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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa; 22 SI-I_ .TON-MASON COUNTY :JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin on FOR SALE --&apos;il-gtLE FOR SALE J_ FOR SALE i i it ii iJ Classified Advertising I / SHRUBS--ood supply on hand, fruit BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, FOR SALE OR RENTProfesslonal HIGH P()WER Lighte:d Wcighll Fa:1- trees, large well branched trees, choice of 1 Colors. L.M. DECOR-rug, upholster, equipment, supplies, _Rates. 11 ''st''''lt"'"'h'"''stp''w''''t'''''- Wagener Feed Co., 219 So, First. ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. L. M, Decorating Center, 821 Rail- ingtnn Saws. l:ar-1)in's Maciea. Phone HA 6-4532. 2/12 tfn 1/9 tfn road Avenue. 2/6 tfn M,mnlam View. t 5, rt un ONE R.-4 CAT, blade and drum; Carco MOI. O CH--AI-N Sb.@V8 , 8 h.p,, dlr?et ............ ,4 v- char )e $1.00 single lnseruon, •/ cut -- used vei:y little and in per( !(:t areA; fire tools; guy lines, loading at lye, $1J.50, .16.inca  aq $gat . meat at Walt'e Marine Supply, on ' "t',"€€11l operating tendS'lion -- bask.t mclud- lines, blocks, shackles, chokers; 1944 nmcrest naruware, lll/,l ' .,11. lutll lood al. Phone Hoods- L... - i1[ vd .... lq.i(t, $60. E. E. Fulk. Rt. 2. Int. 2-ton truck. $4,000 takes all. FOR SAI.dI' large Ileo.'loa o1[ re- port TI 7-44. 1/19tfn three insertions. Additional in-|/ B,,x 693. Shelton. F 511.1-21 Call HA 6-8448 or HA 6-3086 4/9 tfn conditioa raes refrllrorators ='" "---=--'---l sortions 25€ each. Rats, for I/0-R- SM:E 2: Bi(iwi,V-iiihno. 0Xo:i: .............................. washers ders.'ie & V A ' -''" -,-,m now v.a, amv a , larer ads on reauest II lent confliIion bench included, beau- OIX)R FILM proceeelng direct d,- ,,it .... '.,, /al bulldiag mntariale mlows }rou to ,/5,  u, ,1 [[ ] tiful tone $2[')0 Phon(, HA 6-6158 aft- let, futer, more efficnLh' Also 4- __" .............  ...... "--- 1. comtruction co$t under oae r, .. bo  gn lel. | l er 5' or anytime weekends. hour hate finishing. Try tm. Zle - il bill. For i nformatioa inquire at tgtran y.o, /X_-I[ " P 5/H tfn . ,  ............... .q[' OR SALE. dry bavy or ght stab Lawt0a umr. 40 s_ let St. Pho er notices 15 wor(l minimum, •/-=-==-= : er • tumo,  o, au. . tm. wood 10 a cord HA 6-4127 11/16tta ' • ' /l!.en HA. 6-4. S/Stfa Sllumn inch: |IACCORDION, 12a)B, like new. Must re- ............ , ----  ] "..''":". ...... • / Possess. Bargain, Ior balance due. CRAVEL IS OUR BUSINF-.SS! At- OOla and' =il other buUdl-r ms- FOR SALIg--Jtmt received, a few 1958 "Not Responsible" n 0 t I c e a || Write Box H, Journal. 5/14-28 rangement for all toUrs, trampor-"',,'=',n,hl; a,Wl.   to model 18 h,p. Evitrude outboard me- $1.50 per insertion. | Witii ..... , ....... moatl ration and rervatioaa, at na addl. v udor";I terms now a.rallable tore at greatly redd pm¢L Hilt- . ................ ii 1 chicks, on(.' rooster. I-]A 6-8733 ttonal c.t toyou: Clara Bell Aaffle, t"Iwton Iumber, 0 8. lit "8[., cret Hardware. 1/15 tta All clarified advertlemen|] _ B 5114 pnoaee LA. O-184 or ZLA. W'a. hoae HA. 6-40 8/tf   .-must be paid in advance. Ads|10--?XR--ffRXiq-TEt-ifiiiig- Slain--- " ............. BI BIY. IN 'lrow_, I. eavylltak--e--teehon e mttl/ ton saw 60 days guaranteed trltain. SK'-N-I-'d TOP SOIL, gravel fill dirt. 11', E. itk -lla. ear m,, gm-ll-e.-:- ;--=C:•/ Bar-Din' Marina and Power Ms- surplus aAla. Neopre' wetm ktll'i O de,*. HA-8-81. dl tfa !ou |I., a%-galloa 9!...T..-IB pats De[ore the ena or_ re_ell chinery. See them!! B 5/14 Ifn tailored -In. sklndfvlng and water WE BUY YOUR EQI'I, or will ll r: Io  Cntmr,  p ortll month. An extra charge of 10€ | INbSWL?iW PRIOEiii-ib-w0rhT-g-ar- skiing suns or kits ewest in skin- on conllgnmeat, y@r btt, motors, ==.--=,== .... .v:Z---Vllwill be made when billing BII den tools and hose. Lunsfords Fire- dh, lng equipment. 1951 Hillman traller stc Illllert IIardwm. tn ur "treAT woos anea [or 'or-II sectarY. - II stone store, 317 Raih'oad. 5/11 tin :Minx for sale. Phone HA 6-677. I ' /$0tt .eat Fes0val wee. k end. We. have tn e ]  ...... $. I |2t'i'R---C)()LEE/---0I#/'BIb-ARD--$-109 b., Morgus' Diving & Marine, 4 miles   mexpenswe, ut air quauy, wmt I• I I • r. ' East Arcadia Road. 8/19 tfn fOR AI: aged eteel, pl&tu, pll, outside nalnt for your use Only 2 10 1 I wlth carrier $I19.9m Lunsfords Fire- • ston( 317 Railroad 5/11 tfn ..... : ............ = ................ pulleye and ehatta. All t tl- FOR SALE.' household articles, dav- vae Sheltoa Juak CO, r$t d per galln In 4 gallon qtantl[ies 'or l r,r €34¥ 1 1..2 ....... . .................. ailr( / ..... , = .......... more. | . qJ kka. |FREE WOOD -- o|U growth wmd fall enpor ann chair, beus, dressers, ,din- Mill " phone .&. ." 9]11 Gravstone of flhelton 5/7-14 I  lit.. Free for sawing and removal. ette set washing machine etc. Phone i_^."., .... . '- --: " [GOLDFISH for ale. 35 cents each. Phone____H_A 6:2231 ........... C_5/! HA 6.8475 ' L4/3--5/7lVVJltt . zor ..walls, wl.aaow¢, INRUDE OI[OARD MOTOR ale[ 638 Arcadia. phone HA 6-4378. FOR SALE ----':" ....... -'--- .......................................... I nears. Falat ar, era , IS YOUR LAWN ready for the Forest, rugs, ttle, yatgos. ,M. Dll: and seawi at Illllcr.t Hmxlwar. I V4IdO tfn Used daveno and Chair $39.50; Used 90tfl ......................................... Daveno $20.00; Davenport and chair Festival? Galbraith Golf Green Fer-I A'IIN CENT. '}l Railroad. ," lCOW FERTILIZER for sale tn two $39.50; Overstuffed chair $20.00; tillzer, He organic lawn fertilizer, i 1/ a HRITMJLST.ON., U,.A," tnlbborl yard load, $9 delivery in Shelton. Fh)or hunp $5..00; Drop l* dlneHe will give you a heautlful green lawn l 'R-'-td--.'l(-''-ti;i}r-:"T--.l stap for eaJe at the Jol:lraal, $1. I hone HA 6-6077, L4/30 If• e aal(,14 l(lanab$1?9.50  96 FMoalta for early sumnutr. We have spreaders ] ft.i howe, r bath. Priced or qtllek each, 107 So. 4th. i/ltll ..................................... am " ' '  ' ' ; ' 1€ I yO1 US( . " i ' 2' . ........ I sale, 2422 Washington St. Phone HA  ..... [BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment C - top drop leaf table $39.50: Wood cook Graystont )t nel(n I, ll-is fl-82D9 T 5/7-28 OR SALEt-wIoel trailer, good con-[ pany sales and service. Local repre- slave $20.00; Crib and mattress -j•R-':A{jTiW(]ply•W-0;i-l-,a(s:-ffi-ssli;j-:deamera::i dltloa. Call HA 6-29 preferably] sentatlve Wally Anderson...:P.hone $'15:00; Nor;e. refrigerator,. $49.50: evenln, . G2/26 tfn I HA 6-6001. .alU un Apt. size ,lectric range liKe laew bottom, sides and, solid martog-I equipped lneludlng wide angle le .................................................................. $59.50; Laundry tubs $5.00! Round any 'hans a  and (ran InK, equipped I and 'E light meier $80, Berratta 22 MT. WI DOLL Hospital, 1801 £dur- IFOR SALE--Reasonable, polled. He ri tahle attd 4 chairs $22.50, Vanity ano wlih lifting Itandles, transom pad[ automatic pistol '$35 ' Phone IA el Phone 6-187. Dolls of all kinds [ ford Bull. No papers t)ut 1u plat,, mirror $22.50; Spin(lie" lwd a!d drain plug. Only $248 eacu I 6-2458 evenings ' S 5/14 '*palred. Do it now! Come in  | blooded. Coming 4 years pAl. Phone $12.50: Monlag circulator, wood, $60.1 tno HA 6-6977, William McLeugh-I  =" ' ..... lin. Me 5/14.6/18[qOTHINO DOWN'. 86 months today see my collection of new dolls azd} HA 6-6880. S.I/30-5/14 3t 20" apt. range $49.50; Frigidaire 40' l"ff-HO''SE'-J()-I'I'l'S-(',-f-g-ffod-b-(i'h'¢l'}'('foii [ Ud.F,H. .enll, o ai blldl fS.neywork Also orla'lnal llerted I -," :--' range $65.00. Kelly's Furniture 625 ilOW ........................................................................... I)O Y() keep your earpeta :':so I HA. 6-4. 6/51.flll __.'T.._='-':.'- .... THE NEXT TIMI,; you pa.s oy ( • wheels, Good condition $211,00. Boy's : ...... -- --L ....  "t" I:UNLER JAtNT-lqJOllU. ktepos- plant stop and see some of our us- 24" bicycle $10.00. Phone HA 6-4()36. (leaa? Blue Lustre of coarse --- it's I IUtt B£A.U. "l,Jt " 1SUlly, IUi Q ttj sesscl. Take over pays[eats, of t[6.00 usual stepping stone designs and A 5/14 tops. Lumbermen's Mercantile Corn-I road and fill gravel, wlhea liar4 per montn or pay el! patancq of rflor. An inexpntsive way to make f-7iS"7•ii,--rT< - ..... ..,-' .................. =-  , 6 ] ui d tO zl  oer ..... * ' ....j,-, txl .... .this page next weev.. ; party. 5/14 | aa g'avel, 0'aia gl, a vel a pea $56. 0. . q_ ppe _ g g0 . - a walk way to your outside clothes Romlnmon Power ssw oower drills I grave] for dllvwlkYs. /orlaa .&n. cast, b|/na hem, (io decorative line. 7th and Park sts. L,,. qa ()h,,,.i,, "ti,.i,,;; .... ,, "' ..... '' ...... ' ...... " ..... ' , .deraon, phone HA: I.52. .Jona'e stitches, ctc For further informa-4 Gra ..... si me. of Shlh n 5/7-14 ............. "' ...... ' .....  "" ,,,r. 14 Creek Sand and Gruel, Baynore. tion call Olympia, FL 2-201 , any- -£,'77-.=----£;.--Z-;"7 ........... 7 ...... :; . .................................................. '-- line 4 8 tfn ut a au Ioot clay t I UISt 1 2% I BA  I1 Ma BILL'S SEPTIC TANK 7/mr. t .. / -- "''% - R-DIN MARINA aml tow!' - shape thruout, convertible tep and c.hinery. Remington chain saws, Zeus " SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tfn ]lllillri" II]F i [ ] ...... i iiiiiii ] T (11[ 'i ,, i ,,, ,,, , , , , , , 16-FOOT BOAT with 22-h.p. Scott- Atwatqr motor. Boat has center deck, windshield, ski hooks, ski- rope, lots of chrome. With re- mote control. Hasn't been used since last free service. All as good as new for , ,,, , , p , i I .... $5OO SEASWIFT MARINE CONSTRUCTION 4---14 x 5' 10" V-Bottom Run- shouts from ........ $200 to $375 1--16 x 6' 3" V-Bottom ........ $400 1---16 x 7' 5" Lapstroke Con- verttble top nd steering $925 All Above - New Construction BEST BUY IN TOWN! ! Heavy pack t&-gal, cartons 97 cents, gal- runs $1.79, 2t&-gallon$ $3.97. Fese- ler's Ice Cream Center, 422 North First. 5/9 tfn 23 FT. SEMI cabin cruiser with 22 hp, Gray Martne motor or will trade for smalh,r boat and trailer. Phone HA cockpit fly, excellent built-in slot'- generators, portable power. 1,€}](; age. galley. Sleeps 2. $2000 includes Olympia Highway No. B 5/J4 tfn boathouse. Don McCuiston, phone HA 6-3863. 5/7-2] FOR RENT OLD GROWTH WOOD for ss]e. Phone _,H.A_6_-.4OlO_u .......................... P 5._/7_-fi(_ 4 GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. 2 BOrLER TANKS 250 and 300 gal. Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At 6-6779. L 5/7 tfn capacity. Phone ItA 6-242. highway bridge, S4/4tfn .............................................. B 5/7-14 ............................................. SMALL UPRIGttT piano for sale, - ....................................................... good condition, reasonably priced. FOR SALE Eastman 8 nun movie cam-FOR RENT2-bedroom n'mdern du- Phone ttA 6-4819 evenings. U 5/7-21 era F27 good ss new worth $99.50. plex. Electric heat, garage, utility WJl} sacrifice for $35. Phone HA room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tfn 6-2464. J 5/7-28 F--O-R-R-]N'l":-ilgh{ii-0tsek-eepink-r0om: GOOD SELECTION of used power 100 W. Pine, phone HA. 6-4679. nu)wers, all over-haubl and in A-I R4/18tfn condition. Prieed ft'om $2)7.50. guar- anteed. For Sale. S 5/14-6/4 Custom Tractor Work FOR RENT--Partly furnished apt. 2 ........................................... large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt, CONC13RT ELECTRIC chord organ• Rotovatlg or regular plowing, furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6:30 Converts to portable. Easy to play. p.m. K2/26 tfn $199.95 see at Johnnys Music/Box•57 discing and harrowing, excavating, tfn blade leveling, road grading, road LARGEheat andCLOSEhot waterIN furnished.2bedT'i)°m- apt"Phone FOR SALE: Piano Baldwin Acrosonic gravel. Well-aged sawdust. Work HA 6-3084. $3/19 tin spinet. Cash. Call after 5:00p.m. HA by hour single-handed. Jerome 6-4227, P 5/14.28 Burke, HA. 6-3678. FOR RENT FOR RENT 'rl,;AC]IIRS, RIHAX after school $25 A MONTH unfurnished 1-b(,droona hmrs. School-year lease, furnished apt. Neat, (']Pan, COl lp eD, 5' 111oderlt• 2-bedroom Canal beach home, wash- Also available 1 & 2-bedroom fur- er, dryer. Also summer semon. Mrs. nighed apts. at slightly higter rates. Carte, evenings, Olytnpia, FL 2-3760. Sportmcn's Apartment Motel, HA 6- weekends Hoodsport, TR 7-5338. 3772• A4/9 tfn C4/2 tfn ...................... 0R--RE;L.----A---.--Sb-ecioom---: fOR RENT--Modern furnished abin, electric range and tank. Water free. furnished, yard, large garage. Walter Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4636. C1/8 tfn 10/2-11/13 tfn CLEAN A.ND QUIET rooms, Oy day o dies Home PaR RENT: 1 bedroom [urnlshed apt. week. Cameron Hotel 2/3tf kecphtg, Mc 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-4848 after ...................................................... zincs. For 5 p.m. D10/11ffn FOR RENT -- Attractive waterfronl FO--R--RE-I'-TLar,e -artl v furnished home, 1 bedrooms, city conve- )he ro-m ..Z , ,  ,,,,, fences 10 miles from town Call II. Adults. No pets. Water gar- d-3641. G1/15 tf, bage furnished. Phone HA' 6-8270. '-isH--ED'i'-MEiqT--avdilhbh P1/29 ttn I At Goldsborough Apts. S4/4txt furnisned, 3-room apartments, steam I lurnlsneu, mane HA 6-6500. heat. Downtown. ,$50 and up. Phone ] F 1/1 tfx, HA 6-4655. 4/2 tfnlF--0 -R---'F c--Jtae KKd PaR RENTRent, lease or sell iarge[_tra___il_e.rp__ace_s'___T_h_e__!lnes'__ L10_/_9___tn building, 220 wiring, close to stores dODERN 3-room ground floor fur- on highway, 201 E. Pine. Ideal for nished apt. Steam heat electric kit- cabinet shop or business or home chen, close to stores. Ideal for pen- or both or tea down If sold. Phone stoned lady. 208 No. 1st. Phone HA 6-4297. 205 E. Pine. K3/5 tfn 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/12 tfn FURNACE stallatio.% Furnace 6-6121. ONE available on are better wile is willing Walking extracts arc ProlJ uct s, erA)n. 7-5661. 8:00 a. .[AN ()R 'J kiss lot:silty in hours of per hour is a tired per Write llth St., B{ call ESsex a. hi. AUTO paint houses, r'-0R-RENT--2-be-droomishe(i 5"Rh(J°iVl---F[JRiqiSi'E)---apt=:-"2-•bed" mates phone house, nicely decorated, across from rooms, washer, dryer, refrlgerator, 1.20'2_Cota St. Golf Course, $55 per too. Phone HA electric range, trash burner, oll heat- WILL DO 6-4000. B4/30 tfn er. Water and garbage included, the hour. Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent 5th & Pine B2/26 tfn WE BUY scrap with fireplace, downtown. Utilities ................................................................... aid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. urnished. $1/22 tfn 5NE 0 -g"R-0Mrha - at reduced rent. Will take one small child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2228. La12/4 tfn nighed apartment. Adults only. 311 No. Ist, Phone HA 6-3025. P3/12 tfn FS-R- --ET=z(;fii;--iJdr;i:,h-7--fU¥'fii'hfid: ONE BEDROOM duplex on Ml. View tars, copper, with garage. Sieves. water and gar- Sheiton Junk bags furnishcd. Adults only. Phone St --HA--6-3-2-18' ......................... -B4/30"5-/14 WANT ONE BEDROOM apt., heat furuished, lawns, 14 years Inquire 1119 Franklin or phone HA 6642, 6-6,196. B 5/7 tfn SAW waterfront honle. Ieantifu] view. Suitable 1",)1. family with 3 or 4 chil- all-electric house. Phone HA 6-4644. dren. $75 per too. Call Mr. Mann,Wa- ......................... $5/7 tfn, terfront Realty HA 6-8535. 5/7 tfn WANTED: FOR RENT $7-- -2"-bdrh-6d,/e.---fiiiC ' G;&;-';'; n; -. ....... : ........ :;--: • courteous 11 h(d Ph n¢ l'a t: ,,rlo n," 5"] r, ra,tS rur rEN.t" or l[aae aVallaole .]ltoa ...'i*;-;,,;,, ....... b ..................................... June 6. No pets. Also 2 b !droool Inc. .,-, *tr,,t --- . or 3 bedroom nnfur- hollSe for sale. .[llqtlil'e 1419 Cola nlsh,!d house. Garage. Phone HA across lhe bridge. L 5/7-28 DRESSMAKING 6-4540 or ItA 6-8436. P 5/7 tfn .................................................. t,mholes, Ii'0R RENT--L:'3 r06ii-hl)Uel hiiwiy FOR RENT. Rug and uplolstery and fans3 (le(oralcd, slot'es furnished, Reason- ahle. Call HA 6-8550 evenings. G 5/7 tfn 1 5-t-K  lq-Y-ZZ "2--b e.-ffr 3 (im-Ti (;fii-iJa-r (i Y furnislted, near the mills. Phone HA 6-3477. 5/7-14 and Cedar. Phone 6-4676. M3/12 tfn DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS for rent: en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities furnished except light. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-81'/7. 52/4 tfn ONE AND TWO be(room unIurnlshed apartments, hot water heat, range, refrigerator included. Holly Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough. manager, Apt. 8. Phone HA. 6-808 or HA. 6-6593. B6/26tfn (5i( -RE N T:L i r-i fred- 6-n-'- b e d r o o {n duplex aparUnent, washlng facilities, 706 Cota. P1/29 tfn F-Oi.-REN'r-:---3Sroilli"Tr, r-nhed apt., washing facilities, carl)err, adults only. 828 Cota. Phone HA 6-3445. R4/16 tfn cleaning eqtlilnnent and supplies. LM Dccora(ing Center. 321 RatA•pad. 5/7 tfn FOR RENT .... 2 bedroom unfurnished tlouse, $50.00 per nton[h. Phon(! HA 6-8486. Angleside. M 5/7 tfn FOR RENT .- 3 room furnished h( use ,;n R.R. Ave. Phone 6-8638 or lIA 6-81,16, 1{ 5/14-28 F0R REN'T: -3--h(;hr,;,iii-h,,uSel 707 Kilt•or. Inquire 62`€t ('(de. [IA 6-11663. I C 5/14-21-28-6/4 i?iJ'ii:H:'N2  :::-:"ii;:;ir,,,'ii ]i,,illii I W;I  t*'r and v:trla4P I)aid, fon(''d in b;tk yard $45, 226!,, So. 71h. l'h(me IIA 6-579. G 5/14-21 AMA'FEUI PH(')I'0GI/APHEP.S: Hiivi: irl.epla(:,:tl)l(, t'/ll Of (;;2(} 1'I]11 ;old V¢ Lt 111 M i('l'(th d d(LV('lo1)llletil, l'ply P.().Fhx '131, giving naliH alld Ilholl(% M 5/]4 HAIR CLIPPER 'ai(i b,!;li: "h;H" )e]t L inK. 520 At(rod a Avenue. (l 5/11 tfu V¢0KK VANTED bOUSli;i;rk r li,,tili : cA,ant•v, i)y lhe ]1our o • tity, baby! sitling ('v:niag. HA 6-3113. B 5/1.1 tfn WANTEI)'- iarge--ol-• smafi-- -tracts • at timber. Cash. Cruiser available s our ex)ense. Jones Tie & Lmnber Co., P.O. Box 472, Olympla. 9/20tf HA 6-211H. WAN TED : Rubber WE HAVE AN l,cal bran('h ( C;//t t11(!01 peo[- act'lll'dl"] Y all( (]ttV WVlk, CO] fi("m salary el: wan1 is in *";',|111 i I1 g ;ill (t i TI) al)l)]Y. IIA 6-,1447. t:lih'oa d Ave $i33 VCEEK[,Y st: wash'd, stwlt '' It() ri,,d, ag* .. i11| PI'ViPW al)t ov write 102 :WANTED TC Will pay l:lA 6-2411. and piling. Company. 99, Juniper W A NTED--ILed sash or take HA 6-3375. PHONE HA, 6-8725 EVENING 5-7-14 11 i , APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Floor Sanders Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders Regina Electric Floor Polishers House Jack LAWTON LLvIBER 420 S. Ist Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10tfn L ........ , I USED FURNITURE 5 Davenos ........................ $15.00 up 8 Sofas & CArs ............. $45.00 np 3-Pc. Sectional ................... $39.00 Range, Elec ......................... $49.00 3 Refrigerators ............ $39.50 ea. 2 Din. Sets .................... $29.50 ea. Chrome Set .......................... $39.50 Swing Roch;er . ..................... $17,50 ace. Tab/e ............................ $6.50 Floor Lamps .................... $9.00 ea, Vanity w/mirror ................ $19.50 Child's Table & CArs. ........ $6.00 NEW FURNITURE Chest, finished .................... $14,95 Cotton Mattress .................. $13.95 Swing Rockers .................... $59,00 Apt. Size Range .................. $124,95 1)aveno .................................. $79,50 21-Cu, Ft, Upr. Freezer ...... $369.95 BUDGET SHOP Phase HA., 6-4652 2315 OLYMI:C HIWAY NO. t i i I I ........ r , USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R.R. Ave HA 6-4332 5/7-tfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 8/27tin ii • , FIR SLAB WOOD Green  15 - 20 Inch $16 PER LOAD Shelton and Vicinty PHONE HA 6-2118 KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfn = ......................... HIGHEST CASH PAID ......... , For Timber Stumpage News From and Lands BELFAIR GARDENS Roae for blooms In June. We have a large eelection, grow- ing vigorously in container& Guaranteed to bloom or mon- ey back. BELFAIR GARDENS Star RL 1, Box 55 Belfalr, Wash. Across froin Belfair P.U.D. • , , I I ,,, , • , II BATrERIF- TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery - Lowest Cost per month for Nationally Advertised Tyrex Cord Allstate Silent Cushion Tires IE] TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too mnall. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-11-20-U I [ Inter.00 p00.e, Shop call eve•lap collect. The Garden Bar-Din Enterprises ROUTE 1, Box 4s FORST PRODUCTS Phone HA 6-3710 star Rt. 2. Box 11. Shenon, Wn. Azaleas .......... Ea. $1.75 Telephone HA 6-6837 Flame, yellow, lavender, Ethel M. Barton - Jom A. Dinntng i, , i  Bar-Din Boats 8' - 14' beats our speclalty Any size or style boat on order WE FIBerGLASS Fishermen and duck hunters, us before you buy ' Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway N. Telephone HA 6-837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop heavily budded. Rhododendrons Large plants, budded. $3.50 & $4.50 Ea. Clematis Ten colors, large flowered blues, purples, pinks, reds and whites. Also evergreen. $1.75 & $2,00 Ea. Magnolias ...... Ea. $3.00 Blooming plants. RED BUD TREES ...... $2.00 EA. ROSES .......................... $1.00 EA. , ,111 i i,i , Across from Evergreen Square Evergreen.Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 EELLS AND VALLEY BELIEVE... l:r J -- iT"l"' TI " 1TIll ]Hi I'tF- I  i onest-, sincerit and r  See FRIGIDAIRE F" H y y, j)s)]  ,rst ,ood service are remem- REFRIGERATORS bered long after pace __ l is forgotten. RANGES @ WASHERS @ DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA, 6-8211 M I00¢AMTtLg BABY CHICKS! New Hampahire White Leghorn White Rocks I nleat type) Wagener Feed Co. 219 So. First St. PHONE HA 6-4532 The Finest Te/eWsioa Rated First CONSUMERS REPORT Sharp picture, high quality tone, unmatched cabinet, carefree service. "ASK ANY ZENITH OWNER" We Sell and Service Zenith Olsen Furniture 328 Cota Phone HA 6-4702 Add Enchantment to Your Home- New or Old With This Early American Franklin IIEATER FIREPLACE Open swing doors, you have a firel)iace. ...... Closed, a stove. 2 sizes. -22-inch and 26 inch. '159" Canvenient Terms S EI IN OUR W1ND()W Olsen Furniture 328 Cota Phone HA 6-4702 FRUIT TREE spraying by licensed sprayer. Gardcn phwing, Alder saw- dust for tle. Phil Hat'die, ph,?ne HA 6-6584. 3]5 tfn ON HOOD CANAL Beach frontage with tide lands. Low bank, level lots at Pleasant FOR SALE Harbor. home, ehct rio Lovely residence at Triton Cove. RESORTS * BUSINESSES BYRON E. BROCK, Realty HAMA HAMA LODGE, Eldon Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5322 FOR SALE Owner Transferred SEE TmS 6-ROOM Northcliff Home Phone HA 6-4227 after 5:00 p.m. 923 Roy Blvd. P 5/14-28 ii iii USED CABIN FURNITURE • BARGAIN PR/CES @GOOD SELECTION BUDGET SHOP (Across from Evergreen Square) Warehouse Specials: 16' Uprigll Delu×e Coldspot Freezer--- Was $36,i.95 ........ Now $299,95 Kenmore Comb. Washer-Dryer Was $399.95 ........ Now $339.95 2'1" Malmgany TV Console Was $279.95 ........ Now $229.95 'tti-Fi Stereo ....... Was $264,95 ....... Now $239.95 Hi-Fi Stereo Speaker. .... Was $50.95 ............ Now $4,1,95 I'NDY-MAN think it ean Lea(its, ttA WORK sick, house O'r will baby Durand, phone 3323. HOME FOR one. with rug; wall to wall age; two 60' nice home down, about HA 6-6573. FOR SALE-- ] ! shore OYl formation FOUR Ill,'nIt on l limHs. Fruit ]IA 6-6707. Used Will BuY Of KELLY'S HA DICK'S and PHON Dayor AGENT- SEPTIC Drain ftelda, Earl Ph. HA, If I10 answer, Sears Catalog Sales Office Shelton - Fhone HA 6-8201 5/14 tfn FARM EQUIPMENT OC- Crawler - diesel - wiLll blade, drum, & ()lily 5 months old - just like new .......................... 2 C]etracs, Diesel, gas, wilh blade & drt/In, either Caterpill'u' "30" with blade 8N l"l)l'd Tractor .................................................... :' Crib Traclor with plow, blade, buzz saw .................. 'I Ford Trat:tor with h)ad('r . ..................................... Ltladiug Zhovel - Bay CRy 5/8 yard - for loading shovel front, exeelleriL condition ..................... Rear Blades - Discs - Mowers - Montesano Feed & Seed 424 Fleet St., S., Telephone 151, Montesano, Pa; 22 SI-I_ .TON-MASON COUNTY :JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin on FOR SALE --'il-gtLE FOR SALE J_ FOR SALE i i it ii iJ Classified Advertising I / SHRUBS--ood supply on hand, fruit BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, FOR SALE OR RENTProfesslonal HIGH P()WER Lighte:d Wcighll Fa:1- trees, large well branched trees, choice of 1 Colors. L.M. DECOR-rug, upholster, equipment, supplies, _Rates. 11 ''st''''lt"'"'h'"''stp''w''''t'''''- Wagener Feed Co., 219 So, First. ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. L. M, Decorating Center, 821 Rail- ingtnn Saws. l:ar-1)in's Maciea. Phone HA 6-4532. 2/12 tfn 1/9 tfn road Avenue. 2/6 tfn M,mnlam View. t 5, rt un ONE R.-4 CAT, blade and drum; Carco MOI. O CH--AI-N Sb.@V8 , 8 h.p,, dlr?et ............ ,4 v- char )e $1.00 single lnseruon, •/ cut -- used vei:y little and in per( !(:t areA; fire tools; guy lines, loading at lye, $1J.50, .16.inca  aq $gat . meat at Walt'e Marine Supply, on ' "t',"€€11l operating tendS'lion -- bask.t mclud- lines, blocks, shackles, chokers; 1944 nmcrest naruware, lll/,l ' .,11. lutll lood al. Phone Hoods- L... - i1[ vd .... lq.i(t, $60. E. E. Fulk. Rt. 2. Int. 2-ton truck. $4,000 takes all. FOR SAI.dI' large Ileo.'loa o1[ re- port TI 7-44. 1/19tfn three insertions. Additional in-|/ B,,x 693. Shelton. F 511.1-21 Call HA 6-8448 or HA 6-3086 4/9 tfn conditioa raes refrllrorators ='" "---=--'---l sortions 25€ each. Rats, for I/0-R- SM:E 2: Bi(iwi,V-iiihno. 0Xo:i: .............................. washers ders.'ie & V A ' -''" -,-,m now v.a, amv a , larer ads on reauest II lent confliIion bench included, beau- OIX)R FILM proceeelng direct d,- ,,it .... '.,, /al bulldiag mntariale mlows }rou to ,/5,  u, ,1 [[ ] tiful tone $2[')0 Phon(, HA 6-6158 aft- let, futer, more efficnLh' Also 4- __" .............  ...... "--- 1. comtruction co$t under oae r, .. bo  gn lel. | l er 5' or anytime weekends. hour hate finishing. Try tm. Zle - il bill. For i nformatioa inquire at tgtran y.o, /X_-I[ " P 5/H tfn . ,  ............... .q[' OR SALE. dry bavy or ght stab Lawt0a umr. 40 s_ let St. Pho er notices 15 wor(l minimum, •/-=-==-= : er • tumo,  o, au. . tm. wood 10 a cord HA 6-4127 11/16tta ' • ' /l!.en HA. 6-4. S/Stfa Sllumn inch: |IACCORDION, 12a)B, like new. Must re- ............ , ----  ] "..''":". ...... • / Possess. Bargain, Ior balance due. CRAVEL IS OUR BUSINF-.SS! At- OOla and' =il other buUdl-r ms- FOR SALIg--Jtmt received, a few 1958 "Not Responsible" n 0 t I c e a || Write Box H, Journal. 5/14-28 rangement for all toUrs, trampor-"',,'=',n,hl; a,Wl.   to model 18 h,p. Evitrude outboard me- $1.50 per insertion. | Witii ..... , ....... moatl ration and rervatioaa, at na addl. v udor";I terms now a.rallable tore at greatly redd pm¢L Hilt- . ................ ii 1 chicks, on(.' rooster. I-]A 6-8733 ttonal c.t toyou: Clara Bell Aaffle, t"Iwton Iumber, 0 8. lit "8[., cret Hardware. 1/15 tta All clarified advertlemen|] _ B 5114 pnoaee LA. O-184 or ZLA. W'a. hoae HA. 6-40 8/tf   .-must be paid in advance. Ads|10--?XR--ffRXiq-TEt-ifiiiig- Slain--- " ............. BI BIY. IN 'lrow_, I. eavylltak--e--teehon e mttl/ ton saw 60 days guaranteed trltain. SK'-N-I-'d TOP SOIL, gravel fill dirt. 11', E. itk -lla. ear m,, gm-ll-e.-:- ;--=C:•/ Bar-Din' Marina and Power Ms- surplus aAla. Neopre' wetm ktll'i O de,*. HA-8-81. dl tfa !ou |I., a%-galloa 9!...T..-IB pats De[ore the ena or_ re_ell chinery. See them!! B 5/14 Ifn tailored -In. sklndfvlng and water WE BUY YOUR EQI'I, or will ll r: Io  Cntmr,  p ortll month. An extra charge of 10€ | INbSWL?iW PRIOEiii-ib-w0rhT-g-ar- skiing suns or kits ewest in skin- on conllgnmeat, y@r btt, motors, ==.--=,== .... .v:Z---Vllwill be made when billing BII den tools and hose. Lunsfords Fire- dh, lng equipment. 1951 Hillman traller stc Illllert IIardwm. tn ur "treAT woos anea [or 'or-II sectarY. - II stone store, 317 Raih'oad. 5/11 tin :Minx for sale. Phone HA 6-677. I ' /$0tt .eat Fes0val wee. k end. We. have tn e ]  ...... $. I |2t'i'R---C)()LEE/---0I#/'BIb-ARD--$-109 b., Morgus' Diving & Marine, 4 miles   mexpenswe, ut air quauy, wmt I• I I • r. ' East Arcadia Road. 8/19 tfn fOR AI: aged eteel, pl&tu, pll, outside nalnt for your use Only 2 10 1 I wlth carrier $I19.9m Lunsfords Fire- • ston( 317 Railroad 5/11 tfn ..... : ............ = ................ pulleye and ehatta. All t tl- FOR SALE.' household articles, dav- vae Sheltoa Juak CO, r$t d per galln In 4 gallon qtantl[ies 'or l r,r €34¥ 1 1..2 ....... . .................. ailr( / ..... , = .......... more. | . qJ kka. |FREE WOOD -- o|U growth wmd fall enpor ann chair, beus, dressers, ,din- Mill " phone .&. ." 9]11 Gravstone of flhelton 5/7-14 I  lit.. Free for sawing and removal. ette set washing machine etc. Phone i_^."., .... . '- --: " [GOLDFISH for ale. 35 cents each. Phone____H_A 6:2231 ........... C_5/! HA 6.8475 ' L4/3--5/7lVVJltt . zor ..walls, wl.aaow¢, INRUDE OI[OARD MOTOR ale[ 638 Arcadia. phone HA 6-4378. FOR SALE ----':" ....... -'--- .......................................... I nears. Falat ar, era , IS YOUR LAWN ready for the Forest, rugs, ttle, yatgos. ,M. Dll: and seawi at Illllcr.t Hmxlwar. I V4IdO tfn Used daveno and Chair $39.50; Used 90tfl ......................................... Daveno $20.00; Davenport and chair Festival? Galbraith Golf Green Fer-I A'IIN CENT. '}l Railroad. ," lCOW FERTILIZER for sale tn two $39.50; Overstuffed chair $20.00; tillzer, He organic lawn fertilizer, i 1/ a HRITMJLST.ON., U,.A," tnlbborl yard load, $9 delivery in Shelton. Fh)or hunp $5..00; Drop l* dlneHe will give you a heautlful green lawn l 'R-'-td--.'l(-''-ti;i}r-:"T--.l stap for eaJe at the Jol:lraal, $1. I hone HA 6-6077, L4/30 If• e aal(,14 l(lanab$1?9.50  96 FMoalta for early sumnutr. We have spreaders ] ft.i howe, r bath. Priced or qtllek each, 107 So. 4th. i/ltll ..................................... am " ' '  ' ' ; ' 1€ I yO1 US( . " i ' 2' . ........ I sale, 2422 Washington St. Phone HA  ..... [BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment C - top drop leaf table $39.50: Wood cook Graystont )t nel(n I, ll-is fl-82D9 T 5/7-28 OR SALEt-wIoel trailer, good con-[ pany sales and service. Local repre- slave $20.00; Crib and mattress -j•R-':A{jTiW(]ply•W-0;i-l-,a(s:-ffi-ssli;j-:deamera::i dltloa. Call HA 6-29 preferably] sentatlve Wally Anderson...:P.hone $'15:00; Nor;e. refrigerator,. $49.50: evenln, . G2/26 tfn I HA 6-6001. .alU un Apt. size ,lectric range liKe laew bottom, sides and, solid martog-I equipped lneludlng wide angle le .................................................................. $59.50; Laundry tubs $5.00! Round any 'hans a  and (ran InK, equipped I and 'E light meier $80, Berratta 22 MT. WI DOLL Hospital, 1801 £dur- IFOR SALE--Reasonable, polled. He ri tahle attd 4 chairs $22.50, Vanity ano wlih lifting Itandles, transom pad[ automatic pistol '$35 ' Phone IA el Phone 6-187. Dolls of all kinds [ ford Bull. No papers t)ut 1u plat,, mirror $22.50; Spin(lie" lwd a!d drain plug. Only $248 eacu I 6-2458 evenings ' S 5/14 '*palred. Do it now! Come in  | blooded. Coming 4 years pAl. Phone $12.50: Monlag circulator, wood, $60.1 tno HA 6-6977, William McLeugh-I  =" ' ..... lin. Me 5/14.6/18[qOTHINO DOWN'. 86 months today see my collection of new dolls azd} HA 6-6880. S.I/30-5/14 3t 20" apt. range $49.50; Frigidaire 40' l"ff-HO''SE'-J()-I'I'l'S-(',-f-g-ffod-b-(i'h'¢l'}'('foii [ Ud.F,H. .enll, o ai blldl fS.neywork Also orla'lnal llerted I -," :--' range $65.00. Kelly's Furniture 625 ilOW ........................................................................... I)O Y() keep your earpeta :':so I HA. 6-4. 6/51.flll __.'T.._='-':.'- .... THE NEXT TIMI,; you pa.s oy ( • wheels, Good condition $211,00. Boy's : ...... -- --L ....  "t" I:UNLER JAtNT-lqJOllU. ktepos- plant stop and see some of our us- 24" bicycle $10.00. Phone HA 6-4()36. (leaa? Blue Lustre of coarse --- it's I IUtt B£A.U. "l,Jt " 1SUlly, IUi Q ttj sesscl. Take over pays[eats, of t[6.00 usual stepping stone designs and A 5/14 tops. Lumbermen's Mercantile Corn-I road and fill gravel, wlhea liar4 per montn or pay el! patancq of rflor. An inexpntsive way to make f-7iS"7•ii,--rT< - ..... ..,-' .................. =-  , 6 ] ui d tO zl  oer ..... * ' ....j,-, txl .... .this page next weev.. ; party. 5/14 | aa g'avel, 0'aia gl, a vel a pea $56. 0. . q_ ppe _ g g0 . - a walk way to your outside clothes Romlnmon Power ssw oower drills I grave] for dllvwlkYs. /orlaa .&n. cast, b|/na hem, (io decorative line. 7th and Park sts. L,,. qa ()h,,,.i,, "ti,.i,,;; .... ,, "' ..... '' ...... ' ...... " ..... ' , .deraon, phone HA: I.52. .Jona'e stitches, ctc For further informa-4 Gra ..... si me. of Shlh n 5/7-14 ............. "' ...... ' .....  "" ,,,r. 14 Creek Sand and Gruel, Baynore. tion call Olympia, FL 2-201 , any- -£,'77-.=----£;.--Z-;"7 ........... 7 ...... :; . .................................................. '-- line 4 8 tfn ut a au Ioot clay t I UISt 1 2% I BA  I1 Ma BILL'S SEPTIC TANK 7/mr. t .. / -- "''% - R-DIN MARINA aml tow!' - shape thruout, convertible tep and c.hinery. Remington chain saws, Zeus " SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tfn ]lllillri" II]F i [ ] ...... i iiiiiii ] T (11[ 'i ,, i ,,, ,,, , , , , , , 16-FOOT BOAT with 22-h.p. Scott- Atwatqr motor. Boat has center deck, windshield, ski hooks, ski- rope, lots of chrome. With re- mote control. Hasn't been used since last free service. All as good as new for , ,,, , , p , i I .... $5OO SEASWIFT MARINE CONSTRUCTION 4---14 x 5' 10" V-Bottom Run- shouts from ........ $200 to $375 1--16 x 6' 3" V-Bottom ........ $400 1---16 x 7' 5" Lapstroke Con- verttble top nd steering $925 All Above - New Construction BEST BUY IN TOWN! ! Heavy pack t&-gal, cartons 97 cents, gal- runs $1.79, 2t&-gallon$ $3.97. Fese- ler's Ice Cream Center, 422 North First. 5/9 tfn 23 FT. SEMI cabin cruiser with 22 hp, Gray Martne motor or will trade for smalh,r boat and trailer. Phone HA cockpit fly, excellent built-in slot'- generators, portable power. 1,€}](; age. galley. Sleeps 2. $2000 includes Olympia Highway No. B 5/J4 tfn boathouse. Don McCuiston, phone HA 6-3863. 5/7-2] FOR RENT OLD GROWTH WOOD for ss]e. Phone _,H.A_6_-.4OlO_u .......................... P 5._/7_-fi(_ 4 GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. 2 BOrLER TANKS 250 and 300 gal. Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At 6-6779. L 5/7 tfn capacity. Phone ItA 6-242. highway bridge, S4/4tfn .............................................. B 5/7-14 ............................................. SMALL UPRIGttT piano for sale, - ....................................................... good condition, reasonably priced. FOR SALE Eastman 8 nun movie cam-FOR RENT2-bedroom n'mdern du- Phone ttA 6-4819 evenings. U 5/7-21 era F27 good ss new worth $99.50. plex. Electric heat, garage, utility WJl} sacrifice for $35. Phone HA room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tfn 6-2464. J 5/7-28 F--O-R-R-]N'l":-ilgh{ii-0tsek-eepink-r0om: GOOD SELECTION of used power 100 W. Pine, phone HA. 6-4679. nu)wers, all over-haubl and in A-I R4/18tfn condition. Prieed ft'om $2)7.50. guar- anteed. For Sale. S 5/14-6/4 Custom Tractor Work FOR RENT--Partly furnished apt. 2 ........................................... large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt, CONC13RT ELECTRIC chord organ• Rotovatlg or regular plowing, furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6:30 Converts to portable. Easy to play. p.m. K2/26 tfn $199.95 see at Johnnys Music/Box•57 discing and harrowing, excavating, tfn blade leveling, road grading, road LARGEheat andCLOSEhot waterIN furnished.2bedT'i)°m- apt"Phone FOR SALE: Piano Baldwin Acrosonic gravel. Well-aged sawdust. Work HA 6-3084. $3/19 tin spinet. Cash. Call after 5:00p.m. HA by hour single-handed. Jerome 6-4227, P 5/14.28 Burke, HA. 6-3678. FOR RENT FOR RENT 'rl,;AC]IIRS, RIHAX after school $25 A MONTH unfurnished 1-b(,droona hmrs. School-year lease, furnished apt. Neat, (']Pan, COl lp eD, 5' 111oderlt• 2-bedroom Canal beach home, wash- Also available 1 & 2-bedroom fur- er, dryer. Also summer semon. Mrs. nighed apts. at slightly higter rates. Carte, evenings, Olytnpia, FL 2-3760. Sportmcn's Apartment Motel, HA 6- weekends Hoodsport, TR 7-5338. 3772• A4/9 tfn C4/2 tfn ...................... 0R--RE;L.----A---.--Sb-ecioom---: fOR RENT--Modern furnished abin, electric range and tank. Water free. furnished, yard, large garage. Walter Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4636. C1/8 tfn 10/2-11/13 tfn CLEAN A.ND QUIET rooms, Oy day o dies Home PaR RENT: 1 bedroom [urnlshed apt. week. Cameron Hotel 2/3tf kecphtg, Mc 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-4848 after ...................................................... zincs. For 5 p.m. D10/11ffn FOR RENT -- Attractive waterfronl FO--R--RE-I'-TLar,e -artl v furnished home, 1 bedrooms, city conve- )he ro-m ..Z , ,  ,,,,, fences 10 miles from town Call II. Adults. No pets. Water gar- d-3641. G1/15 tf, bage furnished. Phone HA' 6-8270. '-isH--ED'i'-MEiqT--avdilhbh P1/29 ttn I At Goldsborough Apts. S4/4txt furnisned, 3-room apartments, steam I lurnlsneu, mane HA 6-6500. heat. Downtown. ,$50 and up. Phone ] F 1/1 tfx, HA 6-4655. 4/2 tfnlF--0 -R---'F c--Jtae KKd PaR RENTRent, lease or sell iarge[_tra___il_e.rp__ace_s'___T_h_e__!lnes'__ L10_/_9___tn building, 220 wiring, close to stores dODERN 3-room ground floor fur- on highway, 201 E. Pine. Ideal for nished apt. Steam heat electric kit- cabinet shop or business or home chen, close to stores. Ideal for pen- or both or tea down If sold. Phone stoned lady. 208 No. 1st. Phone HA 6-4297. 205 E. Pine. K3/5 tfn 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/12 tfn FURNACE stallatio.% Furnace 6-6121. ONE available on are better wile is willing Walking extracts arc ProlJ uct s, erA)n. 7-5661. 8:00 a. .[AN ()R 'J kiss lot:silty in hours of per hour is a tired per Write llth St., B{ call ESsex a. hi. AUTO paint houses, r'-0R-RENT--2-be-droomishe(i 5"Rh(J°iVl---F[JRiqiSi'E)---apt=:-"2-•bed" mates phone house, nicely decorated, across from rooms, washer, dryer, refrlgerator, 1.20'2_Cota St. Golf Course, $55 per too. Phone HA electric range, trash burner, oll heat- WILL DO 6-4000. B4/30 tfn er. Water and garbage included, the hour. Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent 5th & Pine B2/26 tfn WE BUY scrap with fireplace, downtown. Utilities ................................................................... aid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. urnished. $1/22 tfn 5NE 0 -g"R-0Mrha - at reduced rent. Will take one small child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2228. La12/4 tfn nighed apartment. Adults only. 311 No. Ist, Phone HA 6-3025. P3/12 tfn FS-R- --ET=z(;fii;--iJdr;i:;ih-7--fU¥'fii'hfid: ONE BEDROOM duplex on Ml. View tars, copper, with garage. Sieves. water and gar- Sheiton Junk bags furnishcd. Adults only. Phone St --HA--6-3-2-18' ......................... -B4/30"5-/14 WANT ONE BEDROOM apt., heat furuished, lawns, 14 years Inquire 1119 Franklin or phone HA 6642, 6-6,196. B 5/7 tfn SAW waterfront honle. Ieantifu] view. Suitable 1",)1. family with 3 or 4 chil- all-electric house. Phone HA 6-4644. dren. $75 per too. Call Mr. Mann,Wa- ......................... $5/7 tfn, terfront Realty HA 6-8535. 5/7 tfn WANTED: FOR RENT $7-- -2"-bdrh-6d,/e.---fiiiC ' G;&;-';'; n; -. ....... : ........ :;--: • courteous 11 h(d Ph n¢ l'a t: ,,rlo n," 5"] r, ra,tS rur rEN.t" or l[aae aVallaole .]ltoa ...'i*;-;,,;,, ....... b ..................................... June 6. No pets. Also 2 b !droool Inc. .,-, *tr,,t --- . or 3 bedroom nnfur- hollSe for sale. .[llqtlil'e 1419 Cola nlsh,!d house. Garage. Phone HA across lhe bridge. L 5/7-28 DRESSMAKING 6-4540 or ItA 6-8436. P 5/7 tfn .................................................. t,mholes, Ii'0R RENT--L:'3 r06ii-hl)Uel hiiwiy FOR RENT. Rug and uplolstery and fans3 (le(oralcd, slot'es furnished, Reason- ahle. Call HA 6-8550 evenings. G 5/7 tfn 1 5-t-K  lq-Y-ZZ "2--b e.-ffr 3 (im-Ti (;fii-iJa-r (i Y furnislted, near the mills. Phone HA 6-3477. 5/7-14 and Cedar. Phone 6-4676. M3/12 tfn DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS for rent: en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities furnished except light. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-81'/7. 52/4 tfn ONE AND TWO be(room unIurnlshed apartments, hot water heat, range, refrigerator included. Holly Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough. manager, Apt. 8. Phone HA. 6-808 or HA. 6-6593. B6/26tfn (5i( -RE N T:L i r-i fred- 6-n-'- b e d r o o {n duplex aparUnent, washlng facilities, 706 Cota. P1/29 tfn F-Oi.-REN'r-:---3Sroilli"Tr, r-nhed apt., washing facilities, carl)err, adults only. 828 Cota. Phone HA 6-3445. R4/16 tfn cleaning eqtlilnnent and supplies. LM Dccora(ing Center. 321 RatA•pad. 5/7 tfn FOR RENT .... 2 bedroom unfurnished tlouse, $50.00 per nton[h. Phon(! HA 6-8486. Angleside. M 5/7 tfn FOR RENT .- 3 room furnished h( use ,;n R.R. Ave. Phone 6-8638 or lIA 6-81,16, 1{ 5/14-28 F0R REN'T: -3--h(;hr,;,iii-h,,uSel 707 Kilt•or. Inquire 62`€t ('(de. [IA 6-11663. I C 5/14-21-28-6/4 i?iJ'ii:H:'N2  :::-:"ii;:;ir,,,'ii ]i,,illii I W;I  t*'r and v:trla4P I)aid, fon(''d in b;tk yard $45, 226!,, So. 71h. l'h(me IIA 6-579. G 5/14-21 AMA'FEUI PH(')I'0GI/APHEP.S: Hiivi: irl.epla(:,:tl)l(, t'/ll Of (;;2(} 1'I]11 ;old V¢ Lt 111 M i('l'(th d d(LV('lo1)llletil, l'ply P.().Fhx '131, giving naliH alld Ilholl(% M 5/]4 HAIR CLIPPER 'ai(i b,!;li: "h;H" )e]t L inK. 520 At(rod a Avenue. (l 5/11 tfu V¢0KK VANTED bOUSli;i;rk r li,,tili : cA,ant•v, i)y lhe ]1our o • tity, baby! sitling ('v:niag. HA 6-3113. B 5/1.1 tfn WANTEI)'- iarge--ol-• smafi-- -tracts • at timber. Cash. Cruiser available s our ex)ense. Jones Tie & Lmnber Co., P.O. Box 472, Olympla. 9/20tf HA 6-211H. WAN TED : Rubber WE HAVE AN l,cal bran('h ( C;//t t11(!01 peo[- act'lll'dl"] Y all( (]ttV WVlk, CO] fi("m salary el: wan1 is in *";',|111 i I1 g ;ill (t i TI) al)l)]Y. IIA 6-,1447. t:lih'oa d Ave $i33 VCEEK[,Y st: wash'd, stwlt '' It() ri,,d, ag* .. i11| PI'ViPW al)t ov write 102 :WANTED TC Will pay l:lA 6-2411. and piling. Company. 99, Juniper W A NTED--ILed sash or take HA 6-3375. PHONE HA, 6-8725 EVENING 5-7-14 11 i , APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Floor Sanders Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders Regina Electric Floor Polishers House Jack LAWTON LLvIBER 420 S. Ist Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10tfn L ........ , I USED FURNITURE 5 Davenos ........................ $15.00 up 8 Sofas & CArs ............. $45.00 np 3-Pc. Sectional ................... $39.00 Range, Elec ......................... $49,00 3 Refrigerators ............ $39.50 ea. 2 Din. Sets .................... $29.50 ea. Chrome Set .......................... $39.50 Swing Roch;er . ..................... $17,50 ace. Tab/e ............................ $6.50 Floor Lamps .................... $9.00 ea, Vanity w/mirror ................ $19.50 Child's Table & CArs. ........ $6.00 NEW FURNITURE Chest, finished .................... $14,95 Cotton Mattress .................. $13.95 Swing Rockers .................... $59,00 Apt. Size Range .................. $124,95 1)aveno .................................. $79,50 21-Cu, Ft, Upr. Freezer ...... $369.95 BUDGET SHOP Phase HA., 6-4652 2315 OLYMI:C HIWAY NO. t i i I I ........ r , USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R.R. Ave HA 6-4332 5/7-tfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 8/27tin ii • , FIR SLAB WOOD Green  15 - 20 Inch $16 PER LOAD Shelton and Vicinty PHONE HA 6-2118 KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfn = ......................... HIGHEST CASH PAID ......... , For Timber Stumpage News From and Lands BELFAIR GARDENS Roae for blooms In June. We have a large eelection, grow- ing vigorously in container& Guaranteed to bloom or mon- ey back. BELFAIR GARDENS Star RL 1, Box 55 Belfalr, Wash. Across froin Belfair P.U.D. • , , I I ,,, , • , II BATrERIF- TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery - Lowest Cost per month for Nationally Advertised Tyrex Cord Allstate Silent Cushion Tires IE] TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too mnall. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-11-20-U I [ Inter.00 p00.e, Shop call eve•lap collect. The Garden Bar-Din Enterprises ROUTE 1, Box 4s FORST PRODUCTS Phone HA 6-3710 star Rt. 2. Box 11. Shenon, Wn. Azaleas .......... Ea. $1.75 Telephone HA 6-6837 Flame, yellow, lavender, Ethel M. Barton - Jom A. Dinntng i, , i  Bar-Din Boats 8' - 14' beats our speclalty Any size or style boat on order WE FIBerGLASS Fishermen and duck hunters, us before you buy ' Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway N. Telephone HA 6-837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop heavily budded. Rhododendrons Large plants, budded. $3.50 & $4.50 Ea. Clematis Ten colors, large flowered blues, purples, pinks, reds and whites. Also evergreen. $1.75 & $2,00 Ea. Magnolias ...... Ea. $3.00 Blooming plants. RED BUD TREES ...... $2.00 EA. ROSES .......................... $1.00 EA. , ,111 i i,i , Across from Evergreen Square Evergreen.Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 EELLS AND VALLEY BELIEVE... l:r J -- iT"l"' TI " 1TIll ]Hi I'tF- I  i onest-, sincerit and r  See FRIGIDAIRE F" H y y, j)s)]  ,rst ,ood service are remem- REFRIGERATORS bered long after pace __ l is forgotten. RANGES @ WASHERS @ DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA, 6-8211 M I00¢AMTtLg BABY CHICKS! New Hampahire White Leghorn White Rocks I nleat type) Wagener Feed Co. 219 So. First St. PHONE HA 6-4532 The Finest Te/eWsioa Rated First CONSUMERS REPORT Sharp picture, high quality tone, unmatched cabinet, carefree service. "ASK ANY ZENITH OWNER" We Sell and Service Zenith Olsen Furniture 328 Cota Phone HA 6-4702 Add Enchantment to Your Home- New or Old With This Early American Franklin IIEATER FIREPLACE Open swing doors, you have a firel)iace. ...... Closed, a stove. 2 sizes. -22-inch and 26 inch. '159" Canvenient Terms S EI IN OUR W1ND()W Olsen Furniture 328 Cota Phone HA 6-4702 FRUIT TREE spraying by licensed sprayer. Gardcn phwing, Alder saw- dust for tle. Phil Hat'die, ph,?ne HA 6-6584. 3]5 tfn ON HOOD CANAL Beach frontage with tide lands. Low bank, level lots at Pleasant FOR SALE Harbor. home, ehct rio Lovely residence at Triton Cove. RESORTS * BUSINESSES BYRON E. BROCK, Realty HAMA HAMA LODGE, Eldon Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5322 FOR SALE Owner Transferred SEE TmS 6-ROOM Northcliff Home Phone HA 6-4227 after 5:00 p.m. 923 Roy Blvd. P 5/14-28 ii iii USED CABIN FURNITURE • BARGAIN PR/CES @GOOD SELECTION BUDGET SHOP (Across from Evergreen Square) Warehouse Specials: 16' Uprigll Delu×e Coldspot Freezer--- Was $36,i.95 ........ Now $299,95 Kenmore Comb. Washer-Dryer Was $399.95 ........ Now $339.95 2'1" Malmgany TV Console Was $279.95 ........ Now $229.95 'tti-Fi Stereo ....... Was $264,95 ....... Now $239.95 Hi-Fi Stereo Speaker. .... Was $50.95 ............ Now $4,1,95 I'NDY-MAN think it ean Lea(its, ttA WORK sick, house O'r will baby Durand, phone 3323. HOME FOR one. with rug; wall to wall age; two 60' nice home down, about HA 6-6573. FOR SALE-- ] ! shore OYl formation FOUR Ill,'nIt on l limHs. Fruit ]IA 6-6707. Used Will BuY Of KELLY'S HA DICK'S and PHON Dayor AGENT- SEPTIC Drain ftelda, Earl Ph. HA, If I10 answer, Sears Catalog Sales Office Shelton -Fhone HA 6-8201 5/14 tfn FARM EQUIPMENT OC- Crawler - diesel - wiLll blade, drum, & ()lily 5 months old - just like new .......................... 2 C]etracs, Diesel, gas, wilh blade & drt/In, either Caterpill'u' "30" with blade 8N l"l)l'd Tractor .................................................... :' Crib Traclor with plow, blade, buzz saw .................. 'I Ford Trat:tor with h)ad('r . ..................................... Ltladiug Zhovel - Bay CRy 5/8 yard - for loading shovel front, exeelleriL condition ..................... Rear Blades - Discs - Mowers - Montesano Feed & Seed 424 Fleet St., S., Telephone 151, Montesano,