May 14, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 14, 1970 |
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The Mason County Democrat
Convention Saturday adopted
resolutions and a platform and
named delegates to the State
Resolutions that were
adopted included one that
proposals for dams for water
power, mining and other uses of
the natural resources be
considered in the light of what
effect they would have on the
ecology, and, if they would be
damaging to the ecology, they
should be abandoned
notwithstanding the money they
might bring m or the jobs they
would create.
Other resolutions included:
-Work toward the
elimination of the hard money
and high interest rates as a
combat against inflation and the
institution of price and wage
controls at least temporarily after
establishing parity between wages
and prices.
-Endeavor to have farm
workers included under the
jurisdiction of the National Labor
Relations Board.
Work ds
To Arrests
- Limit government farm
subsidies to $10,000 for any one
single land owner or agribusiness
with interlocking directorships•
-Send telegrams to Interior
Secretary Walter Hickle, and Sens.
Fulbright, Mansfield and Muskie
supporting their comments
against the Nixon
Administration's attitude on
youth and dissent.
-Limit military spending to
20 percent of the federal budget
unless Congress has
constitutionally declared war.
-Urging review of the United
Nations charger to strengthen it
and give it the power to maintain
world peace.
-Opposed use of the death
-Greater state financial
support for schools.
Among the points covered m
the County Democrat Platform
-Deplore escallation of the
war in Vietnam, Lees and
- Regret Nixon
Administration's failure to take a
forthright stand on civil rights.
-Support more federal aid to
-Support research to improve
fuels or replace internal
combustion engine•
-Government to plan and
finance programs that foster
proper use of the environment or
minimize or prevent
environmental abuse.
• !
av ng
Rabies Clinic
Is Saturday
Mason County dog and cat
owners will have the opportunity
to get their pets vaccinated for
COME ON pooch, says this young lady as she heads for the
rabies vaccination clinic at the PUD 3 Building Saturday
Is A
David Frank, Shelton, was
sentenced to six months in the
Mason County Jail after being
found guilty on a charge of
possession of marijuana when he
appeared in Mason County Justice
Court Friday.
Judge Glenn Correa, who
imposed the sentence, said it
would be reviewed after two
month, and the remainder could
be suspended at that time.
es Tax Given
The Shelton City Commission
gave final reading and passage to
an ordinance establishing the half
per cent sales tax in the city,
effective July 1.
The ordinance had been given
its first reading the previous week.
The commission received a
letter from the Shelton Jaycees
complimenting them on the
........................ passage of the tax proposal and
asking that salary and benefit
adjustments for city employees,
particularily in the police
department, be given strong
consideration when the money is
allocated in next year's budget.
The commission received a
Boys State
The Shelton School Board, at other county administered funds,
its meeting Tuesday night, $810,794 from regular state
Six Shelton High School
letter from the Chamber of
Commerce asking that something
be done about underage and
unlicensed drivers riding motor
bikes on the school grounds and
on city streets.
Police Ckief Frank Rams told
the commission that he had
contacted the Shelton School
District and had been told it was
the district's policy that motor
bikes not be allowed on the
school grounds at any time.
He stated that there was
nothing his department could do
about underage and unlicensed
drivers riding on private property
where they have the permission of
the owner.
Rains also asked that bids be
calledon a new police patrol
car. City Engineer Howard
Godat told the commission he
had been notified that the Corps
of Engineers had been allocated
funds in the coming fiscal year for
further studies on the flood
control and drainage on creeks in
Frank and Pat
arrested at the
occupying on
several weeks ago.
charged with
Shelton Police
Ebinger testified
night officers had
home with a
Frank had let
after which they
The marijuana,
found by a
Sheriff's Deputy
assisting with the
case in a portable
upstairs bedroom.
The material
out for analysis
found to be
Sergeant, who
state's witness, told
the suit case
and that he
know there was
Frank told the
brought the suit
returned to SheltOn
and that when
parent's home to
had rented he
things in the suit
arriving he had
contents of the
put it in the closet.
Frank said he
the marijuana
or how it got there.
He stated he ha,
planned to "bust"
adopted a preliminary budget for apportionment, $108,292 fromjunior boys and one from Mary the city. if there had been rn~
Undercover work by two -Support National Health rabies at a clinic to be held from the 1970-71 school year calling s t a t e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n M. Knight have been selected as they would
Mason County Deputy Sheriffs Insurance program to cover all2-5 p.m. Saturday at the PUDfor $2,397,869 in revenue and reimbursement, $60,298 for delegates to Boys State at Frank was not
had led to the arrest of two persons, building, expenditures• This is slightly education of handicapped Gonzaga University June 14-21• anattornev.
suspects in a burglary ring in- Support right of A charge of $2 for each pet above thebudget for thisyearof children, $308,000 for the The Shelton students and All human actions have one or Sergeant's cas,
Grays Harbor County, the Mason employment or guaranteed annual will be made to cover the cost of $2,359,972• Corrections Center program, their sponsors are: more of these seven causes:for Friday, but off
County Sheriff's Office said this income, the vaccine. This is the budget for $131,160 from state property tax Paul Wittenberg, son of Mr. chance, nature, compulsions, most likely be dis1
week. -Support more population The clinic is being sponsored maintenance and operation of the collections, $80,000 from federal and Mrs. Ted Wittenberg, in habit, reason, passion, desire, appearence as a s
The two suspects were arrested control research and educational by the South Sound Veterinary district and does not include the forest funds with the remainder memory of Charles R. Lewis, first Aristotle Frank's trial.
in Grays Harbor County Fridayprograms to attempt to deal with Medical Association and the building fund budget• from other federal, state and local commander of Fred B. Wivell
night and are charged with grand rapidly increased population and health department. Supt. Louis Grinnell told the sources. American Legion Post• ~-=~ ~ ~ ~.=~ ~ ~.,m,. ~ ~ 9-- ~'=P
larceny and possession of stolen its related problems. Dr. Arnold Andres, is school board that the coming year In preparing the budget, Mark Timpani, son of Mr. and
property. -Support $2 minimum wage. chairman of the clinic to be held would be a tight budget year and Grinnell estimated enrollment for Mrs. Ernest Timpani, American ~ 40 ET 8 CLUB
At the time of their arrests, -Support state income tax here. added that among the factors the 1970-71 school yearat 3,188, Legion.
about $2,000 worth of tools amendment on the ballot this fall•Dogs should have rabies shots affecting the school finances wereslightly above the enrollment Robert Turner, son of Mr. and ~ VULTURE 1 ~S
taken from Mason, Thurston and - Supp°rt l°wering v°ting age every tw° years and cats every the low county ratio which was this year of 3,155. Mrs. Robert Turner, 40 & 8. I rIVE MIJ$1C
Grays ttarbor Counties were to 19. year, Dr. Andres said. costing the district some $70,000, Larry Olli, son of Mr. and
recovered, the Sheriff's Office Delegates to the State the squeeze on federal money for Mrs. Donald Olli, Moose Lodge.
here said. Democratic Convention in educational projects, mflationin C^,.n.--~r,,= Charles Gay's°n°fMr'andi MAY 15 & 11
Those arrested were Kenneth Spokane will be Janet Fisk, Reception Set costs of about six percent, ~ IIj1~ Vm~ ~ Mrs. Henry Gay, Kiwanis Club.
Hartnell, 20 Lima, and Richard Annette McGee, Dean Palmer, increased teacher salaries and a ~ II ~ Kevin Dorsey, son of Mr. and
Andy Tuson, Phyllis Goldschmid, T he Muse n C o u n t y shortage of state money. ~a|es |ax Mrs. Bernard Dorsey, Rotary
DeBrenz, 24, McCleary. Peter Zopolis, Alan Harding, Multi-Service Center will hold The proposed budget includes Club.
The investigation and arrests Margaret Livingston, Robert open house from l to 4 p.m. May $1,040,000 for secondary The Mason County The Mary M. Knight ~ I~/k~Jr thB
were a cooperative effort between Whitmarsh, Charlotte Celestine, 21 in honor of Rudy Oltman, education,. " $870,000 for Commission, at its meetin-g representative, sponsored by the :~
the Mason, Grays Harbor and Darrell Sparks, Georgie Miller, Mason County Senior Citizen of elementary education, $6,000 for Monday, adopted the half-percent American Legion, is Warren
Thurston County Sheriff'sHarry Solos, Charles Savage,theyear. The public is welcome, summer school, $40,000 for sales tax to go into effect July l. Dickenson. ''We TVI~''
Offices ..... ~.,,.,.,~ Mildred Drebick and Earl Jagnow. vocational education, $20,000 for The commission also signed .The boys will go to Olympia ~ WW~- 'lily ,,.~i'~9~,
; ..~ .~ .~ ...... :~ ~ .... . ....
, Tlt~ ~.~lttspt~ts will be Alternates are Arnotd,..~.,~i~,...~..-~: ..... ~ ...... dkriver* training, $100,000.~for *aft agreem~fit wRh thee State- June 14 wherethey will,eat'~ll a. { .............. , ,'' ? ....... ,iOI '
chat'ter bus to the Gorrzaga S 0
prosecuted first in Grays Harbor Livingston, Larry Charrier, Lynn ~lll.~/g~ J~i~/l" h_andlcapped children, $290,000 Department of Revenue for Campus. They will return to ~ MEMBER NLY
County and may be prosecuted in Wilson, lna Auseth, Carmen Everyone loses when a forest lor the education program at collection of tax
the other two counties later.Sarkowitz and Norma Engen. burns! the Washington Correction The commission discussed Olympia June 21. i,.....,=,....=,,..m.,==,..~=...=~..=~..n...D...j.
Center, $535 for adult education burning permits for the county
and the remainder in federal ~ ge o o
• . _arba_ dum_s at Hoods orE and
school programs forspecific Un~on
COME TO OUR with Denny Noonan,
purposes, administrator of the Department Shelton
Anticipated revenue incluesof Natural Resources District
EN $183,0005214'822 from local taxeS,from real estate office here.
county The commission received a ~1~@
excise taxes, $99,000 from letter from the Chamber of ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY
n°n'high taxes' $4'000 fr°mC°mmerce asking that s°mething
MaI FROM be done about underage and
_. -- ~.. unlicensed riders riding motor
ract bikelSt °:uP urblli:r::d ds t he S her fff. 3
• Free Coffee & Doughnuts • Door Prizes Road ont
Is Approved *
• P~TtENT-A,t~S PAT,ENT-A,OS ~ Acontract for improvement Blast,nn" Coo i =
WHEELCHAIRS ] WALKEF=S ~ / of a two-mile section of the " "~ ~"--r~ ;,port | $|1
'' ! T~iitell!!i / ,. ,.,,, ,,i., i•Ira t Matlock Road was awarded to I° /.
Tucci and Sons, Tacoma, by the I n j u res Tourn Prices effective thru Saturday! "
State Highway Commission this | ~ '
week. Carl Stolen, 11 son of Mr. and
The Tucci bid on the project Mrs. Leonard Stolen, RE. 2, Box
i"~ _ /~~ was $67,775.25. 730A, lost part of the fingers on
Work is scheduled to begin his left hand and suffered other # foIr II 1111 i
this spring. It includes injuries when a blasting cap
straightening some curves, grading exploded at the home May 6• ALL SHIRTS REG. s5, NOW 3 FOR s12 ,!
and surfacing the existing road The youth told officers he
i and applying bituminous had found the blasting caps and , . ._...
surfacing, was looking at one of them when
• The project should be it slipped out of his hand. He
completed this fall. tried to catch it, but, it exploded
~] cA~NdEs / The work will be done about when it hit the kitchen table. WOVIF"
.~ 100% combed cotton, WOVEN
CRUTCH S~~ E- six miles west of Shelton, starting The youth was taken to shirt features smart
just beyond Dayton and Mason General Hospital by a regular collar styling, with ring or mock tur- sh,rt" features "~:4~
u~r=.~ =n~ ,....- ~ v=a~ o, .~,.. n.m | extending west toward Matlock. neighbor, Mrs. Evelyn Doyle. 2 chest pockets and tie styling, short down colla a ~
:'~/ '~ ~ ~:~i 7d©': ~ ~--" _m~. sleeves. Hemmed cuffs fortable sh'Eft ~"
"ONE STOP'~ / sh~rt sleeves. 50% and bottom. In a full 50% Fortr, t#~
Fortrel® polyester/ range of bright hurl- ter 50% ¢~ i~
zontal stripes. S-M-L- ton Pe re-Ire'
INSURANCE / 'G[ ,0,~o combed cotton /
Penn-Prest. Plaids.
t; COVERAGE ~ ~ ~~l[tlll~ 3 for ,10 ,, Plaids. "il
St farm ~ • PERSONAL ~ ""
In k~ht~.g,t .lau~l~:mle. .,r-,umtnum both regu FIRE-MARINE-BUSINESS i,~'~ ~ ~
' tar and adjustable. Two HOME OWNERS , It'~FJr~ ~ ~ ~r~- ~ Ij
HOSPITAL-MEDICAL ./, ~IB~~ ~ ~ J/ [1' [ "~
Pa~e I~r I~b [ • • • • ~. J mum walking luiltance,l 1 -"
$6.00 to $28.O0 | ....... ] Prices from[
11 us
• i, about our
jii j paycheck
~• • ~ ~'" ~ protection
~ ~ tJ plan and
J ~ ~ Money Back
' ~ ~ ~ Life Insurance.
, em t rater / RN' LD & SI VII1 H AGENCY
, hAW :hCMon..Fri. ne 4; :6. 131saturday 1`~
1661 North 13th St. 426-1621 l
Headquarters for all your convalescent needs • 9-6 p m 1925 OlympK Hwy. N. i o:oo ,:oo p.m.
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 14, 1970 !