May 14, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 14, 1964 |
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14, 1964 SHEI,TON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "'Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington
nine children have planned of Natural Resources nine years before his re-
honor their mother and father tirement. Eli and Bella were both born in Norway
ir Golden Wedding Anniversary. but did not know each other in their native coun-
Celebrated from 2-5 p.m. this try. Bella was born in Langness on Lofoten, Island,
House with all of the coming to the United States when she was 13 years
and their families present, in-old. Eli's birthplace was Songndal, which he left
r 30 grandchildren and the r f ve for this country at 16 years of age. The Wolden's
n~ One grandson stationed in children who will be present to greet their parents'
oast Guard will be the only friends Sunday are their sons, Ken and Bob of
be Present Mr and Mrs Wolden Shelton, Ed of Anchorage, Alaska, Art of Seattle,
event of
At an impressive and colorful
public installation, Canal C(mr[
No. 79 Order of tim Amaranth
seated its new 1964-65 officers
the evening of May 6 at the Ma-
sonic rl'emple in Union before a
large crowd of visiting officers,
membels and friends.
New officers installed were roy-
al matron H.L. Mattic Ba0klund;
royal patron, SK D led Mart:m;
associate matron, HL Edna
Haines; associate patron, SK Al-
fred Cowan; secretary, HL Eve-
Today, Thurs., May 14
Golden Age Club, noon potluck
Memorial ball.
Rotary Club hlneheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Mason Neig'llborhood Girl Scou~
leaders meeting, 9:30 a.m., home
of Mrs. Sel VanderWegen.
married May 21, 1914 in and Walt of C~ntralia, and their daughters, Mrs.
Shelton in 1927 and have Tom (Helen)/Ogden, Mrs. I~ob (Margaret) Ogden
me since that time. Eli workedand Mrs. Gene (Madeline) Roe of Shelton and Mrs.
nearly 14 years, for Northern Boyd (June) Wetter of Edmonds.
Years and for the Dep~rtment -------------- Friday, May 15
..... Rachel Knott Guild lunc]mon
gEi.l~ a-:eeting, 12:30 p.m., home of Mrs.
Canal Woman's Rose Luncheon Plans Nichols.
b C.el Belfair OES rummage sale, PUD
ED Clu ebrates Made By The Hood bnilding
~d Mrs. Sid- : VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memor-
.red Sund y 37th Birthday Ganal Garden Glub ial hall
, Deadline for Forest Festival
daughter, The Colonial house was tke Additional plans ;or the June 18 window display contest.
Miller, scene of much gaiety the evening Rose hlncheoil and Sta-.c conven- Saturday, May 16
tion, along witli reports on the
arty hosted
tiful floral
the house
PPY cou-.
of April 28 when thirty members
of the Hood Canal Wom~m's Club
met to celebrate the club's 37th
birthday. Mrs. Edwa,-d Jenner pre-
sided as toastmistress. Potlatch
and Union members were hos-
After dinner a program of skits
by each comnmnity represented
in the club, and group singing
with music provided by Mrs. Jim
Reeder at the piano, was enjoyed
by all.
Mrs. Dortha Johnson, Aberdeen,
traveled the farthest to be present
for the occasion. Charter rnenlbers
]Jresont were Mesdames Joe Mc-
Keil, I.erb Boeck and Bessie Sto-
len. Past presidents attending were
Mesdames Elizabel;h Robinson, Ru-
le Dickinson, D. H. Pierce, J. ~.
Catto, Dorfl~a Cary-Johnson, Rosie
Smith, John Shortlseeves and
Francis Akers.
'.her were mar-
m Portland,
Shel[on in
Work for
)' where he
tears before
Years ago.
been active
residdur- SPONSOR ALSO
a n " nts. Tile Veterans of Foreign Wars
d " ]ember or ! Auxiliary is co-sponsor with the
~l~tae Georgine [local VFW Post. ill tile Loyalty
"*. ~e belongs I Day Essay contest sponsored in
a~] Legion and lthe Shelton schools each year. An ,in horl-tarticle ill The Journal l,;st week
~emc Lumber [ gave tile VFW Post as the sponsor
.o~ belong to lbut did not list the Auxiliary as
tar. I co-sponsor.
:: ....
lows: Carolyn Balstone, historian;
l)renna McCoy, lecturer; Billie
Johnson, orator; Barhara Hub-
bard, Bible Bearer; Jean Davis,
American flag bearer; Cheryl
Scott, Standard flag bearer; Dian-
e ~s
na Timm, Rainhow flag" bearer;
I.'rances Rice, east page; Patty
Dittman, west page; Linda lvIac-
Rae, keeper of jfwels; Linda Trat-
nick, keeper of the register; Don-
alda Denniston, keeper of paraph-
ernalia; Tart Parr, reporter; Julic
Nutt, rccorder's assistant.
In the eimir will be Carol Besch,
Linda Simpson, Vfcki Howe, Mat'-
ilyn Okano, Jaki Ebingcr, Karen
F~'anklin, Bcth Quimby, Jean'ne
Osborne, Robin Bain, Rita Nutt.
Installing otfieers will be Sharou
J. Lee, Linda Null Ginna Correa,
Vicki Mclnelly, Carol Hardin, Mrs.
Harvey Hillman and Sandi Bedell.
A reception and dance will be
held £ollowing the installaLioI1,
Olympic Peninsula di'strict Garden
Club meeting in Belfair Aln'fi 21
occupied much of the morning ses-
sion of the Hood Canal Garden
Club's business meeting last
Thursday at the Hood Canal Wo-
man's clubhouse. I-]ostess chair-
man was Mrs. Zoo Sceva. She
was assisted by Mrs. J. L. Carte
and Mrs. Allie Robinson.
Mr. Bonner of Union showed
slides of Arizona, Texas and Hood
Canal at the afternoon program.
Hc displayed several collections of
lovely agates he has gathered and
The Distrmt Garden ~:.'o cook
books WeFe on disl)lay and can
he obtained by contacting Mrs. D.
H. Pierce.
[Eight Andi orty
• • reels.
Dinner Meeting County eommissi(m's meeting.
A no-host turkey dinner was tl0 a.m., courthouse.
.~erved at Nita's Cafe i.o 17 part-] Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30
hers of Mason County Salon No I PUD auditorium.
508 Eight and Forty "prior to the] Shelton Garden Club, 1:30 p.m.,
last meeting. Chai)eau Virginia home of Mrs. C. W. Runacrcs.
Wallin convened tile meeting qt" Republican Women's potluck
the Memorial Hall following the dinner, 6:30 p.m., Memorisl hall.
dinner. Tuesday, May 19
Chihl Welfare and Constitution
and By-Law reports were given
by Partners Agnes Alexander and
Merle Smith. History and Public-
ity scrapbook questions were dis-
cussed. Endorsements for Depart-
mental officers were presented.
Partner Lucy Edmiston was re-
ported ill in a hospital.
June 8 is the dale set for the
next meeting at which time offi-
cers for the coming year will be
elected. The meeting was adjourn-
ed according to ritual.
Mt. View Club
Slates Card Party
Mountain View Conmmnity Club
card party will be held at S p m.
this Saturday at the community
Winners for the May 2 card
party were Bertha Johnson and
Lester Crossan, high, and Pat
Tratniek and Lawrence Livings-
ton, 2nd high. Pinochle was hcl(i
Belfair OES rummage sale, PIJD
Rhododendron Show sponsored
by Shelton Chapter, American
I~hododcndron Society,10 a.m. -
b p.m., Simpson office building
Mt. View Community Club cars
party, 8 p.m., community hall.
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
Sunday, May 17
Shelton churches invite you to
attend he church of your choice.
Rhododendron Show sponsoren
by Shelton Chapter, American
Rhododendron Society, 10 a.m. -
6 p.m., Simpson office building
Yacilt Club social, 6 p.m., PUD
Monday, May 18
PUD No. 3 commission's meet-
ing, 1 p.m., PUD commission
Kiwanis Club hmchcon, no(m,
Memorial hall.
City commission's meeting, 2
p.m.. city hall.
Fred B. ~¥ivell Post 31, Ameri-
can Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial hail.
Shelton Rhododendron EocieLv,
8 p.m., PUD building.
Wednesday, May 20
' Hillcrest Homemakers Club, 11
a.m., home of Mrs. Joc Grassl.
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
BPW, 6:30 p.m., home of May-
ball Daniels.
Thursday, May 21
Welcome Chapter No. 40 Past
Matrons Club, 12:30 p.m. luncheon,
home of Ruth Latham.
Rotary Club hmcheon, noon,
Ming Tre Cafe.
Queen's Banquet, opcning event
of 1964 Forest Festival, 7:00 p.m.,
Mt. View school cafeteria.
by Alice Crossan and Ray Dens-
lyn Nicholson; treasm'er, HL Ma-
mie Kaare; eonduetless, HL Erna
Martin; and associate conductress
HL Shirley Cowan.
Three y'ear trustee, HL Susan
Cheatam Jr., PRM; marshal in
the west, HL Opal Everett; sian-
dald bearer, HL Florence Hienlze;
musician, HL Frances Radtl