond. of ~:~,000.06 MASON,. COUNTY | The above lands were graniec! to the !~s~ft.replaee, lots ~,,^-,-e,-, ..................... • .... ,--.- ...... t~H,~n~ E.t.;t)t~.t,.t~x io guarantee conlpnancP wnn all terms vv~''r~uiM/ iiMvl=.~/lVlv, r,qT__ ed largely fenceo, creek Close ill, 'Xtlornov for Estate of tlm })ill of sale. All elteeks, money Inthe M~.tter of the Estate of EMMA [ State of WastHngton upon admissiun ~- living room, Purchase this 165' waterfront tract Dayton a'~'ea. Excellent home sites ............. -7................. ilell P, tt'ilding ' orde 's. ete ar. to he made payable L. CLANTON, .Deceased; /to the Union, The issuunce of patent r fireplace. $14.- in a protected cove for $15.000 q'h~, on),~f.1 invcstov o~,. -,,;,,t.~::ma=mm =~ ~ m a ~ ! 121 South Fourth Street ' to the Colomissi0n#r of Public Lsnd~; C, :Wesley 'Clanton, Executor of said ] is Inerely to clear (ith, and doe~, v.of d(r. • This no-b~nt, ......* ..... ],n "_--" :'.'~. - , .... .-,,., 11 111". Xfl/~ ;Shelton, Washington Accessibility: Via prh.atP ae~ccm. Estate, has fih~d with said Court his] affect anyon[' who may Imve secured v -~ ...." " v,.,,v~--y w,.,, .p.r.o- tripleIlls roves}mere:, iS.)0, pet" svsa=..av q#ms=..u- I 5/6-1;3-20-27 4t Purchaser must agree to comply final 1~l~ort .and petition' for distrlbu-] theh. tttJe through tl~o state or its :~/ LOCATION ,u¢ the per?eot weeKeno hioe- acre or $5,000. CASH. ~.=. ......... r~ ' with all the term,~ snd eondltions of tion asking Ahe Court. to settle said] successors in intel~0st. t'e~)ort, distribute the property to 1he ] An,," adv(,r,~o elaimant~ of the above- rn~ and 2 cam- away. Large garage, lots of fruit iiUILIDI_N(/ /°kl' - ~---'--'7~ ............................ persons tl)m.eto entitled and to dis-] de,qcribed lnnds must fib, their clatnm trees and a very attractive home 4 BEDROOMS ANGLESIDE tt~!!~ 'inghen rOOmwith birchWiLh included. Terms arranged. Large living room, nice kiLchen,LAKE CUSHMAN, | II I~ Rlt ~ ~1~11~ FI ~[~ i~ ill ~ iiIBAI~I ii i~1 heardSaidoarep°rtthe llthand / or/publication°bjecti°liSor withinarty timea 30-davdurD)gperiodthe - , 2 bedrooms up alld 2 down Full WA. I-IIN 'PnN Mm,~m I~1111 II II Ilmi~ ~m~m~ lm~ II n II i= day of Jtme. 1965, at 9:30 a.m. in fhe/ a, fter the dale of tast ptlbl}61tion of ¢isposal, dining Courtroom of s~ld Court, in the Coun-| this notice, sUcll claim or objection ~0m With fire- TRAILER OWNERS -- dayhght bascnlent, off furnace. An ..... |a nD nVllSfl lU;IH!!. I;;O/illIt= t,. Ourll,o,s a, Shealo=,,n to= |to be subntl,1,, to the ana e,.. Hurry --- hurry --- hurry! Take exceptional buy for $8,500. FHA ~eaiect proposals will be receiv- DATED THIS 6th day el' May, 1965. I Office, I~lreau of L~nd Management. • ~ roe}n, Work- your pick ,of 3 large wooded lots $47.5 down includes closing costs, ed by tl\e.ClT, OFTACO A, H~RAUPi~ ~Au~ M. W~O, ENER 1740 N. E. Itolladay. Portia=d, Orego,,. • Clerk of thP Soperior Coul,t | 97~12, and a copy thereof submitted to Ytrd, 2-carport. just outside the city limits. Wa- or ouy Oil cataract, at toe OlUCeol Lno t::.'!ty ~lel,'K, ~[~'~DII~ Robert L. Snyder [ the State of Washington. Department r~oom ~a~ uounty-ulty ~uiicl- ~ il AttoP',x~" for Executor. I.of Natnral Resources, Box 1,68, OlyD,1- ter available. Just $1,850---$300 'n .......... |IV II--|l 1~5% North 5th I pla, ~rashlngton, MSLE'R tlown----$25 monthly. 5 ACRES, 4 ROOMS ] g, TaConla, wasnmgton un[ll Sh,~ltun, WaM|tngton I 4/22-29 5/6-13-.20 5t ~i~l~ room, patio, - ,, , A comfortable_ , home.. .... in the ll:nn,,,, ,.=,,.,=.A ~ "=""~"'~J,]~lft"r]¢t'trOFFICE PHONE 426-6642 5/13-20-27 3t] ............ 9 ..... heart of SkoKommh vaney rcicn e¢" bath.diningBrandarea' ju~?h~eSs~° . silt soil. Fruit trees and 'sheds. May 24, 1965 EVENINGS: PHONE 426-3630 ..... NO. P.589 |] NOT|CF. oFNO'IIEARING3592 FINAL t home. Onl~ L~°u~3~ldotpattfr~a~e Y;~at e~nr:'a~e,2,5~?l~ta~f tYe°Urs f;ld ~°]lPmilehase of any or all of tlm WALTER GEORGE- ASSOCIATE BROKER V,F, rOItTNO'rlcF OFAND rt:TITIONIIEAIII~G FrNALFOr II ]tEPOItTFor DIS'rlIIlIUTIosASt) VI,:TITION rtoad, Nicely wooded with ~gme ~.~,r. A.~W,," ...... ~6": . ,DINTRIBUTION I IN THE SUPEYUOR C()URT I)F' THE ;26,t666 ,ew of the Olymp,cs. $2,950 with 3 Frame Cottages PHONE 426-3530 IN TIlE SUPERIOR CL)URT OF TItE | STATE (')bTM WASHING.TON POP. STATE OF WABI'IIN(:TON FOR | MASON COUNTY • terms. 3 BEDROOMS, GRAND VIEW 1 Quanset Hut MASON COUNTY I ht the ~1:ttt~r of th(, Estate of GUS T Lovely new honle" just complct- 1 Frame Bunkhouse (1) A real money makex. Gross rentals, $1,440.00 per year. Down Intlw Matt,q' of thP Estate of' GRACE I TItOMPSON, D~ceascd." ngs Call NEW LISTING --- Ied, B.B. Heat 2 t)aths 2 cal' gar- Remova~ ~= ~,~ t, ..... ,; .... .~;. paynlent $1~500.00, Monthly payments $7500. l~ull price MOGG PATTERSON, DccPased. I How.n.d S. Austin, Executor of said ' ' " ................ ' ....... 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that | Estate. has fltod witl~ said Court Ills 426-3434 Just .$400 down and the owner age, Hardwood floors, Close to six nlonths from date of sale. $8,650.0 , MARJORIE PATTERSON WEI,LS, { final raport and pctitmn for distribu- , • ,Will finance this cozy 2 bedraom school. $]5,499. FHA Low down. For inspection call Plant Super- as Ex,,cutrix uf the Estate of ORACE | tion, asking the Court to settit, said MOGC, PATTERSON has fih,d in the. I report, dislt.i)mto tiu, I)rop*,rty to the ,0 mre nome. He is busy repa nt ng visor, Hoodst)ort Tele|)hone (2) Hotel---Apartment House grossing $13,000 00 per year Full office of the Clerk of said Court he["I persons tlmreto ontith•d and to dis- now so all you have to do s FINE,ST WATERFRONT 877-5etl " ' " price $72,500.00. Low dov~m payment Final R~port and Petition. Ear Dis}v}-] charge said Exm,utor. Sat'7.1 report and I C y pack your bags and move in 100 sandy beach, no bank. 3 ~... " . . bat}on, a~ktng thc Court to so}tic/petition will be heuvd on tile 111}[ day ~los at( to bc sunmltte(1 Oil this weekend $4 850 is the miles S E of Shelton on Hammers- '~. * " ,., ~..A_,,_... ,~. ~.. ,..,. _,___ .. ............. . __,, said Report and to discharge said I of June, '19(;5, at 10 a,m, tzt tim Court- .... " ' " . ~ .':~' . ...... ' . folma nrn~,i,q,~,t h., tt.~ m;~., to)~.xt:euu:tc rut utt ~a~t.~ t:at~u an, t)'OTHt~I'~ ~IIUSL ~t'l|. Executrix, att(l that said Report and [ roan} of said Court, in the County 'E NSURANCE lUll pmce with easy monthlv ley nuet. ,] - Deurooln spill-level "" V ........ ~D~¢ ........ "~ " Petition will bc h(,ard on tile llth daY l Cot|rthousp at Shelton, Washlllgt(~ll, navmon÷~ "* "* homo 9 h~*l]kq 2 fire~laces Ree- Detailed information and hid of June, 1965, at 9:30 A.M., at the l DATED THIS 11th d:~.~' of ~{t~.y, 1965. "" ~ lelton, Wash. _~ ~...~-.o. t""'"~'reation-roonl.'"'" This' is aVl)eauty;" " lo-"folms" may be obtained .... at thc (4)21 Acres on Cole Road. Easy Te~ ms. Courtr,)om ill tbc Mason County ] LAURA M. WAGENER ~~ Courthouse, atwltichth;,eandpiace| Clerk of the Stip,,ri,,r Court NEED .......... ~ cared among fabulous homes. $33,- Public Utilities Purchasing Of- any person int..rested Sn said lLstate] 1%. Teckht Vermtlliou. • 000 Owner will consider trade for~.fice, znd Floor l~ublic Utilities (o)160 ft. on Hamme}.'slev Inlet with tidelands$6,)00 per foot. ntay appear and file 'objc('ti6nS there-] Deputy Clurk __ Then here is your opportunity to niee home in city " ' F Building, P. O. Box 11007, Ta- Terms .... " , , to attd uontost the smue ..... / r¢,~h,,rt L. S,wtior purcnase a nearly new 4 bedroom " ..., " ~'~ ..... coma, Washington 98411 or bv : i DATED this 7th day of ~I~y, IB65. ' .] 125V2 N. 5th" ~0YW[~ @1 name. It's well located on Mt. ,,,~-,t.t.. ,.,:o-oo..,.phoning FUllon 3-2471, ~3xtet{ ................. . .........~-'s "0 00 --r foot TECKLA VERMII.;iAON, Deputy Shelton. Washhm'ton ' JOHN C. RAGAN . I Attovn.y fro' Executor NN " $18,500. Extra large liv- VER AUX--HULDER sion 207. " ' ' .... ' ......... Att)rney for Estate 5L13-20-27 .~t I ing room (carpeted), a pretty 226 N. 1st St. --- SHELTON DEPARTMENT OF Terms. Title Insurance Building " ; .................................... kitchen loaded with cabinets and -- - " "~*~' PUBLIC IYI'ILITIES ~. Shelton, Washington. " .................... NOTICE TO CRI';DITORS how to make] a large double garage ..... C A ERDAHI~ (7) 150 ft. of excellent waterfront close to town $7,7.00 per foot. 5/.13-20-27 3t NO. 3(;14 :his one. It s a - Real Estate Director ' Terms. IN THE SUPERIOR Ct)UWI' OF TIlE n~ent home on C I " ' i, ! I, " , NO. 3625 , : STATE ¢)iv WASHIN(~TON FOI,) LOSE TO STORES . . . , .............. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TItE COUNTY 01e MASON :1 frontage. TheSee this comfortable 2 bedroom IN TItE SUPER)oR COURT O]'~ THE In the Mat, tor of the. Est tt of OZX g SUch as door Hillcrest home that is just 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON IfOR H. MacRAE. Dcct,ascd TItE COUNTY ()F MASON Notit'e is hereby given .1hat tho un- Paint but it's blocks to the stores. Built-in In the Matter or' the Estaie, of dcvslgned has b*,oa a. H)ointed and has live in. Ex- range, huge double garage for -- ----I------ ill l ill at " S..JOSF:Pt]INE PETERSON_, Deceased. qualifi.d as Ex,n,utor of the above "°° NFW NIW NFW +'+ '+'+ +'" +' +, u,, ,,,,,,+0 ,+,: ,+ ,,,++ ,,+. de[stgn.d ihts be(n appomt(d and }ms in tl~m~ :* ~in~t.,~ (,( . ,! nr ¢11 above aver-only $6,000. Contract terms. • ' .... ' ' ' , ,~ -' ., ~ , .d l,+',,ase_ __e RENTAL INCOME ' • • i !! • • ~ml • • I i IB (uahtltd as IiXECUTOR ot the b \e h* t b t i~ed I-~l 1 '", . ; ~" '. ~ '- I • " V rcq ~ ' . . , ~ "o the sanle, ~rry contract, entitled estate; that all pe~:~ona lmving ] duly ~'crified. on said Ext~aator or his ~n this one. * " "" :' " "~"i torney of record at ~l~e address be- tlalmtt against d(cPaaed ale Jilt at b3 lt(ttlil*d It) s('1%e tb¢ same d),ll3 }o s s Y,ou will have 3 rentals bringinq - . " '~ .... . ~ " w 'ta'ted and file the atDt, ~4th ttw ~olifitd on slid Carter Sandals or his i Oh-" • '_..=.t r,.. .... ; ..... 7. 'Y in a total of $110 monthly, plus a ' ~ .... _ . %'~t,t ~t~u ~.t,t;t't toKt'ul{~r WItll atto['nt y of re(old at the address DC-i l)ro(tf ~)|' '.ttl/h ,q~ t'% it ¢ xt t| t*l and ,~retty 2 2 bedroom home for yourself. $15.- low stated and fib, the same wttn ~ ~ ~ nm-'th~ tft~ .............. """ • ' , ~ • * '_ ;.. ] n . ~ ~" Llle tl;tLt~ O/ IlrSl ]~)LIDII- PABK LIKE SUBDIVISION WELL WOODED WITH NATIVE TREES +,+~ ot aaid Court togetne, W,m , an Older well 500 is the appraised price and the , , ~ ' , ' [ ration of thi~ not]ee o'r "thP S'lln(. will owner will assist you with the fi- ' ' ' afLer the dale of first.publication OI/ "Date ,~f 'l'i*'# nubfh'8.tion '~Iav fl ltla~ 3Orhood. The I roof of said s+,t'vlce within six months rbe barred " ' + + " ' P"lly landscap, nancing. Wh~i n:t call today for tlfl.~, not|ce. . t,; fl,,., same. will. beMabarr,.d_,, ,t "'~,';~,.'.;'.k'~.,~r~..,,:v,u,,w i~. ,ua,.,,Ae~" ":'--" " .... OOd Sizeo gar. more intorma o [ Date of first pubhcaUon Y ~ , r, " ' I Executor of staid Estatt~ 196v. ' ' [ TI P Jones " hard to beat t, BIG--BIG--BIG... - AH9 SHRUBS EXCELLEHT VIEW OF THE SALT ATER AND "" ..... fe ¢ t e~,* to" ~:state e a look. EXecUte} Oi said ~tv.t t001Wa~ll " " .... " " -= ..... 22 A I ngtozl l~UllUtng A uare~:, l~-t.. 1,.J~OX,q " ........ I Tac()lna Washlng~'toll I=ARK !f you.~e:d lots ,of room. and a • rant ol'en~ra, wasn,ngt m, u&~tm ' ' . t,m-t,,-2u" .......... ~, house t a s easy on the uuoget, Myron H. F~'eyd I ........ With OUtdoor see this. $9,250 is the full price Attorney for' E~tate ruIt trees and if you can pay $1,350.00 0L1 'MPI¢ MOUNT THREE MILES FROM DOWN TOWN ++,:, ....... o. ,,.+,+..o,,+ ,, and , ~ort Orenar(] wash ngton pS~6ti APPI ICATr~g' NO l~e~ me kids tn down you can assume the exist- 3 I ....... • , ,, • . rJ/ , -so.27 s STATm oP- WAb-ff/N,0,. 'ON, OFEICE ,t 3bedroom ing contract at $60 monthly, w-- ...... -- ~ ............. . .......... ,~t,. mtTP~:RVlSOII O0,+ W~ATER RE- )Ore, Full ba=e. . ORDINANCE NO. ~k~ . SOURCES, Departnmnt of. Conser+ D BLACK PLANS o+++: ++o o+,. ,.,,,,. o,,,,,,,. :"""'"" OH GO0 ++:++,+. .... :+:.,..o., ~'~:~++o,,.se.i!:!:~ +'+" +'+' "+' + +'" +' ""+ YOU II like, : " ED RESERV.E I~UND I~OR, THE: W'ashington