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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1964 SWELTON--MAPa)N COI qTV 30ITP NhEr-published In "Ohr{s!ma. own, Shdfon. Wa hln on PACE 1 "iw I ........ PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 14.1§.16 RIGHT T° .LIMIT ..... CliO" ORK P tO ~eatue 1o visit: 2ars aarvls' ----: ..... r .................... Rib Cut.Fresh- Well Trimmed .............................. LB. ..................... • .. ......... ............... PORK nOAS3r • .., { ........ ~.) i.~ ~Jl.. I • . , (~ * IlL I1~ lll'd I'A ]ll~2. ~1 lI.j, } l. 11.~11 11. I W ~l~l. ~ ~. dAL *~ | ~. A] ly gill IVII Lean Loin Ends t~' 2V2 ~o 3 Ib. Avg ..................... LB. : Lean ' I~ SPARERIBS R,bs ................ ,b. 47 .= I / I gx'~'(~el~:~lld ill Seattle an(, was .ioined I vthen the roar and rolling started• ~1~ , i I)y Mr. Ev'.-ms Sunday for the ('el- Our house he:wed, twNteo and eI| ebration of Mother's Day. Mrs. groaned while the eqrth rolled like ~1111 Fh, ans att(.nded the 25th wedding the ocean. We wondered if it WOtlld ....................... I , ,,{..~,,.,.,,. ..e +',,; .... 1,. ~.~ ..a,.., ,,.'-.' -~o. n,,,, .,.,• ,drnos¢ +., ..... a llY I~lary lllrl{ lin(I ~an(ll Tlnlrlnall an(l llonler Taylor at 1VlOUntain ] ,,i,~h~ .,,.i ~ ..... i ..... ~rntl ..... . r~, ~r [ o~',or h, the e'41'nort o,ave a,~ ] Heel)SPORT --- Sportsmen View School• Hoodsport guests I memori ,l ..... ,o,' s~:,,,,s;;;.o,/~,, ,{~. i the ~tl'e(; were ~ohbin- li1~,*::2,.~2"~ Ish°nld be happy to Ileal" that fish- were Mr. and Mrs Bill Goodt)aster I w,, .... " ' -. ~ " ...... ,,. ,~ .... 1. r. u ~1 ,, .... ,~" ling in Lqke CI shman has improv- and Mr ~ nd Mrs Jo in Pill I Ross was their h~ste:~s at a din.- sidewalks aud were not able to (~,a.. Tile Resm't .relmrts 1)sat one Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith and l ner at the Elks Club after the get UlX When it was over we wer~ llSl;e,j,~an ,l?};~,~giint l~}lva 2~,2 lb dE- boys traveled to l~Chord Field on [ sel'viee, and also entertained the without lights, water or radio and .Y ,.' en~ ive .l ers. St u}day Armed Forces Day to see thet famil.; of ]ler gz:mddaug:aler, Mrs. / we were breathless. We qulel:ly ] two men tree Seattle eaugnt ~/. Thunderbirds Air Show. I . , eutthl oats 1 tnglng [1 om 12 to ~6 C'liff Nelson of E, othcll. Enrout.? checl.ed the house for damage and / . . " ' ' ' "~ ' Mr. and Mrs. Hick Simmons [ bonlo Sunday evening, the Evan,~-]except for stone dishes, we l~cd linen,es• . , . . and Julie of Port Angeles we,'e/ o } ) ' I i " ' f'n sh ) " 51rs teens Dillon nnaerwent ~" ' es st 1 l ed It see then' lher soil- sn "v ved it in 1 e " a1 e Sonle of] "' . . ... ' . ." weekend guests of NIl' and Mrs I in-hlw and daughter Mr and MTs. our neighl)ors did not fare" solsurgery ,laSt weej{ at btanarmg Mike Kil'k ' "'1 l=~ol)ert "Wahl ii~ Tacl,;nla •who sere- [ well . • . it wasn't until the emer- I ~aemorial riospi3al i}}. ~eatt.le. . A P T A" m~,¢; ...... m ~o ha~a [ ed then~ a strawben'y simr:e~lke[gency radio stations came on thatl. :M!" and M~s. ~o~,e~Latuvls x~e!tL l~nv ~ nt ~ ..... i. ,h. ~,~1 dessel't in honor of the day. I we Imew that hves had been lost l .... ' -- " ~- ' • ." Canal Junior High S-h,.o~ mh./ , , " ! , • , • mother Mrs Mayme Dill'anti, %vno 8 *-~ u t• --*=~ MILS. NEll, VANCE has been a ~d so much damagle had bee,, m-/is in i~txe ho.~')ital" Later that even program will be t)resented l)y the/ ill for sew~ral duys with a bron- n.ieteu, we Jisteuea almost all/in% the z,;£;;vis famii'" took M :2 Science and Home Economic:4 chill i ~leetion. lt(r daughter Mrs. mght too :utunnen to hardly say ] ,~.. : ..... k'..a2.^,., r ~"-'s "~q'v partments. All ninth grade parents[ ..... % ~ n a w3rd as the l'tt,~ re,)or~ ..... ,~, ., 16t,.,tuutuuae , ,v,t,. x.,ua y ..... / .J}leK .lonnslon• aCColnpanieo Dy " • ~" t '*~ Ldl[l~:~ ! O"~.'. .... .~ A~ ..... " are invited to attel~l to make/ Mr~ N I Seers vleifor! hop 011 ill over Ollr battery radio We were / ~""P°°", to . . ninE= fr~,, tr,'ndnnt-ln~ i Moth(r'sl>lv ,~ ~ h,. .... ht ~,,n I fortunate to have our fireplaee for l. Mrs. Rose M,}o nas ,et}t, nea~,,.w ~,~,,,,, ~..,,./ • ,. • • . . ho:,t /l:lOln a six-weeK trip to Ualll lnla , .. / lay omnel to nel ,tnd Mr. Vance. ~,~.~', ....... [ where she visitedmany old friends, and mrs. Maybell Beekmeyer were[ Mr. and Mrs Robert M. Sehultz wnen ~ayngnt came we em,lal While in Fairfield Cafif she visit- visltea uy relatives, ±vii.. and Mrs.[ Sr. of Des Moines eame early hardly believe our eyes• Buildings] ed Sgt Robert G Dunl~am and Walter Beekmeyer of Castle Rock| last week for - ,,i~i', .~ ,~ hn,~& i had twisted, toppled and some hpd I ~,, .... .4^ ,~,,~.~ e ........ h, n¢ and Mi', and Mrs. Frauels Luke of" tl-(elr son ,lnd':aaugl~te'l:-~in-'i'a~;r flattened. Whole streets were now n El~]'s a~'e~ ~"~l~iilo al'.~"v'mlted and children of Granite Falls [ Mr. :,lad Mrs.~ Robert M. Sehultzl yawning canyons. Automobiles I wi;h the" Dick" Sehmidt's of San Mr. aud Mrs. Arvict Johnson ann/ Jr. at Mike's Beach Resort were upside down. Pavement waSlMateo Mr Sehmidt fornierlv of Shawn and Shannon and Mr. and/ Friends of Mrs. Oran B. Lee will peal{ed,li.keosmidlm°untams' .Otil' [ Cushman, isn't feeling too wel(and Mrs:Hick Sinm~ons and Jtllie•.had/ Our own Verlfine - Quality Controlled be pleased to hear that she was l .ta l-y,.e ...... vm:,, ,,~e matenes[he wishes his old friends in Hoods- Motner's .uay a)n~ter witn melrl ................. .... :,word lymg aero , st,'eet wa,, ............. parents, and l's ,,ell Sin,-, SLICED BA ON ..... : ...... 55* Uell2~r~Ll I~I'OJIL nosnlUtl care lain | ...... *a . .o " • • ' / 1)U~L *¢~UUlU WllI.Uo " .... • - ' ' ' narQ to believe, Dt]tthere it V:as lnons of Potlateh Friday Her dau hter Mrs Ltv- Mr and Mrs Roger Addleman • ' g .... as you stared at it in shock We " " ~ Mr m Mrs Lawrence Stacel erne Buttacavoli of Seattle camel.'-ne-~ a ...... '" . lare offering free sawdust for.~. : .1~1.~ .. .... / ' Milwaukee .~ .. ,-- ,-^- ~ ...... . ' ~ I lisle (1 l:o 1| (llVlaual stories th'~t t ,~. ...... ~, ...... * =* q, ho ~nwd,mt leIt last "rnursaay to visit tneir/ LO LaK{2 Ht•I" llUlIle an(1 =ray a Iew I _,,_. a ~- _. , ~ , . ' I ~tJ~e wztu w~tx~L ~ ................ ; .~ ...... ' . ;'" , a ....... .a,~. ~.~. .._ . " _ . i ranges irom stark tell'or to a few I 4= h,~hh, rl th~ ,=hnn h~t|dlnvr laughters ,'Vl.lSS JacKle ~.tacel WEd/ uaya w~Ln net'. avlrs. L~e IS oolng ...................... v- ......... b. .' • " ... ........... I cases of humor. Some of them re-I .~r., ~n u~: .~o.~ r*.~. n,,a ts attending college in Vancouver| ~e,,, m,t m noL yet auowea v isi- ~ ..................................... ISHHMIHI IM , .... " I late,, sadness that would mSnff]T,,.a..n.,~ ~.,h~.., T~.., t. m. and Mrs. Jim Kolshmski of Port-/ .... ~2 ,tears to the of listeners Then l 'n'd land. Staeels returned home/ HH II!1 IllllI Hlll II| .. mr. an(1 mr.~. rdchard G. Schau- ] yOU would hear stories of looting ] ~..(= ~'~ X ~".n~i~, " " '~ Saturday. [ her.hal a we~end visit from their[ and this would only add to ,,~ Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dickinson/ ~.___ ~ son-m-row and daughter, Mr. and ] unrealism of the whole thing. Gib I ,~,n"a',',,~- ,,,,,,~" ~,,~,'~" ,~,~'{~,~ ~",:" had ~other s Day dinner with Mr. [ ~n's. ucorgeKaare, and two sons ]helped families to evacuate their [an?~'l~Ir; ~o~b'e~r,~l~n"d~i~'o¢('2~'~ne"n" and Mrs. Dmk Addle, man. / I~rOITL,` VaUlSDO. The other two[homes that had toppled into large[,.~r T o~.'. ..... r " The Bill Goodpasters inltiated/ 1~ and Mrs. Dale Moffett of CentraN . ~ - ] macks. We had two ~am]lies stay- [ ~i.~ w~.,h ~ .... ~,.,,-.. .... ¢ ~oa their new swxmming pool the ] 2 "" |i| is. The gran(1parents made a n'ip nnabie to come for Mother's Da ......... ..... "~-'-~ ~,v--~- ,, ..... " .... : Y. [ mg with us for most of the week.. I r,, .or ....ko o hnhv ~'irl Sunday by having a~ pothlck pool [ I~ ~..__ to see him Sunday :rod Mcnday z,lness t)revented the commg or We've had 50 tremm ~ -- ' " ~' f Vl #nD Mrs Moffett went to Holly for ": "~ [ . 'ssiacethebigl~rii-;~h'~r~e"~-'en'~e'r£~na~.,~n ,{~e party or some of their friends. | t.r.e ueorge Berg family of Chico:] one and we've got the jitters but I gile'l Ma,~) Lucilev .......... t : : : = " ...... .[ ~i'~il^. "''' a belated Mother's Day visil'with _Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hubbard, thelare going to stay on aswe arel Tom Matve's'sister, Dot Linn-:l .Am/ , I ~ P "fiSt her mother, Mrs. Clause Aaro. tl)ird .son-!n-law and daughter, are/sure that there won't be anymm'e [~e., ~'rrive'~'l~s" ~,.',,ra-,, ~-.. 'et' ~..nlR MFNIi It SW,FT s ~~ Mrs. Lewis A. EVallS spent the nlannnl~' to ....... ~el~ ÷V,..l.• 4....~! ......... I° : ............ a ~'a J '1 .............. I/ PREM lh ;ons from Fe ievue," to v ;si't e s°n Seo;lce :;a, an . ' .Y°u 2et lfr°m e. alie°rniat°vis{t theH°°ds'!] Menus for Shelton Elementary It ~i::~:{;~!~,:!!!.i~::.,. ..... ,~, .... .,.:~:.,-.!,a.,~.~ Schaufler's over the Memorial/th,'ough every day almos{"~vitl;out] P°il~f~a~nY~.t~J°te^~vnl return toI Schools and Sl~elton Senior I/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . ,. .,. . .?.r,~:i..,i:i!:, D,ay weekend. I delay " " I "~ " ~ u,~ y. =,,. , ..... ] I High School ,| af;,,,. ::::::::::::::::::::::: ", ~.. k',... ,. .::::::~::?g ra , , / o. I Mrs. ..a..nnil Jonn,~on leit wltn i I I| ~xpecte(1 at the end of this/ Loretta, adventuresome 11-year-[Mr. and Mrs. Start" Whtte for]l ~/eek of May i8 thru May 22 ~j~ ~~!::{.' ~ ~ - "~ '~':~::{iii}::}.:!~i~i~ Calif. will spend several months [ Fred S. Kilbourne, Holiday Beach, I her daughter and family, Mr. and i I buttered French })read eas a 3- [~ ~';;':-:'~.~ [~41~, ~/.~iii:ii;ii'~i~i! here, as a resident of "The Mari-/is recovering from 20-foot fall shelMrs. Pete Visser. The Whitesll nl ...... rl~e~ ,,.,~a ~.~,,;peo 'n'~,t , .~' ":~i~!ii~ : ..:~{~ :~ :~.".'~ ~:~ ...... . "~:.~i::i!~:::~:~× '• Wednesday when a ] continued on south to visit Mrs. I milk I~ ~~ ~ '~ s°n's Peach e°ttage" Mr" Glidden t limb gave way °n a tree she was I White s m°ther. II " ~]~ has been coming every summer lclimbing with other neighborhood, :IV[,'. and Mrs. Walt Carpenter,| T=esday -- Turkey vegetable I/ i ]i ~" _~ mers here. /lead on the alder tree and ventur-Iniversary last Satu,'day. I| butPer san~ich ~,)leer?~,~ and It Twelve were present for the/ed out on a brittle limb which] Mr and Mrs l~Iilo Dilley of Co-II milk, " ,~, .v buffet dinner Sunday' at the h°me i s°lit under her weight sending l~er / palls Beach are visiting the Gene ' I " F 3/I Stock 2.98 and 3.98 de her daughter, ,.Mrs. Jack Catto, / t; the grounn on her back. / Spauldings. I, Wednesda -- Chrt con earne, I~ nonotmg M~s I rank Robmson M D FT _!_ "' ' .. ' : [ Four vertabrae in the middle of [ R. AN I~EIRS. MATT Van-I[ pick-up sticks hot bettered [' ~;a~allme YO:s~ge~n,POtn,ers in net 1 her back were involved in a co,n-I Laanen and girls traveled to I| corn bre;d, el;oeolate pudaing |, "" ' ' y ClUde(1 nei ~Ol1~ , ® ~.. , ". . "L .., " ]pression fracture ,ahich resulted]Vaughn to spend Mothers' Day]i and milk. I/ ~m~poflt, ot~ ~eattte; a son andt from the f'dl After hospitaliz.~ I with Mr and Mrs E A VanLaa-]l I' uaugnter-in-lav¢, Mr and ~rs / "" "~ " " t " • ' • .... / ..... I • ' " ' ..... • . • zion ~orctta is D:~CK in school nen. II Thursday -- Macaroni and .| V,ctor Robinson,and a granason, '; .... • • • " h It" • " • ....... andknits F,-.-,~ 'a~h, ...... r ........./ ablace, he1 mjlules notl T e Was mgton Congless all cheese, hot light rolls, snap I/ ..~*e*~uQuu;las sgrious as feared at the time l Parent and Teachers Association li green beans, Sunny Isle pudding |/ ~J2 "UUt~Ul611LI21.' 1¥11,%. ,JlUl ~lcKer- / of the accident | convention was held in Seattle ii and mill( I/ 4e,,,.. ' - ~.g. an.a great granason, lxussell[ °uiek thinkin~ and mlitk ~ ...... [ last week Those representing the n " li ~tcKermg, of Seattle and M~ss "~ " ~ ~ 2 Let,u,, • ' (~ ~)x.~ Tean Main Ttcom- '- - - " "'" [ on the part of parents, neighboi'~[ I~ood Canal P.T.A. were Mesdames !l Friday -- Noodl6s and tuna, I~ • , , ~ a, It weeKmm / ana the Itoods-'-:it F~r^ "~ .... .," / Shell 2oler. Virginia Pill. EIWan- eabba e salad bis~ uits w ill house guest Gifts and lnes~'tges u ~ " ,'pu" , u ~,epa.'t- , . g . , ~. s i z LY! MAY 14 MAY 16 arrived from Mrs Robinson;s~sOl; ]meet are credited with lessening Ida, B_ryant-t.Bunme Demson and I honey, orange wedge, cake and ]1 ~ ~~ John an.~ , ;.~'. " _ ' '. | the effects of the accident Neigh.| au~-'u' urut~• ..... ..... ,mill{. '| Aeo~ . '.. ~" *~k'''a' Y5 .stoma; ann/bors st'l.,ed with r .... ++k .;.~',:^t Brqwnie Troop No. 7 finished i I/ ~..~, . ' {)}, ..... " '.. :2:.' " ." .. • .~", I Mrs Kill;ourne tele,qmned ~11~ ~,'~ / their WIothers Day presents. This I Supplement your child s i[ Shur- uqugl1[ers, M~S t'1 A Sh'tffer " " ~ " ~....~,~ ~v.,,c • , I ,~: ...... ~,~..2TapoJ,s, ~v~inn.. ale Mrs. t'at[denartmeut The,,v ..... ~,~A*'~,~[ troop is in need of a leader If | dlet with Plenamlns from I| Fresh 1~ J.vIeCl'Ildy br New Yolk Cit., i ~" • ., • .. s t, .... ,~ ,: u, ...... " • ,~ '~ %",~ ..:/. "- --" J•/ nuicklv sendino" Stev- "~,,'- ..,,.,./anyone m mterestea, please call I ~ll.,A-..]-- II...._11 ,/ Frozen li~ MS. AND MRS BILL McKa~ "= " ~ ~ xa .... ",u, M~s i " r. Vii nta Pill at 877 )467 ~ 6-,oz. ~l'lll I 41~1~ / i son-i ..........", • -- . . pickup eontaiuing a • rmllp ~~.~ ~ gole2 ,~ul~',:~'~o;r°'~Vi~o~l,le°lsL ~1:(]and other eqnipment, while Gordon] .Last Thln:sday a .rettre!llent i 132 RR Phone 426-4642 I| • - • ' • " ' " "'~ ' Dlckiusor ~ "" - .~ ...... / dinner was neia Ior It. W. ultnlan J I/ Vtslt Wlth Mrs. McKasson's moth. [ . , ~ }ouowe(1 Wltrt a stet.lon/ "~'/ ~!~~ er, Mrs. Ton". Lavcoek.. , and ...-,rr. [ w~tgOnlance. "Thewnlcn serve(1were saS an amnu-/. ,, .... --/ Laycock. qhey were fortunate t,,/ ......y .. , .o efficmnt ,] nl~li~lluA~ll [ be ther l n repoltea Lorotta s mother, ' and e w le her sister, Miss El- were i .... .... , eanor Beaver's arrived home afterl ,,,~o,--,~o.,,.t~ Ul.tLlU.,, i~": PINEAPPLE ~~~i a year and a half snont in P~,-/wltr~lu lZ minutes We wan~ to| ....... --''--/ ~:~ i rl ,,,j~i7~ ............. thank the department ~nd out" . . ........ j 5: g? thl l: ::/wonderfUlwondor ul heineighb°rSsh saif°r their/ ~UtO GlasS, i I, andscap,ng . / and to hear more about he," ex-er-/ p, e n. / I - l~.xnert I I . I.~twns, rockertes, trees I 1 iences working and studying in I. "Loretta says she mi s ms/ I " Installation II I / Europe• " ' I lmspital where everyone was ao/ | | I • Top sotl, ttlling, leveling | / Mrs. Mattie Bactdund went to[good to her , her mother said. ] I JiM PAULEY, INC. I ! • Free estimates | [ I n Olympia Sunda~ to spend the d,yn ............ / i Railroad Ph. 426"8231 i I SUNSET LANDSCAPING I i too[her, Sarah ]P, UD 3 n..,o ¢.,.~. ]I II Herbert Baze 426-4718 I / ~.. .-:5:~ Christian. I ~10 ~l,~gl~PlL~ / I....... , ..... i I,,, I / Mrs. S. Josephone Peterson was , • . ..... a Sunday dinner guest at the home I Award From { Bulltlozmg Pawn Sho ', of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lee Hale, I Ill_l_~_ • ~. ,. ..... i p , f '.:::~, .... ....ii~.: ann,. M,'. Uale. I nauonal ur0up / I . Experienced OperatorI I . Money Loaned I / ~^~2yoy co okin~, so z coo~e~l Mason County PUD No 3, Shel-/ I . A1 oreenwalt I I • !temsSold ._ I t ~,~ avJutzler's l)ay dinner myself:, Iton W~o~ ........ " . . - t I ~ ..... i I 6 ~vton.-u'ri. ~ p.m. - lo pm. I I • " . - . , ~--., wet~ nonore(1 at JacK- • ~Ol ~. uascaQe said Mrs_ Sig Anderson m telhng I sonvnle, Fla Ma,, 12 f-- ~...,__1 I I I . Sat. - 9 a.m.- l0 p.m. I | oz tneir Sunda • , .', a ,.. ,~,~v,,,~ .... .~,: ...... i~ da,, H .....y celebrahon o(the/.an outstanding safety record dur-/ I Ph,ne I I SHELTON PAWN BROKERS I / :.:." iiil.'+I" " ..~;~}~i~:~~ Franl, ~L ~wy 9a.u.g.nters, mrs: / n}g 1963. The uttlity wa~ third [ I I I 122 8o. 8ei~nd St. I / ~' ~,i}}iii"-'~~~,~ _ -,~nnm ot bmiwaup av.(1/place winner am-n-,,H,*H=,, .,/ "'',;:' '! I / |{~..,: ...... {.. ~::: :: .,.s:..,>,.:~.. children, and a neigh-[Public Power Association's annual .......~~";:;' ~' ...... ........ ..... ~:':'~:"*:::::':~":*: tenwho enjoyed the Mother,s [ APPA is a national trade organ, l~rUg.meUc........ IIPrintlngy : bor, Chris Oyan, were among the/Safety Contest. • H~lena Rublnstetn e~ . Quallt Work ~, Day dinner at the Anderson,home. i ization representingthan Ih I NOW II A SURPRISE pre-Mother~ Dayll,200 local publicly owned electi.icl I "H o Alle c CosmeUes 2 fo ~ vfsittohisparents, Mr andMrs /utilittes__municinal electric m,s| I * YP° rgt Frank O..Gill: came Wednesday Items, public utility districts, Sta~e- ] i NIEIL'8 PHARMACY I ] THE JOURNAL ~e~eem~' cPe%Werr:tYistems. and ~rural i i Govey Bldg. Ph, 426,3327 i i 2~7 Cots Phone 426-4r~12 I [ ....... " / P yes---in ao ~tates/ ;, ;, " ........ ~ .... " , ............ P, .... , I / eu zor tnem to meet him at the land Puerto Rico. I i safety compehtion/ Electrical ...... , '"' Sand, Gravel t,I ~erltk:k2°tt°ns... embroidered rayon challis h~i;:h~rgehad stayed in Phila-[ety Committee in order to focusl i • Electric hr~ea~tn gll _. I RAWBER]{ v o ~ork, had not been i attention on this im,m-*o-* ..... ,/ I • g I I • Top ~oh I / "" . ~ht of utility o eration ~af~et'~~/~ard•Trouble Shootin •Peat Soil ~,T home in three years He brot g P ' Y , B the news of his impending mar-icertificates are nro~n*~a m,,I,~, [ i • _I2tc.en~e~. & o~ed II •Custom Tractor Work I ] ~ES ~ ~%rnfort " , • and morel They're all tailored for ~faV0r ' ' " at a fantastically low Penney price! rlage to take place in the eastern /the annual APP.~ - fonventt'on"; / I C°ntractor I I .......... I / Ite. in plaids, checks, stripes and solidsl city in June. Jerr,, was a "-radu /utilities r............ "L I 41M EINAR$SON E LEC. I i Jonns ureeK ~ana ~ ~ravel | / , ~v,..,u,g tne mwes~ tre- 2 x 7 BerriesfromCalifornla- a/q~¢ uate of St. Martin's college in [quency rate of lost-time .,,,qa,.,** [ I 8ta. r Rte~ :.Bo $, 426-6520 | ] 426-3552 Norm AnderSon I / I ' Olympta. _ [in proportion to the number 0f| ' . • i ...... , | Full Cups ........................ Cup --II/V~l# ~' $1g of Holiday B_e, chhadtheirdaugh_[ ~ I " ,Sowingl~[achine ~[ i mr. ano Mrs. William W. Ing/man-hours worked. [ From Texas - Large White or Yellow ONIONS ............................ 3 / 25' ter, Miss Beret Ing, of Seattle/ _ i ' • Sales Service Rentals homeend, for the lVfother'~ r~ ,~=a ....... "' ~O" I"'1 L151115[ 1.i1--.--[01--in0" t:on0rp/l" I" II i• Fatrbanks-MoreeElectHc Heating Pumps lilt • ew_ aria, ". uses .... -. ....... II// P'Ql~il /ils°r i a W.hI.T7 . ses/2 9¢ ~)W . Mr. and Mrs. Nels Morken were I Editor, The Journal I I • Wes..ghouse .ppl c= I I • lrree l-'lCKUp & 19e,lVery I / ,, ForiV m Shelton Sunday, Mother's Day In reard " 81ngi~r Sewing Center guests of the,r" son, Everett Mor / ............ g to the art,cle in / I-e' ELTON... ............ E~ECTR,O CO. II 11, ~th Ave. ~,,t- .... O,ymp,a I / APPI.E', ; ~Z27 ............ Lb. 10' Y of Ja ow ~% ~°ll~tlbby _t.extured .~ h.kenT' :.UAihe~:,s Robinsons wentlamu" to / Palmer forint'/..... gnem