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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 SttELTON-IASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chr{stmasown U.fLA.," ghelton. Washin r th "' Fore st Festiv'  Military Posts to • H01dObservance Op n hesse nL military estab- SATURDAY, MAY 23RD 10 P.M. TO 2 A.M. SHELTON ARMORY MUsic by 1 STEVENS His Combo tl,00 Per Person Tickets at Door lishments and appearance of three national speal¢crs in Vashington will highlight Armed Forces Day Observance in the State, Senator Warren G. Magnuson, D., Wash., reported this week. Magnuson said that Major Gen- eral Donahi A. Yates, Commander of the Missile Test Center, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida would ad- dress a Seattle Chamber of Com- merce hmcheon, Friday, May 15. Rear Admiral R. K. Jones, Chief of the Bureau of Ships, will speak at Bremerton, Saturday, May 16. Brigadier General B o rid, Com- mander, 25th Air DiviSion, will speak at Tacoma Kiwanis Club, Thursday, May 14. Secretary of Defense, Nell Mc- Elroy advised Magnuson that na- tional guard and reserve unite High School Students To Have 'Sports Day' More than 150 high school girls frl 31 'ashington high sch,,ols will attend the 13tll annual "Sports Day" at the University of Washington May 16, sponsored by the University's department of physical education for women. With the theme, "It's all in the game," the (lay will give high school students a chance to learn about career possibilities in phys- ical education and to participate'in various group sports. The Irene S. Reed high school of Shelton will be among the schools represented. Procts Helicopter Bladtm A thin strip of nickel-contain- ing stainless steel is used to shield the leading edge of new plastic helicopter blades against abrasive :damage from the dust the "Whir- lybird" stirs up during take-off. would hold open house at their respective armories throughout Washington. # PRICES EFFECTIVE THUR. FRI. SAT. MAY 14-15-16 Princess Sharon Sund Tells Her Feeling About County's Annual Fete "00WHAT °oUR FOREST FESTIVAL MEANS' TO HE" lbest'ix al, b(cause its aim is to pro- me:,ns onlyIa 1';',;, [o,: ;ta;'f:ia! ! te t:t:om()t nd p e;ue::ve o:lr..;.:: , . ': :. e!. ' ity-a time for laughter, fun, en-I :(;l"'/,°:'l,::ettam*:I'mr"o'r:: joyment and excitement. When! aware of the need for protecting, timse people think of Forest Festi- and cnring fin' this great natural val, they think o ly of the glare- resource. orous parade beautiful floats and I repeat the message of the f()r- marching bands. Even though est: these things arc all very impor-: tam, Forest Festival holds a much Protect me-.I am your livlihood. deeper meaning for me. Oh yes, - ........................... it is a time for colorful festivity an celebration, hut it is ,,iso a JANE'S JOTTINGS time to engage ourselves in real thought. Yes, it is a time for us to Around Mason County with think seriously about protecting County Extension Agent Mason County's most precious pos- session, the forest. Do you think American women Forest Festival is our way of work harder than women of other expressing our love for the forest, actions ? and the way to remind all people Some writers are giving us this that they must protect the forest, lefense ...... Mason County's greatest resource. If we do, it's obviously not in TREES AND FORESTS mean the house .... everything to me because they pro- SHARON SUND WHEN YOU read that 90 per Festival Princess cent of our houses wired for elec- tricity have washing machines. vide so many things that are es- Last year we seem to have sential to our everyday living. "soaked" the market with this Lumber and plywood make pos- appliance. Dealers were able to sible the homes in which we live. sell three automatics to every one Modern packaging, with paper and non-automatic machine. cellophane made from wood, pro- Now the women halve started tects the food we eat. OAr edu- demanding machines that give cational, business, and communi- about five choices of wash and cation systcms depend on paper rinse temperatures--spin speeds, made of wood ptflp from the for- time differences for cotton fabrics ests. We are surrounded by pro- --degrees of soil, etc. ducts of the forest--products that Even the new bleach injector enable us to lead better lives. But has a place---many of the synthet- how ,can we always maintain our lc detergents we use have bright- abundant fm'ests that are NO vital criers or fluorescent eyes and these to us? This is an easy question:hay e to get into the fabric before to answer. We must simply con- the bleach is added. If the bleach tinue putting time and effort into is added with the detergent at the Forest Festival in order to remind same time, the brightener can't people that they can, and must, do its job. help prolong the lives of our for- MABEL BURKE from Lumbcr- ests. men's Mercantile, and I have both Just one careless smoker, or one been trying to spread the word on careless campcr is all it takes to care of our man-made and resin destroy a whole forest. A tre- treated fabrics, We both have nendously vahmble industry can been saying low temperature wat- be completely devastated within a er is a must in laundering these. very short time. How can we This is especially true of the rinse. 1 prevent this? One of the best She has a fine collection of yard- wys is through Forest Festival. FOR FOR $1 ........ p HI00S Lady Elberta age wit.h informative labels. Mat- Sliced or Halves WiIEN YOU behold our magnif- lock ladies appreciated her infer 303 Tins icent forests, do you ever wonder ruction very much the other day ,._. what a forest would say to you at their club meeting. Tastewell this this is the message the for- of what can happen when man • • • No. 303 est has for us: tampers too much. We all know I am the forest of Mason Coun- vaguely of what biological upsets Gr Beans 10 ty. My neighboring forest friends come when man tlpsets the natur- in the state of Washington will al order on the animal, plant or :IA¥, Rose FOR agree with what I have to say. insect world. Somctimes we her- • Cut, 303 Tin Many people in Mason County, aid the invention of a bug eradica- 1 and even throughout the state, are tor only to find we are besieged ETTES 'lr HO  cautious beeause they realize the with another pest our victims had Shurfine FOP. importance of keeping Washington preyed on. 2 59 o. green. There are a few The resin treatments to cotton- 111   • • 14-oz. Bottle  mm however, who do not realize my rayon-linen and wool are used to MILK =on 59 value Forest Festival reminds gi,e the wash and wear qualities R $1 them they must protect me from cron and orlon, but riley have • my enemy, fire. FIRE--My forest given rise to many problems. friends and I practically panic at Women have s(metimes been tral)- DOG & fAT FOOD : 12 ,h word! Needless to say, fire pcd with fabrics thai; are ptn'ma- p is what I dread and fear more nently off-grain and with yeih)we.d, than anything. But Forest Festi- wrinkled garments that have held MA 1 69  FLOUR s 10 79 val works toward prevent:ing my the ehlorine blcaeh that should ID .. . great destroyer. P;or this 1 am never have been used, ............. hurfine LB. SACK € thankful! Forest Festival tells the WE'Ll, TAKE the bitter with smoker that he must crush his the sweet, though, and know that cigarettes, and the camper that time and research will ultimately C K E R S WHITE BEANS 25' he must thoroughly extinguish his gwe us e, sy care and good wear. Looking Glass campfire. Just this year we finally have the Great Northern FOREST FESTIVAL leads the 2-lb. Package le of Mason County to a mTz 33 c realization that without i the forest, they are without livli- PKG ..... hood .... without the things that .... :mean so much to them in their Steve'S FINE MEATS ,, = everyday lives. If people were de- priced of all the products we for- -R oTf ENI V4* Stewing ests provide for Just one day, I'm sure there WOllld be more cautiolls"  g LARGE CHUNK STYLE heedful, and appreciative forest f . :protectors in our county and state. Bologna 45 € HENS Yes, we forests wish to be pro- i tected, because we believe God .................... aieaiamhmm Ib created us for a very important /I-KII purpose, and we wish to live long Whole Bodied, Fresh enough to fulfill that purpose. II nvvlkPlm 39' SAUSAGE ROLLS ,'mr 3 $1 O0 Frozen, Lim,ted Each .tree in every forest needs . Supply and wants the chance to fulfill 4Pak ............ S" Ibs. s 25 € its reason for living, which is to .... contribute to the needs of man CHIPS RIB STEAKS 79 _oo, ,. Steer € Ib County, hut also throughout our state, country, and world, Beef .......................... Lb. Forest Festival promotes preser- 9* vation of forests and that is why we forests are grateful to the peo- .................... pie who put forth their talents" C0RN i effort, anelbit|ons, ,deas, "lid n,( Lives, to make the Forest Festival SWANSON'S a success. 41/41J)€ 11-oz. frozen YES, , BELIEVE that is the Turk., Beef Chick. FOR message the forest has for us. If ................. 111/41 everyone would heed this message, SHORTENING the message of Forest: Festival , )eople everywherc would benefit. Reg. or Drip Every day of my life I find nany, many reasons to thank God d[¢ l-lb. tin for our abundant and beloved for- O  ests. I also thank Him for Forest Tin SAUCE v,,PORK, o. BEANS 5/'1 soo,, .s 3/27' Nalley Dills annual conrt of awards dinner last ............. t,.--., zTz"" Tins ................................. 'r,,,sday m the parish hart of St. ' Girls reeciving badges for their Whole or Kosher € work in hospitality and textile de. n* .o. ORANGE JCE 5 sign were Sandy Joncs, Dorothy ]na Guntcr, Linda Glover, Susan Og- -'ft. Roll den, Susan Hartlinc, Jud" Smith, • Pamela McComb, Judy Llnd, Peg- gy Bloomfield, Lynn Burfiend and MINUTE MAID, 6-ounce, frozen ....................... Bsrbara Hile. Tenderfoot badges went to Barb Hilo, Lynda GIover badges were awarded to Judy Smi(h and Sandra Jones, Pare Mc- Comb received the. pen pal badge. WE RECOMMEND Highlighting the evening was Unclgssified • the presentation of the Girl of the WESTERN CEDAR a.ward was won by Dm'othy Gun, SIDING AND Chdrn|en for the dinner were Pioneer Flintkote :.' McC(mlb and Jlldy Srr|it]l; ROOFING 01' , lCann-'ng, nD 30 lbs. to leaders of the group are Misses Bey Jones and Charleen Smith. A A rox..,.._._9 SHURFINE, 303 Tins ......................................... solo wss sung by J, dy Smith and Mart.ha and Pall MeC, emb played " Plio Bag a piano duet. The entire troop Since ils i lt]'()du(tion It1 ye; rs ago by Inlernalioml Nickel,' chic- : bos tile ii'on hns c,'d;blished itself € tant engineering material. This Onions revoluti,nm.ry cast iron, which can ON HILLCREST be beni or twisted witlmut break- ing, is now use.d Jn thousands of industrial applications. resin th:t voi.t nil V ,ulnins, Tt' Scotch-guard. Fabrics and gar- ments with this treatment will be labelled. Expect the cost of man's suit labelled thns to be slightly higher. Oily stains on resin treat- ed or man-mades are the bitter enemies, so this protection should be worth much to huyers, Pa 17 i i ul i m i lU i i No. 1 Farm Chain Saw as low as $169so * NIW HOMELITE 18 Ncon{hu f=,= rm  t=IM li dlsmtw. O • roo demonslrdea qr hmq tmldd SAEGER MOTOR SHOP HILLCREST Phone HA 6-4602 tv service Your set should be repa[recl i enly by o qualified techniciolk,} We erv¢e A all makes , ; and modell. . DIGK'S TV SERVIGE :rHA 6-4633 • 114 S. 2nd (Timber Appliance Bldg.) This spring renew your home with NEW SIDING Nothing gives that modern look to an old house quicker than new siding. You can have it in fire- proof material In almost any color and it never will need pointing. Come in and see our samples and get a free estimate. ' No cash down--5 year terms • * : ..... ,._,0!,.,,, INDUSTRIAL AND 1ST& pBIUNiLDERS SUPPLY PHONE HA. 6-,4393 1959 SttELTON-IASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chr{stmasown U.fLA.," ghelton. Washin r th "' Fore st Festiv'  Military Posts to • H01dObservance Op n hesse nL military estab- SATURDAY, MAY 23RD 10 P.M. TO 2 A.M. SHELTON ARMORY MUsic by 1 STEVENS His Combo tl,00 Per Person Tickets at Door lishments and appearance of three national speal¢crs in Vashington will highlight Armed Forces Day Observance in the State, Senator Warren G. Magnuson, D., Wash., reported this week. Magnuson said that Major Gen- eral Donahi A. Yates, Commander of the Missile Test Center, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida would ad- dress a Seattle Chamber of Com- merce hmcheon, Friday, May 15. Rear Admiral R. K. Jones, Chief of the Bureau of Ships, will speak at Bremerton, Saturday, May 16. Brigadier General B o rid, Com- mander, 25th Air DiviSion, will speak at Tacoma Kiwanis Club, Thursday, May 14. Secretary of Defense, Nell Mc- Elroy advised Magnuson that na- tional guard and reserve unite High School Students To Have 'Sports Day' More than 150 high school girls frl 31 'ashington high sch,,ols will attend the 13tll annual "Sports Day" at the University of Washington May 16, sponsored by the University's department of physical education for women. With the theme, "It's all in the game," the (lay will give high school students a chance to learn about career possibilities in phys- ical education and to participate'in various group sports. The Irene S. Reed high school of Shelton will be among the schools represented. Procts Helicopter Bladtm A thin strip of nickel-contain- ing stainless steel is used to shield the leading edge of new plastic helicopter blades against abrasive :damage from the dust the "Whir- lybird" stirs up during take-off. would hold open house at their respective armories throughout Washington. # PRICES EFFECTIVE THUR. FRI. SAT. MAY 14-15-16 Princess Sharon Sund Tells Her Feeling About County's Annual Fete "00WHAT °oUR FOREST FESTIVAL MEANS' TO HE" lbest'ix al, b(cause its aim is to pro- me:,ns onlyIa 1';',;, [o,: ;ta;'f:ia! ! te t:t:om()t nd p e;ue::ve o:lr..;.:: , . ': :. e!. ' ity-a time for laughter, fun, en-I :(;l"'/,°:'l,::ettam*:I'mr"o'r:: joyment and excitement. When! aware of the need for protecting, timse people think of Forest Festi- and cnring fin' this great natural val, they think o ly of the glare- resource. orous parade beautiful floats and I repeat the message of the f()r- marching bands. Even though est: these things arc all very impor-: tam, Forest Festival holds a much Protect me-.I am your livlihood. deeper meaning for me. Oh yes, - ........................... it is a time for colorful festivity an celebration, hut it is ,,iso a JANE'S JOTTINGS time to engage ourselves in real thought. Yes, it is a time for us to Around Mason County with think seriously about protecting County Extension Agent Mason County's most precious pos- session, the forest. Do you think American women Forest Festival is our way of work harder than women of other expressing our love for the forest, actions ? and the way to remind all people Some writers are giving us this that they must protect the forest, lefense ...... Mason County's greatest resource. If we do, it's obviously not in TREES AND FORESTS mean the house .... everything to me because they pro- SHARON SUND WHEN YOU read that 90 per Festival Princess cent of our houses wired for elec- tricity have washing machines. vide so many things that are es- Last year we seem to have sential to our everyday living. "soaked" the market with this Lumber and plywood make pos- appliance. Dealers were able to sible the homes in which we live. sell three automatics to every one Modern packaging, with paper and non-automatic machine. cellophane made from wood, pro- Now the women halve started tects the food we eat. OAr edu- demanding machines that give cational, business, and communi- about five choices of wash and cation systcms depend on paper rinse temperatures--spin speeds, made of wood ptflp from the for- time differences for cotton fabrics ests. We are surrounded by pro- --degrees of soil, etc. ducts of the forest--products that Even the new bleach injector enable us to lead better lives. But has a place---many of the synthet- how ,can we always maintain our lc detergents we use have bright- abundant fm'ests that are NO vital criers or fluorescent eyes and these to us? This is an easy question:hay e to get into the fabric before to answer. We must simply con- the bleach is added. If the bleach tinue putting time and effort into is added with the detergent at the Forest Festival in order to remind same time, the brightener can't people that they can, and must, do its job. help prolong the lives of our for- MABEL BURKE from Lumbcr- ests. men's Mercantile, and I have both Just one careless smoker, or one been trying to spread the word on careless campcr is all it takes to care of our man-made and resin destroy a whole forest. A tre- treated fabrics, We both have nendously vahmble industry can been saying low temperature wat- be completely devastated within a er is a must in laundering these. very short time. How can we This is especially true of the rinse. 1 prevent this? One of the best She has a fine collection of yard- wys is through Forest Festival. FOR FOR $1 ........ p HI00S Lady Elberta age wit.h informative labels. Mat- Sliced or Halves WiIEN YOU behold our magnif- lock ladies appreciated her infer 303 Tins icent forests, do you ever wonder ruction very much the other day ,._. what a forest would say to you at their club meeting. Tastewell this this is the message the for- of what can happen when man • • • No. 303 est has for us: tampers too much. We all know I am the forest of Mason Coun- vaguely of what biological upsets Gr Beans 10 ty. My neighboring forest friends come when man tlpsets the natur- in the state of Washington will al order on the animal, plant or :IA¥, Rose FOR agree with what I have to say. insect world. Somctimes we her- • Cut, 303 Tin Many people in Mason County, aid the invention of a bug eradica- 1 and even throughout the state, are tor only to find we are besieged ETTES 'lr HO  cautious beeause they realize the with another pest our victims had Shurfine FOP. importance of keeping Washington preyed on. 2 59 o. green. There are a few The resin treatments to cotton- 111   • • 14-oz. Bottle  mm however, who do not realize my rayon-linen and wool are used to MILK =on 59 value Forest Festival reminds gi,e the wash and wear qualities R $1 them they must protect me from cron and orlon, but riley have • my enemy, fire. FIRE--My forest given rise to many problems. friends and I practically panic at Women have s(metimes been tral)- DOG & fAT FOOD : 12 ,h word! Needless to say, fire pcd with fabrics thai; are ptn'ma- p is what I dread and fear more nently off-grain and with yeih)we.d, than anything. But Forest Festi- wrinkled garments that have held MA 1 69  FLOUR s 10 79 val works toward prevent:ing my the ehlorine blcaeh that should ID .. . great destroyer. P;or this 1 am never have been used, ............. hurfine LB. SACK € thankful! Forest Festival tells the WE'Ll, TAKE the bitter with smoker that he must crush his the sweet, though, and know that cigarettes, and the camper that time and research will ultimately C K E R S WHITE BEANS 25' he must thoroughly extinguish his gwe us e, sy care and good wear. Looking Glass campfire. Just this year we finally have the Great Northern FOREST FESTIVAL leads the 2-lb. Package le of Mason County to a mTz 33 c realization that without i the forest, they are without livli- PKG ..... hood .... without the things that .... :mean so much to them in their Steve'S FINE MEATS ,, = everyday lives. If people were de- priced of all the products we for- -R oTf ENI V4* Stewing ests provide for Just one day, I'm sure there WOllld be more cautiolls"  g LARGE CHUNK STYLE heedful, and appreciative forest f . :protectors in our county and state. Bologna 45 € HENS Yes, we forests wish to be pro- i tected, because we believe God .................... aieaiamhmm Ib created us for a very important /I-KII purpose, and we wish to live long Whole Bodied, Fresh enough to fulfill that purpose. II nvvlkPlm 39' SAUSAGE ROLLS ,'mr 3 $1 O0 Frozen, Lim,ted Each .tree in every forest needs . Supply and wants the chance to fulfill 4Pak ............ S" Ibs. s 25 € its reason for living, which is to .... contribute to the needs of man CHIPS RIB STEAKS 79 _oo, ,. Steer € Ib County, hut also throughout our state, country, and world, Beef .......................... Lb. Forest Festival promotes preser- 9* vation of forests and that is why we forests are grateful to the peo- .................... pie who put forth their talents" C0RN i effort, anelbit|ons, ,deas, "lid n,( Lives, to make the Forest Festival SWANSON'S a success. 41/41J)€ 11-oz. frozen YES, , BELIEVE that is the Turk., Beef Chick. FOR message the forest has for us. If ................. 111/41 everyone would heed this message, SHORTENING the message of Forest: Festival , )eople everywherc would benefit. Reg. or Drip Every day of my life I find nany, many reasons to thank God d[¢ l-lb. tin for our abundant and beloved for- O  ests. I also thank Him for Forest Tin SAUCE v,,PORK, o. BEANS 5/'1 soo,, .s 3/27' Nalley Dills annual conrt of awards dinner last ............. t,.--., zTz"" Tins ................................. 'r,,,sday m the parish hart of St. ' Girls reeciving badges for their Whole or Kosher € work in hospitality and textile de. n* .o. ORANGE JCE 5 sign were Sandy Joncs, Dorothy ]na Guntcr, Linda Glover, Susan Og- -'ft. Roll den, Susan Hartlinc, Jud" Smith, • Pamela McComb, Judy Llnd, Peg- gy Bloomfield, Lynn Burfiend and MINUTE MAID, 6-ounce, frozen ....................... Bsrbara Hile. Tenderfoot badges went to Barb Hilo, Lynda GIover badges were awarded to Judy Smi(h and Sandra Jones, Pare Mc- Comb received the. pen pal badge. WE RECOMMEND Highlighting the evening was Unclgssified • the presentation of the Girl of the WESTERN CEDAR a.ward was won by Dm'othy Gun, SIDING AND Chdrn|en for the dinner were Pioneer Flintkote :.' McC(mlb and Jlldy Srr|it]l; ROOFING 01' , lCann-'ng, nD 30 lbs. to leaders of the group are Misses Bey Jones and Charleen Smith. A A rox..,.._._9 SHURFINE, 303 Tins ......................................... solo wss sung by J, dy Smith and Mart.ha and Pall MeC, emb played " Plio Bag a piano duet. The entire troop Since ils i lt]'()du(tion It1 ye; rs ago by Inlernalioml Nickel,' chic- : bos tile ii'on hns c,'d;blished itself € tant engineering material. This Onions revoluti,nm.ry cast iron, which can ON HILLCREST be beni or twisted witlmut break- ing, is now use.d Jn thousands of industrial applications. resin th:t voi.t nil V ,ulnins, Tt' Scotch-guard. Fabrics and gar- ments with this treatment will be labelled. Expect the cost of man's suit labelled thns to be slightly higher. Oily stains on resin treat- ed or man-mades are the bitter enemies, so this protection should be worth much to huyers, Pa 17 i i ul i m i lU i i No. 1 Farm Chain Saw as low as $169so * NIW HOMELITE 18 Ncon{hu f=,= rm  t=IM li dlsmtw. O • roo demonslrdea qr hmq tmldd SAEGER MOTOR SHOP HILLCREST Phone HA 6-4602 tv service Your set should be repa[recl i enly by o qualified techniciolk,} We erv¢e A all makes , ; and modell. . DIGK'S TV SERVIGE :rHA 6-4633 • 114 S. 2nd (Timber Appliance Bldg.) This spring renew your home with NEW SIDING Nothing gives that modern look to an old house quicker than new siding. You can have it in fire- proof material In almost any color and it never will need pointing. Come in and see our samples and get a free estimate. ' No cash down--5 year terms • * : ..... ,._,0!,.,,, INDUSTRIAL AND 1ST& pBIUNiLDERS SUPPLY PHONE HA. 6-,4393