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ial Even ts
gHELTON-MASON COtq'V ]'0,rRATj -- PuNished tn "brLmasfmen
r , • Phons HA. 8-4412
aay dance groups
on Forest
'e the Salty
a birth-
Hood Can-
at Potlatch,
8:30 to
of Tote-
he served.
Hillcrest Homemakers
Elect New Officers
El(cti()n of officers highlighte(t
the last meeting of the Hillcrest
Homenmkers Clnb. lClected to
sel'v for tile enslling year were
Mrs..Iohn alter, prestdeztl; Mrs.
Don Snlith, vice president; Mrs.
I John ,lansson. se'retarv; Mrs. ,Vil-
fred Jackson', treasurer; Mrs.
Clarence Siteger and Mrs. Aglles
ILttl d, ways and means.
Also elected were Mrs. Mary
Trotter, publicity; Mrs. Darrell
Sparks, sick and prize; Mrs. Ellis
V, ells and Mrs. V. M. Jackson, pro-
gl'a.lns; Mrs. May l]llrgeSS, nld.lli-
bership; Mr's. H. C. Clark, quilts.
Tlae group nlet Wednesday eve-
ning at the home of Mr. John
Jackson t,) tie quilts for lle
The next meeting of the group
wtil be a potluck hmcheon at noon,
Wednesday in the home of Mrs.
Lund, 1228 Raih'oad Ave.
Five Shelton Students
Accepted at WSC
A group of 955 at,dents have
been accepted for dmiasion to
Washington State College for the
fall semester of the 1959-60 college
year. WSC Director of Admissions,
Claude Silnpson, reports that or!l-
el' potential students have until
Auglst 15 to apply.
Students from Shelton are Shar-
on Lee, Donna err, Gall Ritner,
Stephen Rockefeller and Georgia
Complete District
Meeting Planning
Plans will be eonpleted for the
fifth district meeting al. Ihe next
legllltr l/l('elirtg of the X q.erans
of Foreign \\;Vat's Allxili,lry at. 8
l).nL, tVrid:ty in the Memorial hall.
bh)slesses for lhe evenizlg will he
Mesdames Ix)is Pearson, Hdna
tear(len, Arlene Snlith It/ill Belly
(()(Iwin. The prizes will be brot]g'ht
by Mrs. Alice Haines. Memorial
(,rvit:es will Ills() he hehi at the
nl(,(qill R' le(I by Nil's. (}o(Iwin, l)rc:q -
'l'lae district meeling slated for
S ll.m., Saturday in Shelton with
tile auxiliary lneeling in the Me-
morial hall and [>()st in the [)lID
a))di toriu m. Highlighting the
meeting will be election of new
district officers.
The Mason county Forest la'es-
rival lllemo will be ('H'ri(,,l (nit iU
the d('col'ations. Chairnlan of the
dinnel' conlntittee will bc Mrs.
b'lorence Hanlilton with the com-
mittee, Mesdames Jessie Cox, I,ucy
Ednliston, Viola Laugen and Shar-
on Medcalf. In cliarg'e of the ta-
bles and decorations is Miss Ma-
rian Johnson with Mesdames Nel-
lie alter, Arnllt Si)ringtw, and All-
g'ltsta Twohy.
Clean-up committee chairman
will be Mrs. Godwin assisted by
Mesdames Far Robinson, Lucille
Spacer, Cecilia Gunter, A m y i
Frank, Colleen Gephart, Arlene i
Smith, Barbara Okonek and El-
liner Gosser.
All local members are re,gad to
attend. 1)elegates fronl Shelton
are Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Hamil-
ton, Miss Johnson, Mrs. Josephine
Sparks, Mrs. Colleen Gephart and
Mrs. Lucy Edmiston.
Golden Agers to
Elect New Officers
Mason county's senior citizens
will meet tu elect new officers for
the Golden Age club following a
polhtek luncheon at noon Thllrs-
day in tile Memorial hall.
The group will also sponsor a
rummage sale Friday and Satur-
day in the Union hall on Grove
A Navy-built American science
base at the geographic South Pole
was dedicated by proxy from an
airbase 730 miles to the north.
Ib Plaster Board Taping i) F. & A.M.
No. Ii
Tom Watts, W.M.
Walter Marble, Sec'y.
!:i '¸
Phone HA ff''/lS
We FORD Dealers Invite you to
Making Home In Seattle
THE RECENTLY MARRIED Mr, and Mrs. R. Craig Chapman
pose happily at their reception in the Colonial House. Mrs.
Chapman is the former Alice Louise Bourgault.
Baskets of pink daisies and
white stock decorated the chapel
of St. Edward's Catholic church
for the recent marriage of Miss
Alice Louise Bourgault and Mr.
R Craig Chapman.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Bourgault and
Mr. Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth A. Chapman.
The Rev. Mark Wiechmann,
OSB, officiated at the nuptials
while Mrs. Robert Koenan accom-
panned Miss Glands Robertson,
who sang "Ave Maria" and "On
His Day."
Mr. Bourgault escorted his
daughter down the aisle. For her
wedding, the bride chose a white
lace tiered net over sating gown
fashioned with a scalloped neck-
line and bridal point sleeves. A
crown' of seed pearls caught ker
finger tip veil of nylon tulle. The
bridal bouquet was of pink rose
buds carried on her white prayer
')m)- -
malaxl( Town Vlctorle
ii r ,• •
sales in savings in sense
to the
see for
our terrific
the most
ever--is a
in style
No big-size, big-selling
ca, s ll for'so little. Fair-
lane 500 Fordi are priced
up to $102.75 less than
anything comparable,
equipped the way most
people want them.
Fords are the world's
most beautifully propor-
tioned carll You can tell
at a glance! Every clean.
;.cut line say "Thunder-
€bird" . . . every uraceful
contour says "good tuW'l
Ford is built for people.
Ford's door opentnp are
wider . . . Ford's seats
are full-ctmhioned all the
way acrol... Ford gives
the most room and com-
fort where it count.
8re our DOUBLE=
,,.,,,,,o,o JIM PAULEY INC, .,,.-
Matron of homer was Mrs. John
Dunkel, Jr., Renton, sister of the
bride, in a blue acetate princess
style gown and blue velvet acces-
sories, Miss Sheridan Ann Chap-
man, Olympia, sister of the bride-
groom, Bridesmaid, wore a pink
acetate gown of style as that of
the matron of honor with pink ac-
cessories. They carried bouquets
of pink and white carnations.
Mr. Franklin D. Weatherly,
Olympia was best man and Mes-
sers Donald L. Rogers, Belfair and
Raymond Coburn, Centralia, ush-
: ors.
; For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Bougault chose a navy blue
tuckette dress trimmed in white
with white accessories and cor-
sage of pink carnations,
Mrs. Chapman, mother of the
bridegroom, wore a navy blue and
white polka dot taffeta dress with
white accessories amt pink carna-
tion corsage.
Pink roses and tiny blue bells
decorated the Maltose Cross wed-
ding cake topped with a miniature
bridal couple for' the reception in
l, he Colonial House immediately
following tile wedding.
In charge of the appointments
at the reception were Mrs. Paul
Bourgault, Mrs. Joseph Bourgault,
Mrs D. L. Rogers, Belfalr, Mrs.
Garry Markland, Seattle, Miss
Carol Cole, Mrs. Arnold J. Lund,
and Miss Ilona Orris, Edmonds.
The young couple were both
graduated from Itene S. Reed high
school and Mr. Chapnmn utlended
Centralia Junior College. They are
making heir home in Seattle,
where Mr. Chapman is employed
at West Coast Dntg Company.
Among the out-of-town guests
' were Mr, and Mrs. Zoph Agee,
Medford, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald L. Rogers, Belfair, /vii,. and
Mrs.'John Dunkel, Jr., Renton Mr.
and Mrs. Garry Markland, Mr. and
Mrs Paul Bourgault, Mrs. Fred
Goebel, Mrs. Ernest Kuhn, Seattle,
Mr and Mrs. Walter Bourgault
and daughter, McCleary, Mrs.
Thelma Rogers and sons, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Bailey, Sr., Aberdeen,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stephens, Eu-
gene, Ore., Mrs. P. E, McCollum,
Klaber, Mr, and Mrs. F. D. Weath-
erly, Olympia, Mr. and Mrs Ted
Goebel, Mrs. George Goebel and
daughter, Ray Coburn, V. E. Pa-
terson, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. John-
son, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kinder
and family all of Centralia.
Norms Vincent Is
Feted at Shower
The ladies of Mt. View Alliance
church were hostesses on Tuesday
evening of last week for a bridal
shower honoring Miss Norms Ann
Vincent, bride-elect of Sgt. David
Halsey, Manheim, Pa.
Gifts for the btide-elect were
placed under an attractive bridal
shower tree. Games were played
and prizes Won by Mrs. Qectl Pat
terson, Miss Vincent and Mrs. Otis
A short devotional was given by
Mrs. Eugene Breld, the pator's
wife, admonishing the bride to the
sacredness of the marriage vows.
Those in attendance were the
Mesdames ecil Patterson, mother
of the honored guest, William
Landis, Wayne Atwood, Avene
Riche?t, Everett Eckloff, Marshal
Jackdon. Harry Willis, E. M. LUn.
den, John MacRae,, Otis Richey,
Paul Davidson. Ernest Cole, Odel
Richey, Richard Endicott, John
Vincent of McCleary, Ruel Pierce
of Aberdeen. Eugene Breld mad
Omer Noble.
Also in attendance were Misses
Emma Richert, Kathy Richey, De-
lores Atwood, Mary MacRae and
Lorraine Vincent Of McCleary.
Sending gifts but unable to at-
tend were Mrs. Mayme WeaL
Misses Linda Cheney, 3anet Jack-
son and Kathy Tozler.
76,000,000 Nlckel
Over 76.000.000 five-cent coins
are produced each year at the
Irnited States Mint in Denver, Col-
orado. Although the U, S. "nick-
eF' contains only 25 per cent nick-
el---the balance being oopperit
takes almost 500,000 pounds of
nickel to make thue s.
B Sharp Club
Holds Annual Tea
B Sharp Junior Music Club held
its annual tea in observance of Na-
tional Music Week last Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Louis Beck. Mothers and guests
were entertained by a musical pro-
gram ml(ler lhe direction of Mrs,
Harry Carlon, counselor.
Maryanne Dill played an accor-
dion solo, and Teddy Travis and
Marcia Dorcy piano solos. Ensem-
bles singing and pantomiming
American folk songs included
Linda Rawding and Marlene Lee-
burg, Judy Smith, Kathy Rail and
Melody Morgan. , )
I The (dub proudly distlayed the
e i be " the
blu r b n :lust leceived from
bi-ennial convention of the Na-
tional Federation of Music Clubs
held in April in San Diego for
their 195%58 achievement L record.
State-winning rec.ords from junior
clubs across the t:oufllry ttre sellt
'to the -National Convention for
;competitive judging in tllree age
group classifications. B Sharp's
book won the Washington State
award, the Persia tlorton cup, in
1958 and now received second
place in the national competition.
Alina Devlin Is
New Jobie Queen
Aline Devlin was elected Hon-
ored Queen of hlethel No. 37, Order
of Job's Daughters at a special
meeting last Friday in the Mason-
ic Temple.
Elected to serve wilh her for
the ensuin term will be Clareda
Bearden, senior princess, Marlyn
Jones, junior princess, Babe Don-
aldson, guide and Robbie Getty,
Quean Valerie Latham i'eported;
that the girls put on their floor
work for the Eastern ,tar mem-
bers, at Union last Tuesday.
The Bethel will sponsor a rum-
mage sale, Friday and Saturday,
in the PUD.
3obie of the month awards were
presented to Judy Eby and Janet
Eastvold by the associate guar-
dian George Howard.
The next meeting for Jobies will
be held Tuesday evening in the
Masonic Temple, highlighting the
meeting wilt be the initiation of
two girls and honoring all Ma-
Navy Mothers to Serve
K,wanis Luncheon
Mason county Navy Mothers
will serve the luncheon for the
Anniversary Party
Fetes L. Johnsons
MI'. ttBd Mrs. Lawrence ,It)hnson
]were pleasantly aurpl'ise(I r(q:tqllly
tl It silver wedding anniversary
parly in their honor.
A silver dollar tree and bhle and
white slreamers and balloons (lee-
orated 1he Holiday Beach club-
ho||se f()r Lhe CCaS|()I1. Itostesses
were Miss Teryt Johns(m and Mrs.
Kenneth Ander.on, eattte, both
idaughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Joim-
son and Mrs. Alfred Cowan, Shel-
The couple originally married
May 7, 1934 in Stnrgus, S. D. were
remarried by the Rex,. Charles T.
Herren, May 2 in a mock wedding
ceremony. Attending at the re-
marriage were Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth f¢.einholdt of Longview, Mr.
Johnson's sister and brother-in-
law. Mrs. James Reader sang, "I
Love You, Truly".
A sheet cake enscrolled with (he
names of the cotlple was cut by
Mrs. Johnson's sister, Mrs. Ed
Metzler and Mrs. Francis Olsen
poured. Alfred Cowan was in
cilarge of the guest book.
Among the out-of-town guests
wer Mr. aml Mrs. Fred Sarri and
family, Seattle, Mr and Mrs. A1
Jolmson. Quilcene, Mr. and Mrs:
Larry Aasness, Bremertnn, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Ieinholdt,
Longview, Jack ne, Seattle and
many fztend,4 from Shelton and
Hood Canal.
This man's Homeowners
Policy is the most impel
tent 'package m his
home because it protects
all the othersl Ask uS
about thix remarkable
Homeowners "packag
covering nearly s|l major
hazards such as fire, wster
damage, theft, personal
liability and many others.
4th & R.R. HA 6-8272
II All T r Ill, rJll
We have recently acquired a new
SIMPLEX 400 lawnmewer sharp-
ener, the neweet and most acaur-
ate traight-line mower sharpener
ever built.
MOWER . . • ree! retary
hand, or pewsr . . '. from 4
inches to 38 inches in out-
tlng width.
Offer for the Next 30 Oaya
NAN D $2.50
MOWERS ........
MOWE.S $4.50
.LADES ................ 50 ¢
(If brought in detached)
Kiwanie Club, Tueaday, in the Engine Repairs
Memorial Hall.
At the regularly scheduled meet-
ing" of the Navy Mothers at 8
p.m., Thu)'day, Ltay 21, in the
Memorial Hall, electi(m of 1959-60
Officers will be the order of busi-
n ess.
DeMolays Fete Moms
Members of Mark E. Reed
Chapter, Order of DeMolay, hon-
ored their mothers with a break-
fast last Sun£1ay in the Masonic
Temple. Following the breakfast
the mothers and their sons at-
tended chllrch services.
Breakfast was served by mem-
bers of the advisory board and the
boys' fathers.
Nickel shows a marked increase
in its electrical resistace as its
temperature rises. This unique
property of nickel is used as an
automatic temperature control In
electric blankets.
Mowers, Pumps,
Cultivators, etc.
We Proudly Announce Our Appointment as
for Re0airs and Parts for CLINTON and
COOPER CLIPPEg Reel-type Mowers
MASTERCUT Roiary-type Mowers
Hedrick Sport Center
00'or better llving l;odey end tomorrow...
SHE: "How wonderful! A new kitchen, and glare
doors to our patiol"
HE: "Fixed the roof, too... I'm glad we arranged
fOr Seaflmt Home Improvement Financing."
SHE: "Monthly payment we can afford."
HE: "We were able toborrow up to $3,500...
nothing down.., five years to pay."
NEIGHBOR: "With Sfir Financing, you racy?
How do you go about t.
HE: "Just get an estimate from a reliable ctractae
or dealer. Then vbit the Installment Credit Depart.
matt of Seattle-First National Bank."
eee#eeee#oeoeoee@eeeeeeeeoeeseeeeeo@eee@eoeoooee eo eeoooooooooooooooooo@o0,
i Buy Appliances, Furnishings, Do. it-Yourself Tools :.
: with a SI=AFIRST Rt=AD¥-CREDIT account "
: With a Seafirst Ready-Credit Account, you can borrow money just by :
•. writing a check - to buy anything you want, troy time, anywhere, You :
: repay monthly only 1 of the m(mey you are actually using. :
oeee•ee•,e•e••eeeee•eeeeeeeee oee•eoeee•eee•eee•ee•e••e•ee••e••ee••ee,ee
It pays to borrow
where you can do
a'l..._ll your banking
ial Even ts
gHELTON-MASON COtq'V ]'0,rRATj -- PuNished tn "brLmasfmen
r , • Phons HA. 8-4412
aay dance groups
on Forest
'e the Salty
a birth-
Hood Can-
at Potlatch,
8:30 to
of Tote-
he served.
Hillcrest Homemakers
Elect New Officers
El(cti()n of officers highlighte(t
the last meeting of the Hillcrest
Homenmkers Clnb. lClected to
sel'v for tile enslling year were
Mrs..Iohn alter, prestdeztl; Mrs.
Don Snlith, vice president; Mrs.
I John ,lansson. se'retarv; Mrs. ,Vil-
fred Jackson', treasurer; Mrs.
Clarence Siteger and Mrs. Aglles
ILttl d, ways and means.
Also elected were Mrs. Mary
Trotter, publicity; Mrs. Darrell
Sparks, sick and prize; Mrs. Ellis
V, ells and Mrs. V. M. Jackson, pro-
gl'a.lns; Mrs. May l]llrgeSS, nld.lli-
bership; Mr's. H. C. Clark, quilts.
Tlae group nlet Wednesday eve-
ning at the home of Mr. John
Jackson t,) tie quilts for lle
The next meeting of the group
wtil be a potluck hmcheon at noon,
Wednesday in the home of Mrs.
Lund, 1228 Raih'oad Ave.
Five Shelton Students
Accepted at WSC
A group of 955 at,dents have
been accepted for dmiasion to
Washington State College for the
fall semester of the 1959-60 college
year. WSC Director of Admissions,
Claude Silnpson, reports that or!l-
el' potential students have until
Auglst 15 to apply.
Students from Shelton are Shar-
on Lee, Donna err, Gall Ritner,
Stephen Rockefeller and Georgia
Complete District
Meeting Planning
Plans will be eonpleted for the
fifth district meeting al. Ihe next
legllltr l/l('elirtg of the X q.erans
of Foreign \\;Vat's Allxili,lry at. 8
l).nL, tVrid:ty in the Memorial hall.
bh)slesses for lhe evenizlg will he
Mesdames Ix)is Pearson, Hdna
tear(len, Arlene Snlith It/ill Belly
(()(Iwin. The prizes will be brot]g'ht
by Mrs. Alice Haines. Memorial
(,rvit:es will Ills() he hehi at the
nl(,(qill R' le(I by Nil's. (}o(Iwin, l)rc:q -
'l'lae district meeling slated for
S ll.m., Saturday in Shelton with
tile auxiliary lneeling in the Me-
morial hall and [>()st in the [)lID
a))di toriu m. Highlighting the
meeting will be election of new
district officers.
The Mason county Forest la'es-
rival lllemo will be ('H'ri(,,l (nit iU
the d('col'ations. Chairnlan of the
dinnel' conlntittee will bc Mrs.
b'lorence Hanlilton with the com-
mittee, Mesdames Jessie Cox, I,ucy
Ednliston, Viola Laugen and Shar-
on Medcalf. In cliarg'e of the ta-
bles and decorations is Miss Ma-
rian Johnson with Mesdames Nel-
lie alter, Arnllt Si)ringtw, and All-
g'ltsta Twohy.
Clean-up committee chairman
will be Mrs. Godwin assisted by
Mesdames Far Robinson, Lucille
Spacer, Cecilia Gunter, A m y i
Frank, Colleen Gephart, Arlene i
Smith, Barbara Okonek and El-
liner Gosser.
All local members are re,gad to
attend. 1)elegates fronl Shelton
are Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Hamil-
ton, Miss Johnson, Mrs. Josephine
Sparks, Mrs. Colleen Gephart and
Mrs. Lucy Edmiston.
Golden Agers to
Elect New Officers
Mason county's senior citizens
will meet tu elect new officers for
the Golden Age club following a
polhtek luncheon at noon Thllrs-
day in tile Memorial hall.
The group will also sponsor a
rummage sale Friday and Satur-
day in the Union hall on Grove
A Navy-built American science
base at the geographic South Pole
was dedicated by proxy from an
airbase 730 miles to the north.
Ib Plaster Board Taping i) F. & A.M.
No. Ii
Tom Watts, W.M.
Walter Marble, Sec'y.
!:i '¸
Phone HA ff''/lS
We FORD Dealers Invite you to
Making Home In Seattle
THE RECENTLY MARRIED Mr, and Mrs. R. Craig Chapman
pose happily at their reception in the Colonial House. Mrs.
Chapman is the former Alice Louise Bourgault.
Baskets of pink daisies and
white stock decorated the chapel
of St. Edward's Catholic church
for the recent marriage of Miss
Alice Louise Bourgault and Mr.
R Craig Chapman.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Bourgault and
Mr. Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth A. Chapman.
The Rev. Mark Wiechmann,
OSB, officiated at the nuptials
while Mrs. Robert Koenan accom-
panned Miss Glands Robertson,
who sang "Ave Maria" and "On
His Day."
Mr. Bourgault escorted his
daughter down the aisle. For her
wedding, the bride chose a white
lace tiered net over sating gown
fashioned with a scalloped neck-
line and bridal point sleeves. A
crown' of seed pearls caught ker
finger tip veil of nylon tulle. The
bridal bouquet was of pink rose
buds carried on her white prayer
')m)- -
malaxl( Town Vlctorle
ii r ,• •
sales in savings in sense
to the
see for
our terrific
the most
ever--is a
in style
No big-size, big-selling
ca, s ll for'so little. Fair-
lane 500 Fordi are priced
up to $102.75 less than
anything comparable,
equipped the way most
people want them.
Fords are the world's
most beautifully propor-
tioned carll You can tell
at a glance! Every clean.
;.cut line say "Thunder-
€bird" . . . every uraceful
contour says "good tuW'l
Ford is built for people.
Ford's door opentnp are
wider . . . Ford's seats
are full-ctmhioned all the
way acrol... Ford gives
the most room and com-
fort where it count.
8re our DOUBLE=
,,.,,,,,o,o JIM PAULEY INC, .,,.-
Matron of homer was Mrs. John
Dunkel, Jr., Renton, sister of the
bride, in a blue acetate princess
style gown and blue velvet acces-
sories, Miss Sheridan Ann Chap-
man, Olympia, sister of the bride-
groom, Bridesmaid, wore a pink
acetate gown of style as that of
the matron of honor with pink ac-
cessories. They carried bouquets
of pink and white carnations.
Mr. Franklin D. Weatherly,
Olympia was best man and Mes-
sers Donald L. Rogers, Belfair and
Raymond Coburn, Centralia, ush-
: ors.
; For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Bougault chose a navy blue
tuckette dress trimmed in white
with white accessories and cor-
sage of pink carnations,
Mrs. Chapman, mother of the
bridegroom, wore a navy blue and
white polka dot taffeta dress with
white accessories amt pink carna-
tion corsage.
Pink roses and tiny blue bells
decorated the Maltose Cross wed-
ding cake topped with a miniature
bridal couple for' the reception in
l, he Colonial House immediately
following tile wedding.
In charge of the appointments
at the reception were Mrs. Paul
Bourgault, Mrs. Joseph Bourgault,
Mrs D. L. Rogers, Belfalr, Mrs.
Garry Markland, Seattle, Miss
Carol Cole, Mrs. Arnold J. Lund,
and Miss Ilona Orris, Edmonds.
The young couple were both
graduated from Itene S. Reed high
school and Mr. Chapnmn utlended
Centralia Junior College. They are
making heir home in Seattle,
where Mr. Chapman is employed
at West Coast Dntg Company.
Among the out-of-town guests
' were Mr, and Mrs. Zoph Agee,
Medford, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald L. Rogers, Belfair, /vii,. and
Mrs.'John Dunkel, Jr., Renton Mr.
and Mrs. Garry Markland, Mr. and
Mrs Paul Bourgault, Mrs. Fred
Goebel, Mrs. Ernest Kuhn, Seattle,
Mr and Mrs. Walter Bourgault
and daughter, McCleary, Mrs.
Thelma Rogers and sons, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Bailey, Sr., Aberdeen,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stephens, Eu-
gene, Ore., Mrs. P. E, McCollum,
Klaber, Mr, and Mrs. F. D. Weath-
erly, Olympia, Mr. and Mrs Ted
Goebel, Mrs. George Goebel and
daughter, Ray Coburn, V. E. Pa-
terson, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. John-
son, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kinder
and family all of Centralia.
Norms Vincent Is
Feted at Shower
The ladies of Mt. View Alliance
church were hostesses on Tuesday
evening of last week for a bridal
shower honoring Miss Norms Ann
Vincent, bride-elect of Sgt. David
Halsey, Manheim, Pa.
Gifts for the btide-elect were
placed under an attractive bridal
shower tree. Games were played
and prizes Won by Mrs. Qectl Pat
terson, Miss Vincent and Mrs. Otis
A short devotional was given by
Mrs. Eugene Breld, the pator's
wife, admonishing the bride to the
sacredness of the marriage vows.
Those in attendance were the
Mesdames ecil Patterson, mother
of the honored guest, William
Landis, Wayne Atwood, Avene
Riche?t, Everett Eckloff, Marshal
Jackdon. Harry Willis, E. M. LUn.
den, John MacRae,, Otis Richey,
Paul Davidson. Ernest Cole, Odel
Richey, Richard Endicott, John
Vincent of McCleary, Ruel Pierce
of Aberdeen. Eugene Breld mad
Omer Noble.
Also in attendance were Misses
Emma Richert, Kathy Richey, De-
lores Atwood, Mary MacRae and
Lorraine Vincent Of McCleary.
Sending gifts but unable to at-
tend were Mrs. Mayme WeaL
Misses Linda Cheney, 3anet Jack-
son and Kathy Tozler.
76,000,000 Nlckel
Over 76.000.000 five-cent coins
are produced each year at the
Irnited States Mint in Denver, Col-
orado. Although the U, S. "nick-
eF' contains only 25 per cent nick-
el---the balance being oopperit
takes almost 500,000 pounds of
nickel to make thue s.
B Sharp Club
Holds Annual Tea
B Sharp Junior Music Club held
its annual tea in observance of Na-
tional Music Week last Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Louis Beck. Mothers and guests
were entertained by a musical pro-
gram ml(ler lhe direction of Mrs,
Harry Carlon, counselor.
Maryanne Dill played an accor-
dion solo, and Teddy Travis and
Marcia Dorcy piano solos. Ensem-
bles singing and pantomiming
American folk songs included
Linda Rawding and Marlene Lee-
burg, Judy Smith, Kathy Rail and
Melody Morgan. , )
I The (dub proudly distlayed the
e i be " the
blu r b n :lust leceived from
bi-ennial convention of the Na-
tional Federation of Music Clubs
held in April in San Diego for
their 195%58 achievement L record.
State-winning rec.ords from junior
clubs across the t:oufllry ttre sellt
'to the -National Convention for
;competitive judging in tllree age
group classifications. B Sharp's
book won the Washington State
award, the Persia tlorton cup, in
1958 and now received second
place in the national competition.
Alina Devlin Is
New Jobie Queen
Aline Devlin was elected Hon-
ored Queen of hlethel No. 37, Order
of Job's Daughters at a special
meeting last Friday in the Mason-
ic Temple.
Elected to serve wilh her for
the ensuin term will be Clareda
Bearden, senior princess, Marlyn
Jones, junior princess, Babe Don-
aldson, guide and Robbie Getty,
Quean Valerie Latham i'eported;
that the girls put on their floor
work for the Eastern ,tar mem-
bers, at Union last Tuesday.
The Bethel will sponsor a rum-
mage sale, Friday and Saturday,
in the PUD.
3obie of the month awards were
presented to Judy Eby and Janet
Eastvold by the associate guar-
dian George Howard.
The next meeting for Jobies will
be held Tuesday evening in the
Masonic Temple, highlighting the
meeting wilt be the initiation of
two girls and honoring all Ma-
Navy Mothers to Serve
K,wanis Luncheon
Mason county Navy Mothers
will serve the luncheon for the
Anniversary Party
Fetes L. Johnsons
MI'. ttBd Mrs. Lawrence ,It)hnson
]were pleasantly aurpl'ise(I r(q:tqllly
tl It silver wedding anniversary
parly in their honor.
A silver dollar tree and bhle and
white slreamers and balloons (lee-
orated 1he Holiday Beach club-
ho||se f()r Lhe CCaS|()I1. Itostesses
were Miss Teryt Johns(m and Mrs.
Kenneth Ander.on, eattte, both
idaughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Joim-
son and Mrs. Alfred Cowan, Shel-
The couple originally married
May 7, 1934 in Stnrgus, S. D. were
remarried by the Rex,. Charles T.
Herren, May 2 in a mock wedding
ceremony. Attending at the re-
marriage were Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth f¢.einholdt of Longview, Mr.
Johnson's sister and brother-in-
law. Mrs. James Reader sang, "I
Love You, Truly".
A sheet cake enscrolled with (he
names of the cotlple was cut by
Mrs. Johnson's sister, Mrs. Ed
Metzler and Mrs. Francis Olsen
poured. Alfred Cowan was in
cilarge of the guest book.
Among the out-of-town guests
wer Mr. aml Mrs. Fred Sarri and
family, Seattle, Mr and Mrs. A1
Jolmson. Quilcene, Mr. and Mrs:
Larry Aasness, Bremertnn, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Ieinholdt,
Longview, Jack ne, Seattle and
many fztend,4 from Shelton and
Hood Canal.
This man's Homeowners
Policy is the most impel
tent 'package m his
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about thix remarkable
Homeowners "packag
covering nearly s|l major
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damage, theft, personal
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We have recently acquired a new
SIMPLEX 400 lawnmewer sharp-
ener, the neweet and most acaur-
ate traight-line mower sharpener
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MOWER . . • ree! retary
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Offer for the Next 30 Oaya
NAN D $2.50
MOWERS ........
MOWE.S $4.50
.LADES ................ 50 ¢
(If brought in detached)
Kiwanie Club, Tueaday, in the Engine Repairs
Memorial Hall.
At the regularly scheduled meet-
ing" of the Navy Mothers at 8
p.m., Thu)'day, Ltay 21, in the
Memorial Hall, electi(m of 1959-60
Officers will be the order of busi-
n ess.
DeMolays Fete Moms
Members of Mark E. Reed
Chapter, Order of DeMolay, hon-
ored their mothers with a break-
fast last Sun£1ay in the Masonic
Temple. Following the breakfast
the mothers and their sons at-
tended chllrch services.
Breakfast was served by mem-
bers of the advisory board and the
boys' fathers.
Nickel shows a marked increase
in its electrical resistace as its
temperature rises. This unique
property of nickel is used as an
automatic temperature control In
electric blankets.
Mowers, Pumps,
Cultivators, etc.
We Proudly Announce Our Appointment as
for Re0airs and Parts for CLINTON and
COOPER CLIPPEg Reel-type Mowers
MASTERCUT Roiary-type Mowers
Hedrick Sport Center
00'or better llving l;odey end tomorrow...
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