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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SREL/I'0N-MAS0N COUNTY -- Pubitsted" Loveliest Young Ladies of Past 14 Years ,,i ¸ / i' ii ¸ T Wokojance 1950 No. 13--Lucille Faulk 1957 r No. 7--Ella Mae Noble 1951 i No. 14--Janet Hinton 1958 Wins Picture Award '0" o,or00.00 meeting of the group. The next meeting of the Camera Club will be held aL 7:30 p.m., Weclnesday, ra shot brought cal members in the Photographic in the Capitol Hill Communi[v to Ed Bun- Society of America t,mrnev, clubhouse. Members of the clnb a contest with The prize winning pictu''c tak-are asked to bring not more than in five other en by Buncll v,'as " dew curl,red five slides to be judged by tile the na- spider web against a golden bv.ckiclub. The public is invited. alember of the ground. I ......... (qll.(?V,(! ill(! !()e B,:,d('.l). l()cal presidcnt, pro- i With other 1o- sentcd t,'unn('ll with a red r b ,)n TI'y a .]ournal Wgl.llt Ad I Modem do,Jan ia Blond Oak er American WM- s&lt, No. 7421 $69.95 - the- 8our &'siS', ia lizh! or dark £nishe,. N..,,., ,89es I Make your selection now while our stock is complete. Small de- Posit will hold until you wish de- livery. Treasures kept In cedar fragrance--s0fe from moths, dust and dampness. Lane Cedar Cheats at low at $49.95 O/sen furniture YOUR LANE DEALER PHONE HA 6-4702 FREE DELIVERY Forest Festival To Have Radio Coverage AU-da.y publicity for the Mason County Forest Festiwd will be the ccmi:ribution of :tdio .Station K[TN, Olympia, on Satm'day, May 23. Don Whitnlan, president and general manager of tile Olympia station, visited here this week, making arangements to locate a broadcast car along the Paul Bun- yan Parade route. Whitman said his station also will tell radio lis- teners throughout KITN's broad- casting area tile story of the after- ]:oon Loggers Sports Show. HOODSPORT NEWS Don't forget to "VOTE" on May 25th for the special school levy. Pol!s will be open from 1:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Hoodsport, Lower Skokomtsh, Middle Skokomish and Union schools. The Hoodsport and Lower Sko- komish school picnics will be held on May 19 at Twanoh State Park. Families are invited. THE HOODSPORT and Lower Skokomlsh P.T.A.s held a joint meetiag and installation of offic-II ers on Monday evening in the | Lower Skokomish school. New ! officers installed for Hoodsport by' Mrs. John Lentz, president of the Mason County Council, were Mrs. Wes Johnson, president; Mrs. Ired Kilbourne, vice-president; Mrs. Bars Robhins, secretary; and Mrs. Ray Peterson, treasurer. For Lower Skokomlsh, Mrs. Robert Whitmarsh, president; Mrs. C. R. Kelsey, vice-president; Mrs. Alex Gouley, secretary; and Mrs. Mabel Basso, treasurer. Members of Johnny's accordion :band gave several numbers for the evenlng'a entertainment. Men will be needed to work on the float on Saturday morning at 8;00 .rn. and will meet at Laub- era in Hoodsport. The float will be reassembled in the P.U.D. gar- ages inside the city llmlt8 on Mt. View In Shelton. Women will start working on Wednelay. Get i a group together because all help ' i will be needed. Refreshment were served by Mrs. Bud MeDowell, Mrs. Earl Crumb, Mrs. Evelyn Nichoaon and Mrs. Dick Buechel. PLANS FOR the eighth grade graduation were discussed and will be held on May 27 at Hoods- port with a party at Holiday BeaCh following. No. 8--Janet Rosquist 1952 No. 9--Sharlyn Brown 1953 No. 10--Jane Greaves 1954 -- IT'S A DATE --- 4ournat's Calendar of Events 8 p.m. courthouse. { Junior high baseball, Shelton vs. Jefferson, 3 p.m., Loop F'ield. Beachcomber's G a r d e n Club Mrs. F. E Lockwood's home. ,hmior Deputies, 7 p.m., Armory. Golden Age Club, noon, Memo- rial hall. Friday, May 15 Vl'V Post and Auxilia:'y, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. attend services today. Today, Thursday, May 14 Monday, May 18 Chamber of Commerce Inter- Methodist Men's Club, father- Community dinner, 7 p.m., Alder-son dinner, 6:30 p.m., Methodist brook, church. Zonta Club, 6:30 p.m., Cohmial )reschool PAT, 8 pro, Evergreen House. . school. Democratic Central Committee, DeMolay, 7:30 p,m., Masonic Temple. Shelton Garden CI u b, Mrs Maude Crosby's home. Tuenday, May 19 American Legion Post and Aux. Gold Star parents dinner, 6:30 p.m., Memorial hall. Wednesday, May 20 Rainier Orth(pedic Auxiliary, Mrs. ,Richard Petersen's holne. H i 1 l c r e s t Homemakers Club, Golden Age runlmage sale, Un- noon, Mrs. Agnes Lund's home. ion hall Grove Street. ] Tlur,day, May 21 xr, ........... 1 .ta di, [ Forest Yesth'al Queen's hanquet, stor"e'Cota"S"[ree ................... [6:.$0 p.m., St. Vie,, fwhool. ' Ra00,hel 0000/,'thope00,c Guil00, °the''s cl,i00 ,: pro, Me- 9 O l ,11 tltl(ll l&a& 12:,0 p.m. Mrs. R y Kmbels ) home. ' l asS Matrons CPd:), Welcome Jobies rummage sale, PUD. [chapter, DES, 12:30 p.;n.. Mrs. W. ,,aturday, May 16 Rainbow installation, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple. VFW Post and Auxiliary dis- tries meeting. Clothing Pool, Welfare building, 10 am. til noon Jobie rummage sale, PUD. WARC rummage sale, old dime store, Cola Street. Golden Age rtUnarge sale. Union hall, Grove Street. Sunday, May 17 Shelton churches invite you to C. Bateh,.tor's hen: ,, Friday, i%:t)' 2:.  l)edh'atloa of hist.rh' Nhay Lo- eomotlw,, :30 p.m., Brewer Park, Coronation of Forest lV'e,tival Queen a.d pageant:. 8 p.ln., Shel- toil (I ylnnasilun. Naturday, May , Kiddies' Kartoon parade, l0 a.m. l'alll Bunyan Parade, 10:30 tit.Ill. L.gging Sports Show, 2 p.m., l,oop Fiehl. Official Forest Fh sMval lnee, [ I).m.. l|elto!! Roller Arena. ! VISIT PARENTS: Lt, LIoydileave next week for sutTivai Saeks, Mrs. Sacks and son, Mi-I training in the Nevada desert, while Mrs. Sacks fnee El*lena chael are home on leave and vts-|Moore ) extends her visit three iting wilh her parents Mr. and|weeks ' pending their transfer tO Mrs. Earl Moore, Lt. Sacks will tPhoenlx, Ariz. o RADIATOR REPAIR AUTO, TRUCK, TRACTOR Boil Out, Rod Out, Re-Core Phone HA. 6-3483 GAS TANKS 60LDERED, ALL WORK GUARANTEED Boon's Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal 623 So. 'First • Les Hansen, Owner Webber Drilling Company John Webber Phone HA 6-316"1 laouzzi Pumps Sales & Service /oute 1, BOX 8, Hhelton i i l ii ' i i i i ,llJ I l Ill -- ii , ...... -- A MESSAGE TO FREEZER OWNERS: Super.O holds 80 % more frnh food with plenty of storage space for c¢isp |eafy vegetable, fruits and meats. Adjustable door and egg racks plus a zero degree freezerette for ice cubes and frozen foods. It's no mcret there SPACE to SPARE in the Gibson Super-G. And if you're considering a freezer, consider the Super-G and its upright freezer counterpart. Both combine to make 28 cubic feet of freezer and re- frigerator in less space than an average chest type freezer. PAY ONLY $20 PER MONTH FOR (1,4 this/or the Market Master only) TRADE-INS INVITED O/sen Furniture Company 328 COTA @ FREE PARKING @ FREE DELIVERY • PHONE HA 6-4702 _ /] L I V%." SREL/I'0N-MAS0N COUNTY -- Pubitsted" Loveliest Young Ladies of Past 14 Years ,,i ¸ / i' ii ¸ T Wokojance 1950 No. 13--Lucille Faulk 1957 r No. 7--Ella Mae Noble 1951 i No. 14--Janet Hinton 1958 Wins Picture Award '0" o,or00.00 meeting of the group. The next meeting of the Camera Club will be held aL 7:30 p.m., Weclnesday, ra shot brought cal members in the Photographic in the Capitol Hill Communi[v to Ed Bun- Society of America t,mrnev, clubhouse. Members of the clnb a contest with The prize winning pictu''c tak-are asked to bring not more than in five other en by Buncll v,'as " dew curl,red five slides to be judged by tile the na- spider web against a golden bv.ckiclub. The public is invited. alember of the ground. I ......... (qll.(?V,(! ill(! !()e B,:,d('.l). l()cal presidcnt, pro- i With other 1o- sentcd t,'unn('ll with a red r b ,)n TI'y a .]ournal Wgl.llt Ad I Modem do,Jan ia Blond Oak er American WM- s&lt, No. 7421 $69.95 - the- 8our &'siS', ia lizh! or dark £nishe,. N..,,., ,89es I Make your selection now while our stock is complete. Small de- Posit will hold until you wish de- livery. Treasures kept In cedar fragrance--s0fe from moths, dust and dampness. Lane Cedar Cheats at low at $49.95 O/sen furniture YOUR LANE DEALER PHONE HA 6-4702 FREE DELIVERY Forest Festival To Have Radio Coverage AU-da.y publicity for the Mason County Forest Festiwd will be the ccmi:ribution of :tdio .Station K[TN, Olympia, on Satm'day, May 23. Don Whitnlan, president and general manager of tile Olympia station, visited here this week, making arangements to locate a broadcast car along the Paul Bun- yan Parade route. Whitman said his station also will tell radio lis- teners throughout KITN's broad- casting area tile story of the after- ]:oon Loggers Sports Show. HOODSPORT NEWS Don't forget to "VOTE" on May 25th for the special school levy. Pol!s will be open from 1:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Hoodsport, Lower Skokomtsh, Middle Skokomish and Union schools. The Hoodsport and Lower Sko- komish school picnics will be held on May 19 at Twanoh State Park. Families are invited. THE HOODSPORT and Lower Skokomlsh P.T.A.s held a joint meetiag and installation of offic-II ers on Monday evening in the | Lower Skokomish school. New ! officers installed for Hoodsport by' Mrs. John Lentz, president of the Mason County Council, were Mrs. Wes Johnson, president; Mrs. Ired Kilbourne, vice-president; Mrs. Bars Robhins, secretary; and Mrs. Ray Peterson, treasurer. For Lower Skokomlsh, Mrs. Robert Whitmarsh, president; Mrs. C. R. Kelsey, vice-president; Mrs. Alex Gouley, secretary; and Mrs. Mabel Basso, treasurer. Members of Johnny's accordion :band gave several numbers for the evenlng'a entertainment. Men will be needed to work on the float on Saturday morning at 8;00 .rn. and will meet at Laub- era in Hoodsport. The float will be reassembled in the P.U.D. gar- ages inside the city llmlt8 on Mt. View In Shelton. Women will start working on Wednelay. Get i a group together because all help ' i will be needed. Refreshment were served by Mrs. Bud MeDowell, Mrs. Earl Crumb, Mrs. Evelyn Nichoaon and Mrs. Dick Buechel. PLANS FOR the eighth grade graduation were discussed and will be held on May 27 at Hoods- port with a party at Holiday BeaCh following. No. 8--Janet Rosquist 1952 No. 9--Sharlyn Brown 1953 No. 10--Jane Greaves 1954 -- IT'S A DATE --- 4ournat's Calendar of Events 8 p.m. courthouse. { Junior high baseball, Shelton vs. Jefferson, 3 p.m., Loop F'ield. Beachcomber's G a r d e n Club Mrs. F. E Lockwood's home. ,hmior Deputies, 7 p.m., Armory. Golden Age Club, noon, Memo- rial hall. Friday, May 15 Vl'V Post and Auxilia:'y, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. attend services today. Today, Thursday, May 14 Monday, May 18 Chamber of Commerce Inter- Methodist Men's Club, father- Community dinner, 7 p.m., Alder-son dinner, 6:30 p.m., Methodist brook, church. Zonta Club, 6:30 p.m., Cohmial )reschool PAT, 8 pro, Evergreen House. . school. Democratic Central Committee, DeMolay, 7:30 p,m., Masonic Temple. Shelton Garden CI u b, Mrs Maude Crosby's home. Tuenday, May 19 American Legion Post and Aux. Gold Star parents dinner, 6:30 p.m., Memorial hall. Wednesday, May 20 Rainier Orth(pedic Auxiliary, Mrs. ,Richard Petersen's holne. H i 1 l c r e s t Homemakers Club, Golden Age runlmage sale, Un- noon, Mrs. Agnes Lund's home. ion hall Grove Street. ] Tlur,day, May 21 xr, ........... 1 .ta di, [ Forest Yesth'al Queen's hanquet, stor"e'Cota"S"[ree ................... [6:.$0 p.m., St. Vie,, fwhool. ' Ra00,hel 0000/,'thope00,c Guil00, °the''s cl,i00 ,: pro, Me- 9 O l ,11 tltl(ll l&a& 12:,0 p.m. Mrs. R y Kmbels ) home. ' l asS Matrons CPd:), Welcome Jobies rummage sale, PUD. [chapter, DES, 12:30 p.;n.. Mrs. W. ,,aturday, May 16 Rainbow installation, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple. VFW Post and Auxiliary dis- tries meeting. Clothing Pool, Welfare building, 10 am. til noon Jobie rummage sale, PUD. WARC rummage sale, old dime store, Cola Street. Golden Age rtUnarge sale. Union hall, Grove Street. Sunday, May 17 Shelton churches invite you to C. Bateh,.tor's hen: ,, Friday, i%:t)' 2:.  l)edh'atloa of hist.rh' Nhay Lo- eomotlw,, :30 p.m., Brewer Park, Coronation of Forest lV'e,tival Queen a.d pageant:. 8 p.ln., Shel- toil (I ylnnasilun. Naturday, May , Kiddies' Kartoon parade, l0 a.m. l'alll Bunyan Parade, 10:30 tit.Ill. L.gging Sports Show, 2 p.m., l,oop Fiehl. Official Forest Fh sMval lnee, [ I).m.. l|elto!! Roller Arena. ! VISIT PARENTS: Lt, LIoydileave next week for sutTivai Saeks, Mrs. Sacks and son, Mi-I training in the Nevada desert, while Mrs. Sacks fnee El*lena chael are home on leave and vts-|Moore ) extends her visit three iting wilh her parents Mr. and|weeks ' pending their transfer tO Mrs. Earl Moore, Lt. Sacks will tPhoenlx, Ariz. o RADIATOR REPAIR AUTO, TRUCK, TRACTOR Boil Out, Rod Out, Re-Core Phone HA. 6-3483 GAS TANKS 60LDERED, ALL WORK GUARANTEED Boon's Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal 623 So. 'First • Les Hansen, Owner Webber Drilling Company John Webber Phone HA 6-316"1 laouzzi Pumps Sales & Service /oute 1, BOX 8, Hhelton i i l ii ' i i i i ,llJ I l Ill -- ii , ...... -- A MESSAGE TO FREEZER OWNERS: Super.O holds 80 % more frnh food with plenty of storage space for c¢isp |eafy vegetable, fruits and meats. Adjustable door and egg racks plus a zero degree freezerette for ice cubes and frozen foods. It's no mcret there SPACE to SPARE in the Gibson Super-G. And if you're considering a freezer, consider the Super-G and its upright freezer counterpart. Both combine to make 28 cubic feet of freezer and re- frigerator in less space than an average chest type freezer. PAY ONLY $20 PER MONTH FOR (1,4 this/or the Market Master only) TRADE-INS INVITED O/sen Furniture Company 328 COTA @ FREE PARKING @ FREE DELIVERY • PHONE HA 6-4702 _ /] L I V%."