May 14, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 14, 1920 |
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:":" Official Publication of the Associated Students of the Shelton High School ::;.
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vet I. Shelton, \\;Vasil., Friday, May l,l, 1920 NO. 9
Editor ............ John Melville, '20
Associate Editor...Teddy Skelsey '20
Senior ........ Kathryne Forrest '20
Junior ............... Eva Blake '21
Sophomore ......... Merna Wood '22
Freshman ......... Helen Clinton '23
Looking back over the eight months,
it seems but a short time since vaca-
tion was fast drawing to a close and
school work was about to be taken up
again. Although the time has passed
rapidly, many things have been accom-
plished along the educational and ath-
letic line. To those who will graduate
this year, these last few weeks and
the finishing touches of their school
career. To those who are to return in
the fall, these weeks seem dull and
uninteresting but they have this Joyful
time ahead of them and they should
look ahead to it as a goal to be ob-
tained, The results of lhc athletic
training have been very salisfa(H(try to
everybody concerned. 'l'hoso who will
go on to schools of higher ](:arning
have laid st supply of facis and a con-
ception of Sl)orts which will be much
needed In their college days. Tlm only
thing there is to regrcl about the affair
is that it is nearly over. But it is an
experience that is never to be forgotten.
Today Elma w|]] play a reiurn game
with the local boys which will close
the season for this year. Under the
skillful coaching and help of Coach
Fredson the boys have formed and
maintained a fast team considering the
size of the high school. Everyone
should turn out Friday and help the
boys win their last game so as to end
Up their season right.
ira,,,, ,, ,, , ,
Early Friday morning, as had been
I,hmncd, the Seniors and their chal)-
erones, Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Forrest,
met at the school house before starting
on their trip. The truck that was to
carry the tents and blankets was pack-
ed the night before, so all the delay
was the packing of the eatable. The
committee on eats had it all figured so
the provisions to be used for each meal
were packed separately and thus no
trouble was experienced when the
meals were to bo served. Between
seven and eght o'clock the cars started,
the McDonald, Kennedy, Barrett, Cole
cars were followed by the truck, Booth's
and Loop's car bringing up the rear.
Those in the lead stopped at the Lllli-
waup Falls where several cameras
were dug up and a few snaps taken.
After arriving at Duekabush, it was
decided that a halt be called and after
some talking the cars ran into Plerce's
camping grounds on the Duekabush
river. It was a beautiful camping spot
and as the ride was not so very long
every one seemingly had a better time.
After dinner on Friday, each of the
cars took a load and started sight see-
ing. Some went down as far as the
Qutlicene Hatchery, others went to
IAnffcrlonger, one car went as far as
Port Ludlow, while another car stol)ped
at thc Tourist lintel, close to l,rinnon.
At [lie hotel arrangelnenls \\;v{!re ll]ado
to have a liltle dance thlI e\\;'ening, so
afl('r ,lll}l)lr "lnd sortie fool'Jig PI}Ulld,
'lie ('re%v(1 x!nt Iirl(1 (}l|}c¢!(] for all hi)st
or two. T]H! girls on r(!liil,l/ill K pro-
etlrl'(l i'o()]ll.q 11 Iqore"s lLes.rt as did
f,,w (,f lbe t),ys, ;vhih! illno boys
sh,pl llll|, ll,,w,'\\;''r lilll,' sh'('l) was
ohtali](!(l hy I hi! hoys for ahonl mid-
nig'ht ,9. showeP fell and a fi'W llit for
the log llollSe a| PlercCs. About: two
n. m. they re! ilrn(!d and l'rom lhell
ustH lnornln[ ;]el)I all hour or so.
As so(in [is breakfast wss over on
Satllrd.qy, nlore rtdeq and snal)shots
wore taken. Two cars loft right after
dinner and the remainder pulled out
about three o'cloe'k. A stop was made
at the Falls again where supper was
served. Several made the climb up to
tim upper falls which were very beau-
tiful. About eight o'clock a tired but
happy crowd arrived at Shelton, and
as only one blow-out marred the trip,
they pronounced it the best ever. Mon-
day morning saw several tired Seniors
at school but they can sleep all they
want after the twenty-fourth.
stoners at the Court House in Shelton,
Washington; be fixed as the time and
place for a public hearing on said ap-
plication, as will more fully appear
from the minutes of said Board, and
said Board did further order that no-
tices of said hearing be posted and
published according to law; and
WHEREAS, the time set for said
hearing has now arrived, and it duly
appearing to the Board that full and
legal notice of eacl* hearing has
been caused to be given by the
Auditor of Mason County, Washington, !
at the expense of the applicant, by
posting written notices In three public
places in the County Seat of Mason
County, to-wit: in the Town of Shel-
ton, Mason County, Washington, and in
at least one conspicuous pleme on each
of the public roads and highways or
parts thereof for which application is
made, at least fifteen days before the
day set for such hearing, and by pub-
lishing a like notice three times In the
newspaper doing the county printing,
namely, the Mason County Journal;
there being no daily newspaper publish-
ed in said County, the last publication
)aving been more than five days be-
In8 telephone and telegraph wires and fore the day fixed for such hearing, and
the necessary accessories upon, along, that all of said notices did state the
over and across certain public roads name of the applicant, a description of
and highways In said Mason County; the public roads and highways, or
and parts thereof, for which the application
WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of lwas made, and the time and place fixed
the Board of County Commissioners for the hearing, all as more fully ap-
held on the 5th day of April, 1920, pears from the proofs on file herein,
said petition and application came on [and it further appearing to the Board
regularly for consideration, and the ithat the law and rules of this Board
Board did then order that the 3rd day [have in every way been fully and sub-
of May, 1920, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the stantially complied with to the saris-
office of said Beard of County Commis- faction of the Board; and It further ap-
I,'or the first time in the histery of
the school a boy has won the honor of
valedictorian with another member of
the stronger sex close behind. By
much hard work and intelligent study
Walter Schumacher attained the high-
est standing in the Senior Class with
Teddy Skelsey close behind. Up to
this time girls have performed this
honorary function, and following is the
list of girls who have been at the head
of their classes for the last few years.
1919--Florentine Faubert,
1918--Rhoda Eaton.
1917--Catherine Baldwin.
1916=--Jeanette Swan.
1915--Emma Richert.
1914--Vlda FosS.
1913--Mary Angle.
lql 2--Anna Lloyd.
1911--Geneva Sarglson.
1910--Dora Fredson.
The Mother--Joe is Just crazy to
marry our Gladys.
The Man=-Yes; anyone wouh] be.
A Sad Case
l(,gar---Plense hell) rile recover my
I a(h,---ls your child lost?
l;.,,rrnr---No, lllln, but his clothes
Ill'(! %v(rll oIlt.
,q ckt (V---f wish v,,t WOlfld tell n}o
ho%v io /4'el tile pitch off lily salt. l
tilt\\;', Irhd everyliling 1 can thhlk of.
Po\\;ve]l--Yeu lnay try a sanK. YeLl
always get off the pitch when you
You've heard about the raisin
With the kick nf 10 per cent,
But the raisin with wallop
Is the raisin' of the rent.
Another Illusion Threatened
Edith--Miss Bute thinks that you are
a clever fellow.
Ferdle---Does she? I guess that I'll
Edith--No, you had hatter stay away.
i |.
pcaring to the Board that no objection
of any kind has been offered at such
'hearing to the granting of said fran-
chise as asked, and that the Board
deems it to be for the public interest
that said franchise be granted as it
will be a public benefit to a large num-
ber of the citizens of Mason County;
NOW TltIREFORE. be it unani-
imously RESOLVED as follows:
There is hereby granted to the Kam-
ilche Valley Telephone Company, a cor-
poration, and to its successors or as-
signs, the right and authority for and
during the period of fifty (60) years
from and after the date hereof, to con-
struct, erect, operate and maintain a
line or lines of poles for the purpose
of carrying telephone and telegraph
wires and the necessary accesories up-
on, along, over and across the public
roads and highways of Mason County,
Washington, hereinafter particularly
described, and to place telephone and
telegraph wires thereon and maintain
the same upon, along, over and across
said public roads and highways as
aforesaid, for the purpose of furnishing
telephone and telegraph service to its
subscribers, and to do all such other
things as may be necessary in connec-
tion with the rendition of such service.
That the said Kamilche Valley Tel-
ephone Company, a corporation, be re-
quired to place such utility and appur-
tenances tn such location on or along
said public roads and highways as will
cause tie least interference with other
uses of such public roads and highways
by the public or to individuals in the
enjoyment of private property.
That the said Kamllche Valley Tele-
phone Company shall be liable to the
It's a cinch
to figure why
C-amels selli
:Monday, May 3, 1920.
Hearing held at 2 P. M. on Franchise
for the Kamllche Valley Telephone
Company, no one appearing to protest
against granting the franchise the fol-
lowing Franchise was granted:
WHEREAS, heretofore, on the 5th
day of April, 1920, L. H. Jacobs, Eu-
gene E. Taylor and C. E. Griggs, lncor-
orators and trustees of the Kamilche
alley Telephone Company, a eorpora-
tion, filed with the Auditor for Mason
County, Washington, a petition and ap-
plication for the grant of a franchise
to the Kamilche Valley Telephone Com-
pany, a corporation, for a period of
fifty (50) years for the construction,
operation and maintenance of a line or
lines of poles for the purpose of carry-
You should know why Camels
are so unusual, sorefreshing, so
satisfying. First, quality--second,
Camels expert blend of choice Turkish
and choice Domestic tobaccos which
you'll certainly prefer to either kind
smoked straight l
Camels blend makes possible that
wonderful mellow mildness--yet all the
desirable body is there l And, Camels
never tire your taste l
You'H appreciate Camels freedom
from any unpleasant cigaretty after-
taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor I
For your own satisfaction compare
Camels puff by puff with any ciga-
rette in the world at any pr/ce / I
Clmol8 ato sOM owPrwbore tn sentlflcally 8eMed packages o£20 4. I
.es or :0 oenfel ion paokades (200 cigarettes) tn a ilasslne*
paper.overed r$on. We stronlily recommend this carLon for tIM| '
• ome @" OOe Supply or when you frav'e
It. J. !ZYNO___ $.TOBACCO CO, Winston-Sa]e N. ,,t ......
County of {ason for all necessary cx- anted for l)ayment at tills time, aild
passes incurred by the county in re- } lhILL the orde, r liaSSt:(t April 10Lh In re-
storiog any COUllty road to a silitablo Kard to the halancc of $500.00 be res-
(ontlJiitn for travel ItS a resllll of the [cin(hd.
(,,onstructton, of such telel)lione or tel-/ 'l'll, following bills were examincd
gl'llllh lille or lilil's. / lind ttlh)wed:
¢- ;1{ {he (?tltlllI.V I)f i:i.;on shall not Current Ex1)enss.
he liable for lli)' (l:/lllllj-',t! lo |,(q'SOIh I or I Villlock \\;V, Mtlh.r, I',q'llnd on
1)i.(llily Its u l-PTtlll fl' ,i' by i.t!Its(H! ()1 lliN(,s ........................ .5.i
1 liv (tllllTtFtl('l ill{i, (it)IN'ill ion alid niain-
I (,litiiici. (if llC}i { ,,l,lfllolll, or lelo-
-rl'al)h lint! (,i' lin,.s hy said I,=amilche
\\;r:ill(y 'l',!h'l)h(,no (',llilllltliy.
'l'li:ll tilt, llt':tlblli el s;lld poles and
v,.il.(,. ILll¢l Ii(Y(t*'4,¢ll'i ',; (1])()nl along, over
and aC'l'(,,s said imhlic roads and high-
ways shall b(, wllh the nl)l)roval of the
1;otlrd of (.(tnlly (.(inlinisioners and to
he r(.I)htced in all al)l)r()vcd location by
said ],:amilche Valley Telephone Oom-
pany upon ten day's written notice by
ald Coonty Conlnlissioners in thc
event tile same are not properly loca-
ted in the Ilrst Instance.
Thai in accepting this franchise it
is tiercby understood and agreed by
and between the Kamilche Valley Tel-
ephone Company and the County of
Mason, by Its Conlmlssloners, that any
and all damage done to such poles,
wires and accessories of the Kamilche
Vailcy Telephone Company by reason
of the County of Mason grading, ox-
cavatlng, blasting or worklng sald pub-
lic roads and highways in any manner
iwhatsoevcr, shall be borne by said
Telephone Company, and all damages to
wires and poles by Mason County while
engaged In working said roads shall be
borne by, and replacements made, by
said Telephone Company at its own
cost; PROVIDED, however, Mason
County, by its proper olllcers shall
have given timely warning to said
Telephone Company within a reasonable
thne prior to the working of such dam-
age or destruction in order timt its
property may be protected by it ts far
as possible.
That wherever the Kamilche Valley
Teh!phone (]onll)any shall excavate in
any parl of satd lmblie roads and high-
Wtiys lhe sanle shall be 1)rol)erly res-
tored as nearly Its I)(Issiblc to tile fllr-
nt!r eondtlion, alld ill all cl(s excavLL-
tloliS shall I)e l,l'l)perly goarded,
"l'hat this I'r;tnchise shit|l bc in full
[or('(! :_l II (l td'f('ct fr(inl all(I II fil!r the
(htlo herc,)l', llrovitling the l' alni l('.h e
Valh!y 'lhq(,1)holio (3Ollll)tliy shall w, ilhhl
lil'le+ql days {'rilni dale hei'(,()f file \\;vilh
the .Andil.or of 'IaSoll (',otlniy, \\;VIish-
ingt(in, {Is %vritteo nccc])tilncl thereol'.
That iX is und(,rstood and agr(ed that
lhis Is not an exehls[V0 l)rh'ilcge and
Said lmblie roads and highways arc
artlcularly dcscribed as follows, towlt:
l:eginning at the line dividing Mason
County, Washington, from Grays 1-1ar-
bor County, Washington, where the
sald dividing line intersects thc road
commonly known as the Shelton-Elma
Road and on thc right of way of said
road, then following the rlght of w&Y
of said road in an easterly direclion
to a point where said road intersects
the Olympic Highway.
Also, beginning at a point where the
Hurley-Waldrip Road intersects the
said Shelton-Elma Road; thence run-
ning easterly along the right of way of
said Huriey-Waldrip Road to a point
where the same intersects the Olympic
Also, beginning at a point where the
W. S. Taylor Road intersects the said
Shelton-Elma Road; thence running
northerly along the right of way of
said W. S. Taylor Road to the ranch
now owned by said W. S. Taylor.
The foregoing RESOLUTION having
been duly passed by the said Board of
County Commisioners of Mason County,
Washington, all of the members thereof
being present and concurring therein at
a Special session of said Board held on
the 3rd day of May, 1920, is hereby
executed by the members of said Board
and attested by the County Auditor In
authentication thereof.
A Municipal Corporation.
By vV. A. HUNTER, Chairman
of the Board of County Commissioners.
J. A. COLE, Commissioner.
WM. E. DANIELS, Commissioner
lONE W. DOYLE, Auditor for
Mason County, Wash.
Letter received from Kamilche Valley
Telephone Company accepting this
Board adjourned to meet Thursday,
May 6, 1920.
Wednesday, :May 5, 1920.
Day spent inspecting Roads and Bridge
at Stretch Island.
Thursday May 6, 1920.
Board caileu to order, all present.
Moved and carried that the wages of
Truck drivers be raised from $5.25 per
day to $5.75 per day to take effect
May 1st, 1920. Moved and earried that
the County pay $6.50 per day for hook-
tender with Donkey Engine.
Engineer filed report on Maintenance
of Primary State Highways for the
month of April, 1920, as follows:
Olympic Highway No. 1 ....... $140.05
Olympic Highway No. 2 ........ $141.19
Olympic Highway No. 3 ...... $269.84
Olympic Highway No. 4 ...... $376.54
Navy Yard Highway No. 2 ..... $100.71
Navy Yard Highway No. 3 ...... $56.06
Report petrified and transmitted to
State Highway Commissioner.
Moved and carried that the Engineer
be allowed to purchase for the County
for the use of the'Engineer's on Survey
parties, three ten ounce, 14x16 tents at
$49.15 per tent, also other necessary
equipment for survey work,
Contract entered into between ason
County and Wm. E. Thompson, for sup-
plying the Court House with 100 ricks
of wood to be delivered Sept. 10 1920.
Bond filed and approved.
Engineer filed report of wok done
on the eontrmet of Kent and Living-
ston for the construction of Per. High-
way No. 4-E, in the amount of $404.00.
Moved and carried that this report be
approved and transmitted to State
Highway Commissioner for approval
and payment.
Moved and carried that an order
passed April 10th. not allowing bill
presented by the State Highway Com-
missioner In the amount of $226.25,
freight on Ford ambulance, be rescin-
ded and that same be allowed.
Moved and carried that the remain-
der of $500.00 balance due on purchase
price of County Garage to be paid tn
one year from date of order passed
April 10, 1920, be allowed and pres-
,1. 1';. lilt.vie, same .............. ;{{;.74
.Anll(! I,]. .']i'lllhlill. Ii>l[\\; ('xi). (!o.
Nil i'!, . ...................... 0.7
I{. ],. I',dv, lm4e, .tll). ('ll. Hilt'so., .75
l'hlnl.,.r l;ind. ¢ l'l'inl ing Co.,
sRlil, ........................ ]6.,10
Piontt,r 1 :i]l(l. &- l'rJlil ilig" CO.
Stll)llll,'. a:sessor . ........... 4.36
Couniy Anditor, l{ovoh'ing lCund:
Supl. (l'r(,IKhi) ...... ].7, (}
Supi. (postage) ..... 2.00
Clerl (postage) ..... ].00
Treas. (box rent) ..... 60 5.39
Grays ]]arbor Staml) Works, sup
Aud .......................... 1.50
Grant C. Angle & Son. sup, Aud 8.3
Mason Co. Journal, print. Com.
Pro. and notices ............. 62.75
Esther Carlson. typtng Eng ..... 2.00
Farl F. Dickinson, dep. engineer 130.00
H. E. Munson, chainman ....... 4.50
J. H. Wllley, same ............ 22.50
Frank E. Frazler, same ........ 18.00
J. B. Johnson, inspector Stretch
Island bridge ................ 40.50
F. Livingston, ehainman ....... 4.50
Arthnr L. Ward, engineer ...... 90.00
L. M. Co., sup. Treas., Eng. and
auditor ...................... 4.15
Shelton Garage, sup. Eng ........ 15
Cap. City Map & B. P. Co., same 2.91
McDonald & Co., sup. Jail ....... 25
Why suffer from a bad back, from
sharp, shooting twinges, heada'ches,
dizziness and distressing urinary ills ?
People around here recommend
Dean's Kidney Pills. Could you ask
for stronger proof of merit ?
Mrs. G. A. Plympton, 1005 S. Pros-
pect Ave., Tacoma, Wash., says: "A
few years ago I was in the hospital
for an operation and after I got out
my kidneys began to bother me a
great deal. I shall never forget the
!miserable backaches. My back was
!so lame and it hurt me so terribly, I
could hardly go. That constant pain-
ing and aching in the back seemed
'to take all my strength and ambition,
My kidneys were weak and that fre-
quently caused swellings of my hands
and feet. I was awfully bad off when
a friend told me about Dean's Kidney
Pills. D0an's helped me from the
start and I steadily improved. I
kept on using them and m a short
time they had 'completely and perm-
anently cured me."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedyget
Dean's Kidney Pills--the same that
Mrs. Plympten had. Foster-Milburn
Co. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1923"
[Shelton Garage, hire, Supt.
lary M. Knight, trav, exp. Supt. 4.00
Grnnt C. Angle & Son, sup. Sul,t. 6.00
Grant C Angle & Son. sup. Tress .30
\\;\'clsh-]{t(;hards C,)., lnc,, sanit!.. 4,00
]lllrroug•hs d\\;dd. ]aeh. (30., sanle ].00
]Pr:llicis (:u'r, SOl). (O. l)oor. .... 15.00
Thos. O'NdIL same ........... 10.00
SI. t','ter's 1 lesl)i/a], e:tr( Co.
p(}.or . ....................... 90.0(i
'l'll,. (l'Neill. Sill). CI). ill)ill'. .... ]5.Sf|
I. M. ('o. same ................ ]1.45
I,. .M. ('o., salll( ............... 9.15
V;ll]li(!o .]t)}lliF(n iolor (ill., Sill).
iN,. ctr . ..................... 1.50
Sholtoli IAKht l'owvr Co., s*'l'. 13.20
%V. M. ]0acll, health oi]ieol'. .... 11.50
Mcl)onahl & CO,, SU]). (O. cltr4N .S5
]Ionry Goldsby, labor eourl yard 4,00
John I,'Lgelll "cleaning e(iLU't roonl
and courl hesse ............. 10,00
Anne E. :Mcl{ahon, salary Co.
Nurse ....................... 125.00
Emma B. Richert, part time sal-
ary Supt. office .............. 55.00
M. F. I(nlght, deputy assessor... 92.00
Eula Daniels, same ............ 91.00
Sadie M, Beach, same .......... 45.5@
H. E. Drew, Agriculturist ...... 100.00
Standard Oil Co., sup. Co. car .... 40
Needham & Clothier, supply Co.
car tires ..................... 160.8
Standard Oil Co., sup. Co. car,
Agri. and Eng. car ........... 37.4@
ttenry Smith. game warden ..... 126.00'
J. H. Gibbs, error In license .... 1.0@
Shelton Garage, sup. ear ....... 44.65.
(Continued on page 3)
This is a Bicycle Year and if you
haven't a bicycle you are out of style. We
sell and rcpair all kinds of bicycles. If you
already have one bring it in and let :s re-
pair it. Get your bicycle tires here.
We are also agents for Hassler Automobile
Shock Absorbers. Put a set on your car.
"For Better Service"
Needham &Cl0thier
Maxwell Building, Railroad Ave., Shelton
Phone 463
One Brunswick
Then Decide "
Tli be wa.o know oe yourself e supeHorKy of
Brunswick Tire ,s to buy one and compare it.
Tha is, if.the very name o Brunswick isn't suiclent proo I
to you, as it iS to most men, that her is an extraordinary tire
Thousanda 0 men who have known the name of Brunswld
for years, realize that a Brunswick Tire has to be the best
for a mediocre product could never bear thls hmtoric name..
Long before the Overland Trail became amous, the House
o, Brunswick was established. It was one of the chief user;
ofubber for £fty years before automobiles cam into use,
No concern whh suc a lIstory could afford to offer an.
hing but the best. lor zeputations are built slowly, but can
quickly destroyed. ...............
,This is a practical e %lia Brunswick Tires offe7
more than the. usual, yet at no added cost. ....
Get your st one now 'OBq DOt be. satisfied until yoq
Imv ALL Bnmswic "
"Seattle Headquartsrsi 1919 Second Ave.
Sold On An Unlimited Mileage '
Guarantee Basis
II I ....
"For Better Serv,ce
Maxwell Building, Railroad Avenue, Shelton
"s " !" ' " °s " " " " ee ' " '. ' " . " " ee " " ° "