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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i/2 14, 1964 ITg%TON--MA 0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Publiahed in "Chri, tmastown, U.fLA.", Bhelton, Washington .lACE 17 AL Shore New 2 bedroom, 'Aan,d s, $17,500. bedroom, patio, ed, beaut fu mtage, $14,500. aSement creek, erful mountain I0,750. Terms !ore, near Alder- I house founda- r~$. ~d dee, creek, moun- ft. oyster land, Valley eWly remodeled, acres and creek, dSport • 3 bedroom I ke *n, fireplaces, ar- 00. Terms. Shore ~r 4 bedroom, 100 Iravel beach, ira- new, trees and ~'lns. i n.e gravel beach Eel, septic tank, °U!!d on, $7,450. I UPland building Creek, $5,500. a tidelands, with I the oross roads Brinnon, $4,600. View lots $1,700 Or ings Allyn. Wash. WM. E. MORGAN, Chah'man home on 2 acres just 2 miles from ROY MITCHELL, Secretary town. We know you will enjoy all 5/14-21 2t the fine features offered in this suburban home so why not call today--yours for $12,500. Journal Want Ads Pay OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 & BOOKKEEPING SERVICE GEORGE- ASSOCIATE BROKER PHONE 426-3530 iO Acres with livable farm house 2 wells on buy at $23,~00.00. 20% down. Room, dining room, large living room, fire- at on corner lot, FHA Terms $24,500.00. ins Room, automatic heat, fireplace, lots of ?Umpletely plastered including the double ot 120 x 100. FHA Terms $23,000.00. Room, automatic heat, Fireplace, large lot, Terms $15,800.00. heat, fireplace, large corner lot. FHA home furnished $4,000.00. 'replace, Dining Room, Daylite basement, city, excellent residential district. Full Terms. Room, full basement, furnace, 500.00. FHA Terms. lympic Mountains, five good lots sur- f,replace, lots of built-ins; large room. $21,500.00. Easy terms. excellent neighborhood, completely redec- and furnaces, sprinkler syste~n~. This is Terms. Ranch type two bedroom home, two fire- I-teat. Excellent barn, three stalls for must sell. $13,550.00. Easy Terms. OPen Sundays 9:30 to 3 p.m. small orchard, 400' Rd. frontage 2 B/r area, $5800 - good terms. cultivation, 9 acres timber, old 2 B/R 600' Rd. Frontage, ideal place for orchard, large 3 B/R home, room for & private, $8500. e year around stream, 2 B/R home, 1200' bridle trails, $9750, terms. cultivation, 1500' river frontage, 1300' bridle trails, $9750 terms. g White Face cattle, price $18,000 good garage, 5 B/R home, several top road, 6 miles from Shelton, or trout farm, $34,000, negotiable terms. Lglestde district, large corner lot, electric LOW DOWN PAYMENT. | ,, Hillcrest home, near Shopping center, beautiful view, beach privilege, more to schools and shopping district, $1500 i, Box 135, Hoodsport, Wash. Sheff.on 426-8407 helton 426.2127 Evenings ANGLESIDE BEAUTY-- Here is your opportunity to own a fine 2 bedroom home located on a large corner lot. Extra large living-dining room, spacious kitch- en and everything in good a~ new condition. Garage plus storage room. See it today at only $9,500. OLYMPIC VIEW-- Here is another spacious 3 bed- room home with attached garage and large fenced yard. Convenient kitchen plus dining room. Pretty flrep~ace. $14,750. DOWNTOWN-- This roomy 3 bedroom home can be yours with just $500 down, Located within easy walking dis- tance to most everything. Even a basement with extra bath. Just $6000 and the out-of-town owner wants action, A REAL GEM-- Ideal for the young family! 4 cozy bedrooms; I,ovely kitchen with lots of cabinets; big fencetl yard; garage and separate work- shop. $7950, excellent terms. GO SUBURBAN-- The most in economy!! Extra nice 2 bedroom home has concrete foundation and oil wall furnace. 8 acres with large stream. The low price of $5750 includes also a 1 room cabin]! HOME PLUS INCOME-- Lovely 3 bedroom home in immao- ulate condition -- fireplace; full basement with garage; AND a large separate rental home to sup- plement your income! Call today for more information. MIGHTY SMALL COST![ Complete the upstairs ~oom and this cheerful 2 bedroom home will be family-size for an excellent res- idence "just out of town"! Gar- age, well, and wonderful garden area. Yours for $5500. ANGLESIDEll Lovely home on large wooded tract provides quality and space for happy family living! 4 large bedrooms, 2 full baths. Fireplace, separate dining room, full base- ment Complete with recreation room and garage. F.H.A. terms at $15,750. WATERFRONT: Beautiful setting and 70' of ex- cellent beach!! Late-model home features beam ceilings, cleverly arranged kitchen with built-In range, 2 large bedrooms, ward- robe closets, view windows, large attached garage!l $13,750 terms available• ISLAND LAKE: 100' of perfect frontage with large back lot adjoining. Pretty trees, small dock and excellent beach• SPENCER LAKE: ,Small week-end cabin with 70' of frontage--you can't lose at just $3,950. LAKE NAHWATZEL: 60' of choice frontage plus almost new 2 bedroom home, Drilled well and ~=eptic tank. $9,~50. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 420-6592 ANYTIME 121 Railroad Ave. 8HELTON EVENINGS CALL VINCE H I MLI E--426-6501 KURT M AN N.,-426-~228 DICK BOLLI NG---426-8162 OF EXECUTOR IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT,OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MA- SON (IN PROBATE) In tl!e Matter of the Eslate of GEORGIA BUXTON, Deceased N~)tie,, is herel)y given that Carroll E. Btlxt011, Executor of ttm estate of Georgia Bllxton, deeeased, has filed with tim Clerk of the Superior Cou!'t of said C()unty attd State his final eel)oft and pet,lion fro' distribution of said estate; and that Friday, the 12th day of Junn I964, at 10 o'(:lock A.M. at Sbellon, ill said County, has been dtfly fixed by our Super,re' Court for the settlen,ent of the said Final Repro't, at which time t]!e C()lll'l iS asked to settle such report, distribute the pro- )erty to tlle persons entitled th(w(do, end (list, barge said Carroll E. l?,uxton lyn, Mason County, Wasltington, ngalnst th~ elainl of the defendsnls, and any one of thenl. GREENWOOD, SHIERS & KRIISE By Frank A. Shiors Alto!'neys for Plaintiff Offu:e and P.O. Address: 720 P!'OSl)eet Stre,,t P.O. Box 126 Port Orchard, Washington 4/23-30 5/7-14-21-28 61 NO. 3549 NOTICE TO CREI)ITO|{S IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE Ill the Matter of the Estate of L, M. KINGSBURY, Dee.eased. NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN (list the iln(lersigned has been al)pointed as Ex(,cutm'. and has q,~alified as the I,~xeeul!'ix WITNESS. the IIon. Cha!'les T]'" of the Estat~ of L. M. Kingsbury. de- Wright, Judge oi the above en- ceased; that all persons having claims titled Conrt, alld Ill(" seal of said against sa|d (leeeased are lter(d)y re- Court affixed this llth day of qulred to serve the same, duly veri- May, 196.1. fled, ()a 11)(! undersigned Executrix of LAUIlA WAGENER her att(~rney of rec.ord !!t the addr(!sFI Clerk of said Su])el'iof Courtbelow stated nnd fil,~ 1lie sanle with FOSTER & FOSTER the Clerk of the said e(ulrt, toKelher Atto!'neys for l!]xe(!tltor with proof of such s(!rvie(~ within six 501 S(~curi/y Buildin~ InoIltlts after the date of first l)ul)lit:a- OlYml)ia, Washington tion of this not4ce or the sanle will 5/14-21-28 3t be barred. Date o1" first publication: April 30, - Re--Estate DELORES SIMMONS ....... " Exeeutrix ~" "~ A ~" ~ ~" ~" ~ ~ GLENN E. C(}RREA ~ v "~ ~ "~ "~ ~ ~ - Attorney for Estat(: Bell Building [ Shelton, Washington 4/30 5/7-14 31 10 ACRES, 8 ROOMS Located on excellent creek. About 8 miles West. A nice su- burban home. Fine for horses and stock. Priced at $16,500. Bank terms $4,125. down. 15 ACRES, 9 ROOM HOME Close in. Grassy fields Slope to waterfront. Stock and hay barn• Exceptional. Only $17,500. Bank terms $4,375• down• 3 LARGE BEDROOMS MT. VIEW, LIKE NEW Custom built, well located. Generous-size living room, fire- place, and family dining. Close to school. Only $14,900. Terms easy. Call John Devereux for showing. 1~2 ACRES, 3 BEDR'MS Attractive log-house. 3 miles out. Spacious living room w/ fireplace. Furnace, 2 car gar- age, shop. $9,850. with $2,500. down. PRICE REDUCED Owner leaving, wants quick sale. 4 bedroom home. Near school. $8,500. with $1,200. down $55. monthly. 3 BEDROOMS, DowNTowN Clean and eomfortable. 2 car garage, fenced garden. Only $6,900. FHA $450. down. 2 BEDROOMS, IN COUNTY Close in. Neat starter home. $4,750 with $500. down. $40. monthly. 155 ACRE BEEF RANCH Well fenced, 30 clear, 110 pasture. 9 room home, large barn, 2 ponds. 3 miles Mary M. Knight School. $27,500. Terms. Call John Devereux. ASK US ABOUT: FARMS AND ACREAGES .... 80, 120, 640 ACRES i ( i WATERFRONTS Exceptional building sites on both Lake and Salt Water Inlets. CALL 426-4666 Eves: John Devereux 426.8544 A G E N C Y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So. 4th Shel{on, Wash, ii , i ii Real Estate 130 East Pine Street Mason Younglund, pastor NORTHWEST COLLEGE CHOIR Presenting A Musical Concert Sunday, May 17, 11:00 A.M. Sunday School ........................................................................ 9:45 A.M. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................... 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service ............................................................ 7:00 P.M. a poinl on tile governnlent nleander line of ltood Canal, north 1994.9g feel. and east 1441.25 feet Iron) the govern- nlent nit,antler corner conllnon to Gee- tions 2 and 11, said township and range: running i]len(.'e north 722.99 foet nlo)'e ,a" loss io the norih liIl(} of said Lot :]: thel!o.(~ west al(}nK said norttl line 196..I feet to the initial lie'n{ of this descripth)n; lheuee west along said n(n'lh line of Lot ,2. 85.96 feet : thence south 810.75 feet more or less to lhe soutbe!'ly lble of said Lot 3; thence N 57'>55'E 90.9 feet. N 79°07' E 9.1 feint and north 760.75 feet more or less lo the initial l)oint; EXCEPTING lheref)'o|!l county road kn()'wn :IS North Sl!ore Road !!s it ex- iM('d p,'h)r t