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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1920 II I II County Commissioners deems It to the best interest ofcsaid county to do so, COMMISSIONERS and for that rason they hcrcby do release the State of Washington from any and all obligations to take and pay for the One I-Iundrcd Thdusand (Continued from page 3) l)olbu, hh)ck of its road bonds called &apos;or in its second call and to be paid The folhv,'ing bids for tit(: construe- l.,, r oil lllreh 15th, 1920, but expressly tit,it of the (lol(i.%t)llrt)ug[l Cl'eek bridge l)r-\\;'lde that this reh!Itst! is only teDi- l'e('vivH| as folhws; ]Cent & IAvin;hm ............ $1,17b.00 Mocd ttnd carri.I t|lat this bid be l'cjecl,d as I[ic bid is to hiKh, L,'I{,'F )'wt,ivd I'ltJlll 51ti( I]ighwlty (lllllhlSilllh Ill I i It K I illi|, fitly [l;tVt: O;1 lllLllil {,7) SilIK|I ]P\\;('V tlKll)i(! ])III1)pS, Ittld ll:<lilll4 ' [hill 5Iit.IIII (hJtlllty ill|el'ill thtlll Ill(! llDlllbq!r they (h!,il'C. 5]o\\;'ld all(i cllrrit!d IhltI the SIIII: lliKh\\;vay COlllillission I)( illI;ll lll,d thaL 5l it,l)ll (oull| y does l)ot desire to p tl rCIIItSC ally I)t)l))])s. l¢c'port from joint leg|sial|re corn- in|tics In regard to division ell 25 per cent of £orest reserve fund, which the coonlies In "¢¢htcil forest rescl'ves are siluatcd, receive annually. Filed. The following bills were examined and ordered paid: Current Bxpenso. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., services.. 39.14 Vm. E. Daniels, board of equal, 6.20 J. A. Cole, same ............... 4.60 V. A. Hunter, same ............ 6.20 J. B. l{ansom, supply Co. car and Agric. car ............... 38.50 Shelton Garage, supply Agrlc car 2.00 C, l-I. Hllhnan, supply Co. Farm 6.50 Grant C. Angle & Son, sup. sher. Agri., Pros. Atty ............. 39.10 Thos. O'Neill, sup. Poor Farm.. 74.60 Fir Drug Store, same .......... 2.04 1-I. E. Drew, postage stamps .... 6.23 L. M. Co., supply Poor Farm... 7.20 Chas. Saeger, same ............ 47.36 irs. Emma LeCompte, bal. due on garage ................... 500.00 J. A. Cole, special time ........ 43.80 V. A. Hunter, special time ..... 57.70 "Vm. E. Daniels, special time... 44.0 Road Bistrict No. 8. l]. E. Ford .................... 33.59 le. C. Willcy ................... 53.13 Road Blstrict No. 4. Shclton (]aragc ................ 1.50 1,'. C. \\;%'llh'y . ................. 53.1;| L, 5l. Co ...................... 1.50 Road and Bridge. Valhtc,: Jullnson 51pier L;o ...... 4.35 Ioad District No. 5. I,'. C. 1Viiley .................. 53.12 Road District No. 6. 1,'. C. Villvy . .................. 53.13 Road District No. 7. 1,L C. ,Villcy ................... 53,13 Road Bistrict No. S. F. C. ¢'illey ................... 53.12 Road Dlztrict No. 1. I,', C. ¢lllcy ................... 53.12 Road District No. 2. F. C. %Villcy ................... 53.12 3Permanent Highway Maintenance Standard Oil Co ................ 6.63 Petition of D. C. ]evltt et al for formation of a port district, to con- struct a dock at Allyn, Tash., received and hold for further information. lioved and carried that the report of the gas used for thc month of April be tabled until next meeting. After consulting with the State Board of Finance in regard to releas- Ing the state from buying Mason County's Special Road Bonds, the fol- lowing resolution was adopted: The Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, mot In the commissioners room at the court house, all being present, it being the 2rid meeting of the April, 1920 term. ]ioved, seconded and unanimously votl to release for and during the year 1920 only the State of Washing- ton from Its obligation to buy the One Hundred Thousand Dollar block of bonds for road purposes offered by Mason County under its second call. for the reason that the State requests same and other equally advantageous means of cashing same are at hand, therefore, Be it resolved that Mason County, Vashtngton, through its Board of i ],)ral'y for IH)(I dill'big |lie yollr 1920 lind I]IKL al ilily |lille I)fIcr ,lalltlltry 1!)21 D))(lll call I),'llli' llh'HJl' Ihl'l'efor ill Clltil'l)l'lflil) with llil! ClllldiliOliS (il' till! hid ,d'' Stale of \\;\'3+:hillF,'|(tll l]l(> ,<qiid 5flit(' :dmll l/Ik(' lllld flay I'llr 41Iil] ( lilt! I [ tllidl'('d 'l'h,)tl::alld I hilhll' })]ol'It ]l*'l','liy liqllpi)rlll'lly i i:liq/b;( d fOP the ycu+r 1920, %V. A. IItLN'I'IH++, (!liai I'li)i111, ,]. A. CIiIAC. V,\\;I. t ,i, IL\\;NII,]LS, Clilinl y t h tlii ill i s+it)li t!rs. Attesl: lONE V. 1)OYIA il, County AudiLor. (meal) ' lh,ard adjourned to |nee[ h)nday, June 7th. 1920. W. A. HUNTEIt, Chah'man. 1ONE W. DOYLE, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. A. L. BELL Abstracts and Surveying Draughting, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Horn Bldg. Shelton, Wash. Application No. 7756. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO PUR- CHASE TIDE LANDS PeR OYSTER PLANTIN AND CULTIVATION. State of Washington, t)llic'e of Colu- missioner of Public Liililts. NOTICE IS I{II{F]IiY tllVIqN thnt al)pliclttiim has been Iilcd ht the oilicc oil (_+oluniissltiner o[ I'tiblh', ldilldS (}1 the Stutc ol' \\;¥asililllt(Sll Ill Iqll'cha.le the f(,lh)wing described tidu huld; tliltl- tllt'd in llt.on Cotlllly, \\;VitF;hill{',ltlll, It)- wit: All tide It|lidS (ll the Ef'('lllld (tltls" OWli(:d I)y the S[;lll! o1" \\;Va+<;hint4htn, in- cluth.d in It li'lt+cI de!scribed I)y lll(d, cs Illld I)<))lll(ls t. '< iidlilws: ]:el4inuhil4 It| a poilil frolli %vhieh the I)(,rlh 111+41tll(h'r c+.)r)tc, r to l'rl)etional sec- tional Sc('I ions 9 and l 0, township ] 9 north, range 3 west, ,V. l., bears S. 70 ° 37' 07 see. ,V. 2199.41 feet. distant, said point being the northeast corner of a tract of oyster lands deeded by the State to I-hnnl,hrey Nelson, Febru- ary 6, 1920, under Application No. 7562, and running thence S. 10 ° 03' W., along thc east line of said Nelson tract and said line produced, 55.69 feet to a point on the meander line established hy order of the Board of State Land Commissioners and shown on the plat filed December 7, 1916; thence along said meander line S. 88* 12 * E. 104.84 feet, and S. 79 ° 25' E. 407 feet: thence N. 17 ° 42' 30 sect, W. 50. fee an4 N. ,790 55' 40 sees. '. 48.45 to the point : of beginning, containing an area of :.499 acres, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Lands at Olympia, Washing- ton, for the purpose of planting and culti- vating oysters thereon. Any person or persons having or claiming any interest in or right to the lands applied for. or authorized by law so to do, may protest against or con- test said application in manner and form provided by law. The protest or contest must be filed In the office of the Commissioner of Public Lands within thirty (30) days after the date of the last puhlication of this notice, and must set forth fully the grounds of the protest or.contest. Date of last publication May 28, 1920. C. V. SAVIDGE, Commissioner of Public Lands. 4-7-28-4t you want to know that you are getting the very best shoes and at the most reasonable cost possible in this period of high prices. And that is just what I am offering you--my judgment of leather as a shoemaker. And at the same time I am splitting the profit with you on every pair of shoes that I sell. Come in and try on a pair. It's your chance to save money. Shoes and Repairs H. M. ROSEHOLT Shelton New Plumbing ShoP PLUMBING and HEATING GENERAL REPAIR WORK Satisfaction guaranteed R. H. HANSEN Shop in old L. M. Warehouse Phone 33 H00DSPORT LUMBER COMPANY Our new mill is now complete and ready to handle any and all orders for rough and dressed lumber. We insure first-class lumber and reasonable prices. Take up your building bills with us. Address Hoodsport Lumber Co., Hoodsport, Wash. Nick Wash, Manager. Tl MASON C01NTY JOURNAL I II r r ...... .i ' ,-, i" IIIll I I I .... ... How's This P I NOTICE OF SALE O COUNTY We offe  One Hundred Dollars Reward TRUCKS for any case of Catarrh that cannot bs cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Notte' is hereby gtven that the Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken I sheriff of Mason Counly, Vashington, by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty- |will sell at 1)ublic auction, on Monday five years, and has become known as the ] 3une 1.t. 192U It| lhc hour of l0 o'eloek most reliable remedy for Catarrh. I-Inll's ,A. M. al ltlo fronl d.or of ltw Court Catarrh Medicine .,ets thru lhe Blood on the Ile(]us s'drfaeos, exD(!llhig the Pal- son frnln rite Blood and healing the dis- C<q St'd portions. Afl,,r you have akcn TTa11' Cttarrh Td,,,li,,ine for n. short time y,u will S0C ,% I-;T';t| iTnpT, \\;'(,1111 I1: ill y/:llr i lt01"t h,ullih, ,qtal'l t II<|l+l 1]:1|}': : I'.l!'' q,'di- cino :it price add Ifl't rid of cl.ta,,., den |'or tcs(h'0oniftht, free. ]," 3. CI!ENEY & CO., Tolod0, Ohio, ':rla bY all I)ruKlsts. 76C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Maxwell Maternity Home: 711 West Fomh St. Phone 981 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON Office Phone 441. Res. Phone 71 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon I]onse tit Sh*!lton, 1.V:tshilti41on, the fol- ]()\\;\|nR <lescribcd (l)nlltV 't'l'tlClit+'. 'l'lq'ilif (tr .Ilh! Itl I,t, (.l,ll. ()111, {;ill'l'lird (hlXNi '.Jl l()n :tnd (+)111' M,'il<)+llillOO (']l:i;,:if4 ;',l,f (,in tl')l(!lG4. Ll:lt!, ill' 1)ubli(';lliou tl' lh':q n,)tice, .]:1) i I, |{):hi. (.q,.al) II)N]q \\;V. ])<)YI,E, (!,t/lll|V ,\\;lldill,r +'lllll {']l,l,]. i[' l]]o lhmr(1 (l[" (+)111i1.% (l)ll)l/lib4+i()l]t'F: : . 5-1/-6-,t NOTIC - TO THB PUBLIC. l;y ord<'r of |he lh,ard of County ()lllnlis.%iolIors ()f ]ason (?(i)lllty, Slate ot \\;Vashington, Notice is hcrehy given that OLYMI'IC ELECTRIC I{EI)I3C- T[ON COMPANY, a Corporation has applied to the said Loard of County Commissioners for a lCranchise to use certain of the roads of said County, described below, for the purpose of erecting ti)ereupon and along, poles Ul)On which to place electric transmis- sion lines, and notice is further given that said application has been set for hearing at the Commissioners roont In the Court House in the town of Shel- ton, Mason County, Washington, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on Monday the 7th day of June, 1920, at which time and place any person inlcrested may appear and present any reason 1hey may have why said ],'ranchis shot)hi or should not be granted. The roads I PAGE flElfllN %_ , I Thrift THE GATEWAY TO YOUR FUTURE HAPPINESS S ATE BANK OF SHELTON Mail Stage Line ...... L.M. STEWART, Prep. +'"'v:;' Dally Schedxles "=Li:+:; ...... +'"' Leave Shelton  ' 8:80 a.m. 3:00 p. m. 11:30 a.m. 4:45 p. m. FARE ONE WAY $1.00--ROUND TRIP $1.50 Tickets on sale at Johnson's Garaga--Waiting Room Tickets good until used. Leave Olympia 7:00 a.m. 3:00 p. m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p. m. Headquarters at Central Bus Station Waiting Room and Lady Attendant. Phone 22. J. E. CONNOLLY Shelton Harket and Ice Plant I __ IIIII I I HARR Y FORD I I I Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shinsles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows, If you are going to build don't overlook the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you. A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Ms|leek. Yards at Shelton. Application No. 7762. 2OTICE O APT-ICATION TO :I- CHE TXE X&D O OYTE PLANTING K 0UT-Tr&T2ON. State of Washington, Offico of Com- missioner of Public Lands. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been filed in the office of Commissioner of Public Lands of the State of Washington to purchase the following described tide lands situ- ated in Mason County, Washington, to- wit: All tide lands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, in- cluded In a tract described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point from which the orth meander corner to fractional sec- tions 9 and 10, township 19 north, range 3 west, W. M., bears S. 61 ° 20' 23 sees. W. 1517.20 feet distant and running thence N. 19 ° 17' E. 89.57 feet, N, 69 ° 41  E. :[89.42 feet N. 72 ° 26' E, 2]3.84 feet, N. 80 ° 46' E, 196.54 feet, S, 88 ° 16' E. 81.67 feet, S, 11 ° 17' E, 45.65 feet, and S. 66 ° 19' ]0 sees W. 413.51 feet to the most northerly point of the tract of oyster lands deeded by the State of Washington to Hunphrey Nel- son, February 6, 1920, under applica- :ion No. 7562: thence along the north and west boundary lines of said Nel- son tract S. 62" 39' W. 242.22 feet and S. 9 ° 22' V¢. 260.70 feet to an angle olnt in said West line: thence N. 12 ° 50' 20 sees. W. 136.37 feet and N. 8" 06' W. 204.54 feet to the place of begin- ning, containing an area of 2,4 acres according to the plat thereof on file In thc office of the Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands at Olympia, Washington, for the purposes of planting' and culti- vating oysters thercen. Any person or persons having or claiming any Interest tn or right to the lands applied for, or authorized by law so to do, may protest against or con- test said application tn manner and form provided by law, The protest or alty, interest and costs, against the contest must be filed In the office of lands nud premises hereinbefore men- the Commissioner of Public Lands with- tloned. Date of first publication May in thirty 180) days after the date of 14th, 1920. the last Duhl]clttton of this notice, and Any pleading or process may be must set forth fully the grounds of the served upon the undersigned at the or contest, address hereafter mentioned. Date of last publication May 28. 1920. M.W. LOGAN, C. V. SAVIDGE, Plaintiff's Attorney. Commissioner of Public Lands. P.O. Address: She|ton, County of 4-7-28-4t , Mason, Washington. 5-14-6-25-7t or so much thereof as may be neces- sary to satisfy said Judgment, together with attorney's fees, Interest, costs and increased costs, in all amounting to the sum of Five Thousand Two Hun- dred Sixty-eight and 44-100 Dollars $5,268.44). Said sale will take place at the front door of the Court Hsuse at Shelton, In said County and State, and will be at public auction, for cash In hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 14th day of April, 1920. . W. POTTS, 4-13-5-31-4t Sheriff of said County. No. 326. B]I]i[ONIS Ot I[qrJB:[,ZOATIOI' • 'O]gECv-OSD, * O] TAX 'r-zi" In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. ELI B. :ROBINSON, Plaintiff, vii. CORA C. NIEL, and Lot 3 in Block 24 of David Shelton's 3d Addition to the Town of Shelton, Washington, and all persons unknown, if any, having or claiming to have an in- terest In and to the real property hereinafter deserlbed, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to Cora C. Niel, and Lot 3. Block 24 of David Shelton's 3d Addition to the Town of Shelton, Washington, and all persons unknown, if any, having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real property hereinafter described: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that Eli B. Robinson the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1399, issued on the 181h day of June, 1914, by the County of Mason, State of Washington, for the amount of Twenty- Two and 60-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then duc and delinquent for taxes for the year 1912-]913 to- gether with penalty, interest and costs tlereon, upon real property assessed to you and of which you are the owner or reputed owner, situated tn said County, and particularly bounded and descTibed ms follows, to-wit: Lot No. Three, (3) in Block No. Twenty-Four, (24) of David Shelton's Third, (3d) Addition to the Town of Shelton, Washington, according to the recorded plat of said town nnd said Third Addition, and upon which lle has )aid taxes assessed against said prop- erty as follows: Year's Tax Date Paid Amount 1914 ........ May ]], 1915 ........ $11.90 ]919 ........ June 26, 1916 ........ 12.07 ]916 ........ .hmc ]1, 1917 ....... 12.49 1917 ........ Z{ay 31. 191S ........ 12.09 19i8 ........ May 2, 1919 ......... 12,19 Total amount of taxes paid since date of Certificate of Delinquency. S60,74 all of said amounts bearing interest at the rate of fifteen per cent. per annum: and you are further notified that e will tpply tO the Superior Court of the StaI of Washington, in and' for said Cotlnty, for a Judgment foreclosing his lien against thc property hereinbefore mentioned, and you are hereby sum- moned to appear with|n stxty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due, together with costa; and In case of your failure to do so. Judgment will be rendered foreclosing the lien for said certificate of delinquency, taxes, pen- NOTICE TO OONTtACTO]gB. Of|ice of the State Highway Board. Olympia, Wash., May 4, 1920. Sealed bids will be received at this ofllce until two o'clock p. m,, June 1, 1920, and then opened for constructing two reinforced concrete bridges on the Olympic Highway between Kamllche tnd Mill Creek in Mason County, Post Road Project No. 67. Each bld must be accompanied hy a cart|lied check payable to the State Treasurer for five per cent of the amount bid. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. The check of all unsuccessful bidders will bs re- turned after the contract is awarded lnd the bond given. Plans and specifications are on file In tbe offices of the County Engineer of Mason County at Sheltonl the Pa- ciflo Builder & Engineer, Seattle: Daily Journal of Commerce, Seattle; the Employers' Association of Wash- ington, Tacoma; the Employers* Asso- ciation of the Inland Empire, Spokane; Associated General Contractors of the Pacific Northwest, Portland, Oregon, where they may be inspected. Plans uxd specifications may be ob- tained from this office by depositing $2.00 for each set of plans required to insure the return of them on or before the day the bids are opened. JAMES ALLEN, State Highway Commissioner Secretary of ths Highway Board. 5-7-28-4t. SHELTON-OLYMPIA Succeeding and located in the offices to be affected are as follows: THE ()],YM]HC li](;1]\\;V..\Y, f,'om ||Il|llll||lll|l|l||n||u|||lll|||l|l|||||||l||l||||l|l||||||||ll|||l|||l||llll|||||l|l|||||||l|l|lll|ulU U_  of the late Dr. Wells. Potlatc'h 1o the Mason-Tilursll,n (olllty line, The S]-II,]I/PON-(IIG\\;YS llAl]l()l{ I I ROAT), from ],:anlilehe to lhe Mason-  ' t-I C RTZ.ATRTTRY ,;,,..s llartlor (},,)unly lin,,. ]Croni |he ." . kg(. .......... ()l,'l'Ml'I(" III(;II\\;V,\Y .luncli,,n v+'itl'  TT/'FTST'T LT'STTST'ST FTS/'IT [] VIT?+NTT:[gU] iIh , l'Xll)X I a] i I'x' x. " -- HI I-I-III sliHIl,., i -i-I Illll ----- +'-- ..... " ' ' ) ¢ I ................ IN.\\;\'\" \\;',\1:11 Ill :li\\;V.\Y, fr,,,ll t'Nil N = II . J.l.Ll it, ll IJ[J[.J J VII -- L'OSlOIIICe 15UlI(lln lCICO, % carl \\; L ( > < S" g, " ]. ",l ]:o]tair t I' M:t+(1)-]<it,:lp ' Ill-  O l 0 I' 0  0  21X t0 5 I' i'''' ' '"q<' ;''' 1' '' :' ''' ' ' ;  :1 7 '+ ' ' ' i+ 'r )')' 'I ' ' i''  ' ;)' I' I  BILLIARDS AND POOL A CLEAN SPORT [] .,,,n;n, 1,. -,.o;ntments i eh ,|h,.r r.,:...< s + e b,, ,,,,,.a,'y -- , -- i • .......  --a --'t" " " I I<l Flll,ldV lh(' iilbabi|:<'lll: <f .Mn-,li [  ........ [] {'OnlllV. ' %\\;'a!dlilal,u, \\;\ith l']]<q'Iri\