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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SI-TELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published tn "Chr+strnastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, WashIn SAFEWAY GUARANTEE +, Every item at Sefeway is sold on a money- back guarantee. This means the full purchase price will be cheerfully refunded on any item that does not give you complete satisfaction. Shop with Confidence at SAFEWAY Flail Oocklail L,++y'. 4 .-O+.cans 89  i 00Corn Whole Kernel. Delicious Flavor BUTTER Darigold Cube Ib J III Libby's Tomato Juice 2 Pineapple Juice .,bby. Grapefruit Juice L,b+y'+ Libby's Ripe Olives Cadet Size King Size 8 y2-oz. Can Squash Bel.air, Cooked 14-oz. 9-oz. Can 23  29 € Elbo Macaroni Fresh Frozen 2 Pk,s. 35 + Sunnybank Margarine L+. 25 + Dressing Kra,, Miracle Peas & Carrots .,++,.s 2 ,.O..c+ns 25 + Quip ToppingDelici°us 6-OZ.can 55 + Skippy Ca,°°g+oodand Ourlsy Apple Rolls +.oz. Pk. 29 ¢ Sliced Oheese ooto. M,,,Aeri+.. "0+ Toilet Soap Broo+de Pimento, Swiss - Fragrant Donuts Mr. Wright's Pkg. C,o°o,a,. o,+', 29 + Chicken -yndo. +V+-o+. White Boned +at 49 + ,Cleanser Magi° + Skylark Bread,,k La..+ OJp +roe. +,,*ere, Caked Lo., 33 + relies Carton +2.61 Pkg. 27 + Genie Cleaner WHY YOU SHOULD SHOP SAFEWAY FOR B Perfectly ripened - Tops for your eating pleasure. Lb. 15¢ :i/ C lbs. 45 Fresh Strawberries Select quality - +afeway has C the best berries in town. __B FoLELs Strawberry Rhubarb In tant Milk Coffee Edwards- 2-lb. Can $1.3"i 4-lb. Can $2.73 Flour +,,°he+ creLft. Fine Qu+lity ]O-lb. 5-lb. Bag 49¢, 25-1b. ]Bag $1.98 Jlg +, Sliced - Olive, ++,++ ++o,++..+,o°. ,. +,+ ,,oct,.,+. ,+.oz. Fresh Cut-Up Fryers .+. 39* Lunch Meat +:o,. ,+oo,+:'" ,.+. .x.,, _-, - ,- Beef.Rib Steak ++::° ,oo+. ++ 69 2.+, 1,37 Kitty Caffood 2 o-19* Split Broilers ++.+, ++ 39* ... ,, ,, ++xw°,, +.o.. ,,,,+ Broiler Foil ++.+, ':'oV45** Fryer 'n Half :::o 39 ° Sirlmn Steak- ::::o Instant UOllee .°°+° -,  " " V" " " o+o + ..+ M.D. Tissue ::::::°° ,.o 37+ K!pper Cod ++:::u+ + +o 39 ° Ham ::+:::oo unan o+ +°++ o.n U> 2 ++*'+++ 29+I Fzsh ' St.cks ?::*: ;:::::* +oz+o. 33* L +o 39 + ! umberjack Syrup ' Woodbury Soap Pod Fillets ++°+ ,o,,,.  °+'" 49 + Tur eys +,++oooo+ . .++ °'+°::39+ Lifebouysoap ++++48* + Sliced acon ::o&:::::n++ .+. tale Chips +,,°,, 0+ Lux Toilet Soap :::: 32+ Cake Mzxes ++:,::: ::::o,+: +'+ ':::29 + Smlax :,=+:::'" 'Nalley's Chili :::. 3:: 67+ Lux Toilet Soap 2 +"',+ 29 ° t Quality at its best - Can or Freeze 20-lb. box 99¢ Lucerne Lac Mix ,+++++79 c FRESH W+00HOLE Plump, Tender, Juicy 24-oz. .our ,,k. 33 + LUCERNE + CHOCOLATE 8-oz. Bot,,e 25 + 15-oz. qJ Cans 49¢ Reg.. Bars 29¢ 14,0z. can 10 + ]H[a]f Pint Gallon Bott,e 37 + PRODUCE, LOWEST Watermelons Red-Ripe, Sweet Cut pieces - lb. 71/.¢ Sweet Corn Tomatoes Tender, Plump - Well filled ears Slicing - Red-ripe - Just right for slicing or salads Cucumbers + Fancy - Outdoor - Mild, long green, slice 'em or for salads NEW CARROTS Tender, Sweet - Cliptops 2 ,++ 19 c NEW ONI Yellow - Mild, Sweet and ibs. 2 FRY Fluff0 Shortening +"°°°'°°°+'+ 77'+,o°,,,°o o+ Lux Flakes To Hands ++ 37' 4 2-0, I o0 43+., r, Peanut Oil o,+o,°, ou+,, 71 + ux Detergent Fine quality Bottle Liquid r Gentle 12-oz. 12-oz. Prices day, MaY day, MaY sales to it reserved' 2 dz Large AA + I Free-+oz * Garden Peas 41'_ Libby's"-""-'-'-Green'i++'sPi"++Beans Libby s Peaches tono 4 Ca°, 89 €-./.+Z.. rruu[ uruns .+,,e-Gra.'++' R41I*II U..|. Llbby • 5Y2-o,. 0 3-OZ. $4 17-0Z. 11 I..-.,. Libby's O, eP' I+lilUU muulo Can, 2 for 37€ O Cans .L CANS IIIUIIII IIIU(ilIU Brown st le Ubby'$ Deviled Ham 5 ++:,o:, +1 4-oz. + UbbyViennaSa'usaP's Pickles orLibby"2 Cans+SDllls++ +o, * Tomato Catchup +o € Libby'sLJbby'sLibby'sCulBeelSsauerkrautCream Corn 2 1 Ubby's Green Peas 2 oz. 25 + BOTTLES i Half Bel.air Limeade 2 Cans+'°z" 25 + N0n-Fat Milk Lucerne Ga,,on 38 + Dinner ICE SI-TELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published tn "Chr+strnastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, WashIn SAFEWAY GUARANTEE +, Every item at Sefeway is sold on a money- back guarantee. This means the full purchase price will be cheerfully refunded on any item that does not give you complete satisfaction. Shop with Confidence at SAFEWAY Flail Oocklail L,++y'. 4 .-O+.cans 89  i 00Corn Whole Kernel. Delicious Flavor BUTTER Darigold Cube Ib J III Libby's Tomato Juice 2 Pineapple Juice .,bby. Grapefruit Juice L,b+y'+ Libby's Ripe Olives Cadet Size King Size 8 y2-oz. Can Squash Bel.air, Cooked 14-oz. 9-oz. Can 23  29 € Elbo Macaroni Fresh Frozen 2 Pk,s. 35 + Sunnybank Margarine L+. 25 + Dressing Kra,, Miracle Peas & Carrots .,++,.s 2 ,.O..c+ns 25 + Quip ToppingDelici°us 6-OZ.can 55 + Skippy Ca,°°g+oodand Ourlsy Apple Rolls +.oz. Pk. 29 ¢ Sliced Oheese ooto. M,,,Aeri+.. "0+ Toilet Soap Broo+de Pimento, Swiss - Fragrant Donuts Mr. Wright's Pkg. C,o°o,a,. o,+', 29 + Chicken -yndo. +V+-o+. White Boned +at 49 + ,Cleanser Magi° + Skylark Bread,,k La..+ OJp +roe. +,,*ere, Caked Lo., 33 + relies Carton +2.61 Pkg. 27 + Genie Cleaner WHY YOU SHOULD SHOP SAFEWAY FOR B Perfectly ripened - Tops for your eating pleasure. Lb. 15¢ :i/ C lbs. 45 Fresh Strawberries Select quality - +afeway has C the best berries in town. __B FoLELs Strawberry Rhubarb In tant Milk Coffee Edwards- 2-lb. Can $1.3"i 4-lb. Can $2.73 Flour +,,°he+ creLft. Fine Qu+lity ]O-lb. 5-lb. Bag 49¢, 25-1b. ]Bag $1.98 Jlg +, Sliced - Olive, ++,++ ++o,++..+,o°. ,. +,+ ,,oct,.,+. ,+.oz. Fresh Cut-Up Fryers .+. 39* Lunch Meat +:o,. ,+oo,+:'" ,.+. .x.,, _-, - ,- Beef.Rib Steak ++::° ,oo+. ++ 69 2.+, 1,37 Kitty Caffood 2 o-19* Split Broilers ++.+, ++ 39* ... ,, ,, ++xw°,, +.o.. ,,,,+ Broiler Foil ++.+, ':'oV45** Fryer 'n Half :::o 39 ° Sirlmn Steak- ::::o Instant UOllee .°°+° -,  " " V" " " o+o + ..+ M.D. Tissue ::::::°° ,.o 37+ K!pper Cod ++:::u+ + +o 39 ° Ham ::+:::oo unan o+ +°++ o.n U> 2 ++*'+++ 29+I Fzsh ' St.cks ?::*: ;:::::* +oz+o. 33* L +o 39 + ! umberjack Syrup ' Woodbury Soap Pod Fillets ++°+ ,o,,,.  °+'" 49 + Tur eys +,++oooo+ . .++ °'+°::39+ Lifebouysoap ++++48* + Sliced acon ::o&:::::n++ .+. tale Chips +,,°,, 0+ Lux Toilet Soap :::: 32+ Cake Mzxes ++:,::: ::::o,+: +'+ ':::29 + Smlax :,=+:::'" 'Nalley's Chili :::. 3:: 67+ Lux Toilet Soap 2 +"',+ 29 ° t Quality at its best - Can or Freeze 20-lb. box 99¢ Lucerne Lac Mix ,+++++79 c FRESH W+00HOLE Plump, Tender, Juicy 24-oz. .our ,,k. 33 + LUCERNE + CHOCOLATE 8-oz. Bot,,e 25 + 15-oz. qJ Cans 49¢ Reg.. Bars 29¢ 14,0z. can 10 + ]H[a]f Pint Gallon Bott,e 37 + PRODUCE, LOWEST Watermelons Red-Ripe, Sweet Cut pieces - lb. 71/.¢ Sweet Corn Tomatoes Tender, Plump - Well filled ears Slicing - Red-ripe - Just right for slicing or salads Cucumbers + Fancy - Outdoor - Mild, long green, slice 'em or for salads NEW CARROTS Tender, Sweet - Cliptops 2 ,++ 19 c NEW ONI Yellow - Mild, Sweet and ibs. 2 FRY Fluff0 Shortening +"°°°'°°°+'+ 77'+,o°,,,°o o+ Lux Flakes To Hands ++ 37' 4 2-0, I o0 43+., r, Peanut Oil o,+o,°, ou+,, 71 + ux Detergent Fine quality Bottle Liquid r Gentle 12-oz. 12-oz. Prices day, MaY day, MaY sales to it reserved' 2 dz Large AA + I Free-+oz * Garden Peas 41'_ Libby's"-""-'-'-Green'i++'sPi"++Beans Libby s Peaches tono 4 Ca°, 89 €-./.+Z.. rruu[ uruns .+,,e-Gra.'++' R41I*II U..|. Llbby • 5Y2-o,. 0 3-OZ. $4 17-0Z. 11 I..-.,. Libby's O, eP' I+lilUU muulo Can, 2 for 37€ O Cans .L CANS IIIUIIII IIIU(ilIU Brown st le Ubby'$ Deviled Ham 5 ++:,o:, +1 4-oz. + UbbyViennaSa'usaP's Pickles orLibby"2 Cans+SDllls++ +o, * Tomato Catchup +o € Libby'sLJbby'sLibby'sCulBeelSsauerkrautCream Corn 2 1 Ubby's Green Peas 2 oz. 25 + BOTTLES i Half Bel.air Limeade 2 Cans+'°z" 25 + N0n-Fat Milk Lucerne Ga,,on 38 + Dinner ICE