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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1964
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PAGE sI-rELTON--MA 0N C0tYNvI'y 30URNAL- Published in "Chr{stmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington -- I III I I I I I I NAHWATZEL' NIFTIES---Husky rainbow'trout continued to fall for fishermen's lures in Lake Nahwatzel last week. Stan Vincent of Tacoma put the three shown above in his creel, The two big ones ran 31~ to 31/2 Ibs. (Photo by Tupper's Resort). 10-YEAR-OLD GIRL CATCHES TOP SALMON Marilyn McNeil showed the men how to catch salmon this past week, including her veteran angler dadl Gus. Marilyn, 10½ years old, boated the heftiest reported catch of the week with a 16-pounder taken off Johnson's Point Saturday. She al- sO had an 8-pounder to go with it. Dad got--nothing. Art McLaughlin nabbed a 14- pounder Monday as follow-ups to 12 and 3 pounders taken Friday, all in the Harstine Island area. Harstine was the hot spot for the week. George Abbott tapped it for four fish, a pair to 101/fi lbs. Thursday and another pair to 11~/~ lbs• Friday. Lay Hicks took a pair of 5- pounders and Roy Getty, his part- ner, a 9-pounder from Hood Canal Thursday. A tight race is on for Simpson Salmon Derby top honors at this writing. Alex Smith leads with a 12-7 catch followed by Jimmy Okonek in 2nd and 4th spots with 12-4 and 10-6 entries, and James Okonek Jr. in 3rd place with an 11-12 entry. STREAMS, HIGH LAKES OPENING THIS SUNDAY -Fresh water fishermen will have a wide open front available next Sunday with the opening of streams and high altitude lakes to add to the lowland lakes which have been open for the past month. Some of the higher lakes are still frozen over, however• PRICE POUNDERS PUT PRESSURE ON LEADER Buck Price's Pill Pounders pro- duced a fantastic 12-for-l~ per- formance in 19th Hole Golf League competition last week to climt from fourth place into hot conten- tion for the throne rung Don Pa'I~l- ey's Pulverizers still hold after an 8-for-14 afternoon. The Price crew had an all-vic- torious record for the day with one sole exception in seven match- eS;rhe league's last perfect record hit the skids during the afternoon, too, when Frank Smith was held to a 1-1 draw in his match for the third-place Clyde Coots Club- ~ers. It was the first smudge on iSnltth's record during the six weeks of competitmn so far. He now has earned 11 of a possible I2 points. Tailing him closely are Jim Pauley, who has lost but once in six outings, and Frank Tray,s, who is still unbeaten but tied twice, each with 10-for-12 marks. Com- ing on str:mg is Jim Morrissey, who after losing his opening match has run up nine points in his last five' trips out for a 9/12 record, a mark also held by Heinie Hil- derman, Val Sienko Pop Hulbert and Buck Price. The individual scoring last week went like this: Clin~ Willour and Steve Hale, Lar- ry Larson and 5fm Pauley ousting Harry Cole and Bob Olson, Dar- relI Denntston and Jim Fletcher knocking off Ivan Myers and Gary Nicloy, Bob Coots and Val Sienko upsetting Jim McComb and Bill Batstone, Glen Ferguson and Guy Beckwith eliminating Phil Bayley and Jack Kimbel. The three unplayed matches pit Gene Hanson and Buck Price against Sonny Lowe and Bean Daniels ,(the defending champ- i0n~)~,.A~dy Tuson and Jim Do- herty opposite Dan Carl and Frank Smith, Bill Dickie and Frank Heuston with L. L. Mc- Inelly and Bud Knutzen. * * $ EARLY DEPARTURE FOR INTER-CLUB SUNDAY At least 25 and possibly more Shelton golfers will set early alarms for next Sunday as they are scheduled for an inter-club match at Port Angeles in which tee-off time is 8:30 a.m• This means a 6:30 departure fr'om Shelton, Team Captain Jud Holloway reminds. Holloway him- self is going to cover much ground to make the Port Angeles date as he will be in Yakima Saturday, so will head for the peninsula city without retracing to Shelton. By Sunday's departure time the Shelton traveling entourage may Dave Weegman, Scott Puhn Top Scorers CHAHPIOH "Str°ngmen" in all three div]- !~v~ti, i!~~!iA(ii!!ill sions carried North Mason to a successful defense of its county grade school, track ch-m., pionshi', p lgst week m the annual meet spon- sored by the Shelton Kiwanis club. North Mason's David Weegman was the individual high point lead.- er qf the meet with 16 pts., accum- ulated on one first place, two See- ands and one third in Class B competition. Teammates Gary Shelly with 91~ points in Class C events and Terry Harder with 9 points in class A gave him strongest sup- port, while Sally Metzler added an- other seven in girls competition. SECOND PLACE Hood Canal spread its points among a wider group of individual competitors, led by Ray Kenyon with 13 mark- ers on two second spots, one third and one fourth. Southside's stout showing was carried on the shoulders of Scott Puhn, who was second high pointer in the meeting with 14. in Class C events, Bob Quimby with 12V~ in Class A and Greg Richey with 11 in Class B. Pioneer's fourth place point to- tal was paced by Curtis Stracke, who had two blue ribbon victories for 10 points. Willie Tea's 6V2 pt)ints topped Kamflche and A1 Owen's 5V~ paced Mary M. Knight. SANDRA BASKIN of Hoed Ca- nal was high scorer among .the girls with 30 points on two first places while trailing Sally Metz- ler in third place were Debbie Ha- ney of Kamilche and Jody Engen of Grapeview with six each. The team totals were: North Mason 1141/3, Hood Canal 105, Southside 79 5/6, Pioneer 34, Ka- miche 27 5/6, Grapeview 24~, Mary M. Knight 20',fi, and Har- stine Island 1. BOYS EVENTS High Jump (C)--Gary Shelley NM and A1 Owen MMK tied, Bob Blake HC, Roy Kenyon HC and Tom Koonrad MMK all tied. HIGH JUMP (B)---Curtis Strac- ke P, Dave Weegman NM, David Robbins HC and Donald Somers G tied. BRD. JUMP (A)--Terry Har- der NM, Steve Tibbetts S, Brad Shero P, Ricky Dixon NM, Brian Lovgren S, and Harry Davis K and Ray Watson NM all tied. BROAD JUMP (B) -- Dave Weegman NM, Ray Watson NM, Robert Johnson HC, Rod Reeves MMK, Mike Fanning HC. NI~{, Mike l;)illenburg NM and Bob Quimby S tied, T. lt:lddoek MMK. BASEBALL TI-IROW {B) .- Ro- bert Johnson NM and Gary Slites S tied, Grog Richey S, Mike Fan- ning HC, Mike ttaKan NM. BASEBALL TttI~.OW (C) -- Scott Puhu S, Deivid Dietz NM, AI Fortman NM, Charles Holt HC, Gary Creasey S. SHOT PUT (open Larry Pet- ty HC, AI 1,'ortmnn NM, 'Willie Tea K, Craig Reynolds S, Harry McKay NM. 200-YARD RELAY (open) --- Hood Canal, Southside, Kamilche, Pioneer. Mary M. Knight. 50-YARD DASH (A) .... Bob Quimby S, Brad Shero P, Tom Dy- en MMK, Brian Cosgrove NM, Jim Reeder HC. 50-YARD DASH (B) -- Lewis Dean HC, David Weegman NM, Lea Okonek G. John Dishon S, Bob Okonek P• 50-YARD DASH (C) -- Dave Deers NM and Roy Kenyon HC and Scott Puhn S all tied, John lohnson P and Willie Too K tied. 100-YARD DASH (C) --- Gary Shelly NM, Roy Kenyon HC, Scott Puhn S, Willie Tea K, Glenn Brown P. 75-YARD DASH (A) -- Bob Quimby S, Leonard Rice P, Jimmy Reeder HC, Harry Davis K, Kiln Nlcklaus G. 75-YARD DASH (B) -- Curtis Stracke P, Greg Richey S, David Weegman NM, Lea Okonek G, Rod Reeves MMK. 400-YARD RELAY (open) -- North Mason, Hood Canal, South- side, Kamilche, Mary M. Knight. CHINNING (A) --- Jerry Hall S, Mike Bevis S, Frank Merrill NM, Jim Reeder HC, Bill Waite H. CHINNING (B) -- Rick Burrell NM, Greg Richey S, Larry Dee- mer HC, Steve Riclley S, Lewis Dean HC. CHINNING (C) -- Don Huson NM, Perry Hovey HC, Roy Kenyo~ HC, R. Hankson N5~, Dick Tib- hilts S. GIRLS EVENTS BASEBALL THROW (A) -- Sandra Baskin HC, Lori Moore S, Debbie Haney K, Pam Swantak K, Pat Yeck P. BASEBALL THROW (B) -- Many Contributed To Success Of Big Track Meet Dear Bill: Please let me take this oppor- tunity to thank the many people who voluntarily helped make the Invitational Track meet a success. Few people probably know the tremendous amount of work in- volved in staging a track meet of this magnitude (255 athletes and 31 schools). Without the help of the Shelton Coaches Association. (who co- sponsor this event to finance their scholarship program) this meet would not be the attraction it is for fan, coach, or participant. Much credit should go to Jim Do- herty and Bill Brickert for the many hours and evenings they spent in planning and discussion. Chet Dombroski (even though he is the baseball coach) did a ter- rific job as the clerk of our track meet. It is his responsibility to as- sign all entries to a particular lane. Many complaints could arise if this is not done very carefully. We had no complaints which in- dicates his meticulous work. He .THOMPSON 4/10--Guy Beckwith grow somewhat beyond the 25 also has to make sure the track 2, Mark Fredson 0, Ray Rice 1, i sign-ups on the board at this writ- meet progresses smoothly and on schedule. Frank Heuston 1, Harry Peter-ilng' * * * Larry Weir, Harold Wilson, s0n O. ' ,~ TRAVIS 9/12--Frank Travis 1, GOLF CLUB BREAKFAST Bruce Kreger, Jim Doherty, and Ray Walker 2, Jim Fletcher 2, SCHEDULED MAY 24 Bill Brickert spent all day'Satur- B .... I'm Morris e 2 The annual pancake breakfast day, helping to make the track 0D Uison o, , 1 S y , - , I .... . ~ for members of th. Shelton Go f ready. .._~ej'[~loara ~ ....... Club and guests has been ached- IT ALSO TAKES many judges l~II~l~Ym4/"~-~'~ary~lc-l-QYxacwo n z 1~o[ rlumerr v.,~ou~'~lm uled for Sunday, May 24 from to run an effective track meet. _ . ^ ' P " ' 8 a•m. to 1:00 p.m. I am really indebted to these pea- wools u. .. ..... Herb and Clara Angle once pie who donated thel*l~ time most MYERS 6/1a--Ivan My.era z,~n~ again are chairmanning this pop- generously Bruce Schwark, Jer- ~ayiey o, ~ean ~aniem z, ~ a lar social event r -- - " " " " _ ..... u • y i£nutzen ana wenoell Brickert • $'urner z, ~len ~'erguson • * * * of Te in ' - • - • Bo ieb rtz 1 n o serveu as timers ~iar I~YEBURTZ 4/14 b K u , old W'ls " ' " --- z on was the nead finish Dick Yeager 0, Bud Paule~ 2, CLIMBERS LOSE AGAIN ~ud~,e wnr~t,~ ,.t~h m,,.. ~ .... Jack Kimbel O, Bud Knutzen 1,TO PORT TOWNSEND Clyde Kni~.h~'Geor~e~iI'le~Gu~' , [i , g y, y Jim Archer 0, Jim Doherty 0 Port Townsend s Redskins mov-,~ ............ • - _ • - ....... I~UUKWILI1,~mnn erguson, ~ov WILLOUR 2/14--Clint Willour o, ed a step eraser to'me uwmpm Tu--er Fr ......... 1 .... rJ, , anK wli aru, og- Heinie Hilderman O, Lloyd VanLeague golf title last Thursday er~ rm,~= ~,,~,~, q,,,,~, z .... Blur, cam 0, Andy Tuson 0, G by shading Shelton, 8-7, on th ,~, ...................... , _ _ ~ni r~uoerts, r~unnlngme ~:lel(1 Hanson G, Arn Cheney 0, Ed Shelton links The Skins droppeeevents ver- smooth] ;~: "• ' y y were wait Faubert 2. i the Climbers to a 5-3 league rec- Cl-vtn~ A,~m, q',,~. ~o,.,,;~ ~. COOTS 6/14--Clyde oots 0, L. L. lord while remaining undefeated c~-~,~,~^"L__"_''7"'~C_:~_"'' ,~_~.'.'_"~.Z:" McInellv 2 Larry Larson 0 Bob I +t,~..~;.:,.... ~, yy ttvvt~l OUlllll~tUll, ,~arry weir .... :y _:" :~. . ._ ,_ . ,-- ....t~::~?.. .... and Jack Mallinger, all of Shel. Miller Z, ~l;eve rlam ~, ~)an uari Meaansl; nonors went to Town- ; t-n" l~ili T~..,o~+ ~.,~ ~^u.. ~,~l 0, Frank Smith 1. send s Mike Hammer with a 79, f~om l-Tne~a f~n~l I4:ELLY 6/10~Jack Stewart 0, one better than Shelton's Bob--=,~,"'~-~1~-1~'~:,"~:~, 1~ .... ~, ,~ .... Fred StuUer % Bill Batsone 0, Walker. The pair spnt their Z o. Chris Curtis 2, Bill~.Gott 2. _1 match at 1~-1½. i zones to watch for infractions. PAULEY 8/14--Don ~'amey 2, Joe The lineups: I Serving in this capacity were Joe Townsend 81Shelton i Hammer 79 l lWalker80 1½ Rose 89 ~/~ Jeffery 84 2 ~/~ Hanson 89 1t Heuston 86 2 Casto 85 2/Kieburtz 87 3 Horton 84 • 3~Hanson 89 0 VASItON CLIPS CLIMBERS Holt 1, Purl Jemison 0, Jack Gray 0, Jim Pauley 2, Val Sten- ko 1, Frosty Koch 2. PRICE 12/14--Buck Price 2, Son- ny Lowe 2, Jack Jeffery 2, Lau- rie Carlson 2, Harry Cole 2, Darrell Denniston 2, Art Ben- nett 0. The league standings now read: Week Season Pet. Don Pauley 8/14 46/76 .605 Buck Price 12/14 4"3f~ .586 Clyde Coots 6/14 44/76 ,579 Frank Travis 9/12 37/68 .561 Clint Willom' 2/14 36/70 .514 Ivan Myers 6/10 31/64 .484 Bob Kieburtz 4/14 38/80 .475 Oliver Kelly 6/10 30/66 .455 Gary Nicloy 4/8 32/70 .429 Jerry Thompson 4/10 32/70.I29 TEAM[ CAPTAIN'S PLAY FIRST ROUND STARTED Play has begun in the annual Team Captain's Trophy tourna- merit sponsored by the 19th Hole Club with first round matches due for completion by this coming weekend. Vashon's hilly course buffaloed Shelton's Highclimbers Monday i and they dropped an 13-4 decision i to the hofne fairway Pirates in an Olympic League golf match. Bart Ljubich ca'rded a brilliant 72 to win medalist honors by nine : strokes. Firing in the No. 2 spot, Ljubich captured three points from Shelton's George Heuston, who was hitting No. 2 for the Climbers for the first time this :season and re-~,~'~! v,i.h a fine 84, his best of the year. The Climbers wind up their I schedule tomorrow aL Central Kit- sap. Borek, Arne Johnson, Don Brown and Bean Daniels. My managers, John Mart,g, Frank Fulton, and Vaughn Phil- lips, put in a 15 hour day help- ing do a host of last minute de- tails. Bill Steinbacher made identifi- cation ribbons and signs which helped things to run more smooth- ly. Irene Burright labored on pro- grams. Clyde" Robb spent time making and repairing much of our equipment which I greatly apprec- iate. I ALSO MUST thank Bob Tem- ple and his crew for rolling and packing the track until it was in the best condition that it has ever been. A tip of the hat also goes to Art Christianson who lines ~nd prepares the track. Ernie :Runnion of Simpson Tim- her Compafiy most generously lQaned some flood lights for the ~{igh jump area and the PUD co- operated nicely by putting them :tip for us. Mr. Hermes/cooperated in many details as well as providing a crew Hat,ca85 .... 2½iJeffery88 .... ½ of teachers who served as gate Osborne92 .... 3]Kieburtz94 .... 0 keepers and ticket sellers (Bill Booth 87 ...... Hafison 89. ..... Hartltne, Rodney Raekowlcz, Paul Five matches have been finished at this point with Fred gtuller and Harry Peterson defeating HURD HITS 787 IN FO !R GAMES MEN'S 'I'RIO LEAGUE Adventurers ...................... 4 1 Timber Bowl .................... 4 1 The Slouches .................. 3 2 MIMO ............................. 2 ~/~ 2 ~,~, Touchables ...................... 2~ ~2 L~ Tripower , ................ 2 3 Pill Toppers ............. ...] .... 1 4 Prairie ltoosters ............. ] 4 High game Ed l lard 233. ttigh series Eel Hm'd 787. $ :t; :!: A summer men'u trio leagl'm opened play at the Timber Bowl Monday night, rolling four games for five points. Ed Hm'd led scar- ink with a 787 series as his Timber Bowl 3-s¢)me dropped the Pin Top- plers (Charlie Savage 736) by a 4-1 count. In other nlatches: Ad- venturel's 4 (Bob Riffey 697), Prairie Roosters 1 (Web'bRost- void 673); The Slouches 3(H'en- ry Warne:; 699), Tripower 2 (Dave Russell 635.) ; MIMO 2 ~ (Cbmde Cook 742), Touchables 2~,5 (Lar- ry Ziegler 674). Builon Sale Begun By Twilighl League Booster buttons to finance the 1964 Mason County Twilight base- ball league activities went on sale this week. A house-to-house solicitation as well as business di§trict street salesmen (mostly boys who will be playing in the league this sum- mer) will give individuals a cllance at $1 apiece to purchase buttons and assist the league. Boys of 9 to 1.2 years and 12 to 15 years play in A and B divi- sions of the league, which probab- ly will have six teams in each div- ision this s,~mmer. Sandra Pozorski HC, Marcella Westberg G, Rhea LaClair HC, Tammi Craig P and Gall Bailley S tied. BASEBAL THROW (C) --- Jody Engen G, Charlene Johns HC, Sal- ly Metzler NM, Sue McDowell HC, Beverly Rhoades S. 50-YARD DASH CA) -- Sandra Buskin HC, Catherine Query G, Debby Haney K, Sharon Davis, NM, Beverly Trotzer S. 50 YARD DASH (B) -- Shells Shelly NM, Leanna Whitmarsh HC, Susan Henry MMK, Trudy Rodgers S, Linda Sage K. 75-YARD DASH (C) -- Dar- lene Gray HC, Sally Metzler NM, Melody Dodge P, Katherine Pet- ty K, Judy Engen G. 200-YARD RELAY (open) -- North Mason and Hood Canal tied, Kamilche, Grapevicw, Pioneer. , 1 ::~ . < ','?~ !7 : SHELTON'S BEST--As group of "pick-ups" fnom the Petersen Points singles league this quintet of bowlers did all right. They won the BPA house eliminations championships. In front are Ralph Davison, Joe Anderson (both lefties), Stan Ahlquist; in rear are Lee Schuffenhauer and Lionel Leman. JUNIOR CHAMPS--The Joslin Insurance quartet captured the Junior Bowling League championship this season. Pictured from left are Frank Hughes, Len Robinson, Jan Powell and Rocky Robinson with sponsor Les Joslin. RUNNERS-UP---Gary Robinson, Bill Tobler, Bruce Pearson and Sonja Ahlquist (left to right) comprised the Eagles Aerie b,owllng team which finished second in the Junior Bowling League. South Helps By Kicking Down Central By MICK WAGENER OI,VMPIC LEAGUE By MICK Five Shelton errors, largely by W I,rf, ra. I Shelton made green hands in their first va'rsity SHELTON ................ 4 2 28 19icllnuflated in thl games, may lmve knocked the Central Kitsap .......... .t 2 33 15 I stand up for an Highclimbe:'.~ out of contention for North Kitsap ............ 3 3 27 32 tory over North tile Olymi)ic League baseballEast Brenlerton ...... 3 3 32 27 { Olympic league ] ehampio}lshh)" South Kitsap ............ 3 4 17 19 [ Poulsbo Monday. Boots accounted for all the Cou- Port Angeles ............ 2 5 26 51 A fmw bat t!/ar runs as Central Kitsap knock- Latest S(.ores I the Climber ed off the Climbers, 5-1, on Loop Field last Tnm'sday in a battle of league lbaders. The two chlbs were tied for the top rlmg into the game. The green hands were filling in for a trio of starters, outfiehlers Denny Bailey and Rusty Baskin Shelton 6, North Kitsap 5 South 5, Central 0 East 14, Port Angeles 7 Central 5, Shelton 1 Port Angeles 6, N~n'th 5 East 4, South 1 Today Shelton at Port Angeles and catcher Jim Richards, who Monday !imbered up their arms by tossingShelton at South cranges arolmd ill study' hall one day and got themselw~s benched in the proce,~s. Infielder Rich Mac--......,,..,.wi--a*-amo Theme key was also sidelined by illness to furthertion, weaken the Clinlber ~itua- Splits Blazer, Pup OUTFIELI) MISCI,ES were the Diamond Decisions lnost costly but even with perfect support (such as Central accorded ~ Home fields were victory its pitcher) there is doubt of the grounds as the Shelton Blazers Climbers' ability to ~ake this abe and Washington Bnlldogs ex- bedause Dennis Wallace flung a changed decisions in junior high flossy ball game for the Cougars. baseball competition this past The only hit off his lefthanded of- week. ferings was a towering fly-ball tri- Tuesday on Loop Field the Bla- ple slammed by Ed Dawson into zers snatched a 3-2 triumph on rightfield. Itc was squeezed home a seventh inning run to equalize by catcher Terry Kadoun for Shel- for a 6-1 loss suffered at Olympia ion's only rnn in ~he second in- last Thursday. ning. Jan Armstrong popped a Texas By that time the Cougars were league single into lightfield with already ahead, having scored twice two out and Tom Marshall under in the top imlf on two errors. They full said from second base to added single markers in the last score the winning run Tuesday. three innings to ~poil a dandy Marshall had singled and moved southpaw pitching duel between ahead as Jan Donaldson walked. Wallace and Shelton's Tim Rose, WASHINGTON ItAD tied the who went six innings and yielded score in the top half of the frame seven hits. He and Bob Whit- on a double and single, which marsh, pitching the final frame, brought Marshall back to the struck out 13 Cougars, one more mound for the second time in the than Wallace totalled against game to relieve Bob :~Iasteller. He Climber bat swingers. Wallace had stemmed the Bulldog t-n'reat on a a whistling fastball which cam- strikeout and a fly. pletely captivated the Climbers. : Marsha'll had opened as the The Climbers go traveling for Blazer slabman but gave way to their next two engagements, to Masteller after three scoreless in- Port Angeles today and to Southnings. The Bulldogs broke the ice Kitsap Monday, then complete with a run in the sixth without their season's schedule a week a hit--on a walk, two~tolen bases, lrom today at Brenlerton against and a squeeze bunt. East. The Blazers were ahead at the Victories in all three are essen- time after solo runs in the fourth tial if the Climbers hope to take and fifth both scored on squeeze or tie for the title, bunts. Ellis Halbert squeezed Don- Thursday's line score: aldson home with the bases full R tl E in the fourth. Donaldson was Central 020 011 1---5 9 0 aboard on a walk and made third Shelton 010 000 0--1 3 5 when Masteller was hit and Tom Batteries--Wallace and Shipley;Malloy walked. Rose, WhiLmarsh (7) and Kadoun.IN TItE FIFTH Cliff Anderson walked, Err Harrell's bunt was Sund Gredits Junior thrown away to give both run- ners an extra base, then Marshall High, Kiwanis Track laid down the rbi bunt. The Blazers outhit tl~e Bulldogs Programs For Record at Olympia but also out-erred them. Four bobbles mixed with Pointing out that a good track two hits after two were out ac- team is not the product of just counted for four unearned Wash- one or two years with the boys, ington runs in the fifth to spoil Shelton track coach Bob Sand told Marshall's fine pitching up to that Simlton Kiwanians Tuesday that point. He'd given but one hit up much of the success of the High- to then. climber cinder squad under his The Bulldogs won the game 2~g5 direction is due to the county it,mutely in the sixth when two grade school track meet which hits and a walk produced two the Kiwanis Club sponsors and to earned runs. the excellent track program in SHELTON'S ONLY run was Shelton junior high school, scored in the first when Dick Sumt's track squads have won Knautz singled, was balked ahead 29 straight dual meets over the and scored on Armstrong's single. past six years and have worl the The two teams also split reserve Olympic Peninsula League cham- games the same afternoons. Shel- pionship the past two seasons, the ton won the game at Olympia, 6-1, only years Shelton has been a Wasl~ngton won the game at Shel- member of the conference, ton, 4-2. Through the Kiwanis grade The Blazers wind up their sea- school meet (and the Rotary-span- son next week with a game sored corollary meet for Shelton against Jefferson in Olympia. The grade schools) and the competently short scores: coached junior high Lrack squad, R H E and excellent group of "prepared" Wash. 000 001 1--2 3 2 boys enter the senior high track Shelton 000 110 1--3 6 0 program, Sund explained. Batteries-- Brooks, Muirhead SUND'S PRINCIPAL topic, (5) and Wolfe; Marshall, Mastel- however, was the improvement in ler (4), Marshall (7) and Malloy. track and field records over the R H E years. He pointed out that in the Shelton 100 000 0--1 6 5 Olympic Games 50 years ago the Wash. 000 042 x--6 5 1 pole vault record was 10 feet 6 Batteries---Marshall and Malloy; inches, a height junior high boys Bailey and Wolfe. are surpassing by a foot now, and when ouLfielder Shelton's 10-hit with three of in half of the for tile day. His first single ion's ning, pitcher from second base His second two of Shelton'S burst in the off Climber clt from Terry (a 2-bagger) and Jim .~on' s blow. walked Sheedy tion of ,,he had a 2-for-2 Rose, on the the ClimberS, ficulty in the enth when he hits and gave two were' out, Relief special'= took over and the first batter ing the fifth Vi~ the tying and second and firs Rick Roberts, man, to pop to Rich Mackey for out. Monday's combined nmph over Climbers back top rung each team to play. With North just still a The short Shelton 1"50 North 020 Ba and Richards; (2) and Arne. TALL Canal,tea ............. "' Hep Kittens Grandmas ................ Timber Jills Beattles Timber Bowl ........ High High Irene Spoon game and fit Tall Timber mer bowling second round day. Her 209 still didn't Jills from the Canal,tea In other (Clara Bowl 1 (Ma Kittens 3 (E t)es 1 (Jen The league girls to lineup. P1, the Timber secretary 6124. TUESDAY S,O,S. . ............. """ All Babas Odd BalZ Twisters that in the recenL Shelton Invita- MIXED FOURSOME~ L Board tional Track Meet four entries MiLk Pails Jumped 13 feet and two made Angles,de ~id " 13'3" (both sophomores). Odd Balz .............................. 6 2 Poachers ...... ".'s"'" Fifty years ago the mile ~n S.O.S ..................................... 4 4 High garaeS record was approximately a rain- Alibabas ......... ....................... 4 4 Milk Pails .............................. 4 4 187, Gary cla ute slower than it is today, the Twisters ................................ 3 5 High series Shelton track coach Said. Board Busters ...................... 3 5 491, Gary CiS New techniques, new track sur- Poachers ................................ 3 5 faces, new equipment all play Angles,de Kids .................. 3 5 . Officers of some part in the better perform- High games--Ina Kimbel 208,cowling lea ances in such events as the pole Gary Clark 217. ed Foursorr vault, but in running events he as- High series--Ina Kimbel 543,son, preside serted it is a combination of ear- Gary Clark 599., • president; lier training with the challenge secretary-tr of meeting and beating existing Milk Pails 3 (Ina Kimbel 543), Play ape marks which accounts for the ever Board Busters 1 (Chuck Thomp- Babas 3 ( improving records, son 487); Alibabas 3 (Verna Jo-Poachers 1 Closing, Sund urged Shelton hansen 479), S.O.S. 1 (Joe Simp- Odd Balz 3 ~ports fans to attend the West son 537); Odd Balz 3 (Del Hart-Milk Pails Central District track meet at well 484), Twisters 1 (Lay Hicks S.O.S. 3 (Jc Highline this Friday and Saturday 474); Angels,de Kids 2 (Gary side Kids evenings, where berths to the state Clark 599), Poachers 2 (BettyTwisters 2 meet will be earned. He pointed Johns 462). I Busters 2 ( out that Shelton has 12 boys qual- ified for the Highline cdmpetition, the largest group__ever to go from this school. Starting time is 6:~0 p.m. both nights. ANTLERS, FRATERNAL FLAG Four over - 500 series, compared to but one by Shelton Hardware, carried Moose AnI~lers to a deci- sive margin in the roll-off for the Fratei~nal league bowling title at the Timber Bowl last week. Gerry Hart's 572 led the scoring as the Antlers piled up advantages in all three games. The scoring: MOOSE ANTLERS Earl owen I67 223 :[60--550 Barney Loitz 134 151 153--438 Joe Cronquist 185 169 ].37--541 Gerry Hart 200 183 :[89--572 Lloyd Clark 176 173 170L-519 Handicap 63 63 63--189 TOTALS 925 962 922--2809 SE[EI,TON IIARDWARE Fi'ank Willard 1.39 175 136---450 Bill Brickert 122 135 120----377 Dell Abelcin 133 146 127--406 Bruce Schwarck 156 149 175--480 Larry Lyle 170 199 187--556 Handicap 140 140 140--420 TOTALS 860 944 885---2689 Man and Woman's HIGHEST SCRATCH Ghoice of Bowling Bag or Bowlinl;