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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 :ii By TAils Kimball il2410N---M(,thers Day was hen- many ways in Union, but Btly by quiet family get togeU- &apos;,azld Sunday dinners. We lcnow 1; mothers everywhere enjoyed ly and children wsth them on tl very special day" i:r. and Mrs. Harry Mawson t Mothez's Day with their ghtcr and son-in-law, the It[glas Keyes and family of UIMmpm. :::. AND MRS. Kenneth Kohl w Oe happy to have their family them Sunday. They celebrat- criMe*hers Day and also the very ial occasion of the Kohl's ahddaughter Wendy. WoRdy was qne year old. Those present were Mr, i:and Mrs Bill Smith and two IyS Larry and Mike, Mr. and  Gordon Brown and daughter Wendy, and Miss Karen Kohl. Mr. and Mrs. Otto WoJohn had MI'S. Wojohn's mother, Mrs. Wat- t, Bulrush of Bremerton for Sun- dy droner. After dinner tlmy mo-  to Shelton to visit their dhter and son-in-law, Mr. and !, Jon Butler and son Brad. /fr. and Mrs. Lud Anderson spent several days in Seattle last Week attending the Washington State branch of the National ague of Postmasters Conven- tDn, held at the Benjamin Frank- 1 Hotel. Mrs. Anderson present- honorary life membership to Mr. Paul Bentley and in return etved the same honor. While in attle they also saw the Ice For s and had a nice time seeing any old friends. Enjoying their Canal home for ;e weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Ctlce Thorpe now of Port An- les. The Thorpe's were here es- eially to attend the wedding of obert Mendenhall. While here ey also visited friends and for- er neighbors. Mrs. Dorothy Jessup entertained sr sewing club at her home on le Canal last " Friday. Mrs. C. [ery Bacon Jr. and her sister rs. Pauline Harris of Seattle and merly of Shelton Joined the group and visited with old friends. Mrs. William Judah of Shelton was also a guest. Luncheon of a special chicken dish and crisp g'een salad wa served and enjoy- ed by all. Mr. and Mrs, Denning of Saint Andrews House report that the high school age girls and boys of the Saint Stevens Episcopal church, in Seattle, spent the week- end in conference with their lead- er, Rev. Bezard Young. A day at the Apple Cup hydro- plane race on Lake Chelan was J0yed by Mr. R. C, Viger and r Chuck. On the way to the lces, father and son stopped at McCleary and then Everett to take ong Chuck's cousin, Steve and Mr. Vigers brother, Mr. Bill Viger and his boy Smokey, also race en- thusiasts. They reported it to be Very exciting even though the race i#a stopped because of bad wcath-  conditions. :.r. and Mrs. Richard Buechel tnded the South West Washlng t01 Association of I:'.U.]). Coru- missioners meeting and dinner, lleld at Alderbrook Inn. Mr. Dave ames was guest speaker. He ?ke on St.ate of Washington in- dustries and the functions and purposes of the Chamber of Com- lce. Films were shown on the st Festiva! and Tree Topping,  film which  as seen on the tele- [0n show "You Asked For It". "MRS. BESSIE iIALE of Hoods- rt took a group of girls to the rine Circus In Tacoma Satur- n, The circus held great fun and /eitement as only a circus can. e  girls were Linda Hale, Mary ]echel, Kathy Grey, Nancy Yotmg, and Charlene Kelsey. '::A little note to everyone. Mrs. rT Sterling is collecting for the axle_r drive. If you wish to con- tibute you may call Kaye at her ! :< UNION NEWS hmne or leave donations t Gwin's Water Wheel Grocery and Bell's Food Center. The Union Ladies Civic Club will be held at the Community Hall Thursday, May 14. Hostesses will be Mary Bailey and K Ntles. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale are busy preparing their summer cottage for vacation time, with a inew roof and a fresh interior. i They are looking forward to spending the summer with their non Norman who has been attend- ing Menlo Park Prep School in California. Mrs. Jean Morrow spent Sun- day night and Monday in Tacoma visiting friends. Misses Jeanne Walter and Carol Allen and their escorts spent Sun- day at Lake Chelan viewing the Apple Cup races. Mr. and lrs, Roy Stanfil of Ta- coma and formerly of Union vis- ited with Mrs. Stanfil's mother land father, the Howard Walter's Saturday. A picnic lunch was the highlight of the day. Mrs. Dorothy Jessup and Mrs. Jean Morrow attended the Con- firmation Ceremonies of Mrs. Jes- sup's daughter, Mrs. Jean Moore at the Saint Mary's Episcopal church in Lakewood Thursday evening. Mrs. Moore teaches at the Charles Wright Episcopal school for boys, in Tacoma. MR. AND MRS. Paul Jones en- tertained guests from Olympia Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keller and family. They all had a great time clam digging and fishing. Then dinner and home again. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sterling were visited by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Samson of Tacoma. Mrs. Samson and Kaye are old schom chums so we know there was much reminising. The Samson's also went boating and had dinner before going back to TacOma where Mr. Samson is now enaged in construction work. Helen Timm, chairman for the Union float would like to have ah able bodied citizens and teenagers of Union who are interested in helping, come to Ted Bailey's house Saturday and Sunday the 16 and 17. There will be a work party in the basement. Also those interested in helping Mrs. Ira Morse collect greenery, will please call at her home. Thank you. Pickering News Mrs. Earl Harriman Plckering Homemakers ehlb meets this Thursday aL the club house with Mrs. Jessie Jones and Mrs. IAhrne Gosser as hostesses. There will be a lesson in nmking bound button holes and how to put in a zipper, for anyone interested at this meeting. Mrs. Vera Troy, Mrs. Helen Baker, Mrs. Jean Welch and Miss Emily Babcock went to Renter last Thursday to attend the King County Homemakers association achievement day meeting, em state homemakers safety chairmen. Mrs. Troy wan one of the honored guests and wan presented with a lovely corsage. The program con- sisted of skits, style how of home made dresses, instal|ation of new officers and speech by the state homemakers president. Each club had a table showing activities and iarticles made. The Piekerlng la- dies aim) called on Mrs. Baker's sister in Kent. On Saturday of last week Mrs. Jennie Howard and son, Jack, and wife attended the Ice Follies in Seattle. Miss Toney Howard of Seattle spent the weekend with her moth- er and brother, Don. Other guests on Sunday were Mrs. Howard's niece, Mrs. Jim Crick, and three children of Brooklyn, Wash. The work shop of the Piekering ladies is progressing veT nicely. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thl Rainfall Heavy During April Despite the reign of sunshine during the first three weeks of April, rain drenched the county during the last five days of the month, according to the Rayonier Incorporated weatherman. A total of 7,72 inches rain filled creeks and rivers to the point of overflowing and in some places succeeded, with the more than double the average April rainfall of 3.66 inches. Wettest day of the month was the 29th with 2.91 inches. Temperaturewise April recorded normal with a 60.3 degrees maxi- I Slrike Fund Payments To Be Reconsidered Pending action by the U. S. Su- preme Court. taxpayers wllo have paid Federal inconm taxes on strike benefit payments should protect their interest by filing laims for refunds on Form 843, Mr. William E. Frank. District Di- rector of Internal Revenue advised mum average and 38.5 degrees minimum average while the 25 year average shows 61.3 degrees high and 38.0 degrees low fo," the month. The warmest day of the year thus far was recorded April today. 9 a sweltering 75 degrees pre- In general, Frank said, taxpay -I ceded by the lowest temperature era have three years from the fin for the month 28 degrees on the ling date of their returns in which seventh ,to file a timely claim for refund. Penny Drive Donations 'Twas Mothers Day In Support Seattle Hospital 1.e :,., ,h, ea, Pigeen Racing, Too Children's Orthop (iic [t o s p i L a 1 which were l(,lt at Sthflton t(:)]sl li,:twrenee Johnson's loft shifted and local businesses t.wo weeks!from third and fourth place to ago will be picked up in the next few days by workers of the Shel- teR Orthopedic Guilds and Auxin iaries. A large part of the care given at the hospital is financed by the Penny Drive. Last year Shelton azd Mason county children re- ceived more than $10,000 worth of free care. I first in the third concourse racing pigeon event from Eugene. Ore- gon, last Sunday, entered by the members of the Shelton Racing Pigeon Club. A red check hen at an average speed of 1211.42 yards per minute prove(I it was ladies' day, followed closely by Pete Fassio's silver hen at 1180.75 yards. Third and fourth places were taken by Dick Giles blue bar cock and red check cock at 1179.10 and 1143.33 yards. Another flight is scheduled this Sunday from Roseburg, Oregon. LAUNDRY Coin Operated - Self Service Open 24 Hours Shop and Wash Save ACROSS FROM SAFEWAY - FREE pARKI 134 North First St. Shelton i GENUINE SPRING LAMB U. S. "Good or Choice" .... Now's the Time for a Shish Kabob. Pd BAR.S SLICED BA(ON "The Brand That Won the West" Lamb Roast Lamb Chops Lamb Chops Lamb Riblets U.S. "Good & Choice" Square cut shldr, roast lb. EGGS OLEO AA LARGE Holiday LBS. U.6. "Good & Choice" Shoulder ...................... Lb. U.S. "Good & Choice" Rib ................................ Lb. U.S. Good and Choice" . ................. Lb. roll u =o li, n 49 ( BANQUET PEARS 3 ::' 59 CHUNK TUNA :'i:: ............... Y,,,, 79 BEEF STEW ............ 2S NALLEY'S CHILI ........ INSTANT COFFEE Hills Bros ..... 6.0;" SNIDER'S CATSUP 2 ,,.o, 29 FANCY "FRESH A5 A DAIS Y" PRODUCE (HHR(OHL Kingsford's 104. BAG , , NEVER TOO LATE s s, NEVER TOO EARLY ss. HsPnRnGUS Fancy Tender Spears . . • Washington No, 1 Ib Now ,a The Time Toss. F RHURBARB LET YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU: 31/ % Per num Current Dividend I J ii i i Now is the Time to Can 15-lb. Box TOMATOES Nice Slicers for your Shlsh Kabob Ib MUSHROOMS, Fancy "Dawn Fr osh ..... 5.oz. oil 290 GOLD MEDAL 10-LB. BAG BEETS Libby's Diced, Shoe- 10 string or cut .. 303 Tin HOME LOAN CRACKERS ' 25 Krispy_ Lb. BUffER DARIGOLD Prints - Cubes PER LB, ,, ,, Tomato LIBBY'S -.-There's None Finer All sooounta Insured up to $10,000 by F.8. & L. and I,C. TNURSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOGIATiON Security Bldg., Olympia, OFFICERS-- !i Carlton I. 8ea, President fly. R. Lawrenee Exec. Vice PreL Walmer, Secretary-Treas. i ugene Do, an, Amt. Secy.-Treem. J. C. Mtnehull, Vice President ':--NEW CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 3V2% PER ANNUM Wash, DIRECTORS-- ARNOLD KOUTONEN HAZEL WALMER JOHN S. LYNCH, JI:L, V. R. LAWRENCE J. C. MINSHULL CARLTON I. SEARS ii i, DUCHESS PEACHES 4 °° SH 'ON PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., MAY 14-15-16. LIMIT RIGHTS 16 :ii By TAils Kimball il2410N---M(,thers Day was hen- many ways in Union, but Btly by quiet family get togeU- ',azld Sunday dinners. We lcnow 1; mothers everywhere enjoyed ly and children wsth them on tl very special day" i:r. and Mrs. Harry Mawson t Mothez's Day with their ghtcr and son-in-law, the It[glas Keyes and family of UIMmpm. :::. AND MRS. Kenneth Kohl w Oe happy to have their family them Sunday. They celebrat- criMe*hers Day and also the very ial occasion of the Kohl's ahddaughter Wendy. WoRdy was qne year old. Those present were Mr, i:and Mrs Bill Smith and two IyS Larry and Mike, Mr. and  Gordon Brown and daughter Wendy, and Miss Karen Kohl. Mr. and Mrs. Otto WoJohn had MI'S. Wojohn's mother, Mrs. Wat- t, Bulrush of Bremerton for Sun- dy droner. After dinner tlmy mo-  to Shelton to visit their dhter and son-in-law, Mr. and !, Jon Butler and son Brad. /fr. and Mrs. Lud Anderson spent several days in Seattle last Week attending the Washington State branch of the National ague of Postmasters Conven- tDn, held at the Benjamin Frank- 1 Hotel. Mrs. Anderson present- honorary life membership to Mr. Paul Bentley and in return etved the same honor. While in attle they also saw the Ice For s and had a nice time seeing any old friends. Enjoying their Canal home for ;e weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Ctlce Thorpe now of Port An- les. The Thorpe's were here es- eially to attend the wedding of obert Mendenhall. While here ey also visited friends and for- er neighbors. Mrs. Dorothy Jessup entertained sr sewing club at her home on le Canal last " Friday. Mrs. C. [ery Bacon Jr. and her sister rs. Pauline Harris of Seattle and merly of Shelton Joined the group and visited with old friends. Mrs. William Judah of Shelton was also a guest. Luncheon of a special chicken dish and crisp g'een salad wa served and enjoy- ed by all. Mr. and Mrs, Denning of Saint Andrews House report that the high school age girls and boys of the Saint Stevens Episcopal church, in Seattle, spent the week- end in conference with their lead- er, Rev. Bezard Young. A day at the Apple Cup hydro- plane race on Lake Chelan was J0yed by Mr. R. C, Viger and r Chuck. On the way to the lces, father and son stopped at McCleary and then Everett to take ong Chuck's cousin, Steve and Mr. Vigers brother, Mr. Bill Viger and his boy Smokey, also race en- thusiasts. They reported it to be Very exciting even though the race i#a stopped because of bad wcath-  conditions. :.r. and Mrs. Richard Buechel tnded the South West Washlng t01 Association of I:'.U.]). Coru- missioners meeting and dinner, lleld at Alderbrook Inn. Mr. Dave ames was guest speaker. He ?ke on St.ate of Washington in- dustries and the functions and purposes of the Chamber of Com- lce. Films were shown on the st Festiva! and Tree Topping,  film which  as seen on the tele- [0n show "You Asked For It". "MRS. BESSIE iIALE of Hoods- rt took a group of girls to the rine Circus In Tacoma Satur- n, The circus held great fun and /eitement as only a circus can. e  girls were Linda Hale, Mary ]echel, Kathy Grey, Nancy Yotmg, and Charlene Kelsey. '::A little note to everyone. Mrs. rT Sterling is collecting for the axle_r drive. If you wish to con- tibute you may call Kaye at her ! :< UNION NEWS hmne or leave donations t Gwin's Water Wheel Grocery and Bell's Food Center. The Union Ladies Civic Club will be held at the Community Hall Thursday, May 14. Hostesses will be Mary Bailey and K Ntles. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale are busy preparing their summer cottage for vacation time, with a inew roof and a fresh interior. i They are looking forward to spending the summer with their non Norman who has been attend- ing Menlo Park Prep School in California. Mrs. Jean Morrow spent Sun- day night and Monday in Tacoma visiting friends. Misses Jeanne Walter and Carol Allen and their escorts spent Sun- day at Lake Chelan viewing the Apple Cup races. Mr. and lrs, Roy Stanfil of Ta- coma and formerly of Union vis- ited with Mrs. Stanfil's mother land father, the Howard Walter's Saturday. A picnic lunch was the highlight of the day. Mrs. Dorothy Jessup and Mrs. Jean Morrow attended the Con- firmation Ceremonies of Mrs. Jes- sup's daughter, Mrs. Jean Moore at the Saint Mary's Episcopal church in Lakewood Thursday evening. Mrs. Moore teaches at the Charles Wright Episcopal school for boys, in Tacoma. MR. AND MRS. Paul Jones en- tertained guests from Olympia Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keller and family. They all had a great time clam digging and fishing. Then dinner and home again. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sterling were visited by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Samson of Tacoma. Mrs. Samson and Kaye are old schom chums so we know there was much reminising. The Samson's also went boating and had dinner before going back to TacOma where Mr. Samson is now enaged in construction work. Helen Timm, chairman for the Union float would like to have ah able bodied citizens and teenagers of Union who are interested in helping, come to Ted Bailey's house Saturday and Sunday the 16 and 17. There will be a work party in the basement. Also those interested in helping Mrs. Ira Morse collect greenery, will please call at her home. Thank you. Pickering News Mrs. Earl Harriman Plckering Homemakers ehlb meets this Thursday aL the club house with Mrs. Jessie Jones and Mrs. IAhrne Gosser as hostesses. There will be a lesson in nmking bound button holes and how to put in a zipper, for anyone interested at this meeting. Mrs. Vera Troy, Mrs. Helen Baker, Mrs. Jean Welch and Miss Emily Babcock went to Renter last Thursday to attend the King County Homemakers association achievement day meeting, em state homemakers safety chairmen. Mrs. Troy wan one of the honored guests and wan presented with a lovely corsage. The program con- sisted of skits, style how of home made dresses, instal|ation of new officers and speech by the state homemakers president. Each club had a table showing activities and iarticles made. The Piekerlng la- dies aim) called on Mrs. Baker's sister in Kent. On Saturday of last week Mrs. Jennie Howard and son, Jack, and wife attended the Ice Follies in Seattle. Miss Toney Howard of Seattle spent the weekend with her moth- er and brother, Don. Other guests on Sunday were Mrs. Howard's niece, Mrs. Jim Crick, and three children of Brooklyn, Wash. The work shop of the Piekering ladies is progressing veT nicely. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thl Rainfall Heavy During April Despite the reign of sunshine during the first three weeks of April, rain drenched the county during the last five days of the month, according to the Rayonier Incorporated weatherman. A total of 7,72 inches rain filled creeks and rivers to the point of overflowing and in some places succeeded, with the more than double the average April rainfall of 3.66 inches. Wettest day of the month was the 29th with 2.91 inches. Temperaturewise April recorded normal with a 60.3 degrees maxi- I Slrike Fund Payments To Be Reconsidered Pending action by the U. S. Su- preme Court. taxpayers wllo have paid Federal inconm taxes on strike benefit payments should protect their interest by filing laims for refunds on Form 843, Mr. William E. Frank. District Di- rector of Internal Revenue advised mum average and 38.5 degrees minimum average while the 25 year average shows 61.3 degrees high and 38.0 degrees low fo," the month. The warmest day of the year thus far was recorded April today. 9 a sweltering 75 degrees pre- In general, Frank said, taxpay -I ceded by the lowest temperature era have three years from the fin for the month 28 degrees on the ling date of their returns in which seventh ,to file a timely claim for refund. Penny Drive Donations 'Twas Mothers Day In Support Seattle Hospital 1.e :,., ,h, ea, Pigeen Racing, Too Children's Orthop (iic [t o s p i L a 1 which were l(,lt at Sthflton t(:)]sl li,:twrenee Johnson's loft shifted and local businesses t.wo weeks!from third and fourth place to ago will be picked up in the next few days by workers of the Shel- teR Orthopedic Guilds and Auxin iaries. A large part of the care given at the hospital is financed by the Penny Drive. Last year Shelton azd Mason county children re- ceived more than $10,000 worth of free care. I first in the third concourse racing pigeon event from Eugene. Ore- gon, last Sunday, entered by the members of the Shelton Racing Pigeon Club. A red check hen at an average speed of 1211.42 yards per minute prove(I it was ladies' day, followed closely by Pete Fassio's silver hen at 1180.75 yards. Third and fourth places were taken by Dick Giles blue bar cock and red check cock at 1179.10 and 1143.33 yards. Another flight is scheduled this Sunday from Roseburg, Oregon. LAUNDRY Coin Operated - Self Service Open 24 Hours Shop and Wash Save ACROSS FROM SAFEWAY - FREE pARKI 134 North First St. Shelton i GENUINE SPRING LAMB U. S. "Good or Choice" .... Now's the Time for a Shish Kabob. Pd BAR.S SLICED BA(ON "The Brand That Won the West" Lamb Roast Lamb Chops Lamb Chops Lamb Riblets U.S. "Good & Choice" Square cut shldr, roast lb. EGGS OLEO AA LARGE Holiday LBS. U.6. "Good & Choice" Shoulder ...................... Lb. U.S. "Good & Choice" Rib ................................ Lb. U.S. Good and Choice" . ................. Lb. roll u =o li, n 49 ( BANQUET PEARS 3 ::' 59 CHUNK TUNA :'i:: ............... Y,,,, 79 BEEF STEW ............ 2S NALLEY'S CHILI ........ INSTANT COFFEE Hills Bros ..... 6.0;" SNIDER'S CATSUP 2 ,,.o, 29 FANCY "FRESH A5 A DAIS Y" PRODUCE (HHR(OHL Kingsford's 104. BAG , , NEVER TOO LATE s s, NEVER TOO EARLY ss. HsPnRnGUS Fancy Tender Spears . . • Washington No, 1 Ib Now ,a The Time Toss. F RHURBARB LET YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU: 31/ % Per num Current Dividend I J ii i i Now is the Time to Can 15-lb. Box TOMATOES Nice Slicers for your Shlsh Kabob Ib MUSHROOMS, Fancy "Dawn Fr osh ..... 5.oz. oil 290 GOLD MEDAL 10-LB. BAG BEETS Libby's Diced, Shoe- 10 string or cut .. 303 Tin HOME LOAN CRACKERS ' 25 Krispy_ Lb. BUffER DARIGOLD Prints - Cubes PER LB, ,, ,, Tomato LIBBY'S -.-There's None Finer All sooounta Insured up to $10,000 by F.8. & L. and I,C. TNURSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOGIATiON Security Bldg., Olympia, OFFICERS-- !i Carlton I. 8ea, President fly. R. Lawrenee Exec. Vice PreL Walmer, Secretary-Treas. i ugene Do, an, Amt. Secy.-Treem. J. C. Mtnehull, Vice President ':--NEW CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 3V2% PER ANNUM Wash, DIRECTORS-- ARNOLD KOUTONEN HAZEL WALMER JOHN S. LYNCH, JI:L, V. R. LAWRENCE J. C. MINSHULL CARLTON I. SEARS ii i, DUCHESS PEACHES 4 °° SH 'ON PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., MAY 14-15-16. LIMIT RIGHTS