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Page 14
Cars in Stock total Price
'59 Plymouth Fury 4 door .................... $3451.00
'59 Plymouth Belvedere 4 door .......... $3187.00
'59 Plymouth Station Wagon ............. $3433.00
'59 Dodge Coronet 4 door .................... $3309.00
'59 Pickup (2) ........................................ $2295.00
'59 Hillman 4 door ................................ $2029.00,
All Cars have Automatic Push Button Transmission (except
Hillman). Several have Power Steering and Radios.
Good Low Cost Used Cars
1952 CHEV. HTP., radio, heater, 4 new tires ...................... $495
1953 DODGE 4/D., radio - heater .......................................... $645
1950 BUICK, standard transmission ...................................... $245
1952 PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE ................................................. $445
=m ml mmm Iim ii ii Itlm aulalllgl mni m lull all Ilgg m gm am ImB mm m mmmnnlmi nmmBI
lit/illlllllllll I III I; U Ill il I I INII IJillll Ill I ill II I JJ
For the Highest Trade-In Prices See BUD PAULEY
Pauley Motors
Climbers Qualify Six
For District, Finish
3rd in Sub-District
.... Bob Sund's cindermen qualified
,, six athletes .... the relay team ot
Harley Somers, Vince Bostwick,
Phyl Zieghr Closes Shorr00 Halbert Lon Dcyetto
plus'Harley Somers in the low
Dodge - Plymouth Agency
i i i
hurdles, Laurie Somers in the high
hurdles and high jump, and Roy
Buzzard in the 880 ...... for this
Saturday's southwest Washington
district track meet while winning
third place in the team standings
during last Saturday's sub-district
meet at North Thurston.
NONE of t h e Highclimbers
managed to snare a first place in
the sub-district, although Laurie
Somers came so close to it in the
high hurdles it was debatable.
Cousin Harley placed a stout sec-
ond in the low hurdles and the
relay team zipped its best race of
the year to push winning Olympia
right down to the tape thanks to
some excellent baton passing at
each exchange.
Roy Buzzard started his kick a
bit too late but was gaining lap-
idly on winner Don Grate of Olym-
pia in a strong finish in the half
Other Climber points were scor-
ed by Hlbert's third in the 220,
Laurie Somers' three-way share of
Slate wilh 600; Helen
Rice Voted President
Phyllis Ziegler closed out the
Simpson women's bowling league
season in fitting style by rolling
an even 600 series (188-235-177)
as she led Insulating Board to a
play-off victory over Lumber
(Jean Rau 523) last Week, winning
IBP the season championship•
Later in the week, at the
league's anmml meeting, Helen
Rice was elected president for the
1959-60 season, Dot McNamara
vice-president, Jane White secre-
tary-treasurer again, Mildred Dan-
iels sergeant-at-arms, and Shirley
Cowan historian.
Awards presented during the
evening went to Darlene Wilson
for most improved new bowler,
Irene. McGuire for most improved:
veteran bowler, Joan Sowers for
high individual game (267l, Phyl-
lis Ziegler for high individual se-
ries (644), Alice Bourgauit Chap-
man sportsmanship award.
First place awards went to Bet-
ty Olson, Maxine O'Neill, Berna-
dine Nelson, Mary Anne Besch
and captain Phyl Ziegler of the
championship IBP team and sec-
ond place awards to Grace Forbes
Beth Brown, Jean Rau, Joan Sow-
ers and captain Joyc Dion of
i l Journal Want Ads Pay
second place in the high jump,
Dave Roundtree's fourth In the
half mile, Rawlin McInelly's fourth
in the mile, and Tom Kendall's
three-way share of fourth in the
pole vault.
THE CLIMBERS wound up with
18 1/3 points to ace Hoquiam out
of third place, but winning Aber-
deen and second place Olympia
were far ahead in the team point
race at 35 and 34 respectively.
Hoquiam had 14V,, North Thurs-
ton 14, Elma 12, South Bend 7 1/3,
Valley 7, Montesano 1/3, Ocosta
and Ihvaco 0 each•
A strong wind made conditions
very difficult in all events and
prevented any outstanding marks.
No records were broken.
The sub-district plactngs:
SHOT PUT ...... Morgan O, Wil-
liams NT, Rosmaryn A, Eliot 0.
51' 31/"•
L. 8omers 8, Krahn, H, Hill O.
100 ..... Fiser O, Banks A, Buck
V, Silts A. 10.9
880.- Grate O, Buzzard S, Thorne
H, Roundtree 8. 2:06.5
440 .... Fiser O, Smith A, Buck I
V, Woods O. 52.5 I
HIGH JUMP---Olsen NT, Black-]
ley SB, Bertsch NT and L. 8ore-
era S tied for 2nd. 5' 9".
BROAD JUMP --- Brockmuller
E, Moulds °H, Beard A, Boulac O.
21' %,".
LOW HURDLES ...... Pasckvale
BASKET WEAVE FENCING H. Somers S, Weld E, Walton
PLANS FOR 220 ..... Banks A, Mason NT, Hal-
bert S, Thompson H. 25.5
f ¢ DISCUSo, MorganB°dey A' Reed H'I
and All Types o edar Fenees Eliot o• 130037/8
) - °"'''" ) la|JlE Vz"x 6" C-,,.. ,{e"$1de Roughl One 8tde Finished ) Stains )StalnS TroatMILEo, ...... McInellyBisyak s.SB'4:50.6Spencer V,
POLE VAULT --- Maupin A,
Pasckvale A and Anderson H tied,
laa2 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (H,LLCREST) PHONE HA. S-4522 :[Ti:rsb'j;;:;;""h,,;"rt' 1;Y; *" -- -" --' "'-
S002E=YOUR-QUXH00 B IJiCi00-D00i00R... AND
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et ins e e ean
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W1 e r O
!: ....
Watzh Dale Robemoa in Tales of Wdls Fargo on NBC-TV Monday Nights
Along with the mast talked about
style an the road today goes per-
formance new even to owners of
previous Buicks . . , and Poo great
for you to miss.
Buick '59 is livelier yet smoother,
more powerful yet thriftier, a.s any
previous Buick owner will tell you.
And credit goes to the turbine
smoothness of Buick transmissions,
phLs the new responsiveness of
Buick "Wildest" engines.
At the wheel, too, you'll find new
handling ease and finned-brake
sureness that owners put high on
But the best spokesman for
Buick '59--and what it can do for
you--is a Buick itself. Why not go
to your Buick dealer and get the
inside story, today?
• • •
LOW.rn/C[:D 3"... You'l£ be surprised
hog, easily yot can own a Buick LeSabre
inslead! Bc s u re to ask your Buiek Dealer
their "most liked" list.
But that's far from all these
owncrs tell us. They talk about
new operating economy from the
most efficient power plant on th0
road today. About quality of fin-
ish and detail, and of quietness
that even beats the bst of Buick
heretofore. They speak of reliabil-
ity.., and they speak of the pure
pleasure of owning a Buick '59...
in ways that warm the heart.
SHELTON MOTOR CO • =ss s. a, s,.
. ,w.?
in "Ohristmastown U.8.A." Shelton, Washin
Crucial Twin Bill at North Thurston Friday
C NTRAI LEAGUE] _, BASEBAL (ff • '.y buns. of tile. Nolth'•
%V L rf ra
SHELTON ................ 8 1 48 11
Chehalis ................... 8 1 105 23
North Thurston ....... 7 1 71 33
St. Martins ............... 4 8 36 67
Montesano ................ 2 6 21 37
Raymond .................... 2 6 18 78
Elms .......................... 0 8 19 64
Last Friday ,
North Thurston 6, Chehalis 3
Chehalis 14, North Thurston 8
This Friday
Shelton at North Thurston
North Thurston and Chehalis
knotted up the Central League
baseball race last Friday by hand-
ing each other their first defeats
of the conference schedule during a
doubleheader played at the North
Thurston field.
THAT HOISTED the Shelton
Highclimbers right back into the
top spot and put their title hopes
on the block again when they go
visiting the North Thurston dia-
mond for a twin bill with the
hard-hitting Rams this Friday aft-
That action will be a test of
Shelton's superlative p i t c h i n g
against the booming Rain bats.
North Thurston has scored 71 runs
in eight conference games with no
enormous sprees such as Chehalis
had against Raymond to help pile
up a huge run total.
There is sock all down the Ram
lineup and it will take the best
Shelton's two slab aces, lefthand-
ed JemT Mallory and righthnded
Jim Sargent. can muster to hold
Thurst on attack.
TIlE RAMS have one top-draw-
er pitcher to counter Shelton's
hurling strength in sophomore
righthander Dale Ford but haven't
a second moundsman to equal
Chet Dombrowski's one-two hill
power. Dave Claar has been get-
ting most ot the starting nods for
the Rams behind Ford but was
tagged hard by Chehalis last week.
The Bearcats were forced to
play the Rams without using their
pitching star, southpaw Dave
Dowling, because of a state high
school ruling which prohibits a
pitcher from taking the mound
within 48 hours of a previous
pitching stint. Dowling had been
beaten by Centralia in a night
game Wednesday so under the
miles wasn't eligible to pitch Fri-
day afternoon.
A A RESULT, Ford won a 6-3
decision over George Lyle in the
opener. The Bearcats responded
with a 14-8 triumph in the second
by driving Claar to cover in a
nine-run outburst in the third.
Mallory and Sargent will have
to pitch particularly carefully to
Chris Bachofner and Loren Cooper
when they face the Rams tomor-
row. Cooper hit two home runs
against Chehalis and Bachofner
has been slamming the ball for a
stout batting average all season.
Shelter had an open date last
weekend and Dombroski's charges
are well rested for their crucial
series with the Rams.
24 Qualify For District Meet
Close victory margins in all.
three divisions brought the Shel-
ton Blazers the sub-district junior
high track championship last Fri-
day and qualified 24 of Coach Bill
Brickert's young athletes for the
southwest Washington d i s t r i c t
meet this Friday at Vancouver.
The Blazers rolled up a total of
136 1/10 points to Jefferson's 115
9/10. Trailing far in arrears were
Washington of Olympia and North
Thurston with 32 points apiece.
By divisions the Blazers mar-
gins were these:
(;lass A -Shelter 46 %, Jeffer-
son 39!, North Thurston 25,
Washington 9.
()lass B--ShelteR 46 3/5, Jeffer-
son 40 2/5, Washington 11, Nortlz
Thurston 0.
Class C--Shelton 43, Jefferson
36, Washington 12, North Thurs-
ton 7.
Featuring the Blazer perform-
ance was John Sells' new school
class A shot put record of 52 feet
21 inches, breaking the mark he
had set himself earlier in the sea-
son at 51' 8 %".
Other especially fine perform-
ancds were by the three Blazer
relay teams, each of which estab-
lished their top times of the year;
Gary Combs 101' 11% class A dis-
cus'heave, his best, mark, as was
Daw. Lanmnt's 99' 10.1" throw
even though it gamed him only
On Oarlson's Two-Out,
3-Run Homer in 7ih
Slender, southpaw-swinger
Wayne Carlson put a story-book
finish to tim Blazer's fourth base-
ball success of the year by socldng
a two-out, 3-and-2 pitch heine rtw
with two temnmates on the bases
for a 5-3 victory over North
Thtu'stnn freshmen in a junior
high diamond contest on Loop
Field last Thursday afternoon.
Carlson came to the plate in the
last half of the seventh with the
Blazers trailing, 2-3, and with Joel
Watters digging in at second base
and Ter,'y Kadoun prancing eager-
ly on first.
• Joel had fored Henry Rose,
who opened the inning wH'h a sin-
gle, and Terry had drawn a walk
as a pinch-bitter after Dennis Hin-
ton had fanned for 1he second ont.
('ARLaON FOULED off a cou-
ple of pitches as the count ran to
the full 3-and-2, then he got the
big part of his bat. solidly into a
pit:ch which he pulled on a hard
line drive on the ground far be-
yond the reach of the North
;rhm.ston rightfielder just inside
the foul line.
Althouffh the game was over
when Kadoun crossed the plate
witlt !he winning run, Carlson
kept on coning and tile play at
boric wasn't evell close,
The Blazers lead opened the first
inning with five singles and a
walk, out of which th('y got only
two lama, they hadn't been able to
touch relief pitcher Bob Vt•ight
with any effectiveness until the
final inning and Carlson's payoff
wallop. Riela Watson, Rose, %Vat-
|ors, lell l)l?ONCilor and Carlson
bagged the first inning hits and
I,:ldon Todd the walk. Two runners
were thrown out at the plate to
hold the I:),la':ers to two rtlns.
TIlE I;,I,AZI,;R8 slammed eleven
Ifils off Wright and starter I'ete
Parklnlrst while Waiters, making
his first appearance of the season
on the ramrod, and Carlson togeth-
er stopped North Thurs/on with
two safe blows, a first inning sin-
gle sandwiched between a pair of
valks fOP one run, and a sixth in-
ning sing h whicl did no dallaage.
Nm'tla "i'lmrsl(,n scored tw(¢ un-
(,at'lied rllnS withnut a hit in the
third, dm'ing whiell Carlson )e-
lieved Watters after tile failer is-
stied Iwo SIlC(',O.;sjv0 Wtlllis with
Olle OII,
l{.(,s,', %Varlets, Carlson and Bill
Sloan each I:mgg'ed two hits for
,lerl'y l(nutson's Blazers.
Tte Blazers close their season
loday by entertaining Jefferson of
Olynqi; on Loop Field at 3:30
The shout, score:
No. Thurston 102 000 0•.-3 2 2
Blazers ......... 200 000 3 .-5 11 2
Batterks ..... Parkhurst, Wright
I l/ and MeKi/aney; Watters, Oarl.
oa t3) and Todd.
third place; Dan McHenry's 12.4
class C century dash, his top for
the year; and Dan Olson's 21.2
class B 180 yard dash.
THE 24 BLAZER qualifiers for
the district competition include 9
in class A-----Ed Kazinsky, low hur-
dles; Gary Combs, discus and shot
put; Dave Lament, shot put and; Jim Lament, pole vault;
John Sells, shot put and 100; Gary
Simons, broad jump and 50 yard; Gary Shelton, 180 yard dash;
Jerry Linton with Sells, Simons
and Shclton as a relay team; 9 in
class B--Start Johnston, shot put
and 50; Dave I!tter, 100 and broad
jump; Joe Waters, higl jump;
Rennie Anderson, higt jump; Dave
Roberlson, high jump and pole
vault; Dan Olson, 180; Ricky Dur-
kin, pole vault; Rich Barger, broad
jump; and Bill Dodds with Utter,
Olson and Johnston as a relay
team; 7 in class C--Bob Carson,
low hurdles and pole vault; Dan
McHenry, 100; Darrel Cochran, 50:
Hoggish Highclimbers
Also Win Annual
Non-Qual;!iers Meel
Track laurel: c ntinued to pile
:iPesiln :;t}e ]ltjisg]cli\\;nt{)t,l ' t]'s;:,el,t]¢z)':i
squeezed .one tt two-point team
ma.rgin in the anmml Central
League meet for athletes who did
not qualify for the sub-district
Shelton shaded Montesano, 45-
43, for the team title with Chehalis
accumulating 32 points, North
Thurston 15, and Elms 3. The
sheet was held at North Thurston
last Thursday. Raymond and St.
Martins were not represented.
Don Northness with a first in
the 440 and a second in the broad-
jump, Pete Buechel with a pair ot
seconds in the weights and Gene
Robertson with seconds in tbe 100
and 220 paced the Highclimber
success. All three are soplmntores.
Robertson was such a close second
in the 100 that his time was list-
ed as the same as tim winner's.
Will Rodgers in the high jump,
Dave Pearce in the 880, and Mike
McClendon in the mile were. first
place winners for the Climbers.'"
The results:
HIGH JUMP Will Rodg'ers S,
Gary Lord 8 and Peterson NT and
Buess C tied. 5 ft.
Hamnmck M, Blume NT, Brum-
field M. 18.0
POLE VAULT-- Lovell C, Gary
Lord S (only entrants). 9' 6".
100 .... Napiontek M, Geno Rob-
ertson S, Biles C, Smith M. 11..1
SHOT PUT -Fechtner C, Pete
Bueehel 8, Thomas M, Fournier M.
44' 3".
880----Daxe Pearee S, Evans C,
Haynie M, Bamford C. 2:14
40. lion Northness S, Ilanley
NT, Steepy C, Brmnfield M. 56.3
Hammack M, Betts C, Gary
8chllei(1,'7 S. 22.8
220-Napiontek M, Robertson S,
Smith C, Cole NT. 24.5
MILE -Mike McCiendon S, Rod-
crick E, Jm. Wingard S, Grant C.
DISCUS-- Dills M, lueehel 8,
Robbins NT, Fechtner C. 120' 2".
BROAD JUMP- Hammack M,
Northness S, Brumficld M, Lovell
C. 18' 5%".
RELAY. - Mnnte;sano, Chehalis,
Shellon. 1:4).0
North Thm'ston 6. SL;tdimn 0
Centrc! 7, Olympia 1
Kelso 2, Hoquiam 1
Kel::o 2, tfoquiam 0
]';;tNt BI'Clll 10, KHSa D 7
Contrails 6, Cheh!tlis 1
Montes;ulo 4, Hocluiam 0
VVest Brem 5, North Kitsap 4
East Brem 10, Peninsula 0
Sequim 5, Central Kits;tp 2
Port Angeles 5, South Kit 4
Bainbridve ]3, Port Townsed 3
N()r'th 'l'hm'ston 6, Chehalis 3
Chehalis 14, North Thurston 8
Brian Brickert, high jnmp and 75; East Bremcrton 7, Pcni:,std;,', '2
Bill Miller, broad jump; Larry[ Wi;s,m 6, West 13renmrton 2
Leighten, pole vault; Phil Scraf- I Central Kit 6, North iit 3
ford, pole vault; Cochran, Me- [
Henry, Millet' and Brickert as the ll I
relay" team.
B!'ickert will take a relay alter-i TIDES OF THE WEEK i
nat£ for all three teams Corky [| Computed for Hood Canal I
Peterson Class A, Fred Bostwick I| {Oakland Bay tlde are one aor I
Class B, and George Davidson]l and 65"minutu tatar.) i
Class c. II i
The sub-district results: I"
Friday May 15
(S ,t6 r:, J 39, NT 25 W 9) Low .................. 5:03 a.m. 6.1 ft.
"' , ....... , High , 923 am 82 ft
LOW HURDLES ..... Walton Nq, [ ..................... , ' •
S Low 4 14 pm 20 ft
Kazinsky ,', Wrye J Thomas W .................. : ' • • '"
16.2 " ' II:Iigh ...... .......... 11:29 p.m. 11.5 ft.
• S tturday, M y 10
DISCUS--( ombs S, Weatherbie I ' : • ; •
o S s Low 6'01 am 52 ft
NT, Lam nt ,., Gutafson NT. 110 . . - ......................
11," irlgn ................ 10:54 a.m. 8.1 ft.
100"-Sells S, Minon J, Andrew Low ........ : ......... 5:16 pro. 2.8 ft.
d, RJ*I/IJ; 1 Jr, 11,'31; • 9
H o ] k HIgla 0 1 am 11 7 fL
IGH JUMP B rat J, Car [ .' .................. .: , ...... . •
and Low 6 52 a m 4 0 tt
NT Lazar m NT, J. Lamont S ................. : .... ' •
Stranberg J 5' 6" High ................ 12:26 p.m. 8.4 ft.
,-/Silla;l J. si,,,,,,s s, pane-ILow .................. 6:18 p.m. 3.5 ft.
r Monda.% May 18
uicz W, Gillis NT. 6.1 [ . "," . . ....
High 0 3 a m 11, rt
660 -- Newton J McLam "V,I : .................. :' .....
• • ' Low ,7 "37 am 26 ft
Betzel J. I.inton S. 1:35.1 . . .......................
tHigh 1 44 pm 92 ft
SHOT PUT-.-NelIs S, Combs ,', ,, . ................. : . . . :.2 ..7"
,ow 8 16 pm • rc
D. Lament 8, Whitman NT 52' - ................. : ....
2',)" (school lcord) .... Tuesday, May 19
rn h 1 32 a m 120 ft
180 - Andrew J, Shellon S,. g" .................. :, '' • ''
Iox 8 21 am 12 ft
Hayes J. Gillis NT. 21 flat.. [.'. ................. ,:. '. " ,^" [:'
, IT S tllgtl Z )1 p m tu t [t
I;OLE VA LT .... J, I,amont ,;I .................. : .... .'
r Low 8 16 pm 4 fL
and ,alton NT tied Strandbergl .................. :' . • ." •
' I Wednesday, May 20
and Borst J tied. 9' 6". + ....
• BROAD JUMP- Simons S, An-I Hgn .................. 2:10 a.m. 1.2.2 ft.
crew J Hayes J Clark NT i/' 2" 9:05 a.m. -2.4 ft.
RELAY .... Shelton (Sells, St-IHtg h .................. 3:49 p.m. 11.0 ft.
mona, Linlon, Shelton), "Washing-I L°w ................. 9:12 p.m. 5.1 ft.
ton, North Thurston. 50 flat. 1 Thur.lay, May 2t
(S 46 3/5, J 40 2/5, W 11, NT 0)
LO%V HURDLES .... Nelson J,
Morand J, IVters S, Cregg W.
SHOT PUT--Johnat(m S, Har-
rk J, Durra J, Nelson J. 39' 16y".
100--Utter S, Pnrcell J, Reisner
J, Anderson 8. 11.6
50-.Purcell J, Johnston S, Carl-
ton V¢, Cobel J. 6.2
HIGH JUMP ..... Morand J, tied
Vaters, Anderson, R,obertson all
S, Harris, Tee both J. 4' 10".
180 ()l,on S, Parr V, Best-
wick S, Flanagan J. 21.2
POLE VAULT .... Robertson S,
Durkin S, Morand J, Parr W. 9 ft.
BROAD JUMP ...... Utter S, Pur-
cell J, Darger 8, rllson %V. 17 ft.
REI,AY helton (Utter, Dodds,
Olson, Johnston I, Washington,
Jefferson. 50.4
/S 43, J 36, V 12, NT 7
LOV HURI)ICS (au'son S
Portcus NT, Brooks ,], lawdill
S. 14.4
100 Hazelrigg .l, Mellenry S,
Crunk V¢, Carson S. 12.2
• 50 Lewis J, Co('hran S, Bel-
lanly J, l)avhlson S. 6.7
75 ..... Brh.lert ,'4. Cronk r
(:rcgg r, Lewthwaile J. 9.8
SHOT PITT . Lewis J, Cronk
\\;V. l-{azelrig .l, ('ovhraa S• 2¢,# ' 4".
F[IGH .]IHqf' I.t'wis J arid
I'ortc IS NT lied, Bri('lcen't S, I.elg'h-
ton S. 4' 10".
BROAD JIIMP Lewlllwa i,
.T, MUler 8, Bellanly .I, I)avidson 8.
15' 6".
I'OLE VAITLT lqghton, Car-
son, 8crd,l'ord all 8 tied; Brevig 8.
7 ft.
RELAY .... Shclton (Cnchran,
MeHenry, Miller, Brickert), ,lef-
fcrson, Washington. 54,7 seconds.
13ecause they can be elched
quickly and economically, nickel-
containing stainless steels are
useful for such decorative applica-
tioa a connnemorative plaque
High .................. 2:50 a.m. 12.3 ft.
Low . ................. 9:49 a.m. -2.4 ft.
High .................. 4:45 p.m. 11.8 ft.
Low ................ 10:05 p.m. 5.6 ft.
iii!i l
il tavern
!!ilil Like the
iil and
ii!i been
Olympia t
been bre
ii successive
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Vern and Dan Davidson Phone
,Z Mile' South uf ShelLon on OIy
Fashioned in Bellglas! Designed
nava] architects to offer you the best!
plete line of Bell Boy boats has for yearS
pace for all others in maintenance
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Sketched: Bell Boy Express Medel 404,
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America's Fin
Page 14
Cars in Stock total Price
'59 Plymouth Fury 4 door .................... $3451.00
'59 Plymouth Belvedere 4 door .......... $3187.00
'59 Plymouth Station Wagon ............. $3433.00
'59 Dodge Coronet 4 door .................... $3309.00
'59 Pickup (2) ........................................ $2295.00
'59 Hillman 4 door ................................ $2029.00,
All Cars have Automatic Push Button Transmission (except
Hillman). Several have Power Steering and Radios.
Good Low Cost Used Cars
1952 CHEV. HTP., radio, heater, 4 new tires ...................... $495
1953 DODGE 4/D., radio - heater .......................................... $645
1950 BUICK, standard transmission ...................................... $245
1952 PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE ................................................. $445
=m ml mmm Iim ii ii Itlm aulalllgl mni m lull all Ilgg m gm am ImB mm m mmmnnlmi nmmBI
lit/illlllllllll I III I; U Ill il I I INII IJillll Ill I ill II I JJ
For the Highest Trade-In Prices See BUD PAULEY
Pauley Motors
Climbers Qualify Six
For District, Finish
3rd in Sub-District
.... Bob Sund's cindermen qualified
,, six athletes .... the relay team ot
Harley Somers, Vince Bostwick,
Phyl Zieghr Closes Shorr00 Halbert Lon Dcyetto
plus'Harley Somers in the low
Dodge - Plymouth Agency
i i i
hurdles, Laurie Somers in the high
hurdles and high jump, and Roy
Buzzard in the 880 ...... for this
Saturday's southwest Washington
district track meet while winning
third place in the team standings
during last Saturday's sub-district
meet at North Thurston.
NONE of t h e Highclimbers
managed to snare a first place in
the sub-district, although Laurie
Somers came so close to it in the
high hurdles it was debatable.
Cousin Harley placed a stout sec-
ond in the low hurdles and the
relay team zipped its best race of
the year to push winning Olympia
right down to the tape thanks to
some excellent baton passing at
each exchange.
Roy Buzzard started his kick a
bit too late but was gaining lap-
idly on winner Don Grate of Olym-
pia in a strong finish in the half
Other Climber points were scor-
ed by Hlbert's third in the 220,
Laurie Somers' three-way share of
Slate wilh 600; Helen
Rice Voted President
Phyllis Ziegler closed out the
Simpson women's bowling league
season in fitting style by rolling
an even 600 series (188-235-177)
as she led Insulating Board to a
play-off victory over Lumber
(Jean Rau 523) last Week, winning
IBP the season championship•
Later in the week, at the
league's anmml meeting, Helen
Rice was elected president for the
1959-60 season, Dot McNamara
vice-president, Jane White secre-
tary-treasurer again, Mildred Dan-
iels sergeant-at-arms, and Shirley
Cowan historian.
Awards presented during the
evening went to Darlene Wilson
for most improved new bowler,
Irene. McGuire for most improved:
veteran bowler, Joan Sowers for
high individual game (267l, Phyl-
lis Ziegler for high individual se-
ries (644), Alice Bourgauit Chap-
man sportsmanship award.
First place awards went to Bet-
ty Olson, Maxine O'Neill, Berna-
dine Nelson, Mary Anne Besch
and captain Phyl Ziegler of the
championship IBP team and sec-
ond place awards to Grace Forbes
Beth Brown, Jean Rau, Joan Sow-
ers and captain Joyc Dion of
i l Journal Want Ads Pay
second place in the high jump,
Dave Roundtree's fourth In the
half mile, Rawlin McInelly's fourth
in the mile, and Tom Kendall's
three-way share of fourth in the
pole vault.
THE CLIMBERS wound up with
18 1/3 points to ace Hoquiam out
of third place, but winning Aber-
deen and second place Olympia
were far ahead in the team point
race at 35 and 34 respectively.
Hoquiam had 14V,, North Thurs-
ton 14, Elma 12, South Bend 7 1/3,
Valley 7, Montesano 1/3, Ocosta
and Ihvaco 0 each•
A strong wind made conditions
very difficult in all events and
prevented any outstanding marks.
No records were broken.
The sub-district plactngs:
SHOT PUT ...... Morgan O, Wil-
liams NT, Rosmaryn A, Eliot 0.
51' 31/"•
L. 8omers 8, Krahn, H, Hill O.
100 ..... Fiser O, Banks A, Buck
V, Silts A. 10.9
880.- Grate O, Buzzard S, Thorne
H, Roundtree 8. 2:06.5
440 .... Fiser O, Smith A, Buck I
V, Woods O. 52.5 I
HIGH JUMP---Olsen NT, Black-]
ley SB, Bertsch NT and L. 8ore-
era S tied for 2nd. 5' 9".
BROAD JUMP --- Brockmuller
E, Moulds °H, Beard A, Boulac O.
21' %,".
LOW HURDLES ...... Pasckvale
BASKET WEAVE FENCING H. Somers S, Weld E, Walton
PLANS FOR 220 ..... Banks A, Mason NT, Hal-
bert S, Thompson H. 25.5
f ¢ DISCUSo, MorganB°dey A' Reed H'I
and All Types o edar Fenees Eliot o• 130037/8
) - °"'''" ) la|JlE Vz"x 6" C-,,.. ,{e"$1de Roughl One 8tde Finished ) Stains )StalnS TroatMILEo, ...... McInellyBisyak s.SB'4:50.6Spencer V,
POLE VAULT --- Maupin A,
Pasckvale A and Anderson H tied,
laa2 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (H,LLCREST) PHONE HA. S-4522 :[Ti:rsb'j;;:;;""h,,;"rt' 1;Y; *" -- -" --' "'-
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Watzh Dale Robemoa in Tales of Wdls Fargo on NBC-TV Monday Nights
Along with the mast talked about
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Buick '59 is livelier yet smoother,
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And credit goes to the turbine
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At the wheel, too, you'll find new
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But the best spokesman for
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But that's far from all these
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in ways that warm the heart.
SHELTON MOTOR CO • =ss s. a, s,.
. ,w.?
in "Ohristmastown U.8.A." Shelton, Washin
Crucial Twin Bill at North Thurston Friday
C NTRAI LEAGUE] _, BASEBAL (ff • '.y buns. of tile. Nolth'•
%V L rf ra
SHELTON ................ 8 1 48 11
Chehalis ................... 8 1 105 23
North Thurston ....... 7 1 71 33
St. Martins ............... 4 8 36 67
Montesano ................ 2 6 21 37
Raymond .................... 2 6 18 78
Elms .......................... 0 8 19 64
Last Friday ,
North Thurston 6, Chehalis 3
Chehalis 14, North Thurston 8
This Friday
Shelton at North Thurston
North Thurston and Chehalis
knotted up the Central League
baseball race last Friday by hand-
ing each other their first defeats
of the conference schedule during a
doubleheader played at the North
Thurston field.
THAT HOISTED the Shelton
Highclimbers right back into the
top spot and put their title hopes
on the block again when they go
visiting the North Thurston dia-
mond for a twin bill with the
hard-hitting Rams this Friday aft-
That action will be a test of
Shelton's superlative p i t c h i n g
against the booming Rain bats.
North Thurston has scored 71 runs
in eight conference games with no
enormous sprees such as Chehalis
had against Raymond to help pile
up a huge run total.
There is sock all down the Ram
lineup and it will take the best
Shelton's two slab aces, lefthand-
ed JemT Mallory and righthnded
Jim Sargent. can muster to hold
Thurst on attack.
TIlE RAMS have one top-draw-
er pitcher to counter Shelton's
hurling strength in sophomore
righthander Dale Ford but haven't
a second moundsman to equal
Chet Dombrowski's one-two hill
power. Dave Claar has been get-
ting most ot the starting nods for
the Rams behind Ford but was
tagged hard by Chehalis last week.
The Bearcats were forced to
play the Rams without using their
pitching star, southpaw Dave
Dowling, because of a state high
school ruling which prohibits a
pitcher from taking the mound
within 48 hours of a previous
pitching stint. Dowling had been
beaten by Centralia in a night
game Wednesday so under the
miles wasn't eligible to pitch Fri-
day afternoon.
A A RESULT, Ford won a 6-3
decision over George Lyle in the
opener. The Bearcats responded
with a 14-8 triumph in the second
by driving Claar to cover in a
nine-run outburst in the third.
Mallory and Sargent will have
to pitch particularly carefully to
Chris Bachofner and Loren Cooper
when they face the Rams tomor-
row. Cooper hit two home runs
against Chehalis and Bachofner
has been slamming the ball for a
stout batting average all season.
Shelter had an open date last
weekend and Dombroski's charges
are well rested for their crucial
series with the Rams.
24 Qualify For District Meet
Close victory margins in all.
three divisions brought the Shel-
ton Blazers the sub-district junior
high track championship last Fri-
day and qualified 24 of Coach Bill
Brickert's young athletes for the
southwest Washington d i s t r i c t
meet this Friday at Vancouver.
The Blazers rolled up a total of
136 1/10 points to Jefferson's 115
9/10. Trailing far in arrears were
Washington of Olympia and North
Thurston with 32 points apiece.
By divisions the Blazers mar-
gins were these:
(;lass A -Shelter 46 %, Jeffer-
son 39!, North Thurston 25,
Washington 9.
()lass B--ShelteR 46 3/5, Jeffer-
son 40 2/5, Washington 11, Nortlz
Thurston 0.
Class C--Shelton 43, Jefferson
36, Washington 12, North Thurs-
ton 7.
Featuring the Blazer perform-
ance was John Sells' new school
class A shot put record of 52 feet
21 inches, breaking the mark he
had set himself earlier in the sea-
son at 51' 8 %".
Other especially fine perform-
ancds were by the three Blazer
relay teams, each of which estab-
lished their top times of the year;
Gary Combs 101' 11% class A dis-
cus'heave, his best, mark, as was
Daw. Lanmnt's 99' 10.1" throw
even though it gamed him only
On Oarlson's Two-Out,
3-Run Homer in 7ih
Slender, southpaw-swinger
Wayne Carlson put a story-book
finish to tim Blazer's fourth base-
ball success of the year by socldng
a two-out, 3-and-2 pitch heine rtw
with two temnmates on the bases
for a 5-3 victory over North
Thtu'stnn freshmen in a junior
high diamond contest on Loop
Field last Thursday afternoon.
Carlson came to the plate in the
last half of the seventh with the
Blazers trailing, 2-3, and with Joel
Watters digging in at second base
and Ter,'y Kadoun prancing eager-
ly on first.
• Joel had fored Henry Rose,
who opened the inning wH'h a sin-
gle, and Terry had drawn a walk
as a pinch-bitter after Dennis Hin-
ton had fanned for 1he second ont.
('ARLaON FOULED off a cou-
ple of pitches as the count ran to
the full 3-and-2, then he got the
big part of his bat. solidly into a
pit:ch which he pulled on a hard
line drive on the ground far be-
yond the reach of the North
;rhm.ston rightfielder just inside
the foul line.
Althouffh the game was over
when Kadoun crossed the plate
witlt !he winning run, Carlson
kept on coning and tile play at
boric wasn't evell close,
The Blazers lead opened the first
inning with five singles and a
walk, out of which th('y got only
two lama, they hadn't been able to
touch relief pitcher Bob Vt•ight
with any effectiveness until the
final inning and Carlson's payoff
wallop. Riela Watson, Rose, %Vat-
|ors, lell l)l?ONCilor and Carlson
bagged the first inning hits and
I,:ldon Todd the walk. Two runners
were thrown out at the plate to
hold the I:),la':ers to two rtlns.
TIlE I;,I,AZI,;R8 slammed eleven
Ifils off Wright and starter I'ete
Parklnlrst while Waiters, making
his first appearance of the season
on the ramrod, and Carlson togeth-
er stopped North Thurs/on with
two safe blows, a first inning sin-
gle sandwiched between a pair of
valks fOP one run, and a sixth in-
ning sing h whicl did no dallaage.
Nm'tla "i'lmrsl(,n scored tw(¢ un-
(,at'lied rllnS withnut a hit in the
third, dm'ing whiell Carlson )e-
lieved Watters after tile failer is-
stied Iwo SIlC(',O.;sjv0 Wtlllis with
Olle OII,
l{.(,s,', %Varlets, Carlson and Bill
Sloan each I:mgg'ed two hits for
,lerl'y l(nutson's Blazers.
Tte Blazers close their season
loday by entertaining Jefferson of
Olynqi; on Loop Field at 3:30
The shout, score:
No. Thurston 102 000 0•.-3 2 2
Blazers ......... 200 000 3 .-5 11 2
Batterks ..... Parkhurst, Wright
I l/ and MeKi/aney; Watters, Oarl.
oa t3) and Todd.
third place; Dan McHenry's 12.4
class C century dash, his top for
the year; and Dan Olson's 21.2
class B 180 yard dash.
THE 24 BLAZER qualifiers for
the district competition include 9
in class A-----Ed Kazinsky, low hur-
dles; Gary Combs, discus and shot
put; Dave Lament, shot put and; Jim Lament, pole vault;
John Sells, shot put and 100; Gary
Simons, broad jump and 50 yard; Gary Shelton, 180 yard dash;
Jerry Linton with Sells, Simons
and Shclton as a relay team; 9 in
class B--Start Johnston, shot put
and 50; Dave I!tter, 100 and broad
jump; Joe Waters, higl jump;
Rennie Anderson, higt jump; Dave
Roberlson, high jump and pole
vault; Dan Olson, 180; Ricky Dur-
kin, pole vault; Rich Barger, broad
jump; and Bill Dodds with Utter,
Olson and Johnston as a relay
team; 7 in class C--Bob Carson,
low hurdles and pole vault; Dan
McHenry, 100; Darrel Cochran, 50:
Hoggish Highclimbers
Also Win Annual
Non-Qual;!iers Meel
Track laurel: c ntinued to pile
:iPesiln :;t}e ]ltjisg]cli\\;nt{)t,l ' t]'s;:,el,t]¢z)':i
squeezed .one tt two-point team
ma.rgin in the anmml Central
League meet for athletes who did
not qualify for the sub-district
Shelton shaded Montesano, 45-
43, for the team title with Chehalis
accumulating 32 points, North
Thurston 15, and Elms 3. The
sheet was held at North Thurston
last Thursday. Raymond and St.
Martins were not represented.
Don Northness with a first in
the 440 and a second in the broad-
jump, Pete Buechel with a pair ot
seconds in the weights and Gene
Robertson with seconds in tbe 100
and 220 paced the Highclimber
success. All three are soplmntores.
Robertson was such a close second
in the 100 that his time was list-
ed as the same as tim winner's.
Will Rodgers in the high jump,
Dave Pearce in the 880, and Mike
McClendon in the mile were. first
place winners for the Climbers.'"
The results:
HIGH JUMP Will Rodg'ers S,
Gary Lord 8 and Peterson NT and
Buess C tied. 5 ft.
Hamnmck M, Blume NT, Brum-
field M. 18.0
POLE VAULT-- Lovell C, Gary
Lord S (only entrants). 9' 6".
100 .... Napiontek M, Geno Rob-
ertson S, Biles C, Smith M. 11..1
SHOT PUT -Fechtner C, Pete
Bueehel 8, Thomas M, Fournier M.
44' 3".
880----Daxe Pearee S, Evans C,
Haynie M, Bamford C. 2:14
40. lion Northness S, Ilanley
NT, Steepy C, Brmnfield M. 56.3
Hammack M, Betts C, Gary
8chllei(1,'7 S. 22.8
220-Napiontek M, Robertson S,
Smith C, Cole NT. 24.5
MILE -Mike McCiendon S, Rod-
crick E, Jm. Wingard S, Grant C.
DISCUS-- Dills M, lueehel 8,
Robbins NT, Fechtner C. 120' 2".
BROAD JUMP- Hammack M,
Northness S, Brumficld M, Lovell
C. 18' 5%".
RELAY. - Mnnte;sano, Chehalis,
Shellon. 1:4).0
North Thm'ston 6. SL;tdimn 0
Centrc! 7, Olympia 1
Kelso 2, Hoquiam 1
Kel::o 2, tfoquiam 0
]';;tNt BI'Clll 10, KHSa D 7
Contrails 6, Cheh!tlis 1
Montes;ulo 4, Hocluiam 0
VVest Brem 5, North Kitsap 4
East Brem 10, Peninsula 0
Sequim 5, Central Kits;tp 2
Port Angeles 5, South Kit 4
Bainbridve ]3, Port Townsed 3
N()r'th 'l'hm'ston 6, Chehalis 3
Chehalis 14, North Thurston 8
Brian Brickert, high jnmp and 75; East Bremcrton 7, Pcni:,std;,', '2
Bill Miller, broad jump; Larry[ Wi;s,m 6, West 13renmrton 2
Leighten, pole vault; Phil Scraf- I Central Kit 6, North iit 3
ford, pole vault; Cochran, Me- [
Henry, Millet' and Brickert as the ll I
relay" team.
B!'ickert will take a relay alter-i TIDES OF THE WEEK i
nat£ for all three teams Corky [| Computed for Hood Canal I
Peterson Class A, Fred Bostwick I| {Oakland Bay tlde are one aor I
Class B, and George Davidson]l and 65"minutu tatar.) i
Class c. II i
The sub-district results: I"
Friday May 15
(S ,t6 r:, J 39, NT 25 W 9) Low .................. 5:03 a.m. 6.1 ft.
"' , ....... , High , 923 am 82 ft
LOW HURDLES ..... Walton Nq, [ ..................... , ' •
S Low 4 14 pm 20 ft
Kazinsky ,', Wrye J Thomas W .................. : ' • • '"
16.2 " ' II:Iigh ...... .......... 11:29 p.m. 11.5 ft.
• S tturday, M y 10
DISCUS--( ombs S, Weatherbie I ' : • ; •
o S s Low 6'01 am 52 ft
NT, Lam nt ,., Gutafson NT. 110 . . - ......................
11," irlgn ................ 10:54 a.m. 8.1 ft.
100"-Sells S, Minon J, Andrew Low ........ : ......... 5:16 pro. 2.8 ft.
d, RJ*I/IJ; 1 Jr, 11,'31; • 9
H o ] k HIgla 0 1 am 11 7 fL
IGH JUMP B rat J, Car [ .' .................. .: , ...... . •
and Low 6 52 a m 4 0 tt
NT Lazar m NT, J. Lamont S ................. : .... ' •
Stranberg J 5' 6" High ................ 12:26 p.m. 8.4 ft.
,-/Silla;l J. si,,,,,,s s, pane-ILow .................. 6:18 p.m. 3.5 ft.
r Monda.% May 18
uicz W, Gillis NT. 6.1 [ . "," . . ....
High 0 3 a m 11, rt
660 -- Newton J McLam "V,I : .................. :' .....
• • ' Low ,7 "37 am 26 ft
Betzel J. I.inton S. 1:35.1 . . .......................
tHigh 1 44 pm 92 ft
SHOT PUT-.-NelIs S, Combs ,', ,, . ................. : . . . :.2 ..7"
,ow 8 16 pm • rc
D. Lament 8, Whitman NT 52' - ................. : ....
2',)" (school lcord) .... Tuesday, May 19
rn h 1 32 a m 120 ft
180 - Andrew J, Shellon S,. g" .................. :, '' • ''
Iox 8 21 am 12 ft
Hayes J. Gillis NT. 21 flat.. [.'. ................. ,:. '. " ,^" [:'
, IT S tllgtl Z )1 p m tu t [t
I;OLE VA LT .... J, I,amont ,;I .................. : .... .'
r Low 8 16 pm 4 fL
and ,alton NT tied Strandbergl .................. :' . • ." •
' I Wednesday, May 20
and Borst J tied. 9' 6". + ....
• BROAD JUMP- Simons S, An-I Hgn .................. 2:10 a.m. 1.2.2 ft.
crew J Hayes J Clark NT i/' 2" 9:05 a.m. -2.4 ft.
RELAY .... Shelton (Sells, St-IHtg h .................. 3:49 p.m. 11.0 ft.
mona, Linlon, Shelton), "Washing-I L°w ................. 9:12 p.m. 5.1 ft.
ton, North Thurston. 50 flat. 1 Thur.lay, May 2t
(S 46 3/5, J 40 2/5, W 11, NT 0)
LO%V HURDLES .... Nelson J,
Morand J, IVters S, Cregg W.
SHOT PUT--Johnat(m S, Har-
rk J, Durra J, Nelson J. 39' 16y".
100--Utter S, Pnrcell J, Reisner
J, Anderson 8. 11.6
50-.Purcell J, Johnston S, Carl-
ton V¢, Cobel J. 6.2
HIGH JUMP ..... Morand J, tied
Vaters, Anderson, R,obertson all
S, Harris, Tee both J. 4' 10".
180 ()l,on S, Parr V, Best-
wick S, Flanagan J. 21.2
POLE VAULT .... Robertson S,
Durkin S, Morand J, Parr W. 9 ft.
BROAD JUMP ...... Utter S, Pur-
cell J, Darger 8, rllson %V. 17 ft.
REI,AY helton (Utter, Dodds,
Olson, Johnston I, Washington,
Jefferson. 50.4
/S 43, J 36, V 12, NT 7
LOV HURI)ICS (au'son S
Portcus NT, Brooks ,], lawdill
S. 14.4
100 Hazelrigg .l, Mellenry S,
Crunk V¢, Carson S. 12.2
• 50 Lewis J, Co('hran S, Bel-
lanly J, l)avhlson S. 6.7
75 ..... Brh.lert ,'4. Cronk r
(:rcgg r, Lewthwaile J. 9.8
SHOT PITT . Lewis J, Cronk
\\;V. l-{azelrig .l, ('ovhraa S• 2¢,# ' 4".
F[IGH .]IHqf' I.t'wis J arid
I'ortc IS NT lied, Bri('lcen't S, I.elg'h-
ton S. 4' 10".
BROAD JIIMP Lewlllwa i,
.T, MUler 8, Bellanly .I, I)avidson 8.
15' 6".
I'OLE VAITLT lqghton, Car-
son, 8crd,l'ord all 8 tied; Brevig 8.
7 ft.
RELAY .... Shclton (Cnchran,
MeHenry, Miller, Brickert), ,lef-
fcrson, Washington. 54,7 seconds.
13ecause they can be elched
quickly and economically, nickel-
containing stainless steels are
useful for such decorative applica-
tioa a connnemorative plaque
High .................. 2:50 a.m. 12.3 ft.
Low . ................. 9:49 a.m. -2.4 ft.
High .................. 4:45 p.m. 11.8 ft.
Low ................ 10:05 p.m. 5.6 ft.
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