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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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alu()  g( )()(l M.I19 tfn Cot(n- G4/&apos;301 fn 1957. rttlte- tIA gs,. .... 5/14 '47 Nine-l' Phone ttA E tfn Dellv- Station w 5/14 P 5/14 ? for neat 1 home. 8-6363 large SFfELTON.MASON C') JOURNAL -- Publlshed - t ,/ I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CLAHSlFID SERVICE FOR S-AT,E:-the. I- W, Ske)sey prop- TIIRIqE P, hlDROOM unfurnished almrt- REGISTERED ARABIAN Stallion at erty on gth and Euclid St. Phone ii,(.lll I(H. i.plll. It(( u i.o S leltoll Shot! stud 1o ap troved tllltr*'Y,, l.)ltrk chest- Union 411. S6/5tfn I'.,'lmir ov t':111 IIA 6-(L514 after 6 p.ttl, not 4 stockings, blaze, t-Iox ny, I. ................................. t 5/14 Matlock tlA 6-6070. 113/19 tin \\;VIIY PAY RENT whea you can haY 1,()It S:\\;IF,: 2 I)pdl',)mn Island Lake MASSEUR TREATMENqS al my 'os- a building location with a small year h-nw. l)rili,,d w('ll, tlA 6-8316. id',n'e near the I,,,wpr Skok(ml s around str(,am and gravity watt'r. ]:; 5/14-6/I Sc ,)tl. Cull TrL[an 7-5-138 f()r ai- Some building materhL It cost 11 [ M(H)EI(N :t |)oil 'o,) i "  :1 ) ": 2 I) tt S. p intment Saturday, Suoday, alltl little more than cost of drilling and [hrvh kit,,hon huilt-in rang(, at- Wednesday. A. F. Opl)clt. o-t/16 tfn l%xlures for do,'p well. S('e Claren,'e ta(,ll,,d arac. Ph.m, llh -6571 ,r CcoRDiON--privat6 lessons in your Wivel. Wag,l Wht,.i Molel. 5/7-21, . .....................  ;)/).,.7! home. Stancato National School of F()R SALE: twu I.,dro.m I-Iillcrcst F()I SAIX: l0 m'ros near Arcadia Aceordion. Mrs. Casada, phone HA home. lllaslerod walls ]tardwood liv- Ig "()q) I'll)t))' Nt'v¢ oil | urtlaco, doul)le garage. $.IeiX). l)h,)ne IIA. 6- I .4178. . ..... If.l/30 -5/1'1 I FOR SALE --- Inexr, cnh'o 4 hcdrom)l[ ll()ulo t)n(. bh)ck t'rmu Jr. }.Igh. ['°w L d )W pp,'mt'nt ()' will llelll. I holt,' HA 6-881'1. .1 5/7 Iflt Ie()P, SALE . lrede 5 housc. 2 |)o(it'{)OIIIS (.11t'])orl with :t l()t t'()r d5 at'rps with house. I111,111( , IIA 6-g15| afl('r 5 I1.111 A 5/7 l.t l'()int l(10(l If|" s('v(illn' planted Ill I!157. $I 00(i. I')h()tl. lIA 6-'l;Ig. N 5/I'I tin LOST AND FOUND LOST I'ARAKI,:I,:T. i)lue l)t,,ast With :i black (t()ts - wllit(' hcIld. Nanled Nivk l'h.n,, IdA 6-388. K 5/I, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -f30a(-i'(, l'arm. partially YI)t'l¢ B()DY in y,,ur prtz(- l)OSs(-ssion, ci(,0rt,(t, will1 ,r')-|)e(ll'(J(,ll hl)]ll(, kt'iX :1lid 1[' tile otlly I1' V( I1' e?ver IllJi('S ft'oltl Sht'lt()n ( l)ayt()tl l'()t(i ). t-)h()ne HA 6-6!11 Y,I/23 tfn FO} SALE--.l-hedr()(m holtse a| 12'27 W('sl TUrller. Writ(, 1418 Sc Cherry. Port Angeles. 11412:1-5/21 SAI,E ORTRADE :---80:'wi:c g|'ad,' A dl "y "I') 35 a(.res tillnl)h'. (?,)u- sitl('t' Stlllt]l I1('1'('11ff(' 111 ll'tl(t(L vr)'il( E. I, ]f',t)lril)g(,r, _Q.uih.,--!ly:.. I 5/l'l-28 FOR SAT.E--546' x 60' waterfr(int lot on Totien Sh(n'es. $1,4(10, $400 dowu, $30 per ulonth. Write Box BX, c/o The Jom.nal. 4/16 tft i45-iF:ET- WATFfRIRONT:-"on l-htm- lll(l'Sl('y Inlet. one Illile fr()lll town, foul' I'oon] house, hardwood floors, electric heat. tile battl aud tile kit- chen. $16.500. Phone HA 6-4772 or P.O.Box 237. Shelt(in. R 5/7-21 '-0- "S. LL- 0oi {fiit-'i,ib]-(: ;:i, edroom holne, new eonorel"e founds) ion, downtown, near sch,,uls. $S250. Phone CLASSIFIED HA 6-4s15 F i:S _,f:> SERVICE FOB SALE: 4-room HlllcreT, home hp,'(', th'lp Iepop It bt'aithy, firltt and t rio1 wit h a TRIM FORUM. Three IlIIIPS lll(ll'O offtq'|ivI, sallle 111"ii"( , a, th(,s(' d()hlt IIltt('h It'aS. Not two. hut SIX Vat'itli)lo tit ns. Espec I y con- slvuc ,'d l c(n f)'tal l:v u'(' rmhodale iltq(VV :111(I tall p('vsotls, flood for re- (iu('ill:, st)r(" backs, poor cirt',ulatiofl. Trinl forru ,)f Sh(qt()n (formerly Slauffpr h()me 111,'111 or Mason C.)un - ly.) ('all HA 6-6889 l'()r information II ]'l (I f t'C(' ll()1110 denlonst ratlon. .................................... H_.5/14 " h, wish to express our sincere tllauks to the people of Sbelton and liars(in(' Islnnd for the many kind- npsses and expressions of sympathy. Also l'ov the I.ulutiful flowers aiid donations i. the Cancer Fund, during thv rec('nt ilhn,ss and death of my be- loved wife. The ttmughtfulness will alw$tYs 1)(' l'eltl(qllhored. L. F. Rigney & faintly Sieg- rugs, $6950 insur- down. large fenced lot, $4900. PhOne HA, 0- tREES TOPPED, trlmmea, remove• 6-6158 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p,m. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. E3/27tf 6-4823. 2/18tfn week- 704 Euclid• Carport. Fireplace. I{aru- both dairvand "beef r00 cash EV- wood floors. Plastered walls. Phone ergreen orthwest' r'eeders •[ne. HA {]-3180. O 5/7 tin Call William Turner Olympia, eel- ' tfl FOR SALE--Spencer Lake hom(',Y- leqt. FL• 2-2113. light basement, 100 foot hike front- ' age, electric heat. Ph(me HA 6-89.18.  SEWIN MACHINE I.EAIRS H/5-1,1-28 house, din- hardwood Also 3 $10,000. 2 cabins, build- water per is paid as contract for month. by 450 foot With lrge shop corn- Beautiful 500.00. on Bay, i0 nice creek on room and F.H.A. costs. --- 330 low bank. house, full room, lot and house om, nice garage, heat -- basement, $500.00 6-3530 L TO With 2 bed; and on Raft- an nex- With some cash. plenty and lum- rebuilt terms for 3 bed- range, heater. Shed. Well lot 4 dtlng F.H.A. ith pay- month to busl- with 2 A good to re- lped tn- block bedroom house. Terrific view. own- el' will sacrlfiee his equity for only $800. Call " Kurt Mann, Waterfront Realty, HA 6-8535, or HA 6-3228 eve- nings. 5/14 Expert work. Bonded employee. Leave calls at Journal office, phone H 6-4412. (Singer Sewing Machine Co., Olympia. 11/22tfn HOOFING, blown rock wool lneula- tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA. 64417. 8/0tfn SOME EXCELLENT BUYS! A LOVELY WATERFRONT HOME • • • For gracious living this 2 bedroom home on Totten Inlet with 180' bulkheaded frontage is just ideal. Lovely view from all windows, 2 fireplaces, triple plumbing, cocktail lounge, hot water heat. 2 car garage, nicely landaped. About 8 miles from Shelton. Shown by appointment. EXCELLENT HOOD CANAL SUMMER HOME . . . On finest of bulkheaded property well away from hiway, and has incomparable view. Ample bedroom space, fireplace, electric heat. You'll enjoy this place. $11,000. ONE OF SHELTON'S NICEST HOMES • • • With 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, dining room, 2 fireplaces, every- thing automatic, dishwasher, etc., full basement, and nicely laddscaped yard. By appointment. HERE'S A DANDY 2 BEDROOM HOME • • - Rooms are large and nicely decorated--plastered, cenfral heating, 2 car garage,, nice residential district close to school. $9450 with $600 down. LARGE, ROOMY 4 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME . • , An excellent family home with 2 baths, fireplace, dining room, basement, 2 car garage, and large fenced yard, Near • @ihgpls:. $10,500. WATERFRONT ON ARCADIA SHORE TRACTS • • • Full furnished summer home on 200' x 1600' no bank tract with. oyster and tidelands, Call Mr. Hulder, A GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY . • • 2 duplexes phm cottage on highway 101, always rented Extra lot for expansion. Income $160/month. Owner wants to retire; will take $7000 down, balance at $100/month. ONLY $25/MONTH FOR 1 BR ANGLESIDE HOME , • • Why rent when you can have your own home for $2050 with only $200 down. Heater, range, and'auto HW unit included. YOUR TERMS ON THIS COUNTRY HOME . . , With 2 bedrooms, fireplace, outbuildings, fruit trees, berries, ,garden. etc. $5950 with your terms on down payment. Balance at $50/month. NO WAITING FOR FINANCING ON THIS ONE , . . Owner will carry contract for $500 down on this very com- fortable 2 bedroom home by Mountain View school. $5500. HAVE IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED WATERFRONT ON ARCADIA SHORE TRACTS. Call Mr, Hulder• ALSO SEVERAIL FINE HOOD CANAL PROPERTIES---BET- TieR HURRY! A.-ROY DLrNN 6-8229, 1/I tin Le;al Publ!cations NOTi('E OF ,HERIFF'N ,A1,F 01,' ABAN DON El) V I':!11('I,EN NOTICE IS HEREF, Y GIVEN thai on MolldaY the 18th day ,,I May, 1959 at the hour of 19)0 p.m. -f su'id day at Allyn Repmr Service. Allyn. Wasl{- nlgt,)n, I will sPil til(' I'olh)wi4 (h,- s('ril)('d vehicle, to-wit: (1) 1951 Mercury Sedan, M1 r No. 51LA12239 Lic No. XAF71'I t]iv('n under ))ly hand this 12 day or 5 May. 19, 9• W, A. POTTER. Sheriff Mason CouIIty, W:l,"|lington By: THORA WOl.b', i)t'puly 5/1.t It ] NOTICE O]" CIA}slNG OF RI,;(IINTRATION IgOOK NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, tim) the registration books )or Bell'air 1, 2, and 3, Allyn Grapeyiew I Ind Taimya Precincts will be CI0SC-(1 t()l' Ol'lltlal registrations fro)n Ma: 24, ]959 I(1 and includ ng June 23 195.'t, tile latter date having been set for a spt,ci!d ch,cliou on the question of col)solidation el' IM'aso County School D]strwt No. 21 and Mason County Consolidated Scbt.J[ District No, 403. The registration book. will rein  n opPn'unti June 8. 1959 for transf(.r ot registration only. DATED this llth day oi May, 1959 C. NOLAN MASON "' Mason County Auditor and Dircctor of Eleetions 5/14 It trado payment. REALTOR Phone HA 6.6363 • Title Insurance Bld o. 3060 NOTICE OF IARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In thc Matter of the I']state (,f EORGE G, SH.ACKLEFORD, deceas- d. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Carmelita O'Neill Shackleford. the Ex- ecutrix of the estate of George G. Shackleford, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of said Court her final re- nOrt and petition for distribution, ask- g the Court to settle and approve the same. to distribute the property lo the persons thereto entitled and to dis- charge said Executrix, NOTICE IS FURTHER OIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- tribution .will be heard on Friday, tie 12th day of June, 1959, at tlm hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Courtroom of said Court in Shelton, Washington, DATED THIS 8th day of May, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Mason County Clerk. II ( Ry: IRENE McGUIRE I Deputy Clerk I ROBERT L. SNYDER ] Covey Buildin Shelton, Washington I Attorney for Exeutrix ] (SEAL) 5/14-21-28-6/4 4t No. 9111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of AL- FRED SELMER eRR, Deceased. THERESA eRR is the appointed and ualified Admlnistratrlx of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to aerve the same i:l duplicate, duly verified, on said Adminlstratrix or her attorney, l.obert L, Snyder at the address be- low stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such  service within six months after the date of first publica- tion of thi noli('e.,.or tln. same will i)e barred. I)ATE of first publication: May ]4, 1959, THERESA eRR Route 2, Box 334 Shell.on Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law Govey Building Shelton. Washington 5/14-21-28-6/4 4t No. NOTICE TO IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOH MASON COUNTY • In the Matter of the Estate of RUS- SELL J. RAE, Deceased. HELENA F. RAE is the appointed and qualified Admintratrlx of said eetate, All Dersons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the same in dupllcate, duly refi- lled, on said Admlnistratrlx or her at- t@rney. Robert L. Snyder. at the ad- aress below stated, and file ,the same wilh the Clerk of said Court, togelh- er 'ithproof of such service, within six Xoonths after the date of first pub- lication of this notice, or the salne will be barred, DATE of fh'st publication: May 14, 1959. HELENA F. RAE Administratrlx Star Route 1. ?Box 4fiB Shelton. Washington ]OIERT L. SNYDER Covey" Building . Shelton. Washington Attorney for the Administratrlx 5/14-21-28-6/4 4t ' No. 884 NOT!CE OF HEAR{[NG INAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIRITION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , T (In Pobate) • n the Matter of the Estate of MAR = THA L. ffACOBS, Deceaeed NOTICE IS HRIY GIVEN that GLENN E. CORREA, Administrator de_ I00ete¢''rre" rpeu"ro--r"es 00oo,..oo .. ,. o,,,0, o f I il the Clerk 'of aaid Court a final report | |i and netttion for distribution, aktg | |] the C'ourt to settle said report, dlstri - I '11 ute the property, to the persons thereto RooMY 3 BEDROOM .... Ill entitled and discharge the petitioner This Angles)de home has 3 bedrooms, den, big I I|as Administrator de boots non: and [ []that said report and petition will be playroom, as well as spacious kitchen complete with I []heard on the 29th day of May 1959, at dishwasher. Corner lot with fenced yard and barbe- l|ll0:00 o'dioek tn the torenoo",f said | ilday, o'c as coon thereafter as the mat- cue. Only $350.00 down. I II ter can be heard at the court room Ill of the abo'e-ent|tled court in the COMFORTABLE 4 BEDROOM, H ILLCREST .... l llCourthouse in Shelt0n, Mason County, I,IlWashington, at which time andplace Older home with full basement. Some furniture I/lany person interested in said Estate included. Ful price $9,800, Terms. Come in and [ |[ ma appear and file objections thereYo see us about moving in. " Dated this 24th day of April, 1959, Ill HARR EYETTE 3 BEDROOMS, 7 ACRES, 6 MILES Clerk of said Court. .... ' • Irene McGuire. Deputy. I IIAttorneys for Estate I11 Bell :ldg,, :t2L South 4th St, land on con* Only 8 years) old. We think this is a very fine buy at $8,750. A perfect spot for the family that needs room for activity. Excellent water supply, Small barn for horse or cow. for detall. WILL TRADE FOR DOWN PAYMENT ...... l For almost anything of approximately $500 value on this 3 bedroom downtown home. 'ull price is only $4,950 and halanee can be paid at $45.00 per month, including interest. Call today. WHAT A VIEW AND A FIREPLACE TOO ..... The ideal home for the larger family. Full bae- men(, 5 rooms and bath on main floor with new ,,.wall-to-wall carpet in living room and dining room. Upstairs can be used as is or can be converted to 3 more bedroor. An excellent huy at only $12,750. $450 down FHA. 2 BEDROOM, FULL BASEMENT, $6,200.00 .... Located on attractive corner lot this little home is Just right for the retired couple. Can be purch- ased on contract. Call us about it today. CHOICE LAKE L(PT'$ .... I00' frontage With no bank, good beach. Among the best lots available today. Full price $2,350, $500 down. in "Chr,tma,town. U.g.A.," Shelton. Washtu.a'ton CHRISTIAN SCII00N(E LI00C I URE iS SCHEDULI'I) IN SHELl ()N JUNE 1 PAI'I, WrAI{K SI:I,:I,I,:Y l,eetur('r C()MING lterc How Christianity. if put into ac- tion. can meet today's individual and worhi problems will be brought out in a Dub)it lecture ar- ranged for by Lhe naembers of First Church of Christ. Scientist, Shelton, Wash. Paul Stark Sceley or Perthm(l. Oregon. will speak in Shelton Jtin- )or High Scl0ot allditori(nn, 12th & Franklin (n Mend'(y. June 1, 1959 at 8"p.m., it is announced. The ecture, on the subject, '*Christian Science: Christianity in Action," is free and the public is cordially invited to alten(l, Mr Seeley is widely known throughout the English-speaking world md in Europe. Since b(,- coming  member 0f. The Chris- tian Science Board of Leetureship, he has lectnrdd to au(iiences throughout the United States an(l Canada, Great Britdn. Em'(}pe, Africa, Austr.alia and South America, He has served as Associate Ed- itor of the Christian Scmnce re- .......................... wATERFRONT REALTY . CALL HA 6-8535 ANYTIME 226 North First sup. Ct.) 4/30--5{7-1'4-21 4t NOTICE OF 8LE OF COUNTY ]PERSONAL I'ROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That | |lPursuant to an. order of the Board of | |[County Commissioners made and en- [[]tered on the 4th day bf May, I959, [ []there will be offered for sate to the best bidder, fo cash. by Treasurer at public auction door of the Court House in Shelton at 10:00 A.M, on Monday, May 18. 1959, the following described personal property; each item to begin at a minimum price to be set by the Board : Descrtptio 1942 Ford Truck Chassis & Cab 74 I951 Dodge 3 Yd. Dump Truck 76 1941 Chev. Truck Cha'ssis & Cab 35 1951 AC "Model D. Grader 22 Adams Model 84 Pull Grader 46 1942 Iarmall tractor with nmwer 21 TarpSt patcher (trailer) 81 8 ton semi-trailer 54 Trailer dolly 2 dump truck bodys 2 Dozer blades for IHC TD9 2 A ramo pulley 1 12 angle blade with arms DATED this 4th day of May, 1959. BOARD O1 COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON C, Nolan Mason Clerk o£ the BOard. 6/7-14 t The American Flag was raised for the first time at Pago Pago, Samo, .y U. S, Marines on April 17, 1900. Faith Lulheran Plans Pentecost Services Sunday, May 1,7th, is Pentecost Sunday, the day observed in the Christian Church as the Festival of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Bret- helm will bring the fourth.of a se- ries of messages on the Holy Spir- it at the worship services this Sun- day at Faith Lutheran. The serv- ices are held at 8:1.5 and 11:00 a.m. The Sunday school and a(hdt t3i- ble classes meet. at 9:30 between the services, The monthly Family Fireside Hour for May will be held this Sunday evening from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Ten family units in our Church will be hosts for the eve- ning providing the program and the refreshments, Ewryonc is wel come. On. Mndty evcning the ht)2 of trustees meet al 6:30 and the: Stmday school staff at 8:00. On Tues(lay the Mission Circle meets in the Church Parh)rs at 1:30. More announcements con- cerning this meeting will be made on Sunday in church, The Youth Cla§s will meet Tuesday evening at 7:00, On Wednesday the Midweek service of Bible study and prayer is held at 7:00 and the senior choir will have its final rehearsal for this Choir season. This week F'riday evening the forthcoming Vacation Bible School taff will meet at the Parsonage for a planning n'lceting. The Vaca- tion Bible School is being plan- ned for June 8-19 with sessions each morning from 9 to 12. Pupils from ages 3 to 15 will find a class of study in the study course, "We Believe," Legal Publications n NOTIC OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN, Wa t on Tuesday, the 2nd day of June, 1159, commencing t ten O'clock in the fete  noon tO' said :lay, In front of the main entrance door to the County Court House in the city of helton. county of Mason. State of Washington, by the Coumy Auditor o said coum¥, the [ollowing dcrid etate tide lands, t()gether wlth the Improve.ments situated thereon, will be. suld at pub- tic auction to the highest bidder there J for. to-wit :" NOTE--No one except citizens of the United States, or p..rdrs6ns who have declared their intention to become Stll, ('an purchaee state lands. Application No. 13338 Th% tidelands of the seeond class, owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abut- :ing upon the South 100 fcet ,it the orth 300 feet of Govermnent LOt I ection 21, Township 22 No)'th, Range 1 West, W.M., with a frontage of 1.55 lineal chains, more or less, ap- raised at $50,00 per lineal chain or 7.50, Excepting, therefrom, any tidelands nf the second class conveyed to Thos. O'Neill and A, L, McDonald, through deed issued Declmbor 1, 1900 for the cultivation of oysters in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 24, Laws of 195, under Applieatlov No. 3001 and to W. H, Kneeland through deed issued September 15, 1906 for the cultivation of oysters in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 24, Laws of 1895 under ApplicaIJon No. 8200. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upoiq, the terms and conditions following : liaious periodicals, and ms Presi- • 'tlt of 'l'hc M(Hhe)' Ct'ulrch. Thc l,'n'.l Clm)'el ()f Christ. Scientist, t lies(tin, Mtls:.;:tc]lllsotts, A tl'Citltn!l' (11" lh( £1ar in New !Yorl: 'iT](I ()r( g))l he is a ora(hlute lof } arvard I,aw School and of l'rine.(Ion University. He was as- :r)eialed I'O|"S('VCrD.I years \\;MJth :Lll (,i) onl0el'il} t'il'n] if2 tllo Nort.h- WeSt before, rl,signh]g 1() devote his l')lll tram It) Christian Scienee. Mr. Seeley has been an active pvacliti(mcr arid te'tehcr of Chris- *Jan Scitnee for many years, Spiritualization To Be Discussed Maukin(l's need for spiritualiza- lion of thoughi will be emphasized m Christian Scietce churches Sun- day in the Lesson-Sermon entitled "Mortals and Immortals." Bible selections will include the followin from Phillippians (2:14, 15): "Do all thinffs withont mur- murings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God. without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and per- verse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world." A correlative passage to be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy slates (265:5): "Mor- tals must gray)late Godward, their affections and aims grow spiritual, they must near the broader in- terpretations of being, and gain some proper sense of the infinite, -in order that sin and mortality may he put off.,, The Golden Text is from Ro- nmns ¢9:8): "They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God." Arch deao0n io S-Peak At Episcopal (lhuroh On W h i t s ll n d a y, observed throttghout the world as the birth- day of the Christian church, there will be a special service at 11 a.m., led by the Archdeacon of the Din- ce.ue, 'The Venerable Walter W. McNeil, Jr. At this service the women of the Parish will join in a Corporate Communion, and wikl present the United Thank Offering at the altar. Archdeacon McNeil will preach the sermon. The VVhitsunday Family Serv- ice, in which the boys and girls of the church school join with their parents, will be held at 9:45 a.m. There will be an early celebration of the Holy Connnunion at 9 o'clock, A cordial invitation to all of the services at St, David's is extended () those who have no regular ctmrch affiliation. Baptist Children Honor Mothers , The Baptist Sunday school was the scene of proud children with their mothers last Sunday morn- ing. In the main auditorium where . special Mother's Day program was presented by the-older stu- dents, there was standing room only. Ett(:h mother was given a small remenlbrance, Most departments had tleir colored lights burning which indi- cated tlaey had attained their goal for attendance. Next Sunday is "Jam Session," Every one is urged to bring a friend or relative and jam our de- partmeots and classes. A small award will be given for eaeh new pcrson brought bv a member. Let's see which deiSartmcnt can "jam" in the largest number. A report, should soon be here from Seattle allowing our stand- ing in the state eontest with oth- er Conservative Baptist Sunday schools. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lewis E. Whithey, Minister Phone HA 6-$101 Sunday school and adnlt Bible study from 9:45 a.m.. each Lord's Day, in the IOOF hall. Immedi- ately following is the church worship at 10:55 with nursery serwces available to those with small children. Vesper service from 7 to 8 pro. The Gospel message, last. Sun- day, was lt'ought to the congre- gation by Conley Silsby from PSCB, since the recent illness of Mr. Whitney. The Girls' Trio from the college also sang at the serv- ices, . The Ladies Missionary meeting will be held at 8 p.m.. TtleSday in the home of Mrs. Dorothy Schwarck, ,Mid-week Bible study classes are held each Wednesday evening in the minister's home on West Raih'oad Ave, Bring a friend and a Bible. Saturday, May ,30, a preaching rally will be held from 10 a.m. to 4" p,n., in the church, Representa- tives from other Christian church- es in the Puget Sound area will speak. • In 1958, Americans' holdings of Series E and H. Savings Bonds made a net gain of $1.1 billion. Not lens than one-tenth of the pur- Sales were up 4%, redemptions Chase price must be paid at the t)nle dowr 11%. of sale. The purehas(,r, if he be m)t the owner of the improvements, nlUSL ........................ the vale the full amount of the ap- praised vahle Of the iolproveloonts, as r above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chaLe price must be paid annUally paynlents at the tale of eig per cen- tun pe anaunl: I')vidd, That any pur(!tlas@r tliay )hake t'U]] paytll('nt o priacipal interest and etatuaory l ee at any time and obta n deed. :)t( purchaser of land containing tintber or other va[llahle tllA[rJal: i, i)rohi})- any sl.t('h timber or nlat(,ri;lls without first obtainiilg ct)ns(!llt of the Cont- missioner )f Public Lands, until tha full alnonnt of tile pllr('hlts(, ])rlco h&s been paid and deed issued. All sales of state hinds are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal. ores. mineral9 and fossils of every nauL kind and description, tnd to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in section 3 of chap- ter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, couditions and reservations of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights- of-way and the carrying of timber, stone, minerals and other products over the same. BERT, L. COLE Con)lnlssioner of Public T,alads: 4/30-5/7-1't. 21-28 5t Chock home firo hazards with a fire departmont inspection 1 The Roy. and Mrs. Gary N. BhWk, pastors of the Four- lmtre church at 910 E. Dear- bolqt, arP on tt two month leuA'e of ai)m'n('o. Wiflie they are away Evangellt J. E. and Vlua M. Timmerman are inlrim pators. They have been holdhtg revival services in the northwest. Mrs. Timmerman plays the  vibra= imrp, accordion, alo sings. Hc plays the trombone• The public is cordially invited to attend the servi('e. <aSUT00Ay Fird Ohristian Ohuroh "New Testament Christianity" Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m• Church Services 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Adventl, ts SI;ute Weekly Services The Mid-weeg [)ra\\;'cr service o tho S(,vetHh l)ny A(tve)ttisl cl)ur('il wtll i(' hold Ved).esday ,vol)lll l( S pan S;tbbath S('h(H)l ht)llF ]R IlL l)::l(i san. Salllt'd:tys, witt \\;Vet ship service foll(twitlg :11 ll)'clocI.. l?a81or Shankel will t)e speaking May l(;. PtlSlOF Sl,'ttlkol and faltt- iiy are now Utl(Icr tppl}illi.nh'lll it) serve in LOl'.'lgl lui4,)()[t service ill [[]donosia SOOtl. ll)t t'xt)OCI tO he here (lilly t)iAl'l ())" t ht' Sll ii/I)l¢,r, LasL Sll)ldl v evu)] i tl a |a few tq.i gatheri) was hehl il) th*'tl" )loner tl il'lO I).17.[) Altdl(')riIllL The I.,adi('s I ),)rcas Soclety ]mc(,ts TILes(laY .'May ID at. the cilurch. Bandages and fir;d :lid material will I(' p)'opa)'(d. Ott Mny 9 :.1 special tcal)lirle a:)d I)isaster I.elicf offerirlg was )'e{.(,iv¢,(i, Sit'lc¢ 1952. thl, Veslern 1,V(df/re SO)W- ice depot at ,Vatsonville. Calif., has shipped nearly 2t ntillion potlnds of (.lothillg' to 5f) lands f(tr (tistri[)uti(m t(ll]Oll K the l'cfugees, Lhe poor, Itn(i Orl)hLuls. In 1957 over t262 tons of fol)d was tistributed. $ournal Want Ads Pay MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by First Missionary Baptist Church of Puyallup, Wash, Everyone "Welcome Sainl David's Ohuroh (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert Bonner Echols,'' Vicar WHITSUNDAY: 9:00 a.m. Holy C()mmn-d(n. 9:,15 a.m. Churc, h Sch,)ol Fam- ily Service. 11:00 a.m. Eltchnri,t mad B('r-' nlon Archdell (2on M('N(,il. THE METHODIST GHURGH 4th & Pine Parsonage 320 N. 4th --- Phone HA 6-4174 CHARLES T. HATTEN, Minister Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:45 a,m. Second session 11:00 a.m. FIIBT BAPTISfCllUI¢il 5th & Cota Rev. E, C, Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 17 9:45 a.m, Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "Finding Solutions for Life's Problems" 6:00 p,m. Youth Groups. Four Departments. 7:00 p.m.-- "Secrets of Happy Hones" FAITH LUTHERAN OHUROH Seventh & Franklin 8ts.  J, Bernhard Brotheim, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship 8:15 a.m and 11 a.m. Mld-week ServiceWed., 7:00 pan. Choir at 8 p.m. OHUIIOil 0F THE FOUR SQUARE GOSPEL 910 E. DEARBORN Sunday School ............................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ........................................ 11:00 a.m. Evangelistic Service .................................... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting_. ....................... Wednesday 7:00 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACK, Pastor It I J J J I li i rest ONORON OF DIIRIST SOIENTIST ! 302 Alder St., Sheltn, Wash, Sunday School,9:30 a.m, Church 11 a.m, Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p,m. Reading room located in church, Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Mon. & Fri. Wed. eening 6:45 to 7:45. i i 19 ,, , , , , ,, , , i I i _ n i i liT. Ill[W ALLIANOE CHURCH Washington & J Sts. Eugene Breid, Pastor Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. A. Y; F. 6:80 p,al..,.- Evening Service .................................................................. 7:30 p.m. Mid-week service Wednesday .......................................... 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME FISHEItIIEN'S 0tUB00 "The New Paul Bunyan #/[l' ....... You Will Enjoy ;he Services At the Frientll; '= SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF 80D 130 East Pine • Mason Younglu0d, Pastar Sunday School ...................................................................... 9:45 a.h. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:oo a.m, Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p.m. Revival Service Listen to :;Revi"aittme;;"Sunday,"lO':O'"#n,."IRO 00 p.m,c I I I I ]J J llJ Jl I I J alu()  g( )()(l M.I19 tfn Cot(n- G4/'301 fn 1957. rttlte- tIA gs,. .... 5/14 '47 Nine-l' Phone ttA E tfn Dellv- Station w 5/14 P 5/14 ? for neat 1 home. 8-6363 large SFfELTON.MASON C') JOURNAL -- Publlshed - t ,/ I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CLAHSlFID SERVICE FOR S-AT,E:-the. I- W, Ske)sey prop- TIIRIqE P, hlDROOM unfurnished almrt- REGISTERED ARABIAN Stallion at erty on gth and Euclid St. Phone ii,(.lll I(H. i.plll. It(( u i.o S leltoll Shot! stud 1o ap troved tllltr*'Y,, l.)ltrk chest- Union 411. S6/5tfn I'.,'lmir ov t':111 IIA 6-(L514 after 6 p.ttl, not 4 stockings, blaze, t-Iox ny, I. ................................. t 5/14 Matlock tlA 6-6070. 113/19 tin \\;VIIY PAY RENT whea you can haY 1,()It S:\\;IF,: 2 I)pdl',)mn Island Lake MASSEUR TREATMENqS al my 'os- a building location with a small year h-nw. l)rili,,d w('ll, tlA 6-8316. id',n'e near the I,,,wpr Skok(ml s around str(,am and gravity watt'r. ]:; 5/14-6/I Sc ,)tl. Cull TrL[an 7-5-138 f()r ai- Some building materhL It cost 11 [ M(H)EI(N :t |)oil 'o,) i "  :1 ) ": 2 I) tt S. p intment Saturday, Suoday, alltl little more than cost of drilling and [hrvh kit,,hon huilt-in rang(, at- Wednesday. A. F. Opl)clt. o-t/16 tfn l%xlures for do,'p well. S('e Claren,'e ta(,ll,,d arac. Ph.m, llh -6571 ,r CcoRDiON--privat6 lessons in your Wivel. Wag,l Wht,.i Molel. 5/7-21, . .....................  ;)/).,.7! home. Stancato National School of F()R SALE: twu I.,dro.m I-Iillcrcst F()I SAIX: l0 m'ros near Arcadia Aceordion. Mrs. Casada, phone HA home. lllaslerod walls ]tardwood liv- Ig "()q) I'll)t))' Nt'v¢ oil | urtlaco, doul)le garage. $.IeiX). l)h,)ne IIA. 6- I .4178. . ..... If.l/30 -5/1'1 I FOR SALE --- Inexr, cnh'o 4 hcdrom)l[ ll()ulo t)n(. bh)ck t'rmu Jr. }.Igh. ['°w L d )W pp,'mt'nt ()' will llelll. I holt,' HA 6-881'1. .1 5/7 Iflt Ie()P, SALE . lrede 5 housc. 2 |)o(it'{)OIIIS (.11t'])orl with :t l()t t'()r d5 at'rps with house. I111,111( , IIA 6-g15| afl('r 5 I1.111 A 5/7 l.t l'()int l(10(l If|" s('v(illn' planted Ill I!157. $I 00(i. I')h()tl. lIA 6-'l;Ig. N 5/I'I tin LOST AND FOUND LOST I'ARAKI,:I,:T. i)lue l)t,,ast With :i black (t()ts - wllit(' hcIld. Nanled Nivk l'h.n,, IdA 6-388. K 5/I, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -f30a(-i'(, l'arm. partially YI)t'l¢ B()DY in y,,ur prtz(- l)OSs(-ssion, ci(,0rt,(t, will1 ,r')-|)e(ll'(J(,ll hl)]ll(, kt'iX :1lid 1[' tile otlly I1' V( I1' e?ver IllJi('S ft'oltl Sht'lt()n ( l)ayt()tl l'()t(i ). t-)h()ne HA 6-6!11 Y,I/23 tfn FO} SALE--.l-hedr()(m holtse a| 12'27 W('sl TUrller. Writ(, 1418 Sc Cherry. Port Angeles. 11412:1-5/21 SAI,E ORTRADE :---80:'wi:c g|'ad,' A dl "y "I') 35 a(.res tillnl)h'. (?,)u- sitl('t' Stlllt]l I1('1'('11ff(' 111 ll'tl(t(L vr)'il( E. I, ]f',t)lril)g(,r, _Q.uih.,--!ly:.. I 5/l'l-28 FOR SAT.E--546' x 60' waterfr(int lot on Totien Sh(n'es. $1,4(10, $400 dowu, $30 per ulonth. Write Box BX, c/o The Jom.nal. 4/16 tft i45-iF:ET- WATFfRIRONT:-"on l-htm- lll(l'Sl('y Inlet. one Illile fr()lll town, foul' I'oon] house, hardwood floors, electric heat. tile battl aud tile kit- chen. $16.500. Phone HA 6-4772 or P.O.Box 237. Shelt(in. R 5/7-21 '-0- "S. LL- 0oi {fiit-'i,ib]-(: ;:i, edroom holne, new eonorel"e founds) ion, downtown, near sch,,uls. $S250. Phone CLASSIFIED HA 6-4s15 F i:S _,f:> SERVICE FOB SALE: 4-room HlllcreT, home hp,'(', th'lp Iepop It bt'aithy, firltt and t rio1 wit h a TRIM FORUM. Three IlIIIPS lll(ll'O offtq'|ivI, sallle 111"ii"( , a, th(,s(' d()hlt IIltt('h It'aS. Not two. hut SIX Vat'itli)lo tit ns. Espec I y con- slvuc ,'d l c(n f)'tal l:v u'(' rmhodale iltq(VV :111(I tall p('vsotls, flood for re- (iu('ill:, st)r(" backs, poor cirt',ulatiofl. Trinl forru ,)f Sh(qt()n (formerly Slauffpr h()me 111,'111 or Mason C.)un - ly.) ('all HA 6-6889 l'()r information II ]'l (I f t'C(' ll()1110 denlonst ratlon. .................................... H_.5/14 " h, wish to express our sincere tllauks to the people of Sbelton and liars(in(' Islnnd for the many kind- npsses and expressions of sympathy. Also l'ov the I.ulutiful flowers aiid donations i. the Cancer Fund, during thv rec('nt ilhn,ss and death of my be- loved wife. The ttmughtfulness will alw$tYs 1)(' l'eltl(qllhored. L. F. Rigney & faintly Sieg- rugs, $6950 insur- down. large fenced lot, $4900. PhOne HA, 0- tREES TOPPED, trlmmea, remove• 6-6158 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p,m. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. E3/27tf 6-4823. 2/18tfn week- 704 Euclid• Carport. Fireplace. I{aru- both dairvand "beef r00 cash EV- wood floors. Plastered walls. Phone ergreen orthwest' r'eeders •[ne. HA {]-3180. O 5/7 tin Call William Turner Olympia, eel- ' tfl FOR SALE--Spencer Lake hom(',Y- leqt. FL• 2-2113. light basement, 100 foot hike front- ' age, electric heat. Ph(me HA 6-89.18.  SEWIN MACHINE I.EAIRS H/5-1,1-28 house, din- hardwood Also 3 $10,000. 2 cabins, build- water per is paid as contract for month. by 450 foot With lrge shop corn- Beautiful 500.00. on Bay, i0 nice creek on room and F.H.A. costs. --- 330 low bank. house, full room, lot and house om, nice garage, heat -- basement, $500.00 6-3530 L TO With 2 bed; and on Raft- an nex- With some cash. plenty and lum- rebuilt terms for 3 bed- range, heater. Shed. Well lot 4 dtlng F.H.A. ith pay- month to busl- with 2 A good to re- lped tn- block bedroom house. Terrific view. own- el' will sacrlfiee his equity for only $800. Call " Kurt Mann, Waterfront Realty, HA 6-8535, or HA 6-3228 eve- nings. 5/14 Expert work. Bonded employee. Leave calls at Journal office, phone H 6-4412. (Singer Sewing Machine Co., Olympia. 11/22tfn HOOFING, blown rock wool lneula- tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA. 64417. 8/0tfn SOME EXCELLENT BUYS! A LOVELY WATERFRONT HOME • • • For gracious living this 2 bedroom home on Totten Inlet with 180' bulkheaded frontage is just ideal. Lovely view from all windows, 2 fireplaces, triple plumbing, cocktail lounge, hot water heat. 2 car garage, nicely landaped. About 8 miles from Shelton. Shown by appointment. EXCELLENT HOOD CANAL SUMMER HOME . . . On finest of bulkheaded property well away from hiway, and has incomparable view. Ample bedroom space, fireplace, electric heat. You'll enjoy this place. $11,000. ONE OF SHELTON'S NICEST HOMES • • • With 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, dining room, 2 fireplaces, every- thing automatic, dishwasher, etc., full basement, and nicely laddscaped yard. By appointment. HERE'S A DANDY 2 BEDROOM HOME • • - Rooms are large and nicely decorated--plastered, cenfral heating, 2 car garage,, nice residential district close to school. $9450 with $600 down. LARGE, ROOMY 4 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME . • , An excellent family home with 2 baths, fireplace, dining room, basement, 2 car garage, and large fenced yard, Near • @ihgpls:. $10,500. WATERFRONT ON ARCADIA SHORE TRACTS • • • Full furnished summer home on 200' x 1600' no bank tract with. oyster and tidelands, Call Mr. Hulder, A GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY . • • 2 duplexes phm cottage on highway 101, always rented Extra lot for expansion. Income $160/month. Owner wants to retire; will take $7000 down, balance at $100/month. ONLY $25/MONTH FOR 1 BR ANGLESIDE HOME , • • Why rent when you can have your own home for $2050 with only $200 down. Heater, range, and'auto HW unit included. YOUR TERMS ON THIS COUNTRY HOME . . , With 2 bedrooms, fireplace, outbuildings, fruit trees, berries, ,garden. etc. $5950 with your terms on down payment. Balance at $50/month. NO WAITING FOR FINANCING ON THIS ONE , . . Owner will carry contract for $500 down on this very com- fortable 2 bedroom home by Mountain View school. $5500. HAVE IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED WATERFRONT ON ARCADIA SHORE TRACTS. Call Mr, Hulder• ALSO SEVERAIL FINE HOOD CANAL PROPERTIES---BET- TieR HURRY! A.-ROY DLrNN 6-8229, 1/I tin Le;al Publ!cations NOTi('E OF ,HERIFF'N ,A1,F 01,' ABAN DON El) V I':!11('I,EN NOTICE IS HEREF, Y GIVEN thai on MolldaY the 18th day ,,I May, 1959 at the hour of 19)0 p.m. -f su'id day at Allyn Repmr Service. Allyn. Wasl{- nlgt,)n, I will sPil til(' I'olh)wi4 (h,- s('ril)('d vehicle, to-wit: (1) 1951 Mercury Sedan, M1 r No. 51LA12239 Lic No. XAF71'I t]iv('n under ))ly hand this 12 day or 5 May. 19, 9• W, A. POTTER. Sheriff Mason CouIIty, W:l,"|lington By: THORA WOl.b', i)t'puly 5/1.t It ] NOTICE O]" CIA}slNG OF RI,;(IINTRATION IgOOK NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, tim) the registration books )or Bell'air 1, 2, and 3, Allyn Grapeyiew I Ind Taimya Precincts will be CI0SC-(1 t()l' Ol'lltlal registrations fro)n Ma: 24, ]959 I(1 and includ ng June 23 195.'t, tile latter date having been set for a spt,ci!d ch,cliou on the question of col)solidation el' IM'aso County School D]strwt No. 21 and Mason County Consolidated Scbt.J[ District No, 403. The registration book. will rein  n opPn'unti June 8. 1959 for transf(.r ot registration only. DATED this llth day oi May, 1959 C. NOLAN MASON "' Mason County Auditor and Dircctor of Eleetions 5/14 It trado payment. REALTOR Phone HA 6.6363 • Title Insurance Bld o. 3060 NOTICE OF IARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In thc Matter of the I']state (,f EORGE G, SH.ACKLEFORD, deceas- d. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Carmelita O'Neill Shackleford. the Ex- ecutrix of the estate of George G. Shackleford, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of said Court her final re- nOrt and petition for distribution, ask- g the Court to settle and approve the same. to distribute the property lo the persons thereto entitled and to dis- charge said Executrix, NOTICE IS FURTHER OIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- tribution .will be heard on Friday, tie 12th day of June, 1959, at tlm hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Courtroom of said Court in Shelton, Washington, DATED THIS 8th day of May, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Mason County Clerk. II ( Ry: IRENE McGUIRE I Deputy Clerk I ROBERT L. SNYDER ] Covey Buildin Shelton, Washington I Attorney for Exeutrix ] (SEAL) 5/14-21-28-6/4 4t No. 9111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of AL- FRED SELMER eRR, Deceased. THERESA eRR is the appointed and ualified Admlnistratrlx of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to aerve the same i:l duplicate, duly verified, on said Adminlstratrix or her attorney, l.obert L, Snyder at the address be- low stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such  service within six months after the date of first publica- tion of thi noli('e.,.or tln. same will i)e barred. I)ATE of first publication: May ]4, 1959, THERESA eRR Route 2, Box 334 Shell.on Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law Govey Building Shelton. Washington 5/14-21-28-6/4 4t No. NOTICE TO IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOH MASON COUNTY • In the Matter of the Estate of RUS- SELL J. RAE, Deceased. HELENA F. RAE is the appointed and qualified Admintratrlx of said eetate, All Dersons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the same in dupllcate, duly refi- lled, on said Admlnistratrlx or her at- t@rney. Robert L. Snyder. at the ad- aress below stated, and file ,the same wilh the Clerk of said Court, togelh- er 'ithproof of such service, within six Xoonths after the date of first pub- lication of this notice, or the salne will be barred, DATE of fh'st publication: May 14, 1959. HELENA F. RAE Administratrlx Star Route 1. ?Box 4fiB Shelton. Washington ]OIERT L. SNYDER Covey" Building . Shelton. Washington Attorney for the Administratrlx 5/14-21-28-6/4 4t ' No. 884 NOT!CE OF HEAR{[NG INAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIRITION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , T (In Pobate) • n the Matter of the Estate of MAR = THA L. ffACOBS, Deceaeed NOTICE IS HRIY GIVEN that GLENN E. CORREA, Administrator de_ I00ete¢''rre" rpeu"ro--r"es 00oo,..oo .. ,. o,,,0, o f I il the Clerk 'of aaid Court a final report | |i and netttion for distribution, aktg | |] the C'ourt to settle said report, dlstri - I '11 ute the property, to the persons thereto RooMY 3 BEDROOM .... Ill entitled and discharge the petitioner This Angles)de home has 3 bedrooms, den, big I I|as Administrator de boots non: and [ []that said report and petition will be playroom, as well as spacious kitchen complete with I []heard on the 29th day of May 1959, at dishwasher. Corner lot with fenced yard and barbe- l|ll0:00 o'dioek tn the torenoo",f said | ilday, o'c as coon thereafter as the mat- cue. Only $350.00 down. I II ter can be heard at the court room Ill of the abo'e-ent|tled court in the COMFORTABLE 4 BEDROOM, H ILLCREST .... l llCourthouse in Shelt0n, Mason County, I,IlWashington, at which time andplace Older home with full basement. Some furniture I/lany person interested in said Estate included. Ful price $9,800, Terms. Come in and [ |[ ma appear and file objections thereYo see us about moving in. " Dated this 24th day of April, 1959, Ill HARR EYETTE 3 BEDROOMS, 7 ACRES, 6 MILES Clerk of said Court. .... ' • Irene McGuire. Deputy. I IIAttorneys for Estate I11 Bell :ldg,, :t2L South 4th St, land on con* Only 8 years) old. We think this is a very fine buy at $8,750. A perfect spot for the family that needs room for activity. Excellent water supply, Small barn for horse or cow. for detall. WILL TRADE FOR DOWN PAYMENT ...... l For almost anything of approximately $500 value on this 3 bedroom downtown home. 'ull price is only $4,950 and halanee can be paid at $45.00 per month, including interest. Call today. WHAT A VIEW AND A FIREPLACE TOO ..... The ideal home for the larger family. Full bae- men(, 5 rooms and bath on main floor with new ,,.wall-to-wall carpet in living room and dining room. Upstairs can be used as is or can be converted to 3 more bedroor. An excellent huy at only $12,750. $450 down FHA. 2 BEDROOM, FULL BASEMENT, $6,200.00 .... Located on attractive corner lot this little home is Just right for the retired couple. Can be purch- ased on contract. Call us about it today. CHOICE LAKE L(PT'$ .... I00' frontage With no bank, good beach. Among the best lots available today. Full price $2,350, $500 down. in "Chr,tma,town. U.g.A.," Shelton. Washtu.a'ton CHRISTIAN SCII00N(E LI00C I URE iS SCHEDULI'I) IN SHELl ()N JUNE 1 PAI'I, WrAI{K SI:I,:I,I,:Y l,eetur('r C()MING lterc How Christianity. if put into ac- tion. can meet today's individual and worhi problems will be brought out in a Dub)it lecture ar- ranged for by Lhe naembers of First Church of Christ. Scientist, Shelton, Wash. Paul Stark Sceley or Perthm(l. Oregon. will speak in Shelton Jtin- )or High Scl0ot allditori(nn, 12th & Franklin (n Mend'(y. June 1, 1959 at 8"p.m., it is announced. The ecture, on the subject, '*Christian Science: Christianity in Action," is free and the public is cordially invited to alten(l, Mr Seeley is widely known throughout the English-speaking world md in Europe. Since b(,- coming  member 0f. The Chris- tian Science Board of Leetureship, he has lectnrdd to au(iiences throughout the United States an(l Canada, Great Britdn. Em'(}pe, Africa, Austr.alia and South America, He has served as Associate Ed- itor of the Christian Scmnce re- .......................... wATERFRONT REALTY . CALL HA 6-8535 ANYTIME 226 North First sup. Ct.) 4/30--5{7-1'4-21 4t NOTICE OF 8LE OF COUNTY ]PERSONAL I'ROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That | |lPursuant to an. order of the Board of | |[County Commissioners made and en- [[]tered on the 4th day bf May, I959, [ []there will be offered for sate to the best bidder, fo cash. by Treasurer at public auction door of the Court House in Shelton at 10:00 A.M, on Monday, May 18. 1959, the following described personal property; each item to begin at a minimum price to be set by the Board : Descrtptio 1942 Ford Truck Chassis & Cab 74 I951 Dodge 3 Yd. Dump Truck 76 1941 Chev. Truck Cha'ssis & Cab 35 1951 AC "Model D. Grader 22 Adams Model 84 Pull Grader 46 1942 Iarmall tractor with nmwer 21 TarpSt patcher (trailer) 81 8 ton semi-trailer 54 Trailer dolly 2 dump truck bodys 2 Dozer blades for IHC TD9 2 A ramo pulley 1 12 angle blade with arms DATED this 4th day of May, 1959. BOARD O1 COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON C, Nolan Mason Clerk o£ the BOard. 6/7-14 t The American Flag was raised for the first time at Pago Pago, Samo, .y U. S, Marines on April 17, 1900. Faith Lulheran Plans Pentecost Services Sunday, May 1,7th, is Pentecost Sunday, the day observed in the Christian Church as the Festival of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Bret- helm will bring the fourth.of a se- ries of messages on the Holy Spir- it at the worship services this Sun- day at Faith Lutheran. The serv- ices are held at 8:1.5 and 11:00 a.m. The Sunday school and a(hdt t3i- ble classes meet. at 9:30 between the services, The monthly Family Fireside Hour for May will be held this Sunday evening from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Ten family units in our Church will be hosts for the eve- ning providing the program and the refreshments, Ewryonc is wel come. On. Mndty evcning the ht)2 of trustees meet al 6:30 and the: Stmday school staff at 8:00. On Tues(lay the Mission Circle meets in the Church Parh)rs at 1:30. More announcements con- cerning this meeting will be made on Sunday in church, The Youth Cla§s will meet Tuesday evening at 7:00, On Wednesday the Midweek service of Bible study and prayer is held at 7:00 and the senior choir will have its final rehearsal for this Choir season. This week F'riday evening the forthcoming Vacation Bible School taff will meet at the Parsonage for a planning n'lceting. The Vaca- tion Bible School is being plan- ned for June 8-19 with sessions each morning from 9 to 12. Pupils from ages 3 to 15 will find a class of study in the study course, "We Believe," Legal Publications n NOTIC OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN, Wa t on Tuesday, the 2nd day of June, 1159, commencing t ten O'clock in the fete  noon tO' said :lay, In front of the main entrance door to the County Court House in the city of helton. county of Mason. State of Washington, by the Coumy Auditor o said coum¥, the [ollowing dcrid etate tide lands, t()gether wlth the Improve.ments situated thereon, will be. suld at pub- tic auction to the highest bidder there J for. to-wit :" NOTE--No one except citizens of the United States, or p..rdrs6ns who have declared their intention to become Stll, ('an purchaee state lands. Application No. 13338 Th% tidelands of the seeond class, owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abut- :ing upon the South 100 fcet ,it the orth 300 feet of Govermnent LOt I ection 21, Township 22 No)'th, Range 1 West, W.M., with a frontage of 1.55 lineal chains, more or less, ap- raised at $50,00 per lineal chain or 7.50, Excepting, therefrom, any tidelands nf the second class conveyed to Thos. O'Neill and A, L, McDonald, through deed issued Declmbor 1, 1900 for the cultivation of oysters in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 24, Laws of 195, under Applieatlov No. 3001 and to W. H, Kneeland through deed issued September 15, 1906 for the cultivation of oysters in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 24, Laws of 1895 under ApplicaIJon No. 8200. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upoiq, the terms and conditions following : liaious periodicals, and ms Presi- • 'tlt of 'l'hc M(Hhe)' Ct'ulrch. Thc l,'n'.l Clm)'el ()f Christ. Scientist, t lies(tin, Mtls:.;:tc]lllsotts, A tl'Citltn!l' (11" lh( £1ar in New !Yorl: 'iT](I ()r( g))l he is a ora(hlute lof } arvard I,aw School and of l'rine.(Ion University. He was as- :r)eialed I'O|"S('VCrD.I years \\;MJth :Lll (,i) onl0el'il} t'il'n] if2 tllo Nort.h- WeSt before, rl,signh]g 1() devote his l')lll tram It) Christian Scienee. Mr. Seeley has been an active pvacliti(mcr arid te'tehcr of Chris- *Jan Scitnee for many years, Spiritualization To Be Discussed Maukin(l's need for spiritualiza- lion of thoughi will be emphasized m Christian Scietce churches Sun- day in the Lesson-Sermon entitled "Mortals and Immortals." Bible selections will include the followin from Phillippians (2:14, 15): "Do all thinffs withont mur- murings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God. without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and per- verse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world." A correlative passage to be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy slates (265:5): "Mor- tals must gray)late Godward, their affections and aims grow spiritual, they must near the broader in- terpretations of being, and gain some proper sense of the infinite, -in order that sin and mortality may he put off.,, The Golden Text is from Ro- nmns ¢9:8): "They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God." Arch deao0n io S-Peak At Episcopal (lhuroh On W h i t s ll n d a y, observed throttghout the world as the birth- day of the Christian church, there will be a special service at 11 a.m., led by the Archdeacon of the Din- ce.ue, 'The Venerable Walter W. McNeil, Jr. At this service the women of the Parish will join in a Corporate Communion, and wikl present the United Thank Offering at the altar. Archdeacon McNeil will preach the sermon. The VVhitsunday Family Serv- ice, in which the boys and girls of the church school join with their parents, will be held at 9:45 a.m. There will be an early celebration of the Holy Connnunion at 9 o'clock, A cordial invitation to all of the services at St, David's is extended () those who have no regular ctmrch affiliation. Baptist Children Honor Mothers , The Baptist Sunday school was the scene of proud children with their mothers last Sunday morn- ing. In the main auditorium where . special Mother's Day program was presented by the-older stu- dents, there was standing room only. Ett(:h mother was given a small remenlbrance, Most departments had tleir colored lights burning which indi- cated tlaey had attained their goal for attendance. Next Sunday is "Jam Session," Every one is urged to bring a friend or relative and jam our de- partmeots and classes. A small award will be given for eaeh new pcrson brought bv a member. Let's see which deiSartmcnt can "jam" in the largest number. A report, should soon be here from Seattle allowing our stand- ing in the state eontest with oth- er Conservative Baptist Sunday schools. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lewis E. Whithey, Minister Phone HA 6-$101 Sunday school and adnlt Bible study from 9:45 a.m.. each Lord's Day, in the IOOF hall. Immedi- ately following is the church worship at 10:55 with nursery serwces available to those with small children. Vesper service from 7 to 8 pro. The Gospel message, last. Sun- day, was lt'ought to the congre- gation by Conley Silsby from PSCB, since the recent illness of Mr. Whitney. The Girls' Trio from the college also sang at the serv- ices, . The Ladies Missionary meeting will be held at 8 p.m.. TtleSday in the home of Mrs. Dorothy Schwarck, ,Mid-week Bible study classes are held each Wednesday evening in the minister's home on West Raih'oad Ave, Bring a friend and a Bible. Saturday, May ,30, a preaching rally will be held from 10 a.m. to 4" p,n., in the church, Representa- tives from other Christian church- es in the Puget Sound area will speak. • In 1958, Americans' holdings of Series E and H. Savings Bonds made a net gain of $1.1 billion. Not lens than one-tenth of the pur- Sales were up 4%, redemptions Chase price must be paid at the t)nle dowr 11%. of sale. The purehas(,r, if he be m)t the owner of the improvements, nlUSL ........................ the vale the full amount of the ap- praised vahle Of the iolproveloonts, as r above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chaLe price must be paid annUally paynlents at the tale of eig per cen- tun pe anaunl: I')vidd, That any pur(!tlas@r tliay )hake t'U]] paytll('nt o priacipal interest and etatuaory l ee at any time and obta n deed. :)t( purchaser of land containing tintber or other va[llahle tllA[rJal: i, i)rohi})- any sl.t('h timber or nlat(,ri;lls without first obtainiilg ct)ns(!llt of the Cont- missioner )f Public Lands, until tha full alnonnt of tile pllr('hlts(, ])rlco h&s been paid and deed issued. All sales of state hinds are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal. ores. mineral9 and fossils of every nauL kind and description, tnd to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in section 3 of chap- ter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, couditions and reservations of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights- of-way and the carrying of timber, stone, minerals and other products over the same. BERT, L. COLE Con)lnlssioner of Public T,alads: 4/30-5/7-1't. 21-28 5t Chock home firo hazards with a fire departmont inspection 1 The Roy. and Mrs. Gary N. BhWk, pastors of the Four- lmtre church at 910 E. Dear- bolqt, arP on tt two month leuA'e of ai)m'n('o. Wiflie they are away Evangellt J. E. and Vlua M. Timmerman are inlrim pators. They have been holdhtg revival services in the northwest. Mrs. Timmerman plays the  vibra= imrp, accordion, alo sings. Hc plays the trombone• The public is cordially invited to attend the servi('e. <aSUT00Ay Fird Ohristian Ohuroh "New Testament Christianity" Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m• Church Services 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Adventl, ts SI;ute Weekly Services The Mid-weeg [)ra\\;'cr service o tho S(,vetHh l)ny A(tve)ttisl cl)ur('il wtll i(' hold Ved).esday ,vol)lll l( S pan S;tbbath S('h(H)l ht)llF ]R IlL l)::l(i san. Salllt'd:tys, witt \\;Vet ship service foll(twitlg :11 ll)'clocI.. l?a81or Shankel will t)e speaking May l(;. PtlSlOF Sl,'ttlkol and faltt- iiy are now Utl(Icr tppl}illi.nh'lll it) serve in LOl'.'lgl lui4,)()[t service ill [[]donosia SOOtl. ll)t t'xt)OCI tO he here (lilly t)iAl'l ())" t ht' Sll ii/I)l¢,r, LasL Sll)ldl v evu)] i tl a |a few tq.i gatheri) was hehl il) th*'tl" )loner tl il'lO I).17.[) Altdl(')riIllL The I.,adi('s I ),)rcas Soclety ]mc(,ts TILes(laY .'May ID at. the cilurch. Bandages and fir;d :lid material will I(' p)'opa)'(d. Ott Mny 9 :.1 special tcal)lirle a:)d I)isaster I.elicf offerirlg was )'e{.(,iv¢,(i, Sit'lc¢ 1952. thl, Veslern 1,V(df/re SO)W- ice depot at ,Vatsonville. Calif., has shipped nearly 2t ntillion potlnds of (.lothillg' to 5f) lands f(tr (tistri[)uti(m t(ll]Oll K the l'cfugees, Lhe poor, Itn(i Orl)hLuls. In 1957 over t262 tons of fol)d was tistributed. $ournal Want Ads Pay MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by First Missionary Baptist Church of Puyallup, Wash, Everyone "Welcome Sainl David's Ohuroh (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert Bonner Echols,'' Vicar WHITSUNDAY: 9:00 a.m. Holy C()mmn-d(n. 9:,15 a.m. Churc, h Sch,)ol Fam- ily Service. 11:00 a.m. Eltchnri,t mad B('r-' nlon Archdell (2on M('N(,il. THE METHODIST GHURGH 4th & Pine Parsonage 320 N. 4th --- Phone HA 6-4174 CHARLES T. HATTEN, Minister Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:45 a,m. Second session 11:00 a.m. FIIBT BAPTISfCllUI¢il 5th & Cota Rev. E, C, Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 17 9:45 a.m, Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "Finding Solutions for Life's Problems" 6:00 p,m. Youth Groups. Four Departments. 7:00 p.m.-- "Secrets of Happy Hones" FAITH LUTHERAN OHUROH Seventh & Franklin 8ts.  J, Bernhard Brotheim, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship 8:15 a.m and 11 a.m. Mld-week ServiceWed., 7:00 pan. Choir at 8 p.m. OHUIIOil 0F THE FOUR SQUARE GOSPEL 910 E. DEARBORN Sunday School ............................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ........................................ 11:00 a.m. Evangelistic Service .................................... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting_. ....................... Wednesday 7:00 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACK, Pastor It I J J J I li i rest ONORON OF DIIRIST SOIENTIST ! 302 Alder St., Sheltn, Wash, Sunday School,9:30 a.m, Church 11 a.m, Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p,m. Reading room located in church, Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Mon. & Fri. Wed. eening 6:45 to 7:45. i i 19 ,, , , , , ,, , , i I i _ n i i liT. Ill[W ALLIANOE CHURCH Washington & J Sts. Eugene Breid, Pastor Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. A. Y; F. 6:80 p,al..,.- Evening Service .................................................................. 7:30 p.m. Mid-week service Wednesday .......................................... 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME FISHEItIIEN'S 0tUB00 "The New Paul Bunyan #/[l' ....... You Will Enjoy ;he Services At the Frientll; '= SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF 80D 130 East Pine • Mason Younglu0d, Pastar Sunday School ...................................................................... 9:45 a.h. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:oo a.m, Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p.m. Revival Service Listen to :;Revi"aittme;;"Sunday,"lO':O'"#n,."IRO 00 p.m,c I I I I ]J J llJ Jl I I J