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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, Vlim",. l -"/-t, MASON COUNTY - , oarooots Variety marked the past week&apos;s fishing activity in this area. There was, for instance, good salmon fishing in Hood Canal and the Steamboat-Harstine area of Puget Sound, a big steelhead tak- en from the Skokomish River, and the silvers began tg. hit in Lake: Cushman. Oddity of tlle week was the 7: 50 Years of Progress By Evinrude '1000 1959 World's Finest Outboard Now at SHELTON MARINE SUPPLY Fairmont & Olympic Hiway (Formerly Htllcrest Hardware) lull I I I u I pound 26%-inch landlocked King salmon caught by Mrs. Barbara Sanford of Seattle in Lake Cush- man Sunday. She used Pop Gear and flatfish. The first limit of silvers check- ed through Lake Cushman Resor this year was recorded to the cred- it of CarlChllson of Olympia. Ac- cording to Clem Hester, the water temperature is now 55 degrees, near the ideal mark for good sil- ver fishing. Cutthroat continued to bit well, she relates. High winds kept many off the lake over' the weekend but those who stayed out brought in good catches, Shirley Huisingh put the top King on the Simpson salmon derby board with a 15-1b. 1-oz. take off RestWhile Saturday. He was fish- ing with Don Summers, who en- tered a 5-1 catch. Walt LaMarsh and Gene Bergeson each picked up 10-pound Kings off Union last Wednesday, Gus McNeil hit Steamboat for 3 Kings to 14 pounds and Gene Ellison was in the Harstine area when he landed two to 14 pounds. Harvey and Mrs. Grissinger had six to 12 pounds in Hood Canal Wednesday of last week and Bill Simpson and Paddy Burke had 4 to 6 pounds Monday. Stun Jones, former author of this cohlmn, returned to the scene of many of his conquests last Thursday to take a 16& lb. steel- head from the Skokomish. $ * * TOUGH BABY They look tough, they really must be tough, these Texas horned frogs. Eight-year-old Dick Shrum lost Well Drilling WATER WELLS- TEST HOLES Bedell Drilling €o. LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, Shelton SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "OhrtstmaMown, U.&A.," Shelton, Sleck Optioned T e L }.'4 b Miami by Bali!mere Te 6ain Experience S. Reed high school, to the Mi;uni Marlins of the Interitational league last weekend in order to give Stock a chance to pitch reg- ularly in starting roles.. Since the major league season opened, the forrner Highclimber diamond ace has appeared in seven games for Baltimore, all in relief roles, pitching 12 2/3 innings dul:- ing which he gave up 16 hits, five earned rtlns f O U r walks, and struck out nine. for an earned rti average of 3.46 per nine innings. i HsJHelhad no won and lost record. TOP performance canle when he saved a 2-1 game for Billy Loes over the New York Ymikees with what the Baltimore Sun describes as "a gritty elev- Tills ATTRACTIVE trophy will enth inning clutch performance". lm awarded to the herin, man (From clipping sent Journal by reeeiviug the hig'heut amount of l ex-Elma 3-sport star Don Dailex;, points at tile annual Mason now a lieutenant in the army sta- Couaty Sheriff's Posse play day, tioned at Fort Holabird, Mary- Saturday, May 28, at the posse land). ground. just south of tile air- Stock goes to Miami on 24-hour port. The skill of both IIor,e recall option. He will be pitching mul rider will be tested in tile in Class AAA, next highest classi- grand entry, pole bending, Tex- fication to the major leagaies. a. barrel race, flag race, tralllkr In sending Stock to Miami, Bal- race, both tAam and individual timore manager Paul Richards de- races. The public is invHed to scribed him as "a pitcher with view the events begimflng at the stuff and more to develop into 1:30 p.m. a big league star", according to the Sun. (Journal photo, Dean print) RICIIARDS SAID the move was ................................................................. being made in Stock's best inter- RAYONIER DRAWS ests since circumstances on the Oriole roster prevented the rookie from pitching regularly. "Even so, a,.. ,......--= = .---- ----..----,--- ,.!!!.114111_1_ WIN the move was made with reluc- tance as Stock had impressed the Rayonier Research outslugged Bird bosses tremendously," the Simpson Recreation Association Sun continued. in the season's first softball game "Wes has a good arm and an ideal pitching 'temperament,' here last Thursday. Richards was quoted by the Sun. Theh sleadSc°relwas 14-9, with Jess 'He's got to come up with a little P hill'p .a 'ng the winners' 14-. better breaking pitch that he can hit attack with two home runs, depend on. It's only a matter of the first with two runners aboard time ,though, and the opportunity during a six-run Rayonier spree to gain a little more experience." Highclimbers Bobble Bear Bail Decision; Olympia Wins by 12.5 Four physical and a bundle of mental miscues undid the better hitting of tile Highclimbers in a 12-5 defeat at the hands of Olym- 'pia in the Capital City Monday. It, was a non-conference con- test and the second loss Olympia ham administered the Highclimb- ers this season. The other was by 3-2 on Loop Field. Shelton outhit the Bears, 10-9, and included in the ten-bh)w col- lection four triples and a double. BILL FITCIIETT, Junior third baseman, had his big day of the year so far with two triples and a double which drove in two runs and scored another. (he Bears hopped on starter Jerry Mallory for five runs in the first two innings, a pair of errors aiding two in the first, a three- rim homer by Mike Drew doing the damage in the second. Jim, Sargent finished qp and was ham- meted hard in 'the final two frames. Sargent contributed two walks and a balk after two were out, and an error did the rest as the Bears scored twice in the fifth, then three hits and three walks with Sargent's own error account- ed for five in the sixth. FITCHETT'S FIRST triple be- hind an error put Shelton on the scoreboard in the Jsecond, his dou- ble opened the way to another rim in the fourth, his second triple be- hind Denny Temple's single sent home the third run in the fifth. Fitchett didn't bat during the Climbers closing two-run bid in the sixth, which Ray Manke trig- gered with a single, and Garth Getty finished up with a triple be- hind Kerm Livermore's single. Livermore continued his stout hitting with two bingles and a walk in four trips and A1 Smith produced two Climber hits, one a triple. The short score: R H E Shei£on ........ 010 112 0 ...... 5 10 4 Olympia ...... 230 025 x. 12 9 3 Batteries.--Mallory, Sargent (4) and Hermes; McCoy, McCulloch (5) and Bert. his pet horned frog last fall a few weeks after bringing it back to his Little Skookum Bay home from a visit to Texas. Last: week his dad, Ji'm, a Jour- nal printer, found it in the back- yard, still healthy and none-the- in the third. Dick Morton hit: a back-to-back circuit clout with Phillips' second round-tripper in the fifth. Bill Iianson hit three times in the ll-hit SRA offense, including a lead-off triple in the first. SRA's big inning was the fifth, when five runs scored. The short score: R H E SRA .................. 130 050- 9 11 2 Rayonier ........ 506 12x 14 14 2 Iattries Knight and O'Dell; worst: for going through a North- .................... , west winter. Riddle and Morton. Stock himself said: "I never ex- pacted to be pitching for Balti- more when I got out of the Arm)' last February. Baltimore has been very good to me and I regard it as a break to get the chance to pitch regularly for as good a chlb as Miami." MILDRED DANIELS PIOKS 6-7.10 SPLIT • BUR i" LEAGITE (final) Rainier Beer . .................. 91 37 Shelton Recreation ........ 74 54 gitner's Straight Shots.. 71 56 The Tropics ....................... 63 65 Mick's Tavern ................. 59 (';9 Log Cabin ..................... 56 72 ' Hcidell)erg ....................... 54 74 t.ishel Logging Co ........ 44 8.t Higt] game--Vi McGee 179 High total- Dot Barnaby 463 Mihh'ed Daniels feat:ured cur- t&in-dropping night m the wo- men's Bllrp league by picking the 6-7-.10 split, but il didn't help her tith'-tnnin{4 Rainier Beer team a hit for the chaml:dOnS, wlo hmg ago clhleh(d the pennald, ,;ll,fct'ed a shulolli tiof'*':lt al ll/e !}lrlqi' t)f second place I.ecreation (Dot B:trnaby 463), ()thai' finales four, d Heidelber,E ( Vi Me(lee 48(:; ) wIli l ewashing Rishel Logging (Helen Bh)omfield 416), Log Cabin (Bey Lynmn 339) csrnino' a 3-1 nod over Mi('k's Tav- ern (Edna Clarv }197) while Rii- nor','; Straight Shots (t,')bbie Bar- nclti dre\\;v with The Tropics (Rat- ty McI,can 431). TOO LITTLE TOO LATE BY B SQUAD One hit being all they could muster, the Higlwlimber B team look a 4-0 whitewashing fronl the Olympia Cubs last xx'eek on Loop taield. Bob Kelley, sophomore short- stop, bagged the lone Shelton hit, a ,,dgle to open the fourth, in whi('h the Li*tle Climbers jammed the on two folh)wing walks vcith tAvo ()lit bll? couldn't score. Ed Stock, sophomore right- handcr, meanwhile pitched good b:;ll for Coach Bob Eacrett's club, allowing seven hits, one a circuit !elDest by Moore in the sewmth. The short score: R H E Olyml lia ........ 200 010 1-- 4 7 1 Shclton ........... 000 000 0-.-0 1 1 Batteries .... Cooper and Burt; Stock an(l Osterberg. III I Kneeland's Successor Comes From Earlington WALKER HAMED GOLF PRO HEBE Raymond Valk(!r, :;3-yar-(}ld , assistant pro at Hm Earlington Golf Cotlrse at Renton, has been named pro-manager of the Shel- hla-Bayshore Golf Chlb. Announcement of "Walker's ap- pointment was made V(ednesday rn()cning by Bill Batstone, presi- deut of tim local golf club, folh)w- inK a meeting of the board of trustees Sunday. Walker has served as assistant at tle Renton club under George Puetz for the past four years and succeeds Alphic Kneeland at the Shelton chlb. Kneeland recently lmrchascd the nine-hole Riverside Golf Course at Chehalis. Walker officially a<:sumes his new Shelton duties tomorrow, May 15. He is the father of three children. HIGHCLIMBERS LOSE 3 LINKS MATCHES tiighclimbcr linksmen found themselves in tough d u r i n g two league and one non-confer- ence competitions in recent days, Blazers Avenge Less, Win 51h el 7 in 5-3 Ned Over W ashinglen Timely hitting forged the fifth victory in seven starts, and aveng- ed one of the two defeats, for the Shelton Blazers Tuesday afternoon when they knocked off Washing- ton junior high of Olympia, 5 to 3. Coach Jerry Knutson's young di- amond warriors almost won the game in the opening inning when they hammered three runs across the plate whsn Rich Watson walk- ed, Henry Rose singled, Wayne Carlson doubled to score Watson and Joel Wetters singled Rose and Carlson across. The winning and insurance ral- lies checked in during the fifth when Carlson singled and moved to third on a passed ball and Wet- ters' sacrifice bunt, then scored as he beat the throw to the plate on Bill Sloan's infield roller. Bruce Cowan tripled Slosh home. COWAN PITCHED his fourth victory of the Blazer season, giv- ing up one run in the second oil two singles and two in the sev- enth on a walk, fiehter's choice and a double. He fanned six and walked fore' He also .bagged a single besides his triple. i Carlson had two, also, with oth- er safe bh)ws by Ray Neunekcr and tCalph Hoard. The Blazers close their eight- game schedule this afternoon when they entertain Jefferson of Olympia on Loop Fiehl at 3:00 o'clock. They whipped the Jaguars, 11-4, at Olylnl)ia recently. Tuesday's win avenged a 2-1 de- Washington hung on the Blazer record last week at Olym- pia. Tile short score: R H E Washington . 010 000 '2 ;:' 7 2 Sbelloa 300 020 x 5 8 3 B t [el'iPs ...... l, VesLronl, Barney (5) and Sllipley, Gruver (5}; Cow- and and ,Vatters. :.;cl)ri!lg ;:1 tolal of txw, point::- ag'linst Chehalis, North Thurstol slid Central Kits:lp. l)ave Knutzen got half the total when he picked up (me point against Chehalis as the Clinibers lost that match 1:{-1 L.',. ,lira Aho got the ()ther fraction while l)on Meissner scored tit(, only marker as the ('lind:)ers tool( a 14 ., - ,. thrashing from North Thurston. B(}til were Central League contests. Central Kitsat) blanked the Shelton lineul) ill the norl-h,ague match. # KIDS! STAN'LL Be Here Saturday Stun Boreson, his basset hound "No-Mo-Shun" and Bozo the Clown will move the Clubhouse to Shelton this Saturday to present a program in the Shelton armory for Shelton and Mason county fans. The show will begin at 11 a.m. and all kids wearing For- est Festival buttons will be admitted free. Those not already wearing their buttons are urged to buy them now and take advantage of the many entertainment features the buttons will entitle them to during the Forest Festival season. Mason County Forest Festival Association Rudy Werberger, President AMSRICA'S FINEST! Here's a real speedster that combines sleek good looks with the ultimate in comfort and handling ease. And Bell Boy's all-Bellglas con- structlon means carefrea, maintenance, free boating. T%ere's beauty in every line, every detail, from soft up- holstered seats to silvery or golden trim. See Bell Boy's new 16' Bonanza. SOUHD MILLWORK Vern and Dan Davidson Phone HA 6-4282 Mile Soutff of Shton on Olympic Highway Wshingten Stal 8VRNE * 703 PON D Outboarding's n PROFILE POWER ...from ,.Jc0000r00sc)n For'59 New inside as well The new Johnson go better with make your boat EE THEM NOW SAE(IER HOTOR Hillcrest Phone HA. WE IN TO COIE ll I and Registe DOOR pit (Your BathroOm in Vinyl Saturday, We wish to thank our many old friends and who have made this, our' first year in business, yond o-r fondest dreams! We hope you have will come again. Arimld and NEWEST ADDITION 'r to our lines MOHAWK CARPET Supplemented by the CORONET LINE i Both MOHAWK and CORONET factory representative§ will be on Saturday to answer your carpet qucstio-s. B/RTHDAY Prinl Linoleum, , , ,805 SPECIALS Prini Lineleum Mats . . ' (For that cabin) Vinyl Coullr Topping ........ $:1.95 sq. yd. Armstrong Accolon ........... $1.50 sq. 3,(!. Iniakt Remnants Reduced to Cost BELTOX 9x12 SIZE REX Floor Covering , Vlim",. l -"/-t, MASON COUNTY - , oarooots Variety marked the past week's fishing activity in this area. There was, for instance, good salmon fishing in Hood Canal and the Steamboat-Harstine area of Puget Sound, a big steelhead tak- en from the Skokomish River, and the silvers began tg. hit in Lake: Cushman. Oddity of tlle week was the 7: 50 Years of Progress By Evinrude '1000 1959 World's Finest Outboard Now at SHELTON MARINE SUPPLY Fairmont & Olympic Hiway (Formerly Htllcrest Hardware) lull I I I u I pound 26%-inch landlocked King salmon caught by Mrs. Barbara Sanford of Seattle in Lake Cush- man Sunday. She used Pop Gear and flatfish. The first limit of silvers check- ed through Lake Cushman Resor this year was recorded to the cred- it of CarlChllson of Olympia. Ac- cording to Clem Hester, the water temperature is now 55 degrees, near the ideal mark for good sil- ver fishing. Cutthroat continued to bit well, she relates. High winds kept many off the lake over' the weekend but those who stayed out brought in good catches, Shirley Huisingh put the top King on the Simpson salmon derby board with a 15-1b. 1-oz. take off RestWhile Saturday. He was fish- ing with Don Summers, who en- tered a 5-1 catch. Walt LaMarsh and Gene Bergeson each picked up 10-pound Kings off Union last Wednesday, Gus McNeil hit Steamboat for 3 Kings to 14 pounds and Gene Ellison was in the Harstine area when he landed two to 14 pounds. Harvey and Mrs. Grissinger had six to 12 pounds in Hood Canal Wednesday of last week and Bill Simpson and Paddy Burke had 4 to 6 pounds Monday. Stun Jones, former author of this cohlmn, returned to the scene of many of his conquests last Thursday to take a 16& lb. steel- head from the Skokomish. $ * * TOUGH BABY They look tough, they really must be tough, these Texas horned frogs. Eight-year-old Dick Shrum lost Well Drilling WATER WELLS- TEST HOLES Bedell Drilling €o. LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, Shelton SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "OhrtstmaMown, U.&A.," Shelton, Sleck Optioned T e L }.'4 b Miami by Bali!mere Te 6ain Experience S. Reed high school, to the Mi;uni Marlins of the Interitational league last weekend in order to give Stock a chance to pitch reg- ularly in starting roles.. Since the major league season opened, the forrner Highclimber diamond ace has appeared in seven games for Baltimore, all in relief roles, pitching 12 2/3 innings dul:- ing which he gave up 16 hits, five earned rtlns f O U r walks, and struck out nine. for an earned rti average of 3.46 per nine innings. i HsJHelhad no won and lost record. TOP performance canle when he saved a 2-1 game for Billy Loes over the New York Ymikees with what the Baltimore Sun describes as "a gritty elev- Tills ATTRACTIVE trophy will enth inning clutch performance". lm awarded to the herin, man (From clipping sent Journal by reeeiviug the hig'heut amount of l ex-Elma 3-sport star Don Dailex;, points at tile annual Mason now a lieutenant in the army sta- Couaty Sheriff's Posse play day, tioned at Fort Holabird, Mary- Saturday, May 28, at the posse land). ground. just south of tile air- Stock goes to Miami on 24-hour port. The skill of both IIor,e recall option. He will be pitching mul rider will be tested in tile in Class AAA, next highest classi- grand entry, pole bending, Tex- fication to the major leagaies. a. barrel race, flag race, tralllkr In sending Stock to Miami, Bal- race, both tAam and individual timore manager Paul Richards de- races. The public is invHed to scribed him as "a pitcher with view the events begimflng at the stuff and more to develop into 1:30 p.m. a big league star", according to the Sun. (Journal photo, Dean print) RICIIARDS SAID the move was ................................................................. being made in Stock's best inter- RAYONIER DRAWS ests since circumstances on the Oriole roster prevented the rookie from pitching regularly. "Even so, a,.. ,......--= = .---- ----..----,--- ,.!!!.114111_1_ WIN the move was made with reluc- tance as Stock had impressed the Rayonier Research outslugged Bird bosses tremendously," the Simpson Recreation Association Sun continued. in the season's first softball game "Wes has a good arm and an ideal pitching 'temperament,' here last Thursday. Richards was quoted by the Sun. Theh sleadSc°relwas 14-9, with Jess 'He's got to come up with a little P hill'p .a 'ng the winners' 14-. better breaking pitch that he can hit attack with two home runs, depend on. It's only a matter of the first with two runners aboard time ,though, and the opportunity during a six-run Rayonier spree to gain a little more experience." Highclimbers Bobble Bear Bail Decision; Olympia Wins by 12.5 Four physical and a bundle of mental miscues undid the better hitting of tile Highclimbers in a 12-5 defeat at the hands of Olym- 'pia in the Capital City Monday. It, was a non-conference con- test and the second loss Olympia ham administered the Highclimb- ers this season. The other was by 3-2 on Loop Field. Shelton outhit the Bears, 10-9, and included in the ten-bh)w col- lection four triples and a double. BILL FITCIIETT, Junior third baseman, had his big day of the year so far with two triples and a double which drove in two runs and scored another. (he Bears hopped on starter Jerry Mallory for five runs in the first two innings, a pair of errors aiding two in the first, a three- rim homer by Mike Drew doing the damage in the second. Jim, Sargent finished qp and was ham- meted hard in 'the final two frames. Sargent contributed two walks and a balk after two were out, and an error did the rest as the Bears scored twice in the fifth, then three hits and three walks with Sargent's own error account- ed for five in the sixth. FITCHETT'S FIRST triple be- hind an error put Shelton on the scoreboard in the Jsecond, his dou- ble opened the way to another rim in the fourth, his second triple be- hind Denny Temple's single sent home the third run in the fifth. Fitchett didn't bat during the Climbers closing two-run bid in the sixth, which Ray Manke trig- gered with a single, and Garth Getty finished up with a triple be- hind Kerm Livermore's single. Livermore continued his stout hitting with two bingles and a walk in four trips and A1 Smith produced two Climber hits, one a triple. The short score: R H E Shei£on ........ 010 112 0 ...... 5 10 4 Olympia ...... 230 025 x. 12 9 3 Batteries.--Mallory, Sargent (4) and Hermes; McCoy, McCulloch (5) and Bert. his pet horned frog last fall a few weeks after bringing it back to his Little Skookum Bay home from a visit to Texas. Last: week his dad, Ji'm, a Jour- nal printer, found it in the back- yard, still healthy and none-the- in the third. Dick Morton hit: a back-to-back circuit clout with Phillips' second round-tripper in the fifth. Bill Iianson hit three times in the ll-hit SRA offense, including a lead-off triple in the first. SRA's big inning was the fifth, when five runs scored. The short score: R H E SRA .................. 130 050- 9 11 2 Rayonier ........ 506 12x 14 14 2 Iattries Knight and O'Dell; worst: for going through a North- .................... , west winter. Riddle and Morton. Stock himself said: "I never ex- pacted to be pitching for Balti- more when I got out of the Arm)' last February. Baltimore has been very good to me and I regard it as a break to get the chance to pitch regularly for as good a chlb as Miami." MILDRED DANIELS PIOKS 6-7.10 SPLIT • BUR i" LEAGITE (final) Rainier Beer . .................. 91 37 Shelton Recreation ........ 74 54 gitner's Straight Shots.. 71 56 The Tropics ....................... 63 65 Mick's Tavern ................. 59 (';9 Log Cabin ..................... 56 72 ' Hcidell)erg ....................... 54 74 t.ishel Logging Co ........ 44 8.t Higt] game--Vi McGee 179 High total- Dot Barnaby 463 Mihh'ed Daniels feat:ured cur- t&in-dropping night m the wo- men's Bllrp league by picking the 6-7-.10 split, but il didn't help her tith'-tnnin{4 Rainier Beer team a hit for the chaml:dOnS, wlo hmg ago clhleh(d the pennald, ,;ll,fct'ed a shulolli tiof'*':lt al ll/e !}lrlqi' t)f second place I.ecreation (Dot B:trnaby 463), ()thai' finales four, d Heidelber,E ( Vi Me(lee 48(:; ) wIli l ewashing Rishel Logging (Helen Bh)omfield 416), Log Cabin (Bey Lynmn 339) csrnino' a 3-1 nod over Mi('k's Tav- ern (Edna Clarv }197) while Rii- nor','; Straight Shots (t,')bbie Bar- nclti dre\\;v with The Tropics (Rat- ty McI,can 431). TOO LITTLE TOO LATE BY B SQUAD One hit being all they could muster, the Higlwlimber B team look a 4-0 whitewashing fronl the Olympia Cubs last xx'eek on Loop taield. Bob Kelley, sophomore short- stop, bagged the lone Shelton hit, a ,,dgle to open the fourth, in whi('h the Li*tle Climbers jammed the on two folh)wing walks vcith tAvo ()lit bll? couldn't score. Ed Stock, sophomore right- handcr, meanwhile pitched good b:;ll for Coach Bob Eacrett's club, allowing seven hits, one a circuit !elDest by Moore in the sewmth. The short score: R H E Olyml lia ........ 200 010 1-- 4 7 1 Shclton ........... 000 000 0-.-0 1 1 Batteries .... Cooper and Burt; Stock an(l Osterberg. III I Kneeland's Successor Comes From Earlington WALKER HAMED GOLF PRO HEBE Raymond Valk(!r, :;3-yar-(}ld , assistant pro at Hm Earlington Golf Cotlrse at Renton, has been named pro-manager of the Shel- hla-Bayshore Golf Chlb. Announcement of "Walker's ap- pointment was made V(ednesday rn()cning by Bill Batstone, presi- deut of tim local golf club, folh)w- inK a meeting of the board of trustees Sunday. Walker has served as assistant at tle Renton club under George Puetz for the past four years and succeeds Alphic Kneeland at the Shelton chlb. Kneeland recently lmrchascd the nine-hole Riverside Golf Course at Chehalis. Walker officially a<:sumes his new Shelton duties tomorrow, May 15. He is the father of three children. HIGHCLIMBERS LOSE 3 LINKS MATCHES tiighclimbcr linksmen found themselves in tough d u r i n g two league and one non-confer- ence competitions in recent days, Blazers Avenge Less, Win 51h el 7 in 5-3 Ned Over W ashinglen Timely hitting forged the fifth victory in seven starts, and aveng- ed one of the two defeats, for the Shelton Blazers Tuesday afternoon when they knocked off Washing- ton junior high of Olympia, 5 to 3. Coach Jerry Knutson's young di- amond warriors almost won the game in the opening inning when they hammered three runs across the plate whsn Rich Watson walk- ed, Henry Rose singled, Wayne Carlson doubled to score Watson and Joel Wetters singled Rose and Carlson across. The winning and insurance ral- lies checked in during the fifth when Carlson singled and moved to third on a passed ball and Wet- ters' sacrifice bunt, then scored as he beat the throw to the plate on Bill Sloan's infield roller. Bruce Cowan tripled Slosh home. COWAN PITCHED his fourth victory of the Blazer season, giv- ing up one run in the second oil two singles and two in the sev- enth on a walk, fiehter's choice and a double. He fanned six and walked fore' He also .bagged a single besides his triple. i Carlson had two, also, with oth- er safe bh)ws by Ray Neunekcr and tCalph Hoard. The Blazers close their eight- game schedule this afternoon when they entertain Jefferson of Olympia on Loop Fiehl at 3:00 o'clock. They whipped the Jaguars, 11-4, at Olylnl)ia recently. Tuesday's win avenged a 2-1 de- Washington hung on the Blazer record last week at Olym- pia. Tile short score: R H E Washington . 010 000 '2 ;:' 7 2 Sbelloa 300 020 x 5 8 3 B t [el'iPs ...... l, VesLronl, Barney (5) and Sllipley, Gruver (5}; Cow- and and ,Vatters. :.;cl)ri!lg ;:1 tolal of txw, point::- ag'linst Chehalis, North Thurstol slid Central Kits:lp. l)ave Knutzen got half the total when he picked up (me point against Chehalis as the Clinibers lost that match 1:{-1 L.',. ,lira Aho got the ()ther fraction while l)on Meissner scored tit(, only marker as the ('lind:)ers tool( a 14 ., - ,. thrashing from North Thurston. B(}til were Central League contests. Central Kitsat) blanked the Shelton lineul) ill the norl-h,ague match. # KIDS! STAN'LL Be Here Saturday Stun Boreson, his basset hound "No-Mo-Shun" and Bozo the Clown will move the Clubhouse to Shelton this Saturday to present a program in the Shelton armory for Shelton and Mason county fans. The show will begin at 11 a.m. and all kids wearing For- est Festival buttons will be admitted free. Those not already wearing their buttons are urged to buy them now and take advantage of the many entertainment features the buttons will entitle them to during the Forest Festival season. Mason County Forest Festival Association Rudy Werberger, President AMSRICA'S FINEST! Here's a real speedster that combines sleek good looks with the ultimate in comfort and handling ease. And Bell Boy's all-Bellglas con- structlon means carefrea, maintenance, free boating. T%ere's beauty in every line, every detail, from soft up- holstered seats to silvery or golden trim. See Bell Boy's new 16' Bonanza. SOUHD MILLWORK Vern and Dan Davidson Phone HA 6-4282 Mile Soutff of Shton on Olympic Highway Wshingten Stal 8VRNE * 703 PON D Outboarding's n PROFILE POWER ...from ,.Jc0000r00sc)n For'59 New inside as well The new Johnson go better with make your boat EE THEM NOW SAE(IER HOTOR Hillcrest Phone HA. WE IN TO COIE ll I and Registe DOOR pit (Your BathroOm in Vinyl Saturday, We wish to thank our many old friends and who have made this, our' first year in business, yond o-r fondest dreams! We hope you have will come again. Arimld and NEWEST ADDITION 'r to our lines MOHAWK CARPET Supplemented by the CORONET LINE i Both MOHAWK and CORONET factory representative§ will be on Saturday to answer your carpet qucstio-s. B/RTHDAY Prinl Linoleum, , , ,805 SPECIALS Prini Lineleum Mats . . ' (For that cabin) Vinyl Coullr Topping ........ $:1.95 sq. yd. Armstrong Accolon ........... $1.50 sq. 3,(!. Iniakt Remnants Reduced to Cost BELTOX 9x12 SIZE REX Floor Covering