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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 SIqELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Christmas(own U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Pa Jack Stuart Serving On USS Independence .Jack E. Stuart, Jr., seaman, USN, son of Jack E. Stuart of Sportsmans Motel, Shelton, Wash., is serving aboard the attack air- craft carrier USS Independpnee operating with the Atlantic Fleet in the Caribbean. The no.west of this country's at- WT g tack carriers, the Independence sailed from Norfolk, Vs., lkpril 24, on her maiden training voyage, putt:trig finishing touches on the already hghly experienced jet pi- lots and airmen of Carrier Air Group Seven. y Later, she will become an im- !portant part of this country's first line of defense, operating in far :orners of the world. F'! RsT STREET .............................. ys Platinum IIardeners 81mplmn When used for jewelry purposes, iv nsually hardened by it with other platinum group metals such as iridium or ruthenium. ii County School Music Festival Held Kamdche P.T.O. At Hoodsport Draws Many Students To Have Float iiii:i!,+:iill ! !iiiii!/!i! i;'!+i ii!! !ii iii!iii00 ! i;i!00 ii! ,ni:!i0000io, e,!!v,!+ i I " port enjoyed the evening of mu- with the S. L. Johnstons spent the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood of Ven- steal entertainment. The specialty weekend with the Norman John- turn, California have been visiting nmnbers were a duet by Danny starts at Pe Ell. # / WEDDING INVITATIONS as the trousseau, . to ;nvte if|ends to ymlt or to announce that you ere married. !n quality; velvety re;sad letter;ng on Sffah- " paper at • price that you can afford; ever mode. 'I '2Vow tat you are to [e Marrted Y VtPstnia Courtenay, contains many dP&I suSeest¢ons and intimate eJt.c.a U [tep te wedding, [Nd¢o.[€ m We atdpy; cal[ r yorA " ' Cleveland and Jodie Campbell of Middle Skokomish; duet by Carat Michaels of Hoodsport and Penny Barnhart of Southside; a solo by Danny Harvey of Lower Skoko- mish; a choral group from Lower Skokomish consisted of Rosemary Crumb, Danny Harvey, Carolyn Robbins, Marietta Russell, Linda Hale, and Peggy Linton. An ac- cordion solo was played by Jane Cameron of Pioneer. Other num- bers on the program consisted of an acordion band from Hoodsport and Pioneer schools; Beginner band from Southside and Pioneer; Harmonica group from Pioneer; beginner band from Kamilche; ac- cordion group from Union; and ac- cordion group from Kamilche; be- ginner accordion groups from both Pioneer and Kamilche; a guitar solo by Don Bearden; and to cli- max the evening's entertainment, a combined band from Southside, Hoodsport, Lower and Middle Sko- komish; and a combined chorus group from the schools. MR. EARL CRUMB gave the introduction and Sandy Bollinger of Middle Skokomish did a very nice bit as the Mistress of Cere- monies. Mrs. Endicott accompan- 'd the singing groups and as usu- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams of Seattle were weekend guests at the Fred Williams home and did a bit of fishing but no luck. Mrs. Jane Uerner was honore( guest at the family dinner held at the Harold Sund home on Sunday. Other members of her family pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs, Ross Wer- ner and five children and Mr .and Mrs Eugene Boyd and four chil- dren all of Seattle. We should say the younger Mothers were honored too. MR. AND MRS. Emery Winters entertained their family on Sun- day. Mr .and Mrs. Gene Winters and Carla from Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson of Olympia ann Johnna from Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Winters Jr. served Mother's Day dinner to her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dailey and young Jim. Word has been received from Mrs. Herb Dickinson that Herb is recovering very well from his re- cent operation in Seattle at the St. Francis Cabrini hospital. We all wish him the best. Also word from Mel Bcarden at the Swedish hospital that he is doing well. Mrs. Bearden is staying with Mrs. Elizabeth Nelson in Se- stile so she can be close by. Dayton Passes Olympia al, gives the children the moral .upport they needed am they first look at that huge audience. We would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Endicott for the fine program and the music appreciation that they teach the children. Thank you al- so goes to Mrs. Emery Winters for the programs, Mr. Norman Gray for the extra work with the chairs, and Bill Goodpaster for the lovely dogwood, with which to decorate the stage. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Olsen from San Diego, Calif. visited with the Art Indahls for a week. Irma and the Olsens arc long time friends who hadn't visited together for 12 years so had a great deal of visit- ing to do. The two couples weren't idle a minute as they toured both Simpson plants and the Cushman Power house and many other spots enjoyable to guests on the Canal. FRII)AY EVENING Mr .and Mrs. Bob Bingley attended the wedding of Robert Mendenhall and Mary Ann Kuhnle in the Shelton Methodist church. A lovely recep- tion followed in the Grange hall at Ms(lock. Dinner guests on Sunday at the Binglcy's were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bailey of Union. The men were treating the women to a man cooked meal but a discussion got underway and they completely for- got about cooking, so, I guess you know who finished the dinner. Spring Clean Up $i4LE IJS| DAYTON ..... Our heartfelt sym- pathies to the family of Mrs. John h'win of Olympia who passed away Friday morning after a long illness. The Irwiu family were for- mer Dayton residents. Sunday callers at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,htmes Bhecker were Mr. and Mrs. Geo 'ge Mattson of Union, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wil- liams of Hoodsport and Mr. and: Mrs. Cecil Dillon anti children of] Skokomish Valley. MR. AND MRS. John Young, Carol and Glenda spent Sunday afternoon in Olympia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Garrison and enjoyed (linnet' with them. ' Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J: W. Stoner were her brother and wife, Mr and Mrs. Earl King of Bremerton. ! Thursday afternoon visitors of !Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson were Mr. and Mrs. Elmo M. Brown St'. ; of Tacoma. They took Jamie Hick- son home with them to spend a couple of weeks. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Riekards and children of Chehalis and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children. On Sunday, Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and Sherry and Mrs. Harold Le- Garde helped Mrs. Gall Albrecht of Seattle to get settled in her new home, in Shelton. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wingrove and daughters of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman spent Sunday together at Ocean City. On Sunday, Barbara Goldy cele- brated her eleventh birthday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy and had as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and Jake. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown and Mrs. Darl Goldy and Barbara attended the , Our Used Car Lot Is Overloaded with All Kinds of v sed Cars. From $50.00 and Up - 1946 to 1958 Models WE MUST HAVE ROOM... 80 ,JIM SAYS SELL 'EM -- TRADE 'EM Anyway to Make Room for Our Spring Season" New Ford Sales wedding and reception of Miss ,.. • Mary Ann Kl, hnle of Matlock fi+nd Mr. Robert Mendenhall of Shelton. FRD V-8 FAIRLANE VICTORIA 2-DOOR LINDA JACKSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jackson of 17 MOST ALL POWER EQUIPPED Shelton was Sunday guest of Mar- leen McGee. OlIEVROLET V-8 BEL AIR HARDTOP 2-DOOR The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. I,. Lemke was the scene of a family I ENGINE OVERHAULED, LOADED WITH EXTRAS gathering on Mothers Day. Pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wol- FORD FAIRLANE V-8 2-DOOR . den and Luann and Mr Rob°,* Lemke of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. 29,000 MILES -- PERFECT CONDITION K.H. Wohlen and children of Shel- FORD V STOMU 4.1)00 ton and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLain • 80U NE R and children. Mrs. Gert1de Scott spent Sun- RADIO - HEATER - NEW SHINY BLACK PAINT PONTIAC CATALINA +2.DOOR .... MOTOR OVERHAULED -- RADIO, HEATER, ETC. OILDSMOBILE 98 4-DOOR SEDAN A SOLID BUILT CAR -- THAT IS GOOD THRUOUT CADILLAC REAL GOOD 15 MODELS TO CaOOSE I PICK-UPS I)HEVRoLET ½-TON HEAVY DUTY FORD ,. Ii  TON 6 GYL• OVERDRIVE INTERNATIONAL ½.TON day in the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Scott of Shelton. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ann Mrs. T. A. Tibbits were Mr. ann Mrs. Robert Sweayingen. Mother's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts were Mrs. Nena Roberts and Miss Alta Russell of Shelton, Mrs. Bill Rob- erts, Gerry and Jimmie of Island: Lake, Mrs. Ted Munson and Ted Jr. of Renton, Bill Ashley of Ta- coma and Sugar Townsend of Agate. On Satm'day, My. and Mrs. Ray: I)illenberg attended the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs Milton Byrley of Belfair. Mrs. Byrley is Mr. Dillcnberg's sis- ter. Sunday drop-inn caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Le- Gardc was Mr. G. E. Grimm of Sc- stile. Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson wel'e Mr. and Mrs. E White of Tacoma. , Saturday evening guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Aschoff and children of Olympia and Mrs. Bruce Phillips of Shelton. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Rickards anti ehildren of Che, halis called on Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rickards on Sun- day evening. ll'ELKEND 4dlEl S of ML. and :Mrs. A. E. I,emke were Mr. anti Mrs. A. li. Woldcn and Luann and Mr Robert Lemke of Seattle. i Mr. and+ Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and children spent some time Sun- day on the canal picking up oys- tern. 117  STATION WAGONS " FORD COUNTRY SEDAN V8 ENGINE . RADIO- HEATER - NEW PAINT - FORDoMATIC I FOIID CUSTOM RANCH WAGON V8 ENGINE - RADIO- HEATER - LOW MILEAGE Jim Pauley, Inc. TERMS --- TRADES relatives and friends here and in other parts of Mason county for the past two weeks. MR. AND MRS. Mike Stolen of Forest Grove, Oregon and the Robert Pettys and two small chin dren of the Skokomish Valley were Monday's luncheon guests of Mrs. Edwin Petty. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hudson of Little Skokum and Mrs. Emma McDonald were last Thursday eve- nmg guests of the Eugene Taylors. Bruce Nelson had two of his paintings, one a pen and ink, the other an oil, accepted at the 7th Annual State Capitol Art exhibit held May 3 through June 6 at the State Museum in Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wiles and children of Olympia were Satur- day evening guests of the Edwin Taylors. Other guests were the Roy Pettys and Florence of Shel- ton Mrs. Genevieve Smith and four children have moved into the R. F. Keyzers house, formerly occupied by the Karl Phaeflers. MRS. EDWIN Taylor and Mrs. Edwin Petty attended the funeral of Mrs. Alma Nye in Olympia last Wednesday afternoon. Francis Decker and Bruce Park- er have rented the Kamilche Auto Parts Bldg. and will do body and fender work, also welding. Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson made a business trip to South Bend last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence LaMont of Dayton spent Thursday eve- ning at the Oliver Petty home, be- fore leaving by plane Saturday from Sea-Tac for Baltimore, Ma- ryland to visit their son Kenneth and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Nelson at- tended an afternoon reception hon- oring artists of the Northwest in Capitol Museum in Olympia Sun- day. Reverend and Mrs. B. W. Ells- worth and two sons spent Mother's Day in Port Angeles. ROBEItT (BOB) BREWER, a member of the Kamilche Kubs 4- H Club won a State 4-H Jersey cattle achievement champion Mason County P.T.A. Represented oo,.00 To At State Convention In Yakima SEAI"TLEE ? • Center of Dawnfmm Seaflle • Modern, comrfa rooms -,.-'iV, redJo • Oaken Bucket Lounge John Lentz, president; Mrs. Harry Tokos, vice-president; Mrs. Gor- don Bennett, treasm'er; and Mrs. John Pill, secretary. The theme of the Convention was the theme of all P.T.A.'s "The home, the school, the commun4ty together for children and youth." The main speakers of the Con- vention were Governor Rossellini, Superintendent of Schools, Lloyd Andrews, Dr George Bereday, Junior Deputies To Help Police Plans were made to aid the helton Police Department in pao troling the Paul Bunyan parade route and Forest Festival Logging Show, Saturday, May 23, at the last meeting of the Mason County' Junior Deputies. The possibilities of a summer hike and swimming party were ! aired but with no definite action l taken by the group, i Members of the Junior Deputies who have had the National Rifle Association training are practise shooting in the Armory. Any Jun- ior Deputy ,who has had this training may shoot any Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. A training course for those who have not taken the course is also being of- !ered on Thursday evenings. Any boy between the ages of 12 md 18 wishing to join the club is cordially invited to the next meet- ing at 7:30 p.m., Monday, May 25, in the Armory. Visitors are al- ways welcome. , award in Pullman last Thursday. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brewer, who live on the Jim F'raz- ier farm formerly occupied by the William Maesner family. deal to do with the public and their views on these subjects. It is wise to have a well informed leg- islative chairman. There was also much discusion pro and con, on the Federal Aid to Education pro- gram. The program for the year 1959- 60 will empasize the study of Men- tal Health. Other projects will he the "Little White House Confer- ence" in Seattle in September for parents and youth in preparation for the White House Conference in Washington, D. C. This confer- ence originated in 1909. The dis- cussion still be held on "Children and the family in a changing world." MRS. PILL has quite a supply of information on many subjects that is of interest to the P.T.A. groups and would gladly relay it on to interested parties. Use Journal Want Ads YOUR • Parking Ave;lable • No Charge  Cmt U.der 14 • Honor All Major Creo' , :iS0 roonPm G. L Pen, y, Mv. WRITE FOR ATTRACTN! FOLDI.t FRIENDLY LOAN MANAGEI' has a loan plan for yo C/AX00 I HI $25 ,o SSOO Prompt, private loans on e plan you choose. Cash foe every worthy purpose. Phone F'urst for I Trip Service. Michael Lets, Maemger 124 Railroad Ave. --Phone: HA. 6-4447, S]hdto i I t FESTIVAL TIME IS CASUAL WEAR TIME GET YOUR COTTON PICKIN' COTTONS at rker's mr. + mrs. Western Levis• , • • '3.98 i Ladies' New Patio Pamper * i Sun Suits • • . • • $6.95 Cotton hlln Tan,PantS•Blue, G S h co4 9S ' rey, s • | | Defies Description, Come in and See them C r | . ! * | '4.95 , • • s W s • A | (Men's Slacks Style) | Tan, Blue, Grey | I -k ; | Washable Keds Oxfords. *6 50 i Crew Neck Sweat Shids '3.S0 Loose - Cotton - Pocketed, White Trimmed in Red, White and Blue---Patriotic Colors, Just the Thing for the 4th of July RED HATS. All Slyles [ Priced from 58€ i i d i - SLEEPING s798 BAGS SPECIAL Shirts to Match Blouses. , . , from $•98 4 Swim Suits... from i i i i MLN'S Sun Shade Caps... 29 c For the Parade Swim Suits... from $2 95 ! If -k II Blue, Brown | | | * i Sho.+m... *2.95 i Cotton Pants . . from *2.98 Pedal Pushers . Jamaica Shorts - Spod Shids, . . from i Short Shorts and "Wowl" | 1959 SIqELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Christmas(own U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Pa Jack Stuart Serving On USS Independence .Jack E. Stuart, Jr., seaman, USN, son of Jack E. Stuart of Sportsmans Motel, Shelton, Wash., is serving aboard the attack air- craft carrier USS Independpnee operating with the Atlantic Fleet in the Caribbean. The no.west of this country's at- WT g tack carriers, the Independence sailed from Norfolk, Vs., lkpril 24, on her maiden training voyage, putt:trig finishing touches on the already hghly experienced jet pi- lots and airmen of Carrier Air Group Seven. y Later, she will become an im- !portant part of this country's first line of defense, operating in far :orners of the world. F'! RsT STREET .............................. ys Platinum IIardeners 81mplmn When used for jewelry purposes, iv nsually hardened by it with other platinum group metals such as iridium or ruthenium. ii County School Music Festival Held Kamdche P.T.O. At Hoodsport Draws Many Students To Have Float iiii:i!,+:iill ! !iiiii!/!i! i;'!+i ii!! !ii iii!iii00 ! i;i!00 ii! ,ni:!i0000io, e,!!v,!+ i I " port enjoyed the evening of mu- with the S. L. Johnstons spent the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood of Ven- steal entertainment. The specialty weekend with the Norman John- turn, California have been visiting nmnbers were a duet by Danny starts at Pe Ell. # / WEDDING INVITATIONS as the trousseau, . to ;nvte if|ends to ymlt or to announce that you ere married. !n quality; velvety re;sad letter;ng on Sffah- " paper at • price that you can afford; ever mode. 'I '2Vow tat you are to [e Marrted Y VtPstnia Courtenay, contains many dP&I suSeest¢ons and intimate eJt.c.a U [tep te wedding, [Nd¢o.[€ m We atdpy; cal[ r yorA " ' Cleveland and Jodie Campbell of Middle Skokomish; duet by Carat Michaels of Hoodsport and Penny Barnhart of Southside; a solo by Danny Harvey of Lower Skoko- mish; a choral group from Lower Skokomish consisted of Rosemary Crumb, Danny Harvey, Carolyn Robbins, Marietta Russell, Linda Hale, and Peggy Linton. An ac- cordion solo was played by Jane Cameron of Pioneer. Other num- bers on the program consisted of an acordion band from Hoodsport and Pioneer schools; Beginner band from Southside and Pioneer; Harmonica group from Pioneer; beginner band from Kamilche; ac- cordion group from Union; and ac- cordion group from Kamilche; be- ginner accordion groups from both Pioneer and Kamilche; a guitar solo by Don Bearden; and to cli- max the evening's entertainment, a combined band from Southside, Hoodsport, Lower and Middle Sko- komish; and a combined chorus group from the schools. MR. EARL CRUMB gave the introduction and Sandy Bollinger of Middle Skokomish did a very nice bit as the Mistress of Cere- monies. Mrs. Endicott accompan- 'd the singing groups and as usu- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams of Seattle were weekend guests at the Fred Williams home and did a bit of fishing but no luck. Mrs. Jane Uerner was honore( guest at the family dinner held at the Harold Sund home on Sunday. Other members of her family pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs, Ross Wer- ner and five children and Mr .and Mrs Eugene Boyd and four chil- dren all of Seattle. We should say the younger Mothers were honored too. MR. AND MRS. Emery Winters entertained their family on Sun- day. Mr .and Mrs. Gene Winters and Carla from Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson of Olympia ann Johnna from Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Winters Jr. served Mother's Day dinner to her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dailey and young Jim. Word has been received from Mrs. Herb Dickinson that Herb is recovering very well from his re- cent operation in Seattle at the St. Francis Cabrini hospital. We all wish him the best. Also word from Mel Bcarden at the Swedish hospital that he is doing well. Mrs. Bearden is staying with Mrs. Elizabeth Nelson in Se- stile so she can be close by. Dayton Passes Olympia al, gives the children the moral .upport they needed am they first look at that huge audience. We would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Endicott for the fine program and the music appreciation that they teach the children. Thank you al- so goes to Mrs. Emery Winters for the programs, Mr. Norman Gray for the extra work with the chairs, and Bill Goodpaster for the lovely dogwood, with which to decorate the stage. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Olsen from San Diego, Calif. visited with the Art Indahls for a week. Irma and the Olsens arc long time friends who hadn't visited together for 12 years so had a great deal of visit- ing to do. The two couples weren't idle a minute as they toured both Simpson plants and the Cushman Power house and many other spots enjoyable to guests on the Canal. FRII)AY EVENING Mr .and Mrs. Bob Bingley attended the wedding of Robert Mendenhall and Mary Ann Kuhnle in the Shelton Methodist church. A lovely recep- tion followed in the Grange hall at Ms(lock. Dinner guests on Sunday at the Binglcy's were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bailey of Union. The men were treating the women to a man cooked meal but a discussion got underway and they completely for- got about cooking, so, I guess you know who finished the dinner. Spring Clean Up $i4LE IJS| DAYTON ..... Our heartfelt sym- pathies to the family of Mrs. John h'win of Olympia who passed away Friday morning after a long illness. The Irwiu family were for- mer Dayton residents. Sunday callers at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,htmes Bhecker were Mr. and Mrs. Geo 'ge Mattson of Union, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wil- liams of Hoodsport and Mr. and: Mrs. Cecil Dillon anti children of] Skokomish Valley. MR. AND MRS. John Young, Carol and Glenda spent Sunday afternoon in Olympia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Garrison and enjoyed (linnet' with them. ' Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J: W. Stoner were her brother and wife, Mr and Mrs. Earl King of Bremerton. ! Thursday afternoon visitors of !Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson were Mr. and Mrs. Elmo M. Brown St'. ; of Tacoma. They took Jamie Hick- son home with them to spend a couple of weeks. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Riekards and children of Chehalis and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children. On Sunday, Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and Sherry and Mrs. Harold Le- Garde helped Mrs. Gall Albrecht of Seattle to get settled in her new home, in Shelton. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wingrove and daughters of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman spent Sunday together at Ocean City. On Sunday, Barbara Goldy cele- brated her eleventh birthday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy and had as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and Jake. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown and Mrs. Darl Goldy and Barbara attended the , Our Used Car Lot Is Overloaded with All Kinds of v sed Cars. From $50.00 and Up - 1946 to 1958 Models WE MUST HAVE ROOM... 80 ,JIM SAYS SELL 'EM -- TRADE 'EM Anyway to Make Room for Our Spring Season" New Ford Sales wedding and reception of Miss ,.. • Mary Ann Kl, hnle of Matlock fi+nd Mr. Robert Mendenhall of Shelton. FRD V-8 FAIRLANE VICTORIA 2-DOOR LINDA JACKSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jackson of 17 MOST ALL POWER EQUIPPED Shelton was Sunday guest of Mar- leen McGee. OlIEVROLET V-8 BEL AIR HARDTOP 2-DOOR The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. I,. Lemke was the scene of a family I ENGINE OVERHAULED, LOADED WITH EXTRAS gathering on Mothers Day. Pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wol- FORD FAIRLANE V-8 2-DOOR . den and Luann and Mr Rob°,* Lemke of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. 29,000 MILES -- PERFECT CONDITION K.H. Wohlen and children of Shel- FORD V STOMU 4.1)00 ton and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLain • 80U NE R and children. Mrs. Gert1de Scott spent Sun- RADIO - HEATER - NEW SHINY BLACK PAINT PONTIAC CATALINA +2.DOOR .... MOTOR OVERHAULED -- RADIO, HEATER, ETC. OILDSMOBILE 98 4-DOOR SEDAN A SOLID BUILT CAR -- THAT IS GOOD THRUOUT CADILLAC REAL GOOD 15 MODELS TO CaOOSE I PICK-UPS I)HEVRoLET ½-TON HEAVY DUTY FORD ,. Ii  TON 6 GYL• OVERDRIVE INTERNATIONAL ½.TON day in the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Scott of Shelton. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ann Mrs. T. A. Tibbits were Mr. ann Mrs. Robert Sweayingen. Mother's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts were Mrs. Nena Roberts and Miss Alta Russell of Shelton, Mrs. Bill Rob- erts, Gerry and Jimmie of Island: Lake, Mrs. Ted Munson and Ted Jr. of Renton, Bill Ashley of Ta- coma and Sugar Townsend of Agate. On Satm'day, My. and Mrs. Ray: I)illenberg attended the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs Milton Byrley of Belfair. Mrs. Byrley is Mr. Dillcnberg's sis- ter. Sunday drop-inn caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Le- Gardc was Mr. G. E. Grimm of Sc- stile. Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson wel'e Mr. and Mrs. E White of Tacoma. , Saturday evening guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Aschoff and children of Olympia and Mrs. Bruce Phillips of Shelton. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Rickards anti ehildren of Che, halis called on Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rickards on Sun- day evening. ll'ELKEND 4dlEl S of ML. and :Mrs. A. E. I,emke were Mr. anti Mrs. A. li. Woldcn and Luann and Mr Robert Lemke of Seattle. i Mr. and+ Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and children spent some time Sun- day on the canal picking up oys- tern. 117  STATION WAGONS " FORD COUNTRY SEDAN V8 ENGINE . RADIO- HEATER - NEW PAINT - FORDoMATIC I FOIID CUSTOM RANCH WAGON V8 ENGINE - RADIO- HEATER - LOW MILEAGE Jim Pauley, Inc. TERMS --- TRADES relatives and friends here and in other parts of Mason county for the past two weeks. MR. AND MRS. Mike Stolen of Forest Grove, Oregon and the Robert Pettys and two small chin dren of the Skokomish Valley were Monday's luncheon guests of Mrs. Edwin Petty. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hudson of Little Skokum and Mrs. Emma McDonald were last Thursday eve- nmg guests of the Eugene Taylors. Bruce Nelson had two of his paintings, one a pen and ink, the other an oil, accepted at the 7th Annual State Capitol Art exhibit held May 3 through June 6 at the State Museum in Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wiles and children of Olympia were Satur- day evening guests of the Edwin Taylors. Other guests were the Roy Pettys and Florence of Shel- ton Mrs. Genevieve Smith and four children have moved into the R. F. Keyzers house, formerly occupied by the Karl Phaeflers. MRS. EDWIN Taylor and Mrs. Edwin Petty attended the funeral of Mrs. Alma Nye in Olympia last Wednesday afternoon. Francis Decker and Bruce Park- er have rented the Kamilche Auto Parts Bldg. and will do body and fender work, also welding. Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson made a business trip to South Bend last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence LaMont of Dayton spent Thursday eve- ning at the Oliver Petty home, be- fore leaving by plane Saturday from Sea-Tac for Baltimore, Ma- ryland to visit their son Kenneth and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Nelson at- tended an afternoon reception hon- oring artists of the Northwest in Capitol Museum in Olympia Sun- day. Reverend and Mrs. B. W. Ells- worth and two sons spent Mother's Day in Port Angeles. ROBEItT (BOB) BREWER, a member of the Kamilche Kubs 4- H Club won a State 4-H Jersey cattle achievement champion Mason County P.T.A. Represented oo,.00 To At State Convention In Yakima SEAI"TLEE ? • Center of Dawnfmm Seaflle • Modern, comrfa rooms -,.-'iV, redJo • Oaken Bucket Lounge John Lentz, president; Mrs. Harry Tokos, vice-president; Mrs. Gor- don Bennett, treasm'er; and Mrs. John Pill, secretary. The theme of the Convention was the theme of all P.T.A.'s "The home, the school, the commun4ty together for children and youth." The main speakers of the Con- vention were Governor Rossellini, Superintendent of Schools, Lloyd Andrews, Dr George Bereday, Junior Deputies To Help Police Plans were made to aid the helton Police Department in pao troling the Paul Bunyan parade route and Forest Festival Logging Show, Saturday, May 23, at the last meeting of the Mason County' Junior Deputies. The possibilities of a summer hike and swimming party were ! aired but with no definite action l taken by the group, i Members of the Junior Deputies who have had the National Rifle Association training are practise shooting in the Armory. Any Jun- ior Deputy ,who has had this training may shoot any Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. A training course for those who have not taken the course is also being of- !ered on Thursday evenings. Any boy between the ages of 12 md 18 wishing to join the club is cordially invited to the next meet- ing at 7:30 p.m., Monday, May 25, in the Armory. Visitors are al- ways welcome. , award in Pullman last Thursday. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brewer, who live on the Jim F'raz- ier farm formerly occupied by the William Maesner family. deal to do with the public and their views on these subjects. It is wise to have a well informed leg- islative chairman. There was also much discusion pro and con, on the Federal Aid to Education pro- gram. The program for the year 1959- 60 will empasize the study of Men- tal Health. Other projects will he the "Little White House Confer- ence" in Seattle in September for parents and youth in preparation for the White House Conference in Washington, D. C. This confer- ence originated in 1909. The dis- cussion still be held on "Children and the family in a changing world." MRS. PILL has quite a supply of information on many subjects that is of interest to the P.T.A. groups and would gladly relay it on to interested parties. Use Journal Want Ads YOUR • Parking Ave;lable • No Charge  Cmt U.der 14 • Honor All Major Creo' , :iS0 roonPm G. L Pen, y, Mv. WRITE FOR ATTRACTN! FOLDI.t FRIENDLY LOAN MANAGEI' has a loan plan for yo C/AX00 I HI $25 ,o SSOO Prompt, private loans on e plan you choose. Cash foe every worthy purpose. Phone F'urst for I Trip Service. Michael Lets, Maemger 124 Railroad Ave. --Phone: HA. 6-4447, S]hdto i I t FESTIVAL TIME IS CASUAL WEAR TIME GET YOUR COTTON PICKIN' COTTONS at rker's mr. + mrs. Western Levis• , • • '3.98 i Ladies' New Patio Pamper * i Sun Suits • • . • • $6.95 Cotton hlln Tan,PantS•Blue, G S h co4 9S ' rey, s • | | Defies Description, Come in and See them C r | . ! * | '4.95 , • • s W s • A | (Men's Slacks Style) | Tan, Blue, Grey | I -k ; | Washable Keds Oxfords. *6 50 i Crew Neck Sweat Shids '3.S0 Loose - Cotton - Pocketed, White Trimmed in Red, White and Blue---Patriotic Colors, Just the Thing for the 4th of July RED HATS. All Slyles [ Priced from 58€ i i d i - SLEEPING s798 BAGS SPECIAL Shirts to Match Blouses. , . , from $•98 4 Swim Suits... from i i i i MLN'S Sun Shade Caps... 29 c For the Parade Swim Suits... from $2 95 ! If -k II Blue, Brown | | | * i Sho.+m... *2.95 i Cotton Pants . . from *2.98 Pedal Pushers . Jamaica Shorts - Spod Shids, . . from i Short Shorts and "Wowl" |