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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,,t ,; PAGE , FOE R .| f I I THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL GRANT C. ANGLE &amp; SON, Publishers a(ember of Washington State Press and Washington Newspaper Associations Intered as second-o'lass matter at the postolllee at Shelton. Washington Published ,avery Friday morning. Subscrlptlen: l)omestlc, $2 per year. Foreign, $2,50 in adwmee (All palmrs discontinued one month after delinquency) ............................................................................. Il JOURNAL STOPS COMING As one of our friends felt aggriev- ed recently when his Journal stopped coming it might be well to remind our readers that the subscription department is one which contains the closest margins in the business of the newspaper, and must be watched closely to avoid loss. With print paper now selling at 12 cents a pound, over three times the price in old almost-forgotten days, the Jour- nal must stick close to its cash-in- advance rule and will not carry any- one over thirty days from the month of expiration, and an extra month should be sufficient for those who de- sire the Journal continued to make remittance. Several newspapms of this class have recently increased their subscription price to $2.50 and $3, and the Journal may find it nec- essary to take a similar step. PROFIT IN SMALL FRUITS Market conditions as reflected in the daily s,aLcrnOtLgS a>sure a most prosperous year lot the small Irmt gl'OWel'B, l£55Ulli|llg OJ. COUI',O tJlab nature iurntshes tle usual whole- some processes and delivers a crop, says tne t'ost-inteiligencer, dUSt now the grower who desires to be sure of his prolit can contract with canners at prices that are exceedingly attrac- tive, especmlly wlaen contrasted with toe olu prmes that annually obtained up to a year or ewe ago. The market page inmcates that the canners are now actively in tne field :[or berries el all KinOs. Qk)ntracs are being made for raspberries a 17 aim ±o cents per pounu, as agains an opening price of 11 cents per ountt Iasb year. btrawberries are eagerly sought, eontractea for at 18 to 20 cents per pound. Cherries bring 9 cents, loganberries, yielding much heavier to tim vine ttan rasp- berries, are contracted for at 12 to 15 cents per pound. With sugar prices high, and going higher, there is little encouragemen for home canning in the market cpn- ditions ,and the demand frdm house- wives for small fruits is likely to be very limited. It is fortunate for the grower that canning companies, hav- ing for the most part contracted for their season suppnes of sugar at 17 cents per pound, are willing to take the whole crop at the liberal figures quoted. For the seasonal table con- sumption strawberries are likely to sell for 25 cents the pint in the heart of the season. All this, while not particularly at- tractive to consumers, is a warrartt of prosperity to tim small-frmt grow- er, and comes about through the OWth in the nation of the demand preserved fruit, jams and juices, and the development of large con- cerns to meet toe demand. This con- dition is not regarded as a temporary affair, but one that should .continue as long as prohibition contlnues to stimulate the public appetite for fruit • juices. It means that small-fruit growers may confidently expect pro- fits of $300 to $500 per acre on their berries under average crop condi- tions. It should stimulate the trans- formation of our idle lands into crop- bearing acres and add value to the acres already in bearing.--P. I. D. R. McDonald, while on a trip to Seattle last Sunday, took advantage of the opportunity to take a flight at Auburn with Herbert Munter, in the same machine that bore that Journal editor aloft last Fourth. The trip lasted a half hour and the passenger wanted more. Mr; Munter suggested .that he would like to visit Shelton again next Fourth and the matter will be taken up by the committee L charge. WORLD OPPORTUNITY AWAITS NORTHWEST THE 'MASON C6uN;Y"JO6RNAL TOWER OF LONDON [Classified Ads DREARY OLD PLACE (Continued from page i) glowing accounts of all tile %venders riley ]lltve so(,ll. ]{lit tliat is no reason for b,,liex leg (v (!l'y I hillg they slly. They ha\\;'t, ll'L had time to be critical if they b a\\;' - doll Ihe CilllfCllI iOIII koUl', including (;real ];ritain, Spain, Nor- Way, tllltl Way StlLiit)ns In |hl'ee l]lentllS. AlllerJclll Iotll'i,ls have a Ill/leh htg']lel' el)in'ion oJ' Cel'tain nlarvels than pel)l,le who k,low thelll he.tier. All English- lIlall will speak quite frankly o[ tile nunlerotis /laws ill St. I-'aul's and West- minister Abbey. In fact, I've never talked with a native who liked both of ADVERTISING RATES 5 cents a line (six words) in ehtssilied cohnnns. Minimum ('Large 25c; twice for 40 cents; three times for 50 cents. 10 cents a line on h)cal page; 80 cents minimum. Cash or stamp,, nmst accompany all orders. FOUND--Watch on the street. 'Own- them. The average tourlsl, on the . ether hand, speaks of both of them with reverent awe. Privately, I don't 'Oregon. and W.asngt?n have .a I likullr °ai;lemwa s to be about the common interest in ¢ne aevelopmenrlTower of London, not about St. Paul's of their leading industries such as or Westminister Abbey, or American lumberin water ,wer resources, I tourists, fascinating though all those : . ' .... subjects may be. The Tower is de- fisherles,.berrms anshlpplng. These [scribed as the most interesting place, ;WO states nave peon zavoreu DYlhistorically, in England. I never was nature with the potential require- in such a dreary hole in my Ills. ments of these great primary indus- er can have same by proving prop- erty and paying for this ad. Shel- ton Sl?oe Shop. 528 PAINTER WANTED. For informa- tion apply at the Journal office. S1 5-21 FOR SALE--We have several quarts i of milk for sale each day. Phone 71F3. Mrs. A. Butler, Shelton. It tries, but it remains for the people to develop them. Water power development goes hand in hand with indnstrial develop- ment of every kind. Development of the lumber industry, is largely de- pendent on the development of 'coast- wise and overseas shipping facilities, while development of a eannig indus- try is contingent upon increased berry and small fruit acreage and the fur- ther scientific propagation of salmon for commercial fisheries. No section n f the country has more wonderful ndvantas for contimmus m,l lermnent development. The im'le of i:hee two stqtes must tblnl: in terms of ;ndustry if tlmy are ffoinp: to 1,(,1(! t;be/r own in t:he march of {D(lPSil';a] ])t'OOTf'.9S. They b,ve th. In the first place, I wish to put on record that 1 do not like arms and armor. Perhaps the war has some- thing to do with that, too. When I got into ths first of the show rooms, and saw the nature of the samples, I tried to bolt, but the place was much too well organized for ms. A Warden looked me sternly in the eye, and said I'd have to go upstairs to get out. The place was arranged with diabolical cleverness. I had to go through every roam, past every collection, clear to the tap of the building, down the back stairs, and through the basement, in order to get out. The excuse they gave me was that if I turned back I shonld get In the way of tim oncoming hosts of arlnor-hollil(Is. [ know hetter. They've beerl having a, lot of COlnplainls I'I'Olll (IlstonIeI'S lately about not gct- I i n ,' lh,,ir lll(llCy's \\;Vi)l'th, lind 1 ,'(, de- lt.rl,ilned that everyone shall see lhe \\;vIioli, , h i,w. Visilo,':. ftro coillnianly told lhat lhe K'IIII'IIS tlr vaFf]OlI l/r(! old sl]¢litq's %vii() ]I:LVO ,4,'l'\\;'cd wilb {ll,/lSll/ll Ulifq'ii. I }Lln WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE-- Furnished house in town of Shel- ton. State number of rooms and rent wanted. Address Mrs. Price, 210 So. ' K. St., Aberdeen, Wash. 6-4 FOR SALE--Ground bone; special every Saturday, 3 cents per pound. Peerless Market. 5-14 FULL-BLOODED BERKSHIRE FOR service. Concord Poultry and Hog' Farn% Route 2, Shelton. 5-21 FOR SALE--One 11x9 Wilhunette donkey in good shape. New sled res011rces find the worhl lnflrkels It V(q'y S/ISl,icinl (,f that hll'orina/hm, lo,). • _ *. .7 , ,, r< r !-'vVhlil ,ll'-r(".;)e'lh K ncl(d ,rn s hlh,r '1 IS a fliPS{ :In rT D0\\;V 1A1or0t]['ll\\; {IIO] : o " ( " ill 4 " 1') ' --I1 • 1 1 I • '' , • [ ILK(' l( I(lI \\;V, \\;V )111(I ! n, llL L( v/car iI, Xlrl// (* Vf/Op lllee le,qOlll(C.q an(l t'o i ,(i i Iolk ill S ' )  '" " " " : : "" ' " ('l ! ' C t W' a '(' trl¢ t l II g, and I efllciently we will market our prod- a red hll shap(d liked a pallclLke. Yet U'CI'S thal is tile (tliStllln{ of the "lleefeaters" "" """ O " "O . . • 'of lhe Tower, I think it lltueh more JJverv C]I]Z n in ID ,e a{eg IS nders • .... " .... " " likely that they are chronic offe • , personally interested in malntalninff against discipline who are given their sonlld policies of state 'overnment, choice of l¢eefcating or serving a long ternl in the guardhouse. the elimination of freak radical le'is- lit is true, l (lid see see the cell lation and establishment of condl- where Sir Valter l{aleigh was imprls- i tlons conducive to labor sanity aml oned. but aftcr all, Iialeigh wasn't cncouraffln to the investment of there and it looked mueil like any ca,qta al, mi-n oihr cell. for all I know they wcre "v "'-- , P " , lying to me. Sightscclng is all very well for cr¢)du|ous people, but 1 notlc'e -- I that all these l)laces are very weak on .... ,.. ..... proofs of their pretty stories. Then IIAIIIINL, .I HE MI'LLIuI there was thc place where three of the - wixms of Henry VIII were hoheaded. IThat was lnteresling. I SUl)pose he It is worth while to call attention got attached to the place, and was so to the quarterly statement of the tender-hearted and scnthnental "that he State Bank of Shelton appearing this t Just couldn't bear lhe thought of hav- ing ally wife ef his beheaded in any week, and especially to the fact that ;other spot. We saw the block used on the resources shown are $98],000, not such occasions, hollowed out on either side of lhe center for the head and so far from a round million dollars, the shoulders, and a sharp curved axe. This indicates a showing almost There were models, too, of the rack doubled within three years. Of this and the boot, with which witnesses the savings accounts in the hands ell were tortured. The effect was quite cheerful. workingmen and farmers has reach-I Disappointed though I was by" thls ed $185,000, and this department is 'time, I felt sure that the last sight of still growing apace. {all. the crown Jewels, would make up for all of it. I had read with wonder While the Shelton Bank .has a and delight the stories of richly curved large 'circle of depositors from all crowns, with enormous pearls, rubies the size of hens' eggs, and the largest over Mason County, a large share diamonds in the world• I entered the of the business is local and indicates room. There ts no doubt that the gen- a healthy condition of the people uine Jewels were there, for there were enough armed guards to furnish an generally, in spite of the alleged army for a Central American republic. high cost of living nowadays, lh, t the Jewels were so large and so beautiful that I could not think of them as Jewels. I was too strongly remtnded of the happy days I have • rod water tank. Box 91, Oakvi]le, Wash. 5-21 fi674i'f-TCL}37-Etonti payment plan. Olympia Building & Loan Assn. Apply Mason Coun- ty Abstract & Title Co. 10-17tf CHEAP BUILDING LOTS--If you are looldng for cheap building lots the cheapest in Shelton are located in the Southside Additions where a block can be bought for the price of a lot down town. Less than a half-mile from the Bank corner, telephone and electric light service, water within reach, with fine air and view. Take a walk up there next Sunday and see what improvements the residents are making. Prices are due to raise Strong for "Setting Up." "Geueral Wood Is a strong be;lever In lhe benefits of physical culture," wriies Clive Newcome Hartt. ones hts stenographer. "Ai Intervals during the day. he will relieve the tedhlm of slttlng still by stnn(llng he- fore the open window, drawing deep breaths, and going through regular setting-up exercises. He wtll keep this up for five minutes or mre, and at stated Intervals throngholit the ay." TIDE LANDS FOR SALE We have forty acres of tide lands and beach in a single body reaching I I WOOD LEADS IN LITERARY DIGEST Leonard Wood Is More Than 9,000 Votes Ahead of Nearest Corn petitor. In Its attempt to learn the compos. tte choice of the natiou for no,nlna- lon for president, the Literary Digest Or the week of April 24 pul)llshes the econd llistllllnient of Its presidential ,oil of 11,000,000 voters. The retu,'ns include 149,604 votes. Leonard Wood continues to hohl a btg lead. Wood has 82,351 ; Hoover, 22,9081 Johnson, 22,609; Harding, 10,432; Hughes, 5,922; Lowden, 6,449; Taft, 8,400. Among the Democrats, Ed- wards gets 7,568; McAdoo, 6,740; Wil- so a, 6,491; Cox, 5,649; Bryan, 3,885. Hoover receives a Democratic vote of 9,974 which Is larger than the Dem- oratid vote cast for any avowed Dem- oi'at. MeAdoo has th.e first place in the declared Demoerarlc vote with 5,613 and Wllson Is second wlth 5,842. The vote contlnues to come malnly from Ohlo, New York, New Jersey, allfornla, Texas and Washlngton. (Official Publication) STATEMENT OF STAT BANK OF SHELTON t' ]eport o the financial condition of the State Bank of Shelton, located at Shelton, State of Washington, at the close of business on the 4th day of May, 1920. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ....................................... $431,851.36 Overdrafts ................................................ None U. S. Bonds, Certificates of Indebtedness, War Savings and Thrift Stamps ............................. ............ 140,484.08 Other Bonds and Warrants ................................. 146,707.18 Banking House ............................................ 3,000.00 Cash on Hand, Clearing. House Items,and due from Approved Reserve Agents (Legal Rerserve) ........................ 257,702.68 Outside Checks and other Cash Items ........................ 1,295.65 Total ................................................. $981,040.95 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in ............ . ......................... $ 25,000.00 Surplus Fund 25,000.00 Undivided Profits less Expenses and Taxes paid ............ 16,610.10 Demand Deposits ................... ...................... 570,875.28 Time Deposits ...................... ...................... 283,555.57 Bonds borrowed ................................ ........... 60,000.00 Total ...... ........................................... $981,040.95 State of Washington, County of Mason, as. I, C. I. Pritchard, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C.I. PRITCHARD Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of May, 1920. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, ' Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Shelton, Washington. I Correct. Attest: A. B, GOVEY, l GRANT C. ANGLE, ..... :: .... : ' :" ......... • .!.:J Directors. FOR SALE FOR SAI,E--Lo(Iging house, furnish- ed, and half-lot on Cota street offer- ell for sale cheap to early buyer. Apply this office. FOR ,qA1Aq--Two fresh Shorthorn cows; four stock pigs; also one saddle hot're. At Emends place on ] ohl Union City read. Clayton J. I Jahn, Shelton. It i brass cage; good singer. Inquire Mrs. G. C. Angle, Shelton. FOR SALE--Baby carriage, practic- ally new, leather lined, $12. Mrs. J. B. Overbay, near 7th street bridge, Sheiton. 5-21 FOR SALEOne" large O. I. C. brood sow, 2 year old, due to far- row June 15th. Write Mrs. Lena Banks, R. 2, Shelton. It FOR SALEFresh young Jersey cow. Apply S. W. Strong, Grant, Wash. 5-14 FOR SALE--Newly built 32-foot hull. Built for Cape Flattery fish- ing. Anyone wishing to buy a first-class fishing boat call on or write S. Hansen, Stadium, Wash. It FOR SALE OR TRADE for Shelton property, my up-to-date 5-room bungalow in Tacoma; trees and garden. Win. Bosch, Peerless Mar- ket (formerely Cooke's), Shelton. 5-14 FOR SALE--40 acres, 1 miles from tbwn. Some cleared; new house started; good road; telephone line. Cash for improvements, balance lon term. Address Edwin Olund, Shelton, Wash. 5-21 FOR SALE--16 h. p. steam tractor. Apply to H. E. Stumer, Union __City, Wash. 320if ANGLESIDE Y'ARM FOR SALE OR rent for season, 150 acres adjoining Shelton, about 20 acres in bearing orchard and seeded, balance pas- ture and wood land; fine potato land. Apply this office. LOTS IN SHELTON--We have a number of vacant lots in Shelton in various locations offered for sale. If interested better look them up soon, because there are reasons for the owners to stiffen on prices. Jou nal office. FOR SALE---Several tons of loose wheat, oat and vetch hay, $32. Ask at this office. LOGGED-0FF LAND FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1920 [ according to location, topography and i character of soil. Liberal terms of --===----==== = -- ====== = = = == =l PRICE LIST Photo Developing Roll Fihns, any size ....... 15c Film Pack, any size ........ 25c Printing 1%x2b .... 03 2'£x3 .... 04 2½x4 .... 05 2%x4% .... 06 3%x3% .... 06 3¼x4 .... 06 3Kx5.. . 06 Enlargemenls .?,'A x5' .... 15 4:x7 ........ 25 5x7 ........ 30 6 x8'/ .... 40 6x10 ....... 50 8x12 ........ 60 11x14 ...... 75 Te Heckman Photo Shop ========================== SHELTON LAUNDRY Now equipped with power ma- chinery for first class work. FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed. CENTRA I, IIOTEL Rooms for transients T. HAGIWARA, Prop. I! II JUDICIAL KNOWLEDGE OF TITLE INSURANCE In a recent decision of the Su- preme Court of the State of Wash- ington, in the 'case of Northwesterr Title Insurance Co. v. Fishback, our highest, court took "Judicial Known edge" of the value of a Policy of Title Insurance, in the following ex- pression: "The cot may take judicial notice of the fact observed by Vance on Insurance, page 590: "'The thoroughness which char- acterizes the work of these com- panies (referring to Title In- suran'ce Companies) is attested by the remarkably small num- ber of cases involving Title In- surance that are to be found in the reports.'" Lumbermen 's Mercantile Co. Just In--NEW GEORGETTE WAISTS in the newest idea for the season. See them.  Warner's Rust Proof Corsets Mean Style and Comfort There are many changes in ashion this season. A corset that will give you the correct figure is very necessary for the effect of your new gown. Warner's Corsets are designed on the latest lines, yet they shape the figure with per- fect ease and comfort. They are guaranteed not to rust, tear or break. Try one. You will like it at sight and after you have worn it, you will say it is positively the best corset you have ever had or the price you paid. ONE-FOURTH OFF ON ANY SILK WAIST SATURDAY AND MONDAY See Window. EXTRA SPECIAL ,, II # # # # # >* # Y Stage leaves opposite Hotel Shelt0n NOTICE Notice is hereby given that bids for furnishing text-books for use in the Common Schools of all school districts of the third class, Mason County, Washington, are called for by the Board of Education of said County. The bids shall state whole- sale, retail, and exchange prices, with time limit for exchange of books to be used by the first eight grades according to the outline course of study prepared by the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction, ap- proved by the State Board of Educa- tion, and issued in the Washington State Manual, September 1, 1919. Bids will be opened at 10 o'clock a. m. Friday, June 4, 1920. Right to reject any or all bids reserved. Mrs. Mary M. Knight, Chairman. C. L. Gilbert, Secretaxy. 5-7-6-4 6t" AUTO INSURANCE Your automobile in the garage, on the road and housed in many more or less unsafe places during the year, repre- sents a value fully as much in need of protection as your home which stands still and its risks always under your con- trol. Why not carry some fire and theft insurance, if not col- lision and personal damage pro- tection? Ask us about the rates. Grant C. Angle, Agent. BREMERTON SHELTON STAGE via Av--Y ", ov-r'O and 0 with close connection for Seattle. Sehedule Leave Shelton ........ 1:00 p. m. (Reach Seattle at  p. m.) Leave Bremerton at ...8:0 a. m. (Take 7:0 boat from Seattle and arrive Shelton 11:80 it. m.) l'a'o Shelton to Allyn .......... $1.00 Clifton, $1.25: Bromerton, .$1.7 Bremerton to Seattle ..... ..$5c Round' trip 6e. spent In WoolwortWs ten-cent stores, from the Hall Donation Claim to Altogether it was a very pclasant o,.__,_.,_ _.._ m,__ . -. t payment and interest on deferred OIUUKUII _rUJIlt,. xne Srlp contains . . . . . . _ . and prolitable morning of sightseeing.  ood clam nna nv,,- |A I pay mens a me rae oi SIX percen J. II. BINNS. and excellent seining irrounds and] " per annum Lberty bonds taken in should be of interest to the upland I payment at par. AUTO PENNANTS owners. The land is offered in a SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY body. For information ask at the Just received, a new line of Shel= Journal Agency. ton auto pennants and banners, also felt school caps in assorted colors, Logged-off land for sale to actual!TITLE INSURANCE is the safe anc settlers. Price $3.00 per acre and up ]modern way of evidencing land titles. Mason County Abstract & Title Company (Under State Supervision) Shelton, Wash.