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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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St4ELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chri,tm.,qto+r.. U..A./&apos; Slloltnn, ton i an V LOOK AT THESE 100 I! Prize A nm;w Haw!,lhtn lq,fli- d v for Tw-, via Pan Aiil,l'lClllt 1.)(%'+'('. A *tq'k I,[ htXHl'3, V{|h 3t* ' l'llllDl |I iD I'light nnd hohq avclmmlMnllous I);li,I I';H" phl.  IIItl C,l:h *Ih'lll|lll  2rid J'l'iZt' YI,III <,f 'illl'r" lit,' b'Ml8 ,,r th,' Fl(2(f ii.,th,l lhdlu,Lnl "Sih,'r l,Hlillg" Ih,m,' I"l't'+'Zq. ',Irll lJl'izP YIIIIF 'holi'c tl oilll,'l" lh+' I"I.16 ,,v ],'KIT M.I,'I ll,,lp-int ".':,il v0r lAlling,"' 11o1114' l'Sl,'l+zl+[ ". Ith Prize Y(,ur vh.ico ,,I" ,qlh,.r lhv ]e.Ml2 or FJI: M(,d,q lhdlminl +'F, il- VI'I* |,ill l II+' ' ltltllh' [/'I I','7,'I'. 5Ill l'l'iZl  - ."K251| ',V'I'lh +I' l'l,,Zoll I',.-+lx J'l',llll ,lllt* [Pl-i,Z,,ll l,..d, '- :lllll . llt'h }ll:llllt ;, II,,rha k. I,' BIG PRIZES t'l,':lltl ]Iiq'1 i,'t. [)t'Wktd fill ;LI] .Itl- |ilh Prize I,"+II x,,r'th 4,f t'v,,z,,n I,.-i> [I',tu ll,ml,' I'IZ'I [+'*.,tI.  - ,tl h'. It'll| Ill Ill llt']l Ill ;llld ;I4 ll,,r. lid [ [t'' ('l'l',llll, l[,,l'tll,']+ ]),'Wkl::t+ aU(l ::,,n+ .It;an I,'i::h. ;lh l'l'iZv 5111 Wr'th tl l'roz,ll l-,l: < ]I3Hll ll,,lll,' I'I,Z'II I',,.I, S, - 'IIII'. Sill Io 2lllh ]'l'izl' .\\; TS.II0 LI F , l[llit';lI4' allllhI':thh ` tll |)tll'('h;tyat ' l] .u , 19,5 ll<,tl)+dnl lt,,cz,.r. ?ll to o||lh Prize ,\\; +,O,Illl 'il'l L'+tilw:+h+ +£ppli+ahh' ,,II I,tllcll:l4' ,,l ++, lg:"dl ]l,,ll)ti'lt II,,t,.:,,r. 51.I It+ llHllh l'ri?l' . $2+'+.I11) gift  +', ,l+; tll' ;llq+[qt :lhl, olI pllI'4 ']t;l, ' ,'I' If+' 19:,9 ][,,tl.,illl ft '1'7,'1'. Nothing to Buy! IT'S EASY| i00 BIG Just Come in aml Ask t'or an Entry Blank for our Silver LI HOME FREEZER CON For residents of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana+ CONTEST CLOSES JULY 31, 1959 GET COMPLETE DETAILS FROM OUR COLOR FOLDER Eells & Valley Appliance Cenle A!pha XJ 0eili.Alumni !Dine al Colonial House Alpha +i J)ella' .ILtllnnae in the +C)lynipla-Shelton area celebrated :atmual founders day at a banquet II ,in the Coltmial H(Jse, May 13. r Vwl The occaMon is tradltiotmlly a Mowers l+.,,. +.,,.,,. +39++ 2-Cycle .......... m-i,L 2¼-h.p. $4995 4-Cycle .......... 19-in. 2 ¼-h.p. $e50 4-Cycle .......... 22-i,. 2"/, -h.p. $6450 4-Cycle ........... TERMS lWestern Autol Supply 315 S ltrst ,. O. P" " HA 6-6183 day when philanthropies are sup- ported and the local chapter made an outstanding contribution both nationally and locally with gifts to The Exceptional Foresters, Inc., 'Thurston County Child Guidance Clinic, national philanthropy and alumni housing growth tim(t. Of fleers for the coming year elected and installed are MrS. Howard Zinzey, president; Mr.. Clinton [Lost, vice president; Mrs. John Guthmuller, secretary, and 'Mrs. Brllce Hilderbvant, treasnrer. Those from Shelton attending wet'e Mrs. George Cropper, Mrs. Dan Davidson, Mrs. Ivan Myers, Mrs..lack Jeffery and Mrs. Guy No|Tis. Plans were made for the annual Mcnic which will be hehI in the home of My. and Mrs. Henry Kruse on Boston Harbor, June 3. Gold Star Parents" Will be Honored Cmld Star parents will bc honor- ed guests at a dinner being given by the Fred B. Wivell Post Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary Unit 31, at (;::0, Tuesday in the Memorial ,hall,. .L)+rIper chrtirmen for the event ave ;M:€sdames II. L. Jlexallder, X,Varren Earl at|(l Claude Jackson. Mrs. V, T. Connolly will be in charge (ff gifts and will issue invi- t,at:ioas. A nmsicaI program will be pre ilili! Jill + I 8enLed <hn'illg the dinFlcF hour. Quick.Dry • "Odorless" ENAMEL You'll never want to use any Othrl One coot eovors atmoot any surface. Silicone makes It tougher, smoother, glossier. :20 Decorater Colors. Inrnltold by hod Housoknpinl r.a,-ul, s+,. ..... 35€ q.19 ,. $1,9 Undercoat & Sealer For New Wood,. • . Pt. 98 ¢ Wall Finish at Sprouse-Reltz go on emoother, cover better, give perfect results and last longed VAINISIIEI Color or Spar N White Shollac 1So & 39€ Special! ROLLER & PAN 'Sturdy l|iln Easy to Hondle o,y ;1.59 ,,t 7"Cylinder... 59€ SUPER VALUE Paint Brushes I" wlde 15€ to 39€ 2" wide 25€ to 69€ 3" wide I, 19 & 1.39 PORCH & FLOOR ENAMEL Cntains $111coe end 1{% Alkyd now used I now €r enomell for extra I, ,ii, +..,*- .... ,, "u.nv S, :ttngs, Manager • Evergrn Square FREE PARKING VFW to Complete Poppy Sale, 5th District Meet Plans Veterans of Ioreign Wars Post 1694 will meet in the Shelton Memorial buihting at 8 p.m. b'ri- day for the purpose of completing plans for their annual poppy sale which will be conducted on May 21 and 22. Plans for active parti- cipation in the Forest Festival Parade will also be completed in this meeting. Commander Darrell Sparks an- nounces that Eugene F. Martin will act as liasion officer with the Civilian Defense authorities. The Post service officer an- nounces that during the months of March and April local war vet- emms have been assisted in filing applications for federal pensions which should bring them approxi- mately $5,000 annually. Members will personally delwcr flowering plants to each Mason county Gold Star Mother on XYed- nesday, May 27. Members of Veterans of For- eign Wars and their au×iliaries from Shelton, Olympia, McCleary, Ehna, Montesano, Aberdeen, Ho- quiam, Raymond and Vestport will hold their anniml fifth dis- trict convention in Shellon on Sat- urday, May 16. The vele|'ans will meet In the PUD building and the auxiliaries will use the Memorial buihting. Both meetings will start at 8 p.m. and the first order of business iv the election of officers. At the reqttcst <if' V.F.XV. l:'osts from the other cities, Sheltor, members will demonstrate their impressive and unique funeral ser- vice as conducted jointly with all local veteran ''anizattons parti- !cipating. Shelton is the only city in which veterans fllneral services are st> :con(htcted and on Satnrday eve- ning local member Jack Gray will offieiale in a demonstralion of its m e 'i ts. WARC RUMMAGE SALE The old dime st(>re on Cot St. will be the scene of the rummage sale slated by the local WARC this Friday and Saturday. A few new articles, nick hacks, dishes, Irons and mtseellaneous clothing will be sold. Anyone wishing to (Ionste to lhe vale are asked to (:all HA 6-8660 or HA 6-3724. Sharon Lee New Worthy Advisor Sharon Lee, dmlghter of Mr. and Mrs. Neff Lee invites the pub- lic to the installation nf officers of the Shelton Assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls at. 8 p.m., Fri- day in the Mt. Moriah Masonic; Temple. New officers to be installed arc Sharon Lee, Worthy Advisor; Ju- (ty b'risken, worthy associate ad- via)r; Janet Larson, charity; Peg- gy Price, hope; Shirley IAnton, faith; Judy Daley, recorder, and Jane Rockefeller, treasurer. Appointive officers to be install- ed will be Jayne Rueler, drill leader; Kathy Kelly, chaplain; Carol Burnett, love; Nancy Nich- ols, religion; Marlene Hurst, na- ture; Lana McInelly, immortality; Nanci Peacher, fidelity; Sheryll Schlegel, patriotism; Vicki McIn- elly, service: Pasty Dunn, confi- dential ()1|t OF o))so]'ver ; Terry Roberts, musician; I)iane VFoods, 'choir di- rect or; Susan Norvr)ld, Molly Mu|'dey, Diana Nelson, Patty" Par- ker, ])ianna 1)urand, Linda Hen- sel, Marv Lou Younglove, Bar- hava tmi)hcnour, Christi Samples, it+{aI+tdi TlIson and SllStlIl Grunert, choir. ! .[ll]iO Lal'SOll, l'P(:()l'del' assistant; Kathv StttherI:ln(t, +)rltor; ,lane Grisdale, historian; Neva Auseth, lectm+er; Carol Holt, Jo Dean O'Neill, pages; Ginna Correa, Bi+ ble bearer; Susan Aho, birthday ba.nk; Sttsan .I:.efchman, stlnshine : commiltee; Margie Parks, report- er; I)iana Nelson, merit keel)er; l)onna Wolfe. keeI)er of the reg- ister. A dance a, nd reception honoring the new officers will be held fol- Junior Music Clubs Present Musical Tea to Mothers An appeciative audience of mo- thers annd friends gathered at the R. +W. Norvold home last Thurs- day evening when the Toccata and pizzicato Junior Music Clubs pool- ed their talents in the presents- lion of a National Music Week musicale. Paula Harmon spoke of the his -'I tory of National Music Week and pointed out the importance of centering the nation's attention through this annual observance, upon the significant role that mu- sic plays in the lives of our peo- ple. This year's theme for Na- tional Music Week was "There's Magic in Musfc -+Use It." The musical portion of the pro- gram included a fluet duet played by Bonnie Burnett and Pat Park- er and a fluet quartette, Scherzo Brilliante, played by Gall Dreger, Susan Aho, Arla Marr and Susan Norvold. The four young pianists who performed were Dawn Daugherty playing Tarantelle, Chert Daniels playing Sonatina, Janet Estvold, Butterfly, and Nancy Wilson, Peri- winkle Blue. Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair was played as a clarinet trio by Jo Goldschmid, Leanne Arm- strong and VVendy Brickert. Su- san Duckham and Diana Nelson played Melody in F am a clarinet duet. Accordion soloists were. Frances Demmon and Judy Hed- riel{. The program concluded with the singing of the newly adopted state song, Washington My Home, by members of the Toccata Club. Presiding at the attractively ap- pointed refreshment table were Randi Tuson of Toccata Club and Frances Demmon of Pizzicato Club. On display during the evening was the Toccatos Club's scrap- book with the third place ribbon which was awarded it at the Na- tional Federation of Music Club's national biennial convention held recently in San Diego. PAST MATRONS CLUB Past Matrons of Welcome chap- ter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet for a 12:30 dessert hmcheon at the home of Mrs. W. C. Batch- obsevvcr; Gail l)reger, lowi]q," tit(, inst.dlation, elor, Thursday, May 21. NEW SPR NG COLORS I Choose Carousel Red-torrid as the noonday sun..41. Or Tropic Turquoise-cool as an ocean breeze.. Or linger over the 113 other colors in Chrysler's Spring rainbow. All are Lustre-Bond-the hardest known automotive finish+that needs no polishing for up to 3 years! @  lion-hearted CHRYSLER CHRYSLER DIVISION OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION , KIMBEL MOTORS - 707 So. First Street I Lawrence Gosser Joins Scholastic Society Thii'ty-five University of Wash- ington students and six honorary members were initiated into a new West Coast chapter of Phi Eta Sigma, nltional schola.tic lonof ary for freshrlen men. Tllursday evening at the New Washington Hotel. Among the group was Law- fence Gosser of Shelton. Planning Vacation Mrs. George Egenes was re- cently wished well during her coming trip to Bemidji, Minn., by Mrs. W. W. Shelton, Mrs. John Nordstrum, and Mrs. Eugene Dor- man, hostess for the occasion. While an her visit to Minnesota, Mrs. Egenes will visit her brother and three sisters she has not seen in aver ten years. She will also tour Wisconsin and Michigan dur- ing hcz' month's stay. RACHEL KNOTT GUILD Members of the Rachel Knott Ortahopedic Guild will meet for a 12:30 hmcheon Friday at the home of Mrs. Roy Kimbel with Mrs. F'. C. Rockefeller as eo-ho,tess. avol Air - Rail TOURS • HA 6.8272 0€' €01 Rallrold SHELTON, • OO • • O e O O I, e O eo@ i, o o o e oe • I ,e Ol'#l • DOI • C. L, l0well, your Telephone Manager in Shelt0n • •leo•@•oeo•oo oao@ ao ea I*# . You've seen work like this going on around of time. Telephone men stringing lin,Ja working in manholes. But do you realize people it takes to keep phone service state J? Nearly 10,000! And they'll get a 52 million dollars this year. This money groceries in Washington. It pays for plenty  gasolinel clothing, md all the other t almost 10,000 households. And as these they help create a good number of brininess -- create wages for lots of other Ste. So the paychecks telephone peep1 aped -- are adding to Washington's Are you planning a week-end trip ? Or 1 deciding where to spend your su :  er v the time to call ahead for reservations. It'S pleasant traveling when you know the settled. And station-to-station rates for calls are low in cost. Especially after 6 +.on Sundays. Pacific Telephone ..... St4ELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chri,tm.,qto+r.. U..A./' Slloltnn, ton i an V LOOK AT THESE 100 I! Prize A nm;w Haw!,lhtn lq,fli- d v for Tw-, via Pan Aiil,l'lClllt 1.)(%'+'('. A *tq'k I,[ htXHl'3, V{|h 3t* ' l'llllDl |I iD I'light nnd hohq avclmmlMnllous I);li,I I';H" phl.  IIItl C,l:h *Ih'lll|lll  2rid J'l'iZt' YI,III <,f 'illl'r" lit,' b'Ml8 ,,r th,' Fl(2(f ii.,th,l lhdlu,Lnl "Sih,'r l,Hlillg" Ih,m,' I"l't'+'Zq. ',Irll lJl'izP YIIIIF 'holi'c tl oilll,'l" lh+' I"I.16 ,,v ],'KIT M.I,'I ll,,lp-int ".':,il v0r lAlling,"' 11o1114' l'Sl,'l+zl+[ ". Ith Prize Y(,ur vh.ico ,,I" ,qlh,.r lhv ]e.Ml2 or FJI: M(,d,q lhdlminl +'F, il- VI'I* |,ill l II+' ' ltltllh' [/'I I','7,'I'. 5Ill l'l'iZl  - ."K251| ',V'I'lh +I' l'l,,Zoll I',.-+lx J'l',llll ,lllt* [Pl-i,Z,,ll l,..d, '- :lllll . llt'h }ll:llllt ;, II,,rha k. I,' BIG PRIZES t'l,':lltl ]Iiq'1 i,'t. [)t'Wktd fill ;LI] .Itl- |ilh Prize I,"+II x,,r'th 4,f t'v,,z,,n I,.-i> [I',tu ll,ml,' I'IZ'I [+'*.,tI.  - ,tl h'. It'll| Ill Ill llt']l Ill ;llld ;I4 ll,,r. lid [ [t'' ('l'l',llll, l[,,l'tll,']+ ]),'Wkl::t+ aU(l ::,,n+ .It;an I,'i::h. ;lh l'l'iZv 5111 Wr'th tl l'roz,ll l-,l: < ]I3Hll ll,,lll,' I'I,Z'II I',,.I, S, - 'IIII'. Sill Io 2lllh ]'l'izl' .\\; TS.II0 LI F , l[llit';lI4' allllhI':thh ` tll |)tll'('h;tyat ' l] .u , 19,5 ll<,tl)+dnl lt,,cz,.r. ?ll to o||lh Prize ,\\; +,O,Illl 'il'l L'+tilw:+h+ +£ppli+ahh' ,,II I,tllcll:l4' ,,l ++, lg:"dl ]l,,ll)ti'lt II,,t,.:,,r. 51.I It+ llHllh l'ri?l' . $2+'+.I11) gift  +', ,l+; tll' ;llq+[qt :lhl, olI pllI'4 ']t;l, ' ,'I' If+' 19:,9 ][,,tl.,illl ft '1'7,'1'. Nothing to Buy! IT'S EASY| i00 BIG Just Come in aml Ask t'or an Entry Blank for our Silver LI HOME FREEZER CON For residents of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana+ CONTEST CLOSES JULY 31, 1959 GET COMPLETE DETAILS FROM OUR COLOR FOLDER Eells & Valley Appliance Cenle A!pha XJ 0eili.Alumni !Dine al Colonial House Alpha +i J)ella' .ILtllnnae in the +C)lynipla-Shelton area celebrated :atmual founders day at a banquet II ,in the Coltmial H(Jse, May 13. r Vwl The occaMon is tradltiotmlly a Mowers l+.,,. +.,,.,,. +39++ 2-Cycle .......... m-i,L 2¼-h.p. $4995 4-Cycle .......... 19-in. 2 ¼-h.p. $e50 4-Cycle .......... 22-i,. 2"/, -h.p. $6450 4-Cycle ........... TERMS lWestern Autol Supply 315 S ltrst ,. O. P" " HA 6-6183 day when philanthropies are sup- ported and the local chapter made an outstanding contribution both nationally and locally with gifts to The Exceptional Foresters, Inc., 'Thurston County Child Guidance Clinic, national philanthropy and alumni housing growth tim(t. Of fleers for the coming year elected and installed are MrS. Howard Zinzey, president; Mr.. Clinton [Lost, vice president; Mrs. John Guthmuller, secretary, and 'Mrs. Brllce Hilderbvant, treasnrer. Those from Shelton attending wet'e Mrs. George Cropper, Mrs. Dan Davidson, Mrs. Ivan Myers, Mrs..lack Jeffery and Mrs. Guy No|Tis. Plans were made for the annual Mcnic which will be hehI in the home of My. and Mrs. Henry Kruse on Boston Harbor, June 3. Gold Star Parents" Will be Honored Cmld Star parents will bc honor- ed guests at a dinner being given by the Fred B. Wivell Post Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary Unit 31, at (;::0, Tuesday in the Memorial ,hall,. .L)+rIper chrtirmen for the event ave ;M:€sdames II. L. Jlexallder, X,Varren Earl at|(l Claude Jackson. Mrs. V, T. Connolly will be in charge (ff gifts and will issue invi- t,at:ioas. A nmsicaI program will be pre ilili! Jill + I 8enLed <hn'illg the dinFlcF hour. Quick.Dry • "Odorless" ENAMEL You'll never want to use any Othrl One coot eovors atmoot any surface. Silicone makes It tougher, smoother, glossier. :20 Decorater Colors. Inrnltold by hod Housoknpinl r.a,-ul, s+,. ..... 35€ q.19 ,. $1,9 Undercoat & Sealer For New Wood,. • . Pt. 98 ¢ Wall Finish at Sprouse-Reltz go on emoother, cover better, give perfect results and last longed VAINISIIEI Color or Spar N White Shollac 1So & 39€ Special! ROLLER & PAN 'Sturdy l|iln Easy to Hondle o,y ;1.59 ,,t 7"Cylinder... 59€ SUPER VALUE Paint Brushes I" wlde 15€ to 39€ 2" wide 25€ to 69€ 3" wide I, 19 & 1.39 PORCH & FLOOR ENAMEL Cntains $111coe end 1{% Alkyd now used I now €r enomell for extra I, ,ii, +..,*- .... ,, "u.nv S, :ttngs, Manager • Evergrn Square FREE PARKING VFW to Complete Poppy Sale, 5th District Meet Plans Veterans of Ioreign Wars Post 1694 will meet in the Shelton Memorial buihting at 8 p.m. b'ri- day for the purpose of completing plans for their annual poppy sale which will be conducted on May 21 and 22. Plans for active parti- cipation in the Forest Festival Parade will also be completed in this meeting. Commander Darrell Sparks an- nounces that Eugene F. Martin will act as liasion officer with the Civilian Defense authorities. The Post service officer an- nounces that during the months of March and April local war vet- emms have been assisted in filing applications for federal pensions which should bring them approxi- mately $5,000 annually. Members will personally delwcr flowering plants to each Mason county Gold Star Mother on XYed- nesday, May 27. Members of Veterans of For- eign Wars and their au×iliaries from Shelton, Olympia, McCleary, Ehna, Montesano, Aberdeen, Ho- quiam, Raymond and Vestport will hold their anniml fifth dis- trict convention in Shellon on Sat- urday, May 16. The vele|'ans will meet In the PUD building and the auxiliaries will use the Memorial buihting. Both meetings will start at 8 p.m. and the first order of business iv the election of officers. At the reqttcst <if' V.F.XV. l:'osts from the other cities, Sheltor, members will demonstrate their impressive and unique funeral ser- vice as conducted jointly with all local veteran ''anizattons parti- !cipating. Shelton is the only city in which veterans fllneral services are st> :con(htcted and on Satnrday eve- ning local member Jack Gray will offieiale in a demonstralion of its m e 'i ts. WARC RUMMAGE SALE The old dime st(>re on Cot St. will be the scene of the rummage sale slated by the local WARC this Friday and Saturday. A few new articles, nick hacks, dishes, Irons and mtseellaneous clothing will be sold. Anyone wishing to (Ionste to lhe vale are asked to (:all HA 6-8660 or HA 6-3724. Sharon Lee New Worthy Advisor Sharon Lee, dmlghter of Mr. and Mrs. Neff Lee invites the pub- lic to the installation nf officers of the Shelton Assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls at. 8 p.m., Fri- day in the Mt. Moriah Masonic; Temple. New officers to be installed arc Sharon Lee, Worthy Advisor; Ju- (ty b'risken, worthy associate ad- via)r; Janet Larson, charity; Peg- gy Price, hope; Shirley IAnton, faith; Judy Daley, recorder, and Jane Rockefeller, treasurer. Appointive officers to be install- ed will be Jayne Rueler, drill leader; Kathy Kelly, chaplain; Carol Burnett, love; Nancy Nich- ols, religion; Marlene Hurst, na- ture; Lana McInelly, immortality; Nanci Peacher, fidelity; Sheryll Schlegel, patriotism; Vicki McIn- elly, service: Pasty Dunn, confi- dential ()1|t OF o))so]'ver ; Terry Roberts, musician; I)iane VFoods, 'choir di- rect or; Susan Norvr)ld, Molly Mu|'dey, Diana Nelson, Patty" Par- ker, ])ianna 1)urand, Linda Hen- sel, Marv Lou Younglove, Bar- hava tmi)hcnour, Christi Samples, it+{aI+tdi TlIson and SllStlIl Grunert, choir. ! .[ll]iO Lal'SOll, l'P(:()l'del' assistant; Kathv StttherI:ln(t, +)rltor; ,lane Grisdale, historian; Neva Auseth, lectm+er; Carol Holt, Jo Dean O'Neill, pages; Ginna Correa, Bi+ ble bearer; Susan Aho, birthday ba.nk; Sttsan .I:.efchman, stlnshine : commiltee; Margie Parks, report- er; I)iana Nelson, merit keel)er; l)onna Wolfe. keeI)er of the reg- ister. A dance a, nd reception honoring the new officers will be held fol- Junior Music Clubs Present Musical Tea to Mothers An appeciative audience of mo- thers annd friends gathered at the R. +W. Norvold home last Thurs- day evening when the Toccata and pizzicato Junior Music Clubs pool- ed their talents in the presents- lion of a National Music Week musicale. Paula Harmon spoke of the his -'I tory of National Music Week and pointed out the importance of centering the nation's attention through this annual observance, upon the significant role that mu- sic plays in the lives of our peo- ple. This year's theme for Na- tional Music Week was "There's Magic in Musfc -+Use It." The musical portion of the pro- gram included a fluet duet played by Bonnie Burnett and Pat Park- er and a fluet quartette, Scherzo Brilliante, played by Gall Dreger, Susan Aho, Arla Marr and Susan Norvold. The four young pianists who performed were Dawn Daugherty playing Tarantelle, Chert Daniels playing Sonatina, Janet Estvold, Butterfly, and Nancy Wilson, Peri- winkle Blue. Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair was played as a clarinet trio by Jo Goldschmid, Leanne Arm- strong and VVendy Brickert. Su- san Duckham and Diana Nelson played Melody in F am a clarinet duet. Accordion soloists were. Frances Demmon and Judy Hed- riel{. The program concluded with the singing of the newly adopted state song, Washington My Home, by members of the Toccata Club. Presiding at the attractively ap- pointed refreshment table were Randi Tuson of Toccata Club and Frances Demmon of Pizzicato Club. On display during the evening was the Toccatos Club's scrap- book with the third place ribbon which was awarded it at the Na- tional Federation of Music Club's national biennial convention held recently in San Diego. PAST MATRONS CLUB Past Matrons of Welcome chap- ter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet for a 12:30 dessert hmcheon at the home of Mrs. W. C. Batch- obsevvcr; Gail l)reger, lowi]q," tit(, inst.dlation, elor, Thursday, May 21. NEW SPR NG COLORS I Choose Carousel Red-torrid as the noonday sun..41. Or Tropic Turquoise-cool as an ocean breeze.. Or linger over the 113 other colors in Chrysler's Spring rainbow. All are Lustre-Bond-the hardest known automotive finish+that needs no polishing for up to 3 years! @  lion-hearted CHRYSLER CHRYSLER DIVISION OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION , KIMBEL MOTORS - 707 So. First Street I Lawrence Gosser Joins Scholastic Society Thii'ty-five University of Wash- ington students and six honorary members were initiated into a new West Coast chapter of Phi Eta Sigma, nltional schola.tic lonof ary for freshrlen men. Tllursday evening at the New Washington Hotel. Among the group was Law- fence Gosser of Shelton. Planning Vacation Mrs. George Egenes was re- cently wished well during her coming trip to Bemidji, Minn., by Mrs. W. W. Shelton, Mrs. John Nordstrum, and Mrs. Eugene Dor- man, hostess for the occasion. While an her visit to Minnesota, Mrs. Egenes will visit her brother and three sisters she has not seen in aver ten years. She will also tour Wisconsin and Michigan dur- ing hcz' month's stay. RACHEL KNOTT GUILD Members of the Rachel Knott Ortahopedic Guild will meet for a 12:30 hmcheon Friday at the home of Mrs. Roy Kimbel with Mrs. F'. C. Rockefeller as eo-ho,tess. avol Air - Rail TOURS • HA 6.8272 0€' €01 Rallrold SHELTON, • OO • • O e O O I, e O eo@ i, o o o e oe • I ,e Ol'#l • DOI • C. L, l0well, your Telephone Manager in Shelt0n • •leo•@•oeo•oo oao@ ao ea I*# . You've seen work like this going on around of time. Telephone men stringing lin,Ja working in manholes. But do you realize people it takes to keep phone service state J? Nearly 10,000! And they'll get a 52 million dollars this year. This money groceries in Washington. It pays for plenty  gasolinel clothing, md all the other t almost 10,000 households. And as these they help create a good number of brininess -- create wages for lots of other Ste. So the paychecks telephone peep1 aped -- are adding to Washington's Are you planning a week-end trip ? Or 1 deciding where to spend your su :  er v the time to call ahead for reservations. It'S pleasant traveling when you know the settled. And station-to-station rates for calls are low in cost. Especially after 6 +.on Sundays. Pacific Telephone .....