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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i Clothing Pool Tea The last Jayette Clothing Pool daughters of the iunt! 1 fall will be held from 10 a.m. €,hUtCh attended until noon, Saturday, in the Wel- tea fare Building oil Sixth anti Rail- An organ road. Members of the local Eagles by Mrs. Willa were mem- Oirls&apos;" Trio who God Makes Speaks" during Carey and of a Doris Wake- Auxiliary. will be on hand to aid with clothing fitting for the coun- ty's needy families. DEMOCIiATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE A meeting will be held by the Democ1'atic Central Committee at 8 p.m., today, in the Mason County court house. OX THEATRE i:HdlY, Saturday, Sunday, May 15, 16, 17 INGING TREE" -- Plus -- Maria Malden and excite- novel! A pic- power !. One . • One came to to ravage. sing "The micolor. "UP PERISCOPE" Starring James ,'Maverick" Garner and Edmund O'Brien The adventure that tore the ocean floor! The story of the fantastic "human torpedo." He hit like no man ever hit before. All its sweep! All its thrills' Tremendous excitement! Next Wed., May 20, for 6 full days. SHAGGY DOG." Special matinee Sat., continuous. Adm'ission: Children 35€, Students Birrnr Shelton Genertl ltospital Mr. aud Mrs. l,'re(leriek Wood, 340 East Pine, a girl, May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Little, t?.oute 1 Box 616, a girl, May 12. (linie Hopit.'d Mr. and Mrs. W'illiam N. Ridley, 329 Harvard, t boy, May 12. Methodist Men Plan Father-Son Banquet Earl Mericle., State game war- den, will be guest speaker at the father-son banqnet sponsored by the Methodist Men's Club at 6:30 p.m., Monday, in the Fellowship hall of the church. Following the progra m theme "Fish and "Wildlife of Washington and Mason county" movies will be shown. SHELTON GARDEN CLUB Election of officers and a round table discussion will highlight the next business meeting of the Shel- ton Garden club at the Hood Can- Yachtsmen Man Boats for Picnic Shelton Yacht club families are invited to share the fun with Olympia Outboard club this Sun- day, on a cruise and picnic de- parting from Shelton about noon. Yacht club members Don Mc- Cuiston, Paul Frederickson, Bob i Miller, Lloyd Ellis, will be on hand at this end to give the outboard Malts assistance. Frederickson will lead "gassing-up" operations. Olympia's Outboard club visit- ing Shelton, is rendezvousing at Boston Harbor earlier, departing from there. From Shelton's city dock, the outboard fleet will head further into Oakland Bay .reaches for a picnic. Evening departure for home will be governed by an ebb- ing tide. al home of Mrs. Maude Crosby. Mrs. Eugene Dorian and Mrs. George M. Brewer will be co-host- esses. The roundtable discussion will be on the topic of horticulture.. DINE MIGHTY FINE - ON HOOD CANAL THE OYSTER HOUSE New Glassed.In Patio • Home Baked Wild Blackberry Pie Ibm m m|mm| mm mlmmmmmm|m||mlmllmmm m m m m m m lllllmm|mmmmmmmmmmlmlm||m-- mm | | m| m m" I m Wl | , I NAME ........................................................ SCHOOL ................................ s | I |  AGE ................................ GRADE JUST COMPLETED ..................... " ' | | ADDRESS ............................................................ PHONE ..................... 1 | | | ! ! | Are you a Brownie or Intermediate Girl Scout ? ................................ | | Please check which session you plan to attend .... | | First Session for girls who ave completed 2nd to 4th grade, | | June 15- 19....; ............ ] | Second Sesston for girls who have completed 5th to 8th grade, | June 22 - 26 ................. | My daughter has my permission to attend Day Camp. I will  allow her to come only when she is in the best physical condition. | | | My daughter has my permission to go swimming. YES ...... NO ...... | PARENT OR " 1 ! : GUARDIAN'S SIGNATURE .................................................................. | l ($2.00 for flit session or $2.50 for second seion) | | Registration blank and fee must be returned by June 5, 195g. | | Failure to register by this date will result in an additional charge | | of 50 cents per child. The number of girls who will be accepted | | depends on the counselors available. Register early!! | mw mmm mm,mmmilmmimmmmmmammmImwmmmmmmlmmmmmmmmmmimmmm| Day Camp Registration Due All Mason county girls are look-council, in an effort to give all ing forward not only to summer girls a better knowledge of out- vacation but to the prospect of door camping. Day Camp at Panhandle Lake. The Camp will be again held in R'he annual camp is sponsored two sessions--the fiTst, June 15- each year by the local Girl Scout 19 for Brownie Scouts, or gh'ls who have finished te second Officers Installed in Forest Scene AN OUTSTANDING ARRAY of decratlon= in a forest motif • decked the Masonic Temple last Saturday evening fop the install- ation of Amarantl officers. Pictured above are MrlL Marie Runnion and William Anderson, Royal Matron and Royal Patron BE YOUR SHOP FRIDAY NITES 'TIL OWN 8 .. 30 COMP *,RISON SHOPPER! 00M°re Time to SAVE ALL THIS WEEK. ,, come in and compare quality for qualZ.., Girls and B0ys "Pflce for price,,.valuo for value what Penney's offers you m every DON'T MISS THE lartmentl Discover how you can save all rear with Penney's first quality. STAN BORESON SHOW 00i:/i?i r Valu0s! Cotton BLOUSES ttLEEVEs OR SLEEVELESS I 1 :pl.YO iPl_ NK, MAIZE, MPNT m , RED, BLACK ARE THE m h savings! Summer blouses, styles galore, e ,,s, playclothes, overblouse. Tuck-in styles. nttle iron." All are machine washable. Made vam.e cottons. Plan to shop for your blouse e end and compare. You'll be atnazcd at VALUE! UNIVERSITY STYLING , River" .EoLs.cxs. L Years . ' ontn c ine washable. 7py:tty,U'cuffg(t, lVohk tip at this WEAR No Ir0n Bacr0n PJ'S "Fhurelte" TIERS 30" and 36" Am" IIF Lots for your money in these Dacron beauties, lav- ishly printed, flocked and ruffled. In pink, gold, white, turquoise; 30 inches long. Valancing .... 69¢  yard &, E, C, D easy- erns. styles elastic mI!J00 i , x+;i3 :N300.i ...... i iT:iiiii::i::i+i!!::i::i::++ .... ) ii!iiii"" ' " ":, , 7:.::: .... ,'Y,}77,i i iiii?00iTiiii!iii!iii:iiiiiiii:iii00iii:iiiii00ii!iT!ii!i:!ili!iii!i)ili!iiiN Jumbo Terry TOWELS 2+0088 Sizes 22 x 44 Hurry, Hurry! Stock tip this wekcnd aud save on Terry bath towels. Buy all your needs for SUllner c a m p s, swimning and guests. You'll save! Many decorator colors. Premium Value! Girls' Boxer JEANS 2 *1 °° Drop everything and rush to Penney's. Sanforized denim, boxer top jeans in 3 to 8's and in plaid or faded sanforized denims. Hurry! SAVE! PENNEY'S BIG MAll + TWILLS 2' 2" 8t/2 ounce 6-ounce pants shirts Mtched sct.s cut ()vet' pro- portioned patterns. Pants dm have deep Sanforize p<)ckets. Sizes 28 to 50. Twill shirts are extra long. Sizes 14 to 19. Vat-dyed! Sanitized@ I r I Have You Bough *'*a Your 1959 Forest Festival Membership Shop These and Compare Quality! SATURDAY, MAY 16TH 11 to 1 o'clock National Guard Armory Bldg. Admission: Wear Your Forest Festival Button "BRENTWOOD" SUMMER COTTONS +,..+,+to+o Half Sizes I' .16 2 to 24t/2 )'.<Bmrfas t Every dress tS c( l / ' ., machine washable. Many r e Sanforized shrunk. Choose from woven ging- ham, chambray, embossed cotton, everglazed cottons. Some sleeveless and many short sleeve styles. through fourth grades; the second week, June 22-26, will be Girl Scout week, for girls finishing the fifth through eighth grades. Activities outlined for this year's camp are outdoor cooking, games, arts, crafts, hiking, nature study, camp craft, sqhare danc- ing, group singing, swimming (with written permission from parent) and several special events, climaxed with an overnight stay at the camp on Friday night ot last week for the older girls. The Girl Scout Council requests that the girls attending camp should be dressed in shorts or slacks, sweater or jacket and plenty of warm clothing for cold, wet days. Charge for tim camp- ing registration iv $2.00 per girl for the first session and $2.50 for the second. The charge for .both sessions covers a half pint of milk for each day, transportation, main craft materials and will pay for the use of the camp. The girls will upply their own sack hm- ches. Registration blanks will be sent home from school with girls of the respective age groups or clipped from the Journal to be filled out and mailed with the camp fee to the registrar, Mrs. David James, 1520 South Second, Shell.on. Day Camp registration will close June 5. I lEST LO-COST TILLER MADEI '°'JL$1" EasYTilli00 USE THE WORK-SAVING \\; ROTARY to 20" wide d ' I Fingertip 'TL. control/ *r,,*" v"Built for long, ... - dependable service GEORGE COOKE i ,: %,.,e ,'.:.. ::!::::i"i:i:!ii ..... PREMIUM VALUES i!:::: . " ,::.. .. • ;':'::!:Ei!i 81 x 108 Nationwide Sturdy Muslin are ql .99 " ....::i))ili;i;)iii))i)il Double Bed Bottom, J- 42 x 36 Cases.. 2 for 88¢ g:ii.. '":':;:t!i::t Famous for Wear! )iiii .... ;:i ...... Penoo 81 x 108 or 4'J).19 !! Double Bed Bottbm --m- Pence 72 x 108 or :..)! .... .. ..:......::..! ............  Twin Bed Bottom Sql "gg . ,.:::::: ...... :..'." ..,.,:." ....:+:: Double Bed Tops • • -- a. • :i ..... :.". .:ii:!!: 42 x 36 Cases . . 2 for gg¢ '.'.'::.::::z:;::+:: ' "::::::::::::::::::::::::: ! Smooth, Soft, Comfortable  %  ., Penca!e 81 X 10S or S4.6g :. =, % . Double Fitted Bottom--L. .+ +++. Cas.,2x,.. 2 for,,.,S ==================================== :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: ! tj :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:.:.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .i " '::::i:: :i::: tiiiii!!!i:::.!!i::!i:.:.!i:: ...... i ::i!ii:!!ii)iiiiiiiii? '+ +? +- ,.,,. Men's Wash 'H Wear Broadcloth Sh,fls, + White or "t98 Colors , Short sleeves tool 4ii Comfortable to w e a r, smart . collar stylings. Practically no'ironing re- quired.. Proportioned tail- oring, body aid sleeves made to fit pelffectly. Sizes 14I to 17, 32 to 35 sleeve. Mason County Dealer Phone HA 6-6389 MILL CREEK ROAD for the Laurel Court, Order of Amaranth. • • $ Hemlock boughs, orange pop- pies, beige daisies, honeysuckle: and ferns decorated the Masontc! Temple for the installation of of- ficers for Laurel Court, Order of Amaranth, last Saturday evening. Installed were Marie Runnion Royal Matron, William Anderson Royal Patron, Esther Anderson Associate Matron, Charles Wrage associate patron, Elsie Wilson, treasurer, Charles Wright, secre- tary, Mable Aitken, conductress, Grace Wells, associate conduc- tress, Ernest Runnionree year trustee, and appointiveflccrs. Installing officers  Ernest Runnion, Loui Larson, +tella Giv- ens, C. Ttmrman Givens, Claude Danielson, Orin Parks and Nadine Ridgeway. , Courtesy officers were Lois Da- vidson, Muriel Rhodes, Vi Ferri& Il Chase, Dorothy Howard, and Julia Watts. For the reception following the ceremonies the dining room was decorated in a forest motif with moss, covered logs, ferns, small fir trees and greenery. A small pool surrounded with mosscovered logs, ferns and evergreens were lighted !with green lights to complete the theme. In charge of the installation were Elsie Wilson, chairman, Lo- is Davidson, Mable Aitkin, re- freshments. Mable Aitken, tables, Elsie Wilson, decoration, Esther Anderson, serving, Vi Danielson, gift table, and Grace Wells, Clean- up.. Teachers Fete Blessed Event A SURPRISE baby shower feted Mrs. Jim Santamarla on Wed- nesday of last week, in the library of Bordeaux school, by teach- ersfrom Mountain View, Evergreen and Bordeaux grade schools. A teacher herself in the Shelton schools for the past 12 years, she has taught second grade at Bordeaux for the past 11 years, and will.take a year's leave of absence for the arrival of the blessed event. (Ziegler print.) PREMIUM VALUEI :;:!:!:;:i:: ..... ::i:!:: :!$!.$. iii!i!i "::}y !i if:' }: "i)i!:' ...:+:.;,:+ l !iiiiiii!i!iiiiiiii:i::::::::, iiiiT;i!i i=i 71 ii;:iiiiTi i i!  :::::::::::::::::::: :) !iii]Hiiiiii!iii!ii" i !)iiii;:i::iiii::7 i'ii+iii!7 ii::: j :i::;: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * j::i!!::)i::)::)::ii)ii))!iii Girls' Solid and Stripe Cotton i ,I AMONG YOUR MERCHANTS FlltST BIRTIlI)A¥ The completion of one year of business will be celebrated at the Rex Floor Covering shop on Moun- tain View this Saturday. Aaaold and Bemaice Rex, proprietors, in- vite their friends to stop in the shop for coffee Saturday and reg- ister for the door prize. Alo at the shop Saturday will he factory rept'esentatives of the Mohawk and Coronet carpeting manufac- turers to answer questions on car- peting problems. NEW TIIJCK : A new International multi-stop delivery truck, the Metro-Mite, smallest of its type made in Am- erica, is now on disp;ay at Kimbel Kors. The Metro-Mite weighs only 2,, 800 pounds and is designed for light bulky loads. The four cylha der, 51 h.p. engine will idle ap- proximately eiglt ho;rs on one gallon of gasoline. Too Lab +To Ola00tlf t Jc<R SALIi : Ch,an ust:d Kennmr t'oil+S[¢+l'-OVttl|, Ideal for lt)l'tt [et,. t.i'V * [ booth ; £tilllllit!V C.) t I1. .(). ()0. HA 6.66. J 5/:14 ti(lim] blly ill 3 l*'dFOOllt h,lnlt% hhlt:k. I'rolll Tr:uhw,,ll. it:,, til)0<tilit.- lltt'tll. OltJ.V. (2;11] *Vii', Pt;Oxt|. +/;ttt+l'- • • ° II,,nt }.,'a V IIA 6-,,;I; ,q" JlA 6- pmece Mmx Matches .... ++,, m 2&-:i -+rcll t),,+i +t,;;, + + t.l,:(.,..iia Men's Wash 'n Wear ++.?.,,, ,,,,,<, ,,,..,,,+,,.,>,,., + s,.,u. 'r;ttOlll;L WAY. l'tt,lll+' t;l(,''uft,:ld '2+ Sh00n Gahardin0 '::::: ::A::::'+:::::: B:t:::::s.CSI 9S "<'" ,, +],+,-+L'+ f:;il)++i 4 -":+7" ++V i +i't; " il .+i | il'ii]' c+ilt' 2 'l't'A  )€ il[l,ll I;n) :.h,i'l' I'l,ltt|+ • l+li,)il, 11..% tl :l;4"itl. 5'1 5/i4..31 195 Ftll( I++l']Nq' :t,,:dt i:(It'llih,',| ll,,k',t,, Comfortable KNIT SPORT TOP. Choice ......... --m iliih'l'ot, llit:tlh+ for ,,n, +, Tw,, h,'d- I t()ll) V;ll Ol'l]l'llL (:O( lii+', A';ll(!. Rayon  m l'h+)n, llA 6. It2. ,I /',/i'1-28 Gabardine! mm u, IY+ ilI(?Yt?].E l'lli: mi ,'i +),l<l ¢,il-" diti,+ll. |lkO(I. C;ili [tA 6-'?.217 Choose fronl c h a r C O a l, browL navy blue. Crease resistant, shirt looking, well tailored. Sizes 30 to 42. Buy your summer needs now, be comfortable, save on cleaning bills. ( 5, 11-:8 Bedford Cord Shorts in 7 to 14 yrs .......... : ...... $1.59 l,'ii|: Ai,I,; t,3 ft, ci n h,at"8 Choice All Garments in 3 to §x Size Just $1.59 III. air .,,,+h,d Wl..nil .u,h,r altd ........... cliID']l, li*'W llltiill, $2fl;', I(;I Wiliic II,:ti. lhtllu, l|,jttdl)<,i'i, W;Ivl]l. Blouses in soft multi-colors tn nll.itcll the pink llnd bhle ........................... J 5(l!.,.Ifll short slacks, shorts. Every one macbh/e %%'ashabl¢,, (:!oh*r- F(ll( SA[+t+',: PII4,, S-w,,ok, old, $12,50 fast and so smart for Summer play wear. Coo'it in and ,,at.i,. I'hun+. 11,% 6-,32. l* 5/1 iiCJft, sAi,E '1!€53 Si',l(h'bttktq; piek:" stock up today, lip, (,,)(| hltp,L tilakt; fill i)ffer. Ctll b' sc.n .n I)+:er Cre'k Road, Donald A. Johns,nL l'h¢lne fiA 6-878, J 5/14 tfa / i Clothing Pool Tea The last Jayette Clothing Pool daughters of the iunt! 1 fall will be held from 10 a.m. €,hUtCh attended until noon, Saturday, in the Wel- tea fare Building oil Sixth anti Rail- An organ road. Members of the local Eagles by Mrs. Willa were mem- Oirls'" Trio who God Makes Speaks" during Carey and of a Doris Wake- Auxiliary. will be on hand to aid with clothing fitting for the coun- ty's needy families. DEMOCIiATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE A meeting will be held by the Democ1'atic Central Committee at 8 p.m., today, in the Mason County court house. OX THEATRE i:HdlY, Saturday, Sunday, May 15, 16, 17 INGING TREE" -- Plus -- Maria Malden and excite- novel! A pic- power !. One . • One came to to ravage. sing "The micolor. "UP PERISCOPE" Starring James ,'Maverick" Garner and Edmund O'Brien The adventure that tore the ocean floor! The story of the fantastic "human torpedo." He hit like no man ever hit before. All its sweep! All its thrills' Tremendous excitement! Next Wed., May 20, for 6 full days. SHAGGY DOG." Special matinee Sat., continuous. Adm'ission: Children 35€, Students Birrnr Shelton Genertl ltospital Mr. aud Mrs. l,'re(leriek Wood, 340 East Pine, a girl, May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Little, t?.oute 1 Box 616, a girl, May 12. (linie Hopit.'d Mr. and Mrs. W'illiam N. Ridley, 329 Harvard, t boy, May 12. Methodist Men Plan Father-Son Banquet Earl Mericle., State game war- den, will be guest speaker at the father-son banqnet sponsored by the Methodist Men's Club at 6:30 p.m., Monday, in the Fellowship hall of the church. Following the progra m theme "Fish and "Wildlife of Washington and Mason county" movies will be shown. SHELTON GARDEN CLUB Election of officers and a round table discussion will highlight the next business meeting of the Shel- ton Garden club at the Hood Can- Yachtsmen Man Boats for Picnic Shelton Yacht club families are invited to share the fun with Olympia Outboard club this Sun- day, on a cruise and picnic de- parting from Shelton about noon. Yacht club members Don Mc- Cuiston, Paul Frederickson, Bob i Miller, Lloyd Ellis, will be on hand at this end to give the outboard Malts assistance. Frederickson will lead "gassing-up" operations. Olympia's Outboard club visit- ing Shelton, is rendezvousing at Boston Harbor earlier, departing from there. From Shelton's city dock, the outboard fleet will head further into Oakland Bay .reaches for a picnic. Evening departure for home will be governed by an ebb- ing tide. al home of Mrs. Maude Crosby. Mrs. Eugene Dorian and Mrs. George M. Brewer will be co-host- esses. The roundtable discussion will be on the topic of horticulture.. DINE MIGHTY FINE - ON HOOD CANAL THE OYSTER HOUSE New Glassed.In Patio • Home Baked Wild Blackberry Pie Ibm m m|mm| mm mlmmmmmm|m||mlmllmmm m m m m m m lllllmm|mmmmmmmmmmlmlm||m-- mm | | m| m m" I m Wl | , I NAME ........................................................ SCHOOL ................................ s | I |  AGE ................................ GRADE JUST COMPLETED ..................... " ' | | ADDRESS ............................................................ PHONE ..................... 1 | | | ! ! | Are you a Brownie or Intermediate Girl Scout ? ................................ | | Please check which session you plan to attend .... | | First Session for girls who ave completed 2nd to 4th grade, | | June 15- 19....; ............ ] | Second Sesston for girls who have completed 5th to 8th grade, | June 22 - 26 ................. | My daughter has my permission to attend Day Camp. I will  allow her to come only when she is in the best physical condition. | | | My daughter has my permission to go swimming. YES ...... NO ...... | PARENT OR " 1 ! : GUARDIAN'S SIGNATURE .................................................................. | l ($2.00 for flit session or $2.50 for second seion) | | Registration blank and fee must be returned by June 5, 195g. | | Failure to register by this date will result in an additional charge | | of 50 cents per child. The number of girls who will be accepted | | depends on the counselors available. Register early!! | mw mmm mm,mmmilmmimmmmmmammmImwmmmmmmlmmmmmmmmmmimmmm| Day Camp Registration Due All Mason county girls are look-council, in an effort to give all ing forward not only to summer girls a better knowledge of out- vacation but to the prospect of door camping. Day Camp at Panhandle Lake. The Camp will be again held in R'he annual camp is sponsored two sessions--the fiTst, June 15- each year by the local Girl Scout 19 for Brownie Scouts, or gh'ls who have finished te second Officers Installed in Forest Scene AN OUTSTANDING ARRAY of decratlon= in a forest motif • decked the Masonic Temple last Saturday evening fop the install- ation of Amarantl officers. Pictured above are MrlL Marie Runnion and William Anderson, Royal Matron and Royal Patron BE YOUR SHOP FRIDAY NITES 'TIL OWN 8 .. 30 COMP *,RISON SHOPPER! 00M°re Time to SAVE ALL THIS WEEK. ,, come in and compare quality for qualZ.., Girls and B0ys "Pflce for price,,.valuo for value what Penney's offers you m every DON'T MISS THE lartmentl Discover how you can save all rear with Penney's first quality. STAN BORESON SHOW 00i:/i?i r Valu0s! Cotton BLOUSES ttLEEVEs OR SLEEVELESS I 1 :pl.YO iPl_ NK, MAIZE, MPNT m , RED, BLACK ARE THE m h savings! Summer blouses, styles galore, e ,,s, playclothes, overblouse. Tuck-in styles. nttle iron." All are machine washable. Made vam.e cottons. Plan to shop for your blouse e end and compare. You'll be atnazcd at VALUE! UNIVERSITY STYLING , River" .EoLs.cxs. L Years . ' ontn c ine washable. 7py:tty,U'cuffg(t, lVohk tip at this WEAR No Ir0n Bacr0n PJ'S "Fhurelte" TIERS 30" and 36" Am" IIF Lots for your money in these Dacron beauties, lav- ishly printed, flocked and ruffled. In pink, gold, white, turquoise; 30 inches long. Valancing .... 69¢  yard &, E, C, D easy- erns. styles elastic mI!J00 i , x+;i3 :N300.i ...... i iT:iiiii::i::i+i!!::i::i::++ .... ) ii!iiii"" ' " ":, , 7:.::: .... ,'Y,}77,i i iiii?00iTiiii!iii!iii:iiiiiiii:iii00iii:iiiii00ii!iT!ii!i:!ili!iii!i)ili!iiiN Jumbo Terry TOWELS 2+0088 Sizes 22 x 44 Hurry, Hurry! Stock tip this wekcnd aud save on Terry bath towels. Buy all your needs for SUllner c a m p s, swimning and guests. You'll save! Many decorator colors. Premium Value! Girls' Boxer JEANS 2 *1 °° Drop everything and rush to Penney's. Sanforized denim, boxer top jeans in 3 to 8's and in plaid or faded sanforized denims. Hurry! SAVE! PENNEY'S BIG MAll + TWILLS 2' 2" 8t/2 ounce 6-ounce pants shirts Mtched sct.s cut ()vet' pro- portioned patterns. Pants dm have deep Sanforize p<)ckets. Sizes 28 to 50. Twill shirts are extra long. Sizes 14 to 19. Vat-dyed! Sanitized@ I r I Have You Bough *'*a Your 1959 Forest Festival Membership Shop These and Compare Quality! SATURDAY, MAY 16TH 11 to 1 o'clock National Guard Armory Bldg. Admission: Wear Your Forest Festival Button "BRENTWOOD" SUMMER COTTONS +,..+,+to+o Half Sizes I' .16 2 to 24t/2 )'.<Bmrfas t Every dress tS c( l / ' ., machine washable. Many r e Sanforized shrunk. Choose from woven ging- ham, chambray, embossed cotton, everglazed cottons. Some sleeveless and many short sleeve styles. through fourth grades; the second week, June 22-26, will be Girl Scout week, for girls finishing the fifth through eighth grades. Activities outlined for this year's camp are outdoor cooking, games, arts, crafts, hiking, nature study, camp craft, sqhare danc- ing, group singing, swimming (with written permission from parent) and several special events, climaxed with an overnight stay at the camp on Friday night ot last week for the older girls. The Girl Scout Council requests that the girls attending camp should be dressed in shorts or slacks, sweater or jacket and plenty of warm clothing for cold, wet days. Charge for tim camp- ing registration iv $2.00 per girl for the first session and $2.50 for the second. The charge for .both sessions covers a half pint of milk for each day, transportation, main craft materials and will pay for the use of the camp. The girls will upply their own sack hm- ches. Registration blanks will be sent home from school with girls of the respective age groups or clipped from the Journal to be filled out and mailed with the camp fee to the registrar, Mrs. David James, 1520 South Second, Shell.on. Day Camp registration will close June 5. I lEST LO-COST TILLER MADEI '°'JL$1" EasYTilli00 USE THE WORK-SAVING \\; ROTARY to 20" wide d ' I Fingertip 'TL. control/ *r,,*" v"Built for long, ... - dependable service GEORGE COOKE i ,: %,.,e ,'.:.. ::!::::i"i:i:!ii ..... PREMIUM VALUES i!:::: . " ,::.. .. • ;':'::!:Ei!i 81 x 108 Nationwide Sturdy Muslin are ql .99 " ....::i))ili;i;)iii))i)il Double Bed Bottom, J- 42 x 36 Cases.. 2 for 88¢ g:ii.. '":':;:t!i::t Famous for Wear! )iiii .... ;:i ...... Penoo 81 x 108 or 4'J).19 !! Double Bed Bottbm --m- Pence 72 x 108 or :..)! .... .. ..:......::..! ............  Twin Bed Bottom Sql "gg . ,.:::::: ...... :..'." ..,.,:." ....:+:: Double Bed Tops • • -- a. • :i ..... :.". .:ii:!!: 42 x 36 Cases . . 2 for gg¢ '.'.'::.::::z:;::+:: ' "::::::::::::::::::::::::: ! Smooth, Soft, Comfortable  %  ., Penca!e 81 X 10S or S4.6g :. =, % . Double Fitted Bottom--L. .+ +++. Cas.,2x,.. 2 for,,.,S ==================================== :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: ! tj :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:.:.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .i " '::::i:: :i::: tiiiii!!!i:::.!!i::!i:.:.!i:: ...... i ::i!ii:!!ii)iiiiiiiii? '+ +? +- ,.,,. Men's Wash 'H Wear Broadcloth Sh,fls, + White or "t98 Colors , Short sleeves tool 4ii Comfortable to w e a r, smart . collar stylings. Practically no'ironing re- quired.. Proportioned tail- oring, body aid sleeves made to fit pelffectly. Sizes 14I to 17, 32 to 35 sleeve. Mason County Dealer Phone HA 6-6389 MILL CREEK ROAD for the Laurel Court, Order of Amaranth. • • $ Hemlock boughs, orange pop- pies, beige daisies, honeysuckle: and ferns decorated the Masontc! Temple for the installation of of- ficers for Laurel Court, Order of Amaranth, last Saturday evening. Installed were Marie Runnion Royal Matron, William Anderson Royal Patron, Esther Anderson Associate Matron, Charles Wrage associate patron, Elsie Wilson, treasurer, Charles Wright, secre- tary, Mable Aitken, conductress, Grace Wells, associate conduc- tress, Ernest Runnionree year trustee, and appointiveflccrs. Installing officers  Ernest Runnion, Loui Larson, +tella Giv- ens, C. Ttmrman Givens, Claude Danielson, Orin Parks and Nadine Ridgeway. , Courtesy officers were Lois Da- vidson, Muriel Rhodes, Vi Ferri& Il Chase, Dorothy Howard, and Julia Watts. For the reception following the ceremonies the dining room was decorated in a forest motif with moss, covered logs, ferns, small fir trees and greenery. A small pool surrounded with mosscovered logs, ferns and evergreens were lighted !with green lights to complete the theme. In charge of the installation were Elsie Wilson, chairman, Lo- is Davidson, Mable Aitkin, re- freshments. Mable Aitken, tables, Elsie Wilson, decoration, Esther Anderson, serving, Vi Danielson, gift table, and Grace Wells, Clean- up.. Teachers Fete Blessed Event A SURPRISE baby shower feted Mrs. Jim Santamarla on Wed- nesday of last week, in the library of Bordeaux school, by teach- ersfrom Mountain View, Evergreen and Bordeaux grade schools. A teacher herself in the Shelton schools for the past 12 years, she has taught second grade at Bordeaux for the past 11 years, and will.take a year's leave of absence for the arrival of the blessed event. (Ziegler print.) PREMIUM VALUEI :;:!:!:;:i:: ..... ::i:!:: :!$!.$. iii!i!i "::}y !i if:' }: "i)i!:' ...:+:.;,:+ l !iiiiiii!i!iiiiiiii:i::::::::, iiiiT;i!i i=i 71 ii;:iiiiTi i i!  :::::::::::::::::::: :) !iii]Hiiiiii!iii!ii" i !)iiii;:i::iiii::7 i'ii+iii!7 ii::: j :i::;: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * j::i!!::)i::)::)::ii)ii))!iii Girls' Solid and Stripe Cotton i ,I AMONG YOUR MERCHANTS FlltST BIRTIlI)A¥ The completion of one year of business will be celebrated at the Rex Floor Covering shop on Moun- tain View this Saturday. Aaaold and Bemaice Rex, proprietors, in- vite their friends to stop in the shop for coffee Saturday and reg- ister for the door prize. Alo at the shop Saturday will he factory rept'esentatives of the Mohawk and Coronet carpeting manufac- turers to answer questions on car- peting problems. NEW TIIJCK : A new International multi-stop delivery truck, the Metro-Mite, smallest of its type made in Am- erica, is now on disp;ay at Kimbel Kors. The Metro-Mite weighs only 2,, 800 pounds and is designed for light bulky loads. The four cylha der, 51 h.p. engine will idle ap- proximately eiglt ho;rs on one gallon of gasoline. Too Lab +To Ola00tlf t Jc<R SALIi : Ch,an ust:d Kennmr t'oil+S[¢+l'-OVttl|, Ideal for lt)l'tt [et,. t.i'V * [ booth ; £tilllllit!V C.) t I1. .(). ()0. HA 6.66. J 5/:14 ti(lim] blly ill 3 l*'dFOOllt h,lnlt% hhlt:k. I'rolll Tr:uhw,,ll. it:,, til)0<tilit.- lltt'tll. OltJ.V. (2;11] *Vii', Pt;Oxt|. +/;ttt+l'- • • ° II,,nt }.,'a V IIA 6-,,;I; ,q" JlA 6- pmece Mmx Matches .... ++,, m 2&-:i -+rcll t),,+i +t,;;, + + t.l,:(.,..iia Men's Wash 'n Wear ++.?.,,, ,,,,,<, ,,,..,,,+,,.,>,,., + s,.,u. 'r;ttOlll;L WAY. l'tt,lll+' t;l(,''uft,:ld '2+ Sh00n Gahardin0 '::::: ::A::::'+:::::: B:t:::::s.CSI 9S "<'" ,, +],+,-+L'+ f:;il)++i 4 -":+7" ++V i +i't; " il .+i | il'ii]' c+ilt' 2 'l't'A  )€ il[l,ll I;n) :.h,i'l' I'l,ltt|+ • l+li,)il, 11..% tl :l;4"itl. 5'1 5/i4..31 195 Ftll( I++l']Nq' :t,,:dt i:(It'llih,',| ll,,k',t,, Comfortable KNIT SPORT TOP. Choice ......... --m iliih'l'ot, llit:tlh+ for ,,n, +, Tw,, h,'d- I t()ll) V;ll Ol'l]l'llL (:O( lii+', A';ll(!. Rayon  m l'h+)n, llA 6. It2. ,I /',/i'1-28 Gabardine! mm u, IY+ ilI(?Yt?].E l'lli: mi ,'i +),l<l ¢,il-" diti,+ll. |lkO(I. C;ili [tA 6-'?.217 Choose fronl c h a r C O a l, browL navy blue. Crease resistant, shirt looking, well tailored. Sizes 30 to 42. Buy your summer needs now, be comfortable, save on cleaning bills. ( 5, 11-:8 Bedford Cord Shorts in 7 to 14 yrs .......... : ...... $1.59 l,'ii|: Ai,I,; t,3 ft, ci n h,at"8 Choice All Garments in 3 to §x Size Just $1.59 III. air .,,,+h,d Wl..nil .u,h,r altd ........... cliID']l, li*'W llltiill, $2fl;', I(;I Wiliic II,:ti. lhtllu, l|,jttdl)<,i'i, W;Ivl]l. Blouses in soft multi-colors tn nll.itcll the pink llnd bhle ........................... J 5(l!.,.Ifll short slacks, shorts. Every one macbh/e %%'ashabl¢,, (:!oh*r- F(ll( SA[+t+',: PII4,, S-w,,ok, old, $12,50 fast and so smart for Summer play wear. Coo'it in and ,,at.i,. I'hun+. 11,% 6-,32. l* 5/1 iiCJft, sAi,E '1!€53 Si',l(h'bttktq; piek:" stock up today, lip, (,,)(| hltp,L tilakt; fill i)ffer. Ctll b' sc.n .n I)+:er Cre'k Road, Donald A. Johns,nL l'h¢lne fiA 6-878, J 5/14 tfa /