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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.... 1959 SHELTON.MASON AL- Published in '% , "T FALL FOR THE TWISTER He may be an unwelcome, uninvited visitor at your home any day now.. • may have been already. This unwelcome, uninvited vi,qitor in the building business is called "the twister." In calling on you "the twister" will tell you that the products he sells are far super- ior to anything that local lumber dealers can supply you. HE WILL TELL YOU that he is going to .fix your home for you and that he is do- mg it for advertising purposes. HE WILL TELL YOU that his material and workmen are fully insured and all work is 100% guaranteed, but he won't tell you that his office is in his car or hotel room and if anything goes wrong HE CAN'T BE FOUND. HE WILL PRESSIfRE YOU when you tell him that you will have to think about it by telling you that this is your last chance and that his crew is doing this one job at a special price. THE PRICE IS SPECIAL, ALL RIGHT . . . sometimes as much as twice the amount the local merchant will charge. BEFORE YOU. SIGN ANYTHING, tell him you want to talk to your local supplier. You'll find he won't be back, and that your conference with a local building material deler WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. YOUR LOCAL BUILDING MATERIAL MERCHANT is here to stay and to make good on his promises and guarantees be- cause he wants to do business with you another time as well as right now. He can't run off after he sells you the mater- ial and leave you holding the bag. YOUR LOCAL CARPENTER, roofing and siding expert, is here to stay and make good on his promises and guarantees, too, because he also wants to work for you next time you have work to do, as well as right now. He'll be around to rectify mistakes, if any. "The Twister" won't, h owever!X T LUHBER COMPANY SOUND MILLWORK COHPAHY MORGAN & EAORETT LUHBER CO. WHOLESALE HOUSE GRANT LUHBER COMPANY INHSTRIAL &BUILDERS SUPPLY 1800, CARPENTERS UNION COLE ROAD BUILDERS SUPPLY LUHBER COHPANY BAYSlDE ROOFING COHPANY MASON COUNTY ROOFING & INSULATION ¢0, Beliair Fire Dept, Wins Top Award • !!i " ""  "" ' ," :"  : Belfair Communit.y Baptist 00LTc00 are: p,'e.00ident. 00eth and its auxiliary have adam been given a top award anmng fire departments of the state. BeN falr's group has been judged first in fire prevention work and in community service. Official pre- sentation of the award will be made at Bellingham at. the volun- teer fire department convention in July, which Mr. and Mrs, De- Micro" (she is president of the auxiliary) plan to attend. The auxiliary members each year pre- pare a scrapbook which keeps a recnrd of department activities, and is sent to the state office as part of the report from this area. BELFAIR'S FIRE auxiliary was mentioned on Channel 13 Sun- day,.,when they made a contribu- tion of $10 to the mental health telethon program being conducted there. The North Mason P.T.A. will present its long awaited Hi-Lo Variety Show this Friday evening, May 15, at 8:00 p.m. in the school gym. Plenty of local talent will be displayed in singing, dancing and humoronJ numbers. AlSo featured will lt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schmidt, ors and operators of the Arthur Murray dance stu- dio in Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt will do exhibition danc- ing, demonstrating seven of to-I day's popular dance steps. North i Mason junior high swing band i Will be on hand to accompany mu-i aical numbers. Tickets are on sale now by P.T.A. members and also may be bought at the door. Refreshments will be served; The co-chairman for the show a¢e M. JOhn HuSon and Mrs. DOUr[ CO1 - lisa. "Bull Dog Ballet" is the unus-. ual theme selecfd fqr the G.A.K. sponsored North Maon high dance, set for thi evening, May 16, in the Belfair  school gym. BUll dog, he sym- bol of the qorth Mason athletic teams, will be featured th the decorations. ive music for part of the evening will atipplement reco'ds, according to Pare Bead, student chairman of the dance, RefreShments will be served. The dance is open only to junic¢ high students and to their guests by special invitation. Proceeds will be placed in the G.A.A. treasury to be used eventually for gifts' athletic equipment. Miss Mary- ann Gordon is advisor to the G.A.A. jLoln; first vice-president, Mrs. Dean; missionary vice presi- dent, Mrs. W. B Thompson; vice- president, Christian service, Mrs. David Crosswhite; vice-president, Christian training, Mrs. Raymond Medleros; vice-president, business and professional women, Mrs. Ed- na Case; secretary, Mrs. Warren Dickey; and treasurer, Mrs. Clay Jones. NEW OFFICERS for the North lason P.T.A. were installed at the May meeting, last week, in spite of the absence of the new presi- dent, Mrs. Evelyn Edman. Mrs. Edman was attending the state P.T.A. convention in 'akima, ann was installed by proxy, with out- ,going president, Mrsf Mary Rie- idle, standing in her place. Other l officers installed were Meadamds i Joan Corliss, vice-president; Stclla Foster, secretary; and Donna Con- nelly, treasurer. Mrs. Phlll Rarey acted as installation officer, pre- senting each candidate for office with a corsage, made by herself. Mrs. Reidle received the tradition- al past-president's pin, and other outgoirg officers, Mrs. Corliss, Mrs. Edward Cukelet ,and Mrs. Kenneth Rose; received earrings as a gift from the P.T.A. group. During the business meeting, it was decided that the P.T.A. will sponsor the school picnic, will furnish only coffee, Keel- dd, and cake this year, and will ask families to bring their own sack lunches. The relative advan- tages of belonging to the state P.T.A. organization as opposed to a purely local parent-teacher or- ganization was discussed briefly and wilt be subject for discussion at some future meeting. Mrs. Dor- is Wllbur's second grade room won the room count award. Mrs. WiN bur's mothers also served refresh-i ments. HesSe gets at the home of the James Wtlson during the past wdekend, were the Reverend and Mrs. Milton dire, of Herlong, CaN fornia. The Reverend Gire ap- )eared as candidate pastor at the Oeal Church on Shnclay. Mahy good wishes are being toward Shelt0n General hos- for the early recovery of Mrs. 'rances Gladwin, who is still a patient there at this writing. Her many friends are hoping she will very soon be able to come home. MRS. RAY MEDIEROR Was hostess last Saturday at a party for her daughter, Mtchaele's 12th birthday. She entertained over twenty guests at a buffet supper and dancing party at the Victor Hall, where the party was re-lo- cated when weather did not allow for the beach party originally • Schedkded weekend activities also ihclue the "Spring Musicale" at the Belfair 'Community Baptist church, set for Sunday afternoon at 3:30: This is a reminder that the public is ivited to hear piano, organ and choir music in this :final concert of the season. planned. Michaele received many MOTHID:I'S DAV observance attractive gifts from her friends. Refrain" included the Mother in ................................................. and Daughter banquet last week at the Belfair Community Baptist qhm'Ch. Men of the church served Dennis Ga O'Ndl Now 'tUrkey and ham dinners to well over a hundred guests, and proved In Wedsrn Paoifio equal to the emergency of having far more in attendance than ex- pected. A full lenght movie was shown following the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris and daughters, Diana and Connie, of North Shore. draveled'to Moses Lake during the past eekend in honor of Mother's Day. They vis- ited Mrs. Harris' mother and step- father, the Kenneth Pattersons. MRS. CLYDE Boyle, South Shore, received along distance telephone call in honor of Moth- er's Day Sunday from her daugh- ter, Janlce, now Mrs. Roger Glaz- brook of Mountain View, Ctltf. Jantce, who Is teaching kinder- garten, plans a visit to the Canal some ttme after school is out. Her husband is a jet pilot $ta- toned at Moffatt Field. The Clyde Roles' youngest daughter, Bonnie, will be leaving for Idaho soon after the close of Schbol hi'e. She will fe te guest for a few weeks at Nampa, Idaho, on the ranch of a frmer Belfalr school teacher, Miss Virginia Hen- nln. Bonnie i leering r0trard to having her own horse to ride dur- ing her stay. Mrs. Robert Brinson, South Shore, is at present in Florida, where she flew recently on an emergency trip because of the critical fflne of her Mt'Gi  there. Mr. George Lovett was the vic- tim of a fatal heart attack Tues- day, May 5. Mr. Lovett 'flled a tree near the highway '.at iils outl. Shore property 'uesday morning. Following this txertlon he was talking to a neighbor, Captain Holm, whep, yith011t warning, he fell be and was found cad. He is rvved here by Mrs. Ivett. Memorial p|an were NU Cu their May with Dennis G. O'Neil, fireman ap- )renttce, USN, son of Mrs. Shtr- Hanson of Maple Conrt, Shel- ton, Wash., is serving aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Ran- ger in the Western Pacific. The Ranger is currently operat- ing wLth the U. S. Seventh Fleet off Japan and Formosa. providing air striking might to this coun- try's first line of defense in that part of the world. INSURANCE @ .AND CHILDREN AT NEW LOW COST Tou need money if you los, Yew/wife or a child-just U your widow needs money if she loses you. So- Farmers announces a F-L-E-X-I-B-L-E ]policy that provides death bone. t$ to ither survivor, with these hushal features: • permanent insurance for yemr wlfe • paid-in-full life inmranee er ! Widow and children • oovers children born after pol- icy is hsued • lights for children to convert to other insurance, at age l, without medical examinatloa, A boon to uninsurable children! • your family's insuratce paid up if you're disabled It cot$  much less, now, to get this new protection. Look in your phone book, under Farmers In- surance Croup-call your neigh- borhood agent for full ,details d this remarkable F-L-E-X-Io B-L-E policy, tailored to fit your family's needs. FARMERS NEW WORLD LIFE, INSURANCE CO. d rm&r # AUTO. LII.FIRE. TRUCK. BUSINESS BILL PEARSON MASON COUNTY AGENT 125 North 5th Street Phone HA 6-3061 SH ELTON, WASH IJCKI' A|Nl(It |R(W;G C0,.$EATTLK 45 SPOKAN[,WASH uS& 8Rtrlt  #6l(n Vl LR A. SAtSItS ALl Taste the Life that Community ;lst Church, SUn- day,. May 24. t Memorial Dy, the local ost and auxiliary will conduct memorial and grave marker services at. the elfair cemetery at 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Grapeview, were named Poppy chairmen, and will the poppy sale set for May 22. DELEGATE,q CHOSEN to rep- resent the local auxiliary at tIe department convention in June re: Mesdames Homer Parsons, Philip Hanify, C%rl NicholS, and Myron Polk. Delegates goihg to Gig HarboP on May 14, for the 4th district convention will be Mesdames Joseph Tschida, John Paxton. Polk and Nichols. Mrs George Shackleford, who will be installed this week an pres- ident of the Belfair Women's club, attended the state Convention of Federated Women's Clubs, held last week in Tacoma. Mrs. Shack- leford, acompaled by Mrs. Glenn Criss, was in attendance oti 6. Mrs. Anthony $oric, a member of the Belfair cllb, tended for all thrt dya bf convention. The Belfair met a number of Mason worqen there from of ioodsport and the VL- Natural Brewing Brewed from nature's best, then patiently, naturally aged .. brought to Life, naturally .... 1959 SHELTON.MASON AL- Published in '% , "T FALL FOR THE TWISTER He may be an unwelcome, uninvited visitor at your home any day now.. • may have been already. This unwelcome, uninvited vi,qitor in the building business is called "the twister." In calling on you "the twister" will tell you that the products he sells are far super- ior to anything that local lumber dealers can supply you. HE WILL TELL YOU that he is going to .fix your home for you and that he is do- mg it for advertising purposes. HE WILL TELL YOU that his material and workmen are fully insured and all work is 100% guaranteed, but he won't tell you that his office is in his car or hotel room and if anything goes wrong HE CAN'T BE FOUND. HE WILL PRESSIfRE YOU when you tell him that you will have to think about it by telling you that this is your last chance and that his crew is doing this one job at a special price. THE PRICE IS SPECIAL, ALL RIGHT . . . sometimes as much as twice the amount the local merchant will charge. BEFORE YOU. SIGN ANYTHING, tell him you want to talk to your local supplier. You'll find he won't be back, and that your conference with a local building material deler WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. YOUR LOCAL BUILDING MATERIAL MERCHANT is here to stay and to make good on his promises and guarantees be- cause he wants to do business with you another time as well as right now. He can't run off after he sells you the mater- ial and leave you holding the bag. YOUR LOCAL CARPENTER, roofing and siding expert, is here to stay and make good on his promises and guarantees, too, because he also wants to work for you next time you have work to do, as well as right now. He'll be around to rectify mistakes, if any. "The Twister" won't, h owever!X T LUHBER COMPANY SOUND MILLWORK COHPAHY MORGAN & EAORETT LUHBER CO. WHOLESALE HOUSE GRANT LUHBER COMPANY INHSTRIAL &BUILDERS SUPPLY 1800, CARPENTERS UNION COLE ROAD BUILDERS SUPPLY LUHBER COHPANY BAYSlDE ROOFING COHPANY MASON COUNTY ROOFING & INSULATION ¢0, Beliair Fire Dept, Wins Top Award • !!i " ""  "" ' ," :"  : Belfair Communit.y Baptist 00LTc00 are: p,'e.00ident. 00eth and its auxiliary have adam been given a top award anmng fire departments of the state. BeN falr's group has been judged first in fire prevention work and in community service. Official pre- sentation of the award will be made at Bellingham at. the volun- teer fire department convention in July, which Mr. and Mrs, De- Micro" (she is president of the auxiliary) plan to attend. The auxiliary members each year pre- pare a scrapbook which keeps a recnrd of department activities, and is sent to the state office as part of the report from this area. BELFAIR'S FIRE auxiliary was mentioned on Channel 13 Sun- day,.,when they made a contribu- tion of $10 to the mental health telethon program being conducted there. The North Mason P.T.A. will present its long awaited Hi-Lo Variety Show this Friday evening, May 15, at 8:00 p.m. in the school gym. Plenty of local talent will be displayed in singing, dancing and humoronJ numbers. AlSo featured will lt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schmidt, ors and operators of the Arthur Murray dance stu- dio in Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt will do exhibition danc- ing, demonstrating seven of to-I day's popular dance steps. North i Mason junior high swing band i Will be on hand to accompany mu-i aical numbers. Tickets are on sale now by P.T.A. members and also may be bought at the door. Refreshments will be served; The co-chairman for the show a¢e M. JOhn HuSon and Mrs. DOUr[ CO1 - lisa. "Bull Dog Ballet" is the unus-. ual theme selecfd fqr the G.A.K. sponsored North Maon high dance, set for thi evening, May 16, in the Belfair  school gym. BUll dog, he sym- bol of the qorth Mason athletic teams, will be featured th the decorations. ive music for part of the evening will atipplement reco'ds, according to Pare Bead, student chairman of the dance, RefreShments will be served. The dance is open only to junic¢ high students and to their guests by special invitation. Proceeds will be placed in the G.A.A. treasury to be used eventually for gifts' athletic equipment. Miss Mary- ann Gordon is advisor to the G.A.A. jLoln; first vice-president, Mrs. Dean; missionary vice presi- dent, Mrs. W. B Thompson; vice- president, Christian service, Mrs. David Crosswhite; vice-president, Christian training, Mrs. Raymond Medleros; vice-president, business and professional women, Mrs. Ed- na Case; secretary, Mrs. Warren Dickey; and treasurer, Mrs. Clay Jones. NEW OFFICERS for the North lason P.T.A. were installed at the May meeting, last week, in spite of the absence of the new presi- dent, Mrs. Evelyn Edman. Mrs. Edman was attending the state P.T.A. convention in 'akima, ann was installed by proxy, with out- ,going president, Mrsf Mary Rie- idle, standing in her place. Other l officers installed were Meadamds i Joan Corliss, vice-president; Stclla Foster, secretary; and Donna Con- nelly, treasurer. Mrs. Phlll Rarey acted as installation officer, pre- senting each candidate for office with a corsage, made by herself. Mrs. Reidle received the tradition- al past-president's pin, and other outgoirg officers, Mrs. Corliss, Mrs. Edward Cukelet ,and Mrs. Kenneth Rose; received earrings as a gift from the P.T.A. group. During the business meeting, it was decided that the P.T.A. will sponsor the school picnic, will furnish only coffee, Keel- dd, and cake this year, and will ask families to bring their own sack lunches. The relative advan- tages of belonging to the state P.T.A. organization as opposed to a purely local parent-teacher or- ganization was discussed briefly and wilt be subject for discussion at some future meeting. Mrs. Dor- is Wllbur's second grade room won the room count award. Mrs. WiN bur's mothers also served refresh-i ments. HesSe gets at the home of the James Wtlson during the past wdekend, were the Reverend and Mrs. Milton dire, of Herlong, CaN fornia. The Reverend Gire ap- )eared as candidate pastor at the Oeal Church on Shnclay. Mahy good wishes are being toward Shelt0n General hos- for the early recovery of Mrs. 'rances Gladwin, who is still a patient there at this writing. Her many friends are hoping she will very soon be able to come home. MRS. RAY MEDIEROR Was hostess last Saturday at a party for her daughter, Mtchaele's 12th birthday. She entertained over twenty guests at a buffet supper and dancing party at the Victor Hall, where the party was re-lo- cated when weather did not allow for the beach party originally • Schedkded weekend activities also ihclue the "Spring Musicale" at the Belfair 'Community Baptist church, set for Sunday afternoon at 3:30: This is a reminder that the public is ivited to hear piano, organ and choir music in this :final concert of the season. planned. Michaele received many MOTHID:I'S DAV observance attractive gifts from her friends. Refrain" included the Mother in ................................................. and Daughter banquet last week at the Belfair Community Baptist qhm'Ch. Men of the church served Dennis Ga O'Ndl Now 'tUrkey and ham dinners to well over a hundred guests, and proved In Wedsrn Paoifio equal to the emergency of having far more in attendance than ex- pected. A full lenght movie was shown following the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris and daughters, Diana and Connie, of North Shore. draveled'to Moses Lake during the past eekend in honor of Mother's Day. They vis- ited Mrs. Harris' mother and step- father, the Kenneth Pattersons. MRS. CLYDE Boyle, South Shore, received along distance telephone call in honor of Moth- er's Day Sunday from her daugh- ter, Janlce, now Mrs. Roger Glaz- brook of Mountain View, Ctltf. Jantce, who Is teaching kinder- garten, plans a visit to the Canal some ttme after school is out. Her husband is a jet pilot $ta- toned at Moffatt Field. The Clyde Roles' youngest daughter, Bonnie, will be leaving for Idaho soon after the close of Schbol hi'e. She will fe te guest for a few weeks at Nampa, Idaho, on the ranch of a frmer Belfalr school teacher, Miss Virginia Hen- nln. Bonnie i leering r0trard to having her own horse to ride dur- ing her stay. Mrs. Robert Brinson, South Shore, is at present in Florida, where she flew recently on an emergency trip because of the critical fflne of her Mt'Gi  there. Mr. George Lovett was the vic- tim of a fatal heart attack Tues- day, May 5. Mr. Lovett 'flled a tree near the highway '.at iils outl. Shore property 'uesday morning. Following this txertlon he was talking to a neighbor, Captain Holm, whep, yith011t warning, he fell be and was found cad. He is rvved here by Mrs. Ivett. Memorial p|an were NU Cu their May with Dennis G. O'Neil, fireman ap- )renttce, USN, son of Mrs. Shtr- Hanson of Maple Conrt, Shel- ton, Wash., is serving aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Ran- ger in the Western Pacific. The Ranger is currently operat- ing wLth the U. S. Seventh Fleet off Japan and Formosa. providing air striking might to this coun- try's first line of defense in that part of the world. INSURANCE @ .AND CHILDREN AT NEW LOW COST Tou need money if you los, Yew/wife or a child-just U your widow needs money if she loses you. So- Farmers announces a F-L-E-X-I-B-L-E ]policy that provides death bone. t$ to ither survivor, with these hushal features: • permanent insurance for yemr wlfe • paid-in-full life inmranee er ! Widow and children • oovers children born after pol- icy is hsued • lights for children to convert to other insurance, at age l, without medical examinatloa, A boon to uninsurable children! • your family's insuratce paid up if you're disabled It cot$  much less, now, to get this new protection. Look in your phone book, under Farmers In- surance Croup-call your neigh- borhood agent for full ,details d this remarkable F-L-E-X-Io B-L-E policy, tailored to fit your family's needs. FARMERS NEW WORLD LIFE, INSURANCE CO. d rm&r # AUTO. LII.FIRE. TRUCK. BUSINESS BILL PEARSON MASON COUNTY AGENT 125 North 5th Street Phone HA 6-3061 SH ELTON, WASH IJCKI' A|Nl(It |R(W;G C0,.$EATTLK 45 SPOKAN[,WASH uS& 8Rtrlt  #6l(n Vl LR A. SAtSItS ALl Taste the Life that Community ;lst Church, SUn- day,. May 24. t Memorial Dy, the local ost and auxiliary will conduct memorial and grave marker services at. the elfair cemetery at 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Grapeview, were named Poppy chairmen, and will the poppy sale set for May 22. DELEGATE,q CHOSEN to rep- resent the local auxiliary at tIe department convention in June re: Mesdames Homer Parsons, Philip Hanify, C%rl NicholS, and Myron Polk. Delegates goihg to Gig HarboP on May 14, for the 4th district convention will be Mesdames Joseph Tschida, John Paxton. Polk and Nichols. Mrs George Shackleford, who will be installed this week an pres- ident of the Belfair Women's club, attended the state Convention of Federated Women's Clubs, held last week in Tacoma. Mrs. Shack- leford, acompaled by Mrs. Glenn Criss, was in attendance oti 6. Mrs. Anthony $oric, a member of the Belfair cllb, tended for all thrt dya bf convention. The Belfair met a number of Mason worqen there from of ioodsport and the VL- Natural Brewing Brewed from nature's best, then patiently, naturally aged .. brought to Life, naturally