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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:959. Performances Mark School Track Meet nt-s thrt)winv+ talenls went Field Tucsday Kiwanis &apos;tPack meel and prospects of 15 foot 2t inch Pulsifer of sehotfl outstanding per- afternoon ah-mg tt by lenin- 0V of Mary M. Bueklev of chill 1,iH+l tht,m- for tap marks in Ray Sa),e h'tt he ,ehool" title, points to tit, honors. Jin,i ents, Ray in blue rih- yard dash as and sharing high jump, 75 a¢l 50 20 points 90, 52, Ka- rapeview's 16. athletes did School*s scor- Billy Trenck- points, David I Bill Stodden c)neer was see- high-scoring .3 point total ,s(,.orers le of Hood of Ka- and of Southside lass C) : 1-.- Gary Peter- 3--.Bill Stod- Hoosier, SS; Iike Lambert, B) : -Billy 2 .... Jimmy teve Close, p; imnly Hol- (Class A): 1--. MK; 2-Mike Beal p and An- B) : 1 -Mar- Y Trenekmn n HC, 4 - R+at- Pul- MMK, Allon Wag- mond p. ( Cla ss HC, 2 ,h)hn gtodden MMK, i David Deth- " : 1--Danny U'ty Rose ttl5, P, 't - -Mike Rodg'ers Sam Valley mr K, 3 Arnold HO. '1,i ) : . 1 ,1 im Sam Vnney HC, 4- • .Terry K. IY : 1 Heod re, 3 -Pimeer ' 5-- Southsidel :Y : 1 tIood Knight, :i . 5 South- ass A) : 1 - Beal P, 4-Larry 'ethlefs SS. MMK, {Class C) : Whit- Marko SS, 5-- Class C) : 2-Dick MMK, Glen Rau At: Beal P, 3---Billy Neu- .rnes K. L) : 1---Ter- Giles HC. 3 Mike.-Fry K, ,I Mike Chary K, ,% l):lvid Rt,st, HC. (Class B I: 1 ,lt)hrl (?,('hran 1', 2 ,lerrlhl (JreHlnt'I: MMK, 3 Ch'lrh!s (?hap- pc.ll MMK, I Carl I)ugger tlC and Mike lZelh!y K licit. (Class C): I I,esler MarR()v MMK, 2 DicR Arm)ld P and Joe Andrt'ws HC tied, ,1 ,l,,rry I:;en|wr K. 5 T)by Villines K. (; IIII.N I,;V ENTS 13 A SIi'I ,A I,L THR()W {(?l:ls A): l .ludy Smilh K, 2 (?nr, I (louley IIC, :I ,¢lh;tl'on l)tmbar SS, .I Arlice McQuill¢an SS, 5 Christilw (]rahmm MMK. (Chess l)l): 1 :ll|(h'a M(.Arllltlr P, 2 Ilita [Tlldel'Wt)t)d ttC, :1 Ltmb;o Spaulding" MMK, 1 Patsy I{.icli'y SS, 5 Shirley Johnlstm MMI(. (Class C): 1 tosemary Williams MMK, 2 Donna Avery HC, : t,lizabclh Somers G, 4 Chlarlottc Kirk HC, 5 Sue Minogishi K. 50-YAtD DASH (Chtss At: 1 Sally Wolfe SS, 2 Judy Smith K, 3 Linda Jarvis ttC, .t Bill,,, .lean Cook G, 5 (2hludia Bet,r- bower MMK. (Class 13): 1 - Glenda Palruer SS, 2 Gloria Av- ery MMK, 3 Susan Palmer G, 4 Nancy Young HC, 5 Dianne Bina P. 75-YARD DASH (Cl'tss C): 1 - Janiee Pierce HC, 2-Susan Grun- eft P, 3 Caroline Fh,teher 'K, .I Cindy Jaek.m SS, 5 Carol Zel- enak (3. 200-YARD BELAY: 1 Soulh- side, 2 Hood Canal, 3 Mary M. l(night, 4 Picmeer, 5 .Kamilche. I'iiEI' 'rllA(ll RESI;I/I'S Centralia 86; Mark Morris 31 !., East Brenlerton 47, "West Brem- erlon 37!/,_,, South Kitsap 32, Cen- tral Kitsap 28, North Kitsap S. Bainbri(tge 1 :, Port Angeles 57, East Bremer- ton :17, South Kilsap 21, West Bremerton 21. Central Kitsap 11. Forks 4, Nor+hi Kitsap 1 Aberdeen 35}, Olympia34, Sht,1- ton 18 1/3, Ht)(lUialn 1.l;., North !Ttnn'stnn 1.t, Ehml 12, South Belld 7 1/3, Valley 7, Montesano I ,q. ()costa 0, Ilwaco 0 County Offers School Land The Mason cmlnl y hoal"d of +'onllllissiontq'.- Mira(lay passed a ll,it)liOll to 'ivt a pal'col of land on the Skokmnish reservation to school dislriet ,i04 fo,i' tile same price thai: the e, tmnty will have to pay for it from the state high- W:-ty del)a,i'tnlel,it who l,io\\;\' O\\;VliS the land, T'IIE (!OM MINSI()N Ell. , also approved a elass H liquor license fro' l;oy Ritner at the Ahlerbrook hm. The following buihting permits were issued by the county lids \\;\'cell; I,avtrence Latham, $1(/(;0, P()llateh; Thomas C. Norman, $1000, Belfair; Leo B. Chiehesler, lenson Yake. $10(i)0 and S. Rein- men of Rt. 2,. Box 896, Shellon, $150. The (,.Omlllissionel's l'eeeived :l request fron-t the state board of Industrial Appeals for room in the ct)llrthollse it) hohl a hearill g on Jllne 1, The ctnmllissioners tllvned tile request over to the sheriff. 8HELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Publislled in "Christmasto'wn, U.8.A.,'" Shelton, Waslxingt(m Souliere, Drake T a Speak May 22 l)e(lic:lti,,|l td' 1he Siml>Stm Shay h),!lll, d iv+, ill }l'(!Wt'l' Pal'l< ill rcc,#4 nil i(ul of MIIHOll (.OIlll t y's 75th anniv<,rs:try of railroading uill featurt+ tilt, Forest FeslivM's 1 ['l ('l'll()t)ll pl" )g I'H l'll (IT1 Friday, Mtly 22. DlC oo.,., l.reslden, o+ ,+ore++. Wars ,., .,,l,h,ct 1.1+,+,Mrs. Maybell Daniels the Shelton Chanlber oi + Ctm-1- ! ,alul, (.ot'elllt)lli(.s. lneree, said George L. Dr:die, re- OTHERS APPEARING n lie', ti,,,.d v+,,,, l,,'esi,le,,, a,,+, ,,h,,., ,,),- ,I,,,,,,',li,,,, ,',+,+',,,,,,, .v,,, ,i,,,,,d, .'.*"''" Heart Award ester <)t' Simpson, has I+)(.t'll irlvile([ { I'm'l ,hqllisoll, i)nps(m l'aitrtm(l Mrs. Maybell l)anieN ()1' Shelt,m in give +hit lll'ill(:ipal 11111.; lit ;l Slll)er,illlclldelll ' wIl+ Sllln'l'\\;'iso(! reeeivetl tile V;tsllillglon Stait 1)ill)lit! ceVllltllly st'h+!tillb,d f¢)l' : )llllX,illg 1t1(' ShHy +Frill/ t]tt' V','tllt't'- , [['al't Asstl('i;ttioll'S l:l'ollZ(' Ietl- 2::{0 nell)+'l<, i l'l't)llt illtlll t{ailrt>:/(I ..\\;vt,nlle to I alli()ll Aw;+l'+t foF three years' vt)l- Sholtotl pttblic s('h()ols will send  its }ll'C,vt,l' Psi'f: h)cuti(m <)II M;I,' Illlllqq" st'rvico at llqo Ass<)ciali,)ll'S 501) l/tll)ils: to till, (h,+ticaii<n-t fl'[mi l; H. (). I:qllll), Silnpsotl lan(t and almll:.ll inet,ting hi Se'lith, reeent- ell'bv bHildillgS, aId Postlulslor timber maHaizcr, and Mayor Earl: ly. Jack (]ray is malting arr:m4e- Mo,)re, wh,) will (ffi(:iallv l't,(!,ivt,' Tit'. 13,,an t(. (2ryslal, St,;itli(' • ' ' Slll'g(Oll, \\;VIN t!lo('ll!d l() {I S("(()lld ii,ielltS for a coin|' gllHl'(I of llll 1}1o h)(,Olllolivo lal t)chnif (d  SIlel- t,wnl ilS ln'esithllt {)I' the Tilsll- American Legi(al alld V't),rulls of to)l ('itizt!ns. ington Stair Hcarl Asso(.'iatitm. F.or_l Feslivai Dance Tickels Now on Sale The 15th annual (fffici;tl Foresl Festival (.i;)lce will t)e sponsored by tht' Shell+m Natitm:tl (]unrd (ll)it ill lilt' Sht'itot) arnlt)ry (nt Sahll'day night, May 2;', fr,)m 11) tO 2 ;+.Ill. Kt'l SloVtqlS ;Ill his CI)llll)() will Slit/ply the nmsw. Ticl+.ets itl'e $1.00 each lt, the (It)+H" or 171'o111 ally Nathmal (]llard lllemher. Count The ,m, llOluol fund S£vaea WADDELL & REED, INC.  /./pd Undlt¢illll HERB ROTTER Title Insurapce Building }"r()sl)e('I)lS q)l) l(:qq¢,t J C0unly Cancer Crusade Win This PHILCO (Brief Case)PORTABLE T.V. Extended io June I w m m mlm mm m mmmmmmmmmmm m  mmm mm m wmmm m mmmmm In m  | 1 WIN FREE PHILCO TV | u MY COUNT IS ..................................... I m Name .............................................................................................. I I Address ..................................................................................................... Phone .+.: ............................................ Tie Breaker . ............................. If I am not the Lucky Winner I would like to win a sec- ondary award on T V .............................. Auto. Washer ....... Range ..................... Dryer ...................... Refer ........................ Comb ....................... I Freezer .................... Hi Fi ........................ & m+=mll m =lmm==m  I , The current Cancer crusade ill Mason county has been extended until June 1, ae.cordinK to Mrs. George Cropper, Mason County eancer crusade chairnlan. The goal of this year's drive is $2,700. and is being achieved by personal contacts by crusade vohmteers, memorial contributions and eol- leetion containers placed in down- town business houses. A large percentage of the funds collected is devoted to research. The University of Washington has just been allocated $84,088 for fur- ther scientific studies of cancer during the next year. CONTET RULES 1. To win you must count the exact number of baseballs. 2. Any adult can win. 3. Entry must be post marked or in store not later than May 29th, 1959. 4. The tie breaker will be total score of Coast League baseball games played May 31. 5. Winner will be notified. PHmLCO'S Viscount mm Washer Special Three Great Models l 7 hp, 5 hp, 3 hp labor saving for mowing- -- tilling -- hauling -- snow removal. Attxiliary power for a host of jobs. New controlled traction differential* improves traction lo all soil conditions, for ice and snow. And all control is at your finger-tips! See Simplicity Today! IGTON C0.OP + A'N " 116 N. 1ST . PHONE HA 6-4373 Sensational Iw i:!ii:iil MATCHING PH I LCO Wrinkle-Free CLOTHES DRYER Mayor Earl Moore will open sealed envelope containing winning number of Baseballs Monday, June Isl, at 12:00 noon at Taylor Radio. • L i nn|lo ILIIII!I! 4TH & COTA HA 6-6602 Where Sales. Are Backed By Service :959. Performances Mark School Track Meet nt-s thrt)winv+ talenls went Field Tucsday Kiwanis 'tPack meel and prospects of 15 foot 2t inch Pulsifer of sehotfl outstanding per- afternoon ah-mg tt by lenin- 0V of Mary M. Bueklev of chill 1,iH+l tht,m- for tap marks in Ray Sa),e h'tt he ,ehool" title, points to tit, honors. Jin,i ents, Ray in blue rih- yard dash as and sharing high jump, 75 a¢l 50 20 points 90, 52, Ka- rapeview's 16. athletes did School*s scor- Billy Trenck- points, David I Bill Stodden c)neer was see- high-scoring .3 point total ,s(,.orers le of Hood of Ka- and of Southside lass C) : 1-.- Gary Peter- 3--.Bill Stod- Hoosier, SS; Iike Lambert, B) : -Billy 2 .... Jimmy teve Close, p; imnly Hol- (Class A): 1--. MK; 2-Mike Beal p and An- B) : 1 -Mar- Y Trenekmn n HC, 4 - R+at- Pul- MMK, Allon Wag- mond p. ( Cla ss HC, 2 ,h)hn gtodden MMK, i David Deth- " : 1--Danny U'ty Rose ttl5, P, 't - -Mike Rodg'ers Sam Valley mr K, 3 Arnold HO. '1,i ) : . 1 ,1 im Sam Vnney HC, 4- • .Terry K. IY : 1 Heod re, 3 -Pimeer ' 5-- Southsidel :Y : 1 tIood Knight, :i . 5 South- ass A) : 1 - Beal P, 4-Larry 'ethlefs SS. MMK, {Class C) : Whit- Marko SS, 5-- Class C) : 2-Dick MMK, Glen Rau At: Beal P, 3---Billy Neu- .rnes K. L) : 1---Ter- Giles HC. 3 Mike.-Fry K, ,I Mike Chary K, ,% l):lvid Rt,st, HC. (Class B I: 1 ,lt)hrl (?,('hran 1', 2 ,lerrlhl (JreHlnt'I: MMK, 3 Ch'lrh!s (?hap- pc.ll MMK, I Carl I)ugger tlC and Mike lZelh!y K licit. (Class C): I I,esler MarR()v MMK, 2 DicR Arm)ld P and Joe Andrt'ws HC tied, ,1 ,l,,rry I:;en|wr K. 5 T)by Villines K. (; IIII.N I,;V ENTS 13 A SIi'I ,A I,L THR()W {(?l:ls A): l .ludy Smilh K, 2 (?nr, I (louley IIC, :I ,¢lh;tl'on l)tmbar SS, .I Arlice McQuill¢an SS, 5 Christilw (]rahmm MMK. (Chess l)l): 1 :ll|(h'a M(.Arllltlr P, 2 Ilita [Tlldel'Wt)t)d ttC, :1 Ltmb;o Spaulding" MMK, 1 Patsy I{.icli'y SS, 5 Shirley Johnlstm MMI(. (Class C): 1 tosemary Williams MMK, 2 Donna Avery HC, : t,lizabclh Somers G, 4 Chlarlottc Kirk HC, 5 Sue Minogishi K. 50-YAtD DASH (Chtss At: 1 Sally Wolfe SS, 2 Judy Smith K, 3 Linda Jarvis ttC, .t Bill,,, .lean Cook G, 5 (2hludia Bet,r- bower MMK. (Class 13): 1 - Glenda Palruer SS, 2 Gloria Av- ery MMK, 3 Susan Palmer G, 4 Nancy Young HC, 5 Dianne Bina P. 75-YARD DASH (Cl'tss C): 1 - Janiee Pierce HC, 2-Susan Grun- eft P, 3 Caroline Fh,teher 'K, .I Cindy Jaek.m SS, 5 Carol Zel- enak (3. 200-YARD BELAY: 1 Soulh- side, 2 Hood Canal, 3 Mary M. l(night, 4 Picmeer, 5 .Kamilche. I'iiEI' 'rllA(ll RESI;I/I'S Centralia 86; Mark Morris 31 !., East Brenlerton 47, "West Brem- erlon 37!/,_,, South Kitsap 32, Cen- tral Kitsap 28, North Kitsap S. Bainbri(tge 1 :, Port Angeles 57, East Bremer- ton :17, South Kilsap 21, West Bremerton 21. Central Kitsap 11. Forks 4, Nor+hi Kitsap 1 Aberdeen 35}, Olympia34, Sht,1- ton 18 1/3, Ht)(lUialn 1.l;., North !Ttnn'stnn 1.t, Ehml 12, South Belld 7 1/3, Valley 7, Montesano I ,q. ()costa 0, Ilwaco 0 County Offers School Land The Mason cmlnl y hoal"d of +'onllllissiontq'.- Mira(lay passed a ll,it)liOll to 'ivt a pal'col of land on the Skokmnish reservation to school dislriet ,i04 fo,i' tile same price thai: the e, tmnty will have to pay for it from the state high- W:-ty del)a,i'tnlel,it who l,io\\;\' O\\;VliS the land, T'IIE (!OM MINSI()N Ell. , also approved a elass H liquor license fro' l;oy Ritner at the Ahlerbrook hm. The following buihting permits were issued by the county lids \\;\'cell; I,avtrence Latham, $1(/(;0, P()llateh; Thomas C. Norman, $1000, Belfair; Leo B. Chiehesler, lenson Yake. $10(i)0 and S. Rein- men of Rt. 2,. Box 896, Shellon, $150. The (,.Omlllissionel's l'eeeived :l request fron-t the state board of Industrial Appeals for room in the ct)llrthollse it) hohl a hearill g on Jllne 1, The ctnmllissioners tllvned tile request over to the sheriff. 8HELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Publislled in "Christmasto'wn, U.8.A.,'" Shelton, Waslxingt(m Souliere, Drake T a Speak May 22 l)e(lic:lti,,|l td' 1he Siml>Stm Shay h),!lll, d iv+, ill }l'(!Wt'l' Pal'l< ill rcc,#4 nil i(ul of MIIHOll (.OIlll t y's 75th anniv<,rs:try of railroading uill featurt+ tilt, Forest FeslivM's 1 ['l ('l'll()t)ll pl" )g I'H l'll (IT1 Friday, Mtly 22. DlC oo.,., l.reslden, o+ ,+ore++. Wars ,., .,,l,h,ct 1.1+,+,Mrs. Maybell Daniels the Shelton Chanlber oi + Ctm-1- ! ,alul, (.ot'elllt)lli(.s. lneree, said George L. Dr:die, re- OTHERS APPEARING n lie', ti,,,.d v+,,,, l,,'esi,le,,, a,,+, ,,h,,., ,,),- ,I,,,,,,',li,,,, ,',+,+',,,,,,, .v,,, ,i,,,,,d, .'.*"''" Heart Award ester <)t' Simpson, has I+)(.t'll irlvile([ { I'm'l ,hqllisoll, i)nps(m l'aitrtm(l Mrs. Maybell l)anieN ()1' Shelt,m in give +hit lll'ill(:ipal 11111.; lit ;l Slll)er,illlclldelll ' wIl+ Sllln'l'\\;'iso(! reeeivetl tile V;tsllillglon Stait 1)ill)lit! ceVllltllly st'h+!tillb,d f¢)l' : )llllX,illg 1t1(' ShHy +Frill/ t]tt' V','tllt't'- , [['al't Asstl('i;ttioll'S l:l'ollZ(' Ietl- 2::{0 nell)+'l<, i l'l't)llt illtlll t{ailrt>:/(I ..\\;vt,nlle to I alli()ll Aw;+l'+t foF three years' vt)l- Sholtotl pttblic s('h()ols will send  its }ll'C,vt,l' Psi'f: h)cuti(m <)II M;I,' Illlllqq" st'rvico at llqo Ass<)ciali,)ll'S 501) l/tll)ils: to till, (h,+ticaii<n-t fl'[mi l; H. (). I:qllll), Silnpsotl lan(t and almll:.ll inet,ting hi Se'lith, reeent- ell'bv bHildillgS, aId Postlulslor timber maHaizcr, and Mayor Earl: ly. Jack (]ray is malting arr:m4e- Mo,)re, wh,) will (ffi(:iallv l't,(!,ivt,' Tit'. 13,,an t(. (2ryslal, St,;itli(' • ' ' Slll'g(Oll, \\;VIN t!lo('ll!d l() {I S("(()lld ii,ielltS for a coin|' gllHl'(I of llll 1}1o h)(,Olllolivo lal t)chnif (d  SIlel- t,wnl ilS ln'esithllt {)I' the Tilsll- American Legi(al alld V't),rulls of to)l ('itizt!ns. ington Stair Hcarl Asso(.'iatitm. F.or_l Feslivai Dance Tickels Now on Sale The 15th annual (fffici;tl Foresl Festival (.i;)lce will t)e sponsored by tht' Shell+m Natitm:tl (]unrd (ll)it ill lilt' Sht'itot) arnlt)ry (nt Sahll'day night, May 2;', fr,)m 11) tO 2 ;+.Ill. Kt'l SloVtqlS ;Ill his CI)llll)() will Slit/ply the nmsw. Ticl+.ets itl'e $1.00 each lt, the (It)+H" or 171'o111 ally Nathmal (]llard lllemher. Count The ,m, llOluol fund S£vaea WADDELL & REED, INC.  /./pd Undlt¢illll HERB ROTTER Title Insurapce Building }"r()sl)e('I)lS q)l) l(:qq¢,t J C0unly Cancer Crusade Win This PHILCO (Brief Case)PORTABLE T.V. Extended io June I w m m mlm mm m mmmmmmmmmmm m  mmm mm m wmmm m mmmmm In m  | 1 WIN FREE PHILCO TV | u MY COUNT IS ..................................... I m Name .............................................................................................. I I Address ..................................................................................................... Phone .+.: ............................................ Tie Breaker . ............................. If I am not the Lucky Winner I would like to win a sec- ondary award on T V .............................. Auto. Washer ....... Range ..................... Dryer ...................... Refer ........................ Comb ....................... I Freezer .................... Hi Fi ........................ & m+=mll m =lmm==m  I , The current Cancer crusade ill Mason county has been extended until June 1, ae.cordinK to Mrs. George Cropper, Mason County eancer crusade chairnlan. The goal of this year's drive is $2,700. and is being achieved by personal contacts by crusade vohmteers, memorial contributions and eol- leetion containers placed in down- town business houses. A large percentage of the funds collected is devoted to research. The University of Washington has just been allocated $84,088 for fur- ther scientific studies of cancer during the next year. CONTET RULES 1. To win you must count the exact number of baseballs. 2. Any adult can win. 3. Entry must be post marked or in store not later than May 29th, 1959. 4. The tie breaker will be total score of Coast League baseball games played May 31. 5. Winner will be notified. PHmLCO'S Viscount mm Washer Special Three Great Models l 7 hp, 5 hp, 3 hp labor saving for mowing- -- tilling -- hauling -- snow removal. Attxiliary power for a host of jobs. New controlled traction differential* improves traction lo all soil conditions, for ice and snow. And all control is at your finger-tips! See Simplicity Today! IGTON C0.OP + A'N " 116 N. 1ST . PHONE HA 6-4373 Sensational Iw i:!ii:iil MATCHING PH I LCO Wrinkle-Free CLOTHES DRYER Mayor Earl Moore will open sealed envelope containing winning number of Baseballs Monday, June Isl, at 12:00 noon at Taylor Radio. • L i nn|lo ILIIII!I! 4TH & COTA HA 6-6602 Where Sales. Are Backed By Service