May 14, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 14, 1920 |
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FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1920
Mr. and Mrs. Howard ttobinson and
4laughters and lynn Itobinson of Shel-
Con were callers at tile Winsor home
last Tilursday evening.
J. F. lcnnett was over from Puyal-
lup to spend the week-end at home.
:Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Shelton attended
astcrn Star lodge in Shelton Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bennett. Miss
,Ahna Bennett and Varl Bennett were
4inner guests at tile D. G• Bennett
home Sunday.
Tommy Kneeland of Shelton spent
aturday with his cousins, John and
Alpheus Kneeland.
E. B. ltobtnson and Miss Esther
Carlson of Shelton called at Echo Farm
Friday evening.
Mr• and Mrs. Dewey Bennett, Alma
13ennett and Vearl Bennett attended
the ball game in Shelton Sunday after-
G. A. Myers, who has been seriously
ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. J•
hafer, where he has been visiting fer
the past six weeks, is somewhat better.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett called
at the Winsor and Sharer homes Sun-
day afternoon.
Mrs. S. A. Ferris of Shelton visited
hia week at the homes ef her daugh-
ter Mrs. H. A. Winsor and grand°
laughter Mrs. Dewey Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Morgan of Brady
pent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Gill, and they also called at the
Rediska home Sunday evening.
Mr• and Mrs. •Warren of Tacoma Is
pending the past week with Mr• and
Mrs. Logan of Matloek. Mrs. Warren
is Mrs. Logan's daughter•
Dick Batchelor and Claude Rose of
Olympia and Mr and Mrs. Wm. 1Re-
disks of this vicinity visited Mr. and
Mrs. Joe OIU Sunday.
Jo. Carstairs was a caller at Brady's
Miss luth Pctcrson visited the Re-
liska girls Tuesday evening.
Joe Crisp has left here for Pontigo,
v'irginia, where he will Join the marines
s mechanical engineer•
Mrs. A. S. King and daughter Mar-
garet were caller sin Shelton Saturday.
lr. and Mrs. Thayer of Elma spent
Sunday with i',lr, and !Hrs. Edward
L{r. and Mrs. A..T. Anderson and ehil-
h'en ltaymond, I{oy and Louisa of
iMatlock spent Sunday at the Crowcll
home in Bevillc.
Mrs. Perle Anderson and Mrs. Cor-
bolht and daughtr Maxinc visited at
• :hf2 C. A. tk|lderson Iionle in Deckervillc
"Vr Cd tl I,St]tl y al'tOl'lt)tn.
Call and see our large stock
or write for prices. We
erect Monuments anywhere.
2006 First Ave., Seattle, Wn.
(Established 1874)
Send in your order for
On Navy Yard Highway
Postoifice, Union, Wash.
H. E. STUMER, Mgr.
ii u
Distributor for Mason County
Shelton, Wash.
Phone 625
(Continued from page 2)
oad Dttric o. I.
Win. McDowell ................. 4.00
O• T. Aubol ................... 9,00
J• A. Edmiston ................ tl,00
G. West .................... 8.00
W• F. Ault .................... 4.00
G. W. Tanner .................. 8.00
A, Jacobsen ................... 16.00
F. N. Jacobsen ................ 4.50
Wm• Deyette .................. 13.50
Harry Deyette ................. 8.00
'R, oa.d Dietriet ge. 2.
P. O. Swanson ................. 25.40
Thos. O'Noill .................. 1.25
Thos, O'NeUl .................. 9.00
L. M. Co ....................... 80
Thos. O'Neill .................. 6.90
G. P• Verot ................... 1.00
M. L. Itoke .................... 20.25
Iack Christian ................ 20•2
T• lichmond .................. 20.25
C• A. Woodall ................. 16.00
Lee H• Huston ................ 8.00
A. G. Peterson ................. 97.36
M. L. Jacoby .................. 22.00
J• F. Jacoby .................. 20.00
Alfred Linton ................. 20.00
Carl Swanson .................. 10.00
W. B. McMurray .............. 10.50
Albert Johnson ................ 26.25
S. H. Hilton ................... 4.00
Walter Daniels ................ 28.87
Standard Oil Co ................ 17.07
load Distrtot lTo. .
Standard Oil Co ................ 68.88
G. P. Verot ................... 1.50
F. C. Willey ................... 60.00
C. H. I-Iillman ................. 2.00
McDonald & Co ................. 25
W. S. Taylor .................. 86.50
W. B• McMurray ............... 34.12
A. M. Johnson ................. 36•75
Henry Goldsby ................ 12.00
A. Bueehel ..................... 24.00
Dwight Lambert ............... 31.50
Sam Baldwin 24.75
C. C. Baldwin 4.50
• C. Willey ................... 18.00
• E. Griggs
Sam Bassett ................... 9.00
Jim Cowden ................... 13.50
Carl Young ................... 6.75
Ralph Lincoln ................ 23.62
Richard Buechel ............... 4.00
L. M. Co ....................... 15
311,e|l Dtmtriot 1To. 4.
Carl Jacobsen .................. 52
Joseph Valley ................. 45.00
Fred Hickson .................. 36.50
C. O. Decker ................... 5.00
Road Distriot No. 5.
W. F. Goetsch ................. 17.00
Anton Goetsch ................ 10.00
J. Wingert .................... 4.00
A. Johnson .................... 3.00
Earl Harriman ................ 2.00
Emil Anderson ................ 4.50
oad District No. 6.
Phillip Abbey ................. 3.08
G. P. Verot ................... 1.6(I
F. C. AVilley .................. ]8.90
Ed. Hiller ..................... 122.50
T. B, Smith .................... 105.00
r,,hu ]ranst rein ............... 82.50
.l(( Yollng .................... 131.00
Kenith Pulsl|'er . .............. 99.00
1,tWrence Vllbur . ............. 38.25
.Too. ])an ...................... 49.50
.To Vail ....................... 9.00
"John Aaro ..................... 9.00
Itoad District IWo. 7.
Ptlllip Ahbey ................. .1.5
F. ]endsland .................. 95.50
H. l. ]{cndsland .[ ............. 32.{}0
K. Ordal ....................... 2(i.0
Carl Steenbucl¢ ................ 8.00
K. Ordal ...................... 25.00
.Tohn Shefner .................. 62.25
lens l,pson .................... 49.25
Win. Imark .................... 2.25
Carl Ep.son ................... 4.50
V. L. l,:nowlton ............... 4.50
l-l. L. l{cndsland ............... 65.00
Chas. J. Irving 30.25
R. W. irving .................. 9.00
oad District le, 8.
J. C. McKlel .................. 25.00
Jack Wraith ................... 26.00
A. l. Elphick .................. 34.00
3. C. McKiel ................... lfi.00
I. J. Ladley ................... 13.00
A. A. Rogers .................. 4.50
Permanent Kighway.
tandard Oil Co ................ 13.44
C. H. Htllman ................. 29.50
Barney Stcwart ............... 6.25
Standard Oil Co ................ 4.59
Same .......................... 5.64
Same .......................... 1.72
Same .......................... 10.16
Same 22.60
Shclton Garage ................ 6.21
G. P. Verot ................... 2.00
M. Co ....................... 1,12
R: H, Henry .................. 6.10
Standard Oil Co ............... 13.35
name .......................... 6.86
Same .......................... 3.68
name .......................... 9.61
Chas. 5. Irving ................. 52.00
Chas. J. irving ................ 47.50
F. F. Butler ................... 31.50
Joe Vail ....................... 42.50
Frank L. Scott ................ 18.00
3. E. Eaton ................... 9.00
,l. N. Griggs .................. 84.37
%V. B. McMurray ............... 10.50
Otis Duby ..................... 5.25
Ted Cole ...................... 5.25
F. Edler ....................... 139.50
Phillip Abbey .......... " ........ 3.75
John Hawk .................... 136.00
Harvey l] all 107.25
Marcell Williams .............. 24.50
S. L. Thompson ................ 64.00
C. C. Stephens ................. 15.75
Leon Mason .................. 26.00
W. A. Morris .................. 38.25
Barney Stewart ............... 47,25
F. F. Butler . ................... 40.00
W. A. Morris .................. 4.25
Barney Stewart ................ 10.50
Paul Hunter ................... 8.00
oad and ridge
G. F. l,oetschcr (freight on
(trncks ...................... 63.5
\\;V. W. 1]arrctt ................. 3.05
1. E. Ford .................... 8.71
F. C. Villey ................... 8.75
lclton Garage ................ 2.00
1,. M. Co ....................... 2.84
E. N. Johnson ................. 20.00
1,. M. Co ....................... 17.3,i
(L 1 ). Verot ................... 32.50
A. M. Johnson ................. 2.63
Standard Oil Co ................ 45.38
Special oad
L. A. McLeod .............. 8.00
Tacoma Daily 'l:,;¢igor .......... 25.15
Capital City Zi, & IL P. Co ....... 64.54
Same .......................... 6.87
Wrarber Improvement
Gee. "Wiss ..................... 30.60
:Road and aridge
I-L E. Ford .................... 60.48
R. Y{. McDonald ................ 48.38
Fecnaughty 1achinery Co ...... 38.52
¥. S. Taylor .................. 9.00
Vm. B. McMurray ............. 10.50
Thos. Buxton .................. 12.00
C. lq. Buxton .................. 6.00
0V nD." Durand .................. 4.00
i Griggs .................. 8.00
W. B. MeMurray ............... 23.87
A .M. Johnson ................. 44.02
ISpeolal toad :Fund.
Joffers Art Sudiu .............. 2.10
N. W. Mottingcr ............... 5.00
Walstad Machine Company ..... 1.32
J. W. Green ................... 100.00
Clarence Cloman ............... 58.33
O. W. It. R. N. lines .......... . 218.75
Z1otor Transport Corps ........ 7.50
Inside and Out-
...... -
• preserve
HE first essential of paint is to preserve. Second, to beautify.
Too many people make the mistake of considering only the lat-
ter, consequently buy paints of inferior quality.
The result is a temporary beautifying effect, without preserving =
the wood. ',i
FULLER Paints and other products are of that quality which preserves and
beautifies. Through their use, inside and out, years of life will be added to
your home and it will be made more livable to yourself and family.
Seventy-one years of paint-malting experience are back of every brushful of
FULLER Products. Insist on FULLER'S and you'll be sure of results. And
remember, there's a FULLER Product for every paintable surface--inside
and out.
W. P. t:uller & Co.
Northwest Branch Houses at Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise.
Petition from H. E. li'ord, asking for i
establishment of grade crossing loeatod
on the following described road: Inter-:
section of Mason County road by Fm'd's
Mill switch from Penn. R. in NW of
Sec. 9 Twp 20 Range 6 W. signed and
forwarded to Public Service Commis-
sion for approval.
Letter received from state highway
commissioner, enclosing statement of
permanent highway funds.
Board adjourned to meet Saturday,
May 8, 1920.
Friday, May 7, 1920. Day spent in-
specting roads.
Saturday, May 8, 1920. Board called
to order. All present.
Certified copy of order consenting to
establishment of grade crossing on
county road by Ford's Mill switch
from Peninsular lailway in NW of
Sec. 9, Twp. 20, llaugc 6 ,V. M. re-
ceived from Public Service Commission.
Ordered placed on file.
Time having arrived for the hearing
on the sale of one Garford Chassis 3½
ion and one Mcnominee Ch[ussls 3%
ton trucks, and no one appearing to
protest said sale, it was moved and
carried that the date of sale be set
for June 14th, at the hour of 10 a. m. i
and that the auditor be authorized to!
advertise said sale according to law.
Moved and carried that each of the
eight road districts pay $53.13 for con-,
crete pipe to be used by the districts.
Moved and carried that tile Lake Cusll-
man road be built under the super-
vision of supervisor of road district
No. 6, by force account labor, and that
the engineer be Instructed to place
stakes in accordance with the waiver
signed by the Phoenix Logging Com-
(Continued on page 7)
LookUp a
in Your Town
Expert's Prescriptions Prove Their
Mr. Howard Hughes of Electra,
Texas, cxplains that at setting and
hatching time, hens must be abso-
lutely free from lice, to prevent baby
chick loss. Dr. LeGear's Lice Killer
sifted into the feathers of Poultry
and used in dust bath, quickly ex-
terminates lice and parasites. Mr.
Hughes says: "My mother and I
have purchased Dr. LeGear's PoultT
Remedies from our dealer and think
them worth their weight in gold. We"
use them all the time and would not
be caught without a good supply in[
our home." I
For maximum results get Dr. Le- I
Gear's Lice Killer from your dealer. I
Satisfaction or money back.--Dr. L.
D. LeGear Med. Co., St. Louis, Me.
, i
Buy a Sedan This Year
The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car,
seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car
with permanent top, it has large windows, and
may in a minute be changed to a most delight-
ful open car with always a top protecting
against the sun. In inclement weather it is a
closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof.
Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric
starting and lighting system and demountable
rims with 3//, inch tires front and rear. A real
family car. Won't you come in and look at it?
The delights of tlhe electric car with the econ-
omy of the Ford.
W allace Johnson Motor Co;