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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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) q 10 t i i it H i ii TEMPERANCE INSURANOE EXOHANOE FIRE • AUTO , CASUALTY Robed Sloane 200 East Pine HA 6-4147 L  ]i]i j, i" ; ii, , , i i i i LOYAL OBDER OF MOOSE thelton Lodge NO. 1684 Cbarles Savage, Goverhor Phone HA *-4815 Walter Tyynismaa, Boy. Phone HA 6-3292 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2rid and 4th Tuesdays of tha Month 8 pJn. Airport SON 30URNAL-- PubIt,ahed In "frh.r£md,#d?, Middle Skokomish . Sixth Grade Girls H01d Tea f0r Grapeview M0ms ily Mary Valley Allhoug&apos;h last S u n d u 3' :': 'Mothers' day i1 WaS also a bll'th- day for Mr. Harry Deyetle Sr. and his son and daugtdm.-in-law, M. and Mrs, Herbert I)eyelte held open house in his honor. All of his family, grandchildren and great- grand('hihh'en were present, mak- ing a total of fifty-one rehitiw,s to celebrate. On Thursday My. and Mrs. Roy Cot)h * ha(I as theh' guests, Mrs. Pearl Watson and Mrs. Gertrude Elson of Snns(t Beach, Mrs. Neobl Fredricson and Alex Donaldson of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. J D. Brady and Mrs. Watts of Part Angeles. Other guests at the Coble home on Mother's Day weL'e Mr. and Mrs, Roy Batson anti da.ugh- ler Glenna Rae of Kennewick, Mr. and Mrs. Gent) Story of Sllelton and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Lanning a, nd Mrs. Flora Dixon. Rev. Glen Fry of Oregon Is hohl- ing sptmial metings at lhe Com- nmnity hall ew, ry night this week inchlding Saturday, We hope the community will come out and. sup- port the services ..... ' ii i I i i iinl - .................. -- ........................... ---" ....... Coming horne from Seattle Pa- , C all IImfm College lot' Mother s Day I  . I lwere M,r. and Mrs. Ron Porter and [] m-n RNNAM IlA,'len aohnson. Mrs. Johnson te- n lnm mlII Ilturned to SeaUle with her daugh- i liter Linda f,)r a. few days visit. Call Hoodsport TR 7 5237 [] .... • " I] Mr. anti Mrs. Chet Valley and I ottr Hood Canal I/family of Seattle visited their par- I . ..... a .... I/ents over the weekend. On Moth- i I/er s Day Mr. and Mrs, George Val- I • I]ley entertained with a dinner in • KLMBEL MOTORS II their home on Ishmd Lake. i . , " ..... n II The mother-daughter banquet of • Chrysler-Plymouth a lithe Community church was well I Intrndltlonat Trucks I/attended. It was held at the Shel- I ilion Hotel and about forty four i .... /were present. Mrs. Sharon Johnson was program chah'man .and Mrs. Complete Lawnmower Service ALL MAKES, TYPES OF HAND & POWER MOWERS Fctory Service on--- • Brtggs and Stratton • Clinton • Power Products engines Sales and Service on famous • Lawn Boy mowers • Savage Mowers • Remington Chain Saws All Work and Repairs Guaranteed Sleyster's Bike and Fixit Shop iEtlgel'te P, ried ¢)f the MisM(mary [Alliance ('hl|l'ch WaS .glleM sl)t'n]- el'. There was a song by Loll AnU l:{tu'g and n duel by Esther John- Hen lind l{(q)ccca Coffev. I Mrs. Doris Sjohohn attended a 4-H d,nmnstrqtion judging (,on- test fn Port Angeles last S'lturday. Others from tile c(amlv attending were Mrs. Gyneth All.cth of Ag- )ire, Mrs. El:| t]ilnnell ,)f Dayton atilt Ml's. I,h'ank Wolf (if Soutil- side. Mrs. Stan Johnson entertained at a baby sllowel' ill honor of Mrs. Ann Richert. Games were played and a delicious dessert was served to twenty four guests. Mrs. Rich- eft received many lovely gifts. Out of town guests were Mrs. Rich- erl:'s rooth(er, Mrs. McCauly fl'onI Olynxpia, Mrs. Riske and Miss Em- ma iAehert of Shellon and MI'.. Avenc l{u:hert of island Lake. My. Waller Nelson of Seattle hrought his sew, nth grade pupil,'-, on a sight seeing tour last Friday. Their first stop was at the farm of Stan and Sharon Johnson then to see some logging operations by the Johnson Brothers. There were twenty eight pupils and eight adults making the tour. Mr. Nel- son will be renmmbered by many as tie v¢as a f,>rtYter mirusler here ill the Valley. On Mother's Day Mr. Ted Rich- err enlertained with a dinner at the Cottage Cafe for Mrs. Richert, Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Richerl, Mr. and Mrs McCauly of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Start Johnson, Mr. Roger Richert and Miss Mary Ann Holter of Seattle. Mrs. Velma Doak, Mrs. Ted RicherL and Mrs. Martin Smith attended the ftmeral of Mrs. Beu- lah Irwin in Olympia last: Monday. My. and Mrs. Charles Wilkinson were dinner guests of theh' dangh- ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, on Mother's Day. Guests at the E. P. Fourre home Saturday evening were Mr. and Everett Fourre and family of Lacey, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fourre of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. ttarold Hunter at- tended Mother's Day services in Olympia with their daughter and her husband Mr. and Mrs. Justin Tal?. • " , Ida Johnson and Mrs. Mary Valley entertained with a hmche.on at the latter's home for Mrs. J. O. Bovee, Mrs. Blanche Bell, Mrs. Nell Eads, and Mrs, Agnes Han- son. Mrs, Molly Frew was invited unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stevens and famtly spent laaL weekend in Se- attle with Mrs. Stevens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pahner. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doak and son Michael spent Mother's Day with his parents M,'. and Mrs. Don IXmk. Eighteen members were present at last Friday's Grange meeting. A very pretty and impressive Me- morial service was arrattged by Worthy Chaplain Minnie Sauers. It was decided tl)at we present ollri 'Talent' program' next Satnrday evening at the James Sales (]range in tierc(: County. (.;RAI'EV[EW , (I r,i p(,view V()IUIst el'S (Ht(*e aIlill h ()ll()l'('t| their mothers wilh a delightful Mothers' Tea last li'ri( afl,!l'- IIOOll HI ()Ill' s('hooJhollstL Aftel' ill] enl erl;lining pl'og ialU of s()iis, skits, dances and r c c i t a t i () n s 1.)l't)ll(ll)' presclite(t by yollllgSlt'l'S of Mrs. Olson's and Mr. Zohe's classcs, tile twenty lll()ttl('l's nn(l gl'an(lnlothel's an(I one annl were served lea, (:offee an(I (!ookies by yoong ladies from the sixlh gTadC. An a(hled t )ken of affecli(n was t)vesenled each .guest on arriv'l in the fol'ln of a cohn'fnl C()lsagt, fashioned by the girls of the up- per room. In every way it was a most enjoyable int.n'lud;, and nmeh apprechtled. Our thanks to our lea(:iwz's for Kiving tit(' cbihhen the help and encouraelnt'll| Lo (()ntinlle this annllal Ireat, Mother's I)av \\;v;/> a three-f:tm- ily affair at t'lm "El(e" Eacrett's t)each cottage in (;rapevicw with a belated birth(h|v athting I,) Ihe (,elebration. Gue'sts for dinner in- cluded Mr. anti Mrs, Valter Iclc- evt and the ICacrett's son an(l dallghter-in-law Bob and Shirley who drove ouL fi'onl Shellon with their children Michael and Iaurie (the birlhdlty gal ...... all of four year.-; oh:t). The day was not ah )lay however, its the Eacrett's silent 1lie n|ol'I/ixlg' WOl king on their nev< itdoor fireplace. ONE [;P ON Lhe ISacretts --- wilh four families enjoying it Mother',¢ Day feast were Mr. tnd Mrs. Charles Seiners and tieh" guests. Two tables wel'e necessary to acconmmdate the fifl:een en- joying the get together. Bill and Leona Sorners and son Harley were joined by daughter Carol and her ruonunate from Seattle, Miss Pat Bargdahl while Howard and Murial Seiners and four children brought Muvial's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Opdal of Pipe Lake. Oooh! the dirty dlshes'! Daisy Bush entertained or was entertained by her family when the)' spent the day with her at Grapeviey Sunday treating her to an unseasonable (?) water skiing exhibition. Driving from La Cen- ter, Wash.. was Daisy's son Win- ton with his wife and three chil- dren, Barbara, Jerry and Darrell. Her daughter Betty was also on hand with her husband, danghter Karol and friend Doris Duncan. Water-skiing report for those in- terested: mlg'hty chilly!! A Mother's Day treat for "les I girls" courtesy of Sarah Tschida's son Bob Hansen was dinner out and tickets to the "Ice Follies" in Seattle. After the show Bob and wife "Sig" with tllelr four gtrls and Sarah paid a visit to Sarah's younger son's family Chet and Irene Hansen and baby Julie Di- ane who was celebrating her first birthday. Sarah silent Sunday ntght in Olympia, returning home Monday afternoon. Four Grapeview couples played il "real cool" last Satnrduy eve- ning with front row seats for the highly entertaining "Ice Follies" at the Civic Ice Arena in Seattle. Les and F'aye Soule, Ed and Lou- ise Ok,in(q:, W'dt and Salli Clay- lOll atl(t |-h)war(t ;ln(I Mul'iel Sonl- ers took the night off to enjoy dinner "on lhe town" befl)re the spectacnhir Stlipstads and J()hn- son p]oduct ion. Before we deserl the tol)ic of MothPrs, timllg'h, \\;re IIlIISl give a report of the Mothers' Club "meet- inff held Wednesday, May G, with eh'ction of officers ttt, main order of business. Results were as fol-: lows: Newly elected President, Virginia Hicks; Vice-president, Sylvia tl:msen; Secretary, re-el- ecle(t Judy Stalatt and "rreasLirtH', also r(,-eleeted, Dorothy Tobey: It was voted that the Mothers would see that Grapeview will be repre- sented with a float in the l,'orest Ib'ostival Parade on Satuz'day, May 2',]. Cleo Cook, Sylvia Hansdn, ,Tudv Staudt, Dorothy Tobey, l'eff- gy i,'uhn,'r and Virginia tticks al,e w)hmtoers for lhis project. Any- one Who is willing Io lend these hard-working gals a hand shouhl contact one of theni for infolTna- tion. A NPE(IAL VOl'b2 of thanks is offered, herewith, to Emil Carl- son who did such a grand job of repairing our torn stage curtains and to Dorothy Tobey and Pat Benson who washed and trimmed them. Thanks also to Jim Tobey and Joe Engen whn helped the !gals in the transporting. They really look fit'and! A tardy stork finally made a most welcome delivery to Barbara and Dal Smith last Wednesday, May 6, at 11:07 p.m. at Provi- ence Hospital in Everett with the rrival of seven pound, ten onnce Jeffrey Lee. Brand new and ex- tra proud grandparents, Web and Ruth Etherton, great grandma, Jessie Parks and uncle Larry drove up Sunday to escort mama and baby home. Ruth is spendin a week getting re-acquainted with diapers, formulas, etc. Congratu- lations! The excitement of the new ai'- rival was dimmed somewhat by the fact that great-grandfather Eart plrkS has beeh lqospitalizdd thL pa.;t week at Shelton Genera] Hospital. We wish him an extra- speedy recovery. Joe and Sarah Tschlda enjoyed a surprise visit Monday afternoon fz'om former Grapeviewites, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Barrett who are now living in Bellevue, Wash. The Bar')'etts have z'eturned recently from a trip to Oregon and Califor-. nia where they visited relatives. Forsaking Grapeview and has- band, Faye Soule took a three-day holiday last week, Wednesday through Friday, to visit with her niece and husband Mr. and M. Roy Cockburn. The two ladies spent some shopping time and Faye renewed acquaintances with friends Mrs. Swan Johnson anti Mrs. Ruth Belcher and also enjoy- ed attending a Daughters of the Nile card party. %VE iIAVI," BEEN informed that the Forest Festival Queens' Ban- quet is welcoming the publtc this year. Anyone interested in attend- ing this affair next Thursday eve- ning. May 21 at the Mountainview School mav purchase tickets from ,luus Ste{ek "at the Grapeview crocery. Two charming ladies visiting cm:rently in our conuamnnity arc Miss Deanna Frost tall of three m(mths 01d now?) and her mother Mrs. Jim Itrost (nee Sandra Ricet while "Daddy" Jim is working in] Ahska, Lucky grandparent hosts are Les.and Margaret Rice. Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Aux- iliary meets Priday afternoon, May 15, (tomorrow)'at the home of Mrs. Russ Wells with Mrs. George Lewis acting as co-host6ss. Julie StOck, postmaster par ex- cellance, :foJ's0ok his. cozy ;correr nf Grapeview Sev&'al days this past week for the big city of Se- atlle, the occasion: the annual convention of the Natiorial League of District Postmaster o the state of Waslatngton, Welcome change l of pace fr6nt' the btlsy clo,ly'- :planned days was offered the post- :masters Wdnesday night, when !the United Ah'lines provided theft. :,ith a del/cioua Sm0rgubord and "Reno Nlg'ht", plus that fabulods beverage that made famotia theii, C h a m p a Fltght! Tthti'sday night the Aloha Ah" Lilies branch Of Uhited provided a delightful Lu- au complete with lovely Hawaiian dancer and most Interesting trav- elogate of Hawaii. Julle left for se- 'attle Tuesday but rturned home Priday. Hawati . can't beat the Banana Belt! " Incidentally, Julle Wishes to an- nounce that the Grapeview Gro- cery will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for the next two Sun- idgys and then from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, n SundayA through the rest of the ummr seas'on. The Jack Milner and daughters Pamela d Debbie came out from eattle last aturday to spend a week here at their ¢ummer place, but had the. wtelCs vcation rudely interrupted Monday morning when daglite)r Pamela leame ill and was taken to ti)e Mitd.igan General Hospital t F0 L',g'is. Mrs. Mil- her's f01k& the Ptersons of Aber- deen. als0 are spending the eek here with Jack anti Pat. The Pier- sons spent last Wednesday here, stopping at Elma to piek up Mrs Pierson's mother and r'*Pop" Hnss, long-time family friend of Mrs. Amelia Davis and daughter, Mrs. AI Rlehards. "Pop" is a retired circu. clown and still sparkles with plenty of the zip that made him such a snccess in years gone by. TIIE 4-1I'ERS put in a busy week With the Barnacles meeting at Bob Pelan's home on Treasure Island Tuesday evening. Mean- while the Teens met at Edana and Diana Stricklands' home to plan their skating party and bake sale. Net restitts: the. skaUng party was a social mmcess and the bake sale, a financial sucess (over $14.00 was taken tnl. Two 4-H'ers found ac- tivity ellmwhere Tuesday even(ng when the Irene S. Reed high school Spring Concert. Llnda Spooner did her best on the has- Newspapers Due Regional Study Questions on the daily and Sun- day newspaper buying habits of the American people will be asked in the May Current Population Survey, it was announced today by Field Director Gay E. Rain- both of the Census Bnx'ean's re- gional office at Seattle, Washing- tOn. The questions will cover home delivery and purchases of Haily and Sumlay newspapers at news- stands and other retail ontlets. The survey will provide lhe first conzprehensive national statistics on the mlbject. The special questions on home delivery aml purchase of news- papers will Ue in addition to the Pegular inqnh'ies on employnlent and unemplQment which are ask- ed ir the Current Population Sm'- vey which is conduete,t every month hy the Census Bureau in 330 &mple areas throughout the country. Curent Population Survey infor- mation will be collected from a cross-section of local families dur- ing the week of May 18 by Emma Fourre of Shelton and Edna Hinehcltffe of Olympia, Wash. soott in the hand and Joel MacRae sang in the mixed chorus. AS ¸ GOTI Phone HA ?HII tD£NTIPI£S al 4 #R£F£RRED RIK dri rat#etd bU Saft¢o lnsuran Como.l o/' Amtdr.e Save with 0nly careful "Preferred Risk" drivers ca this exclusive Safeco Gold Card=and the: rant cash savings it represents. You get ¢lainm service anywhere in the U. S. If you drive with care and caution-call us z 0= SA AUTO INSURANCE 116 No. 2nd Phone HA "Wh n You Yen For A Party or Picnic Sn Or Something To Munch On While Watch/ng TV This Summer GO TO MANLEY'S FOR These "To Go'" Goodies HAHDUHERS HOT DO6S MILK SHAKES POTATO SALAD SOFT HiNKS In the Bottle ICE CREAM Quarts - z Gal. - Gallons HOME.MADE PIES " D L AN AHEAD ! KEEP WASHINGTON OPEN SUNDAYS 7:30 a.m. -10:00 p.m. For Your Convenience GO TO MNLEY'S FOR Light Re/reshmentt Whenever the Faney Strikes ¥o SOl)AS O SUNOAES O FLOg ! SOFT DRINKS • GOFFEE SHORT ORDER MEALS HOT LUNOHES ALL-HOUR SNAOKS % HOME-MADE ,OHOWDER HU6ER HAMBURGERS SANDWIOHES OPEN EVERY DAY.OF THE YEAR Except these 5 Natnonal Holidays: 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and News Year's Day gE! 5HII • Open Daily 7:30 a, m, to I1:00 p, m. Sundays 7:30 a, m, Io I0:00 p. m, Where 01oanlinosi Is A Rilual • ) q 10 t i i it H i ii TEMPERANCE INSURANOE EXOHANOE FIRE • AUTO , CASUALTY Robed Sloane 200 East Pine HA 6-4147 L  ]i]i j, i" ; ii, , , i i i i LOYAL OBDER OF MOOSE thelton Lodge NO. 1684 Cbarles Savage, Goverhor Phone HA *-4815 Walter Tyynismaa, Boy. Phone HA 6-3292 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2rid and 4th Tuesdays of tha Month 8 pJn. Airport SON 30URNAL-- PubIt,ahed In "frh.r£md,#d?, Middle Skokomish . Sixth Grade Girls H01d Tea f0r Grapeview M0ms ily Mary Valley Allhoug'h last S u n d u 3' :': 'Mothers' day i1 WaS also a bll'th- day for Mr. Harry Deyetle Sr. and his son and daugtdm.-in-law, M. and Mrs, Herbert I)eyelte held open house in his honor. All of his family, grandchildren and great- grand('hihh'en were present, mak- ing a total of fifty-one rehitiw,s to celebrate. On Thursday My. and Mrs. Roy Cot)h * ha(I as theh' guests, Mrs. Pearl Watson and Mrs. Gertrude Elson of Snns(t Beach, Mrs. Neobl Fredricson and Alex Donaldson of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. J D. Brady and Mrs. Watts of Part Angeles. Other guests at the Coble home on Mother's Day weL'e Mr. and Mrs, Roy Batson anti da.ugh- ler Glenna Rae of Kennewick, Mr. and Mrs. Gent) Story of Sllelton and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Lanning a, nd Mrs. Flora Dixon. Rev. Glen Fry of Oregon Is hohl- ing sptmial metings at lhe Com- nmnity hall ew, ry night this week inchlding Saturday, We hope the community will come out and. sup- port the services ..... ' ii i I i i iinl - .................. -- ........................... ---" ....... Coming horne from Seattle Pa- , C all IImfm College lot' Mother s Day I  . I lwere M,r. and Mrs. Ron Porter and [] m-n RNNAM IlA,'len aohnson. Mrs. Johnson te- n lnm mlII Ilturned to SeaUle with her daugh- i liter Linda f,)r a. few days visit. Call Hoodsport TR 7 5237 [] .... • " I] Mr. anti Mrs. Chet Valley and I ottr Hood Canal I/family of Seattle visited their par- I . ..... a .... I/ents over the weekend. On Moth- i I/er s Day Mr. and Mrs, George Val- I • I]ley entertained with a dinner in • KLMBEL MOTORS II their home on Ishmd Lake. i . , " ..... n II The mother-daughter banquet of • Chrysler-Plymouth a lithe Community church was well I Intrndltlonat Trucks I/attended. It was held at the Shel- I ilion Hotel and about forty four i .... /were present. Mrs. Sharon Johnson was program chah'man .and Mrs. Complete Lawnmower Service ALL MAKES, TYPES OF HAND & POWER MOWERS Fctory Service on--- • Brtggs and Stratton • Clinton • Power Products engines Sales and Service on famous • Lawn Boy mowers • Savage Mowers • Remington Chain Saws All Work and Repairs Guaranteed Sleyster's Bike and Fixit Shop iEtlgel'te P, ried ¢)f the MisM(mary [Alliance ('hl|l'ch WaS .glleM sl)t'n]- el'. There was a song by Loll AnU l:{tu'g and n duel by Esther John- Hen lind l{(q)ccca Coffev. I Mrs. Doris Sjohohn attended a 4-H d,nmnstrqtion judging (,on- test fn Port Angeles last S'lturday. Others from tile c(amlv attending were Mrs. Gyneth All.cth of Ag- )ire, Mrs. El:| t]ilnnell ,)f Dayton atilt Ml's. I,h'ank Wolf (if Soutil- side. Mrs. Stan Johnson entertained at a baby sllowel' ill honor of Mrs. Ann Richert. Games were played and a delicious dessert was served to twenty four guests. Mrs. Rich- eft received many lovely gifts. Out of town guests were Mrs. Rich- erl:'s rooth(er, Mrs. McCauly fl'onI Olynxpia, Mrs. Riske and Miss Em- ma iAehert of Shellon and MI'.. Avenc l{u:hert of island Lake. My. Waller Nelson of Seattle hrought his sew, nth grade pupil,'-, on a sight seeing tour last Friday. Their first stop was at the farm of Stan and Sharon Johnson then to see some logging operations by the Johnson Brothers. There were twenty eight pupils and eight adults making the tour. Mr. Nel- son will be renmmbered by many as tie v¢as a f,>rtYter mirusler here ill the Valley. On Mother's Day Mr. Ted Rich- err enlertained with a dinner at the Cottage Cafe for Mrs. Richert, Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Richerl, Mr. and Mrs McCauly of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Start Johnson, Mr. Roger Richert and Miss Mary Ann Holter of Seattle. Mrs. Velma Doak, Mrs. Ted RicherL and Mrs. Martin Smith attended the ftmeral of Mrs. Beu- lah Irwin in Olympia last: Monday. My. and Mrs. Charles Wilkinson were dinner guests of theh' dangh- ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, on Mother's Day. Guests at the E. P. Fourre home Saturday evening were Mr. and Everett Fourre and family of Lacey, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fourre of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. ttarold Hunter at- tended Mother's Day services in Olympia with their daughter and her husband Mr. and Mrs. Justin Tal?. • " , Ida Johnson and Mrs. Mary Valley entertained with a hmche.on at the latter's home for Mrs. J. O. Bovee, Mrs. Blanche Bell, Mrs. Nell Eads, and Mrs, Agnes Han- son. Mrs, Molly Frew was invited unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stevens and famtly spent laaL weekend in Se- attle with Mrs. Stevens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pahner. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doak and son Michael spent Mother's Day with his parents M,'. and Mrs. Don IXmk. Eighteen members were present at last Friday's Grange meeting. A very pretty and impressive Me- morial service was arrattged by Worthy Chaplain Minnie Sauers. It was decided tl)at we present ollri 'Talent' program' next Satnrday evening at the James Sales (]range in tierc(: County. (.;RAI'EV[EW , (I r,i p(,view V()IUIst el'S (Ht(*e aIlill h ()ll()l'('t| their mothers wilh a delightful Mothers' Tea last li'ri( afl,!l'- IIOOll HI ()Ill' s('hooJhollstL Aftel' ill] enl erl;lining pl'og ialU of s()iis, skits, dances and r c c i t a t i () n s 1.)l't)ll(ll)' presclite(t by yollllgSlt'l'S of Mrs. Olson's and Mr. Zohe's classcs, tile twenty lll()ttl('l's nn(l gl'an(lnlothel's an(I one annl were served lea, (:offee an(I (!ookies by yoong ladies from the sixlh gTadC. An a(hled t )ken of affecli(n was t)vesenled each .guest on arriv'l in the fol'ln of a cohn'fnl C()lsagt, fashioned by the girls of the up- per room. In every way it was a most enjoyable int.n'lud;, and nmeh apprechtled. Our thanks to our lea(:iwz's for Kiving tit(' cbihhen the help and encouraelnt'll| Lo (()ntinlle this annllal Ireat, Mother's I)av \\;v;/> a three-f:tm- ily affair at t'lm "El(e" Eacrett's t)each cottage in (;rapevicw with a belated birth(h|v athting I,) Ihe (,elebration. Gue'sts for dinner in- cluded Mr. anti Mrs, Valter Iclc- evt and the ICacrett's son an(l dallghter-in-law Bob and Shirley who drove ouL fi'onl Shellon with their children Michael and Iaurie (the birlhdlty gal ...... all of four year.-; oh:t). The day was not ah )lay however, its the Eacrett's silent 1lie n|ol'I/ixlg' WOl king on their nev< itdoor fireplace. ONE [;P ON Lhe ISacretts --- wilh four families enjoying it Mother',¢ Day feast were Mr. tnd Mrs. Charles Seiners and tieh" guests. Two tables wel'e necessary to acconmmdate the fifl:een en- joying the get together. Bill and Leona Sorners and son Harley were joined by daughter Carol and her ruonunate from Seattle, Miss Pat Bargdahl while Howard and Murial Seiners and four children brought Muvial's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Opdal of Pipe Lake. Oooh! the dirty dlshes'! Daisy Bush entertained or was entertained by her family when the)' spent the day with her at Grapeviey Sunday treating her to an unseasonable (?) water skiing exhibition. Driving from La Cen- ter, Wash.. was Daisy's son Win- ton with his wife and three chil- dren, Barbara, Jerry and Darrell. Her daughter Betty was also on hand with her husband, danghter Karol and friend Doris Duncan. Water-skiing report for those in- terested: mlg'hty chilly!! A Mother's Day treat for "les I girls" courtesy of Sarah Tschida's son Bob Hansen was dinner out and tickets to the "Ice Follies" in Seattle. After the show Bob and wife "Sig" with tllelr four gtrls and Sarah paid a visit to Sarah's younger son's family Chet and Irene Hansen and baby Julie Di- ane who was celebrating her first birthday. Sarah silent Sunday ntght in Olympia, returning home Monday afternoon. Four Grapeview couples played il "real cool" last Satnrduy eve- ning with front row seats for the highly entertaining "Ice Follies" at the Civic Ice Arena in Seattle. Les and F'aye Soule, Ed and Lou- ise Ok,in(q:, W'dt and Salli Clay- lOll atl(t |-h)war(t ;ln(I Mul'iel Sonl- ers took the night off to enjoy dinner "on lhe town" befl)re the spectacnhir Stlipstads and J()hn- son p]oduct ion. Before we deserl the tol)ic of MothPrs, timllg'h, \\;re IIlIISl give a report of the Mothers' Club "meet- inff held Wednesday, May G, with eh'ction of officers ttt, main order of business. Results were as fol-: lows: Newly elected President, Virginia Hicks; Vice-president, Sylvia tl:msen; Secretary, re-el- ecle(t Judy Stalatt and "rreasLirtH', also r(,-eleeted, Dorothy Tobey: It was voted that the Mothers would see that Grapeview will be repre- sented with a float in the l,'orest Ib'ostival Parade on Satuz'day, May 2',]. Cleo Cook, Sylvia Hansdn, ,Tudv Staudt, Dorothy Tobey, l'eff- gy i,'uhn,'r and Virginia tticks al,e w)hmtoers for lhis project. Any- one Who is willing Io lend these hard-working gals a hand shouhl contact one of theni for infolTna- tion. A NPE(IAL VOl'b2 of thanks is offered, herewith, to Emil Carl- son who did such a grand job of repairing our torn stage curtains and to Dorothy Tobey and Pat Benson who washed and trimmed them. Thanks also to Jim Tobey and Joe Engen whn helped the !gals in the transporting. They really look fit'and! A tardy stork finally made a most welcome delivery to Barbara and Dal Smith last Wednesday, May 6, at 11:07 p.m. at Provi- ence Hospital in Everett with the rrival of seven pound, ten onnce Jeffrey Lee. Brand new and ex- tra proud grandparents, Web and Ruth Etherton, great grandma, Jessie Parks and uncle Larry drove up Sunday to escort mama and baby home. Ruth is spendin a week getting re-acquainted with diapers, formulas, etc. Congratu- lations! The excitement of the new ai'- rival was dimmed somewhat by the fact that great-grandfather Eart plrkS has beeh lqospitalizdd thL pa.;t week at Shelton Genera] Hospital. We wish him an extra- speedy recovery. Joe and Sarah Tschlda enjoyed a surprise visit Monday afternoon fz'om former Grapeviewites, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Barrett who are now living in Bellevue, Wash. The Bar')'etts have z'eturned recently from a trip to Oregon and Califor-. nia where they visited relatives. Forsaking Grapeview and has- band, Faye Soule took a three-day holiday last week, Wednesday through Friday, to visit with her niece and husband Mr. and M. Roy Cockburn. The two ladies spent some shopping time and Faye renewed acquaintances with friends Mrs. Swan Johnson anti Mrs. Ruth Belcher and also enjoy- ed attending a Daughters of the Nile card party. %VE iIAVI," BEEN informed that the Forest Festival Queens' Ban- quet is welcoming the publtc this year. Anyone interested in attend- ing this affair next Thursday eve- ning. May 21 at the Mountainview School mav purchase tickets from ,luus Ste{ek "at the Grapeview crocery. Two charming ladies visiting cm:rently in our conuamnnity arc Miss Deanna Frost tall of three m(mths 01d now?) and her mother Mrs. Jim Itrost (nee Sandra Ricet while "Daddy" Jim is working in] Ahska, Lucky grandparent hosts are Les.and Margaret Rice. Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Aux- iliary meets Priday afternoon, May 15, (tomorrow)'at the home of Mrs. Russ Wells with Mrs. George Lewis acting as co-host6ss. Julie StOck, postmaster par ex- cellance, :foJ's0ok his. cozy ;correr nf Grapeview Sev&'al days this past week for the big city of Se- atlle, the occasion: the annual convention of the Natiorial League of District Postmaster o the state of Waslatngton, Welcome change l of pace fr6nt' the btlsy clo,ly'- :planned days was offered the post- :masters Wdnesday night, when !the United Ah'lines provided theft. :,ith a del/cioua Sm0rgubord and "Reno Nlg'ht", plus that fabulods beverage that made famotia theii, C h a m p a Fltght! Tthti'sday night the Aloha Ah" Lilies branch Of Uhited provided a delightful Lu- au complete with lovely Hawaiian dancer and most Interesting trav- elogate of Hawaii. Julle left for se- 'attle Tuesday but rturned home Priday. Hawati . can't beat the Banana Belt! " Incidentally, Julle Wishes to an- nounce that the Grapeview Gro- cery will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for the next two Sun- idgys and then from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, n SundayA through the rest of the ummr seas'on. The Jack Milner and daughters Pamela d Debbie came out from eattle last aturday to spend a week here at their ¢ummer place, but had the. wtelCs vcation rudely interrupted Monday morning when daglite)r Pamela leame ill and was taken to ti)e Mitd.igan General Hospital t F0 L',g'is. Mrs. Mil- her's f01k& the Ptersons of Aber- deen. als0 are spending the eek here with Jack anti Pat. The Pier- sons spent last Wednesday here, stopping at Elma to piek up Mrs Pierson's mother and r'*Pop" Hnss, long-time family friend of Mrs. Amelia Davis and daughter, Mrs. AI Rlehards. "Pop" is a retired circu. clown and still sparkles with plenty of the zip that made him such a snccess in years gone by. TIIE 4-1I'ERS put in a busy week With the Barnacles meeting at Bob Pelan's home on Treasure Island Tuesday evening. Mean- while the Teens met at Edana and Diana Stricklands' home to plan their skating party and bake sale. Net restitts: the. skaUng party was a social mmcess and the bake sale, a financial sucess (over $14.00 was taken tnl. Two 4-H'ers found ac- tivity ellmwhere Tuesday even(ng when the Irene S. Reed high school Spring Concert. Llnda Spooner did her best on the has- Newspapers Due Regional Study Questions on the daily and Sun- day newspaper buying habits of the American people will be asked in the May Current Population Survey, it was announced today by Field Director Gay E. Rain- both of the Census Bnx'ean's re- gional office at Seattle, Washing- tOn. The questions will cover home delivery and purchases of Haily and Sumlay newspapers at news- stands and other retail ontlets. The survey will provide lhe first conzprehensive national statistics on the mlbject. The special questions on home delivery aml purchase of news- papers will Ue in addition to the Pegular inqnh'ies on employnlent and unemplQment which are ask- ed ir the Current Population Sm'- vey which is conduete,t every month hy the Census Bureau in 330 &mple areas throughout the country. Curent Population Survey infor- mation will be collected from a cross-section of local families dur- ing the week of May 18 by Emma Fourre of Shelton and Edna Hinehcltffe of Olympia, Wash. soott in the hand and Joel MacRae sang in the mixed chorus. AS ¸ GOTI Phone HA ?HII tD£NTIPI£S al 4 #R£F£RRED RIK dri rat#etd bU Saft¢o lnsuran Como.l o/' Amtdr.e Save with 0nly careful "Preferred Risk" drivers ca this exclusive Safeco Gold Card=and the: rant cash savings it represents. You get ¢lainm service anywhere in the U. S. If you drive with care and caution-call us z 0= SA AUTO INSURANCE 116 No. 2nd Phone HA "Wh n You Yen For A Party or Picnic Sn Or Something To Munch On While Watch/ng TV This Summer GO TO MANLEY'S FOR These "To Go'" Goodies HAHDUHERS HOT DO6S MILK SHAKES POTATO SALAD SOFT HiNKS In the Bottle ICE CREAM Quarts - z Gal. - Gallons HOME.MADE PIES " D L AN AHEAD ! KEEP WASHINGTON OPEN SUNDAYS 7:30 a.m. -10:00 p.m. For Your Convenience GO TO MNLEY'S FOR Light Re/reshmentt Whenever the Faney Strikes ¥o SOl)AS O SUNOAES O FLOg ! SOFT DRINKS • GOFFEE SHORT ORDER MEALS HOT LUNOHES ALL-HOUR SNAOKS % HOME-MADE ,OHOWDER HU6ER HAMBURGERS SANDWIOHES OPEN EVERY DAY.OF THE YEAR Except these 5 Natnonal Holidays: 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and News Year's Day gE! 5HII • Open Daily 7:30 a, m, to I1:00 p, m. Sundays 7:30 a, m, Io I0:00 p. m, Where 01oanlinosi Is A Rilual •