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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 16 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Chrisfmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, t | . ii, i B ] i i i For Sale , For Sale I For Sale Classified Service For Rent Real Estat Real Estate I;ARI, IE DOLL CLOTHES. Unique SINGER -- SAVE : SEWING MACHINIe N,,u Homo Re- SAND AND GRAVEL, ~op ~o11, peat [ FURNISI]ED IlOOD (?ANAL ))ea('b FOR t~UICK ,,ALE -- Cabins 12' x 24' [ FOR SALE BY OWNI~II --- About VIEW BUILDING bags exclush,e The Wax-N-Wool BIG REDUCTION on sewing room ms-: ?~ary wa]nul cabinet-l~ld att"i'h'ments shop ]303 Olympic ttighwsy South. chines used in our educational dept. ] .¢40 '426 ala3 r].v~ 426 4r.t,q ;~i~l,*s soil, custom tractor work. Johns i collage for rent. Suitabh, roy a 2-r(,~m and shower, $500, You move. 1950 S(l. ft. of liveable floor space m Third & seattle, ' L 4/30 tfn Liberal trade-ins, little or nothing, ~ " "~ ...... " .... Z'4'):~3' tfn Creek Sand & Gravel Co,, phone 426- ] couple, Phone Iloodsport 877:5411. Reply l~ox 50, c/. Journal. { this ,hrce year old 3-1)edroon~ h()nm 426-4429. $60 R,' down on :H)pr(,val of credit Th ....................................... : .......... ---3-5-5--2-' ........... 9/_!_2 tfn] ......... S 5/7 lfn L 5/1.t tfn with doubh~ closets, Large kitchen V~qD-OW-M-UST S~ •"" ' ' ' "' !, ' • " ~.~,.~.~ ............ lt~ ~;,,s*" 5lh BRAND NEW fa('lory frosh first GUARANTEED BRICK masonry of[ FOR RENT ....Two bedroom unfur- - ¢2a~ w ,r. ~ W lh n i I-in applian(es 1 ving" roonl froIn Sllelton, ~ duringand ~(laxingmat,hine, Vet5 , ~'~,,, - ..... 'la(h, 3l/ h') vc}li(dl ~tn'fft ~; I,()R. ...... -~- 5.',),)eorooul nt,nn!, w L f 'tp c' Di~ingr¢on fenced Inured. phone o, go,,dcondition,Contact the Journal _01ympm. Dml 3 ...... o~o. 4/23 tin ~)hu',.;uent: ,,ni~i'n,'s for m~)w~rs ,)r all kinds -- brick, block, stone. BillI nished hoi]se near suhool, garage, ewctrJe nea! ,]repmc,, J.',n'g,, H,t | ..... ,., /]z h.qtl ..... |hi ...... .'*-~, 1 ...... or Waverly 7-1~. Carlson. Phone 426-4480. Free esti-I Phone 426-4,128. J 5/7 tfn lots of flowers, Finch Creek Valh!y. ] ~.,'~--*.. * ~Z ~o'~-,:~-*,.;-.,1,~..~-"A .... ~ ..... ,_~.~ office. J 4/23 tfnSTEPPING STONES made to order, tilh:i:s '~3295 ~xcl~anp'c Co0ke;s' °lq nmtes. 12/5 tfn[/~^nMTNa OUIE,V-C, AnOICN .,.vu.l Hoodsport. Shown by appointluent[ .co ~oom...v-or.., ot "~z,~-~r~.m *r. TWO'~BEDR00 ~. ~I~,i~0Y)~N'N'N'N'N'N'N'N'N'~;j~'-I~--R~i~--7~g~--~]I'i:~ St!roll c,:m¢n)t jobs, n|lxed_on the So. '1si.'~42'~-2412 ....C'4/23~i]-FRI--GERA--TO--I~S and f'---------~e-zer-s,--~e:] "~,(':n"t_-gr~(~'un('~l fl~)-ot'~"~n-~, "l)'~d;"o'om: only. Ph(,n~ 877-5374. L 5/14 U n I- C"~E...................... ~o,,_~-. Road for sale. ,~ioragodrawors excellent ' eondl joe. wontract or uay worK. A~) 1 1 ................................ : ........................... :, • . ; ,.. ,. ":..x ..... " i'l" n" b- tl~( de-"Call426.3608 '~F ~uIL gravel flit atrt $' E, conditioned, reasonable. :;heiton Re-[ laundry inc.ludcd. Adults ouiy. Must CABIN AT SI"E~SON'S, $4809 corn- TW) ~ "DROOM HOME .-- Fmn'ly, r u0n, reasona,)/e, t:a|t az~-s~L ~ ~ ~ ~ -' ~. " , ',-,-.~^.. ;h~.~' %~'~' *~" frlgeration Service, 315 Cots, phone ] secto apl)rcciate $55. 818 Pine St. ,) etclv furnished *erms av;,|lnble / rush, electrm heat, patm, ca~po t, wood froorS, P'~ Me 2/13 tfn M.E. Wright. 4/23 5/12 u~., =~-.xvu. .~.a ~= 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfnt~ " ' O 5/7 tfn ~,,h "~'r~r .~ ~ ,d" '~9d~.u~ ..... | 100' x 120'; corner lot, fireplace, l)anelled walls~ .................................... ~-EDUCE-~-U--7-~--35-bf~5~.I.~I~---~bh~T MAJORETTE BOOTS. size 5-C. worn garage, wOOaa;ea ........................ L 2/6 tfn { Phone ,126-6451. G 5/7 tfn Nice garden t e . , , on(., $o 00 I hone 426-3. t8 D ,#14 HORSE SHOEING done ill Mason/P~.)W-ER LA-3T¢l~-B:A-KE-for-i:~iit--Rake.~ ,d |.ns, gualantecd. Regularly $34.50, ' ..... County, your I)la( ...... r mine. Jim ~ "]noss and dead grass quick an'd ~WELL CoNsTRUCTEI~HOME dowh-] VIEW LOTS f0i;sal~.f)~w)lc~[wll~l)ui[d • ~ _ NOW $29.45 at Ziegler's Camera Shop SPINET PIANO -- P|.ivat,:ly owned | [TIPS [ ~ I 3/26 tfn hy party in this vicinity moving outHills. Call 426-6064 or 426-8876. .. [ easy. $2.50 per h, Cooke's, 219 South ILown area. Large living rou|'n fire-[ to specifications Ihoue 4~6-4428. M()-I~)-E--RN--~ ]~ "-- .Z" ~ | ~-E'~O'---c~W~E~---~"ER--~-~-~---~--'Lh'~.uei of stah;. Will handle contraet or. .......................................... 5/14 Hn[ 1st, 426-6389. 3/26 tfn place, Selmrat,; diniffg room,' large[ J 4/30 tfn Draperies, har d,w~ | ~ ~ | r~'~,,..." ~* 2.~ Oh~h c~hXi. .,,* wtml"n scarifies for cash. Write or phone PAINTING, textu 'lng, sp 'aying Inter- ~C--L-l~.N'-~-'-co-m~nd'~5 Ritchen and bedrooms, (two), hard-| wAT~I:~-:FI=~.-()NT--:H-()ME-for--~-aloT-liS" merit two va~ .................................. s 423 ~uclld. ~v0 | | m [:.#.~,.-~ .._ ~ ~ ,~,hh., ~,,~h|,~.~ W~.- ,,H, nt o,maH~On B(,,)kk(~l- r Talhuan Pmno Store ior, exterior. Guaranteed workman- [ bedro~)m furnished 'cottages with or wood floors Fully insulated, hot[ frontage 780' deep wooded creek, i~~~1 7~;,~::~::-~,~: -'~ ' -~-~:;~,~, 26. . / .... in(. .... ~S~'lem' or,.. , .... :, ..................... EM %5707. '' shil). Frec csti,natcs. 426-2101. ] without linens or TV. Heat, elee- water heat Full basement attached|, three nliles hom'.~helton' Phone ........ -----~ ~E~DUCED~SK~v~p~"500u-~:Kt:t-35-Jm~ GRAVELLY, TRACTOR with Mow~:r, H 5/7 tfn ]trlcity, water, garbage collection in- heated garage. Call after 5:30 p.m, | 426-2101 I-I 4/9 tfn CO-R-~-ER--L'-O-~ ~'~ |I ~'f~"~l'~~ ~ ~1 RegularlySlid'glor, se p. r,~eetn-Camera$84,95,~HhShop.Nowrenm*~$69.453/26contrOlat Zie-tfn p|OWcall~ '426-2328.cuh water. , , anu raae., wZ°ra/14"21~" .smc F"OP~. - ]~:~ PE'R-T--M.~-SO~TRY-~'f {~;e D 1-ac e~" "4~.2378.chimneys, planters, call l:L E. ~/1]~Iason:l:111 [ cludedMlll Creekin lOWMotel.WeeklYcall wlnter426.4420,9/5rates.tfn A--N 0J~,ES I D E-3-b ed r o o-m--h~m e-o-n-c-~'-ner°rfh.e.laceWeekendS'lot. FamllYan¢; 426-3015.r roomdl ,G dlning~ C. 3/26~on~/roomtfn|[[ ISUNSET~BEACH-;m-AnWw~u~'~,y-- =oeauuuu'(': ....................................... .ow-v:~.e.wn ~" a(~ocauontClxc;p~n al lY~-:-=~" ...... as- L'O CATEI)-'A~4400"water' 2nd ~"'2~~& .~ 42~ 807~ ¢ ~m tfn| ross bay lrom Shelton ~n Sunset bedroom hoUSe ~' | ~..,fl#,~-~ ~ ~ ~-BA:I~D--NEW---I~iODEL---~00---I~]~-~-dld ,~n~rtilW (~]~ ~-Ayhi~~t~t.e~-~ FOR--RE~l~w~n-fur~- "," .. a a ..... ea ...... " ' . I | • I~.~- ~. " ~_]~ camera -~ Sensational camera at a .---1-~: , -_~ -,-~-~.-~. , ....... and interior. Free estimates. Work ished apartment. Hot water heat, --. ?~--.Y" ............. %2~:!-' ...... [ Beach Addition. Priced to sell. Will nell ~Y -~ I ~,~ . ~ ~ sensational $139.50. Ziegler's Camera guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. city utilities, range and refrigera- NEW FA. MILY ROOM. --- Three bed: [ Ternm. Western Land Agency, Olym- consider trade f! L_ g-- ~$~2oE ~ Y~) I-~1 SlumP. 2/13 tfn1962 GLASPAR AVALON boat, 16 ft. Phone 426-~24~ 5/10 tfn tor furnished. Hotly Hill Apts, Ph. room house, Emctrlc neat, ~enceu/ ,)la 94'~-2471 E,,enin,'~ 94~-2471 Ev- up. Balance o~ J |~~'~~~ |~I EE-~N-t~T'-O-N-~h-~~cu-t~u~ with 1962 Mercury 70 h.p. outboard -~--" ............. ~ 426-6593. B 5/18 tfn yard. $10,500. Will talk terms. 426-/ ~ni,~,..s".A~'.~.a .... ~/'/ 21 $20 per mentl~ CHAIN SAW SHARP .E~N. G, Jjpeedy, [~--~~~. 2109. V 1/16 tfn/.- 2.= ~'~"Y" ....... r--" _ 426-6953.~_.~.. 1...__-.-'..:2~-~Jl..-:----...~.~-~'--"~ last. 'era all Cooke'S;, 219 So 'First motor, electric starter. 1963 Holsclaw accurate precision grlnamg, zuow a~ [ furnishe4 one b~drooms apts. Ample F---O~--S~ _~-~.n h---h--~m~'~-;7~[ FOR SALE BY OWNER -- Two bcd- I ~ ~..':. ~ I St ~hone 426-2412 8)29 t~n boat trailer, 1200-1b capacity, all inSaeger Motor Shop. Hlllcrest Phone -- * ........... " ' 11 S-MALL~--MOD~I~ ! [ ~ i ~'0: ~" .... " ..... s ld excellent condition Phone 426-2252 ay~ ............. ~o(rz l/xe un Istorage. All utilities included except .~nlace .... five aores ,~e o~'r"'n'~..- _, fruit| room home with Ilreplace in Hi - good ~well water • ~'.--~7-.,~_ I 4~ ~ ~Ab~ ~- ~oun(~ OaK tame., o ,~;:...~..,, " ~z ~/*~ ~e. __ " • , , lights. Reasonable. 7th and Pine SIS., trees and berries O~e~k runs[ crest Area, One-car garage and addl- E /--,~e~f'" b.'~- I China closets, boats and motors, --Y'"t21:~'?: ......... -2"* ".Y "::1 through, Blacktop roadV~mlle off! carport and patio. Large lot, miles n'om Sbeli| | f~"-~ ~:~: | boat traib~r, refrigerators, wasl~ers, BOAT AND TRAILER, $125 for sate ~E BI.~Z ~crap iron, batteries, radla- [.__Pt10ne_J2_6c212_l._ .............. 5/16_..tfnhighway 101 Call 426 3'~o | frmt trees and garden area, Also Pitons 426-8590, I ~-.~ II ~'I~:'~.- I bicycles. Articles of all kinds includ- at Bardin's, 526 Franklin. ~.2/5 tfn tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. I FOR RENT -- Furnished (we b(idroom '~ " " " kT~'~n/~a tfni one-bedroom cottage on corner lot, Shelten Junk Co., First and Mill I lower apartmcnt downtown. $50. Call .......... "'--'Z!'Y "~"| garage and large utiDty area. Will | ~-~-a¢.~.-~- .~.£&..~.~.I ing antiques. H~u'b's S~cond HandEVINR~~e~Ite outboards. Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn 426-8485, S 5/7 tfn FORMt SALE ...... -- House nears, school1 ...... on! s-ll t~...,h~,.~ ......... .. ~.~,,,.~m-, ....... ~ ..... (la~ E , - -"-" " Slurs, half mile North of Slmlton on Sabre Craft boats. Sales ~.nd service. s~.,.. ~....t~...~ ~..,~.~ .... Mt. View. 426-3532. H 3/12 tfn Hood Canal Marina, Cnton, Wash. FURNA~E CLEANING, r~pairl~K, in- FOR RENT ~-~Tr-~ail-'c-~7-h'°use~,,85-fC 32 'livingVmW" roomTW° mrgecompletelyO .