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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FIRE- AUTO ROBT. A. SL00NE 200 E. Pine Ph• HA 6-4147 Marriages Anplvinff for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's of- rice this past week wore: Jerry E, Go(Ddwln, 22, Shelton and Faye Cnllanan, 20, Shellon. Harry Shipey, legal, Seattle and Helen Adams, legal, Seatlle. Noel Gatlanger, 20, Shelton and Faith Dnnielson, 15, Shellon. Journal Want Ads Pay JOURNAL -- PublisheffhnOhrCstmastolvn . .A., e on; as n on • -JUNE, WEDDING PLANNED Oonlplele Beauty Sorvioe Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE EDWARD'S SALON ,14 tie, 4th HA 6"2431 NEW OFFICERSThese men were installed Saturday night as new officers of the Shelton Jaycces. From left, John Dallam, secretary; Geor0e Fuller, second vice president and state director; .Jim Hartley, board of directors; Bern- ie Baileytrea|urer; Dick Petersen, first vice president; Bernl DoTty, president, and John Bennett, board of d|rectrs. Missing from pic- ture: Tom Myers, Jr., board of directors. t ii L LOWEST PRICES in the STATE[. Tindmr Aplfllanee Outs Priors Below "Big Oily"! Save Up to $100,00 (MODEL BH.,,) 12-CU BIC-FOOT COMBINATION REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER MODEL BH-12S Seattle Price $439.95 PRICE.. Automatic Defrost Refrigerator (9.4-ca.-ft,) Zero, degree Freezer at top (2.1-cu.-ft.) 3 Swing-Out Shelves Ice-Ejector Trays & Ice Storage Contailer Butter Conditioner Egg Rack . . . Meat Pan . . . Twin Vege- table Drawers... Removable, AdjUstable Door Shelves . . . Foot Pedal Door Opening • . . Magnetic Safety Door. 61 in. high 30 in. wide 26b in deep. Timber UNION NEWS By Tulla Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Ira Morse were visited by Mr. Morse's sister, Mrs. Lednard Birdwell of California, this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Morris were delighted when the newest mem- ber of the family arrived May 4. ON ALL APPLIANCES AND TVs Casey Steven is hiS name and he weighed in at time of birth at seven pounds, two and three- quarter ounces. Donna reports that she and Casey are doing fine. 'Appllanc 13-CUBIC-FOOT COMBINATION REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER MODEL all-13 S Seattle Price $549.95 TIMBER'S s47995 PRICE... Automatic Defrost Refrigerator (10-ca. ft.) Roll-Out Freezer at hx)ttom (3.5-cu. ft.) 3 Swing-Out Shelves Swing-Out Vegetable Bins (Porcelain) Swing-Out Butter Conditioner, (tempera- tare control ) Swing-Out Egg Tray Meat Pan . . . Foot Pedal Door Opening • . . Magnetic Safety Door . . . Adjustable, Removable Door Shelves . . . Ice-Ejector Trays and Ice Storage Container . . . Juice. Can Dispenser Rack . . . {34 in. hitgh 30!,,.'_, in. wide 261/ in. deep Congratulations from us all. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mer- ritt Stark are still paying their fond respects for their long years of service on the Canal. Last week they zeceived a traveling lunch bag with double thermos and a car robe. We all want to be sure that they eat well and keep warm on their vacation as well as having a good time. MR. AND MRS. Don Beckman traveled to Seattle last Monday on a business and pleasure trip. *Whtle there they visited Helen's niece, Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson. Then home on Tuesday. The Beckmans also entertained Den's sister, Mrs. Lois Beckman, over the weeknd. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gardner took a four-day trip to the ocean. While they stayed at Kalaloch. The Gardners spent most of their time: doing some beachcombing, bring-i ing home many beautiful pieces of drift wood and Japanese glass; fk)ats. They were home in time for Mrs. Gardner to have a Fri- day luncheon with her sister, Mrs. Dorm Braman, (Mrs. Bramana husband is a city councilman) and l three other friends, Mrs. Alice Joslin, Mrs. Cora Anderson, and Miss Tillle Cahan, all of Seattle. Mrs. Robert Berge reports that there will be a baseball game, weather permitting, Wednesday. The third, fifth and sixth grade boys will play against Middle Skokomish boys. Mrs. Paul Sherman was very happy Friday night when her sot Bob Mendenhall, was married to the former Miss Mary Ann Kuhnle of Shelton. The wedding cere- mony was held in the Methodist church in Shelton and reception followed at the Matlock Grange hall. Those attending from Union were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coles, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Don Young, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pearce, Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Mr. Carl Bernard and Miss Clara Eastwood. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Richard- son had an old fashion open house over the weekend, with friends and family coming and going. The cause of all the commotion was Mike Richardson, their son, who is home on his first leave since the Navy. Mike is a fire- man apprentice and will be sta. tioned in San Diego on the USS Cree, fleet tug. Welcome home, Mike, and we all wish you good luck in your new career. Many children and parents of Union attended the Hoodsport school's Spring Music Festival un- der the direction of their teacher, Mr. Richard Endicott. Children participating were from school district 404, Pioneer School, Ka- School, and Southside School. The children were said to have performed beautifully, and de it a very pleasant evening for all who attended. Just a note to let people of Union know that yours truly, Tulla Kimball, will be your news correspondent. And would appre- ciate it immensely if you, who MR. AND MRS. ALBERT J. WOOLDRIDGE announce the en. gagement and ooming marriage of their daughter, Patricia Ellen, to Mr. Warren W. Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Turner of Burlington, laws. The wedding (fate has been set for June 13. Hakes Plans for August Bake Sale • By Doaette Closer HARSTINE  The Harstine Is. land Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs. Anna Glaser with thirteen members present, Mr. Billy Waite also attended. Thls was the last regUlar meeting of the season. There will be a Pot Luck dinner at the hall on the first Thursday i August to map ot plans for a bake and apron sale during the annual yacht club dance over La- bor Day. Bob and Darothy Barnett and the children were mong the al- most blown off the lake people who attended the Apple Chp races on Lake Chelan this past weekend. This has been an annual event for the BaFnetts, who look fro'ward to this every year. HARSTINE SCHOOl, this Mon- day missed the absence of Mis Cheryl Meeks, Mr. Eddie WaRe and the Barnett Twins, the Mas- ters Philip and David Barnett. We hope you are all feeling better soon. Grandma and Grandpa Glaser are receiving congratulations on the birth of their granddaughter on May 5 in Tacoma• The tiny girl weighed in at six pounds five ounces and was named Teresa Ce- lia. The parents are Helen and Steve Franlch and is baby number five. She joins three brothers and one sister. Grandma Glaser was there on the welcoming committee and she expects to return to the Island this weekend. Mrs. Laura Glaser and the chil- dren Marc and Randy of Brem- erton came out to spend Mother's Day with Mrs. Anna Glaser. Lyle and Marlene Hitchcock and children of Olympia spent Moth- er's Day with Lyle's folks, the John Hitchcocks. ALL ISLANDERS were vet'3, happy that the ferry was off run less than a week. It was so good to get all the cars home and some- how that old ferz'y being in thb bay gives all of us a secure feel- ing. Mainly that if we need help it is available. Thanks fellows for doing ouch a speedy job on the old boat. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee have re- turned from a trip to Reno, Nev- ada where they visited with their daughter Mrs. Pat Marble. Dr. Marble is the University of Nev- ada's veterinarian. He teaches a class in animal husbandry there. They spent three weeks then head- ed to Napa, California where they visited son Don Chaffer and fam- ily then they headed on 101 to Reo Dell to visit son Dick and family; then on to Eugene, Oregon to vis- it friends overnight then on to Vancouver, Washington to visit Ernest and family for two days home to Harstine Island: The trip took them away for seven weeks. They were glad to get home. They insist there is still no place like home. Some of the people on Harstine Island not only had the feeling of being isolated because the ferry was in dry dock, but also the hones were out  our line has een out 12 days out of a month so if you get a busy signal every: time -- how about reporting to the operator  she will let you know ff I'm gabbing or the line is out Of order RUMORS ARE flying, that we an Esther and Mart Goetsch and wished them a happy anniversary on Tuesday. Belated congratula- tion from all your Island friends. Ernie and Marie Crouch and Ernie's step-son and daughter-in- law of Bremerton spent several days in Eugene, Ore., visiting Marie's son and family, the WiN ber Jacobsons, while Ernie's son Visited with his parents, the Mc- Clauses, also of Eugene. Mrs. Raymond McCulloch re- ceived a nice long distance tele- phone call from her danghter, Margie Battoni, of San Jose, Calif., at 8 a.m. on Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Budd were out the past two weekends and have done a lot of work plowing on the old Comes place. Mrs. Budd can't wait till school is out when she can come out for the whole summer. Mr. C. W. Streckenbach is spending his annual vacation from the work and worry of being a county commissioner in Green Ray, Wisconsin. Most of Streek's people are back there, tie left "here last Friday by plane. A1 and Monica Pridham at- tended the Rhododendron Show in Tacoma this past week. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Waite, Jr., had a full house Sunday as they invited friends in for dinner and also to •watch the Apple Cup races. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mees and children and Mrs. Smalley. All spent, a very lovely day only Max thinks Miss Thriftway should have b given a chance to run the last best She might have won SEVERAL OF the ttarstine la- dies dropped in for a surprise call on Esther Goetsch on the occas- ion of her birthday on May 7. Be- lated birthday greetings from all your Island friends, Esther. We hope your day was the best (me ever. Mrs. Andy Stamborskcy was hospitalized Sunday night in Se- attle. Islanders wish her a speed), recovery. Journal Want Ads Pay 114 SOUTH SECOND • • HA 6-4633 have items for the paper would please call me Mondays. I may get a new metal hottonmd fer in a year No one is swomld ....... | t confirm or deny it  but we |thought imme of YOu, out of town [ pple might be interuted in the lka gmp. I Mr. and Mrs. Jim 1)larev enter- |'rained Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carlson Gives you morn Ioadspace for the money than anything on wimlsl IT'S ON LY s2578.80 INTERNATIONAL I METRO-MITE America's biggest little delivery truck/ KIMBEL MOTORS 707 SO. FIRST ST. HA 6-3433 ® on the occasion of their 5t wed- dg anniversary. Congratulations but wish from all your neighbor. Hope we can ome day reach that mark. The Harstine Island Ladi club will hold a work party at the Stan Yates home on May 21 to put the green• on the truck that will pull i the Hartine Island floqt. All in- i terested people are asked to make a special attempt to attend, as this Is a last minute job, one that can't be done two or three days early  Come one Come all. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mattis and children of Belfair spent Moth- er's Day with Carl's mother, Mrs. Anna Anderson. They alo called on the Gunner Johnson& PEGGY AND Alvin Anderson have moved from Belfair to their beach property at the foot of Jones hill. We are certainly glad these two have moved so cloe to the Island and it is a nice coffee spot. Mrs. Meeks and her children and Mrs. Smalley and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCulloch called Nickel Piston rings engines are crest resistance nnd their spring char %'1 toil lt!nl T Ask Rental JOH MUSlO 429 Railroad A New Handsomely comfortable! tion available formals. Spa: weight • • • your wedding• mal rental Skilled V! By Top provide both Only the t, can picture Just LE T. 2218 OlymP PHONI KIMBEL'S QUALITY 1957 Rambler "6" 4-Door Sedan Heater - Standard TransmissiOn 1956 Ford Customline 'V8' 4-DooZ Heater- Standard Transmission - New Pall 1955 Chrysler New Yorker 4-Do0 r Radio - Heater - Powerflite Transmission ", Steering & Brakes - New Tires & pain; 1955 Chrysler St. Regis 2-Door Radio . Heater - Powerfllte Power Steering and Brakes- 1955 Rambler Cross Country Station Wagon Radio - Heater - Overdr ve -- USED PICKUPS  19617 International A-102 -Ton Radio - Heater - Aluminum Canopy - LotS Real Clean 1955 International ½-Ton Pieku 3-SPeed- Heater. New Pain 1954 International R-112 8-Pass. 4-Speed - 700 (-Ply Tlre- Heater - 1953 Ford 'V8' ½-Ton Panel 3-Speed - Heater - Rebuilt Engl' See our large selection of Used on display on our lot at So. 1st & KIMBEL Chrysler - Plymouth - Intern Rambler - American - Metropolitan 707 So. First St. FIRE- AUTO ROBT. A. SL00NE 200 E. Pine Ph• HA 6-4147 Marriages Anplvinff for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's of- rice this past week wore: Jerry E, Go(Ddwln, 22, Shelton and Faye Cnllanan, 20, Shellon. Harry Shipey, legal, Seattle and Helen Adams, legal, Seatlle. Noel Gatlanger, 20, Shelton and Faith Dnnielson, 15, Shellon. Journal Want Ads Pay JOURNAL -- PublisheffhnOhrCstmastolvn . .A., e on; as n on • -JUNE, WEDDING PLANNED Oonlplele Beauty Sorvioe Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE EDWARD'S SALON ,14 tie, 4th HA 6"2431 NEW OFFICERSThese men were installed Saturday night as new officers of the Shelton Jaycces. From left, John Dallam, secretary; Geor0e Fuller, second vice president and state director; .Jim Hartley, board of directors; Bern- ie Baileytrea|urer; Dick Petersen, first vice president; Bernl DoTty, president, and John Bennett, board of d|rectrs. Missing from pic- ture: Tom Myers, Jr., board of directors. t ii L LOWEST PRICES in the STATE[. Tindmr Aplfllanee Outs Priors Below "Big Oily"! Save Up to $100,00 (MODEL BH.,,) 12-CU BIC-FOOT COMBINATION REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER MODEL BH-12S Seattle Price $439.95 PRICE.. Automatic Defrost Refrigerator (9.4-ca.-ft,) Zero, degree Freezer at top (2.1-cu.-ft.) 3 Swing-Out Shelves Ice-Ejector Trays & Ice Storage Contailer Butter Conditioner Egg Rack . . . Meat Pan . . . Twin Vege- table Drawers... Removable, AdjUstable Door Shelves . . . Foot Pedal Door Opening • . . Magnetic Safety Door. 61 in. high 30 in. wide 26b in deep. Timber UNION NEWS By Tulla Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Ira Morse were visited by Mr. Morse's sister, Mrs. Lednard Birdwell of California, this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Morris were delighted when the newest mem- ber of the family arrived May 4. ON ALL APPLIANCES AND TVs Casey Steven is hiS name and he weighed in at time of birth at seven pounds, two and three- quarter ounces. Donna reports that she and Casey are doing fine. 'Appllanc 13-CUBIC-FOOT COMBINATION REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER MODEL all-13 S Seattle Price $549.95 TIMBER'S s47995 PRICE... Automatic Defrost Refrigerator (10-ca. ft.) Roll-Out Freezer at hx)ttom (3.5-cu. ft.) 3 Swing-Out Shelves Swing-Out Vegetable Bins (Porcelain) Swing-Out Butter Conditioner, (tempera- tare control ) Swing-Out Egg Tray Meat Pan . . . Foot Pedal Door Opening • . . Magnetic Safety Door . . . Adjustable, Removable Door Shelves . . . Ice-Ejector Trays and Ice Storage Container . . . Juice. Can Dispenser Rack . . . {34 in. hitgh 30!,,.'_, in. wide 261/ in. deep Congratulations from us all. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mer- ritt Stark are still paying their fond respects for their long years of service on the Canal. Last week they zeceived a traveling lunch bag with double thermos and a car robe. We all want to be sure that they eat well and keep warm on their vacation as well as having a good time. MR. AND MRS. Don Beckman traveled to Seattle last Monday on a business and pleasure trip. *Whtle there they visited Helen's niece, Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson. Then home on Tuesday. The Beckmans also entertained Den's sister, Mrs. Lois Beckman, over the weeknd. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gardner took a four-day trip to the ocean. While they stayed at Kalaloch. The Gardners spent most of their time: doing some beachcombing, bring-i ing home many beautiful pieces of drift wood and Japanese glass; fk)ats. They were home in time for Mrs. Gardner to have a Fri- day luncheon with her sister, Mrs. Dorm Braman, (Mrs. Bramana husband is a city councilman) and l three other friends, Mrs. Alice Joslin, Mrs. Cora Anderson, and Miss Tillle Cahan, all of Seattle. Mrs. Robert Berge reports that there will be a baseball game, weather permitting, Wednesday. The third, fifth and sixth grade boys will play against Middle Skokomish boys. Mrs. Paul Sherman was very happy Friday night when her sot Bob Mendenhall, was married to the former Miss Mary Ann Kuhnle of Shelton. The wedding cere- mony was held in the Methodist church in Shelton and reception followed at the Matlock Grange hall. Those attending from Union were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coles, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Don Young, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pearce, Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Mr. Carl Bernard and Miss Clara Eastwood. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Richard- son had an old fashion open house over the weekend, with friends and family coming and going. The cause of all the commotion was Mike Richardson, their son, who is home on his first leave since the Navy. Mike is a fire- man apprentice and will be sta. tioned in San Diego on the USS Cree, fleet tug. Welcome home, Mike, and we all wish you good luck in your new career. Many children and parents of Union attended the Hoodsport school's Spring Music Festival un- der the direction of their teacher, Mr. Richard Endicott. Children participating were from school district 404, Pioneer School, Ka- School, and Southside School. The children were said to have performed beautifully, and de it a very pleasant evening for all who attended. Just a note to let people of Union know that yours truly, Tulla Kimball, will be your news correspondent. And would appre- ciate it immensely if you, who MR. AND MRS. ALBERT J. WOOLDRIDGE announce the en. gagement and ooming marriage of their daughter, Patricia Ellen, to Mr. Warren W. Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Turner of Burlington, laws. The wedding (fate has been set for June 13. Hakes Plans for August Bake Sale • By Doaette Closer HARSTINE  The Harstine Is. land Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs. Anna Glaser with thirteen members present, Mr. Billy Waite also attended. Thls was the last regUlar meeting of the season. There will be a Pot Luck dinner at the hall on the first Thursday i August to map ot plans for a bake and apron sale during the annual yacht club dance over La- bor Day. Bob and Darothy Barnett and the children were mong the al- most blown off the lake people who attended the Apple Chp races on Lake Chelan this past weekend. This has been an annual event for the BaFnetts, who look fro'ward to this every year. HARSTINE SCHOOl, this Mon- day missed the absence of Mis Cheryl Meeks, Mr. Eddie WaRe and the Barnett Twins, the Mas- ters Philip and David Barnett. We hope you are all feeling better soon. Grandma and Grandpa Glaser are receiving congratulations on the birth of their granddaughter on May 5 in Tacoma• The tiny girl weighed in at six pounds five ounces and was named Teresa Ce- lia. The parents are Helen and Steve Franlch and is baby number five. She joins three brothers and one sister. Grandma Glaser was there on the welcoming committee and she expects to return to the Island this weekend. Mrs. Laura Glaser and the chil- dren Marc and Randy of Brem- erton came out to spend Mother's Day with Mrs. Anna Glaser. Lyle and Marlene Hitchcock and children of Olympia spent Moth- er's Day with Lyle's folks, the John Hitchcocks. ALL ISLANDERS were vet'3, happy that the ferry was off run less than a week. It was so good to get all the cars home and some- how that old ferz'y being in thb bay gives all of us a secure feel- ing. Mainly that if we need help it is available. Thanks fellows for doing ouch a speedy job on the old boat. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee have re- turned from a trip to Reno, Nev- ada where they visited with their daughter Mrs. Pat Marble. Dr. Marble is the University of Nev- ada's veterinarian. He teaches a class in animal husbandry there. They spent three weeks then head- ed to Napa, California where they visited son Don Chaffer and fam- ily then they headed on 101 to Reo Dell to visit son Dick and family; then on to Eugene, Oregon to vis- it friends overnight then on to Vancouver, Washington to visit Ernest and family for two days home to Harstine Island: The trip took them away for seven weeks. They were glad to get home. They insist there is still no place like home. Some of the people on Harstine Island not only had the feeling of being isolated because the ferry was in dry dock, but also the hones were out  our line has een out 12 days out of a month so if you get a busy signal every: time -- how about reporting to the operator  she will let you know ff I'm gabbing or the line is out Of order RUMORS ARE flying, that we an Esther and Mart Goetsch and wished them a happy anniversary on Tuesday. Belated congratula- tion from all your Island friends. Ernie and Marie Crouch and Ernie's step-son and daughter-in- law of Bremerton spent several days in Eugene, Ore., visiting Marie's son and family, the WiN ber Jacobsons, while Ernie's son Visited with his parents, the Mc- Clauses, also of Eugene. Mrs. Raymond McCulloch re- ceived a nice long distance tele- phone call from her danghter, Margie Battoni, of San Jose, Calif., at 8 a.m. on Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Budd were out the past two weekends and have done a lot of work plowing on the old Comes place. Mrs. Budd can't wait till school is out when she can come out for the whole summer. Mr. C. W. Streckenbach is spending his annual vacation from the work and worry of being a county commissioner in Green Ray, Wisconsin. Most of Streek's people are back there, tie left "here last Friday by plane. A1 and Monica Pridham at- tended the Rhododendron Show in Tacoma this past week. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Waite, Jr., had a full house Sunday as they invited friends in for dinner and also to •watch the Apple Cup races. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mees and children and Mrs. Smalley. All spent, a very lovely day only Max thinks Miss Thriftway should have b given a chance to run the last best She might have won SEVERAL OF the ttarstine la- dies dropped in for a surprise call on Esther Goetsch on the occas- ion of her birthday on May 7. Be- lated birthday greetings from all your Island friends, Esther. We hope your day was the best (me ever. Mrs. Andy Stamborskcy was hospitalized Sunday night in Se- attle. Islanders wish her a speed), recovery. Journal Want Ads Pay 114 SOUTH SECOND • • HA 6-4633 have items for the paper would please call me Mondays. I may get a new metal hottonmd fer in a year No one is swomld ....... | t confirm or deny it  but we |thought imme of YOu, out of town [ pple might be interuted in the lka gmp. I Mr. and Mrs. Jim 1)larev enter- |'rained Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carlson Gives you morn Ioadspace for the money than anything on wimlsl IT'S ON LY s2578.80 INTERNATIONAL I METRO-MITE America's biggest little delivery truck/ KIMBEL MOTORS 707 SO. FIRST ST. HA 6-3433 ® on the occasion of their 5t wed- dg anniversary. Congratulations but wish from all your neighbor. Hope we can ome day reach that mark. The Harstine Island Ladi club will hold a work party at the Stan Yates home on May 21 to put the green• on the truck that will pull i the Hartine Island floqt. All in- i terested people are asked to make a special attempt to attend, as this Is a last minute job, one that can't be done two or three days early  Come one Come all. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mattis and children of Belfair spent Moth- er's Day with Carl's mother, Mrs. Anna Anderson. They alo called on the Gunner Johnson& PEGGY AND Alvin Anderson have moved from Belfair to their beach property at the foot of Jones hill. We are certainly glad these two have moved so cloe to the Island and it is a nice coffee spot. Mrs. Meeks and her children and Mrs. Smalley and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCulloch called Nickel Piston rings engines are crest resistance nnd their spring char %'1 toil lt!nl T Ask Rental JOH MUSlO 429 Railroad A New Handsomely comfortable! tion available formals. Spa: weight • • • your wedding• mal rental Skilled V! By Top provide both Only the t, can picture Just LE T. 2218 OlymP PHONI KIMBEL'S QUALITY 1957 Rambler "6" 4-Door Sedan Heater - Standard TransmissiOn 1956 Ford Customline 'V8' 4-DooZ Heater- Standard Transmission - New Pall 1955 Chrysler New Yorker 4-Do0 r Radio - Heater - Powerflite Transmission ", Steering & Brakes - New Tires & pain; 1955 Chrysler St. Regis 2-Door Radio . Heater - Powerfllte Power Steering and Brakes- 1955 Rambler Cross Country Station Wagon Radio - Heater - Overdr ve -- USED PICKUPS  19617 International A-102 -Ton Radio - Heater - Aluminum Canopy - LotS Real Clean 1955 International ½-Ton Pieku 3-SPeed- Heater. New Pain 1954 International R-112 8-Pass. 4-Speed - 700 (-Ply Tlre- Heater - 1953 Ford 'V8' ½-Ton Panel 3-Speed - Heater - Rebuilt Engl' See our large selection of Used on display on our lot at So. 1st & KIMBEL Chrysler - Plymouth - Intern Rambler - American - Metropolitan 707 So. First St.