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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 5a SHELTON---NIASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, / North il GIVES DEMONSTRATION---David McComber presented a foods demonstration at the demonstration day for 4-H members from North Mason County. :/L¸ CLOTHING DEMONSTRATION---Eilcen Kronquist won a blue ribbon for her clothing den;onstration at the North Mason 4-H demonstration clay recently. PARADE ENTRY FORM. 1964 JUNIOR PAUL BUNYAN PARADE MASON COUNTY FOREST FESTIVAL Please check which classification you are entering: Animals ........................................................................................ ( ) Bikes ............................................................................................. ( ) Trikes ............................................................................................. ( ) Costumes & Clowns ......................................... ; .............................. ( ) Floats ...................................... ...................................................... ( ) Impersonations ............................................................................. ( ) Pioneer Woman .............. ......................... L .......................... ( ) Logger ......................................... : ....................................... ( ) Fisherman ........................................................................... ( ) Hunter .................................................................................. ( ) Groups (Scouts, etc.) .............................................................. ( ) Keep Washington Green ......................................................... ( ) Your Name .......................................................................... Your Address ...... : ................................................................. Parent's Signature .......................................................... Please fill in this form as soon as you know you will be entering the parade, and send it to the address given below. It should be received by May 21, 1964. Mrs. D. J. Look St. Rt. 2, BOX 8 Shelton, Washington --- WEATIlEI{ -- illgll Low I)rceil). May (; .............. 63 ',18 ---- May 7 ............... 64 4(; ...... May 8 .............. 59 47 .... May 9 ............... 61 49 -,- May 10 .............. 66 45 .01 May 11 .............. 68 ;17 .06 May 12 ............... 68 46 .01 LIQUOR SALES Sales at the Shelton store of the SLate Liquor Control Board were Nm'til Mason 4-H members scor- ed a record with lhc number of dem~.mstrations for 1964. Last Sat- urday at the North Mason High school there were 32 demonstra- tions given by members from Ta- huya 4-H club called the Ayu- hats led by Mrs. Ted Blttir, Mrs. Ha.rold Allen and Mrs. Rebecca Mac0mbcr. The Belfair Belles and Beaus also participated. This group is led by Mrs. Eld(m Har- per. The Cornucopia Club from Allyn had the greaLest nmnber of demonstrators led by Mrs. Rich- ard Sharer and Mrs. Rex Harding. Judges for this contest included Mrs. Eugene Evers, Mrs. J. E. Jetfery and Mrs. Cliff Vandcr Wal. Scoring gave the following re- milts: Blue, Ron Slmrer, Patsy Sharer, David Macomber, Patrick Macomber, Katie Blair, two dem- onstrations, Sue Allen, two Dem- onstrations, Susan Schiller and Ro. na Harper. Red: Ron Sharer, Sheila Shelby, Cheri Peterson, Donald Squire, De- lores Wynn, Curtis Macomber, Ei- leen Sande, Patrick Macomber, Connie Aries, Susan Schiller and Betty Pruitt. White Sheila Shelby, Cheri Pet- erson, Eileen Kronqtfist, Denise Wynn, Christine Nelson, Dennis Sharer, Gregory Wynn, Judy Toombs, Penny Moore and Gary Cole. Former Canal Man Taken By Death Pete Borg, former Hood Canal resident, passed away April 27 in the Veterans hospital in Seattle. The funeral service was held April 39 in Issaquah chapel with burial in Hills)de cemetery, Issaquah. Mr. Borg came to this country from Sweden in 1910 at the age of 20. He worked for 18 years with Washington State Parks before re- tiring in ].950 to a home at Pot- latch. About a year ago he moved to Lake Sammamish where he liv- ed briefly before settling in East- gate. He was a veteran of World War One and a member of several VFW lodges, Rebekahs, Masonic orders, American Legion posts and World :War I barracks. He ]caves his wife, Lee, East- gate; a daughter, LTilian Jorden, Seattle; four grandchildren; and a brother and sister in Sweden. Rites Saturday For Reta Mole The flmeral service for Reta Mole, 78, will be held at 9 a.m. this Saturday at the Batstone fun- e]'al Home with Rcv. Clarence Lo- dy officiating. Interment will be in Shelton Memorial Park. Mrs. Mole passed away early Wednesday morning at a local hos- pital. She was born October 5, 1885 in Ogden, Utah and had lived in Shelton the past four years. She made her home at 306 West "D" street. Sm'vivors include her husband, Francis G. Mole, Shclton; one daughter, Mrs. Vivian Carte, Shel- ton; one brother, C. J. Doon, Lin- coln, Neb.; one sister, Eileen Ec- cles, Hood River, Oregon; and four grandchildren, Dr. Harry T okas Is Eye Group Officer Dr. Harry Tokas, Shelton, was installed as president-elect of the Olympic Optometric Society at an installation dinner in Aberdeen re- cently. Committees named by Dr. Wil- $26559.90 during April.'They were t liam McKinney, Raymond, chair- • • . man of the society inchlded Dr composed of $22,546.12m retau . • . . ,: l George Radmh, Shelton, chddlen s sales and $4,013.78 inClass H vision; Dr. James Peterson, Shel- sales, t ton, contact lenses, and Dr. Tokas, program. Probation Office Handles 35 Cases In April The Mason County Juvenile Pro- bat(on office handled 35 cases dur- ing April, P~obation Officer Mar- vin Christensen said. Of these, 17 were delinqnency, 16 for dependency and two for traffic violations. Of the delinquency referrals, four were for auto theft, six for other thefts, two for sex offences, three for vandalism and one for other violations. Among ti~e delinquency cases, 27 were boys and eight were girls. Two of the boys were commit- ted to the Department of Insti- tutions. Two boys and one girl were placed on official probation and six boys and two girls were placed on informal supervision by the probation officer. Three were referred to other courts, five were handled through informal adjust- merit and one was made a ward of the court under the supervision of the Welfare Department. Of the two traffic violations, one was for driving with no ope- rators license and one for driving through a stop light. Both were remanded and released to their parents. TRIP TO EUROPE (Continued fron, page 1) trip. The financial blow was soft- ened a bit by setting the trip up as a package deal, making it as economical as possible, at $1,291 per person. THE TRIP originates in Wash- ington, D.C. Students chosen for the pilgrimage from all over the U.S. will assemble in (he nations capitol on June 16. Here leaders of the People to Peoplq organiza- tion and the U.S. Information Agency will brief the travellers on world affairs in depth, and the culture, governrnent mid back- ground of the various countries they will be visiting. After brief- ing, the group will travel by jet from Washington to Paris. In Paris they will board a chartereo bus with their adult leader (Miss Wahlgren), a driver, and an Eng- lish-speaking European courier. After touring Paris, the itiner- ary will take the Ambassadors to Luxembourg, Frankfurt, Munich Vienna, Budapest, Zagreb, Venice. Florence, Rome, Pisa, Milan, Ge- neva, Nevers and London. Besides establishing internation- al friendships, the group will learn much of European culture and customs when they attend Con- tinental schools for a week, and during that time live with a Euro- pean family. At the end of the European tour, the Antbassadors will board s jet in London and fly back to New York. Here they plan on spending several days at the World's Fair before returning by chartered bus to Tacoma, where the trip will officially end. William T. Snyder Dies In MeCleary Death took William T. Snyder, Rt. 3 Box 393, in McCleary last F~iday. Mr. Snyder, a veteran of World War I, was a retired mill- wright from the Simpson Timber Co. He was born in RenD, Wash., November 9, 1898 ~md had lived the past 35 years in Mason Coun- ty. The funeral was held at 1 p.m. Monday at the Batstone Funeral Home with Rev. Horace Mounts officiating. Interment was in Vet- erans cemetery. Sllrvivors fnclude Ms wife, Ruth E. Snyder, Shelton; one son, Geo. Snyder, Shelton; one daughter, Mrs. Viola Brocota, Shelton; and two grandsons. Your local newspaloer strives to represent every facet o= the Community. It promotes business by advertising pro- ducts and services; it supports churches, schools, and civic clubs by publishing information concerning their ac- tivities; it recognizes individual membem o! the community interesting events occur in their lives; and it spreads local news, and national news in local terms. By help- ing different factions of the community to learn each other, your local newspaper promotes and cooperation for the good of the entire area. Honored At Dinner GIFT OPENED--R. W. Pitman, seated, left, leans over to see what is in the package Homer Taylor is opening at the dinner honoring them last week. The Shelton Education Association, sponsors of the dinner, presented Taylor with a portable television set. Both Pitman and Taylor will retire from the Shelton School system July 1. :D Retiring School ~uperintendent R. W. Oltman and Assistant Sup- erintendent Homer Taylor were honored at a dinner last Thursday night in the Mt. View School multi-purpose room. The Shelton Education Association sponsored the dinner honoring the two who will both retire July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Oltman were pre- sented with a membership in the Shelton Bayshore Golf Club and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor with a porta- ble television set. Bringing greetings to the hon- ored guests were Dr. Douglas Lar- son, school board chairman; Mayor Frank Travis Jr.. and Louis Bruno, state superintendent of public in- struction. Making the gift presentations were George Hermes, high school principal and Lynn Sherwood, high school teacher. BRUCE SCHWARCK, junior high school principal, commented on events during Oltmsn's years as superintendent. Torger Lee, principal of Evergreen elementary school, opened a tribute to Taylor with a humorous skit of the prob- lems connected with being in charge of transportation. Entertainment was provided by Mrs. Robert Keenan, Mrs. Dean Palmer, the High School Nonette, a trombone quartet and a clarinet ensemble from the School. A surprise award presented dur- ing the program was a Washing- ton Education Association aware for outstanding service presented to Dr. Larson by Don Brown, SEA president who presided at the pro- gram. Taylor first came to Shelton in 1932 and except for a period in the service during World War I1 has served in various capacities for the school district since. OLTMAN CAME TO the school district as superintendent in 1944 and will complete 20 years of ser- vice at the time of his retire- ment. When Oltman became superin- tendent, there were about 1,500 students and 53 teachers in the district. The system has grown until this year, there are more than 120 teachers and more than 2.800 students, ahnost double the size. r From The COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Commission Monday included Henry Kruize, carport, $700; Lewis Sargent, wooC. residence, $18,000; Stanley F. Urych, wood and concrete cabin $4,000; Jack R. Cummings, wooa~ residence, $3,000; James O. Suth- erland, wood residence, $13,600; Arnold Saeger, wood residence ad- dition, $500; Douald C. Brown, wood residence, $1,000 and Dess J. Haines, pancake house, $2,000, a corrected permit. FERRY RECEIPTS Receipts from the Harstinc Island Ferry for the week ending May 9 were $208, the county en- gineer's- office reported. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the city of Shelton during the past week were to Dchnar Cole, wooa fence, $50; Erling Olscn, garage, $150; Robert Seibert, garage, $700. POLICE COURT On the docket in Shclton Police Court Monday night before Judge Rolla Halbert were Fh)yd Sear~, drunk and disorderly, $25 forfeit Lawrence M. Carey, drunkenness $10 forfeit; Odell Gray, drunk ana disorderly, 30 days in jail, 24 sus- YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SOLID, UNITING FORCEI :~vt.=¢ ST,~r~o~ '~UUEL~ 7E/,rCFd HELP YOUR TOWN GROW! SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER, I llll~ COMMUNICATIONS BUILDINO, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON * SEATTLE i, WASHIN41T4ME pendcd; Pits'pont Robinson, speed- ing, $17 forfeit; Marvin Amann, speeding, $44 forfeit; Michael Westlund, illegal U turn, no op- erator's license, $12 fine and $2.50 costs• SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARRESTS Booked at the Mason County Sheriff's office during the pas~ week were Roy Kalama, driving while intoxicated, no valid oper- ator's license; Arthur J. Kralicek, reckless driving: William Miller, driving while intoxicated. SHELTON POLICE ,lack Swanson reported two chains at the back loading door at Bordeaux School were cut, two fh)wcring cheery trees and a rho- dodendron bush were destroyed. George Cooke reported sever. guns and a part of a box of shells stolen from his home. Value of the weapons was $425. They includea four rifles and three pistols. Cars driven by Willie Mac Wil- son and Dale Hurst collided on Ar- cadia Street. One of the vehiems hit a parked car owned by A. H. Van Cleave. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Barrie Stroud reported five windows broken in Pioneer School. Ray Land, Concord Beach, ro- ported his home had been entered and a gas stove and a gas lantern taken. Frank Miko reported his home on Trail's End Lake was entered and a Television set taken. SUPERIOR COURT New Cases State of Washington against the Shelton Hotel, unpaid taxes. Rudolph W. Oltman against Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hansen, doing bus- iness as Boon's Plumbing ana. Heating, property damage. State Patrol A ]96,t Dodge sedan driven by Robert C. Jones, 45, Ehna, struck a, parked 1963 Ford sedan owne¢l 1)y Herbert R. Bell, Shelton ~i nlilc west of Shelton near the Lost Lake road, May 9. According to authorities the Bell vehicle was parked in front ot his rcsidence. James was turning" west off the highway onto the Lost Lake road when he struck the Bell vehiclc. The Jones vehicle continued in motion until i~ struck a telephone pole, shearing~ it off. No serious injuries were reported. Damage to the Jones vehicle was $800.00, while the Bell vchicie sus- tained $300.00 danmge. Trooper Bob Furseth of the Washington State Patrol investi- gated the ace(dent. Tea©hers--$eese les of athemati©s Films Mathematics teachers in the Shclton school system have recent- ly completed viewing a series ot 15 films on' advances aud changcs in mathcumtics. They were shown each Monday and Wednesday afternoon frame-. diately after school in the Rce(1 building. All teachers from the junior and senior higl~ schools who have sny- thing to do with mati~ematics at. t,mdcd the sessions along with all elementary teachers. The series started in January and was completed last week. Narrator of tlie fihns was Dr. Stewart Moordock, of Saeremento State College in California. Junior High S c h o o l math students saw some of the films. Too Lale To Olassify 1955 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR. excellent condition, good ruhber, I)owcr steer- ing allll L)l'ak~::% $500. St. Bt. 1, Box 70, Union. 13 5/i4 till WANTED -- Lady with Sales ,!xpol'- JCIlCe for Salurda3 work ollly.A])* ply Box 11, c/o Journal, 7/l.i -~-h EXK XNb-i~ u cK -WANTED~ -=LT Wc pay n|orc. Lecatcd oil Cob! Boad. 1"at West Evergreen, ,i26-3051. 5/1.1-28 WILL~SELLFOUR-nic(~ girls' lmrly dresses, sizes 11-12. for best offer. Phone 426-3607. C 5/14-21 1954 D OR J) 6 cylin(h'r. 15,000 miles on new lllotor,ncw bl'akcs. PIIol,*' 426-8436. R, 5/14 EXCELLENT LOCATION for school, shopping. Olynlpic View. Bt! t'irst to blly ]ikc I'cllt. FOUl" bpd I'ooIllS, living l'OOlll, bath with tile s|lo~,v(q•, UtilityroO|ll h, attavlmd gal-ago. Fenced yard, plenty clos,~t space, built-in drawers, kit('rllOn rang'(,. Illl- mediatepossession. FHA appraised at over$8,000. This is hard t(i I)cat at $55.50 per lllOlltll, }nuloding ill- SUl'line(! and taxes. $100 down for ])'HA or persona] contract. Phone 426-6228 after ,l ]),In, D 5/14 It FOR SALE -- Wring~:i'--Witshing ma- clline, likc new. $60. Phone ,126-3143 after 5 l).m. M 5/14 Ifn F-O-I:( --S~- L E- -:-Z-i 949 -(~ lie ;,;i:(, h, t- 2-door." Good heater, easy starting, $50. Call 426-8920. B 5/14 tfn I~i-SSION- EXgE--:::-~/6o i,~(i/:obnl honlc 127' x 660'. Sale or trade for Stlellon waterfront home. Phone Belfair Clt 5-3057, Star Rt. 1. Box 993, Bremcr- ton. 13 5/14 tfn SUMMONS IN THE STATE OF MASON BONNIE MARION deceased, the or ~ UC(:CS.qO 1'~ Decgan ; and tics unknown c cstate, lien or estate described ill, TttE STATE TItE ABOVI~ MARION deceased, tile t)r SuccessOl'S Deegan ; and parties title, e~tate, real estate herein. You, and each sUnllnoned to days after lication of this in sixty of April, entitled aforesaid and the plaintiff answer for the stated ; so to do, has been NO. 8584 court. SUMMONS BY I'ttBLICATION The obJe, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 'r'HE title in STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ItELEN L. WALTON, Plaintiff VS. BILLIE WALTON, Defendant,, STATE O~" WASHINGTON TO THE SAID BILLIE WALTON, Defendant You are hereDy sulnnloned to aI)pear wittlln sixly tbb) days atter the data of the first publication of this sum- nlons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 30th day of April, 1964, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the tln(lerSlgll(~d attorney at his otilce be- low stated; alld in cat#(; ef )'our fail- ure so to do, judgment will be ren- dered against you according to the demand of the eomplaint, whleit has been filed with the clerk of said com't. That the canse of action herein is for a di~'orce between the parties above named wherein the det'cndant has treated tho plaintiff in a cruel nnin- ner. JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney for Plaintiff Office & Pos't Office Address: Title Insurance Building 122 Railroad Avenue Shelton, Washington 4/30 5/7-14-21-28 6/4 61 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 438 hi the matter of C~.R.P. No. 438 to he const "u( ted on Mason C)unty Road No. 202 known locally as the Tiger Lake West road. an(l mere specifically h,cated in NW~.~ Sec, 5, Twp. 1. N.. R. 2, 3 W.W.M. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS that It is their intention to whh!n Illl(l i'flcct lli]nor relocationof ' at)proxinlat,.dy 0.43 lni]e, Ch~sring and grubbing approx, 1.5 acre. Lineal Grading -- 22.27 Sta. Gravel surfucmg -- 660 C.Y. and that said work is to hc performed by day lhbor in accordance with th(~ : son County, The West East half of the SW;i SW'~ on the tlon Twelve (20) North M., in MasOn and A tract of Township 22 W.M.. wit: corner of 30; thence : nmncement North line also the I% South 400 Southerl the Camfl : 1 Southerly the the same Is feet situa son, State and 200 fe,~t of Sectlo 200 feet; niore or l (Ioverlnn tilence said Govei 1'30" Wes Washington State Siandard Specifica- tiol,s for I{oad and Bridge Construc- tion as adel)tod by Mason County. 26"01'30" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tllat East 1707.i the above described County Road the place o Project is necessaryand proper, lind known aria t]lc cstinlatcd costs of said p,'oject of the are ]mrcwt~ti set out ill detail as for Beach lows : Ei,ginecring $ 200.00 uate in Road Construction 3.800.00 abutting TOTAL $4,000.00 lands. The County Road Project herctn des- Lot elghl Htllcrest cribed is HEREBY DECLARED to [i~ Shelton. a publle necessity, and the ~ulty ton, Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED thereof AND AUTHORIZED to report and tor of proceed thereon as by law provided, ume 2 ADOPTED this llth day of May, 1964. against the Board ef County Conunissioner~ and rely one oi Mason County, Washington GLENN JOHN BARIEKMAN, Chairnlan Attor HARRY ELMLUND Glenn E. Attorney f MARTIN AUSETli Bell Butldi Attest : C. NOLAN MASON Clerk uf the Board 5/li it NO. 3188 NOTICI NOTICE OF llEAltlNG FINAL REPORT AND I'ETITH)N FOR Und( I)ISTRIBUTION IN THE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE STATE ()F WASHINGTON FOR MASON MASON COUNTY HEI,E In the Malter of the Estate of IRV- IN FREDERICK ROWE, Deceased. CONDA W. DICI( Maude Elizabeth Rowe, Executrix of his wife, said Estate, has fih:d with said Court Under her final report and petition for dis- ecntion trlbutlon, asking the Court to set-seal of th'. said report, dist,'lbute the prop- State of erty to the persons thereto entitled County, and to discharge said Executrix. Said upon a report and petition will be heard on Court v the 29111 day of May, 1964, at 10 in favor in the Courtroom of said Court, in tile Ceunty Courthouse at She(ton, debtors for Washington. snd ed and DATED THIS 27th day of April, 1964. LAURA M. WAGENER Clerk of lhe Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDEE, Attorney at Law ]25~ N. 5th Shelton, Washington. described 4/30 5/7-14 St judgnlent, Lots three NO. 3t95 six (6) NOTICE O!," ilEAIIING FINAL (](I), REI'ORT AND PETITION FOR fifteen DISTRIBUTION IN T]-IE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATI~ (.)P' WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of IVAN tIEREBY the 29fll day D. NEUENSCItWANDEIL Dt~eeased. ~ill the Fo Stella L. Ncuensehwandcr, Executrix sell |lie s.I tlf said Estate, has l'llcd with mild no Inueh t] Court her final rcpert and pctition to satisfy for distribution, askhlg the Court to wllh settb~' satd repert, dlstriblitc the prop- and erty tu the persons thereto entlth;d to lhe sl lind to dlse]lai'ge said Executrix. Sald ]iluldrcd eport and petition will bc heard on lars. nhlS ; tilt! 12th day of June, 1964, at 10 a.n,. public'ation. in the Courtroonl of ssid Court. hi Said sale lhc County Courthonst~ at S lelton, East door of Washington. & Pine In DATED THIS ]2th day of May, 1964.w II be at "LAURA M. WAGENER h~ nd t,) tl Clerk of the SIlpcrlol' ConrtDated at P, OBEHT L, SNYDEI~. day of AI Attorn(~y a.I Law I). S 125 ~,~ N. 5th Sh('r: Sllclton, Washington. By 5/1,1-21-2S 3t NO. 3137 NO'I'I(',I,~ OF IIEARIN¢~ ]+'INAI, itEPOIIT AND PETITION FOlt i) l,WiTlt I IIUTIO~ ) t IN THE SU~EI'dOI~ COUH.T O1~ THE STATE OF~' WASHINGTON FOR NO'I'ICI'~ O! IN THE S[ STATE MASON In the GEORGE NOTICE vstatc. |'OF Cll~ll ILl ing d The No) ]lin(,tecn ('t) Wcs~ frl)lil ((, lhe lligh' in u,~t I)c date ef sa The Exc{ GLENN MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In lhc Matter of the Estate of INEZ M. SItOBTI'Jt¢., Dcccasc(l. NOTICE fS HEREBY GIVEN that gLEAN(Y3 J. BOOTI'f, A(hninistratrix ef the Estate of Incz M• Shorter. has liled ill the office, ef the Ch!rk of said Court a final report and petition lor dlstril)utlon, asking the Court to set- lh! ssld i'('l)oi'l., di~Irlbu~! th(! prol)(!rty to tht~ pl~l'Soll'~; thcFclu cnttth'(i and te discharge the I)e{itioacr as Adillhl- l,~tral.rix; and tlllit said rvpert anti l)c- tition will I)e ]lcard oil the 12th day of June, 1964, at 10:00 o'clock in tlva iol'(~llOOn of said day, or as soon tht!l'(~- aftel' lis the nialtcr e.all bc heard at the court l'o(Jlll i)l' the above-entitled CAiuI't, ill the Cotlrtheusc ill Shclton, Mason CotilU.y, ~Vashingil!n, at whh'h tiiue and plact! any pel'Sltll inlci'cs{ed li; said Estate+ lliay lippt!tlr and file ob" jccthJns tllercte tllld contest the sallle. DATI']D tllis 8th d,iy of ~lii)', 1964, LAUI:[A "M. %VA(;ENER Clel'k ,)f said Cou]-~. By: Tcc, Jda Vermillion. Deputy GLENN E. COt~REA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 5/1,i-21-28 6,'4 4t